What fertilizer is needed for hibiscus. All about indoor hibiscus care

garden equipment 21.05.2019
garden equipment

bright representative family mallow, with colorful, beautiful, exotic flowers and smooth, pointed at the ends, emerald leaves. Widespread in tropical environments. Due to its exotic beauty and unpretentiousness, it is widely grown as home flower, also hibiscus is eaten, worn as decoration and even used to make paint.

Did you know? The first mention of hibiscus dates back to the era Ancient Greece. It came to Europe in the 17th century from Asia.

Popular types of indoor hibiscus

There are about three hundred species in the world. The three most popular types of indoor hibiscus are Chinese, Syrian, dissected.


Hibiscus Chinese (Rozan Chinese, Chinese rose, Indoor rose)ornamental, evergreen shrub growing on the islands of the Pacific region and in Southeast Asia. There are about 500 varieties of such hibiscus.

Reaches three meters high, has dark emerald leaves with notches and large (up to 16 cm across) semi-double or simple flowers, all kinds of colors. Their color varies from crimson to pink, from fiery orange to yellow.

After opening the bud, the flower lives for about a day, although the flowering period of the whole plant lasts from early March until the end of autumn. This is a well-known and very common species for home keeping. It is believed that it has a positive effect on the atmosphere in the room, cleans it. The flower of this hibiscus is unpretentious in care.


Syrian hibiscus (Syrian rose, Birch)deciduous shrub, its homeland is Asia Minor (India, China). One of the few types of hibiscus that can grow outdoors in temperate climates.

It lives up to hundreds of years, while it grows slowly and blooms for the first time only after 3 or even 4 years. The flowers are similar to mallow, the leaves are green, very bright. There are many varieties of Syrian rose.

Did you know? Syrian hibiscus- the state flower of Malaysia, the symbol of Haiti. Its ruby ​​and pink flowers are an integral part of the wedding dress in some provinces of India.


Hibiscus dissected (Schizopetalus, Princess Earring)evergreen shrub, reaching a meter in height, spread, according to various sources, from Central Africa or Brazil. Blooms from late spring to late November.

Flowers with a strongly protruding pistil are red, orange or red-orange. They have dissected curved petals with a fringe. Usually they reach a width of no more than 8 cm. The leaves are shiny, green. In our climate, it can only germinate in greenhouses or a homely atmosphere.

Growing indoor hibiscus at home

Hibiscus is not whimsical and will quite tolerate the wrong content. But if you want for the hibiscus flower to bloom, then you should follow a few simple rules for caring for him at home.

Watering and lighting

It should be watered with settled, soft, slightly warm water. Do not allow the soil to dry out, as well as its excessive moisture.

In spring and summer, watering must be plentiful and frequent (as soon as upper layer the soil will dry out), and in the autumn winter period it is worth waiting a couple of days after the soil dries.

Hibiscus photophilous plant, but the light should not be scorching. Therefore, it should be ensured that in the summer season the lighting is diffused, indirect, and in the winter - take care of additional lighting. It is better to place flowerpots of indoor Chinese roses on the east and west sides.

Temperature regime

A suitable temperature for hibiscus is +20° С - +25° С, in early autumn it should be reduced to +16° С - +18° С, and in winter - up to +14° С - +16° С. Lowering the temperature in winter not a general condition for the life of a plant, but flower buds are tied exclusively at low temperatures.

Important! Minimum allowable temperature for hibiscus - up to + 10 ° C. At + 10 ° C and below - the leaves begin to fall off the plant.

Air humidity

The hibiscus flower is not whimsical to such an indicator as humidity and in this regard, it is very easy to care for it - often enough to spray the plant with warm water. This will also prevent the appearance of mites. You should not constantly spray during the period of violent flowering, since, when water flows onto the flower petals, their wilting is accelerated.

Soil for planting and growing

Hibiscus is not capricious in relation to the soil. But soil from equivalent parts of sand, humus, peat and earth suits him best, you can add small particles of charcoal. Do not use dry or unripe cowshed.

The soil should be light and loose for air access to the roots. loosen land from time to time. Since the Chinese rose does not tolerate excess soil moisture, care for it should involve drainage without fail.

Top dressing and fertilizers

To encourage flowering, the hibiscus should be fertilized with a mineral fertilizer with nitrogen every month during this period. Iron and copper chelate will also be useful. Can be alternated with organic fertilizer.

Foliar fertilization with magnesium is allowed from time to time. The plant also responds well to spraying with weak aqueous solutions root feed. In winter, it is better to use fertilizers from phosphorus and potassium in half the dosage. And during the expressed dormancy, top dressing is not given. Before you start fertilizing, do not forget to water the hibiscus.

pruning hibiscus

There are a few simple rules how to cut chinese indoor rose. The first pruning should be done at the age of two years.

The best time for this is early spring and then autumn. Wait 3 days after watering, step back 5 mm from the leaf, cut should be 45°. Do not cut more than 2/3 of the branch.

Hibiscus transplant

Transplant young hibiscus every year, mature - once every couple of years. The best time is early spring. Water the plant first.

Important!After transplanting, water in the pan for several days. This will help the roots grow better.

Propagation of indoor hibiscus

There are 2 ways of propagation: using seeds, using cuttings.

If the first method is more convenient for you, then start in the period of mid-winter - early spring. Soak the grains in "Epin" or equivalent for 12 hours.

Take soil from peat and sand. Place under glass. Keep the temperature around +27°C. Before the appearance of 2-3 leaves, spray the seedlings from time to time, ventilate; after - transplant into a regular small pot.

