Empty frames on the wall in the interior of the nursery. Spectacular wall decoration with photo frames

reservoirs 04.03.2020

Hello dear friends! Today we will talk with you about interior design using photographs. A well-chosen and correctly placed, and besides, a beautiful photo (or a composition from a set of photos) can be a real highlight of the interior.

Today, people are used to looking at photos more and more, viewing files on a computer screen or even directly on a camera, but an experienced designer or decorator knows how much photography can change a room, as well as its style. It is clear that the style is often created not by the picture itself, but by its “frame” - the frame. Although photographs without frames at all can also often be found in the interior today.

The frame keeps the photo from damage, pollution, protects it from the sun's rays (which age it very quickly), and gives the photo a finished look.

No wonder a large number of interior designers use such an original solution as the use of various photos in frames for interior decoration. How this happens, let's look at examples.

Photo frames: placement in the interior

Framed photos can be placed almost anywhere, but the most common options are to place them on walls and on various horizontal surfaces: tables, nightstands, mantels, etc. But today you can find other very funny accommodation options.

The simplest option, acceptable in any room - photo frame on the table. Here the frame style will define the location of the table. The study table (or the wall above it) will be effectively decorated with a strict classic photo frame,

bedroom or boudoir table - something romantic, cozy, tender.

You can put a three-dimensional frame on the table, it will look very solid. Very often, framed photographs on some horizontal surface are combined with other accessories to create whole independent compositions.

For an avant-garde interior, the “drying” option will be interesting. A rope is stretched along the wall, to which photographs are attached with clothespins, as was done in the days of socialism by people who independently developed photographs.

Frames in the form of puzzles have become very relevant recently.

On the wall photos are usually posted one by one or in groups. Usually large photos are placed one at a time, “stringing” it onto some compositional axis.

And the grouping of photos with frames on the wall is very diverse. They are placed symmetrically.

and asymmetric


or horizontally.

Group photos into regular and irregular rectangles, squares, etc.

If you want to arrange the photo frames symmetrically, be careful, as then they will require symmetry in everything in the interior of the room. For example, in a nursery, this technique is absolutely inappropriate. You can arrange the exposure approximately "as you grow", from smallest to largest. But in this case, some kind of decor should be added to the wall that supports this “plan” and resonates with it.

Photo frames in various rooms of the apartment (house)

Children's- one of the most fertile corners for the location of photo frames. An exposition of photographs of the baby, demonstrating his growth and changes year after year, would be appropriate here.

You can place such an exposition in the same classical strict frames randomly relative to each other. If you want to place different frames, you should keep them in the same style - “nautical”, childish, “fruity”, so that they seem to be from a single series and from the same material.

You can create a family tree by drawing parts of the tree on the wall and placing the corresponding photo in oval frames. The idea of ​​combining a photo frame and a drawing is quite successfully carried out in the nursery.

For the "marine" room of the boys, a photograph in the porthole of a drawn ship will be good. For a girly princess-style nursery, a painted carriage and a photo frame instead of a window. And the like, given the style and design. The frame itself also matters, today there are a lot of just stylized models that advantageously decorate shelves in children's rooms.

Corridor and stairs. The corridor, the most boring place in the house, thanks to the framed photo, can turn into a “real” art gallery, as well as the keeper of family legends and secrets.

With the help of photographs, the space along the stairs in the house is beautifully decorated. There is a variant of chaotic placement of photo frames of various sizes,

you can also place an exposure of photographs of the same style at the same distance from the floor.

For the living room the composition "clock" is perfect. The photographs are set around the clock mechanism, for example, family photographs are arranged chronologically, starting from the wedding. Looks very original and expensive.

In the living room, the option of photographic portraits is also interesting, which are arranged like paintings and are kept in the same style. Photo frames in the interior of the living room, designed in this way, will also look very interesting and unusual.

Photo diptychs and photo triptychs look tasteful and elegant - these are photo frames that combine two or more photos.

In the bedrooms photo frames are perfectly placed in the bedside area: on the bedside table or above the bed.

In the dining room photographs with frames are usually placed on the same wall in a group, thereby forming an active focal point.

Rules for combining different photo frames

Modern photo frames are very diverse in shapes, colors, sizes, so they can be placed in the interior of almost any room. However, the placement of photo frames in the interior needs to be in harmony.

The glass and wooden frames that are nearby will look vulgar within the same exposition. It is quite possible to combine photos that differ in size.

