Catches of fat for the sewerage industrial street execution. Grease trap for industrial water treatment

Engineering systems 03.03.2020
Engineering systems

In a modern professional kitchen, and in most private houses and apartments, many different household appliances are used. We are already accustomed to the fact that the kitchen has a microwave, coffee machine and mixer, but one of the innovations that began to appear in modern kitchens not so long ago is the grease trap. This device helps to avoid blockages in the sewerage system. This article will talk about what types and types of grease traps can be found on the market.

Construction and its advantages

Everyone knows that fat and oil do not dissolve in water. And if it gets into the sewer pipes, it forms growths on their walls. As a result, a blockage quickly occurs in communications, which leads to additional costs for its elimination.

In addition, a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria is formed in the pipes. It is warm, there is moisture and a lot of food (fat and oil). And where there are bacteria, there are many diseases, not to mention an unpleasant smell.

To avoid all these troubles, they began to install grease traps. Such structures are like a sump, passing through which, the drains are "freed" from fat. If earlier fat traps were produced only for use in catering establishments, today designs for domestic use can also be found on sale. They are more compact in size and affordable price.

Separation of devices by purpose

Grease traps have appeared relatively recently, but due to their effectiveness, their popularity is growing. Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of models. When making a choice, first of all, you should pay attention to the purpose of the fat trap. In the markets you can find models:

  • for household needs;
  • professional.

The first option is used not only in private kitchens.

Note! Very often, such equipment can be found in small coffee shops or hotels, the main thing is that the volumes of a one-time drain are not large. In addition, drains should not contain large amounts of oil and grease contaminants.

Household grease traps are cheaper than their professional counterparts. In addition, such equipment does not need special care, and installation work does not require high qualifications.

Another thing, professional-level grease traps. Such equipment is more powerful, and is able to cope with large volumes of oil and grease contaminants. But great performance requires special care and maintenance. Therefore, such models can only be found in large restaurants and other catering establishments.

Material Division

Manufacturers of household and professional grease traps offer products of various designs and price ranges. But the main distinguishing features of the devices can be called the materials used in their production. So, on sale you can find fat traps made of:

  • of stainless steel;
  • fiberglass;
  • polypropylene.

Stainless steel grease traps are more expensive than other models. It is this material that is most often used in the production of professional equipment. Stainless steel is not subject to corrosion, easily transfers mechanical influences. Thanks to these features, fat traps made of this material can be installed both inside and outside.

Fiberglass products can also be installed both indoors and outdoors. Thanks to the protective layer, the trap is not afraid of any weather conditions. In addition, fiberglass is resistant to aggressive chemical environments. Fiberglass is used in the manufacture of both household and professional grease traps. At the same time, products (especially for domestic use) are compact and easily fit in the space under the sink.

Fat traps made of polypropylene are considered the cheapest. They are mainly purchased for domestic use. Such structures are easy to maintain and install, have a sufficiently long (up to 30 years) service life. The disadvantage of such fat traps is the fragility of the body to mechanical stress, so their external use is not recommended.

Separation on other grounds

In addition to the above features, there are several other features by which fat traps can be divided. For example, the installation method. As a rule, most models are produced of a universal type. They can be mounted both indoors and outdoors (it is advisable not to install plastic products outdoors). The main thing is that sewer communications pass nearby.

But, despite its versatility, there are some features during installation. Namely:

  • Installation indoors. This method is most often used in everyday life. In this case, the fat trap can be mounted in almost any convenient place, as long as there is free access to the sewer system. Models that fit in the space under the sink are very popular. Of course, such grease traps are produced mainly for domestic use.
  • Mounting outside. In this case, it is better to choose devices made of stainless steel or fiberglass. Outdoor models must withstand mechanical stress and the effects of natural phenomena. As a rule, such models are produced more productive, and they are intended for the most part for restaurants and other catering facilities with large volumes of wastewater.

