Japanese purple maple. Growing and propagating Japanese maple at home

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Japanese maple is a perennial ornamental tree grown in the Land of the Rising Sun. Large lobed leaves in summer green color, and in autumn their color changes to an unusual red. You will rarely meet him in our latitudes. But when you see this tree, you will not resist the temptation to have it in your garden or in your summer cottage.

Maple attracts attention with its unique look. In order for it to please you for a long time, you must carefully study the recommendations for growing and caring for a tree.

tree appearance

At this time, there are about a hundred species of Japanese maple. The huge variety of this plant will allow you to choose the look you like, ideal for your landscape design. The height of the tree varies from two to ten meters. The leaves come in different colors: purple, green, pink, yellow, and more unusual colors can be found. For example, the Chinese maple, aka Bonsai, has blue, white, blue leaf colors.

The tree has a large wide crown, a bit like a palm tree. This is surprising beautiful tree. With its bright foliage, it uplifts the mood and inspires creativity.

Much to our regret, in the northern regions, growing Japanese maple outdoors will not be easy, but if you plant a tree in a large container, which in winter time can be brought into the house or utility room, you will have the opportunity to grow a gorgeous plant.

When purchasing a seedling, it should be remembered that planting and caring for it will require careful preparation. It depends on this process whether the tree will have the desired leaf color.

Planting and care must strictly comply with the growing instructions. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be able to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

The ideal place for the Japanese maple is partial shade, as under the bright rays of the sun the leaves can get burned. The soil for planting must be drained.

The Japanese plant loves slightly acidic soil filled with humus. To make it strong, the ground around it needs to be fertilized once a month in spring and summer; in winter, top dressing is not done.

In the case when the seedling is planted in fertile land, one top dressing will be enough for a whole year. If the soil is poor, then the tree needs to be fertilized a second time in the summer and only until August; after this, fertilizers cannot be applied to the soil, since the plant needs preparation for winter.

The Japanese tree loves water very much.. A young seedling must not only be watered, but also provided with a large amount of water. In summer, it is watered once every seven days, in the cold season - once a month. When finished watering, tear out all weed grass and loosen the ground around the tree so that the soil is not very compacted. With poor-quality watering, the tree grows very slowly.

The method of planting a maple seedling is simple, you just need to remember a few rules. For a proper fit Japanese tree need to prepare in advance:

  • healthy seedling;
  • peat and compost for soil fertilization.

The dimensions of the pit should be twice the span of the roots of the seedling. Before planting the tree, carefully untangle the roots. Lower the peat and compost into a dug hole, then carefully immerse the seedling and cover it with earth from above, lightly tamping.

Make bumpers around the seedling, this will retain moisture. Fill well with water root system accepted faster. In hot weather, water the maple more often and plentifully. It is very important that the maple roots receive moisture in full, otherwise the leaves from its lack will have an unattractive brown color. The tree does not like lime: if the roots come into contact with it, the maple will shed its leaves.

Spread a mulch layer of soil on top, mixed with rotten leaves. This is an excellent weed protection, and moisture will linger well in the root circle.

Care and planting are individual for each type of plant. Many of them prefer the sun, but at the same time they do not like direct sultry rays. This does not apply to those trees that have double coloration on their leaves - they prefer shade. Keep in mind:

In the case when the crown of the tree becomes very dense and its appearance not so attractive anymore, you need to trim. This is done as soon as the tree sheds foliage. This will restore transparency to the crown and save the plant from getting a fungal infection.

Collecting and planting seeds

Japanese maple is propagated by seeds that are collected in the month of October. They are stratified in preparation for planting. Then laid out in sandy dry soil, stored in a cool room.

In early spring planting material treated with a growth stimulator and sown in special containers. Over the summer, the seedlings grow well, after which they are sorted, leaving tall and strong shoots. Seedlings grown from seeds should remain indoors in their containers for their first winter. Then they are transplanted into pots, each separately. When the plants grow, they are planted in open ground.

Many people in modern world find time to maintain their garden. In it they grow vegetables, fruits, flowers and many others. exotic plants. The Japanese maple belongs to the latter category. We will teach you how to choose the right one. Let's talk about the rules of landing and various types decorative tree.

General characteristics

Today there are about 100 types of wood. The plant is easy to recognize by the following criteria:

  • bush or tree with foliage;
  • height can be from 2 to 10 meters, depending on the variety;
  • leaves of a small size of a bright shade;
  • acceptable colors: green, yellow, fiery red, pink;
  • leaf shape resembles a palm tree;
  • during flowering, small flowers are formed.

