How to feed garden hibiscus for abundant flowering. How to feed indoor hibiscus to bloom? Hibiscus care throughout the year

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Top dressing indoor hibiscus: how and with what, what bloomed? Only the necessary fertilizer for indoor hibiscus.

The lush flowering of indoor hibiscus will not remain just a dream. A whimsical plant should receive the necessary amount of top dressing to build up inflorescences. But quantity does not negate quality - what is the best way to fertilize hibiscus?

Fertilizers for indoor hibiscus flowering:

  • Store preparations for blooming.
  • Homemade stimulants.
  • Mineral components and trace elements.

Shop dressing for hibiscus

You go to the plant store and you will see a huge selection of liquid, dry fertilizers, mixtures and mono-ingredients for self-mixing. To guide correctly, we offer the following proven preparations.

"Althet"- dilute 1.5 ml of solution per 1 liter of water and apply 1 time per week to stimulate flowering. Stop feeding when laying the first buds. Be sure to shed the soil mixture so as not to cause an acute reaction of dry roots.

"Fetomix Biohumus"- complex fertilizer for flowering plants, which is used 1 time in 10 days for forcing. Apply, alternating with "Athlete" or "Gilea", another drug for distillation. "Hilea" diluted in a ratio of 2 caps per liter of water.

Homemade Recipes for Feeding

We will not offer recipes specifically for hibiscus, but there are universal solutions that you can use for other plants.

  • sugar solution for flowering: half a teaspoon of white sugar per 1 liter of water. Water no more than 2 months, 1 time in 30 days.
  • banana peel: universal fertilizer. It can be used fresh as a basis for a solution of humus, as well as dried and ground into powder, adding to the substrate, or preparing a solution from the ashes. It will take several weeks to prepare the ingredients, then 2 tbsp. l. 2.5 liters of water for irrigation.
  • Nettle solution: 100 grams of dry leaves per 1 liter of water. Insist for a day and water the rim of the pot.

Mineral complexes and trace elements

Feeding indoor hibiscus to bloom with mineral components is almost the same as using purchased preparations, only the ingredients are collected separately. For experienced flower growers, the procedure is simple. For beginners, we suggest the recipe: according to 20 grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate + 5 grams of ammonium nitrate + "Humate +7" or another preparation based on trace elements. Process 1 time in 2 weeks before flowering. if it does not occur, remove nitrogen (ammonium nitrate) from the composition.

Rules for feeding hibiscus to bloom

General recommendations include the use of top dressing on the roots spilled with water, then the alternation of drying the earth with loosening, watering. We also remind you that fertilizers are applied during the growing season - they are not fertilized in winter, at the end of autumn and in the first half of March. Concentration less organics than minerals. Be sure to dilute with water. Donate more often 1 time in 3 weeks- the maximum frequency for concentrated dressings. Fertilize hibiscus for flowering up to 3 months, then terminate. Did you know

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Flower lovers will ask: how to properly care for garden hibiscus? How to successfully plant it? We will try to give a full answer to all these and many other questions.

In order for the hibiscus to take root well and please the eye for many years, it is necessary to choose the optimal place for its cultivation and good care. It is important to choose a site generously illuminated by the sun, but at the same time inaccessible to the winds. The soil should be fertile, light and breathable and sufficiently moist.

Here is a suitable site. Let's start landing. This process includes the following steps:

  • It is necessary to dig a hole that will be about twice as large as the root system of the plant.
  • Drainage should be laid at the bottom. It can be made from broken brick, crushed stone or expanded clay.
  • We lay layers of sand and compost in the following sequence: sand, compost, sand.
  • We immerse the seedling in the pit, while the root collar should be slightly deepened.
  • Fill the rest of the hole with a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand. The proportion should be 2:4:1.
  • We plant and water the plant.
  • Fill the remaining depression with soil and level the near-stem circle.

Rules for the care and cultivation in the garden

Garden perennial hibiscus is not capricious in care. But still, it should be watered regularly, after the soil is completely dry. In hot weather, it is necessary to water more often and moisten the soil with moisture.

