The overall bias of the surface of the West Siberian Plain. West Siberian Plain

Arrangement of the site 14.10.2019
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West Siberian lowland covers an area of \u200b\u200babout 3 million square kilometers. It covers 1/7 part of the entire territory of Russia. The width of the plain varies. In the northern part, it is about 800 km, and in South reaches 1900 km.


West Siberian lowland is considered the most populated part of Siberia. There are several major areas on its territory, these are like Omsk, Tyumen and Kurgan, as well as Novosibirsk and Tomsk. The greatest lowland mastery is noted in the southern part of it.

Climatic conditions

The climate on the lowland dominates the continental, rather severe. Because of the high length of West Siberian plains from the north to south, there are significant differences between the climate of the southern part of the North. The proximity of the Arctic Ocean plays a large role in the formation of weather conditions, and the fact that there are no obstacles to the movement of air masses from the north to the south and mixing them on the plain.

In the cold season, the area of \u200b\u200bincreased pressure appears over the southern part of the lowland, while in the north it decreases. At the border of the air masses, cyclones are formed. Because of this, in the regions on the coast, winter is very unstable weather. Can reach 40 meters per second. Winter throughout the territory of such a plain, as West Siberian lowland, is characterized by stable minimum temperatures, minimal can reach -52 about S. Spring comes late and distinguished by cold and dryness, warming occurs only in May.

In the warm season, the situation is reverse. Above the Arctic Ocean increases pressure, which is why the northern winds are blowing throughout the summer. But they are quite weak. The coolest time within the plain borders, called the West Siberian lowland, July is considered. During this period, in the northern part of it, the maximum temperature reaches 21 o C, and in South - 40 o C. Such high marks in the south are quite explained by the fact that the border with Kazakhstan and Central Asia passes here. It is from here that the heated air masses come.

West Siberian lowland, the height of which varies from 140 to 250 m, is characterized in winter with a small amount of precipitation. At this time of the year, only about 5-20 millimeters falls. What can not be said about the warmth of the year, when 70% of annual precipitation is poured onto the ground.

In the northern part of the lowland, the eternal Merzlotus is common. The land freezes to a depth of 600 meters.


So, compare West Siberian lowland and medium-grained plateore. A sufficiently strong difference will be that the plateore is rolled with a huge number of rivers. There are practically no wetlands. However, there are a lot of plain rivers. They are about 2 thousand. All of them together make up 1200 cubic kilometers of water together each year. This is amazingly a lot. Indeed, in one cubic kilometer contains 1,000,000,000 (trillion) liters. Most Western Siberia rivers are fed by thawed waters or falling summer precipitation. Most of the water flows at the warm season. At the occurrence of thawed levels in rivers, it can rise by more than 15 meters, and in the winter they are ice. Therefore, in the cold period, the stock is only 10%.

The rivers of this part of Siberia are distinguished by the slowness of the flows. This is explained by the flat terrain and small slopes. For example, Ob for 3 thousand km lowers only 90 m. Due to this, the speed of its flow does not exceed the half-meter per second.


Lakes in these edges even more than rivers. And many times more. They are numbered about a million. But almost all of them are insignificant. A feature of local lakes is that many of them are filled with salted water. They are also very spilled in spring. But over the summer, it can significantly decrease in size, and by autumn and disappear at all. Over the last period, thanks to the sediments, the lake is filled with water again, winter is freeze, and the cycle is repeated. This is not happening not with all the reservoirs, but with the so-called lakes, "fogany", which occupy the territory of this lowland - the West Siberian Plain. It is characterized by another type of lakes. They occupy the natural irregularities of the relief, various pitchers and depressions.


Another feature of Western Siberia is that it beats all records by the number of driers. It was within the boundaries of this lowland that they were considered to be among the largest on the whole globe. Increased injection due to a large peat content in the ground. The substance is able to hold a lot of water, because of this, "dead" sections appear. Also contributes to the formation of marshes itself. The plain without drops does not allow water to drain, and it remains in almost fixed state, blurring and softening the soil.

