Maple Faurity Atropuraum Landing and Care. Japanese Maple - Growing and Garden Care

Garden technique 06.06.2019
Garden technique

Japanese maples are rightfully considered the most decorative and spectacular trees. In the summer and in the fall, they fascinate the beauty of their leaves, and in winter - the unusual structure of the crown, with a great multitude of thin branches.

General information with a description of varieties

TO japanese maples Related Maple Dlanoid (Acer Palmatum), Maple Faure (Dissectum), and Maple Japan (Acer Japonicum), as well as numerous varieties derived based on them by breeders.

As the name follows, the birthplace of Japanese maples is the country of the rising sun. They all differ decorative carved leaves Purple and bright orange colors and shades, and the beautiful structure of the crown.

The dimensions of Japanese maples, depending on the species, are from 2-3 meters to 8 meters in height. Draid maples are tall, and fan - short. Flowers do not differ big sizes, have yellow-green or red, which depends on the variety. Flowers grow the seeds of the winner, which are flying away for distant distances, growing in new trees. Many Japanese maples differ and decorative crown and bark. Due to these features, the tree becomes a real ornament or greenhouse.

In addition to basic varieties there are many hybrid forms derived in Japan. Each of these forms has a name that transmits a variety feature, the main thing is to deal with them correctly.

  • Maple Shirasawanum (Acer Shirasawanum) is one of the smallest, about 1.5 meters high. His leaves are wide, with a border around the edges, yellow-orange.
  • The Bloodgood variety has a unique ink-black leaves.
  • The variety of "Beni Kava" has brightly scarlet, light leaves and fiery-red, ruby \u200b\u200bshade of the bark.
  • The variety of Katsura has red young leaflets that are becoming green in the summer, and in the fall - golden.
  • Nicholsonii variety is distinguished by green leaves in summer, and brick-red autumn.
  • ACONITIFOLIUM variety is multisage, with curved branches and dark red foliage.
  • The Mikawa Yatsubusa variety differs in small size - up to 1.5 meters, a dense, squat crown. Its leaves consist of subtle, need-shaped blades, bright green in summer and orange-scarlet in the fall.
  • Sort "Shino Buga Oka" of low growth, a height from 1 meter to 1.2-1.3 meters. The plant is very spreadable, with decorative leaves, bright green summer and yellow-orange autumn.

Landing and care

In the wild, Maple Japanese grows perfectly on soil rich in humus, and with a weakly acidic reaction. Prefers semi shaded places and stable level of humidity.

Japanese Maple does not like strong ground soils, places with moisture stagnation and weak water permeability. However, drying and scorching rays daylight Svetila Also badly affects the decorativeness of his leaves. More than the rest of the direct sunlight suffer from the varieties of Japanese maples having two-color or bordered leaves, such varieties should be placed in a half.

The best decorative properties of these plants appear with abundant light. In the park or in the garden, they will feel good in places where the sun is in the morning and in the evening, and where does not look at the day. The choice of places for planting maple is facilitated by the fact that it is not afraid of drafts.

It must be remembered that the Japanese maples are heat-loving plants, poorly carry spring frosts, damaging young leaves. Due to the low frost resistance in the middle strip of Russia, the trees need to be bought by observer material for the winter, for example, a garden fleece.

In the area with a mild climate in the winter, the maple branch must be released from the nanoral wet snow, to protect them from breakdowns, fan maple suffers especially from snow. But when the branches are covered with ice after the "hot rain" or thaw, they should not touch them - break.

In the summer, especially in drought, maples need to be abundantly and often watered, in the morning or evening spray the leaves. In conditions of lack or oversupply of moisture, under the influence of dry and hot wind, under the scaffolding sunny rays The tree will experience this stress, which will give yourself to know the drying of the tips of the leaves and dropping the leaves.

If this happened, the maple begins to water more often, perform spraying, cancel feeding. These measures will help to return it to life, and new leaves will appear on it even in the summer.