Hibiscus are represented by an extensive species diversity. Depending on the classification systems and the country of compilation of the plant classifier, there are from 150 to 300 species, most of which are wild trees and shrubs. However, there are several hibiscus known to lovers of room floristry, the most popular of which is without a doubt the "Chinese rose" or Chinese hibiscus. It can be found both in greenhouses and at home - in winter garden or on the windowsill. Abundant greenery and large flowers of bright colors, he is able to decorate any room. But it happens that, despite the growth of the plant, he stubbornly does not want to bloom. As a rule, this is due to improper or insufficient feeding of hibiscus, which is designed to give it strength and health. Below we will consider the main ways of fertilizing this plant so that it will please the eyes of its owners for many years.

Basic principles of feeding hibiscus

  1. Feeding hibiscus should be done once or twice a month. Once - in the cold season (October-March), twice - in the warm season (April-September).
  2. Top dressing is desirable to carry out in cool and evening time. This will allow the absorption process useful substances plant and their distribution in the soil to take place most naturally and without excretion harmful substances, which can be formed in the heat or under the influence of direct sunlight.
  3. One or two hours before top dressing, the soil is abundantly shed with settled water at room temperature.

The main ways to feed hibiscus

  1. Manure. natural organic fertilizer, which is suitable for most plants, as it helps to enrich the soil with basic useful elements. It should be borne in mind that a large amount of organic matter is harmful and it is important to observe the measure. With regard to manure, the following guidelines should be taken into account: you can not use fresh, it must lie for several days (ideally, dry a little); no more than two tablespoons can be used per two liters of soil; You can feed the plant with manure, starting from the year of life.
  2. Peat humus tablet. Another analogue of manure, which allows you to safely and effectively nourish the soil and plant.
  3. Regarding mineral fertilizers, hibiscus primarily requires phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, and it is desirable to observe the following proportions: 1:2:3 (phosphorus:nitrogen:potassium, respectively). To meet the need of plants for phosphorus, you can use bone meal (the safest option). Urea is the best source of nitrogen. Kalimagnesia has shown itself well, also contributing to the saturation of the plant with magnesium, which makes it more stress-resistant, preventing leaf fall and excessive yellowing. You can also use complex fertilizers for greenhouse and house plants.

Just a few minutes a month devoted to feeding hibiscus will allow it to grow strong and healthy and delight the eye not only with lush greenery, but with luxurious buds.

Hibiscus, otherwise called Chinese rose, popular ornamental plant with beautiful vibrant colors. On the this moment Many varieties have been bred that take root well at home and grow well. Hibiscus, room care at home, which is produced according to all the rules, will delight the owners of the house with its flowering for a long time. So what should be the care indoor hibiscus at home?

Who first decided to call the Chinese rose that way is not known for certain. Since ancient times, there have been various signs relating to plants. Some superstitions promise good luck, others are not so optimistic. So why is hibiscus called the flower of death? However, this is not the only plant that has fallen into such an unfortunate list, except for the Chinese rose, ivy, calla are considered deadly, and according to popular beliefs, all these plants bring death to the house.

Hibiscus has different meanings. If the plant suddenly blooms, this is a sign of the imminent death of one of the household members. Dropping leaves promises severe illness and troubles. Probably, once such coincidences really happened, because of which the flower gained notoriety. However, in Soviet and current years, this is a very popular plant in city apartments, behind which no ominous manifestations have been noticed.
Can you keep hibiscus at home? Absolutely yes. Flowers, leaves and fruits of hibiscus are not poisonous, which means that superstitions have no convincing basis.

Optimal temperature

How to care for hibiscus? The Chinese rose loves warmth, so for its comfortable existence it is necessary to maintain a temperature not lower than 18 and not higher than 22 degrees Celsius. However, hibiscus blooms in a cool period at + 15º C. Therefore, after the summer months, it is better to take the flower to a cooler place without bright sunlight. In summer, a pot with a plant can be kept on a veranda in the garden or on the balcony of a city apartment. Chinese rose loves fresh air, but it should be protected from drafts.

What lighting to choose

Hibiscus loves not only warmth, but also the bright sun. For this reason, it should be kept in the southern rooms. If it is too hot, the plant should be removed from the windowsill away from the glass or covered to protect it from the sun. Alternatively, flowers can be placed on a table by the window, where there is enough light, but the sun's rays are no longer so aggressive and will not damage the delicate hibiscus petals.

The lack of light is one of the reasons why hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off, and in some cases buds. What to do in such a situation? It is enough to provide the plant with access to good lighting.

How to water

Hibiscus requires timely watering, apart from constant spraying. Without enough moisture, it can dry out. You need to water the flower with water only at room temperature; before watering, the water should settle in glass containers with a wide mouth. If the apartment is too hot, moisture will quickly evaporate from the ground. To prevent this from happening, you need to use devices to reduce evaporation or cover the ground with ordinary moss.

In order for the leaves to be green and healthy, they need to be sprayed regularly and the air in the room must be kept sufficiently humid. To do this, you can use humidifiers or simply put water containers on the batteries. When spraying the leaves, you can not touch the flowers, they must remain dry. Periodically, the plant needs to be washed in the bathroom, washing away dust and dirt from the leaves. To prevent water from leaking into the pot, cover it with a plastic bag.

If the leaves turn black, this is a sign of excess water. To save the plant, it must be taken out of the pot along with an earthen clod and put to dry for 12 hours. Then it is worth cutting off the rotten roots and transplanting the flower into fresh soil.

Difficulties in Growing Hibiscus

hibiscus is enough unpretentious plant, so even if you make a mistake somewhere when leaving, it can be quickly corrected. Those who have only recently acquired a Chinese rose often wonder why the leaves of the hibiscus turn yellow, begin to dry out or fall off. This problem is easy to fix frequent spraying as soon as you notice that the leaves have become sluggish. In addition, the plant itself sheds leaves after flowering - this is completely normal.

If the flower is withered, this may be a sign of too cold ground. From hypothermia, the leaves may also turn black. The plant must be returned to a warm place and do not forget about abundant watering. If everything is done in time, hibiscus can still be reanimated.

Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off? Such a problem may indicate poorly filtered water. If the leaves are not only yellow, but also with brown edges, this means that there is little nitrogen in the ground. When temperatures and humidity fluctuate dramatically, a stressed plant sheds both leaves and buds. However, then it is restored and grows new leaves.

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Pests and diseases

Hibiscus Chinese, like any other indoor plant, is faced with various diseases and pests. If the care of hibiscus at home is timely, it helps to avoid trouble. However, even when good care, mites, aphids or some diseases may appear, which can be a headache for beginner gardeners.

Spider mites

All dry flowers and leaves must be removed in time. If preventive measures were unsuccessful, in order to get rid of the tick, more frequent watering and spraying is needed. In this case, the pot of the plant must be completely covered with polyethylene so that the moisture does not evaporate. Spider mites die in too humid conditions.


In a small amount, aphids are not dangerous, but if there is too much of it, the leaves will begin to turn yellow, curl up into a tube and fall off sooner or later. The plant itself will be sluggish in appearance and stop blooming. If there are too many aphids, sticky secretions of these insects will be visible on the leaves.
While there are few aphids, the leaves can simply be washed with soapy water. If the insects have already settled down on the Chinese rose, only spraying will help here. by special means. After using chemicals, the plant will need more thorough care until it is fully restored.

leaf chlorosis

This disease is typical for hibiscus. Chlorosis is due to not proper care behind a flower. Signs of the disease:

  • change in the shape of the leaves;
  • the appearance of brown spots;
  • dry petals;
  • buds do not bloom and fall off.

Chlorosis indicates deficiencies in useful trace elements - manganese, potassium, zinc, etc. The plant can be saved by transplanting it into fresh and well-fertilized soil. In addition, daily spraying is necessary. If the disease has begun recently, it is enough just to fertilize the soil.

Indoor hibiscus is not capricious in care, and therefore grow beautiful flowers suitable for both experienced flower growers and beginners. Large bright flowers will decorate the room and will please the eye for a long time. Such a flower can become not only an interior decoration, but also a good gift relatives or friends.

The indoor hibiscus plant is a representative of lush inflorescences and juicy green foliage, popular and loved by many flower growers. The native land of this specimen from the Malvaceae family is China, the African tropics and Western India.

Hibiscus flowers bloom at dawn and fall off at sunset. One branch can have up to twenty flowers per day. If the plant is larger, the number of inflorescences can reach fifty. Hibiscus flowers can grow up to 16 centimeters in diameter. In shape, each of them resembles a cup with stamens collected in a tube and turning into a pistil. Inflorescences mostly do not have a pronounced smell, however, there are varieties that are distinguished by a very bright aroma.

This plant was known in ancient Greece, today it has become widespread as a Chinese rose. Hibiscus flowers are an exquisite decoration for the hair of the inhabitants of the islands. Pacific Ocean. It is believed that this was the reason for the appearance of the name of the plant. Indeed, in translation, "hibiscus" means "a flower for a beautiful lady." Residents of India and China attribute to the Chinese rose unique properties. It can become a talisman of the hearth from evil, an assistant in achieving success, as well as a means in the fight against depressive states.

The plant has a smooth to the touch trunk, grayish bark and rather large leaves resembling a shamrock in shape. At home, indoor blooming hibiscus can grow up to three meters in height.

This flower is a popular decoration for wedding ceremonies in many countries, some varieties of this plant can be brewed as a tea for illnesses. Hibiscus flowers are used in the canning process - this gives the marinade a beautiful color.

There are various types of indoor hibiscus, but the most common type is a plant with large scarlet flowers.

Plant varieties for growing at home

The number of varieties of hibiscus has more than two hundred. This includes trees and shrubs, mainly from subtropical zones with varieties distributed throughout the world. AT home cultivation The most popular variety is called Chinese rose. evergreen shrub with rich green leaves can have both terry and simple flowers. At the same time, indoor terry hibiscus or other species can have a variety of colors of their inflorescences. It is worth noting that each flower lives only one day. This shortcoming is easily compensated large quantity buds that open every day. Having such a plant, it is important to remember that indoor hibiscus transplantation is an important condition for proper growth and development. A Chinese rose that can live for decades needs the selection of a suitable pot and considerable space for growth.

Another type of hibiscus is Syrian. It is characterized by smaller flowers and a less intense color than the Chinese rose. The leaves of this variety are slightly drooping. The Syrian variety begins to delight the owner with flowers in the fourth year of existence. It is grown mainly as a garden plant.

Less common variety sudanese rose. It did not take root as a houseplant. This variety is known as healthy tea Hibiscus, which is made from the Sudanese rose.

Hibiscus care at home

How to care for a flower? Precisely because indoor hibiscus care at home does not require special skills and experience in plant breeding, it is an excellent choice for beginners and those who do not have the opportunity to provide thorough and regular care. This unpretentious plant is able to withstand low temperatures and “put up” with insufficient lighting in the hall or living room, will suit specific office conditions, and will also forgive improper watering. How to care for hibiscus open field, you can find out.

Basic content requirements

Caring for this plant is not difficult. Being a heat-loving flower, for the full development of the dwarf hibiscus, it requires compliance with the temperature regime. The plant feels most comfortable at an air temperature of 19 to 23 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the humidity of the air should be at least 60 percent. Knowing this, gardeners will not be interested in the problem of why the hibiscus dries, since this trouble can be avoided by taking care of the moisture indicator. Experts advise humidifying the air and spraying the plant regularly. Many owners of these green shrubs are wondering why indoor hibiscus does not bloom, because, it would seem, plant care is very simple. If the temperature is below or above the specified norm, the hibiscus will cease to please the owner with flowers.

The best place in the house for this plant is the southern windows. Hibiscus is not afraid of direct sunlight. A completely healthy and strong bush can grow if placed on the southeast or southwest side of the apartment. However, when the hibiscus is in bloom, placing the pot in a north window may cause the rose to stop budding. Varieties with a brownish tint of inflorescences perfectly tolerate light partial shade.