Natural zones

Due to the fact that Western Siberia is strongly stretched from the north to south, there are transitions in it, they are replaced from the tundra in the north to deserts and semi-deserts in the south. The part of the lowland occupies the tundra area, which is explained by the general northern position of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plain. The south of Tundra gradually passes into the Festroup, and then in the woodsobol zone. The latter takes 60% of the entire territory of Western Siberia.

There is a rather sharp transition to steppe districts. Birch is most common here, as well as aspen. In addition to them, the plowed steppe zone occupies an extreme southern position in the plain. West Siberian lowland, the geographical position of which is directly related to the distribution of zones, also creates favorable conditions for a pine forest located on low sandy braids.

The region is rich in the representatives of the animal world. For example, about 99 mammalian species inhabit. Among them are furious beasts, such as sands, caressing and sable. There are major predators - bears and lynx. Also in these parts dwells a lot of feathered. In the reserves there are Sapsans, hawks and Berktes. There are birds listed in the Red Book. For example, a black stork or an orlan-belost.

Mineral resources

Compare the geographical position of the West Siberian lowland from any other, and it becomes clear that about 70% of oil production is concentrated in the described plain. Also the plain is rich in coal deposits. The total area of \u200b\u200bland rich in these resources is estimated at 2 million square meters. km. Forest industry is well developed. The greatest advantage is given to coal mining on Kuzbass.

Medium-grained plateau

Compared to West Siberian lowland, the medium-grained plateore is not swamped due to the fact that is on the elevation. However, the river system is more dense, which is also powered by rains and melting snow. Eternal Merzlotus is common. The climate on the plateore is sharply continental, which is why, as on the West Siberian lowland, there are large temperature differences in winter. The average in the north reaches -44 ° C, and in the south -22 about C. It is typical for the summer period. For less than the diversity of animals, but also there are bears, reindeer and hares. Plateau, as well as richly oil and gas fields. Different ores are added to this and

West Siberian Plain is one of the largest accumulative lowland plains of the globe. It extends from the banks of the Kara Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan and from the Urals in the West to the medium-grained plateau in the east. Plain has the form of a sorry to the north of the trapezion: the distance from the southern border to North reaches almost 2500 km, the width is from 800 to 1900 km, and the area is only a little less than 3 million km 2.

The relief of the West Siberian Plain is one of the most homogeneous in the world. Taking an area of \u200b\u200b2.6 million km², the West Siberian Plain extended from the West to the East, from the Urals to Yenisei, 1900 km, north to south, from the Northern Ocean to Altai Mountains, - 2400 km. Only in the extreme south of height exceed 200 m; the overwhelming part of the plain has a height of less than 100 m above sea level; Alluvial-lace and accumulative relief prevails (in the south also denudation). Such characteristic rates characteristic of Western Siberia, as extensive floodplains and huge swamps, are especially common in the northern part of the plain; The relief to the north of the latitudinal section of the Ob River is formed under the influence of the transgressions of the sea and glaciers.

In the North-West and in the northeast of the West Siberian Plain, relief accumulative glacial, formed by glaciers, descended from the mountains of the Northern Urals and Plateau Pouotnian. Valley of large rivers are terrified. On the Peninsula, Yamal and Gydan - Eolo dunes. Relatively sublime and dry territories where the bulk of the population of Western Siberia is concentrated is located south of 55 ° C.

The differentiated lowering of the Western Siberian Plate in the Mesozoic and Cane caused the predominance of the processes of accumulation of loose deposits, the powerful cover of which levels the irregularities of the surface of the Gercinsky foundation. Therefore, the modern West Siberian Plain is different as a whole flat surface. However, it cannot be considered as monotonous lowland, as it has been recently believed. In general, the territory of Western Siberia has a concave form. The lowest areas (50-100 m) are located mainly in the central (Kondition and Middle Big lowland) and Northern (Nizhneobskaya, Nadym and Purskaya lowland) parts of the country. Along the Western, South and Eastern Okrain, low (up to 200-250 m) Hills: North-Soshivinskaya, Turin, Ishimskaya, Priobskoye and Chulymo-Yenisei Plateau, Ketsko-Timskaya, Upnetovskaya, Nizhneenisei. A distinctly expressed strip of hills formed in the inside of the plain Siberian Honors (average height - 140-150 m), extending from West from Ob to East to Yenisei, and the Vasyugan Plain parallel.