In the spring and autumn, the soil around the trunk need to be mulched by humus from leaves, wood bark, gardening compost, chips. Mulching is of great importance for wood - protection from soil drying in summer, protection of roots from freezing in winter, additional fertilizer all year round.

For the trunk did not start, next to it should not be poured organic materials used for mulching.

In the spring, fertilizer granules contribute to the ground under the tree, and only then cover it with a mulling of humus or compost, and sprinkled on top of the painted chip. Spring feeding Maple's slow fertilizers is enough for the entire year, nitrogenous fertilizers are categorically contraindicated.

If the maple is growing on poor soil, it must be pumped 2 times a year of long-term mineral substances - in spring and summer.

As for trimming - it is carried out only on adult and old thickened trees that have lost their former decorativeness. It is necessary to make a crown more transparent, lightweight, and open to air and sunlight - these measures will be excellent prevention of fungal diseases. Pruning needs to be done during rest - in early spring Or late autumn, when there are no leaves on the tree.

The young maples are not needed, the trees grow very slowly, and their beautiful crown is formed naturally.


Maple Japanese breeds seeds and in natural conditions, and in culture. Seeds should be fresh, collect them as ripening, most often - in October.

Seeds for stratification are placed in dry sand and endure in a cool place. In the spring they are sown in the container, previously treated with means stimulating growth.

Over the summer, seedlings are not growing too much, but in such a state, you can separate strong seedlings from weak. Weak are removed, and strong for the winter is sent to a cool room with a plus temperature. In the spring, they are transplanted into the tubs or pots, and when they reach heights of 30 or more centimeters, planted into the open ground, in the tub or in a greenhouse at a permanent place. If Maple has to grow in a tub, the soil in it should be rich organic fertilizers.

Another type of breeding of Japanese maples is the vaccinations of cuttings to a strong laying of a similar type, for example, a maple of the adhesive.

Maple in Garden

In the regions with a cold climate, Japanese maples are grown in a personnel, which for the winter are entered into a cool room. The cultivation of maple in the tub gives another advantage - the ability to move them, if necessary, in the shadow, in the sun or in a place, protected from wind, hail and rain.

Since the village is short-lived, in Japan, companies are installed on a stand so that their wonderful beauty is better noticeable.

It is necessary to say that the decorative tree is well combined with other garden inhabitants - shrubs, trees, flowers, decorative herbs. The tree will decorate any corner of the garden - reservoir, rocque, stone Japanese garden.

Males, whose leaves acquire the greatest decorativeness in the fall, will look good next to the autumn flowers - chrysanthemums, oaks, Astrami. They can be planted next to the tree, so that finally admire the motley and bright beauty of the autumn garden.

Not bad neighbors for Japanese maples will be a low-speed evergreen shrubs after a haircut, for example, male, juniper, decorative coniferous plants.

In the extreme case, you can do without flowers and shrubs - just fall asleep the earth around painted with fine crushed stone or sins.

Amateur gardeners and landscape designers relatively belong to rare decorative plants. Japanese maple can be proud of every garden. The natural range of its distribution is limited to the Islands of Japan, South Korean shores and the Russian island of Kunashir. More often grows in mountainous areas.

Growing this wood culture requires certain knowledge and precautions. How to put and care for a thermo-loving plant.

In natural landscapes - a leaf fall tree or shrub tall up to 10 meters. The bark and branches are painted in a reddish gray color, they are smooth.

Leaflets like our Clean - dissected until half a diameter for several polek (from 7 to 11), large (coverage up to 15 centimeters). Depending on the variety, the dissection of the leaflets may be different, sometimes they are very hard. Packers on which leaves grow, 3-5 cm long, can be published.

Due to the magnificent color of the leaves of the Clain of this species and became such a popular, red flame in the middle of the garden, the crowns of the Japanese handsome are solved. Some of his kinds of the vegetative season have a crimson-red foliage koler, others change the color from green on yellow and crimped.

