Dendrobium Nobile Care. Dendrobium noble: roommate care

Gardening 26.06.2020

Among the seven of the forms and colors of elegant orchids, Dendrobium Nobile remains unique and unforgettable. This orchid blooms very unusual. Its barrel is literally from the base to the tops are covered with large colors of a variety of color. Attracts the attention of the flower water and the fact that it is not so difficult to care for this species as for others. Having learned all the nuances of a plant care, even a novice orchidist will be able to cope with the cultivation of Dendrobium Nobile at home.

Origin and appearance of orchid dendrobium Nobile

A perennial grassy plant dendrobium Nobile belongs to the family of orchid. The second name, the orchid is noble, as it can not more accurately characterizes this wonderful flower.

Like most representatives of the orchid family, Dendrobium Nobile came to us from Asia. India, Bhutan, Assam, Himalayas, Thailand, China - not a complete list of countries where this plant is found.

Translation of the name of this kind of orchids - "living in trees," says himself for himself. These orchids lead an epiphytic lifestyle - grow on other plants or constantly attached to them. The dendrobium nobile is growing in deciduous and evergreen rainforest. But the lithophytes decorating harsh, covered with moss rocks.

Denrobium Nobile has a sympodial type of growth: from the reprehensible pseudobulb separated by segments, a thick juicy stem up to 90 cm high is formed. At first, the green, pseudobulb to the end of life (about 4 years) turns yellow and dies. But before this, children, giving life new plants formed on her tip.

Appearing in Europe in the XIX century, the plant instantly became incredibly popular. On the basis of it immediately began to withdraw new hybrids, which in our time already not to read. For this reason, the real orchid dendrobium Nobile will not work in the store.

Large, up to 9 cm in diameter, flowers have a wax texture. Coloring diverse - white, yellow, orange, saturated purple. A distinctive feature of the dendrobium nobile hybrids is a special location of the floweros. They are not formed on top of the pseudobulb, but along its entire length. Inflorescences consist of 1 - 3 flowers. And the entire pseudobulb can be decorated at the same time with 70 flowers.

Care and reproduction of the dendrobium Nobile at home does not make much difficulty. But this, of course,, if compared with the complexity of the content of other types of orchid family. Indeed, over the dendrobium Nobile does not need to be shaking and, what is called, dust blowing away from it. But it is necessary to clearly understand that orchid is not a frequency geranium, but an exotic that requires increased attention and strict implementation of the rules of care. The flower descendant, which took the dendrobium Nobile to his home, is obliged to create an environment for orchid, as close as possible to the natural conditions of its habitat.

Advantages and disadvantages of exotic flower

Among the advantages of this orchid, flower products celebrate the beauty, a variety of forms and colors, a pleasant aroma, long blossom. And, of course, noncains against the background of other orchids character.

Among the disadvantages call intolerance to dry air, complicating the care for the dendrobium Nobile at home apartments with central heating.

Representatives of the orchid family are not very complaining of transplant, and the dendrobium Nobile is not an exception. The plant is transplanted 1 time in 3 years - and that is urgent:

  • if the plant is ill;
  • in case of sealing or salinization of the substrate;
  • the plant has grown strong, the pot has become crazy.

Dendrobium Nobile is transplanted in spring, after flowering.

The composition of the soil

For landing or transplanting, dendrobium Nobile requires soil, well conductive air and water. The basis of such a mixture is the pine bark of the middle fraction. In her, you can add chopped moss, coconut fiber. Be sure to include pieces of coal in the substrate, they will prevent soil watering.

Also consider the illumination factor.

  • if the plant is located on the southern window, then the mixture can add more moss - it holds moisture longer;
  • on the northern window, on the contrary, the mixture should "breathe" - in a pine borer it is better to add small pieces of foam.

In which pot relocate the plant

Dendrobium Nobile is a rather big plant, especially adult specimens. Therefore, it is better to choose a clay capacity with good drainage holes.

Before landing, the clay container needs to be prepared: rolling in the oven, let cool and soak in clean water for 2 hours.

Now there are a lot of special orchid pots from ceramics, which have holes and on the walls, which significantly improves gas exchange in the root system. Size The pot must correspond to the size of the root system and only 2 cm exceed the diameter of the previous one.

How to transplant: Step by step process description

  1. With the root system of the plant completely remove the old soil. If it is difficult to do, the pot with a plant is soaked in water, and then the swollen substrate is very easily removed.
  2. Inspect the roots, remove damaged or broken. The wounds are definitely sprinkled with thustenance coal and leave for several hours in the air so that the damaged places dried.
  3. At this time, the drainage is poured into a new container with a large layer, and from above by about 2-3-centimeter substrate layer. It is better to lay a slide so that it was more convenient to place the roots.
  4. Orchid set exactly to the center of the dishes, the remaining substrate add on the sides. The pseudobulb does not plunge.
  5. If the plant needs to be supported, it must be installed and consolidated orchid on it.
  6. The transplanted plant is sent to the titled place with a temperature of 20 ° C.
  7. After 2-3 days of adaptation, if there was no strong damage to the root system, orchid can be pouring.