Japanese maple is suitable for people who love the autumn mood and its exuberant colors. There are many varieties of such a tree, it is worth mentioning separately some important varieties.

To the store

We will bring you the most unique and amazing trees that you will find in a store or nursery.

  1. "Aconitifolium" . Foliage is bright green from spring to late summer. In autumn, the shade of the tree is yellow-orange. The shape of the leaves resembles deep lobes.
  2. Aureum . This is a variety of finger maple. The crown has a bright yellow tint. The shape of the leaves resembles finely indented blades. Among these representatives there are trees with colored bark.
  3. "Atropurpurreum" . The shape of the leaves is the same as in the previous variety. Preferably different from all other types of its colors. Throughout the season, the crown changes from bright red to black-purple.
  4. "dissectum" . The leaves have a semicircular flattened shape. Their color is most often red-purple.

On this variety ornamental trees do not end. You can choose a plant according to your taste preferences, which will harmoniously fit into the landscape of the garden plot.

Why is it needed?

The Japanese Maple is easy to plant and care for and looks great in the following locations:

  • pond;
  • rock garden;
  • lawn near the house or terrace;
  • front garden.

Professional garden designers grow trees on the roofs of buildings. You can beautifully and originally plant it in separate wooden barrels or tubs. If you are a fan of the bonsai style, then it is Japanese maple seedlings that are used to compose plant compositions. Let's move on to the next important step.


The procedure is simple, but requires special knowledge. Planting a Japanese maple requires necessary materials. To do this, prepare:

  • tree seedlings;
  • compost;
  • peat.

Landing is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dig a hole. It should be twice as deep and wide as the root of the tree.
  2. If you bought a ready-made plant cutting, then free it from the pot. Unravel the roots and loosen the soil before planting.
  3. Add pre-prepared compost and peat to the pit.
  4. Bury the plant.
  5. Make a depression around the bush, which is required for convenient watering.
  6. Moisten the tree thoroughly so that the roots take root in the new soil more quickly.
  7. The next spring after planting, add a layer of mulch under the tree. It should consist of earth with rotten leaves.
  8. If the summer is too hot, then the bush needs to be watered more often.

In order for the plant to take root well and quickly, you need to prepare the right place.

Where to plant?

The Japanese maple will develop into perfect location, which must meet the following criteria:

  1. If you are planting a finger variety, then prepare a shade for it. For everyone else, the sunny side is suitable.
  2. The soil must be permeable. If the tree will not come right amount moisture, the leaves will turn brown.
  3. The place where the maple should grow should not be treated with lime. After contact with the substance, the leaves begin to fall off the bush.

Now you know where and how to plant Japanese maple. Grooming is the next stage in growing an ornamental plant.

We save correctly

The basic care of the plant includes the following items, the implementation of which is mandatory:

  1. Although the tree loves well-moistened soil, it should not be constantly wet. This can rot the roots.
  2. If your site is small, no problem. The bush can take root on any plot of land, the lighting of which may not be suitable for the variety.
  3. Maples are not afraid of drafts.
  4. Trees need to be pruned every spring. This procedure in the first years of a plant's life will help it gain correct form. In the subsequent period, you can simply remove dry and diseased branches.
  5. Once a month you need to carry out additional watering. About 15 liters of water per root.
  6. In August, it is recommended to stop all feeding.

Remember! Additional watering in no way cancels on-demand humidification.

The quality of the tree will directly depend on the seed.

How to buy?

If you decide to add a touch of brightness and originality to your garden, then you should choose Japanese maple. Seeds can be purchased at specialized stores or ordered from a catalog. In this case, no one will give a guarantee that you can grow. It is better to make a purchase in nurseries and purchase ready-made seedlings. To do this, you are provided with the following recommendations:

  1. Examine the plant. It must be healthy. It is better if the bush is sold in a pot or container.
  2. Make a purchase in early spring or in the fall so that the plant can be planted immediately.
  3. Do not purchase a tree in the summer. It is not recommended to plant it during this period, because the plant does not take root well due to drought.

Few people know, but Japanese maple can be grown not only in open ground. This is ideal for home conditions.

indoor tree

At home, a special dwarf variety is grown. Japanese maple on the windowsill has a positive effect on the apartment. Namely:

  • humidifies the air;
  • increases the amount of oxygen in your apartment;
  • from spring to autumn will delight with its flowering.