Bright small flowers appear earlier than leaves, spring. Of them formulates. These are fruits-seeds up to 3 centimeters with which the plants are reproduced for this kind.

Eastern clans grow in an open soil environment and in special ads.

Types and interesting varieties

The Japanese Maple has several subspecies, and amazing varieties are brought by breeders, and no one can pass indifferently. They differ in the form of wood and leaves, demandingness to the conditions of content. It can be like high specimens and low-speed.

It should be noted that culturally derived varieties are significantly more picturesque and there are much more often basic natural varieties. In addition to the above, the main species are also grown and others.

Faurity (Dlanid)

The original tree in shape has an empty crown with beautiful, carved leaves. Long-blade leaflets have a lace outline, they retain golden yellow or red over the season. By throwing off the foliage, this plant remains decoration of the garden, thanks to elegant branches. Flowers red in June, a lot of varieties have been created on its basis.

Maple Shirasava

Rare variety up to 15 meters high, there are shrubs of a low-end outline. Sheet plate is not very dissected, large. The bright representative of this species is Aureum. This shrub grows up to 4 meters up, has a yellow-orange leaf with a border along the edge. Enough winter hardy grades, but it is loved to cultivate in advance.


Chic maple, almost completely disseated leaves in the summer have green color. In autumn, the tree becomes a crimp.

Orange Dream

Yellowish green leaves with a red burden painted in a red-orange koler. Orange Dream grows quickly and is tall.


Highly decorative shrub With openwork outlines of dark red leaves, almost ink tint. Even in the shade does not lose the dark color of foliage.

Mikawa Yatsubusa.

The height is 1.5 meters, bush tight and squat. Easy leaves, green in spring, autumn - scarlet.


One and a half meters for 10 years - this height grows this tree. It is distinguished by a dense bush crown, the leaves are deeply cut. When it becomes bloody-red, it acquires a special attraction. SHAINA planted in containers, decorating the terraces and verandas, hills of houses.


The variety of the Red Japanese maple reaches 1.8 meters in adult condition. Green leaves are protected red and cut. Saturation coloring retains in a half.

Beni Kawa.

Leaves bright, original red bark.

Dissectum Garnet

The thin-solid coniferous leaves in the spring green, by autumn become reddish-purple or orange-yellowish. Very beautiful, attractive look gives a trees huge crown coverage, almost twice the growth. Such scrubbing varieties should be placed near the ponds or arbors.

Aka Shigitatsu Sawa.

Tree 3 meters high or so. Peculous pink or red disseated leaves has this plant. He loves half.


The grade of the fan maple is not too winter-hardy. Shrub height in adult form 2.5 meters, coverage is less than 1 meter. Leaves grow on red branches and have orange color.


Spectacular view of deeply dissected green leaves with a border of pink or red. By the end of the season, the color changes to the purple color.

Where to buy seedlings where and how to plant

Do not buy seeds of Japanese Maple on the Internet in unknown sellers. It is advisable to come to a nursery or a shop, which is engaged in certified sales and buy a tree.

Create a sapan better spring or autumn; You need to trace so that the bush does not damage. It is necessary to plant right away.

Japanese Clean varieties like a scattered shadow and the water permeability of the soil. No need to choose too alkaline soils and handle land with lime.

The soil should be sufficiently fertile or slightly acidic, necessarily loose.


  • The pit is twice as long as the root plant of the plant;
  • Pour drainage in the hole, then humid or compost with peat;
  • Roots moisturize and straighten, put a tree, pour out the earth and pour;
  • To preserve moisture, climb the rolling space.


It is made by seeds, both in nature and in cultural conditions. Seed material should be fresh.