Derdrobium Nobile is grown not only in pots. Orchids placed very well placed on the block.The block is called the material to which the plant can be attached. To do this, you can use a bark of pine or cork oak, a block of a tree fern. Recently, such a planting method is becoming increasingly popular.

Video: Doddrobium fed - you can and transplant

What to do with the care of orchid at home

The care of the dendrobium nobile is not so complicated as for some other types of orchids, but the plant requires accurately comply with the basic rules.

Live and bloom orchid will be with proper watering

First, let's talk about the quality of the liquid. Water must be soft, filtered. You can use boiled and cooled. Its temperatures should be several degrees above room.

In each apartment, its microclimate, therefore, under different conditions, it is impossible to establish clear rules of irrigation: the flower descend should be focused on the level of illumination and the temperature of its dwelling. The hotter, the generous to be watering, and, on the contrary, the intensity of moistening decreases with a decrease in temperature.

Spring and summer watering is distinguished by abundance, but not frequency. The filling pot of the bark should be completely dryed before the next moisture. In winter, watered very carefully to avoid rotting roots.

The ideal method of moisturizing is still the immersion method, when the pot with a plant is immersed on 1/3 in the water capacity, so that the roots and the substrate have a pretty well, then give a track of excess moisture.

Many flower flowers are recommended to regularly bathe orchid under the hot shower, the temperature of which is from 40 to 45 ° C. This procedure not only cleans the leaves, helping to improve gas exchange in tissues, but also stimulates flowering. Be sure after the soul, blot water in the sinuses of the leaves to avoid bothering.

How much you need to fertilize

Since the orchid grows in the poor soil, it is necessary to fertilize it, but only at a certain time. The feeding begins in the spring, when the active growth of the flower is resumed, and continues during flowering. You never need to forget how much and what you need a dendrobium nobile feeding. Use only fertilizers intended for orchids. Their norm decreases half of the indicated in the instructions. The feeders are made at every 3rd watering. There will be no extraordinary feeding of a strongly divorced fertilizer. Alternating these methods, you will help the plant as much as possible nutrients.

Doddrobium Nobile has one feature. In the spring, not only the kidneys of growth, but also florals wake up. The passion for nitrogen fertilizers will lead to the formation of a large number of children, the flowering can not be waited. Therefore, when the sprouts reach almost half of its size, refuse nitrogen-containing feeders in favor of which phosphorus is included.

Video: How not to fertilize the plant

Preparation for flowering

Flowers dendrobium Nobile at different times of the year, this is due to the incredible amount of hybrid forms. The period of flowering takes a month, sometimes a little more. Its duration directly depends on the air temperature of the room, which contains a plant. What it is higher, the sooner the orchids will flash. The perfect temperature in flowering - 18 C.

Sometimes orchid refuses to bloom. Why? It happens if you do not pay attention to the requirements of the plant to the content conditions. If you observe the correct combination of lighting parameters, temperature and irrigation, then there will be no problems with the development of floral kidney.

  1. From spring lighting should be as bright as possible.
  2. Temperature in the day within 25 s and not higher, at night by 3-5 with below, otherwise the flower kidneys are rejected into growth.
  3. Watering abundant, with good drying of the substrate.
  4. Do not overdo the fertilizer. Increased concentration can harm roots.

After flowering, all the blooms are removed. If you have a change in transplant, make it. A few days after the transplantation do not water orchid to prevent the possible development of rot on the roots.

And the main thing - after flowering for orchids, the period of rest must be taken.

Old yellowed pseudobulb do not rush to delete. They will serve me for young growing shoots. Cut them only after they are dry. Do not forget to sprinkle the place of the cut with pushed coal.

To the dendrobium Nobile actively bloom, he needs a lot of light

Video: makes bloom orchid careful care

How to care when the rest period has come

Dendrobium Nobile - a cyclical plant. It is necessary to create orchids such conditions so that it passes all the cycles of its development provided for by nature. The rest period is very important for the flower. It is at this time that he accumulates strength, begins to prepare for the next flowering.

In our climatic conditions, Dendrobium Nobile goes to winter peace forced. This is due to reduced lighting intensity.

  1. The plant must be taken into room with a daily temperature of 15 - 16 s, night - 10 - 12 C.
  2. Watering stops. If the pseudobulb began to be frown, you can slightly spray the substrate and leaves.
  3. Specially maintaining the moisture around the plant during this period is not necessary.
  4. After 2-3 weeks, floral kidneys should appear in the pseudobulb intersdes.

