Mouse poisoning symptoms. Why is rat poison dangerous to human health?

landscaping 16.06.2019

One of the most common types of animal intoxication is the poisoning of a dog with rat poison. The dog is a hunter, so when he sees a rat, he will try to catch it and, if possible, eat it.

Rat-baiting is happening everywhere. In this regard, a dog living in a village or city is not protected from poisoning with this bait.

What is rat poison

The classic rodent repellent it's rat poison. Use it to lure pests. The basis of the bait is grain. The essence of the bait is to obtain the required lethal dose for poisoning. The form of release of poison in the form of granules, tablets, pastes, ready-made briquettes.

There are poisons which, in acute and chronic form affect the rat. You can freely purchase chronic exposure bait, as it is less dangerous for the animal. An acute poison has a detrimental effect on rats and mice during its initial penetration into the body.

It is worth considering the fact that the poison has a toxic effect on animals. Therefore, it is necessary to consider all the possible risks from the beginning of the use of poison in a residential area.

There are a number of such rat poisons:

  • brodifacoum;
  • triphenacin;
  • flocumafen;
  • bromadiolone;
  • ratsid;
  • other.

The active substances that are present in the bait have negative impact on the process of blood clotting various stages and for the whole organism.

A bait that exhibits effects in a chronic form may not initially affect the rat properly. In this case, a certain concentration will lead to the death of the rodent.

The downside to using poisons is that after baiting, you may not find the corpses of pests. This will lead to rotting rodents and an unpleasant odor.

How does poison affect a pet's body?

The effect of the bait on the animal is recognized based on a group of toxins, such as:

  • group 1 drugs(ethylphenacin, triphenacin, morphine, isopropylphenacin) are the most common baits. When exposed to rat poison, the integrity of vitamin K is disrupted and prevents blood from clotting. Baits belonging to this group can be instantly removed from the body;
  • group 2 drugs(flocumafen, brodifacoum, bromadiolone). The principle of exposure is identical to group 1 toxins. At the same time, the difference is that they can accumulate in the body, they are excreted for a very long time, they act more strongly;
  • ratsid - this poison is used in rare cases, as it has a high toxicity. This rat poison poisoning the dog causes swelling of the lungs, disturbances occur in vascular system, convulsions occur;
  • zinc phosphide - is the most toxic, its use is controlled by specialists who dispose of rodents. Once in the esophagus, hydrogen phosphide is released, which destroys the walls of the esophagus, negatively affects the neurological system.

When a dog uses bait from one of the groups, the toxin will not begin to act immediately, but after 5 days. This indicates that the body has a supply of vitamin K.

Symptoms of dog rat poisoning

Symptoms from exposure to such poisons may include:

  • exhaustion in the body;
  • dyspnea;
  • mucous membranes are pale;
  • blood oozing from the nasal passage and gums;
  • no appetite.

Severe form:

  • smudges of blood from the anus;
  • blood present in the urine;
  • hemorrhage under the skin;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • lameness;
  • cough with blood.

The dog dies from multiple hemorrhages.

Ratside and zinc phosphide are almost never used today. At the same time, having poisoned yourself with poison, you need to know how zinc phosphide manifests itself in an animal, affecting the body:

  • vomiting, sometimes with the separation of blood;
  • diarrhea
  • thirst;
  • exhaustion;
  • there are difficulties in breathing;
  • the pupils of the pet are dilated;
  • restless animal;
  • there are convulsions;
  • possible loss of consciousness.

During intoxication with ratsid, a number of symptoms occur:

  • it is difficult to breathe, the reason is the development of swelling in the lungs;
  • the pulse is weakly palpable;
  • vomit;
  • the dog does not go to the toilet;
  • convulsions.

Symptoms of rat intoxication appear 2-4 hours after the ingestion of toxic substances into the esophagus.

When a dog eats poisoned baits, intoxication in most cases has a favorable outcome.