Despite the fact that the plant is easy to plant and care for, it is constantly attacked by various pests, for example:

  • whitefly;
  • spider mite;

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, use this solution: dissolve 1 mg of decis in a liter of water. Mix thoroughly and spray your Japanese dwarf maple with it.

room care

The procedure should include the following:

  • thorough watering from spring to late autumn;
  • in winter, it is better to reduce the moisture content of a plant in a pot by half;
  • tree fertilization with complex preparations is allowed;
  • transplant the plant into a larger container every two years.

You have met outdoor and indoor Japanese maple. Now you can grow in your garden decorative ornament, for which you can take care of according to all the recommendations.

(Acer Ginnala)

Ginnala Maple is a small deciduous tree or large shrub. It grows quickly, winter-hardy, photophilous, when planted in shaded places it loses its decorative effect, tolerates transplantation and city conditions well. Gives abundant growth. Prefers fertile soil. Photophilous. Frost-resistant. Handles shearing well. Beautiful ornamental plant, suitable for group and single plantings, creating bright, hedges, landscaping the banks of reservoirs, edge plantings. Looks good in combination with a snowberry, dogwood, sucker, against the background conifers.

(Acer palmatum)

Maple fan - shrub or small tree with very graceful carved leaves. Grows slowly. Demanding on soil fertility. Photophilous. It is exacting to moistening of the soil and air. In frosty winters, without shelter, it can freeze over. In terms of brightness and elegance of leaves in spring and autumn, it can successfully compete with the most exquisite flowers. It is used in group and single plantings in protected corners of squares and parks, near paths.

(Acer palmatum Atropurpureum)

Palm-shaped maple Atropurpureum is a bright large shrub or small tree. The leaves are initially bright red, later dark red. Slow growing. With age, it grows faster in width than in height. Demanding on soil fertility. Photophilous. It is exacting to moistening of the soil and air. In frosty winters, without shelter, it can freeze over. It is used in group and single plantings in protected corners of squares and parks, near paths.

(Acer palmatum Bloodgood)

Bloodgud palm-shaped maple is a shrub or small tree of very beautiful shape, up to 3-4 m high. It grows slowly. Requires fertile humus, sufficiently moist soils. Sun-loving, but tolerates partially shaded landing sites. Moisture demanding. Frost resistance is average. It is advisable to cover for the winter, especially young specimens. Highly ornamental variety for small gardens and container plantings.

(Acer palmatum Discectum)

Maple palmate Discectum - shrub with filigree, cut leaves. Grows slowly. Requires fertile humus, sufficiently moist soils. Sun-loving, but tolerates partially shaded landing sites. Moisture demanding. Frost resistance is average. It is advisable to cover for the winter. Looks great in group and single plantings.

(Acer rubrum)

Red maple is a large deciduous tree with a fast growth rate. It is undemanding to soils, does not tolerate stagnant waters. It has high frost resistance. It is decorative with a dense, strong crown, deep-grooved foliage, large acorns, and autumn leaf color. Excellent in alley plantings, as a tapeworm and in large decorative groups.

(Acer rubrum Red Sunset)

Red Sunset Maple is a small, fast growing tree with a conical, regular crown that becomes more rounded and well branched with age. Prefers moist soils, but also grows in dry ones, does not tolerate compacted soils. Photophilous, frost-resistant. Suffering from heat. This plant is impossible not to notice in autumn, its foliage acquires a fiery color. It is used in single and avenue plantings.

(Acer pseudoplatanus Brilliantissimum)

Maple false plane tree Brilliantissimum is a medium-sized tree with a rounded conical crown. It has very decorative foliage: golden yellow on emergence, then light yellow with a pinkish tint, and finally dark green in late summer and autumn. Refers to rocks that improve the soil. Gives a lot of nectar, a good honey plant. Prefers fertile, moderately moist soil. Does not tolerate salinity. Sun-loving. Young shoots may freeze slightly, but recover quickly. A valuable variety for urban plantings and small gardens.

(Acer platanoides)

Norway maple is the most common species for landscape gardening in Russia. Large size, beautiful dense crown, slender trunk, very ornamental foliage - the most valuable qualities. It is quite demanding on soil fertility and moisture. Shade-tolerant. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Winter-hardy. It is used in single and alley plantings, large decorative groups. The colorful autumn attire of Norway maple stands out in contrast against the background of conifers.