If there is a knitter among the household, and you decide to equip the living room in the "hand-made" style, then hand-knitted photo frames for this room will look great here, but they also need to be correctly combined with their own kind.

Such a simple, but at the same time, a special interior detail like a photo frame is unlikely to go unnoticed by your guests, but in any case, remember that this is just a detail and it does not have a decisive effect on the interior.

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From the moment the first photograph appeared, it has become not only an opportunity to capture any moment of our lives, but over time has turned into a real art. Of course, now all pictures are taken with digital cameras or mobile phones and stored in computers, but we still have paper photos that we sometimes take out of albums and reminisce. You can doubt it, but old family pictures can be a worthy decoration. Just hung photos will not look “comme il faut”, and here decorative photo frames on the wall will come to the rescue, which will make the overall picture more complete. In today's review, we will talk about the types of photo frames, which pictures to choose for making collages and how to place them correctly.

Read in the article

Types of decorative frames for photos on the wall

A photo frame, or as it is also called “passe-partout”, is not such a simple subject as it might seem at first glance. It largely depends on how the photo will be perceived and look in . Frames for pictures differ in shape, size, material and style. We'll look at these main differences below.

Frame shape and size

Modern manufacturers of decorative accessories offer photo frames of various shapes at affordable prices: rectangular, square, round and oval, which can be considered classic, as well as polygonal and stylized for various shapes (heart, house or cloud). The classic form of photo frames is still very popular. However, interior designers recommend composing compositions from frames of various shapes or using multiframes to create original collages.

Frame sizes are dictated by the most popular photo formats. Rectangular frames are produced in the range from 9x13 to 50x60 cm. The most common photo sizes are 10x15, 15x20 and 20x30 cm. To decorate the walls, they use pictures of format A and B, which correspond to generally accepted paper standards.

By material and style

Photo frames can be placed, since a wide variety of materials are used for their manufacture: wood, plastic, metal, glass, plaster, or cardboard. Natural wood is used to create frames in a classic style (strict straight lines, smooth or even carved). Frames made of glass, plastic or metal will harmoniously look in interiors in modern style, pop art, etc. Since there are no strict rules for frames, any person can make them with their own hands from a variety of materials, and in accordance with their own taste and imagination.

How to make original photo frames additional decoration

A framed photo looks nice, but factory frames are, frankly, boring. Additional decoration, which even a child can do, will help to correct the situation. To decorate the passe-partout, you can use paints, rhinestones, shells, or even a set of children's mosaics, in general, everything that comes to hand, and as much as your imagination allows.

Frames for children's photos can be painted in several bright colors, decorated with buttons, images of cartoon characters or cars. Teenagers can decorate a photo frame in their room with buttons from an old keyboard or make one out of it - it looks pretty original. A handmade photo frame will be a great gift for friends. Also for decorating or making unusual photo frames, you can use:

  • cut branches of various thicknesses;
  • bottle caps;
  • felt-tip pens and pencils of various heights;
  • ribbons, bows, etc.;
  • ice cream sticks;
  • small twigs, pebbles, dried butterflies.

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Original photo frame made of vines and bark

Photo frame decorated with felt-tip pens

Frame made of bamboo and decorated with shells

Decor-mosaic of pieces of glass and mirrors

Frame decorated with cut branches

Photo frame made of birch bark

Modular photo frames on the wall for several photos

Frames allow you to place several photos of a particular event and thereby “revive” it. Get a kind of comic. The most popular theme for such collages is a wedding. You can compose a composition of several photos in frames, or use one large frame designed to accommodate 5-7 shots. You can buy a modular frame, since manufacturers offer a wide range of similar products, or you can make it yourself.

The theme of the photo collage on the wall for different rooms

It’s not enough to put a photo in a frame and hang it on the wall. First, the style in which the frame is made must match where it is placed. Yes, and the photo must match. Indeed, for a wedding photo, the corridor, for example, is not the best place. Consider which pictures are better to choose for composing compositions in different rooms.

We hang photo frames with family pictures on the wall in the living room

It is best to choose photos that show all family members. After choosing the necessary pictures and frames, you need to decide on the wall to place them. Most often, photographs are placed above the sofa and fireplace. You can create an original collage of photos of relatives (from the oldest family members to the youngest) and continue it as it grows.

Frames for collages of photos on the bedroom wall

- a great place to post romantic photos of a couple. On the wall, bedside tables, or you can hang or put pictures that capture the history of dating, dates and weddings. This will bring even more romance into the atmosphere and will create a positive mood among the spouses at any time of the day.