The necessary provisioning activities are carried out in the following way:

  • vomiting as soon as possible;
  • the stomach is washed with a slightly diluted solution of potassium permanganate;
  • give the animal an adsorbent, a laxative;
  • water the animal with mucous decoctions (from rice, oatmeal porridge).

If more than 6 hours have passed since the poison was taken, cannot induce vomiting as it passed into the intestines. It is also not recommended to provoke vomiting if the pet has convulsions, he loses consciousness, is paralyzed.

What not to give a dog to drink in case of poisoning:

  1. milk,
  2. vegetable oil,
  3. castor oil
  4. eggs.

Since in case of poisoning with zinc phosphide, the poison will be absorbed into the circulatory system faster.

In case of intoxication with poisons, there is an antidote. It includes vitamin K 1 - phytomenatodin. It is injected under the skin, the dose is calculated based on the body weight of the dog. When using poison, which belongs to the 1st generation, the dose of phytomenatodine is reduced.

Poisoned by rats, the animal is drunk with tannin - 1% solution, with zinc phosphide, a solution of copper sulfate 0.5% or a solution of soda 2% is injected. Solutions are prescribed strictly by a veterinarian.

Treating Rat Poison Poisoning in Dogs

Dog intoxication with rat poison, treatment will depend entirely on the neglect of the disease.

  • At a mild stage of poisoning, when the dog ate the bait some time ago, you will need to provoke vomiting, take sorbents and laxatives. There are cases when vitamin K is prescribed preventively.
  • In advanced cases, treatment is carried out by blood transfusion, vitamin K 1 is injected under the skin. Further, maintenance therapy with iron and antibiotics is prescribed.

When the bleeding in the dog is stopped, symptomatic therapy is used, depending on the stage of damage to the internal organs. The veterinarian prescribes diuretics, heart medications, iron, antibiotics. The duration of rehabilitation therapy is less than 14 days.

With timely access to the veterinarian in 85% of cases, animals survive.

Dog poisoning with rat poison: consequences

The veterinarian will conduct laboratory tests, treatment will be prescribed. Complications after poisoning may be associated with the functional work of the liver.

The body has difficulty in restoring blood clotting. Therefore, profuse bleeding during injuries of internal organs, bleeding from the gums, and profuse blood loss during wounds are possible. Then surgery is required.

To recover from poisoning, you will need to administer an antidote for a long time. Treatment lasts an average of a month. With the help of blood transfusion, therapy of hepatoprotectors, it is possible to avoid the severe consequences of intoxication of the body.

Video: what happens if you eat rat poison

Rat or mouse poison is a generic name for drugs used to control rodents. Careless use of these substances can lead to human poisoning with rat poison, and ultimately to death.

Where can people get poisoned by rat poison?

Rat poison intoxication can occur wherever wild rodents live and where poisoned baits are laid out for them in violation of sanitary requirements. That is why there are special norms (SanPiN) for the deratization of public places:

  • kindergartens, schools, colleges, other educational institutions;
  • hospitals, sanatoriums, all healthcare facilities,
  • catering establishments,
  • workshops industrial production products and semi-finished products,
  • basements, living quarters,
  • warehouses, agricultural processing plants and many other enterprises.

The specificity of fillings for rat poison is determined depending on the location of the rodents that need to be destroyed.

All people must be warned about the conduct at work or at the place of residence sanitization with the use of drugs aimed at the destruction of rats.

Variety of species and rules for the use of poisons against rodents

Currently, drugs that have an immediate toxic effect, which include arsenic, lead, thallium, strychnine, and other dangerous substances, are prohibited. However, poisons of a long process of poisoning are widespread - anticoagulants containing coumarins.

Under the colloquial definition, rat poisons today unite a group of toxic substances - rodenticides:

  • ratindan;
  • naphthylthiocarbamide;
  • brodifacoum;
  • warfarin, others.

Almost all of them have a strong toxic effect on people, animals, birds, so they must be stored and used to poison rats with caution.