Watering indoor hibiscus

Hibiscus should be watered in the morning so that excess moisture has time to evaporate by evening. Watering can be very heavy, but excess water from the pan should always be poured out. AT winter time the flower does not need so much moisture, so the frequency of watering should be minimized. The same should be done with diseases and leaf fall.

After reading the chapter in any book about houseplants - indoor hibiscus: care and reproduction in the fall, you will notice that this specimen does not know how to store moisture. With a lack of water, the leaves fall. If the irrigation system is not adjusted in time, the plant may die. Many indoor plant lovers are interested in the problem of why hibiscus leaves turn yellow, mistakenly believing that the flower needs more frequent watering. They begin to work too hard to provide the plant with moisture, not suspecting that its excess can also adversely affect the health of the plant. With prolonged waterlogging of the soil, it will appear fungal diseases which will damage the root system over time.

Fertilizer and flower nutrition

Hibiscus need nutrition during their active growth period. In order for flowering to please with splendor, the plant can be fertilized universal means, which must contain nitrogen and potassium. Interested in the question - how to feed hibiscus, you should be careful using products that contain a large amount of phosphorus. It can poison the entire bush, reducing the number and quality of inflorescences. Magnesium will be helpful to keep the leaves from turning yellow.

The fertilization procedure should be done once every seven days. Best time for this - evening, after careful watering. Once the plant enters a period of stunted growth, is dormant, or post-transplant, fertilization should be discontinued.

Trimming hibiscus at home

The annual formative pruning of indoor hibiscus is important condition proper care. It is this factor that ensures abundant flowering. It has long been known that Chinese hibiscus and other species delight owners with flowers that can only appear on young shoots. Pruning in the spring is most preferable. The greatest effectiveness of this procedure can be achieved if the formation of hibiscus with pruning should be planned immediately after the flowering of the shoots. Removing the tips of the shoots will stimulate the growth of side branches, which will lead to a new appearance of flowers.

Experienced flower growers advise novice lovers who are interested in the question - how to properly cut indoor hibiscus, pinch the shoots of the plant before starting its active growth. It is also worth cutting branches that are parallel to the main trunk and shoots that have grown inside the crown.

To know how to cut indoor hibiscus and how to shape it, it is important to understand what result you would like to get: a lush bush or a plant in the form of a tree. This procedure will form the desired branching. Pruning done at the wrong time will cause the plant to fail to bloom.

For the procedure, scissors should be used. The flower can be trimmed according to personal preferences so that it looks beautiful among home interior. Do not forget about the removal of dry branches and stiff stems near the main branch.

Transplant to another pot

A young growing plant needs an annual transplant. With age, this specimen, regardless of the variety of hibiscus, requires transplantation only as needed. You can change the soil once every three years. Also, the flower needs to be transplanted if it root system overgrown, and the hibiscus pot becomes small.

For transplanting, you can both purchase soil and prepare suitable composition on one's own. It's believed that best soil for hibiscus consists of garden and turf with the addition of not a large number humus and drainage, which will serve as an excellent prophylaxis against root festering. Also, the question of when to transplant hibiscus can be decided in different ways, depending on the goals of the grower. It is noticed that in big pot the plant accelerates in growth, and in a close one it grows much more slowly, but it blooms more often and more abundantly.

Propagation with cuttings

In apartment conditions, you can use one of the easiest ways - propagation of hibiscus by cuttings, which has several options for their rooting. Cuttings allow you to save all the varietal characteristics that are inherent in the mother plant, as well as enjoy the flowering of the shrub in the first year after planting. To get a new plant using this method, several cuttings should be cut from an adult specimen in mid-February. Each of them must have at least two internodes. Otherwise, you won't be able to root them. Then the cuttings should be placed in the sand and covered with a film and a jar. At a temperature of 22-24 degrees, they stand for about two months.

The second option, how to cut hibiscus and root it, is that the cut cuttings are placed in water. After the first roots appear, the plant is planted in a pot with a suitable substrate.

Propagation of hibiscus seeds

There is another way how hibiscus reproduces - from seeds. This case is more troublesome than the previous version. After the flowering of the bud is completed, seeds appear in its place. They are collected and soaked for half a day. Then indoor hibiscus seeds should be washed with a light solution of potassium permanganate and wrapped in a piece of damp cloth. All this must be placed in a plastic bag and left in a warm place. In order for the seeds to begin to germinate, not only a suitable temperature is necessary, but also periodic wetting with a small amount of water and light ventilation. After the sprouts appear, the seeds are sown in the soil to become seedlings. The appearance of seedlings and three leaves on each seedling is a sign that they can be planted in pots. This method of propagation of this evergreen shrub gives flowering in the third year.

Hibiscus diseases and pests

Given that the hibiscus is a fairly strong and hardy species of indoor plants, minor violations of the rules in care will not affect the condition of the shrub.

However, if non-compliance with the conditions of care is allowed constantly, the rose will quickly die. The most dangerous factors are: the presence of a draft, low humidity and too dry soil.

Aphids are a pest that can appear on young buds and branches. These insects reproduce rapidly. Therefore, if you do not treat the hibiscus with special chemicals, the plant will begin to die.

Spider mites - very small insects which are not always easy to see. The reason for their appearance is dry air. As a preventive measure for the appearance of a spider mite as an unpleasant disease of room hibiscus, experts advise washing it in the shower. Looking under the leaves thin cobweb insects should be treated. If these hibiscus pests are already present, the flower can be washed with soapy water.

Hibiscus care. Hibiscus has become one of the most popular and showy plants, it is bred both in administrative institutions and in residential buildings and apartments. The hibiscus bush lives for twenty years or more and is easy to care for. The tree-like forms of this plant are most popular in indoor breeding. Where to place. Hibiscus are widely used for landscaping different types interiors both in single use, and in container compositions and in winter gardens.