  • Before planting seeds, stratified by placing in the sand (it should not be wet) and hold the whole winter in the cold room;
  • In the spring, it is planted in containers with a special soil, you can treat growth stimulants;
  • In the fall, the strongest shoots leave winter in a cool place in the same capacity, where the temperature is necessarily plus;
  • Next spring to transplant shoots into individual pots;
  • Those who have reached 30 centimeters seedlings to land at a permanent place - to open soil, a tub or pot.

Japanese red maples can be multiplied with a vegetative way - the vaccination of the cuttings on the dust type. Such a procedure often fails.


Domestic gardeners plant little grades Maple Japanese. If it is growing in a container, then it needs to be picked up regularly mineral composition. Fertilizers are suitable for herasskal cultures. He will also need more frequent watering.

The roots of the plant do not like water stagnation, they can be rotated. Therefore, watering should be abundant, but timely.

On old and thickened trees it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating trimming. She is done in the fall, after foliage foliage. Sanitary removal of broken and sick branches is carried out every year in the spring. It is also necessary for the prevention of fungus.

Preparation for winter

In the summer you need to begin to prepare the maple tree by winter. Finish feeding, watering and loosening. Late in the fall, remove all the leaflets from the bush, and after the first fueling, spray the branches with a weak (3%) copper-containing solution.

In the northern regions of Russia, this culture is still safer to plant, and winter Close up. It is also practiced wintering right in pots, laid in the garden, in a shallow trench.

IN middle lane Practice Halfing for the winter garden nonwoven material. Well, if the winter is multiser, then the maple can survive it consistently.

Spring care

With the arrival of spring, it is necessary to awaken a waiting plant so that it adapts faster and went into growth. To do this, after the leaves of frosts, on the warm days of the tree shed large quantity water.

Attention! Gentle young leaflets will inevitably burn out in the sun in spring time. To prevent it, potted plant Clean in a half or cover, as well as the plant of open soil, lightweight material.

Japanese Maple in Landscape Design

A low growth allows you to successfully grow a plant in the row. The advantage of this method is that the container can be moved from one place to another, saving from the sun or remove for the winter, and from time to time to put in different parts of the garden.

Pots are installed on the stand so that they are noticeable. It is necessary to mention that a slowly growing tree is used to create Bonsayev. They are formed by a special cropping, using wire and other techniques.

Home location of maple dwarfs favorably for indoor air. It moisturizes, gives oxygen and delights flowering.

Red Maple Great Partner for Others garden plants on the garden plot. It has a not too powerful root system, and does not oppress the nearby cultures.

Combined with shrubs, blooming and cereal crops. The exclusive appearance of the garden gives the neighborhood in autumn periodWhen the green leaves of other trees are standing next to the purple and orange caps of the Japanese.

Stony kindergartens in Japanese style, rocarium, mountaineering, roof of the building, lawn - Maplen everywhere will be a central figure. You can land these handsome ones along the pleasure paths.

The surroundings and shores of small artificial reservoirs can be decorated with near the pictorial bush.

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  • japanese Maple Semen
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Leaves perhaps the most undervalued feature of plants. But it is the leaves of the Japanese maple leaves - the keys to the successful design of your garden.

Japanese Maple (Acer Japonicum) and maple Dlanoid (Acer Palmatum) - high-screen And shrubs (in culture) come from Japan and Korea. These two species, as well as the type of the second -maple fan (Acer Palmatum Dissectum) - Creategroup Japanese maples. Miniature maplen varieties They grow well in Japan, but they can be easily grown in our climate. The most stable is the green-shaft maple and its species with red leaves - "Atropurpureum" and "Bloodgood".

Japanese maples grow up Very slow and, as a rule, reaches a few meters in height. In Japan, the largest tree at the age of 100 years, reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in the diameter of the barrel. UsuallyJapanese Maple and maple Dlanoid grow up to 8 m, andmaple fan - Not more than 2-3 m in height.