The rules for the use of poisonous substances clearly state which rat poisons can be used and in what quantity:

Deviation from the rules for the use of toxic chemicals leads to severe intoxication, the consequences of which in humans are severe diseases of the kidneys, liver, brain, nervous disorders, and internal bleeding.

What threatens a person poisoning with rat poisons

At home, it is safe for others to use only a ready-made product from hardware store (veterinary pharmacy), usually seeds and grains treated with toxic low-toxic substances.

It is not recommended to prepare homemade baits with any organic (inorganic) poison according to recipes from the Internet, since intoxication can occur both during inhalation of toxic air, and upon contact through the skin and in the process of getting poison from dirty hands into the stomach.

If you accidentally drink water or eat food from a container gnawed by poisoned or rabid rats, you can die from hidden internal bleeding in a few days.

The mechanism of action of coumarins on a person is to disrupt the process of blood coagulation:

  • an acute deficiency of vitamin K is formed;
  • as a result, the walls of blood vessels are destroyed;
  • the liver does not function in sufficient volume;
  • the composition of the blood changes, anemia develops, leading to oxygen starvation of the brain.

At the same time, the metabolism of the cells of the kidneys, liver, blood vessels, and lungs is disrupted, which leads to tissue degeneration and further atrophy of the body's organs.

If timely treatment is not carried out, the consequence of rat poison poisoning for humans is a fatal outcome (a lethal dose is 3-4 mg of zoocoumarin). Therefore, it is necessary to independently choose a means for the destruction of rodents very carefully - the use of bait with poison should not harm humans and pets.

What symptoms appear after poisoning

If a poisonous preparation for rodents, which contains anticoagulants, is quietly eaten by a child, parents may not guess about it for 1-2-3 days until the first signs of rat poison poisoning appear:

  • deterioration of health due to general weakness;
  • lack of appetite, urge to vomit;
  • bleeding from the nose, gums;
  • pallor of the face, neck;
  • dizziness, pain in the head;
  • diarrhea with blood fractions, abdominal cramps;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages in the form of hematomas all over the body.

First aid and treatment

If a child has recently swallowed multi-colored balls of rat poison, call immediately. ambulance, and before the arrival of doctors, take measures to accelerate the removal of toxins from the body.

If a person has symptoms of poisoning with rat poison some time after possible use, it is necessary to urgently contact the toxicology department to determine the type of poisonous substance and search for an antidote.

With any food poisoning with anticoagulants, you can not feed the child, as well as forcibly induce vomiting in him.

The current therapeutic drug - Phytomenadione (synthesized vitamin K) is recommended to be administered intravenously, intramuscularly long time under the supervision of a doctor, so you can not refuse hospitalization.

Rat poison is usually called a group of drugs that are aimed at the destruction of rodents. If earlier such chemicals were created on the basis of arsenic, lead, strychnine, today they are discontinued due to a threat to human health. After the use of the substances warfarin, cumatetralil and brodifacoum, it was decided to launch the production of new generation drugs - Bromadiolone, Difenacum and others. Today we will tell you how to act if, for some reason, accidental poisoning with rat poison has occurred.

When a large population of rodents is found on its territory, which not only spoils food products and things, leaving traces of their vital activity everywhere, but also carrying infections, a person has a natural desire to fight enemies with radical methods. Poisoning people with poisons for rodents is extremely rare, since everyone uses protective clothing and a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage during processing. And, basically, only the rat always suffers.

Sometimes toxic substances can enter the body even to someone who does not poison pests and does not work at an enterprise that produces poisons in various forms. For example, the human body may be at risk in the event of a decision to eat and drink something in the nearest eatery (including alcohol). For example, in Russia in the last 10 years there has not been a single fatal case in which rat poison would appear.

In 2007-2011 there were mass minor poisonings of children school age(as reported by the newspapers). Everything ended well, as the doctors were able to quickly provide assistance to the victims. It was established that schoolchildren ate poisoned seeds. Several cases are known about the poisoning of a child who, through negligence, bit off or managed to swallow pills from rodents. In China, during 2002-2011, there were egregious cases of deliberate poisoning of people with poisons.