The soil around the plant requires constant loosening. It is important to get rid of weeds and other grasses, as they can harm the hibiscus.

Nitrogen and phosphorus supplements are applied during the vegetative period, with a frequency of 2 times a month. Further, top dressing with potassium is added, but this is closer to autumn.

To prevent the bush from thickening, it is necessary to remove old branches in a timely manner. This is especially true when young shoots begin to grow.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the flowers bloom for only one day and therefore it is necessary to remove them when they fade. This will free up space during the period of abundant flowering.

Proper rooting of hibiscus

The root system of the plant is represented by a central rod, from which processes come. If the hibiscus gets enough nutrients, then a transplant is not needed. Otherwise, the pit for transplantation must be prepared in advance, they make it with a margin so that the root can get used to the new conditions.

Nutrient composition for laying out in the transplant pit:

  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 2 parts of leaf land;
  • 1 part of ripe humus;
  • 1 part coarse sand.

A bucket of water is poured into the pit, then the roots of the plant are established. After that, they start hilling and watering. The earth should sit around the flower.

It is important to transplant to a new place before flowering begins in the spring. The roots from above must be removed, while the rest are moved along with the earthen clod. The crown is cut a little.

After transplanting, hibiscus also needs to be fed. All the same phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will be ideal. By the way, potassium will repel aphids.

Hibiscus arborescens can be grown in tubs or pots if the climate does not allow it to be done in the ground. When growing several plants in one box, their trunks are intertwined and create an unusual composition. This can be seen in the photo.

With the onset of spring, when new shoots appear, it is recommended to remove old branches. This is necessary in order not to interfere with the bloom of new ones. Last year's shoots are shortened by about a quarter. With the systematic removal of branches, you can achieve the desired shape.

Trimming types:

  • Stimulating. It is held in early spring.
  • Thinning. So weak or old shoots are removed.
  • Corrective. Shaping the plant.
  • Autumn. When the plant has stopped flowering.
  • Pruning for survival. At the same time, a minimum of the ground part of the hibiscus is left.
  • Top dressing and fertilizers for hibiscus

Feeding rules

It is necessary to feed garden hibiscus 1-2 times a month.

Fertilize, preferably in the evening, when it is not hot outside. So the distribution and absorption of nutrients will be faster and harmful substances will not be released under the influence of sunlight.

A couple of hours before fertilizing, the soil is moistened with water at room temperature.

Top dressing:

  • Manure. This is the simplest organic fertilizer, it suits almost every plant and saturates it with the main nutrients. But still, it is important to observe the measure, because organic matter can also harm hibiscus if used without measure. Use this component only when it lies for a couple of days and dries a little. Feed in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 2 liters of soil. This mixture is suitable for feeding even a one-year-old hibiscus.
  • Peat tablet. An analogue of manure.
  • Mineral supplements include phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. The following proportions are recommended: 1 part phosphorus: 2 nitrogen: 3 potassium. And also suitable bone meal, urea potassium magnesia. Magnesium increases resistance to stress. Helps prevent leaf fall and yellowing.

Loosening and mulching hibiscus

To reduce the growth of weeds and prevent severe overdrying of the soil, it can be mulched. For this use:

  • Dry peat.
  • Sawdust.
  • Tree bark.

What to do before mulching:

  • Remove weeds by roots.
  • Water the ground.
  • Loosen to a depth of about 5 cm.
  • Wait a bit for the top layer to dry a little. This will prevent compaction of the soil when it is mulched.

Mulching will help retain moisture in the soil for a longer time. This should be done in the spring, when the ground thaws well and dries out. If you do this earlier, then the cold soil will not thaw well due to the layer of mulch. So you can just freeze the roots. As a result, garden hibiscus may die.

Draft and hibiscus

The plant is very capricious in this regard. A draft can provoke the fall of buds and foliage.