But it cannot be especially recommended for rooms due to sprawling growth, although this does not bother the true lovers of this plant at all, besides, hibiscus lends itself well to shaping - its tree-like varieties can also be grown as a standard tree. AT room conditions the height of an upright stem can reach an average of 1.5 m. The maximum dimensions in culture are up to 4.5 m tall. Hibiscus can be placed outdoors or on window sills in spacious bright rooms, halls, winter gardens. This is an unpretentious, rather shade-tolerant indoor plant. But prefers a sunny location, protected from direct sunlight. Hibiscus is placed as close to the light as possible. In summer, you can take it out to the balcony or to the veranda.

During budding and flowering, the hibiscus is not rearranged, moved or rotated, as this will cause the buds or flowers to fall off. This plant can react to a change of place with a sharp change in lighting or humidity by falling leaves and flowers.

Temperature. The plant is unpretentious, but hibiscus does not tolerate sharp fluctuations in air temperature and drafts. Temperature regime plant content should be moderate: 20-25 °C. In winter, hibiscus prefers cooler conditions: 12-18 ° C, but not lower than 10 ° C.

Watering. During the active growing season (spring-summer), hibiscus is watered with plenty of soft warm water - regularly and plentifully, preventing the roots from drying out, achieving complete soaking of the earthen clod. The next watering is done only after the top layer of the earth has dried. It is recommended to occasionally loosen the top layer of soil, about an hour after watering.Do not water hibiscus with cold water ! By the dormant period, watering is gradually reduced. In winter, the plant is watered sparingly. “Excess” water after watering is immediately removed from the pan. Waterlogging is fraught with rotting of the roots and death of the plant.

Moisturizing. Humidity hibiscus requires moderate and higher. The plant needs periodic spraying of leaves, especially in hot summer weather. In winter, when the air in the room is too dry, such spraying should be carried out regularly. Constant spraying also prevents aphids from settling on hibiscus leaves. Periodically, the hibiscus is given a "shower" that washes dust from the leaves and also protects the plant from pests.

Top dressing. Hibiscus - flower-“ glutton”, it should be fed little by little, but often, with complete mineral fertilizer, alternating it with organic - liquid mullein (1 part infusion per 10 parts water). To ensure abundant flowering require top dressing with phosphorus salts. But you should not use excessive phosphates. An overdose threatens to inhibit growth. If you overdo it with nitrate fertilizers, then foliage grows to the detriment of flowering. In early spring, it is useful to use potassium-phosphorus mixtures. Hibiscus is fed with special complex fertilizers for flowering houseplants, you can use "Rainbow", "Ideal", etc. Experiment to find out what your hibiscus likes best.

Top dressing of hibiscus is carried out from the beginning of the growing season - from April to August. How often to feed hibiscus? Recommendations on this matter are very different: once a week, once every 2 weeks, once every 2-3 weeks. You will have to decide this for yourself, empirically. Remember that top dressing is permissible only if the plants are clearly actively growing - that is, in spring and summer. In winter, top dressing is stopped, although some experts still recommend feeding the plant once a month with only half the dose of phosphorus and potassium. Naturally, all fertilizers can be given only after abundant watering with clean water.

pruning. Hibiscus needs pruning. Pruning hibiscus contributes to the appearance of a mass of young flowering shoots, accelerates the onset of flowering. Doing so better in spring before transplanting the plant. Cut off all elongated, lost leaves or dried shoots. Healthy shoots are shortened by half or 1/3 of the length.


Without pruning, large spreading branches grow, taking up a lot of space in the room. A transplanted and pruned plant soon produces strong shoots, which are cut again in July. With such care, flowers appear even in October and November, at a time when other indoor plants do not bloom, which is especially nice.

In the spring, before the start of active plant growth, it is also very useful to pinch all shoots, including young ones. Both pruning and pinching of shoots should be done according to a certain plan, trying to give a certain shape to the crown of the plant. At the same time, sick, defective shoots should not be spared. Be sure to remove the "tops", that is, shoots growing parallel to the main trunk and creating competition for it. Just as resolutely, extra branches should be removed, especially those growing inside the crown and unnecessarily thickening it.

crown formation. The appearance of hibiscus can be modeled to your liking. Look especially impressive tree hibiscus, shaped like a standard tree. To do this, you must constantly remove the side shoots until the flower reaches the desired height. Then you should cut off the top and let 5-6 side shoots develop, which will create the crown of the tree.

Reproduction. This plant reproduces different ways: and seeds, and layering, and grafting, and dividing bushes (herbaceous forms) ... But the most common propagation of hibiscus in indoor breeding is by rooting green stem cuttings or stem cuttings of annual semi-ripe, semi-lignified shoots. You can cut off the cuttings all year round, but it is more expedient to do this in spring and summer. A particularly good time is in the spring, before the start of active plant growth. At this time, the hibiscus is pruned. Cut cuttings 7.5-10 cm long (with 2-3 internodes) can be used for propagation: they are rooted in water or in the ground. Optimum temperature rooting: 20-21 °C. It is desirable to treat the cuttings with charcoal and phytohormones to stimulate root formation (see monstera reproduction). In principle, hibiscus is unpretentious, it easily takes root in the ground, and in peat, and in sand, and in expanded clay, but it takes root especially well in a wet mixture of peat and sand, covered with a mini-greenhouse - glass jar or transparent cropped plastic bottle. For better rooting of the cutting and to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the leaf surface, each leaf blade is cut in half. Rooted plants bloom within a year.

Pot selection. Large pots are preferred for hibiscus. In the right conditions, this flower can grow amazingly fast and, becoming a very large outdoor plant, can cause problems for its owners. This should be taken into account when choosing a pot and when transplanting hibiscus. It is also noted that in a cramped container, all plants slow down their growth, but bloom much more actively.