There are also cases when poisoned kebabs were eaten (it is assumed that they were made by the owners of the establishment from the meat of dead rats and foxes). As a result, death occurred only in 10% of cases total number affected.

Video "The effect of poison on a person"

From the video you will learn how the poison affects the human body.

Types of rat poison and its effect on the human body

A poison that helps poison rats is called rodenticide. It belongs to a special group of pesticides. Specialists are currently identifying types of rodenticides that differ in their effects on pigs and other animals, as well as on humans.

"Krysid" based on naphthylthiocarbamide and zinc phosphide are currently limited in use due to increased toxicity. They cause 100% death of rodents in just a couple of hours after they start eating the bait. Its use is carried out under strict control in those places where other poisons are powerless.

Lead and arsenic compounds, thallium sulfate, white and yellow phosphorus are banned today. These are morally obsolete poisons, moreover, capable of causing irreparable harm. human health even at the time of persecution of rodents by them.

Almost all modern approved drugs that neutralize pests are produced today on the basis of zoocoumarins. The result is the death of rodents from internal bleeding. Anticoagulants of the first generation can be called "Ratindan", "Warfarin", "Ethylfenacin", "Isoindan" and others. They do not tend to accumulate inside. Each of these poisons, acting slowly, is excreted within 3-4 days through the kidneys. The invention of second-generation anticoagulants had to be started when scientists discovered that many species of rats eventually develop strong immunity to the drugs used. The second group includes "Difenacum", "Bromadiolone", "Flocumafen", "Brodifacoum" and others.

How dangerous is rat poison, the lethal dose for a person depends on the amount that has entered the human body and the state of his health? Poison tends to destroy important substances that are necessary for proper blood clotting. If a child has eaten rat poison or has been consumed by an adult with liver problems, the consequences will be extremely severe. For example, the lethal dose of "Warfaron" is 60 mg per kg, and "Bromadiolone" - 300 mg. That is, it is possible to die only if the drug gets inside in the amount of 3-4 grams, which is about 150 grams of the substance, which is quite a lot. Soft briquettes - tablets from rats - contain about 0.005% of a toxic substance. Caution should be exercised by those who work on the preparation of baits, as some poisons can penetrate the skin.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of rat poison poisoning usually do not become noticeable immediately, but only 3 to 4 days after the poison gets inside. Further, the disease becomes chronic course. Signs of rat poison poisoning are severe weakness, nausea and loss of appetite, persistent headache, pale skin, bleeding gums, possible bloody diarrhea and excruciating pain in the abdomen.

In rare cases, if a huge dose of poison is taken, the development of signs of a blood clotting disorder can be observed already after 12 to 24 hours. Poison breaks in human body the production of vitamin K necessary for normal blood clotting. To avoid severe intoxication, the victim should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

First aid for poisoning

In case of accidental poisoning with rat poison, a person should drink at least 3 liters of clean water before the ambulance arrives. A solution of potassium permanganate will also help clean the insides, after which water is sure to be called. Effective Method first aid to the victim - give him sorbents (for example, about 5 tablets activated carbon). At the same time, the use of a saline laxative is also indicated.

If the poison gets on the skin, wash it with warm water and soap. If poison gets into the eyes, which turn red after a while, a burning sensation appears, you should also wash them with plenty of warm water and soap. After that, it is advisable not to delay the visit to the ophthalmologist. It is important not only that the victim inside be at least slightly cleansed of the poison, but also do not let him sleep until the ambulance arrives. It is important to immediately consult a doctor in case of poisoning so that the victim does not die from profuse bleeding.

If a specialist prescribes mandatory treatment in a hospital for a patient with poisoning, then most often it is based on the introduction of an antidote - vitamin K1, that is, phytomenadione, for 15 to 30 days. Supportive therapy is also carried out with the help of hepatoprotectors, forced diuresis. AT severe cases blood plasma transfusion is used to quickly restore its normal coagulability. The recovery process is controlled by conducting a study of the prothrombin index. This is the name of the laboratory assessment of the degree of coagulation.