Plant watering rules

Understanding how to properly water a plant can only be done with experience. In spring and summer, it requires high humidity. The ground should be moist, but not very wet. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out too much.

Pests of outdoor hibiscus include:

  • Aphid. A small insect transmitted by contact from a diseased plant. Young shoots and buds die. The leaves become sticky, twisted and bent.
  • Spider mite. Prefers the reverse side of the sheet. Forms a shell on it that looks like a web.
  • Worms. Waxy discharge on leaves or cuttings.
  • Shchitovki. The attack appears as brown tubercles on the stems.
  • Gallica. Yellowing and early fall of leaves and buds. The larvae settle inside the buds and feed on them.

Hibiscus garden can be bred with:

  • Rhizomes. By separating it. This is the easiest way to reproduce. To do this, you need to dig a plant, determine the main root. The place of the incision is marked so that the small annual roots are preserved. Cut the root into pieces. The cut is sprinkled with ash so that it does not rot. The resulting root is buried in a hole, cut down and watered with warm water.
  • With the help of cuttings. Cut off the woody twigs along with the buds in the spring. Put in a container with a special solution. It must be changed periodically. When a large number of roots are formed, they are transplanted into a pot with soil.
  • With the help of seeds. Herbaceous hibiscus is most suitable for this type of reproduction. Seeds should be soaked for 10-12 hours in a special solution for root germination. Then they must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried, wrapped in cloth and polyethylene. Remove to a warm place, periodically ventilate. After the first sprouts have already erupted, plant in the ground. They need good care.

How to prepare a plant for winter

Winter preparation technique:

  • Hibiscus cultivar identification. Whether he is sensitive to frost or not. The heat-loving flower winters well in a pot.
  • Application of potassium fertilizers in autumn. It is important at this stage to complete nitrogen fertilization.
  • Watering the plant 1 time in 1-2 weeks.
  • Remove fallen leaves and debris.
  • Mulching the earth. Approximately 5-8 cm. The old layer must be removed.
  • You can cover the plant with a cloth.

Hibiscus diseases

noninfectious chlorosis. It is manifested by a weak color of flowers or a complete absence of flowering. Leaf spotting and yellowing may be present. This is the result of a lack of trace elements: nitrogen, iron, potassium, magnesium.

infectious chlorosis. Manifested by abscission and yellowing of leaves, lack of flowering and weakness of the plant. It can happen due to infection with viruses, fungi and microbes.

Sunburn. Manifested by white spots on the foliage. Occurs when exposed to direct sunlight.

Vascular wilt. Signs: wrinkling of branches, death of the whole plant. This is a fungal infection of the Chinese rose.

Some gardening tips:

  • The Syrian rose loves the sun, but during a strong sun, it is advisable to cover it a little.
  • The soil should have a temperature of at least 12 gr.
  • It is important not to forget about top dressing.

In conclusion, we can say that only complete care will guarantee a good flowering of hibiscus. It is important to treat the plant as if it were alive and surround it with love and care, and then the result will not be long in coming.

The desire to follow fashion and turn houses into flower greenhouses is good. Not everyone succeeds in growing such indoor specimens of flowers that surprise with their lush flowering and appearance. Why is this happening?

Because before buying a flower, you need to learn about all the features of its growth. Without top dressing, lighting and care, not a single plant will have a presentable appearance and will simply wither in a dark corner.

Hibiscus or Chinese rose is bought and wanted to grow because of its large lush flowers of bright red color.

Flowers can be not only red, but also yellow, crimson, white. Flowers are distinguished by shape - there are simple, there are lush, medium and large. The flower itself is large and requires a lot of space, unlike its counterparts that live on the windowsill.

With the right care, hibiscus can grow to 3 meters high and it will be necessary to transfer it to the greenhouse. If there is none, then you will have to immediately take care that the tree grows in width, and not in height. The rules of care include pruning and shaping the bush.

Important! In order for the Chinese rose to bloom and have a lot of flowers, you need to follow all the rules for caring for the plant

soil for hibiscus

The root system of a large plant needs a constant supply of oxygen. If the soil is heavy, it will make it difficult for the tree to aerate and absorb nutrients.