After flowering orchid should relax

Table: seasonal orchid requirements noble to content conditions

Table: The most frequent care errors, their elimination

Error As manifest Elimination
Dry brown spots
on leaves
SunburnDo not allow, after spraying the leaves are exposed to direct sunlight (especially through window glass). You need to teach orchid to the Sun gradually
Witting, disgusting
spots on the leaves
Spraying at low temperaturesRefuse spraying if the air temperature is below 20 ° C. In such conditions, moisture is very
slowly evaporates, and conditions are created favorable for the development of gray rot
Lower leaves yellow and
fall, while orchid
looks healthy
Natural process of aging sheet platesDo not worry: Leaf lives no more than 2 years
Foundation of sheet
Water getting into leafy sinusesAfter spraying and soul, remove the water from the fastener of the leaves
Dendrobium refuses
Not enough light.
Not observed resting period
Dendrobium Nobile - the most light-minded orchids. Without sufficient lighting and resting period, the plant will not bloom

Table: Diseases and pests characteristic of dendrobium nobile

The best prevention of dendrobium nobile against diseases and pests is the right departure.

Diseases I.
Symptoms Treatment measures Prevention
Root roots and stem -
fungal disease
caused by frequent
the overwhelming of soil
The plant looks downstream. Leaves and pseudobulb are covered with wet brown spots.The plant needs an urgent transplant. Remove the old substrate. Cut damaged areas of roots and leaves.
Pour wounds and healthy roots with pushed coal and dry. If the defeat was strongly affected by orchid, the plant should be treated with a biofungicide of mycosan. Place a new soil. Do not water a couple of weeks.
Adjust the irrigation schedule, given the conditions in which the orchid is growing. Water only after the complete drying of the soil.
TripsesLittle winged insects are located on the bottom of the leaves. Damaged leaves will boil and fall. The edges of flower petals look desired.Actory insecticide solution (4 g per 5 liters of water) spray orchid. If the plant is strongly infected, after 2 weeks you should repeat the processing. You can apply accuters (2 ml by 2 liters) of water. With a slight lesion, there will be enough 1 spraying, with a strong - repeated 15 days. The drug is toxic, it is necessary to apply individual means of protection. Preparations can be alternate.From insect leaves are purified by a napkin moistened in a soap solution, which has an antiseptic and disinfecting effect. To regularly bathe orchid under the shower. Spraying plants
tincture of garlic.
AphidThe word can very quickly populate flower. Whole colonies of pests are actively sucking with cellular juice, which is why the orchid leaves are deformed, yellow and die away.
ShieldFood insects are hiding under brown shells. The weakened plant yellow and dry leaves.
Covered leaves and shoots - the main sign of the pest. Piercing leaf, it leaves many small spots, which are then merged into large. The amazed leaves and color pains die away.

Photo Gallery: Recognize pests and illness

Shield on the orchid sheet Website tick powdles young shoots with the finest paw

Methods of breeding

Again the dendrobium Nobile at home is not so easy. There are 3 proven methods to force orchid to give offspring.

Division bush

An adult and healthy orchid dendrobium nobile, which has at least 3 pseudobulb is exposed to this method of reproduction. Since the procedure for the plant is stressful, it is carried out no more than 1 time in 4 years, combining with a transplant. They divide only after the dendrobium Nobile defeated.

  1. Before dividing the bush, the root orchid system needs to be well to drink water so that the roots become flexible and supple.
  2. Remove the plant from the pot, shake the substrate. It is divided by the knife on the part so that each had 2 - 3 pseudo-bulbs with roots.
  3. Slices immediately fall asleep thustenance coal.
  4. Delinki leave for a day in a slightly shaded place to dry out the wounds.
  5. Sit into the appropriate soil and take care the same way as after the transplant.
  6. New plants will bloom the next year.

Why it is better to choose a shilling

This method is considered the easiest.

  1. For drawing, it is necessary to cut off the old pseudobulb to the old pseudobulb without leaves (barrel of plants) and cut it into parts. Each must have at least 1 sleeping kidney.
  2. Cutting places process coal dust.
  3. We put the cuttings into the container filled with wet moss. Cover the package or glass to create inside the greenhouse conditions.
  4. The greenhouse is kept on a bright scattered light, regularly moisturize and ventilate.
  5. The root system is formed after 2 - 3 weeks, and the children themselves grow very quickly.

Reproduction kids

Dendrobium Nobile forms a lot of children, including from the reborn flower kidney.

Try as long as possible to keep babies on the parent plant. It is necessary in order to have grown the root system.

When the processes reach 8 cm of size, they can be carefully separated by a knife from the parent plant.

Cutting places to handle activated carbon.

A day later, independent young plants can be planted into the substrate.

Orchids belong to popular indoor plants, because they are distinguished by an unusual appearance and beautiful blossom. But since the orchid is a resident of the tropics, at home she will need special care.

In this article, we will consider one of the popular species of this culture - the dendrobium orchid, its main varieties and flower care rules.

The dendrobium orchid is a representative of the kind of epiphytes. It is a plant with a height of 40-90 cm. Its stem consists of a pseudobulb of a cylindrical form. It alternately arranged leaves, from the sinuses of which the flowers grow, giving a few fragrant flowers of various colors (Figure 1).

Figure 1. External Features of Addroobium Orchids

This culture is simple in care, so in popularity among all types of room orchids is inferior only to phalaenopsis.