Dogs are very curious animals. And this character trait sometimes brings our dogs to trouble. A curious animal, having discovered an unfamiliar substance, may want to taste it. Here lies the danger - the substance may well turn out to be poison, and most often the owners of animals whose pets have tasted rat poison turn to veterinary clinics. Poisoning with this chemical is dangerous and difficult for a dog to tolerate: in the article we will tell you how the poisoning of a dog with rat poison is symptomatic, and find out what measures need to be taken to save the animal.

Methods of poisoning

Although rat poison poses a serious danger to dogs, poisoning by this substance is not common in practice. Appearance bait, its smell and the shape of the granules are not attractive to the animal, so the dog does not always try the rat “sweetness”. In addition, to get really serious, life-threatening poisoning, the dog will have to eat quite a lot. a large number of poison, which in most cases is impossible.

However, sometimes rat traps are made with meat ingredients mixed in. Here, rat poison can pose a serious threat to dogs, since the poisonous substance mixed with meat can be absorbed by dogs imperceptibly and in any quantities. In addition, sometimes the dog eats the rats themselves, who died as a result of poisoning.

Poison Danger

Rat poison can vary in the way it affects the body of rodents and, accordingly, dogs. Thus, anticoagulants such as warfarin, triphenacin, and others are most often used in rat-baiting. The principle of action of these substances is based on the loss of the ability of blood to clot, and in violation of the synthesis of vitamin K in the body.

Poisons in this category can be easily excreted from the body, and among dogs, some breeds show individual sensitivity to warfarin. If the dose of the substance exceeds 6 mg per kilogram of dog weight, the animal dies.

Substances called second-generation anticoagulants - and these are flocumarin, brodifacoum and others - have a more dangerous toxic effect. With such ease as poisons of the first category, they are not excreted from the body, but have the ability to accumulate.

In order for a dog to die, 3.5 mg of such a poison must be exposed to a kilogram of its weight. The poison ratsid is highly toxic, which is why it is rarely used. As a result of exposure to this poison, a dog may experience pulmonary edema, vascular pathologies, and leg cramps. For the animal to die, exposure to 60-150 mg of poison per kg of weight is necessary.

Such a poisonous substance as zinc phosphide has the highest toxic ability, therefore it is used only by professional deratizers. When ingested, this substance corrodes the gastric mucosa, and has a destructive effect on the nervous system.

Note that most often rats are poisoned with anticoagulants, and in this case, a dog that has eaten poison will show signs of intoxication no earlier than three days later. This delay is explained by the reserves of vitamin K in the animal's body, which for the time being restrains intoxication.

Symptoms of dog poisoning

We will learn how to understand that the dog was poisoned by rat poison. First, let's look at the signs of animal poisoning with rat poison-anticoagulant - as we have already found out, the most common type of chemical in rat poisoning.

  • The animal experiences weakness, becomes lethargic, apathetic, constantly lies;
  • The dog has severe, severe shortness of breath;
  • The mucous membranes of the dog turn pale, including the surface of the tongue;
  • Nosebleeds are possible. The gums also often ooze blood;
  • The animal stops eating.

If the case of poisoning is severe, the following symptoms of poisoning in dogs with rat poison are possible: bleeding during defecation and urination, subcutaneous hemorrhages in the form of hematomas on the body. The animal experiences pain in the abdomen - this can be checked by palpation. The dog walks with severe poisoning with difficulty, limping. In addition, the dog coughs, and also with blood. In severe poisoning, the animal usually dies as a result of multiple hemorrhages.

However, with timely veterinary care, the dog can be saved in 85% of all cases. After saving the animal, it is important to remember that now contact with rat poison for the pet should be completely excluded. If the dog was poisoned once with poison, in the future it will form hypersensitivity to the substance.

