Question: What is the meaning to have soil resources for residents of Kuban. Land and soil resources

Decor elements 21.09.2019
Decor elements

Soil resources A combination of soils used by man for its purposes is called. Soil is an inexhaustible renewable resource. The entire land area is 14,800 million hectares, 28% of it occupy forests, 17% - meadows and pastures, 11% of the processed lands (Pashnya) and 45% are the territory without soil or with soil seized for use. Agricultural landiness of sushi is 30%, and with forests - 60% of the soil treated on average 0.5 hectare per person in the world. During its existence, humanity lost half of all land sushi lands suitable for agriculture. Every year in the world due to the degradation of soils and alienation of land for non-agricultural needs, about 7 million hectares of arable soil is lost, that is, an area that could feed 21 million people. Land resources in the world are agricultural lands and other land (or otherwise land areas), which are used or can be used with this equivalent development of the Company's productive forces in many industries (rural, forestry, water management, construction of settlements, roads and etc.)

Due to the rapid growth of the population and its irrational economic activities, which is expressed in the annual loss of 6 - 7 million hectares of productive land, the provision of humanity by land resources is rapidly decreasing. Area land resourcesper person per person is reduced annually by 2 hectares, and the area of \u200b\u200bproductive land - by 6 - 7 hectares due to the growing anthropogenic load on land resources and degradation of soil cover.

Soil formation - a complex long process of turning the maternal rock in a new natural body (for 100 years 1 cm of soil is formed), which is composed of the synthesis and decay of organic substances and minerals, the movement of gases, moisture, heat, organic and mineral compounds, constant metabolism and substances and energy between the soil, rock, water, atmosphere, organisms. The soil formation factors include soil-forming rocks, climate (temperature, humidity, wind movement, etc.), relief, water and temperature, time, human economic activity, microorganisms, plants and animals. Soil development It is associated with embassying (a lot of moisture and sour humus, similar to ash), lacycling (abundant precipitation, small acidity, a lot of iron - red-grinding), manner (few precipitation, alkalinity).

Soil-forming rocks are a substrate on which the soil is formed. They are 80 - 90% consist of mineral components, to one degree or another participating in the soil formation. On the nature of mother breeds depend physical properties Soil (water and air permeability, water-holding ability, etc.). They determine the water and thermal regime of the soil, the rate of movement in it substances, the mineralogical and chemical composition and the initial content of the batteries for plants.

Great influence on the soil formation is vegetation. In the process of diefing, both plants and individual parts, organic substances come to the soil. On the surface of the soil, the organic substance under the influence of animals, bacteria, mushrooms, as well as physical and chemical agents, decomposes with the formation of soil humus. Solo substances replenish the mineral part of the soil. Vegetation affects the structure and character of the organic substances of the soil, its humidity. The main function of animal organisms in the soil is the conversion of organic matter, moving soil animals break the soil, mechanically mixed.

Huge importance in soil formation There are microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, actinomycetes, lower mushrooms, single-cell algae), participating in the biotic cycle of substances, decomposing complex organic and mineral substances on simpler. The decomposition of organic substances is carried out in the process of consecutive, interrelated reactions in which various groups of microorganisms take part. Some participate in the transformation of carbohydrate compounds, lignin, fats, other - nitrogenous connections. Bacteria with the ability to absorb molecular air nitrogen, called nitrogen-fixing. Soil microorganisms participate in the destruction of toxic products of exchanging higher plants, animals, microorganisms, in the synthesis of a number of vitamins and growth substances necessary for plants and soil animals.

Climate belongs to the number of most important soil formation factors. With it are connected thermal and water mode Soil, from which biological and physico-chemical soil processes depend. Climatic conditions have an indirect effect on other soil formation factors.

The value of the soil for life and human activity. Without exaggeration, we can say that with its existence, humanity is obliged to soil. Soil is the main source of producing agricultural products and raw materials for industry, 88% of food, humanity gets in the form of crops from the treated land. If you take into account the livestock products, by growing livestock in meadows and pastures, then this figure will increase to 98%.

But the value of the soil is determined not only by its meaning for the production of food and raw materials for the industry, but also the Great environmental roleWhich plays the soil in the life of the biosphere.

Through soil Pokrov Sushi is this thinnest surface shell - go fine processes metabolism and energy between earth Kore, atmosphere, hydrosphere and all living in the soil by organisms.