Some orographic elements of the West Siberian Plain correspond to geological structures: gender anticlinal raising is responsible, for example, Verkhnenetovskaya and Lulimvore, and the Barabinsk and Kondinskaya lowland are confined to the syclipsee of the foundation of the plate. However, in Western Siberia, non-dissent (inversion) morphostructures. These include, for example, Vasyugan Plain, which formed on the site of a canopy of syneclide, and a chulym-enzyme plateau, located in the zone of the basement of the foundation.

West Siberian Plain is usually divided into four large geomorphological areas: 1) marine accumulative plains in the north; 2) glacier and water-glacial plains; 3) relegations, mainly lake-alluvial, plains; 4) South Announced Plains (Resurrection, 1962).
The differences in the relief of these areas are explained by the history of their formation in the quarter, the nature and intensity of the newest tectonic movements, the zonal differences in modern exogenous processes. In the tundra zone, the form of relief is especially widely represented, the formation of which is associated with the harsh climate and the widespread spread of permafrost. Very common thermocarty basins, bullguns, spotted and polygonal tundras, are developed solifluction processes. For the southern same steppe provinces typical of numerous closed basins of suffosion origin, busy with salt marshes and lakes; The network of river valleys here is nehbust, and erosion form of relief on interfluries are rare.

The main elements of the relief of the West Siberian Plain are wide flat interferes and river valleys. Due to the fact that the share of interrection spaces accounts for most of the country's area, it is they determining the overall look of the plain relief. In many places, the slopes of their surface are insignificant, the flow of precipitation precipitation, especially in the leaning zone, is very difficult and interfluid is very wetrated. Large spaces are occupied by the swamps of the north of the line of the Siberian Railway, on the interfluents of Ob and Irtysh, in Vasyugal and the Barabinsk forest-steppe.

However, in places the relief of the transfusion acquires the character of a wavy or hilly plain. Such areas are especially typical for some northern plain provinces, subjected to quaternary glaciation, which left the heap of stadial and bottom mines here. In the south - in the borah, in the Ishim and Kulundy Plains - the surface is often complicated by many numerical low manems stretching from the northeast to the south-west.

Western Siberia. Photo: Bernt Rostad

Another important element of the country's relief is river valleys. All of them were formed under conditions of small blocks of the surface, slow and calm flow of rivers. Due to differences in the intensity and characteristics of erosion, the appearance of the river valleys of Western Siberia is very diverse. There are well-designed deep (up to 50-80 m) valleys of large rivers - Obi, Irtysh and Yenisei - with a steep right shore and the system of low terraces in the left bank. Their widths are several tens of kilometers, and the Obi Valley in the lower reaches even 100-120 km. The valleys of most small rivers are often only deep ditches with poorly pronounced slopes; During his spring, the flooded water is entirely fills them with and poured even the neighboring regions.

Currently, there is a slow displacement of the boundaries of geographic zones to the south in the territory of the West Siberian Plain. Forests in many places occur on the forest-steppe, the forest-steppe elements penetrate into the steppe zone, and the tundra slowly displaces tree vegetation near the northern limit of rare-resistant forests. True, a person interferes in the south of the country in the natural course of this process: cutting out the forest, he not only suspends their natural advancing on the steppe, but also contributes to the displacement of the southern border of the forests to the north.

Features of the geographical position of Western Siberia

Note 1.

East of the Ural Mountains spread huge expanses of the Asian part of Russia. This territory has long been called Siberia. But in view of the diversity of the tectonic structure, this territory was divided into several separate regions. One of them is Western Siberia.