A poison such as zinc phosphide is now used extremely rarely, so the dog practically cannot come into contact with this substance. However, in rare cases of contact, signs of poisoning will be as follows:

  • the dog vomits, sometimes with blood;
  • there is severe diarrhea;
  • the animal is constantly thirsty;
  • apathy, weakness along with nervous anxiety;
  • hard breath;
  • the pupils of the animal are dilated;
  • cramps of the limbs;
  • loss of consciousness.

In case of rat poisoning, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • weakness of the pulse;
  • severe vomiting;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • urinary retention, sometimes significant;
  • convulsions.

In case of poisoning with ratsid and zinc phosphide, the first signs of poisoning will appear in the dog much earlier than with intoxication with anticoagulants. In case of poisoning with potent substances, alarming symptoms become noticeable after a few hours.

What to do if poison enters the body

First, let's reassure dog breeders: if you notice signs of poisoning in dogs with rat poison in time, and take measures to save the animal, then the prognosis for most cases is favorable. First you need to give your pet all possible first aid.

First aid measures

First, try to make the animal vomit. To do this, you can do gastric lavage. For the procedure, you will need a syringe without a needle with a volume of 20 ml. It is necessary to draw water into the syringe, inject a stream of liquid into the mouth of the animal. Then you need to provoke vomiting: to do this, press on the root of the dog's tongue.

If a puppy is poisoned, it is enough to use 20 ml of liquid to wash his stomach, a medium dog will need two syringes (40 ml), a large one - 34 syringes (60-80 ml). It is recommended to use clean boiled water, but not herbal decoctions, infusions or a solution of potassium permanganate. According to recent data, a solution of potassium permanganate irritates the gastric mucosa, and even corrodes the latter to some extent. It is for this reason that potassium permanganate has now disappeared from the shelves of many pharmacies.

The use of sorbents can also be beneficial in case of poisoning. Sorbents are called substances that bind, neutralize and remove toxins from the body. As sorbents are suitable:

  1. Activated carbon;
  2. Enterosorb;
  3. Polysorb MP;
  4. Polyphepan.

It is necessary to give the dog a decoction to drink with high content mucus. Suitable rice, herculean decoctions, as well as flaxseed. It does not hurt to give the animal a laxative. In this case, magnesium sulfate can be used as an effective drug.

The intestines of the animal can be cleansed with an enema. It is advisable to use a small pear (50-100 ml) for this. The procedure must be carried out with warm water, and preferably in several steps.

The animal needs to be given plenty of water frequently and abundantly. With vomiting and diarrhea, which usually accompany poisoning, there is a rapid dehydration of the body. It is necessary to replenish the lack of fluid. Give your dog plain water, no gas or impurities. medicines. It is recommended to pour 10 ml of liquid into the mouth of an animal every 10 minutes, and 5 ml of a small dog.

Feeding the same dog immediately after poisoning is prohibited. It is better to remove the bowl of food from the animal altogether until digestive system the pet needs rest. Feeding can be started only after the permission of the veterinarian.

What not to do in case of poisoning

When saving a beloved animal, the owners are ready to go to any lengths to save the life of the pet. However, you should not lose your head: there are some points that are best avoided when helping a dog that has suffered from intoxication.

If more than 4-6 hours have passed since the moment of poisoning, inducing vomiting is not only useless, but also harmful. Firstly, by this time all the contents of the stomach had already descended into the intestines, and secondly, artificially induced vomiting greatly weakens the dog's body. And this method can be used only when it makes sense, that is, within 1-2 hours after poisoning.

Even if a little time has passed since the poisoning, vomiting should not be induced if:

  1. the dog has convulsions;
  2. paralysis;
  3. loss of consciousness.

A dog with rat poison poisoning should not be given foods such as milk. vegetable oils, eggs: when interacting with zinc phosphide, these products will aggravate the negative effect of the poison. Castor oil is not given to a dog for the same reason.