It is worth noting that professional grease traps, which are often installed outside, require more skilled workers to install them.

In addition to the installation site, grease traps can be divided according to the cleaning method. The simplest models need "manual" care. It is these devices, because of their low cost, that are installed in private kitchens. The owner himself must monitor the level of accumulated fat and oil and, if necessary, carry out manual cleaning using a sieve or other device provided by the design.

More expensive models of grease traps are equipped with automation. The set of such equipment includes a specialized pump that automatically pumps out accumulated fats and oils. It remains for the owner to control the correct operation of the system. Automatics are mainly equipped with professional-level fat traps.


Operation and installation of the external grease trap:

Overview of the grease trap under the sink Evo Stok:

A grease trap is a filter that separates fat deposits and oils in wastewater. Devices can be for domestic use: a grease trap for washing and industrial use, used in enterprises. In this article, we will consider everything related to such filters - the principle of their operation, calculation features, the installation process and, of course, the operating rules.

The device and principle of operation of the grease trap

The operation of the grease trap is based on the simplest gravity method. Fat and oil particles are lighter than water in their properties. Therefore, they float to the surface, falling into special sedimentation tanks, from which they are subsequently easily removed.

The scheme of the grease trap is quite simple. Any type of device consists of:

  • A flask consisting of several compartments in which sewage water settles
  • Inlet pipeline connected to the sink
  • Outlet pipe connected to the sewer
  • Compartment for collecting fat
  • Lids to prevent odors.

For long-term operation of devices and an increase in the time between cleanings, bio-enzymes can be used that can break down accumulated fat.

All grease traps have a number of significant advantages:

  • The devices are hermetically sealed. The ingress of unnecessary liquid into it is completely excluded.
  • When using a grease trap in the room, there are no foreign odors formed during the breakdown of fat cells.
  • Long service life is achieved by using excellent quality materials for the production of separators.
  • Ease of installation and maintenance of the unit.
  • Relatively low cost compared to other types of filters.
  • Possibility of installing additional equipment, for example, sensors for the accumulation of harmful substances.

An elementary grease trap is able to purify wastewater by 25%.

Calculation of the required performance of the grease trap

In order for the device to be useful, it is necessary to correctly calculate the performance of the grease trap. In this matter, it is best to turn to professionals involved in the installation and maintenance of filters, but you can do the calculation yourself.

There are two methods for selecting instruments.

Industrial grease trap

The calculation is based on data on the work of a particular institution. The quantity of manufactured products and the estimated volume of fats and oils in the wastewater are important. This method is optimal for catering establishments and is in no way suitable for choosing a household grease trap.

In this case, the rated capacity of the device can be found by multiplying the known maximum wastewater flow by the coefficient of detergents used.

The following formula is used to calculate wastewater consumption:

Qs = M*Vm*F/(3600*t), where

  • Qs is the required value;
  • M is the average number of prepared meals per day;
  • Vm is the consumption of liquid necessary for the preparation of one dish;
  • F - peak flow;
  • t is the operating time of the enterprise.

Calculation based on data on the number of baths, sinks and their throughput. For a correct calculation, you will need to determine the type of equipment used. They can flow and storage.

To choose a household grease trap, you will need to calculate the volume of each sink. You can do this by multiplying its length, width and height.

When using flow-through washers, the formula for finding the optimal separator size looks like this:

P \u003d n * ps, where

  • n is the number of washes;
  • ps is the rate of water flow from the tap.

As a rule, the latter value is 0.1 l/s.

Grease trap installation

Installing a grease trap under the sink

Installing the grease trap is quite simple. To mount the device with your own hands, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. The place for installation of a separator is chosen. It should be a level and solid surface that is easy to access. Most often, the grease trap is installed directly under the sink or near the dishwasher.
  2. A grease filter is installed.
  3. The inlet pipe of the separator is connected to the sewer pipe of the sink or the pipe where the sink and washing equipment are connected. At the connection point, a rubber gasket is used, which is supplied with the device.
  4. The outlet pipe is discharged into the sewer. To connect pipes, in the same way as in the previous paragraph, a gasket is used.
  5. The grease trap is filled with water to check the tightness of its connections with pipes.
  6. The system is closed by the lid of the apparatus.