Types of dendrobium orchids

Among the many types of dendrobium are most popular, species as (Figure 2) are most popular:

  • King;
  • Paris;
  • Noble dendrobium;
  • Dendrobium monilform.

Consider more details of each of these species.


Representatives of the species have rigid stems of cylindrical shape, reaching a length of up to 30 cm. Their surface is covered with film bases of the leaves. Small flowers, from white to bright purple shade, collected in a brush on the top of the stem.


A distinctive feature of this species are fleshy stems with a length of 30 to 40 cm with thickening in nodes. Their surface is shrouded with whitish bases of leaves, which have an acute oblong shape with a capped top.

Figure 2. Basic flower varieties: 1 - King, 2 - Paris, 3 - noble, 4 - moniliform

Frameless flowers are carrying lilac or pink flowers, with a diameter of up to 10 cm, a little dark to the ends of the petals.


Dendrobium noble (Nobile) is the most favorite flower view. He is a rather large plant. On his straight fleshy stems are leather leaves of the oblong shape.

Flowerines are formed on last year's endless shoots. They carry on themselves 2-3 flower, whitish-cream at the base and lilac (pink) at the edges. The base of the flower has a dark purple spot.


This species is one of the oldest in culture. It is a miniature similarity of a noble variety. This plant places minimal requirements for the conditions of content.

Note: It does not suffer from direct sunlight and does not need night and daytime temperatures for full bloom.

Its root system is at low in case of incomplete drying of the substrate. That is why the variety of monilform is so popular among hotel lovers. The period of its flowering continues from the end of winter and before the beginning of the autumn. At the same time, each pseudobulb of the plant accounts for 1-2 inflorescences, emitting a light fragrance.

Home care

Care does not represent special difficulties. Its main points are sufficient duration of the daylight, an increased level of humidity, night and daytime ambient temperatures and the obligatory period of rest, lasting since the beginning of November to the end of December (Figure 3).

Flower selection

Culture loves the bright sun. Therefore, choosing a place in the room for this flower, give preference to the eastern, southeast and southwestern windows. But the south-oriented windows should be well sharpened, since the temperature is above +27 degrees, adversely affects the plant. Alternatively, on southern windows, you can contain a dendrobium in the autumn-winter period. When maintained on the northern windows, you will need to organize additional shocking with special lamps in the fall and winter.

As for the temperature regime, the flower feels comfortably at moderate temperatures: during the day + 20 + 26, at night - + 15 + 20 degrees. Such a natural temperature difference stimulates active development, contributes to the laying of flower kidney and ensures abundant flowering.

Figure 3. Basic stages of plant care

In the autumn-winter period, growth is stopped, so the temperature regime is reduced to + 12 + 17 degrees during the daytime and up to + 10 + 13 - at night. In parallel, it is necessary to provide a plant intense light and cut watering to achieve full bloom.

Watering, spraying

Since the plant is an outcomes from wet rainforests, it is necessary to create conditions close to natural. Therefore, in the room with dry air, it is necessary to increase the humidity, spraying the flower with a soft water with an interval in one day. High ambient temperature and insufficient humidity lead to curvature and deformation of leaves.

The frequency of irrigation depends on the time of year. So, in spring and summer, watering is carried out 1 time in 3-4 days, in the fall - 1 time per week, and in winter - only 1 time per month. It should be known that before each other watering the roots of the plant and the substrate must be absolutely dry. Watering is better to produce a potted pot with a plant into a larger capacity, filled with warm water, for 10-15 minutes. Try not to allow water to get into young bouffers not to cause their posting. Before the culture of the culture at its permanent place, excessive moisture must drain through the drainage holes in the pot.

Fucking flower

The feeder is produced during the period of active growth, that is, from April to September. Fertilizers are entered once every 2-4 weeks during irrigation using purchased complex mineral fertilizers intended for orchids.

Change orchid dendrobium

Like other types of orchids, dendrobiums are transplanted once every 2-3 years if necessary. Such a need arises when the roots of the plants are too growing and not placed in a pot, as well as when they are learing or oxidized substrate. The transplant is produced in the spring when the flowering period is over, and the flower itself is actively growing (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Orchid Transplant Methods

An opaque pot is chosen as a fitting capacity, on the bottom of which the drainage layer is placed from large pieces of the cortex. The substrate serves a special mixture of pine bark, foam balls and sfagnum moss. The transplanted plant can be watered after 7-10 days.

Choosing a pot

You can grow the plant in both plastic opaque pots and a block of cork cork or purified coconut. In any case, the container must be a bit cloth so that the plant is secure and tightly held in it.


In the period of active growth, that is, from April to September, fertilizer should be carried out, bringing liquid complex feeding twice a month. It should be aware that the concentration of watering means must be twice as weaker than the concentration specified in the instructions.

In addition, representatives of warm content varieties should be picked up by phosphoric-potassium fertilizers monthly, and the orchids of cold varieties - nitrogen (2-3 times a month).

More information about the care of the dendrobium you will find in the video.