(Acer platanoides Deborah)

Norway Maple Deborah is a medium-sized tree with a dense rounded crown and bright reddish-purple leaves in spring that change color to bronze-green in summer and become yellow-orange or bronze in autumn. Light-requiring, but grows well in partial shade. Drought tolerant. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Winter-hardy. In severe winters, young shoots can be damaged. Prefers fertile, well-drained soil. Good resistance to air pollution, so it grows well in urban environments. It is used for single and group plantings, creating alleys and tree and shrub groups.

(Acer platanoides Drummondii)

Norway maple Drummondi has surprisingly delicate leaves bordered with a white uneven stripe. Even in the shade, it illuminates and enlarges the space, making it airy and light. The growth rate is quite fast. Photophilous. Shade-tolerant, but in shady places it loses its decorative effect. Does not tolerate drought. It is winter-hardy, but in severe winters freezing of annual shoots is possible. It is used as an ordinary, in groups, alleys. It tolerates urban conditions well.

(Acer platanoides Crimson Sentry)

The Crimson Sentry Norway Maple is a columnar tree with bright purple leaves that can be a real eye-catcher in any garden. It is the most compact of all the red Norway maples. It is not picky about the soil, it can grow even on heavy clays, but it prefers fertile, loose, sufficiently moist. Light-requiring, but can grow in partial shade. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Frost-resistant. Ideal for creating bright and large spots in tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer platanoides Royal Red)

Norway maple Royal Red is a low deciduous tree with a pyramidal crown. The leaves are large and red. The variety is widely used in landscape compositions. Demanding on soil fertility. Does not tolerate salinity, suffers from soil compaction. Light-requiring, but tolerates partial shade. Demanding on soil moisture, does not tolerate drought, stagnant water. It has high frost resistance, but in severe winters freezing of annual shoots is possible. It is used in single and group plantings, large tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer platanoides Faassens Black)

Norway Maple Fassens Black is a large deciduous tree with a showy crown. Leaves are light red to purplish purple. AT young age grows rapidly, growth slows down over time. Endures everything fertile soils, from slightly acidic to alkaline, suffers from too wet marshy peatlands. Light-requiring, in the shade the decorative effect of the leaves is lost. Does not tolerate moisture stagnation. It has high frost resistance. It is used in single and group plantings, large tree and shrub compositions.

(Acer campestre Nanum)

Maple field Nanum - slow-growing tree with a dense spherical crown. Most often grown in standard form. The leaves are deep green, turning yellow in autumn. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture and salinity. Frost-resistant. It is highly resistant to diseases and pests. It tolerates urban conditions well, even in dry hot summers it does not lose leaves. Recommended for urban landscaping, planting on streets, squares, in small gardens.

(Acer saccharinum)

Silver maple is a large tree with graceful carved leaves. Blooms before the leaves open. The growth rate is fast. Prefers fertile, well-drained soils. Shade tolerant, but better development reaches in sunny places. Tolerates short-term soil drought and temporary flooding. It has high winter hardiness. Beautiful during the entire growing season in the form of a crown. It is especially beautiful during the autumn coloring of the leaves. Used in single and group plantings.

(Acer tataricum)

Tatar maple is a large shrub or small tree. Grows moderately fast. Tolerates soil salinity. Drought tolerant. Frost-resistant. Handles haircut well. Resistant to urban conditions Used in single and group plantings, hedges and as undergrowth.

(Acer freemanii Autumn Blaze)

Freeman Maple Autumn Blaze is a hybrid of red and silver maples with an oval crown in orange red and red tones. Doesn't bloom. The growth rate is fast. Prefers moist and fertile soils, but generally not picky. Can withstand temporary flooding and excessive moisture. Resistant to urban conditions. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant. Resistant to diseases and pests. It is used in parks, squares, individual gardens as a fast-growing shady tree. It is very beautiful during leaf fall with its fiery leaves.

(Acer negundo Flamingo)

Ash-leaved maple Flamingo - a tree or shrub with a wide crown and brittle branches, grows rapidly. It tolerates shaping and shearing well. Flamingo - a low form with elegant leaves: green, with pinkish-white borders and stripes. Undemanding, prefers well-moistened and drained soils. Photophilous. It is not picky about moisture. Frost-resistant. It is used in single plantings, decorative groups, hedges.


Japanese maples

We are accustomed to seeing in parks and forests - a typical example of the vegetation of European latitudes. The description of such a tree as the Japanese maple is somewhat different from the usual one. Here the name speaks for itself, the plant really comes from the Land of the Rising Sun.

Did you know? Japanese maple is still found on the territory Russian Federation- in the Sakhalin region, but extremely rare. It is for this reason that the plant is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

A blooming guest from Japan looks very beautiful. The inflorescences are bright, have a purple-red color. They appear in April.