For good growth and future flowering, it is better to mix the soil yourself. To do this, you need to prepare one part:

  • sand;
  • peat;
  • sod land;
  • ordinary garden soil;
  • rotted leaves.

You can add charcoal. To feed the hibiscus, you need to mix wood ash into the soil - 2 cups of ash per 10 kg of soil. Ash also contributes to the loosening and influx of the soil, and at first there will be something to feed indoor hibiscus so that it blooms after rooting.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of a spacious pot - stones, pebbles, shells, expanded clay. Chinese rose does not tolerate stagnant water in a pot. You may need to change your watering method and add water to the pan to dry the soil.

Chinese rose lighting

Hibiscus is a photophilous plant. Putting it in a dark corner of the room and expecting it to bloom is not worth it. In case of violation of the process of photosynthesis, which occurs only in the presence of sunlight, the absorption of nutrients responsible for the appearance of buds is disrupted - these are phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, you need to look for a place such that the influx of light is constant.

It can be a balcony loggia or a place under the window. If the plant is small, it will fit on the windowsill.

In the spring, the hibiscus is taken outside to ventilate and get used to the sun's rays. First you need to shade the leaves to avoid burns. Once you get used to it, open it completely.

pruning hibiscus

In order for the Chinese rose to bloom, you need to prune. Branches growing inward interfere with light and make growth difficult. So they are cut off. The tops also need to be pinched.

Flowers are formed on young shoots, so it is important that there are more of them. Old branches can be cut to 1/3 of the length. The tips of the shoots after flowering are cut off so that young side shoots are formed, on which buds will in turn appear. Thus, with pruning alone, hibiscus blooms can be formed.

Pruning is carried out in late winter or early spring. Although, year-round regular crown pruning does not harm the Chinese rose.

If indoor hibiscus grows well and the upper branches are already touching the ceiling, they need to be removed. By trimming the top branches, the growth of the side branches is stimulated. For the growth of green mass, the plant needs nutrients. How to feed a Chinese rose at home?

Chinese Rose Fertilizers

Fertilizers for indoor hibiscus can be made independently from improvised means - tea leaves, eggshells, banana skins. But it is better to use proven methods - buy and use more nutritious products - mullein, chicken manure, mineral mixtures.

organic matter

From organics for feeding hibiscus fit:

  • mullein infusion;
  • infusion of chicken manure;
  • wood ash;
  • bone flour;
  • green manure;
  • humus;
  • compost.

In order not to burn the hibiscus root system, it is recommended to use manure and chicken manure in the form of a diluted infusion. It is necessary to carry out activities such as insisting on manure at their summer cottage. The smell in the apartment can become unbearable.

To prepare the infusion:

  • fill bucket manure or chicken manure by a third;
  • to fill with water;
  • insist 3 – 4 days, stirring to evaporate excess ammonia;
  • liter of infusion from mullein dilute 10 liters of water , liter of chicken infusion - 20 l.

Green manure is done as follows:

  • Fill a third of the container with grass;
  • to fill with water;
  • insist 3 - 4 days.

Water under the root. Infusions of mullein, dung and grass contain nitrogen and potassium. But for phosphorus nutrition, you will have to use other substances of animal or vegetable origin. It is bone meal or wood ash.

Hibiscus ash is used dry or poured with infusion - 300 g of ash per bucket of water. The ash solution is a source of potassium and phosphorus for roots and flowering. Ash has one drawback - a low nitrogen content, since during combustion it escapes into the atmosphere. Nitrogen supplements can be applied foliarly. Dissolve 1 g of urea in a liter of water and spray with a spray bottle.

Important! At the same time, nitrogen mixtures and ash cannot be introduced into the soil. These substances neutralize each other's action and become useless for rose nutrition.