Flowering orchid dendrobium

As a rule, the flowering of this species occurs from mid-winter until the middle of spring, after which the rest period comes. This stage is very important for the plant, because it provides future flowering. Fragrant inflorescences have a variety of color and bloom from 2 to 4 weeks. The insufficient rest period leads to the fact that orchid instead of flowers will release young shoots - kids.

Caring during flowering

To stimulate blossom, which has not come in mid-January, it is recommended to cut irrigation, and the plant itself takes to the brightest place or apply artificial readiness. You can also make a fertilizer containing phosphorus, or make a plating with warm water several times (+ 30 + 35 degrees).

Care after flowering

After the end of blossom, it is necessary to provide orchid a full-fledged period of rest. To do this, remove the blooming, and the plant is transferred to a cool place where it is gradually reduced, and then stop watering. It is important to know that in the conditions of the winters on our latitudes, the dendrobium simply can fall into the hibernation, and not to stay in the period of rest.

Therefore, in winter, although the flower has already been filmed, do not forget to heal it, because the rest period does not mean that the plant does not develop: at this time there is an active growth of its roots and prepare for the growing season.

The dendrobium can be multiplied by both the division of the bush and the hauling method. At home, the second method is most often used (Figure 5).


This method of reproduction implies the compartment of the pseudobulb from the maternal bush and cutting cuttings with a length of 10 cm long. The resulting planting material is stored in tightly blocked polyethylene packages filled with moss-sphagnum, with bright abdomen and ambient temperature + 22 + 25 degrees.

Figure 5. Flower breeding methods: cuttings and bush division

At the same time, packages need to be used every day, and the moss is maintained in a wet state. After the cuttings are empty, they are transplanted into a flower pot. With this method of reproduction, the flowering of orchid occurs after 2-3 years.

Dividing bush

An adult dendrobium bush forms angrowth-kiss stem. When they reach a length of 4-5 cm, and their roots are 3-4 cm, you can proceed to the reproduction of orchids. To do this, cut the babies with a portion of the maternal stem and planted into the prepared nutritional mixture, which can be purchased in a flower shop, or make yourself, finely shook the bark.

Since the roots of the children are very gentle and can be easily injured when landing, it is recommended to pre-hold their 10 minutes in warm water. With the same purpose, the nutritious substrate itself is advised in water for a day. Babies are planted several pieces into small pots.

The author of the video shows how to propagate orchid.

If you have long dream of an orchid on your window, but heard about the capriciousness of these colors, start with the orchid dendrobium Nobile. This exotic beauty is rightfully considered the most unpretentious of orchids.
Observe simple recommendations, and you will enjoy the luxurious and fragrant blossoms of the dendrobium.
How to make the orchid dendrobium bloom 12 weeks in a row?
How to ensure the necessary level of humidity in summer heat?
How to determine when it is better to transplant the dendrobium?

  • What pot is perfect for this epiphyte?
  • Is it true that the night differences of the temperature have a positive effect on the flowering of dendrobiums?
  • What trick with watering will help speed up the flowering of dendrobium?
  • Does the dendrobium need a rest period?
  • What if orchid still fell asleep?
  • What types of Denobium are more simple in care?

Answers to all these questions - in our article.

Listen to an article

Landing and care for dendrobium

  • Bloom: 8-12 weeks.
  • Lighting: Bright diffused light without direct sunlight. The duration of the daylight is at least 12 hours.
  • Temperature: In the period of growth in the day 20-25 ˚C, at night - 16-21 ˚C, in the winter during the day not higher than 20 ˚C, at night not lower than 18 ˚C. Types of cool content prefer in summer day temperatures in the range of 15-18 ˚C, night - about 12 ˚C, in winter, about 12 ˚C, about 8 ˚C at night. The difference between day and night temperatures should be 5-7 degrees.
  • Watering: In the warm season, abundant, in the period of rest is scant.
  • Air humidity: 50-80%. Requires frequent spraying with warm water. In winter, a pot with a plant is recommended to keep on a tray with wet rubble.
  • Feeding: During the period of active growth (from April to September) 2 times a month with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for orchid.
  • People's period: After flowering. Each type has its own time.
  • Transfer: Once every 3-4 years. Spring-flowering species - after flowering, OssennetsNews - with the beginning of the growth of young shoots.
  • Reproduction: Vegetative (division of bush or stalling).
  • Pests: Cellite ticks, trips, shields, milders, whiteflies.
  • Diseases: Root rot, spottedness of leaves, powdery dew, brown rot.

Details about the cultivation of dendrobium Read below

Dendrobium (lat. Dendrobium) - The genus of grassy perennials of the family orchid. Translated from the Greek "Doddrobium" means "living in the tree", which indicates the epiphytic method of existence of a plant, although there are among the types of dendrobium and litphite (living on stone). In nature, the dendrobium flower grows in Japan, in the Philippines, in China, Australia, Oceania, New Zealand and New Guinea and employs more than 1,200 species, which sometimes differ very much not only in the color and shape of flowers and leaves, but also to have blossoms, manner Flowers on the stem and many, many others.