Lighting. Hibiscus is very unpretentious to habitat conditions. Plants bloom most abundantly and for a long time, located on windows well lit by the sun. The best place for hibiscus - on the east or west window. On the southern window, shading will be needed during the hottest hours of the day. In a bright place, the first buds begin to appear at the hibiscus in March, and successive flowers adorn the crown of leaves until late autumn. Even a little direct sunlight is allowed, but still the flower should be shaded from the summer midday sun.

Hibiscus shade-tolerant, skilled lovers indoor floriculture subject to all other requirements, it is possible to achieve flowering on the northern windows, however, not so plentiful and long - with a lack of light, the plant develops worse and blooms little. from too hot, as well as from rain and wind.

Transfer. Hibiscus should be transplanted before flowering, in March-April, Young plants - annually, in a slightly larger pot; adults - once every 2-3 years, as needed. If the plant has reached a large size, it becomes difficult to transplant it, therefore, for hibiscus growing in large pots, it is recommended to simply replace only the top layer of the earth with a nutrient earthen mixture every year. on which flowers are produced. By pruning, as mentioned above, it is also possible to form a hibiscus crown in the form of a beautiful bush or a standard undersized tree. The cuttings obtained during pruning can be rooted. A month after transplantation, you need to make the first top dressing, and then produce them regularly during the summer.

ground mix. Hibiscus needs nutritious soil, does not tolerate a calcareous substrate. For growing hibiscus, it is possible to use such earthen mixtures:

* sod land, leaf earth, humus, sand (4:2:4:1);

* sod and humus soil, peat (2:1:1) with the addition of bone meal and sand (1/4);

* soddy, leafy soil, humus, peat, sand (1:1:1:1:1);

* 2 parts of clay-turf and 1 part of humus earth and sand;

* 1 part sod, 1 part leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part sand.

* humus, turf, peat land, sand in proportion (1:2:1:1) with the addition of pieces of charcoal;

* a mixture of two parts of fertile garden soil, one part of peat and one part of sand;

* soddy, leafy soil, humus and peat (3:1:2:1), with the addition of sand and bone meal;

* 2 parts of turf, 1 part of humus and 1 part of leafy soil and a little horn shavings.

Large tub specimens are given heavier soil. Hibiscus also grows well on clean peat.

Specific Requirements- it is desirable to add horn shavings to the substrate (15 g/kg of the mixture).

The earthen coma should not be allowed to dry out, especially in the heat. Hibiscus need good drainage. Mulching helps maintain the right level of moisture in the soil in summer.

rest period. Hibiscus has a dormant period (October-February), for which it is gradually prepared: stop feeding, reduce watering. Then the plant is transferred to a cool room with a temperature of 12-18 ° C. This temperature contributes to the formation of flower buds. In winter, you should not place the plant next to working heating devices. With high winter temperatures and lack of lighting, leaves may fall off. Watering is moderate.

Bloom. Hibiscus with its bright funnel-bell-shaped flowers of various shades, ranging from yellowish white and pale pink to bright fiery red and purple-purple, a bright spot that stands out in a dense crown of leaves, is very popular with flower growers for its abundant long flowering. Charming single flowers - simple, semi-double or double - can reach a diameter of 16 cm (hybrid forms - up to 27 cm!). An exotic look is given to hibiscus flowers by numerous filaments of golden stamens, fused into a long tube that extends far from the petals. Hibiscus is characterized by long flowering: from April to October. luxury flowers of this plant have only one drawback - a day after the appearance they fade. But they are being replaced by more and more. True, this happens only in capable hands.

Hibiscus are considered to be one of the hardiest indoor plants. Very often they can be seen living in seemingly completely unbearable conditions. They withstand both cold and drafts, and the darkness of various halls and lobbies. They also put up with errors when watering. But very infrequently there are specimens that demonstrate all the beauty of this species. This, of course, is the fault of their owners. In order for the hibiscus to fully bloom, it needs:

1. Provide a sufficiently bright place. It is especially important to comply with this condition in winter.

2. Regular application of nitrogen mineral fertilizers.

3. Annual formative pruning for abundant flowering.

The fact is that in hibiscus only young shoots bloom, which appear from dormant buds in the axils of the leaves. Removing the tips of the shoots creates conditions for the active growth of side shoots and their subsequent flowering.

With such care, flowers appear regularly, even in late autumn - that is, in a time poor in flowers, when they are doubly pleasant to us.

Hibicus does not like to change their place of residence. You can move it (even from one room to another) only during the period when it does not bloom, otherwise, as mentioned above, the buds will fall off. By the way, by their number they judge the well-being of the plant. If the flowers open one after another, then the care is correct and additional nutrients are not required. But if even in the warm season the appearance of flowers is a rarity, then, most likely, the plant lacks moisture and fertilizers.

Possible problems and pests

Growing problems

Falling buds. Most probable cause- drying out of the soil. Other reasons may be nutrient deficiencies or over watering. A sudden change in temperature, a change in conditions of detention, overdrying of the substrate also lead to bud drop. At adverse conditions and a sharp change in the conditions of detention, hibiscus can completely shed not only buds, but also yellowed leaves, taking on a depressingly "naked" appearance, but soon new leaves will appear on it.

Leaves are falling. Sometimes, due to the dry air of city apartments, hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off. This is usually observed in large plants, the leaves and inflorescences of which require additional spraying. Another most likely cause is drying out of the soil. Other causes may be drafts and waterlogging.

Leaves wrinkle. The reason for this may be too dry air when kept in a warm room in winter, with temperatures above 15 ° C. Spray the leaves frequently.

Root rot. This is a serious disease in which the leaves of the plant turn yellow and wither, then quickly darken and the plant dies. The reason is a fungal disease of the roots due to waterlogging of the soil. It is possible to save a plant only with early diagnosis of the disease, using methods of surgical treatment of root rot.