Bone meal has an advantage over other organic fertilizers - it costs less, is applied less often, and works longer. The substance is rich in calcium, potassium and especially phosphorus. During the season, you can use it once, since the fertilizer completely decomposes in the soil in six months. For 10 kg of soil mixture, you need to lay 2 cups of bone meal.

Mineral mixtures

Mineral fertilizer for indoor hibiscus should contain potassium and phosphorus. Some flower growers do not recommend using nitrogen fertilizers, explaining that hibiscus does not like them. But in order for the plant to grow and keep green, nitrogen is necessary. No need to overuse.

Video: Top dressing for the rapid growth and flowering of Chinese roses

If the plant asks for supplements, and this can be seen from the leaves - they become pale and lethargic, then you can spray with a solution of urea or pour over a complex mineral mixture. Watch for a couple of days. If the foliage comes to life, then the plant needs nitrogen and you can re-spray.

Hibiscus need potassium and phosphorus to bloom. Potassium is responsible for the formation of buds. Phosphorus - for root growth. If the roots are not mature, the flower will drop the bud. This sometimes happens with small indoor Chinese roses that have been grown from cuttings. The hibiscus does not yet have enough strength to support flowering, so it refuses to bloom.

Diseases of the Chinese rose

Hibiscus, like other plants, is susceptible to diseases:

  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • from a lack of trace elements;
  • sunburn;
  • tracheomycosis (fusarium).

The fungus is manifested by twisting the foliage, falling greenery. The reason is the reproduction of the fungus in the soil with insufficient disinfection. The spores are carried by the wind if the plant is outdoors in the summer. Contribute to fungal infection imbalance of nutrients.

Fusarium is a very dangerous disease for hibiscus. Usually ends in death if the affected roots are not noticed and removed in time. The main cause of the disease is excessive watering, in which the root system rots. The spores of the fungus in the soil penetrate into the tissues. It is unlikely that such a plant will be saved.

Good afternoon, friends, today's post is dedicated to the eastern queen of flowers - Chinese rose or hibiscus. he will tell you how to choose this flower correctly, how to care for the Chinese rose (hibiscus) at home, when to cut, feed, water the plant. Photos of the most popular varieties of Chinese roses, the most suitable for indoor breeding, will be presented. From the article, you will also learn what to do if the hibiscus begins to drop leaves and flowers.

Hibiscus is a popular and loved by many gardeners indoor plant of the Malvaceae family. With proper care and maintenance, it gives eyes with its bright colors of juicy red, scarlet, pink, orange or yellow. In order for the Chinese rose to bloom, you need to choose the right variety, know the rules for caring for hibiscus, and then from April to October this beauty will bloom for six months and even a little more!

What kind of Chinese rose to choose for the house

If you have not previously grown this flower at home, you should not buy rare types of hibiscus, which include varieties with double flowers. Since these domestic green pets are the most capricious, and even if you follow all the recommendations for keeping at home, the long-awaited flowering in the spring may not appear.

Therefore, pay attention to the following varieties of hibiscus, which are best suited for indoor breeding:

  • "flamingo",
  • "Bangkok",
  • "rio",
  • "Ankara".

The following photos show all 4 varieties of hibiscus that are best suited for home keeping Chinese rose.

Photo of hibiscus - flamingo variety (Flamingo)

This variety of Chinese rose is distinguished by a bright burgundy core, and the flower itself has a pale pink color.


The Chinese rose of the "rio" variety has an original coloring of the petals, which made it an incredibly popular variety among flower growers who love indoor plants.


The Bangkok variety is characterized by bright yellow flowers with a burgundy core.


This, perhaps the most decorative flower of the presented, has orange-yellow flowers with a red core.

Now that the variety has been selected, let's find out how to care for the Chinese rose at home in order to ensure lush flowering.

Hibiscus care throughout the year

From April to October, the plant needs watering (every 3-4 days). To prevent the roots from starting to rot, water should not accumulate at the bottom of the pot. In summer, watering alone is not enough, you need to spray the leaves daily and ventilate the room well. In winter, you need to water less, and stop feeding altogether.