The separator is connected and tested. The device can be used.

Installation of a grease trap in the garden

Installing a separator on a personal plot is a more difficult task than installing a device at home. In order to install it yourself, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Initially, choose a place to install the filter. It is important to take into account the further planning of the site and possible landscape work.
  2. A hole of the required size is dug. When carrying out this work, it should be taken into account that at the bottom of the recess there should be solid backfill and the separator cover should protrude 3-4 cm above ground level.
  3. At the bottom of the pit, a solid formwork is made from a mixture of sand and cement. If the site has sandy or loamy soils, then the mixture used is diluted in a ratio of 1:5. If the soil is more unstable, then the amount of cement in the solution needs to be increased. After the prepared base has completely hardened, you can proceed with the further installation of the device.
  4. The body of the grease trap, for stability and avoiding distortions, is attached to a solid base with anchor bolts.
  5. Plywood formwork is constructed around the grease trap to prevent soil shedding. Use of the instrument in cold climates will require the use of any thermal insulation material such as mineral wool or foam.

Mineral wool and foam plastic are suitable thermal insulation materials

  1. The inlet pipe of the device is connected to the sewer pipe. After connection, the joint is recommended to be treated with a sealant.
  2. The outlet pipe of the separator is connected to a further drainage system. The junction of the pipes is also treated with a sealant.
  3. The remaining space of the pit is covered with excavated soil (the backfilling method is used, in which the earth extracted from this particular place is used).

When installing a grease trap on the street, it is necessary. These pipes are used to remove excess gas accumulations from the sewer system that can damage the equipment. If it is planned to spend a lot of time on the plot and in a large company, that is, there will be a lot of wastewater, then it is recommended to use not only the main, but also an additional fan pipe.

If during the installation of the grease trap all the basic rules and requirements are observed, then there will never be any problems with the operation and further maintenance of the device.

Grease trap maintenance

Maintenance of grease traps consists of several types of work:

  • Periodic check and cleaning of the nozzles of the device from large contaminants that can damage the pipes.
  • Timely cleaning of the body and bottom of the grease trap from large debris.
  • Carrying out preventive measures, consisting in flushing the system, with a separator installed in it, with hot water. This is necessary to remove small particles of fat that have lingered in the pipes and can, over time, clog and destroy.
  • Permanent removal of accumulated fat and oils from the grease trap chamber.

For efficient operation of the device, it requires constant cleaning. Grease trap waste, depending on its configuration and cost, can be removed in two ways:

  1. Manual cleaning. It is produced using a special spatula supplied with the device.

  1. Cleaning using a built-in pump for household appliances or special equipment, with the help of which impurities are pumped out in devices such as a well, an underground grease trap, and so on.

The main rule that you should know when servicing grease traps is that all necessary work must be performed constantly and at the right time. Otherwise, there may be a severe blockage of the system, any emergency, for example, a breakthrough in the sewer, and the appearance of unpleasant odors in the room.

With proper and timely care of the grease trap, the device will serve for a long time.

Each person is free to choose cleaning and protection systems. We hope that this article will help you choose a device, properly install and care for a grease trap both in an apartment and in a country house.

Due to blockages in the kitchen sewer pipes, sometimes you have to be very nervous. The fact is that in some cases it is not possible to clean the drainage system by any chemical means. Nevertheless, this problem can be eliminated: it is enough to make and connect a "smart" device - a grease trap - to the sewer pipes.

Invention for clearing blockages

A grease trap can be a real salvation for those who are constantly faced with clogged sewers in the kitchen. The device consists of several parts, performs a specific task, acting in a special way.