Orchid Doddrobium - Growing Features

This variety of species and differences in their agricultural engineering do not allow to describe the rules of content at home for all dendrobiums, because each type has their own whims, but there are some common demands about which a lover's flower needs to be known:

  • the breeding of dendrobiums is the labor-intensive process;
  • the cultivation of each type should be made according to the rules of the agricultural engineering for this species, otherwise you risk to destroy the flower;
  • of the general rules: Derdrobiums love bright diffused light without direct sunlight;
  • flowers of dendrobium, like any orchid, do not tolerate drafts;
  • derdrobiums in nature do not need resting period.

Care for dendrobium at home


The cultivation of the dendrobium is troublesome, although grateful, but it is important to know how to care for your dendrobium, because they are all so different! For example, under the conditions of the optimal temperature of growing, the dendrobiums are divided into six groups, each of which has its own requirements for the temperature regime. But on average, for thermal-loving species of dendrobium during the growth period, the most comfortable temperature in the summer during the daytime is 20-25 ºC, and at night 16-21 ºC. In winter, the day is not higher than 20 ºC, at night not lower than 18 ºC.

Types of dendrobiums of cool content in the summer during the daytime prefer a temperature of 15-18 ºC, at night about 12 ºC, in the winter day about 12 ºC, at night about 8 ºC.

Most of the types and varieties of the dendrobium prefers good lighting, but without direct sunlight in the afternoon. In general, for normal growth and development, orchids need a twelve-hour day day.

Watering Denrobiuma Not much different from irrigation of other orchids: in the warm time, the substrate is moistened abundantly, but without risk changing the roots of orchids. During rest, the moistening is symbolic. Watering water should be room temperature, purified or at least accumulated.

As for air humidity, humidity optimal for the dendrobium is 50-80%. To achieve such indicators, in the summer it is best to carry out the dendrobium on open air and spray as often as possible, and in the winter to keep the pot with orchid on the pallet with a wet gravel.

Dendrobium Transplantation

Orchid transfers do not like, but since it is necessary to do this once every three or four years, then it is better to have a concept how to transplant the dendrobium. Types blooming in the fall are transplanted with the beginning of the growth of young shoots, and those that bloom in spring - at the end of flowering. Capacity should not be big, and from which it will be the material - the matter of your taste.

Experienced flowers prefer unplaced clay vases, and lovers most often choose plastic translucent.

At the bottom, the pot lay a few heavy pebbles for the stability of a small pot, then poured a drainage layer of crumbs or foam, top-boring a large fraction, then roll out of the old pot into the new dendrobium and add a fresh substrate that is best acquired in a specialized store. Usually, the substrate for the dendrobium is a pine bark, charcoal, coconut chips, moss-sfagnum, but can be limited to one bore.

Fertilizer dendrobium

The denuds of the dendrobium is carried out during the period of active growth, twice a month from April to September with liquid complex fertilizers for orchids. The concentration of feeding should be twice as weaker than the indicated in the instruction, since a stronger concentration can destroy the roots of the plant.

In addition, the general rule for all dendrobiums, types and varieties of warm content should be picked up by phosphoric-potassium fertilizer even in winter, and cold-content dendrobiums are 2-3 times a month with nitric fertilizers.

In the photo: Dendrobium Jenkins

Dentrobium blossom

Care for dendrobium during flowering

Each date of the dendrobium has its own time flowering, and the duration is about 8-12 weeks. Good affects the preparation of the plant to flow the daily and night temperature in 5-7 degrees. In the summer it is a completely natural course of things in nature, but in winter, in heated around the clock ...

To achieve blossoms, the flower flower has such a tricks: do not water orchid until a new increase will appear, but as soon as this growth is pulled out to 2-3 cm and let its own roots, start watering the plant again; when growth will catch up old bouffones, watering to cut to a complete cessation, lower the temperature to 12 ºC (note that it is about such a form, like a dendrobium nobile, and it happens in winter) and not to water until the buds appear to be revealed, otherwise Instead of buds get kids.

In the photo: Dendrobium Falenopsis

Dendrobium after flowering

When the dendrobium blew, watering gradually stop, the blooming is removed, and the flower is transferred to a cool place to rest a little and prepared for new flowering. The difference in the winters in our latitudes from tropical winters can lead to the fact that on our dark winter window sills, the dendrobium simply falls into the hibernation: stop growing and zezted. This, of course, is not deadly for him, but it is better to prevent this.

In winter, when he dawns late, and it darkens early that for dendrobiums is unnatural, use phytolampu for artificial reading of your orchid. Indeed, in nature for the dendrobium, the period of rest is not provided, he does something all the time: the roots grow, then the leaves, then the flower eyes. If, on the autumn, your orchid still fell asleep, let her sleep: stop watering it and remove away from the heat source.