When poisoning with zinc phosphide, it must be remembered that this substance has a rare toxicity, therefore, when rescuing a dog, you must also take care of your own safety. It is best to carry out all rescue procedures outdoors or in a ventilated room. If possible, it is desirable to provide medical manipulations to professionals.

professional treatment

If the dog has eaten quite a bit of poison, and the poisoning has not gone beyond the mild stage, it is usually enough to induce vomiting in the animal, sorbents and laxatives. As a rule, these measures are enough for the dog to return to relative normal after a few hours. Well, after a few days, the symptoms of dog poisoning with rat poison will disappear completely.

In advanced cases, sometimes even a blood transfusion is required if the intoxication is too significant. Vitamin K is introduced in this case necessarily, by subcutaneous injection. Most likely, a dog with severe poisoning will need antibiotic treatment, as well as replenishment of iron deficiency in the body.

When an animal with poisoning enters the clinic, the veterinarian first conducts an external examination. At the same time, the owner needs to tell the doctor as accurately and in detail as possible where and under what circumstances the dog tasted the poison, to mention all the symptoms that arose in the animal due to poisoning.

The dog is injected with vitamin K - this antidote is used for rodenticide poisoning. This is followed by symptomatic treatment, during which the animal systematically eliminates all the consequences of poisoning. In the course of eliminating the consequences of intoxication, the veterinarian can use the following types of drugs:

  • sorbents;
  • saline laxative;
  • painkillers if necessary;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • heart remedies;
  • antibiotics.

If the dog has tasted zinc phosphide, Maalox may be prescribed as a treatment, which helps to reduce the amount of toxins in the body and remove them. The introduction of conventional activated charcoal and gastric lavage in several doses after that will also help the animal.

If the dog is in serious condition, he will most likely stay for a few days in the clinic. If the dog's condition is stable, after first aid is given, it is discharged home with an exact indication for the owner of all subsequent steps: visits to the clinic, assistance, recommendations for diet, maintenance.

If the dog is severely poisoned, the course of treatment may take up to a month. Throughout this period, the animal is regularly injected with an antidote in the form of vitamin K, and blood is transfused as needed. Symptomatic treatment is carried out simultaneously with the main one.


Poisoning with rat poison in a mild form and with the rapid provision of medical care usually disappears without a trace for dogs. Apart from a few days of depressed mood in the animal and lack of appetite.

If intoxication is significant, most often there are complications associated with the functioning of the liver. In particular, the liver begins to experience problems with the regulation of blood clotting. For this reason, hemorrhages are so frequent when poisoned with rat poison. If the liver is severely damaged, death is likely.

For prevention purposes, do not let your dog off the leash during a walk, especially if you are near old buildings where there are basements, attics, warehouses. Read the announcements of public utilities and sanitary and epidemiological stations: the time and place of large-scale deratization are usually warned in advance.

We learned how dangerous rat poison is for dogs, and what can be done if the pet has been poisoned by this substance. Poison for rats can not only adversely affect the health and well-being of the dog, but also bring the animal to lethal outcome. To protect your dog from poisoning, take precautions when walking, and immediately take your pet to the clinic at the first sign of intoxication.

Poisoning with rat poison hides a whole group of intoxications that are caused by means designed to get rid of rodents. It seems that in modern world encountering toxins of this type is quite difficult, but it is not.

Cases of poisoning with rat poison of a person are possible if he lives in his own house and tries to get rid of pests on his own.

Rat poison - what is it and where is it used

The variety of rat poisons is great, but they are all created by man in order to get rid of rats and mice, and belong to the group of pesticides. The following varieties of this poisonous substance are distinguished:

  • highly toxic compounds (arsenic, Various types phosphorus, strychnine, etc.) are almost never used, since there is a possibility of human poisoning;
  • zinc phosphide and ratsid - highly toxic poisons that can lead to the death of rodents a few hours after eating the bait, are produced and sold very limitedly;
  • drugs that worsen the blood coagulation process are widely distributed on the market and are divided into two different generations(the first generation of poisons is more dangerous than the second).