Grease trap function

The device, called a grease trap, has one task - to separate fat from water. The device is attached to the sewer pipes and prevents the formation of fatty plugs.

Greaser under the kitchen sink allows you to always keep the pipes clean

The grease trap functions conscientiously due to the special components:

  • inlet pipe;
  • septum;
  • outlet pipe in the form of a tee.

All elements that contribute to the screening of fat from water are enclosed in a plastic box. In this case, the nozzles for the inlet and outlet of water are installed so that they are partially outside the housing.

The principle of operation of the device

The grease trap functions as follows:

  1. The inlet pipe receives the liquid flowing from the sink in the kitchen.
  2. The primary chamber is filled with dirty water. The collected liquid is partially cleaned, while the fat is carried upwards, where it will remain due to the installed partition. The height of this barrier is limited, it occupies only two thirds of the size of the box.
  3. Through the partition, water, freed from fat, enters the next compartment of the body.
  4. From the second chamber, the liquid flows along the bottom of the box into the outlet pipe in the form of a tee. From there, the purified water is sent to the sewer pipe.

Due to the special movement of the liquid, the fat is blocked in the drawer.

As a result of the passage of water through special sections, fat is collected on the surface of the working medium, the volume of which remains unchanged.

Fat will gradually accumulate in the space allotted to it in the box. Therefore, the device must be completely disconnected from the sewer system once every 2 weeks and rid of the fat layer. If a lot of dirt gets into the sewer from the sink, then the frequency of cleaning does not interfere with increasing.

The choice of material for the grease trap

To independently make a device that removes fat from water, you first need to find a suitable container. The container for the grease trap can be made of food-grade plastic, fiberglass, stainless steel or polypropylene.

The selected container must be made in the shape of a rectangle. A tight lid for such a container is a very important element. It is available in a plastic box in which toys are stored, so it can be safely used as a grease trap body.

Even a capacious toy box can become a grease trap box

There are no special requirements for pipes. In order for a box of harmless material to have holes that allow water to enter and exit, a sewer elbow can be used.

The diameter of the elements that direct the liquid along a certain route must correspond to the parameter of the pipes of the sewer system. Most often, the sewerage communication line has a diameter of 5 cm. But sometimes a product with a diameter of 11 cm is taken as an outlet pipe.

The sewer elbow as an element of the grease trap delivers water for further cleaning and directing to the sewer

In addition to a capacious box and a knee, to assemble the grease trap you will need:

  • 2 pipes with a diameter of 10 cm, the length of which is 2/3 of the height of the box, or 2 plastic sheets of the same height (future partitions);
  • a piece of pipe with a length as in the above-mentioned elements, but with a smaller diameter (5 cm), mounting extension and a rubber cuff on the edge.

To simplify the task of choosing the right materials, a pre-drawn diagram showing the sewer system to which it is planned to connect the grease trap will help.

Judging by the scheme, not many details are required to clean water from fat.

Calculation of the main parameters

The dimensions of the body of the grease trap, which affect the performance of the device, must be calculated.

A simple calculation of the volume of the container for the grease trap involves the use of the formula P = nxPs. P is the capacity of the appliance expressed in l/s, n is the number of sinks in the kitchen, and Ps is the rate at which water flows through the water supply system. The latter indicator is usually equal to 0.1 l / s.

Let's say there is only one sink in the kitchen. In this case, the calculation is carried out as follows:

  1. The performance of the grease trap is calculated (P=1x0.1=0.1 l/s).
  2. The volume of the aggregate is determined using the formula V = 60xPxt, where t is the average fat settling time, which is approximately six minutes. As a result, 36 liters are obtained (V = 60x0.1x6 = 36 liters).
  3. Select the dimensions of the container for the grease trap. To do this, the volume of the device from liters is converted to m³. It turns out that 36 liters is 0.036 m³. After that, the numbers are found, as a result of the multiplication of which the desired indicator is formed. 0.036 m³ can be obtained by multiplying 0.3 m by 0.3 m, and then by another 0.4 m. The listed indicators are the container parameters for the grease trap. As a height, you can use both 0.3 m and 0.4 m.