Dendrobium reproduction

The reproduction of the dendrobium division of the bush

The reproduction of the dendrobium at home is carried out only vegetatively - for example, the division of the bush. This is done after the flowering of the dendrobium, simultaneously with the transplant: A large adult bush is removed from the pot, cleaned from the substrate, it is divided into parts, and first the roots of the plant are careful, and then a sharp sterile knife is cut, something that does not displeasure. Each decene must have 2-3 mature boules and as many young Rostov. Slices are powered by rotten coal or processed with garden water.

The reproduction of the dendrobium cuttings

The pseudobulb is separated from the uterine bush, cut on a cutlets with a length of 10 cm, the sections are treated with garden water. Then in polyethylene packs on the fastener fastened with wet moss-sphagnum, each packet is laying 1-2 cuttings, the package is fastened and stored with bright abdomen and temperatures 22-25 ºC, driving daily and maintaining moss in a wet, but not wet state. After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will be empty, and they can be transplanted into the pot. Plant blossom will come in 2-3 years.

Types of dendrobiuma

The species and varieties of the dendrobium great set, and determine which of them are more beautiful, too responsibly. We offer you a choice of several species that seem to flow the most attractive for home cultivation:

Dendrobium Noble (Dendrobium Nobile)

One of the most beautiful species originating from Himalayas and Vietnam. Thick glossy pseudo-bulbs up to 50 cm in length are given on the second year of color pains with one and three large (up to 10 cm), bright, fragrant flowers. Petals in natural species are white with lilge tips, cream lip with a pink edging and a dark purple throat. Hybrid varieties can bloom several times a year.

In the photo: Dendrobium Noble or Nobile (Dendrobium Nobile)

Japanese endemic, a miniature copy of the dendrobium of noble - in height reaches only 15 cm. Not so demanding of care, like other orchids, can be a good experiment for a beginner flower.

In the photo: Dendrobium Moniliforme (Dendrobium Moniliforme)

Doddrobium DenSiflorum (Dendrobium Densiflorum)

Epiphet from Eastern Himalayas. Its thick thoughts of influence-brushes up to 30 cm long are sometimes over 50 fragrant flowers with bright yellow petals and cupboards and yellow-orange, shaggy along the edge of a fringe lip. A variety of this type of dendrobium Thyrsiflorum (Dendrobium Thyrsiflorum) has a white or cream painting of petals.

Dendrobium pleases its attractive appearance and pleasant flavors.

However, so that the lush flowering is repeated regularly, it is worth paying great attention to the care of flowering.

The care for the dendrobium orchid after flowering is required so that the plant can make us happy as soon as possible with their beautiful bloom. On average, this blooms from 8 to 12 weeks and is one of the most popular Orchids. The main condition that should be performed at any scenario is the difference in day and night temperatures.

The orchid dendrobium is very popular among amateur flower products.

After the orchid flowed, first of all follows:

  • Stop
  • Get rid of the old one;
  • Provide a decline in temperature, namely: move the flower in a sharp place. Thus, it will be able to re-prepare for flowering.

The average time for which the soil decomposes is 2-3 years old. How to determine what condition is the soil:

  • Pieces of the cortex unfolded;
  • Soil does not enhance after watering.

In case the orchid lives on your window sill for about a year, after flowering it is necessary take a change. It is worth navigating on the growth of pseudobulb, as soon as they reach 10 cm in height - you can start a transplant.

The right time to transplant orchid - beginning of a new growth. In this case, the flower is much better adapted to new conditions and new soil.

A rather serious call is the state of the root systemif she lacks the place in the old one, it is worthwhile to take a transplant immediately, because This can lead to orchid death.

When to make a planned transplant?

Specialists consider the most favorable time to transplant - start of growth.

The dendrobium orchid should be transplanted during the start of growth.

Before starting the procedure follows stock fresh substrate, new pot and tools for removing the fired root system parts, which must be disinfected.

After removing the flashing orchids, it follows carefully remove old primer. In order to carefully clean the roots of orchids, you should rinse them under warm water.

What to do with the flashing pseudobulby?

Pseudobulb - a stirring body that nuts new shoots, providing favorable conditions for their growth.

Each false bulb blooms only once.

Experienced flowers note that if orchids only have the upper part, under the right departure conditions you can provide blossom On the other part of the plant. Cut the pseudobulb is not recommended, it can harm.

Need to wait not only to complete flowering, but also the moment when start, and the false bulb will begin. Only, in this case, it is recommended to cut the pseudobulb.

Necessary events

Ensuring favorable conditions after flowering - the duty of each orchid owner. To start daily after performing the following stages:

In fact immediately after flowering a plant immersed during rest. At this time, the flower does not need regular irrigation, but the optimal climate must be respected anyway. Caution is also treated with a variety.

Dendrobium loves moisture, especially in the summer-spring period, as well as during the reproduction period. The preferred watering method is immersion.

But this also applies to the hot season, in the period of rest watering it is recommended to minimize. Water the plant only after complete the substrate.

With the right care, the orchid dendrobium will delight you with its flowering.

How it would not sound strange, but in periods of active growth and blossoms, experts recommend refuse.

The main periods when the plant needs feeding - it initial stages of growth and development. Continue feeding before the onset of cold weather.