What do you need to guard the soil? The soil refers to the light-rushed and almost irreplaceable types of natural resources. Natural soil enemies are water and wind erosion. Sharply enhances erosion economic activities man. Cultivating the soil under agricultural crops, man deprives everything large squares Earth of natural herbal cover, and plowing, not protected by fastening turf soil are flushed and blurred.

Due to erosion, the yield of fields is reduced by 20-40%. Therefore, the struggle against erosion is the most important means of maintaining fertility, ensuring high yields.

MAIN anti-erosion events: the introduction of correct soil crop rotations; strict adherence agrotechnology; Foresting and anti-erosion forests; Special hydraulic structures.

On the importance of forests as water protection and soil factors F. Engels wrote: "People who in Mesopotamia, Greece, Malaya Asia and other places emerged forests to get in this way arable landAnd I did not dream that they made it the beginning of the current launch of these countries, having deprived them together with the forests of the centers of the accumulation and the preservation of moisture.

Vasily Vasilyevich Dokuchaev (1846-1903)

V. V. Dokuchaev is the largest Russian scientist naturalist. It for the first time (in 1886) gave the definition of the soil as a fertile surface layer of the Earth, created by the joint impact of all components of nature. He is one of the founders of modern physical geography.

In 1877, V. V. Dokuchaev goes to the first "chernozem" journey through Russia. Overcoming a total of 10 thousand km, Dokuchaev collected thousands of soil samples. According to the results of their travels, the scientist, summarizing all the materials obtained, has prepared the classic work "Russian Chernozem", in which he proved that the soil is not rock, and a completely independent body of nature. These were founded new Science - Soil science.

As a result of integrated expeditions on the study of soils, vegetation, climate and agriculture, the scientist prepared the works in which the doctrine of zonality was staging and high resistance Climate, soil, vegetation and animal world.

When the Alpine Italians cut down on the southern slope of the mountains of coniferous forests, so carefully guarded in the north, they did not foresee what they cut the roots of high-altitude cattle breeding in their field; even less they foresee what they are on most Years will leave their mountain sources without water, so that these sources can pour into the plain the more mad streams in the rainy. This classic score of forests is a serious warning to those who, not believing with the consequences, cuts the forests in size exceeding scientifically based norms.

The role of land reclamation in the increase in soil fertility. Melioration in agriculture is a combination of organizational, economic, technical measures aimed at indigenous soil improvement, an increase in their productivity in order to increase crops and animal feed crops.

Fig. 58. Agricultural land reclamation

The main types of agricultural land reclamation are: irrigation, drainage, combating erosion, chemical amelioration.

In solving the problem of protection and increase soil fertility, various sciences are played by various sciences: geography, biology, chemistry, etc. The task of geography is to study and identify areas requiring land reclamation work, to predict the possible effects of land reclamation and other components of nature. For example, heavy care requires drainage amelioration. The excessive drainage of the lands can lead to the annulment of rivers and lakes feedable with marshy lands, as well as the drainage of forests.

When chemical amelioration, it is necessary to accurately comply with the norms and the regime of fertilizer. Their violation can cause plants minerals, worsening their nutritional qualities, as well as lead to a washout of fertilizers in reservoirs and clogging them.

What do you think, irrigation prevails in which areas of our country; drainage; Chemical amelioration? Check yourself on the map (Fig. 58).

Fig. 59. Causes of Soil Erosion

Protection of soils. A significant impact on the soil is human activity. Using soil, a person changes their properties and for the best and worse. For the protection of soils from the negative consequences of people's activities in our country, the "Fundamentals of Land Legislation" are adopted - the main legal document on the use of land resources. Research institutes are being studied about the protection of soils from wind and water erosion, integrated measures to protect soil resources, methods of rational use are developed.

How to keep the earth, how to support and multiply her fertility - everyone should know. Careful attitude towards forest plantings, herbal cover during hikes, excursions, in everyday life - This is the mortality of each person in the work of the soil protection.

Questions and tasks

  1. What significance is soil in the life of nature and man?
  2. What should the soil be protected from?
  3. Give examples of the simplest levels of soil protection that are held in your area.
  4. What types of land reclamation are held in our country? What is the associated selection of this or that kind of landing?

Total tasks on the topic

  1. Prove on the example of any soil that the soil is a "mirror" of the landscape.
  2. Practical work number 6. Identification of the conditions for the soil formation of the main types of soil (the amount of heat, moisture, relief, vegetation). Evaluation of their fertility. Explain from which the soil fertility depends. Name the very fertile soils Russia, explain the geography of their distribution.
  3. What kind of soil formation processes occur in excessive, sufficient and insufficient moistening? Give an assessment of the main types of soils of our country. Indicate which of them are most favorable for agriculture, on which forests are mainly placed. What types of human activities lead to violation of natural soil fertility? How can I improve the soil?
  4. What types of soils are distributed in your area, how are they used by a person, what activities are carried out to improve the soil?