The lethal dose of rat poison for humans varies depending on its type.

For example, 55-60 mg of Varvarin per 1 kg is enough for death to occur, but more Brodifactum will be required: about 300 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

According to the ICD-10 or the international classification, poisoning with poisons for rats passes, like intoxication with other pesticides, under the code X48.

How does intoxication happen?

It would seem that poisoning with poison for rats is not so easy in modern conditions. However, this opinion is erroneous. Wherever a rat or other rodent could theoretically live, one can encounter this poison. Most often, people get poisoned if, in public places, baits are laid out with disregard for the norms of SanPin. Public areas include:

  • various institutions for the stay of children;
  • healthcare institutions;
  • catering establishments;
  • shops for the production of food products, semi-finished products, etc.;
  • cellars and living quarters;
  • various warehouses for food storage, etc.

Different poisons need different time to act on rodents, which means that they can be in the public domain for a long time. That is why people need to be warned that pest control work is underway.

Read also: Toxic poisoning

Human impact

Without medical attention, under the influence of rat poison, a person dies from blood loss.

Symptoms of poisoning

Symptoms of rat poison poisoning rarely appear in people immediately after the incident. Perhaps their rapid manifestation in children with significant consumption of poison and its high toxicity. In most cases, it takes 2-3 days for the manifestations to make themselves felt.

Symptoms will be as follows:

  • increased feelings of weakness;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting, lack of appetite;
  • episodic nosebleeds;
  • headaches;
  • severe bleeding gums;
  • easy appearance of hematomas;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine or feces;
  • violations of the visual and auditory analyzer;
  • internal bleeding.

A child, even with a small amount of swallowed poison, will react to the toxin much more strongly than an adult.

First Aid Basics

What to do in case of poisoning in the first place, if the symptoms have already made themselves felt? It all starts with calling an ambulance. After the medical team has received a call, you can provide first aid to the poisoned person on your own. This is done as follows:

  • do a gastric lavage by drinking a few glasses of warm water and provoking vomiting;
  • the victim is given any sorbent (activated charcoal is most often used);
  • if there is a saline laxative in the house, then it can also be given to the victim to cleanse the intestines of the poison and reduce its absorption.

In case of poisoning with rat poison, before the arrival of doctors, a person should not eat and sleep. It is especially important to ensure that children do not fall asleep, as due to imperceptible internal bleeding, they may no longer wake up.

Medical assistance

When consuming rat poison, whether accidental or intentional, a person will need health care. In a hospital setting, doctors will determine if there is internal bleeding and prescribe therapy, which may include:

  • forcing diuresis, washing the stomach and intestines (this will help the poison leave the body faster);
  • the introduction of vitamin K, which will act as an antidote (the duration of treatment with an antidote is selected individually and, depending on the degree of intoxication, can be 15-30 days);
  • the appointment of hepatoprotectors and agents that help restore the normal functioning of the liver.

Read also: Botulinum toxin - poison or medicine

If blood clotting is severely impaired, therapy with plasma transfusion is possible. For the entire period of treatment, a restriction on physical activity is imposed, bed rest is preferable.

Possible Complications

Severe consequences of poisoning with rat poison develop in people if medical assistance was not provided in a timely manner. Complications may include:

  • increased bleeding gums;
  • the development of severe bleeding in response to even minor damage to the skin;
  • the development of internal bleeding of varying intensity;
  • development of chronic anemia.

All these consequences can be avoided if medical assistance to the victim was provided in a timely manner and in full. Otherwise, intoxication with a fatal outcome is possible.

Preventive actions

“What to do so that the child does not get poisoned by rat poison by accident?” many parents ask. First of all, it is necessary when carrying out deratization on own site explain to children what rat baits are and why they should not be touched. If the children are too young to understand the explanations, it is recommended to ensure that they do not pick up anything from the ground or, if possible, move them away from a possible source of danger. You can reduce the likelihood of poisoning if a professional takes care of eliminating pests.

Do you use poisons to get rid of rodents?

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