When a fertilizer is selected, preference should be given to fake with a high nitrogen content during the active growth of the leaves and the roots of the plant, and with high phosphorus and potassium content - before flowing.

Useful video

Look at the video what to do after the flowering of the orchid dendrobium:

Find out on the video, how to care for the dendrobium orchid:

Video instructions, how to make blossoms of dendrobium orchid:

Find out on video how to transplant dendrobium:


Favorable growth and flowering depends on the conditions that should be as close as possible to the natural habitat. Proper content provide dendrobium new bootons Already after a couple of months.

In the family orchid one of the most beautiful is the dendrobium orchid with porcelain lilac. Their beauty of any will stop stopping and freeze from delight. A variety of this orchid has become a genericant with so-like hybrids and varieties that the natural form is almost impossible to meet on sale and home collections. To raise such magic at home, you will have to master some very important tricks for care for exotic beauty.

In nature, the plant lives in wet rainforests and mountainous regions of Indochina, Japan, India, South China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pacific Islands. It grows as epiphytes, attaching roots to the crust of trees, justifying its name - Doddrobium translated from ancient Greek "living in the tree", but there are lithophite types of dendrobium orchids, preferring to settle rocks at an altitude of up to 2 thousand m.

The appearance of the orchid dendrobium is incredibly beautiful. Aromatic, as if wax, flowers with a circle 6-8 cm from light lilac to pink colors are located in 2-4-flower inflorescences on short bluers, appearing from the sinuses of linear lancetonal leaves, reaching the length of 7-10 cm. Front edge of the rolled lip cage Rounded, lateral outlines, as if Ryushiki, wavy.

In natural conditions, the pseudobulby-stems reach significant size - up to 60-90 cm, but room grades and hybrids are much more compact and do not exceed, as a rule, 30-50 cm. In young plants, pseudobulubs are replacing, with age droop and need a backup. Old pseudobulb is changing the color of bright green into yellowish and lean the leaves. Usually in 2-4 years old, they die, forming the "kids" bundle on the top.

Healthy developing dendrobium orchid has white roots covered with a layer of Velen, with orange-red or green tips. If the plant suspends growth, staining the endings of the roots disappears.

Carefully watching its exotic beauty, you can always notice changes in its development, the main thing is to deal with the life cycle and in accordance with it ensure the right care for the dendrobium orchid.

Transplantation and accommodation in the house of the orchid dendrobium

In natural conditions, the plant lives in trees, so the dendrobium is often grown in the blocks at home, taking into account the compliance with the necessary moisture content and temperature. However, it is also familiar to see the plant in ordinary transparent floral tanks for epiphyte orchids filled with composure:

  • pine bark - fractions of various sizes from small to large;
  • moss-Safagnum;
  • foam chips.

The division of the bush is produced simultaneously with the transplantation after the flow of orchid. The plant is removed from the old pot, released from the substrate used. Rhizome is divided into parts in such a way that each decene consists of 2-3 mature pseudobulb-stems and so many new shoots. In the location of the roots of the roots, the sections are powered by a crowned coal in order to avoid fungal infection. Dellets are searched in separate pots in compliance with the basic rules of landing orchids-epiphytes.

Baby reproduction is the easiest and most common method used by floweries. Children carefully cut off from the parent plant with a sterile knife and are placed in a wet moss to grow up the sprout itself and its root system.

The dendrobium orchid is breeding and stalling. For this, a healthy pseudobulb is cut into several cuttings and put them in a fastening polyethylene package, filled with wet, but not wet moss. It contains in a warm place, regularly ventilate, follow the moss not satisfied. Soon new sprouts appear. After the formation of their root system, they transplanted in for dendrobium orchids. Plants grown by vegetative reproduction bloom, as a rule, for 2-3 years.

Children orchid dendrobium

Possible problems in development

Due to excessive moisturizing the substrate, the plant is often subjected to fungal infections causing the root system and pseudobulb. In such cases, orchid is trying to save emergency replancing in a fresh substrate, the affected areas are removed, and the remaining treated with fungicide.

As a result of errors associated with the care of the dendrobium orchid, the following phenomena are possible:

  • pseudobulb wrinkles - young sprouts feed on their account until the root system is sufficient for independent development;
  • instead of floweros, children are formed - the period of rest is not complied with;
  • the lack of colors is associated with a lack of lighting or improper care during the rest of the orchid;
  • the dedication of the lower leaves is a natural process for mature pains during or after flowering, and the loss of the upper leaves is associated, as a rule, with any disease;
  • yellow or brownish pseudobulb testifies to the presence of a disease or she dies;
  • too thin young shoots, reaching a certain growth, thicken and look familiar to the orchids of this species.


Dendrobium is an incredibly beautiful orchid, having many varieties and hybrids, not similar to each other thanks to all sorts of colors of the whites. Its cultivation at home to some extent seems difficult even an orchiev with experience - the need for constant control of humidity levels, temperature and lighting is affected. However, if you correctly comply with all the rules

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