This indoor plant is at rest in winter and therefore requires moderate watering - only as needed, and also loves coolness. Hence, there are two important rules for keeping a Chinese rose in an apartment:

  1. Watering. In winter, watering the plants is reduced and the rose is moistened only when the top layer of soil dries up by 2-3 cm. In time, on average, this happens in 5-10 days and depends on the heating capacity of the room in your apartment.
  2. Temperature. For a flower, the most comfortable temperature in winter will be - no more than + 15-17 degrees. Therefore, choose a place for the plant cooler and away from direct sunlight.

These are the two most important conditions for the formation of a large number of flower buds in the spring.

Awakening the Chinese rose by all the rules

At home, hibiscus grows from 1 to 3 years. It is not very picky about the ground, but moderately moist loamy soil is preferable. In the spring, it is advisable to change the earth in a pot.

Consider the main points of caring for a Chinese rose in a pot so that it wakes up to life and delights you with its lush flowering throughout spring-summer-autumn.

February. At the very end of February, you need to rearrange the Chinese rose to a warmer (+ 22-25 ° С) and bright place. Watering should be plentiful during this period - should be increased to 2-3 times a week. At the same time, it is very important that the earthen ball does not dry out too much, otherwise the hibiscus may drop buds during flowering. To ensure oxygen access to the roots, it is better to loosen the earth after watering (after 20-30 minutes).

Flowers and leaves will look fresh if the Chinese rose is sprayed regularly - the more often the better.

Important! For water procedures, use only water at room temperature, which has settled well (chlorine should come out of it).

March, April. In late March - early April, when the warm season begins, you need to renew the topsoil. To do this, select 3-4 cm of earth from a flower pot and fill in a more fertile one instead.

Important! Chinese rose feels best in a flower pot, which is slightly too small for her. Only in this case, all the forces of the plant will be spent on the formation of buds, and not the growth of roots.

In spring, narrow buds open with five thin petals, forming large cups with a diameter of more than 12 centimeters, shimmering in shades of yellow, pink, red, and white. The hibiscus flower only lives for 1-2 days, but don't let that discourage you. With proper care, new and new flowers will open to replace it from spring to autumn!

More light and air!

Place the hibiscus in the brightest room in the apartment. The Chinese rose loves the light, but from May to September it needs to be shaded. If the plant is standing, as in this photo - on the windowsill, in the summer protect it from the hot midday sun: move it to another place or shade it.

Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room - flower buds can fall on stagnant air and stuffiness near the rose. In summer, in calm weather, it is better to take the flower out to “walk” on the loggia or.

Important! Rose does not like temperature differences, preferring coolness: in summer - no higher than + 23 ° C, in winter - ideally + 10-12 ° C.

How to feed hibiscus

April . Starting in April, when the dormant period is over, start gradually feeding the plant. First, 1 time in 30 days with complex fertilizer for roses (in granules) or fertilizer for flowering plants ("Kemira Lux", "Ideal", "Rainbow", etc.).

May-September. From May to September, you need to fertilize more often - 2-3 times a month with liquid fertilizers for indoor plants.

Autumn and winter. In autumn and winter, fertilize the flower no more than once a month, and only with preparations with a minimum nitrogen content. From natural fertilizers, wood ash is well suited. For these purposes, add it to the water for irrigation (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) - it just has little nitrogen, but enough potassium and phosphorus.

Important! If you notice that the flower is developing poorly (weak young leaves, flowers do not appear). In this case, fertilize once a week, but at the same time reduce the concentration by half.

How to prune a Chinese rose

If you got yourself this indoor plant, then you will not be able to grow a flowering bush without pruning. Pruning should be done in early spring or after the rose has faded - in the fall.

Flower pruning in spring. In March, cut the stems so that each has two eyes, then the hibiscus blooms better. Pinch off faded flowers.

Flower pruning in autumn. In order for the rose to look healthy and blooming, it must be cut off every time after flowering - such a “haircut” will only benefit this flower. By cutting the tips of the shoots, you thereby accelerate the growth of young branches, on which buds will form in the future. Avoid thickening the decorative bush: remove excess shoots and branches growing inside the crown.