The 36 l grease trap is sufficient if only one sink is installed in the kitchen

Preparing to make a fixture

Having learned what the dimensions of the grease trap body should be, it is necessary to draw up a drawing and find all the necessary tools for assembling the product.

Grease trap drawing

At the stage of drawing up the drawing, it is required to indicate the location of the inlet and outlet.

The lower edge of the branch pipe for redirecting water from the grease trap to the sewer pipe should be located 3–5 cm below the middle of the inlet. The slot where the water supply pipe will be installed should be located next to the housing cover.

The grease trap can be made up of 6 elements including a vent

Required Tools

The manufacture of a grease trap is carried out using tools such as:

  • electric jigsaw or saw;
  • sanitary hermetic agent;
  • a piece of sandpaper;
  • rubber sealing tape treated with glue.

Sewer grease trap guide

The grease trap can be made without problems if you do the following:

  1. Establish where exactly the grease collector will be added to the sewer system. This location could be the area directly under the kitchen sink or outside, but not in an area where flammable items are placed.
  2. Seal the cover of the box suitable for creating a grease trap by pulling a silicone or rubber gasket over it.
  3. Make a hole in one of the walls of the prepared box through which the inlet pipe will be passed. Typically, this slot is created in close proximity to the lid or at a distance of 5 cm from the upper edge of the side wall of the box.

    The holes are opposite each other, but not necessarily exactly in the middle of the box

  4. Drill opposite the first hole the second one, necessary for mounting the outlet pipe. It is permissible to make this hole in such a place that the lower end of the pipe inserted into it is 10–15 cm below the slot for the inlet pipe. It is important that the edge of the pipe mounted in the box is several centimeters higher than the bottom of the container used.
  5. Fix the nozzles in the created slots using sealants and epoxy.
  6. Insert two partitions into the box. One barrier with hot glue must be fixed in the upper part of the box so that it rises 10 cm above the bottom. And the second partition, the length of which is 2/3 of the height of the box, should be fixed at the bottom of the grease trap, thereby creating 3 sections in the device.

    One branch pipe of the grease trap is connected to a pipe coming from the sink, and the other is combined with a sewer line through which water flows into a special well

In order for the assembly of the grease trap to be successful, you need to heed the following recommendations:

  • suspecting that the partitions will not be able to withstand the pressure of water, instead of glue, you should use a stronger fixative - epoxy resin in combination with corners;
  • to protect the partitions from changing shape and breaking, they can be wrapped with rubber bands cut from the rubber of motor vehicles;
  • partitions can be placed not only vertically, but also diagonally, spreading them with bolts of great length;
  • holes for the inlet and outlet of the pipes do not have to be placed strictly in the central part of the box, because by making holes not in the middle of the box, it will save space under the sink;
  • holes for the pipes can be made with a children's device for burning wood, if there is a fear that the jigsaw will not be able to create holes without avoiding cracks;
  • a vent hole is an optional measure, since the fermentation reaction in the grease trap is very slow.

Video: operation of a homemade grease trap

The manufacture and installation of the above device will make it possible to safely use the sink, without fear of contamination of sewer pipes. It is only necessary to disconnect the unit from the system at least once every 2 weeks and thoroughly clean it from the contents.

The presence of large amounts of fats and oils in the drains can harm the sewer system. To avoid this, special devices have been developed - fat separators, called - grease traps. Consider their principle of operation, typical device and operation features. At the end of the article, it will be told how to make a simple household grease remover for a kitchen sink or sink for a house or apartment.

What is a grease trap, its device and principle of operation

These are special tanks used to remove fats contained in drains. A simplified drawing of such a device is shown below.