What will be nice to see the child in the nursery

A child is a child, and for decoration, you should choose photos that match his interests. For the little ones, you can choose images of fairy-tale or cartoon characters, cars, castles, etc. The teenager's room will be decorated with posters enclosed in original frames.

Is it worth it to hang photo frames on the walls of the corridor

Not the best place to place compositions from photographs, since this is not the most spacious room in the apartment. But if the space in the house allows, then the walls can be decorated with original collages and make the interior more interesting and complete.

Decorating the wall with framed photographs

So, photos and frames are selected, and now you need to correctly place them. But how to do it so as not to drill extra holes in the wall and not be disappointed in the result. To do this, you first need to draw up a layout for photographs and use it to make appropriate marks on the wall with a pencil. By the way, the center of attention is mainly at eye level, and this is an average of 160 cm from the floor. It is also necessary to leave 200 mm along the edges of the wall.

Next, you need to cut out templates from cardboard or old newspapers that match the size of the frames, and fix them on the wall with. Placement is carried out in accordance with the scheme. So, you will approximately know how the composition of the photos will look like, and if necessary, you can make adjustments.

If everything suits you, then you can safely fix the photos in frames and enjoy the result. Depending on the weight of the frame and the material of the wall, the fastening may have to be done with screws, which means that you need to prepare the appropriate tools.

Adjusting the space by placing photo frames in the interior of the house

With the help of proper placement of photo frames, you can adjust the space: visually increase the height or width of the room. For example:

  • several photographs located on two vertically stretched ropes within frames will allow you to visually lift;
  • even two or three framed photographs will act as an accent and allow you to divert attention from an empty wall;
  • photographs in elongated frames visually increase the height;
  • do not overload the wall with a large number of photographs.

How to choose the height of the middle line for the best perception of a collage of photo frames

For a better perception of photographs, it is necessary to place them at the so-called museum height, which is 152 cm from the floor level. Pictures or posters located above will be inconvenient to view. If the room has a couch, a sofa, or a couple of armchairs, then the photo can be placed below this level, since guests can admire the photos while sitting in comfort.

How to arrange photo frames on the wall to create a single composition

If you are new to decorating rooms, it is better to use standard photo layouts. Moreover, on the Internet and interior design textbooks, there are many interesting and competent ideas on using photography to decorate houses and apartments. Depending on the method of attachment, photos can be placed:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrically;
  • on shelves;
  • on the wall in the form of a geometric figure;
  • to the ceiling on decorative cords;
  • using decorative clothespins on a rope stretched along the wall.

How to hang photo frames on the wall if the symmetry option is selected

Placing photos evenly in frames on both sides of a vertical or horizontal axis is a great option that requires the utmost care, as symmetry must be maintained throughout the interior of the room. Therefore, this method of arranging pictures is hardly suitable for, which is more characterized by the randomness of the situation. The symmetry in the arrangement of photos on the wall is more suitable for older people who are serious and love order in everything.

Rules for selecting a central rectangular or round element

If the center of the composition is a large photograph, then it should be surrounded by smaller objects (symmetrically or arbitrarily). You can arrange pictures around the central photo in such a way that a square, rectangle or asymmetry is formed.

Examples of non-standard collages from photo frames on the wall with your own hands

A very interesting variant of creating a collage is a photograph cut into 9 parts, which are enclosed in separate frames and reassembled into a single composition. You can also take a large open frame with a base, several small shots from the same series and lay them out in the form of a heart or other shape.

The location of photo frames on the shelf, cabinets and tables

Another, one might say, classic place for placing photos in frames are cabinets, and. With this option for arranging photos, you must use no more than 5 shots in one composition, supplementing them with other decorative elements. You can group photos so that they overlap one after another.

Ideas for a photo frame collage

We invite you to familiarize yourself with various ideas for placing photos and empty frames in the interior of apartments and houses. Perhaps you will take something into service, or maybe you will come up with your own version, perhaps even more interesting than the proposed ideas.

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There are many different moments in life that you want to remember every day. Bright and not so bright. Some brought joy and fun. Others made us who we are. Time passes, and the details of the past leave the memory, and with them pleasant memories. We forget about our children's and teenage albums languishing on the top shelves of cabinets. They left the imprints of those emotions that we experienced in the early years. But what's stopping them from freshening up? Do you live in an apartment? Hang photos from your old photo album on the wall of your living room or hallway. Are you the owner of a spacious country house? Then decorate the interior of your cottage with warm memories of long-gone moments in your family's life. Treat yourself to the warmth and comfort of a home.