The plant, thanks to its “design”, looks spectacular even in winter.

Popular types and varieties

Under the term "Japanese maple" usually refers to three types of wood: fan, Shirasawa and directly Japanese. Their differences are not so significant, but extremely important for choosing the “right” plant in gardening.

The legendary fan or palm-shaped maple got its name due to the special structure of the leaves, which can become the “highlight” of any park. It is shaped like an open hand or a lace fan and turns bright scarlet in June. The height of the palm-shaped tree does not exceed two meters.
To this species include many varieties of plants, but the most popular are the following:

Not the most common, but attracting admiring glances shirasawa maple has a huge range of colors: from bright yellow to burgundy red. Unlike other species, can grow enough large sizes: up to 15 m high and trunk up to 60 cm in diameter.
Japanese maple and its variety "Dissectum Nigrum" are very popular, the black and red foliage of which is in perfect harmony with the green lawns of many landscapes.

Good selection of seedlings

Since the plant is quite expensive, then the choice of seedlings must be approached carefully. Decide on a variety of Japanese maple: if you have large plot for cultivation, then you can safely stop at large trees (for example, Shirasawa maple), in the case of a limited area, it is better to buy shrubs.

Seedling recommended to buy in a container, since in this case the landing and further care behind the Japanese maple will be easier and safer. In addition, the likelihood that the tree will take root is higher, since it will be in its “native” soil and its root system will not suffer during planting.

Important! The seedling of the plant must be “young”, a tree up to a year old is ideal for planting.

It is worth buying maple in a special store. It must have a fresh healthy appearance, without wilted leaves or some damage.

Where to plant

Many people are afraid to acquire a representative of the Japanese flora, considering this plant to be capricious and unsuitable for our latitudes. This is not so, growing Japanese red maple at home is possible, but there are still some nuances when choosing a planting site.
First, choose a location where the soil will be sufficiently moist. On the other hand, be careful not to a large number stagnant moisture, the plant does not like this.

Secondly, your handsome man will feel best in cozy and sheltered from the wind. He is not particularly afraid of drafts, but still in a quiet corner it will grow much faster.

There are no special requirements for lighting. Of course, absolutely better dark place do not plant. Remember that light is very necessary for the natural processes of photosynthesis. In addition to this, a variety of maple colors will play brighter.

And lastly, do not forget about the "neighbors" of this beautiful plant. It is not recommended to plant other large ones nearby. This will “steal” the light from the maple, and the site will be overloaded, the maple will get lost between large branches. In addition, the crown must have enough space for growth and development. by the most profitable option there will be flowers next to the Japanese maple. Look good, and.

Landing Rules

Planting a Japanese maple is an easy process, so there shouldn't be much difficulty. The main thing is to provide the tree with good conditions, as close as possible to its native latitudes.

Soil preparation

As noted earlier, maple loves moisture, but not "stagnant water". That's why experienced gardeners it is advised to take care of for its root system (small, screenings). the seedling stands often, but not too abundantly.

Almost any is suitable, for trees a high content is natural. The only exception is too alkaline. The soil must be When disembarking, it is recommended to feed it.

Scheme and technology

The technology of growing a tree is simple. It includes two stages, in the case of growing Japanese maple from seed.
Seeds are germinated in a standard way, as usual. They are soaked for 2-3 hours. After that, they choose a diameter of 10–15 cm and a height of 10–20 cm. Make small holes in the ground, spread the seeds separately from each other to a depth of 4–5 cm and sprinkle with a layer of soil. Then slightly moisten and put in a warm place where there are no direct rays. For greenhouse effect it is better to cover the container and let the seedlings "breathe" once a day.

When the maple sprouts and leaves begin to appear on it, it can be planted in a permanent place.

The scheme is as follows:

  1. A hole is made up to 30 cm deep.
  2. Sand and drainage are laid out at the bottom of the recess (4–5 cm thick).
  3. The soil is moistened.
  4. The tree is carefully removed from the container and placed in the hole.
  5. Sprinkle with earth mixed with.
  6. Water the seedling and spray the leaves with a little water.

After some time, it will be possible to propagate maple with fresh seeds. Vegetative propagation hardly practiced because it is ineffective.

Features of caring for Japanese maple

Caring for a Japanese is important. It includes regular watering, top dressing and, if desired, the creation of a crown shape - branches in the first years of the plant's life.