  • A - pipe installed at the inlet;
  • B - partition, plays the role of a flow damper;
  • C - the first separation partition;
  • D - separation chamber;
  • E - the second separation partition;
  • F - settling compartment;
  • G - output distribution compartment;
  • H - branch pipe for the removal of treated wastewater;
  • I - a sealant that ensures the tightness of the structure;
  • J - reservoir cover.

The most common way to separate fats is mechanical. Separator partitions are installed in the tank, which help to slow down the movement of effluents and cool them. As a result, the fatty formations contained in them, due to the transition to a non-emulsified state, are collected on the surface of the water. With the accumulation of a certain amount of fat, cleaning is performed. A visual diagram of the operation of the device is shown below.


  • A - supply of wastewater to the tank;
  • B - sediment from heavy pollution;
  • C - fat accumulated on the surface of the water;
  • D - separation partitions;
  • E - water level line;
  • F - outlet to the sewer.

The main technical characteristics of separators are determined by their dimensions, performance, peak discharge volume and installation method.

Main types

Devices of this type are classified according to the principle of cleaning, it can be performed in three ways:

  1. Mechanical. This most common option has been described above, its main disadvantages are:
  • during operation, it is necessary to regularly clean the device from the accumulation of fat;
  • low efficiency and level of purification, part of the impurities still remains in the effluents.
  1. Gravitational. The design of such separators and the principle of operation resembles the previous type (see Fig. 3), the only difference is in the technological process of cleaning. Drains are given time to settle (about a day), which allows almost all impurities to collect near the surface. Often, in these devices, special chemical reagents are used that bind fatty impurities, forming heavy conglomerates from them that precipitate.

Such devices have a much higher cleaning percentage, about 98%, but there are also characteristic disadvantages:

  • manual cleaning and subsequent disposal of fat is necessary;
  • in the precipitated organic matter, the process of decay may begin, which manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant odor.
  1. Biological. Such separators are called biological destructors. The difference from previous types also lies in the cleaning technology. It is produced by adding biological products (special cultures of microorganisms), which feed on fat and convert it into a neutral precipitate.

The advantages of this method are obvious, after the decomposition of fat there is no unpleasant odor and a less difficult cleaning process.

Concluding the topic about the types of grease traps, we should mention devices for ventilation systems, for example, a kitchen hood, which also has special devices for separating fats.

Passing through the filters, grease vapors settle on them, which reduces the pollution of duct ventilation systems.

Selection criteria and main manufacturers

To select the necessary device, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from its purpose. The operating parameters of the separators depend on this. For example, for domestic purposes, performance will be sufficient in the range of 0.1-2 liters per second. But these characteristics are completely unsuitable for cleaning wastewater entering the sewer from a canteen, cafe or restaurant; industrial models with the appropriate technical characteristics will be required for this task.

It is worth noting that many industrial models (for example, for workshops where the production of dairy products is established) are equipped with additional equipment that increases the efficiency of service. These can be automatic pumps for pumping wastewater, fill sensors, etc.

An important factor is the material from which the tank body is made, it can be plastic, fiberglass or stainless steel. In industrial devices, the well is often made of concrete.

Household cleaners are usually made of plastic, which is explained by the low cost of the material, as well as its following useful properties:

  • light weight, which greatly simplifies installation and maintenance;
  • long service life (at least 30 years);
  • harmlessness to humans.

Such devices are designed for domestic use or installation in small catering establishments.

Fiberglass separators. A distinctive feature of such cases is high mechanical strength and resistance to aggressive chemicals. Such characteristics are well suited for industrial models, especially considering the fact that outdoor installation is allowed.

Fiberglass hulls are weather resistant, lightweight and easy to clean.

Stainless steel housings are typically used for industrial separators. Characteristics:

  • long service life;
  • high hygienic properties;
  • presentable appearance.

These characteristics, as well as possible, meet the requirements of public catering establishments.