The soil is the basis for obtaining crops of crops, the main wealth that our existence depends on. Soil, vegetable and animal world refer to exhaustable, but renewable natural resources. However, it is unlikely that you can agree with the attribution of mail and vegetation to almost one group. To resume a cut-down forest, for example, decades are required, and for the resumption of soil? Essentially the soil is a renewable natural resource. We can appropriate land reclamation activities to increase crops on the soil, which has been partially or completely lost upper layerBut it is impossible to restore the natural pristine soil, as it has been formed during many millennia in conditions already unique. At the same time, the significant difference between the soil from other non-repaired natural resources (oil, coal And other riches of subsoil) is that with its correct use, it can not only age, not to wear, but even improve, increase fertility. Thus, the soil is a special natural resource: he is not repaired, and at the same time, when proper useinexhaustible.

The soils used in agriculture under arable land for the cultivation of crops are characterized by different fertility - the ability to provide plants with water, power elements, air and this is the possibility of obtaining crops. One of the important indicators of the level of soil fertility is the power of the humus layer and the content of humus in the soil. The humus layer is a pantry, from which plants get food in the form of solutions of the villages. Gumus gluits mineral elementary particles in lumps, gives the soil agronomic favorable structure in which it is created optimal mode To provide plants with water and air. Thus, the soils of the Ozersky district of the Moscow region belong to high level Fertility under the content of humus: ferrous-podzolic - 2.5%, gray forest - 3%, chernozem - 7%.

Two types of soil fertility are distinguished: natural and efficient.

Natural fertility is determined by the content of humus, gross reserves nutrients, natural aquatic, air and thermal regime. Effective fertility is determined by obtaining a crop due not only to the natural properties of soils, but also properties, amended human economic activity (clarification of acidic soils, fertilizers, ameliorative activities, etc.).

Man treating land, more and more changes the fertile properties of soil. At the same time, it can increase their interaction and reduce soil fertility, increase or decrease the manifestation of erosion, deflation, salinization. More than 2,300 years ago, the student of Aristotle Theofrast wrote: "Beans are not burdensome at all for the Earth and even, apparently, fertilize her ...". With the intensive use of the Earth, it is necessary not only to think about how she has more to take, but also at the same time takes care of the increase in soil fertility.

Soil resources - a type of potentially renewable natural resources. Soil resources are reserves of high-quality, fertile lands, suitable for use in rural and forestry as a means of production. Soil resources are characterized by the constancy of their location, relationship with natural conditions. The Earth is a product of nature itself and arose for many thousands of years before the emergence of a person due to the aggregate action of the factors that were formed in a certain territory. The land is geographically limited and cannot be increased or newly created. However, the limited soil resources does not mean the limitations of its productive properties. They also cannot be replaced by other means of production. Among soil resources you can distinguish three large groups: 1) productive lands; 2) low-productive lands; 3) unproductive. Productive land resources include arable land, gardens and plantations, meadows and pastures, forests and shrubs; to low-product lands tundra and forest tundra, swamps, desert; A group of unproductive land is included and disturbed by man, sands, ravines, glaciers and snowballs.

The meaning of this type of resource: soil resources are an integral and basic living and functioning of the process of social production. In the agrarian sector, soil resources are the main means of production, the most important component Resource database agriculture. And the nature and quality of lands, agricultural fertility determine the effectiveness of agrarian production, the resolution of the food problem, labor productivity in the agricultural sphere. Soil is the main source of agricultural products and raw materials for some industries. 90% of food Humanity gets in the form of crops from treated land. If you take into account the livestock products obtained by grazing in the meadows and pastures, then this figure will increase to 98%. But the value of the soil is determined not only by its meaning for the production of food and raw materials for industry, but also the great environmental role that the soil plays in the life of the biosphere. Through the soil cover of sushi, this thinnest surface sheath is the most complicated metabolic processes and energy between the earth's crust, atmosphere, hydrosphere and all living in the soil organisms.