When 200 years ago These plants began to import from Japan that they grew there for centuries, the European scientists of Botany were stunned by their incredible diversity. Europeans initially dubbed them with the Latin title -Acer Polymorphum. . And from this group, it is possible that Japanese Maple was one of the first to be brought to our edges. This kind of maple has almostround leaves Most of them are up to 15 cm long and consist of 7-, 9-, 11-, 13 perceptible fractions. They very much resemble human palm. Due to the shape of the leaves, this maple bears another name -hauchiwa-kaede. . Highlight four main varieties japanese maples: - Typical maple Japanese A. Japonicum, in which the shares are connected almost together and the sheet seems to be solid.Other maples: A. Japonicum 'Aconitifolium', A. Japonicum 'Dissectum', A. Japonicum 'Vitifolium'.

Japanese Maple looks very impressive duringflowering in May. His flowers Red or yellow-green color, large, up to 15 mm in diameter. But the most impressive tree is in the fall, whenleaves acquire a charming color. Under the right sunlight, the leaves become red and purple, in the shading of bright orange and red colors. They look stunning!

Best varieties: Klyon Japanese Senkaki. (Acer Palmatum 'Senkaki' or 'Sango-Kaku'), MapleGarnet Acer Palmatum 'Garnet', Acer Palmatum Var. Dissectum 'Garnet'), MapleKatsura. Acer Palmatum 'Katsura', Acer Palmatum Var. Dissectum 'Katsura'), MapleButterfly. Acer Palmatum 'Butterfly', Acer Palmatum Var. Dissectum 'butterfly').

Kleon Japanese Senkaki. - This is an attractive and compact village, a popular grade, which will definitely appreciate the lovers of Japanese maples.Thorough height - up to two meters, suitable for growing in large pots and containers.Leaves blades, usually sheet has five blades, the fall color becomes orange, bright.

Kleon Japanese Senkaki (photo):

Maple Garnet - an incredibly beautiful maple, you can look at it infinitely, and especially at the autumn time of the year. Averageheight Maple - four meters. The main raisin is an unusual spreading crown, as well as the color of the leaves in the autumn months, they become carminno-red.

Maple Garnet (photo):

Each gardener will be able to grow a very beautiful Japanese maple. You just need to choose right place For landing, as well as spend some time to care for it.

Landing. Be sure to choose the right place to land. I would be ideal for thema place Solar or partially shaded, protected from winds. They suffer a little shading, but they look prettier when they grow in full sun. Yes, these treesdo not like Transplants. After you planted Japanese maples, they should not be replaced, because it is very easy to damage their gentle roots.

Japanese maples sustainable freezing. Aboutsource requirements , they should not be planted in wet soils. Japanese maples sensitive plants.The soil must contain high part Gumus and to haveweakly acidic reaction . If the soil is sandy, then it needs to enrich fertile sadovaya soil. Due to the fact that the roots of these plants grows close to the ground, then it is necessary to align the place where they are planted. So you can createheat insulating layer which will perform your protective function and in winter, and in the summer. You also need to cover young maple winter Since these plants may suffer from frosts. Also, early spring shelter will contribute not to too fastthe development of their kidneys.

Japanese Maple Perfect for . And all thanks to himcompact growth . But for the winter of plants in the tub, should be transferred to the unscrupulous room. He grows slowly, and he is very picturesque. Besides thatjapanese Maple Easy to grow, he will give you a lot of joy in summer and autumn beautiful leaveswho change their color with the onset of cold weather. Expect fireworks of flame red, brown, yellow and orange leaves.

Care.After landing a young maple necessarilyneed to please . The first feeding - a month after the landing, then feed once every four weeks. Suitablecomprehensive fertilizers and compost. After the winter period necessarilyremove frozen branches. Gardeners do not recommend trimming the crowns of the tree, because the Japanese maple pleases exactly with its natural beauty. Also, do not forgetmulch soil Before the start of the winter season.In hot time be sure to follow the soil, mapledoesn't like dryness . Sometimes spray and leaves of the plant, do it in hot weather. Maple Pest -galovy mite . Carefully follow the leaves if you see something suspicious, it is better right awayremove sheet.