Treatment. It is possible if all or most of the roots are white and elastic. Remove the plant from the pot for 2-3 days. Trim off any browned roots and any stems or leaves that show signs of rot. Plant the plant back in the pot and water with the carbendazim solution. If there are few white and elastic roots, then treatment may not give a positive result, but most plants at this stage of the disease can be saved. Free the roots of the plant from the soil by holding it under running tap water. Lay the plant on the table and cut off any darkened soft roots with a sharp knife. Cut off all stems and leaves with traces of rot, as well as upper part stems to compensate for the loss of roots. Transfer carefully to new pot and fresh soil. Irrigate with carbendazim solution. Place the pot in a bright place out of direct sunlight. Do not water until new growth appears, then water carefully, being careful not to overwater the soil. If there are no healthy roots, then the plant cannot be saved.

Hibiscus pests. whitefly. These small flying insects look a bit like miniature white moths swarming over a disturbed plant. The length of the whitefly is about 1 mm, the body is yellowish, two pairs of wings are covered with a white powdery wax coating. The whitefly is a relative of the scale insects. Its larvae are pale yellow with orange-red eyes, covered with short hairs. Females lay eggs in groups, often in the form of a ring of 10-20 pieces per inside young leaves. The average fecundity of one female is 130 eggs, but it can reach up to 280 pieces. Insects keep in groups. Greenish larvae settle on the underside of the leaves, suck out cell sap and leave sugary secretions. The whitefly sucks the juice from the leaves, cuttings, less often from the stems, as a result, the leaves become discolored, faint whitish or yellowish spots appear on them, the affected leaves turn yellow, curl and fall off. A soot fungus settles on the sugary secretions of the whitefly, as a result of which photosynthesis is disturbed and the plants are further weakened. Prevention and control measures. Warm dry air promotes the spread of this pest. Regularly inspect the plant. Getting rid of the whitefly is quite difficult. Sometimes it takes more than one week, as the insects partially fly away when touched or sprayed. Whiteflies are doubly dangerous precisely because they fly. Therefore, take measures to prevent other plants in the house that may not have been affected yet by spraying them with an insecticide.

Wash the eggs and whitefly larvae regularly from the leaves. Remove affected leaves. The number of adult insects can be reduced by hanging near the plants with sticky tape, usually used for flies. In addition, regularly spray plant leaves with systemic insecticides. You may need to try several drugs. Actellik, Fufanon, Intavir, Decis, Karbofos are usually used against whiteflies. Of the biological methods, microbiological preparations (bacterial, fungal) are used: verticillin. Pyrethroids such as cypermethrin, talstar, arrivo, fury are effective.

You can also use rider beetles, which will die after the destruction of the whitefly, because they will have nothing to eat.

It also helps to spray the underside of the leaves with a solution of green soap (10-15 g / l) 3-5 times with an interval of 6-7 days. Or an aqueous solution of nicotine sulfate (2-3 cm3 / l) or parathion (0.5-1 cm3 / l).

Aphid. Aphids - quite often affect hibiscus. Aphid colonies populate all parts of the plant, they damage the leaves from the underside, buds, tops of the shoots. The affected plant looks as if it has dandruff, the flowers are deformed. Damaged parts become discolored, the leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off. The plant is strongly oppressed and stops normal development. The buds do not open, the flowers become contaminated with sticky secretions. Aphids are especially dangerous in spring, affecting the tips of young shoots.

The main danger is the transmission of viral diseases by aphids and the weakening of the plant, which can become more vulnerable to fungal infections - a “honey” coating appears on the leaves, in which mold fungi then settle, and the coating becomes blackish.

Aphid is a sedentary insect with a size of 1 to 5 mm, an oblong-ovoid shape, with soft outer covers. Body color is not the same different types aphids - from yellow-green to black. There are about 30 types. Houseplants are amazed various types aphids, which can be not only green, but, depending on the species, have a different color. The most common greenhouse aphid is yellowish-green in color with long legs and antennae. Aphids multiply quite quickly, forming colonies that cover an ever larger area. In colonies of aphids, larvae, adult wingless and winged individuals (the so-called female settlers) are simultaneously found, providing resettlement - they often fly into open windows. In room conditions, aphids can harm all year round.

Most aphid species reproduce rapidly. The development of one generation in room conditions ends within 20 days. The fertility of one female is up to 100 larvae.

Control measures. Aphids are unpleasant, but in principle easily eradicated pests. First of all, these rather large pests must be mechanically removed from the affected parts, severely affected leaves or shoots are removed. Then wash the plants with soapy water to wash away most pests. After that, they are treated with an infusion of tobacco, wormwood or other poisonous plants. In addition, aphids are sensitive to most poisons that are used to protect plants from insects. It is best to use Intavir, Talstar, Arrivo, Fury, Cypermethrin, Karate, Fas, Derris, Fitoverm, Decis, Aktellik, Kinmiks, Sumi Alfa, etc. Karbofos (10% concentrate) is also very effective - 7.5 -10 g per 1 liter of water. Of the biological methods, microbiological preparations (bacterial, fungal) are used: mycoafidin.

Follow the rule: before you buy the drug, read the instructions. Processing is carried out either early in the morning, or postpone until the evening. Be sure to water the plant before dressing. It is also recommended to wash the plant. The treatment should be repeated 2-3 times with a break of 5-7 days.

Question answer

How to help hibiscus. There are buds on the plant, but they do not open, but simply fall off over time. The flower began to grow poorly, there are few leaves on it.

Hibiscus loves a bright, sunny and warm location, in summer it can be placed in the garden or on the balcony in the appropriate place (accustom to the sun gradually) until autumn, protecting it from scorching rays in very hot weather. Hibiscus needs good feeding: from spring to mid-August once a week, the rest of the year once a month. Spraying is necessary, especially when heating appliances are operating.

Hibiscus buds may fall off for the following reasons:

When changing location;

With a lack of light;

With insufficient feeding;

If the root ball is dry, do not allow the soil to dry out;

When watering with cold water;

At excessive watering. Pour out excess water from the tray.

Too long sparsely leafy shoots are pruned to stimulate branching.