Soil care and watering

Frequency and need for depends on climatic conditions territory, soil moisture. On average, it costs the soil in a day or two, making sure that there is enough water. Usually in hot weather, maple requires not only more abundant, but also its foliage. In the rainy season, additional moisture should not be given. If you deprive the tree of attention, then the leaves may begin to dry or even fall off.

And they are still producing. It consists in sprinkling the soil around the tree with bark. This protects the root system from drying out in summer and freezing in winter.

The Land of the Rising Sun gave the world incredible variety and beauty of Japanese maples. Once you see them, you will certainly want to complete the picture of the garden with a watercolor touch of exquisite oriental beauty. Moreover, planting and caring for maple will not cause much trouble.

Species and varieties

The genus of maples today has more than a hundred species and thousands of varieties. The category of Japanese representatives includes 2 deciduous species:

Attention! Japanese maples in natural conditions are found on the territory of the Sakhalin region, and because of their scarcity are listed in the Red Book.

The most attractive varieties for the garden are:

  • A. japonicum aconitifolium (aconitifolium) - a tree-like shrub, which is decorated with large, deeply dissected leaves of fiery orange, burgundy and yellow hues;

A. japonicum aconitifolium

  • A. japonicum vitifolium (vine-leaved) - characterized by slow growth and picturesque round-fan-shaped foliage, pouring bright crimson by autumn;

A. japonicum vitifolium

  • A. palmatum sangokaku (coral-barked maple) - in addition to decorative deeply carved leaves with a pink border, it surprises with spectacular coral-red bark;

A. palmatum sangokaku

  • A. palmatum Garnet is a small graceful tree with openwork leaves and low hanging branches. Thin-lobed leaves change color from rich red to dark purple with a transition to rich crimson;

A. palmatum Garnet

  • A. palmatum Katsura is a compact cultivar that produces purple-red flowers in early spring. The leaves in spring are yellowish with a edging of a more saturated brick shade. At the height of summer, the maple changes color to an unremarkable green, and by autumn it is filled with orange;

A. palmatum Katsura

  • A. palmatum Butterfly - flaunts 5-lobed silver-green foliage, which sometimes twists coquettishly. In the spring, pinkish touches can be seen, and in the autumn, a rich purple takes the place of a silvery hue.

A. palmatum Butterfly

Outdoor cultivation

In order for a truly spectacular handsome maple to grow on your site, you need to choose the right seedling in the garden center. It is best if the young plant is in a container with a protected root system. In addition, the chances of the seedling to take root in a new place will increase, because. he will land along with the "native" soil. best time spring and autumn are considered for planting a tree.

The soil in the area where the young maple will be planted should be fertile, without stagnant water. If you are unsure about standing water, it is best to use drainage when planting.

Advice. In order for all the beauty of the foliage to fully manifest itself, it is better to plant a Japanese maple in a sunny place.

When growing, it is necessary to take into account the fact that maple can withstand frosts down to -20°C. At lower temperatures, the tree will need shelter. In this case, you should choose low-growing varieties of maple.

in spring and autumn periods the plant needs mulching. In the spring, before this procedure, a slow-acting fertilizer should be applied to the near-stem circle. The next will be a layer of peat, and only then the mulch itself (wood chips or bark). Mulching helps retain moisture and protects the roots of a young plant from freezing.

Attention! Maples do not tolerate fast-acting strong fertilizers.

Pests and diseases

At proper care Japanese maples do not get sick and are not afraid of pests. But if the tree is weakened, then the following problems are possible:

  1. The defeat of gall aphids. Visually, red swellings can be seen on the leaves. Moreover, the aphid colony itself is located on the underside of the leaf. The affected areas must be removed, and to fight, use one of the specific drugs or use folk recipes(soap solution, for example).
  2. Maple weevil. This pest prefers Norway maple, but does not disdain Japanese maple either. Beetles gnaw leaves and apical shoots, which significantly reduces the decorativeness of the plant.
  3. Whitefly. Damages young shoots and leaves. The tree not only loses its attractiveness due to the loss of leaf mass and the drying of shoots, but also generally slows down growth.
  4. Fungal diseases. The most common of these diseases is powdery mildew. The mycelium of the fungus disrupts the physiological processes of the plant, which leads to drying and falling of the foliage. In general, the culture decreases resistance to adverse conditions environment. But don't despair - the right methods Japanese exot treatment recovers quickly.

Having given preference to decorate your site Japanese maple you can't go wrong with your choice. On gloomy autumn days showy plant will delight you and your guests with a picturesque outfit.

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