There are several types of haircuts.

  • Corrective. Only the tops of the shoots are pruned. This type of crown formation is used for a young plant.
  • Formative. All branches of an adult bush plant are shortened by two-thirds of the length of the shoot.
  • Sanitary. The name itself suggests that diseased and damaged branches must be removed before healthy ones (they are distinguished by light and wet wood).

What to do if hibiscus began to drop leaves and flowers

The state of the hibiscus can be judged by its appearance. If a houseplant began to drop leaves and flowers, what should I do? The leaves of the bush may begin to fall off both in summer and in winter. Consider the most likely causes and solutions to the problem.

  • If the hibiscus starts shedding its leaves in the summer, chances are you've overwatered it. Let the soil dry out well and then reduce watering.
  • If the leaf fall began in winter, the rose is cold - the plant freezes. Also, buds fall from the cold without opening. Move the flower to a warmer place, protect from drafts.
  • The plant may react poorly to a change in the angle of incidence of light - it drops flowers. Make a “light mark” on the pot: mark with an indelible marker or paint, the side of the planter facing the light source.

If only leaves appear on the hibiscus, but there are still no flowers, it may be planted in too large a pot.

Today you learned how to care for hibiscus at home in a pot, which variety is better to choose for the home, how to provide first aid when leaves and flowers fall. I hope you find these tips useful, and in conclusion, I want to suggest watching a video with recommendations from an experienced grower on how to properly care for a flower at home.

Video - care for hibiscus (Chinese rose)

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Hibiscus or Chinese rose has long adorned not only offices. The flower grows in almost every home due to the unearthly beauty of its inflorescences, the color and shape of which is the most diverse. Hibiscus is a plant that is not very whimsical to care for and, in principle, not capricious. It is enough to choose the right soil for planting, water and cut the flower in a timely manner and give it a bright corner in the apartment.
However, in order for the pet to please with its flowers every year, you should pay a little more attention to it. It is especially important to support the plant with the onset of the most crucial period - when it begins to bloom.

What fertilizers can be used to feed during flowering? Complex mineral fertilizers are best suited. To date, in specialized stores there is a rich selection of drugs for these purposes. In addition, handmade home remedies have gained wide popularity.

Chinese rose fertilizer is carried out by applying a nutrient solution under the root.

Shop fertilizers

In order to stimulate the set of more buds during the flowering period, hibiscus needs elements such as nitrogen and potassium. To do this, it should be fed with special complex preparations for flowering plants.

  • Athlete - for 1 liter of water 1.5 ml of the drug, water 1 time in 7 days;
  • Gileya - for 1 liter of water 2 caps of the drug, apply twice a month;
  • Master - for 2 liters of water 5 g of the drug, water once a week.

Top dressing should be done after the standard watering of the plant so that the nutrients get into the moist soil.

In addition, it is possible to alternate mineral and organic top dressings using Gileya and Fertomix BIOHUMUS preparations for decorative flowering houseplants. The frequency of use is every 10 days.
Peat humus tablets, bone meal, potassium magnesia are also good for fertilizing indoor plants.

Hibiscus Home Remedies

Flower growers with experience have long noticed that hibiscus forms inflorescences more actively and blooms longer after fertilizing it with the following infusions:

  1. sugar infusion. Dilute 0.5 tsp. sugar in 1 tbsp. water. Water the flower twice a month.
  2. Blood Flask. For irrigation, use the water left after defrosting raw meat, or in which it was washed. Feed hibiscus no more than once every two weeks.
  3. . Pour the skins from two bananas into 2 liters of water (slightly warm), let it brew for 2 days. Water once every 10 days.
  4. Manure. It is used from the second year of life (for 2 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of dried manure). In view of the special smell, it is better to use at a time when the plant is taken out into the open air.

The most suitable time for top dressing is evening.

Indoor hibiscus care - video

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