Many varieties of mapleseeds feed at the autumn time, but there are varieties whose seeds can be collected in the summer. Seeds have medium sizes most often brown colorIn the people they are often called "helicopters", because they are very slowly lowered to the ground, and at the same time rotate. There are some difficulties in growing maple seeds. It all depends on the selected variety. It is easiest to grow maples, whose seeds fall in spring or summer.

After youcollected seeds , they need to putin the cold. It is best to hide seeds in a sealed package (suitable packages for lunches on a fastener). Collected seeds Put in the refrigerator. For each variety suitabletemperature , optimal option - 3-5 degrees of heat. Constantlycheck Package with seeds, it should not be condensate or excess moisture. Get seeds in 120 days. Seeds of some varieties can be planted after 90 days of cold.Sproved seeds You can plant in small containers, only when the second tier of the leaves appears on a small sprout. Now you can Plant In the ground.

Maple fan - This is a wonderful decoration of every garden or park, this is an excellent compact village that impresses the beauty of its leaves. Maple fan - this is one of the varieties of Japanese maple, because historicalMotherland Tree - Japan, as well as in nature, grows in China and Korea. The village is very compact,height - About eight meters.Crown Very unusual, thick, spherical. Sometimes it has several trunks. Leaves The fan maple is very beautiful and large, the average length is 12 centimeters, and the width is four centimeters. Leaf is divided into the blades. Flowers mostly in the spring, small flowers collected in inflorescences, later appearfruits-clouds.

Use in the design of the garden.Japanese maple will look very good in a private garden, as well as in urban parks. Its interesting and very bright leaves are attracted to themselves. You can make itthe main accent On its territory, because at the autumn time it is very difficult not to notice this tree. Very effectively combines Japanese maple with large stones or boulders and even with small pebbles, which can be scattered near the root of the tree. Krone gives a shadow, so you can land near the treefern or other shadowish plants. Landscape designers with good taste will be able to create very unusual compositions using Maple and coniferous plants , as well as combining maples and flowering shrubs ← Share with friends!

Japanese Maplecan decorate the lawn, patio or pond, look great at home. Japanese maple also fits perfectly into the living room or lobby interior. Japanese maples are very popular in landscape design. They can be used in Chinese gardens, japanese style And just decorate the entrance to the house.

Historically, Japanese maples became a symbol of garden-park art. japanese gardens. For centuries, Japanese selektoners output the amazing trees of Japanese maples, which became synonymous with grace and perfection.

Currently, one of the most famous and in demand is the Japanese Maple Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum with dark purple leaves, preserving coloring all summer. Other interesting variety Japanese maple is malls with a crown in the form of a tent.

Many types of Japanese maples are grown in containers, used for bonsai.

Benefits of breeding seedlings

Not always Japanese maples when seed reproduction Keep your bizarre decorative properties of the parent plant. Therefore, the reproduction is most often produced by grinding, vaccinations and mutation on tissue cultures. There are varieties of Japanese maples that are grown only in Japan.

If the gardener wants to plant a Japanese maple of a certain species, it is better to buy a sapling, since in this case he can see the properties of the tree and present it in adulthood. Although the seedlock can also change its external data with increasing.

What types of Japanese maples can be seen on sale, what properties they possess and where they can be grown.

The conditions for growing all types of Japanese maple are diverse depending on the shape, color, sizes of the tree, the configuration of the leaves. Some Japanese maples love the sun, others feel well in the shade. Root system Japanese maple is not big. Therefore, it can be planted next to other trees, not far from the house, along the alley, near the fences. Japanese maples do not like excess fertilizers. They are grown in loose, wet, acidic soil pH 5.5 -6.5.