Any interior can be made cozy and original with the help of photos on the wall.

Don't know where to start? Wondering how to decorate a wall with photos from a home photo album? We will tell you how to decorate the interior of your home with photographs. Interesting options lie in the simplest solutions, you just need to pay attention to them.

Properly designed photos in decorative frames, or in a special way, can not only harmoniously fit into a certain style of the interior of the room, but also greatly improve its visual effects. As with the layout of the interior decoration of a room, decorating with photographs has its own nuances and features.

A variety of photos are suitable for decorating walls

Before you determine the format of the photo composition, as well as choose one or another style, you need to decide on the location of the photos. In doing so, you need to be guided by some principles:

  1. The dynamism of the photo should correspond to the type of room. For example, wedding or dating photos of a married couple would be appropriate to place in the bedroom, but pictures of the whole family spending time on a picnic would be better to hang in the hallway of your house.
  2. Lighting plays a big role in the interior of a room with a photo wall. Light and sunny photos should be placed on the well-lit side of the wall, while evening and more romantic ones can be placed in a dark corner of your apartment.
  3. The genealogical tree and portraits of your ancestors are best placed in the corridor or on the wall of the stairway.

Favorite pictures on the wall in the kitchen dining area

In addition to those listed above, there are many more rules for composing photographs with or without frames, taking into account the style of the interior, the color scheme of the room and the lighting.

Features of posting photos

As it has already become clear, there are certain requirements for posting photos. Let's try to understand in more detail.

Bright composition lifts the mood

Important. Depending on the style of the interior of the room, the manner of photographs, the choice of frames will be very different.

An interesting idea for decorating watches with family photos

Manner is the dynamics, the mood of the person (people) captured in the photo. Also, the clothes that the character is wearing, his occupation, etc.


For the classic style in the interior, more strict photos of events are selected. People in such photos should be dressed in formal suits. The design of the wall in this case should also be in compliance with strict lines and shapes. Imposingness and smoothness are inappropriate here. The colors of the frames can be different: white, black, gray and all shades of natural wood are suitable. Passepartout is selected depending on the selected frame.

In a classic style, photos designed like paintings look good.

Pictures in gilded frames in a classic style living room


Photographs taken in nature, in fields or meadows, in the forest, are suitable for French Provence. On the wall, such a composition is best placed within a dark form, since Provence implies soft tones. This will create a clear focus. Photo collage can be diluted with various still lifes, which depict fruits or flowers. In relation to Provence, blue-pink-purple lavender is perfect for decorating a wall with family photos.

In the center of the composition you can place a small mirror

Favorite shots in frames of different sizes on the bedroom wall

On the wall of soft pink color, you can successfully place a family tree. This is done in the form of a pattern connecting the hung photos. To give a special charm to the collage, it is decorated with additional decorative elements or, in our case, finished painting. It can be fluttering butterflies, birds, as well as just lines depicted with bizarre convolutions and shapes.


The loft style is characterized by a rough interior and simplicity of decoration, or rather its absence. On a wall of red polished brick, a good option would be to place frameless photographs on a stretched rope. The photo format should be in the Polaroid style.

Rope and clothespins - perhaps the easiest way to effectively display photos

In the lower or upper part of the wall (niche), you can make a backlight with a soft white glow. So your photos will look against the background of the illuminated aura behind them.

Collage of shots from different years on the brick wall of the bedroom

The order of arrangement of photographs can be of any form. The main feature in this case is the ratio of the chosen style to the events reflected in the photo.

Photo placement options

The most common option for arranging photos on the wall is to enclose each photo in a separate frame. But now there are a lot of exclusive and extraordinary ways of arranging family props to match the home interior.

Photos without frames on the wall of the flight of stairs

Symmetrical composition above the sofa in the living room

Arbitrary order

In this case, the photo is hung without frames. Mutual placement of such a collage can be of different forms. It all depends on the event and the design of the surrounding interior. For example, a love story is drawn in the shape of a heart. But photographs that remind you of the appearance of a small child in your family are decorated on the wall with additional attributes in the theme of the event (decorative elements in the form of wooden patterns on the wall of various shapes).

Pictures without frames in the form of a heart on the wall of the children's room

This composition can be changed at least every day.

Mounting method

It can be like the most banal - on double-sided tape or on a dowel nail. Or maybe the original combined.

Why not use shelves to display photos?