The only drawback that limits the use of such a case is the high price.

When choosing a manufacturer, we recommend giving preference to well-known brands, such as Ecoline, Alta, The Fifth Element, Thermite, etc. We also note that domestic products are not inferior in quality to foreign ones, but are significantly cheaper. As for unknown manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom, here, as always, the quality must be checked on the spot.


When choosing a separator model, it is necessary to take into account the place of its installation. There are models designed for installation indoors and/or outdoors. There are three home installation options:

  • under the sink or sink;
  • in the basement;
  • in the space provided for this purpose.

In everyday life, as a rule, use the first option. Briefly describe the sequence of actions when installing a household separator:

  • Choose where the device will be located. For this, any surface with a smooth and hard coating is suitable. Since the grease trap requires regular cleaning during operation, it is necessary to provide free access to it. The best option is a place under the sink or next to it.
  • We install the separator in the selected place.
  • We connect the sink drain hose to the inlet pipe. To ensure the sealing of the joint, we use rubber gaskets (usually supplied with the device), as an additional security measure, you can use silicone sealant.
  • We connect the drain pipe to the sewer (it is best to use a corrugated hose of the appropriate diameter for this purpose), without forgetting about rubber seals.
  • We fill the structure with water in order to check the tightness. If a leak is found, fix it.
  • Close the top cover, after which the device is ready for use.

An outdoor vertical or conventional grease trap is mounted in the ground according to the same principle as a septic tank, a description of this process can be found on our website.

How to clean the grease trap?

Household devices installed inside the house are cleaned manually. For this purpose, separators are equipped with a special blade. This process is quite simple, does not take much time, but is somewhat unpleasant. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Open the top cover.
  • We collect the accumulated fat with a spatula. It should be noted that fat waste during unloading of grease traps is subject to mandatory disposal, but these standards do not yet apply to household appliances.
  • We check the nozzles and, if necessary, remove accumulated large particles from them.
  • We remove the accumulated sediment from the bottom. It can be cleaned using any detergent.
  • We flush the system with hot water, which will remove grease and oil particles from the pipes that can lead to clogging.
  • Close the lid and continue further operation of the separator.

To pump out the accumulation of fats from the street separator, special equipment will be required.

Cleaning should be carried out regularly, otherwise the system is likely to become clogged.

How to make a grease trap under the sink with your own hands?

With a little time and patience, it’s easy to make a homemade simple separator for washing in the kitchen from improvised materials. In this case, you can do without drawings. For manufacturing we need:

  • a plastic box with a lid, with a volume of about 40 liters;
  • tee and elbow PET Ø 50 mm;
  • pipe Ø 100 mm (its length should be approximately 2/3 of the height of the body);
  • branch pipe Ø 50 mm (same length) it must have a mounting extension and a rubber cuff.

From tools and consumables should be prepared:

  • jigsaw (preferably electric);
  • sealant;
  • sandpaper;
  • adhesive rubber sealing tape.

When everything is ready, we proceed to the manufacturing process, we act according to the following algorithm:

  • At the opposite ends of the box we make holes Ø50 mm. From the top edge of the box to the holes should be approximately 50 mm. Don't forget to clean the edges with sandpaper.
  • We install a pipe Ø 100 mm under one of the holes and glue it in such a way that its lower edge does not reach the bottom of the box by about 30-40 mm.
  • As soon as the glue dries, install a Ø 50 mm pipe inside the previously glued pipe. In this case, the lower edge of the branch pipe should be approximately 50 mm higher than the lower edge of the pipe.
  • We connect a tee to the upper end of the pipe, we put one of its free ends into the hole, the second will be directed upwards, and play the role of ventilation.
  • We make installation of an introductory elbow.
  • We cover all cracks and joints with silicone sealant.
  • At the junction of the cover and the box, glue the sealing tape.
  • We close the lid, wait until the silicone sealant hardens, after that we can connect the grease trap.

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