Popular varieties of Japanese maples

Red Japanese Maple Kiyohime variety reaches a height in adult condition 1.2 1.8m. Green disseated leaves with red border. This is a slowly growing bush. Prefers shaded places. Japanese maples can withstand temperatures in winter to -23 to - 29c.

Sort Aka Shigitatsu Sawa Pinkish disseated leaves with green streaks. Tree 2,4 -3.0m. Prefers a sunny place or openwork shadow.

The Red Japanese Wilson Clenter "S Pink DWARF is a shrub tall 2.5m and 1,5m wide. Autumn, fan leaves acquire an orange color on dark red shoots. Compact plant grows well in the sun or in a half. Japanese maples of this variety can withstand frosts - 15c.

Landing of Japanese maples is carried out as any decorative or fruit trees.

Diseases and pests of Japanese maples

Japanese maples are susceptible to fungal diseases that need to know.

Verticillious wiliation: on young shoots of the Japanese maple begins to shrink the leaves, then dry the branches. The disease is affected by young plants that did not cause wood. The damage occurs during fungal diseases.

If Japanese maples get a little moisture, they are sick of black mold of a cortex, which leads a plant to death. The disease is called Cryptostroma mushroom.

Sometimes the leaves of Japanese kleons are amazed muced dew Uncinula.

Measures to combat diseases of Japanese maples

With the defeat of Japanese maples various diseases In the spring, when the maples are at rest before the appearance of the leaves, it is necessary to cut dead branches before healthy wood. It is necessary to disinfect the garden tool after each cut. During the summer, periodically examine the leaves and the bark of the plant. If there are signs of the disease, various drugs are used to combat it. With fungal diseases are struggling using preparations containing sulfur.

Some pest insects attack Japanese maples. For example, TLL, Anoplophora Glabripennis and others. To combat pests, use Bi-58, Aktara, Fozwall, Zolov according to the instructions, gardening oil, spraying over the leaves from both sides.

Preventive measures of healthy content of Japanese maples

Japanese maples are less susceptible to insect pests, if they grow on a ventilated area. An excess of nitrogenous fertilizers contributes to the weakening of the Japanese maple and the defeat of his tool. The crown is periodically thinned for better ventilation of the tree or bush.

Many people B. modern world Find time on the maintenance of your garden. They grow vegetables, fruits, flowers and many others exotic plants. It is to the last category of the Japanese maple. We will teach you to choose to correctly. Tell about the rules of landing and different types Decorative tree.

General characteristics

To date, there are about 100 species of wood. The plant is easy to find out in the following criteria:

  • bush or tree with foliage;
  • height can be from 2 to 10 meters depending on the variety;
  • leaves of a small size of a bright shade;
  • valid colors: green, yellow, fire-red, pink;
  • sheet form resembles palm tree;
  • during flowering, small flowers are formed.

Maple Japanese is suitable for people who love the autumn mood and its violent paint. There are many varieties of such a tree, it is worth mentioning some important varieties.

In the store

We will give you the most unique and amazing trees in our beauty, which you will find in the store or in the nursery.

  1. "ACONITIFOLIUM" . From spring to the end of summer foliage of bright green. In the autumn period, the shade of the tree is yellow-orange. Form of leaves resembles deep blades.
  2. "Aureum" . This is a variety of finger maple. Krone has a bright yellow tint. The shape of the leaves resembles finely rugged blades. Among these representatives there are trees with colored bark.
  3. "Atropurpurreum" . Form of leaves like the previous variety. Preferably different from all other types of its color gamut. For the entire season, Krone is changing from bright red to a black and purple shade.
  4. "Dissectum" . The leaves have a semicircular attached shape. Their color is most often a red-purple shade.

On this variety decorative trees Do not end. You can choose a plant in your taste preferences, which will harmoniously fit into the landscape of the garden plot.

Why do you need?

Japanese maple, landing and care for which is simply, beautifully and perfectly looks in the following places:

  • pond;
  • alpinarium;
  • lawn near the house or terrace;
  • palenitor.