Framed pictures can not be mounted on the wall, but simply put on the floor

Location of the collage

Usually it is a straight wall. But besides the usual wall, it can be a corner of the room, decorated with photographs on both sides; a wardrobe that is part of the overall composition or completes the photo story with a large print on the entire door facade. Flowing background from the floor to the wall, or from the wall to the ceiling.

Nice and useful corner

Combination of different photo framing methods

From the usual photo frame in the interior, with a passe-partout around the perimeter, to designer carved wooden frames decorated with precious materials. In modern styles, frames made of metal, glass and plastic have become very popular.

Use different frames and try different combinations

Contrast between large and small photos

This effect creates a certain charm that favorably affects the worldview of a person. At the same time, a large collage format should be made for portraits and close-up photos. Small pictures complete the big picture. In order not to heavily clog the wall with events, diluting images and details are used. This role is played by flower arrangements, wooden shelves in the color of the interior, on which, together with candles and vases, your photographs are installed.

It is convenient to view photos if the composition is located at eye level.

Hanging Photos

For hanging, make a large frame. A cork cloth is placed inside. A collage of small photos is fixed with clerical pins. If you additionally pull the rope, fishing line, the photo is attached to clothespins (stationery, linen). This design is well suited to loft and minimalist styles.

Photo in frames hanging on laces and pushpins

Snapshots in a retro frame, hanging on clothespins

Pictures are attached to the wall in different ways. Fasten the frame by thoroughly scrolling it, and attach the photos themselves without the risk of damaging them to the frame.

photo frames

When arranging a collage with ordinary frames, you need to additionally use a passe-partout. This is an ordinary colored cardboard, which does not have a middle part. The photo is placed in it.

Black frames are rigorous and graphic, white frames are sophistication and grace.

In addition, the use of picture frames is interesting. In this case, the pictures get a three-dimensional effect. This is achieved by the absence of borders around the perimeter, that is, the image flows onto the wall. Often this frame format is used for composite photos, the image of which is divided into several frames.

The wooden frame and the photo hang separately, but make up the overall composition.

The most remarkable and memorable wall decorations are created thanks to the people in the frame, and a little bit due to the skill of the photographer. Seasoned with such collages with decorative elements, do-it-yourself carved patterns, as well as painted walls, these are the main components of a successful solution. The accents are right here. Decorative clocks, in tune with the cascade of photographs, wooden shelves with flower vases, and other unusual items of interior decoration of your apartment - all this can be very successfully beaten with material from your family album.

Live life to the fullest, create moments by capturing them on camera film; and then, one of the warm winter evenings, remember those moments of happiness experienced together with your family over a cup of hot chocolate. Create with us!

When decorating a wall, you can “get out of the frame”

Video on how to decorate the wall with photos without frames with your own hands

Style makes, of course, not the photo itself, but its packaging - a photo frame. It also bears the function of preserving the photo, protecting it from direct sunlight, which age it by leaps and bounds.

Photo frames in the interior - important notes

The simplest option, acceptable in any room, is a framed photograph on the table. The style of the photo frame in this case will depend on where the table is located. On the table in the office, a strict classic frame will look spectacular, on a table in the boudoir or bedroom, something gentle, romantic, cozy. You can also put a three-dimensional photo frame on the table, which will look very solid.

One of the most fertile places to place a photo frame is for children. An exposition of photographs of a child will look appropriate here, showing how he grows and changes from year to year. You can place such an exposure in the same strict (classical) frames randomly in relation to each other. If you want to place different frames, then it is still worth keeping them in the same style - childish, "fruity", "marine", so that they are, as it were, from the same series and made of the same material.

Quite vulgarly within the framework of one exposition, wooden and glass frames will look side by side. But it is quite acceptable to combine photos of different sizes side by side. Thus, photo frames in the interior require harmony.

If you want to arrange the frames symmetrically, then be careful, as they will then require symmetry from everything in the interior of the room. For example, such a reception in a nursery would be at least inappropriate. You can arrange the exposition approximately "in order of growth", from smallest to largest, but then it is worth adding some additional decor to the wall that will support this "idea" and echo it.

You can create a family tree, consisting of a hand-drawn tree part on the wall and appropriately arranged photographs in oval frames. In principle, the idea of ​​combining a picture and a photo frame is quite successfully implemented in a children's room. In the "marine" room of the boys, it can be a picture in the porthole of a painted ship, in the girl's room in the style of princesses - it can be a drawing of a carriage and a photo frame instead of a window. And so on, taking into account the style and design. The photo frame itself also plays a lot, now there are a lot of stylized models that successfully decorate shelves in children's rooms.