Stocks: Agricultural land are arable land, perennial plantings (gardens), natural meadows and pastures. In different countries of the world, the ratio of pashnya and pastures in agricultural landmarks. Currently, in the world, the world accounts for about 11% of the total land area (1350 million hectares) and 24% of sushi (3335 million hectares) are used in animal husbandry. Countries with the largest arrays of arable land (million hectares): USA 186, India 166, Russia 130, China 95, Canada 45. Different security regions in the per capita (ha / person): Europe 0.28, Asia 0.15, Africa 0.30, North America 0,65, South America 0.49, Australia 1.87, CIS countries 0.81.

The size of the use of soil resources: the size of the use of soil resources is more than large. This, of course, is associated with large meaning This type of resources (about the meaning was written earlier). The soil is used by each country and in large quantitiesDepending on the magnitude of the soil resources belonging to them. Nowadays, the use of land is very dynamically and total picture The spread of anthropogenic landscapes is constantly changing. A peculiar land use also has each landscape-geographical belt of the Earth.

Distribution of these resources: The area of \u200b\u200bsoil resources of the world, affordable "for life" varies in various countries and is determined by the natural and climatic conditions and historical aspects of development. So, in 2007, 1 resident of Russia accounted for 12.07 hectares of the total land of land. In Australia, this figure is significantly higher - 40.4 hectares per 1 inhabitant, in Canada - 32.4 hectares per 1 inhabitant, and in the USA - 3.4 hectares per 1 inhabitant. Arable land resources of the world are mainly concentrated in steppe and forest-steppe areas. Pashnya and perennial plantations in the composition of agricultural land resources of the world of the planet occupy about 1.5 billion (11% of the entire surface of the sushi), hay and pastures - 3.7 billion (23% of the sushi surface). The total area of \u200b\u200bpeople suitable for the world's land resources is estimated by experts in various sources from 2.5 to 3.2 billion yie (i.e. from 18 to 24% of common surface sushi). To Europe and Asia (including Russia) account for 2.1 billion hectares of Pashnya and pastures, or more than 40% of the world's processed resources. Russia has significant land resources, the territory of the country is ranked 12% of the Sushi of the Planet, and the land fund of Russia has 3.3% of world agricultural land.

Problems of using soil resources: By the beginning of the 21st century, about 2000 million hectares of soil degraded. The main reasons: water and wind erosion, chemical degradation (depletion humus, salinization, acidification, etc.). The problem of economical, rational use and protection of land resources in the last decade has become the object of close attention of numerous international organizations. The soil refers to the easily disseminated and practically irreplaceable types of natural resources. Natural soil enemies are water and wind erosion. Human activity has sharply strengthens the erosion. Updating the soil, man deprives all the large areas of the earth of natural herbal cover. Plowed, not protected by fastening turf soils are flushed and blurred. Due to erosion, the yield of fields is reduced by 2040%, so the fight against erosion is the most important means of maintaining fertility, ensuring high yields.

Prospects for use: subject to the preservation of existing technologies for the processing of the Earth and the world's population growth rates, the potential of agricultural land for the production of food for humanity can reach its limit for 2050, taking into account the limited world resources of the world, the annual growth of the population of the planet, as well as a high degree The development of territorial food used for the production of food products, Russia has the greatest potential for the development of agricultural production to ensure food security as russian stateAnd the planet as a whole. Thanks for your attention * When drawing up the presentation, Internet resources were used.

Soil resources

Soil resources

the type of non-renewable natural resources, soil cover, regardless of the forms of its use. GL The property of soil resources is a natural soil fertility, on which land productivity in rural and forestry depends. In addition, soil resources perform important environmental functions - soils serve as a buffer and filter for pollutants, the condition for preserving biodiversity, play an important role in the cycle of water and nitrogen. The condition of soil resources is determined by the nature of their operation (used agricultural engineering, amelioration, crop rotations, etc.), the level of development of science, energy costs. There is a law of descending soil fertility, in accordance with which due to the withdrawal of nutrients with plants and disruption of the process of soil formation during prolonged monoculture There is a decrease in the natural fertility of soil. This process is neutralized due to the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers, land reclamation (creating artificial fertility) and other measures.
To start. 21 c. About 2000 million hectares of soil degraded. OSN. Causes: Water and Wind Erosion, Chemical Degradation (Defend gumus, salinization, scum, etc.). The rate of soil formation is incomparably less than the speed of their degradation. So, for the formation of 1 mm of the soil layer, for example. chernozems spent more than 100 years, and as a result erosion The soil in one year can immediately be destroyed by several centimeters of the upper, most fertile layer. In the same time intensification of agriculture, scientifically based agrotechnical techniques, introduction of new high-yielding varieties allow you to get all the big yields, which reflects the opposite historical tendency.

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .

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