Professional garden designers grow trees on roofs of buildings. You can beautifully and originally fall it into separate wooden barrels or tubs. If you are a bonsai style amateur, then the seedlings of Japanese maple seedlings are used to compile plant compositions. Go to the next important step.


The procedure is simple, but requires special knowledge. Japanese maple landing requires essential materials. To do this, prepare:

  • tree seedlings;
  • compost;
  • peat.

A landing is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Drop the pit. It should be in depth and width twice as much as the root of the tree.
  2. If you bought the finished cutlets of the plant, then free it from the pot. Run roots and break the land before falling down.
  3. Add a prepared compost and peat in the pit.
  4. Skip the plant.
  5. Around the bush make a recess that is required for a comfortable watering.
  6. Moisten a thorough tree so that the roots quickly arrive in the new soil.
  7. In the next spring after disembarking, add a layer of mulch under the tree. It should consist of ground with rotten leaves.
  8. If summer is too hot, then the bush must be watered more often.

So that the plant is good and quickly needed to prepare the right place.

Where to plant?

Japanese maple will develop in perfect placewhich must comply with the following indicators:

  1. If you put a nasty variety, then cook shadow for it. For all others suitable sunny side.
  2. The soil must be water permeable. If the tree does not come the right amount moisture, then the leaves will acquire a brown shade.
  3. The place where maple should grow should not be treated with lime. After contact with the substance, the bush begins to be popped leaves.

Now you know where and how to plant Maple Japanese. Care is the following stage of growing decorative plant.

We bear the right

The main plant care includes the following items, the execution of which is required:

  1. Although the tree and loves well moistened soil, but it should not be constantly raw. From this can be contrary roots.
  2. If your plot is small - not a problem. A bush can take root on any plots of land whose lighting may not approach the variety.
  3. Males are not afraid of drafts.
  4. Each spring must necessarily cut a tree. This procedure on the first years of the life of the plant will help to gain him right shape. In the subsequent period, you can simply remove dry and sick branches.
  5. Once a month needed an additional watering. For one root of about 15 liters of water.
  6. In August, it is recommended to stop all feeding.

Remember! Additional watering by no means cancels moisture on demand.

The quality of the tree will directly depend on the sowing material.

How to buy?

If you decide to make a notch of brightness and originality in your garden, then you should choose Japanese Maple. Seeds can be purchased in specialized stores or order on the catalog. In this case, no one will give warranty that you can grow. It is better to make a purchase in nurseries and acquire ready-made seedlings. For this, you are provided with the following recommendations:

  1. Inspect the plant. It must be healthy. Better if the bush is sold in a pot or container.
  2. Make a purchase early in spring or autumn so that the plant can immediately fall asleep.
  3. Do not take a tree in summer. It is not recommended to plant it during this period, because the plant is badly leaving due to drought.

Few people know, but the Japanese maple can be grown not only in open soil. Home Conditions are ideal for this.

Room tree

At home, a special dwarf variety is grown. Japanese maple on the windowsill has a positive impact on the apartment. Namely:

  • moisturizes air;
  • increases the amount of oxygen in your apartment;
  • from spring to autumn will delight with his bloom.

Despite the fact that the plant is easy to plant and care for it, it is constantly attacking various pests, for example:

  • bellenka;
  • web tick;

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, use this solution: in a liter of water dissolve 1 mg of decis. Mix the mixture thoroughly and spray your maple japanese dwarf variety to it.

Room care

The procedure should include the following items:

  • careful watering from spring to the end of autumn;
  • in winter time Moisturizing plants in a pot better reduce twice;
  • it is allowed to fertilize wood with complex drugs;
  • every two years, transplant the plant into the container of a large volume.

You met street and homemade japanese maple. Now you can grow in your garden decorative decorationBehind which can be careed according to all recommendations.

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