Perfectly with the help of photographs you can decorate the space around the spiral staircases in the house. There is a variant of a chaotic arrangement of photos of different sizes, or you can make an exposure of single-style photos at about the same distance from the floor.

The composition "clock" will look great in the living room. Photos are installed around the clockwork (you can arrange family photos by age, starting with wedding photos). Looks rich and quite original. Also interesting is the option for the living room of photo portraits, arranged like paintings and designed in the same style. Photo frames designed in this way in the interior will look unusual.

Photo diptychs and photo triptychs, photo frames that combine two or more photographs look elegant and tasteful.

In the bedroom, photos fit perfectly into the bedside area: above the bed or on the bedside table.

And the corridor, the most boring room in the house - thanks to the framed photographs, can become not only an art gallery, but also the keeper of family secrets and legends.

I would like to mention a few more original ideas. If there is a knitter in the house, and she decided to equip the living room in a handmade style, then hand-tied photo frames for this room will look great.

In an avant-garde interior, photos “drying” will look interesting, attached with clothespins to a rope stretched along the wall, as fastened in Soviet times by people who developed photographs on their own.

Recently, photo frames in the form of puzzles have become very popular.

True specialists and connoisseurs of luxurious design are unlikely to ignore such a detail as photo frames in the interior.

Photo frames in the interior

Style makes, of course, not the photo itself, but its packaging - a photo frame. It also bears the function of preserving the photo, protecting it from direct sunlight, which age it by leaps and bounds.

Photo frames in the interior - important notes

The simplest option, acceptable in any room, is a framed photograph on the table. The style of the photo frame in this case will depend on where the table is located. On the table in the office, a strict classic frame will look spectacular, on a table in the boudoir or bedroom, something gentle, romantic, cozy. You can also put a three-dimensional photo frame on the table, which will look very solid.

One of the most fertile places to place a photo frame is for children. An exposition of photographs of a child will look appropriate here, showing how he grows and changes from year to year. You can place such an exposure in the same strict (classical) frames randomly in relation to each other. If you want to place different frames, then it is still worth keeping them in the same style - childish, "fruity", "marine", so that they are, as it were, from the same series and made of the same material.

Quite vulgarly within the framework of one exposition, wooden and glass frames will look side by side. But it is quite acceptable to combine photos of different sizes side by side. Thus, photo frames in the interior require harmony.

If you want to arrange the frames symmetrically, then be careful, as they will then require symmetry from everything in the interior of the room. For example, such a reception in a nursery would be at least inappropriate. You can arrange the exposition approximately "in order of growth", from smallest to largest, but then it is worth adding some additional decor to the wall that will support this "idea" and echo it.

You can create a family tree, consisting of a hand-drawn tree part on the wall and appropriately arranged photographs in oval frames. In principle, the idea of ​​combining a picture and a photo frame is quite successfully implemented in a children's room. In the "marine" room of the boys, it can be a picture in the porthole of a painted ship, in the girl's room in the style of princesses - it can be a drawing of a carriage and a photo frame instead of a window. And so on, taking into account the style and design. The photo frame itself also plays a lot, now there are a lot of stylized models that successfully decorate shelves in children's rooms.

Perfectly with the help of photographs you can decorate the space around the spiral staircases in the house. There is a variant of a chaotic arrangement of photos of different sizes, or you can make an exposure of single-style photos at about the same distance from the floor.

The composition "clock" will look great in the living room. Photos are installed around the clockwork (you can arrange family photos by age, starting with wedding photos). Looks rich and quite original. Also interesting is the option for the living room of photo portraits, arranged like paintings and designed in the same style. Photo frames designed in this way in the interior will look unusual.

Photo diptychs and photo triptychs, photo frames that combine two or more photographs look elegant and tasteful.

In the bedroom, photos fit perfectly into the bedside area: above the bed or on the bedside table.

And the corridor, the most boring room in the house - thanks to the framed photographs, can become not only an art gallery, but also the keeper of family secrets and legends.

I would like to mention a few more original ideas. If there is a knitter in the house, and she decided to equip the living room in a handmade style, then hand-tied photo frames for this room will look great.

In an avant-garde interior, photos “drying” will look interesting, attached with clothespins to a rope stretched along the wall, as fastened in Soviet times by people who developed photographs on their own.

Recently, photo frames in the form of puzzles have become very popular.

True specialists and connoisseurs of luxurious design are unlikely to ignore such a detail as photo frames in the interior.

Photo frames in the interior

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