Does hibiscus need special care? He stands on the windowsill along with all the flowers and has no care privileges. But lately the leaves have begun to turn yellow and wilt. What's this?

In the heat, the hibiscus suffers from the hot sun - remove it from the windowsill to a bright place without direct sunlight, you can take it out into the fresh air to the balcony or garden. The hibiscus is shade-tolerant, loves spraying in the summer and periodic "showers" that wash dust off the leaves. Such a "shower" is very useful for those types of indoor flowers that love spraying: it washes dust from plants and gives them the opportunity to fully "breathe" (especially important on hot days), and is also good as a means of prevention and pest control. But it is advisable to cover the soil in a pot during the "shower" with cellophane: the plants are harmful to the tap water that has not been settled for at least a day, and pests washed off by the "shower" can get on the soil. Water the plants moderately after the "shower", the soil should be moist, but not wet, so that there is no stagnation of moisture in the pots. How often to arrange a "shower" for plants, temperature and other conditions will tell.

Hibiscus can be affected by pests, carefully examine the underside of the leaves and young shoots. Delete yellow leaves. If hibiscus is affected by spider mites, read about pest control measures.

In a donated hibiscus, after a couple of days, almost all the leaves turned yellow. What is happening to him? How to deal with it? How often should it be watered? Hibiscus reacts very painfully to a sharp change in conditions of detention (for example: it was sharply exposed from the shade to the sun; after the earthen coma dries out - excessive watering) by dropping buds, yellowing and loss of leaves. Provide Hibiscus optimal conditions content and carry out a series of sprayings of hibiscus with Epin's solution.

Hibiscus leaves first appear light green spots, which then turn white. In these places, the leaves seem to become thinner. At the same time, they continue to grow, but all summer the flower has never bloomed. What to do? How to help hibiscus?

Spots on hibiscus leaves may appear due to care errors (for example: a plant constantly growing in the shade is suddenly exposed to the sun - it receives a temperature shock and burns occur on the leaves; the plant was sprinkled with water on a sunny day, and the droplets worked on the leaves like small lenses ; for watering hibiscus was used too warm or cold water) or indicate the presence of an infection.

If mistakes in caring for the plant are excluded, then light spots on hibiscus leaves may be a manifestation of a fungal infection - remove diseased leaves and treat the hibiscus with a milky solution. In addition, before each watering of the hibiscus, lightly dig a few peeled cloves of garlic into the soil, and when the top layer dries up while loosening the soil, remove them and replace them with fresh ones. Shortly after treatment with a milk solution, arrange a "shower" for the hibiscus and spray the leaves with the Epin solution.

Why the Chinese rose (hibiscus) does not bloom. She bloomed once in her life and for 5 years now there has not been a single flower. The greenery on the plant is lush. Maybe she's missing something?

Hibiscus blooms profusely under the following conditions :

A bright sunny place (but without very hot sunlight - burns on the leaves are possible);

In summer, it is desirable to keep hibiscus outdoors;

Abundant watering in summer, moderate watering in winter; spraying and maintaining high humidity;

Coolness in winter (a temperature of 15 degrees contributes to the laying of flower buds);

Annual transplantation of hibiscus in the spring in nutrient soil(humus, turf, peat land, sand in a ratio of 1:2:1:1);

Spring pruning of hibiscus (shortly before or shortly after transplantation) to form new flowering shoots (shoots that are too long can be cut heavily, up to 2/3 of the length; medium and short shoots can be cut less, and the resulting cuttings rooted);

Weekly hibiscus fertilizer in spring and summer, once a month in autumn and winter (alternating mineral and organic fertilizers).

There are red hibiscus, the flowers are large, double, and pink hibiscus flowers are large, but not double. How to make pink hibiscus flowers terry too. Can you cross them?

How wonderful it would be if it was so easy to get a plant with the desired flower!

In order to breed a flower with given characteristics (among them a certain color and degree of flower doubleness), breeders spend many years of hard work and use special methods for this in their work (this is a whole science!). The degree of doubleness of the hibiscus flower is a feature of the variety that is not transmitted during seed propagation.

In this case, the easiest and fastest solution is to purchase a cutting of a double pink hibiscus or an already rooted plant.

What's up with the hibiscus? In October, the leaves began to turn yellow and fall off: first the largest and oldest, and now the young leaves and unopened buds. At the same time, the growth and appearance of young leaves continues. Upon closer examination of the leaves, darkish spots were found on the reverse side, and then in these places the leaves begin to turn yellow.

From a sharp change in temperature and drafts, from hypothermia, from excessive watering in autumn and winter, a fungal infection appears in hibiscus; for the same reasons, as well as from a lack of light, dryness of the root ball and a change in location, the hibiscus sheds buds and flower buds. With dry air in a room from radiators, pests appear on hibiscus leaves (aphids, tomentos, spider mites).

If pests on the hibiscus are not found and there were no errors in care, spray the hibiscus from a fungal infection with a suspension of foundationazole (2 g per liter of water) after removing defective leaves from the plant.

At the hibiscus, the leaves began to darken along the edges and fall off without drying out ... I carefully study the fallen plants, no pests were found, spraying with insecticides just in case did not help. Flowers did not dry out, did not flood, there is enough light, they do not stand in a draft. The hibiscus is already completely naked, even the tips of the branches have begun to turn black. What could be the problem?

Such a problem arises in the fall, when heating is turned on and a “killer set” of factors unfavorable for plants is formed: high air temperature combined with its low humidity and, by inertia, regular watering for summer, although now plants need much less soil moisture. As a result of the confluence of these unfavorable factors, brown spots appear on the leaves, rot on the roots, as a result, the leaves fall off.

Keep the plant cool in late autumn and winter with high humidity air and limited watering. Remove the diseased parts of the plants and spill the substrate with foundationazole (2 g per liter of water).

Until the plants recover, regularly spray the remaining aerial part with water with the addition of "Epin".

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