The basis of Western Siberia is the West Siberian Plain. It is limited in the West by the Ural Mountains, and in the East - the River Yenisei. In the north of the plain is washed by the waters of the seas of the Northern Ocean. Southern borders are suitable for the Kazakh smallstarch and a Turgay plateau. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe plain is about $ 3 $ million km $ ² $.

The characteristic features of the West Siberian Plain are the following features:

  • slight height oscillation on such an extensive territory;
  • the length from the north to the south and almost flat relief led to a clear change of natural zones with breadth (classical latitudinal zonality);
  • the formation of the largest areas of the marshes in the taiga and landscapes of saline in the steppe zone;
  • a climate of transitional from the moderately continental Russian plain is formed to sharply continental medium Siberia.

The history of the formation of the plain

West Siberian lowland lies on a Upper Paleozoic plate. Sometimes this tectonic structure is called Epigerzinskaya. The crystal foundation of the slab contains metamorphic rocks. To the center of the plate the foundation is immersed. The total capacity of a sedimentary cover exceeds $ 4 $ km (in some areas - up to $ 6-7 $ km).

As mentioned, the foundation of the slab was formed as a result of the Hercinsky Gorough formation. Next, there was a poisonization (equalization of the relief by erosion processes) of the ancient mountain country. In Paleozoic and Mesozoy, they are formed in the center of the deflection, and the foundation was flooded by the sea. Therefore, it is covered by a significant thickness of mesozoic sediments.

Later, in the era of Caledonian folding, the southeastern part of the plain rose from the bottom of the sea. In Triassa and Jura, the processes of deanitation of the relief and the formation of the strata of sedimentary rocks prevailed. The sedimentation continued in the Cenozoa. In the era of the ice age, the north of the plain was under the thickness of the glacier. After his melting by moraine sediments, a significant area of \u200b\u200bWestern Siberia was covered.

Western Siberian Relief Characteristics

As already noted, the geological history led to the formation of a flat relief in the territory of West Siberian plains. But a more detailed study of the physico-geographical characteristics of the region showed that the orography of the territory is characterized by complexity and diversity.

Large elements of the relief on the territory of the plain are:

  • lowlands;
  • inclined plains;
  • hill;
  • plateau.

In general, the West Siberian Plain has the shape of the amphitheater opened to the Arctic Ocean. Plots of plateau and elevations prevail in Western, South and East periphery. In the central regions and in the north the lowlands prevail. Lowlands are represented:

  • Kandinskaya;
  • Nizhneobskaya;
  • Nadym;
  • PUR.

Among the plateau there is a priobskoe plateau. And hill are presented:

  • North-Sosvinskaya;
  • Turin;
  • Ishim;
  • Chulymo-Yenisei et al.

The relief distinguishes the zones of glacial and marzloit-solid flow processes (tundra and north taiga), fluvioglacial forms of lake-glacial plains (to middle taiga) and the zone of seveniaride structural-denudation plateau with erosion processes.

Note 2.

Currently, an important relief role is played by the economic activity of man. The development of Western Siberia is accompanied by the development of minerals. This causes changes in the structure of rocks of rocks and changes the course of physical and geographic processes. Erosion processes are enhanced. In the south, a large amount of mineral substances is introduced into the soil during the development of agriculture. Chemical erosion develops. It is necessary to refer to the issues of the nature of the nature of Siberia.

West Siberian Plain refers to the accumulative type and is one of the largest lowland plains on the planet. It means geographically to the West Siberian Plate. In its territory there are regions of the Russian Federation and the northern part of Kazakhstan. The tectonic structure of the West Siberian Plain is ambiguous and diverse.

Russia is located on the territory of Eurasia, the largest continent on the planet, which includes two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The sides of the light of the light tectonic structure of the Ural Mountains. The map makes it possible to visually see the geological structure of the country. Tectonic zoning shares the territory of Russia to such geological elements as platforms and folded areas. The geological structure has a direct connection with the topography of the surface. Tectonic structures and form of relief depend on which region they relate to.

Within Russia distinguish between several geological regions. Tectonic structures of Russia are represented by platforms, folded belts and mining systems. On the territory of the country, almost all areas have undergone the processes of folding formation.

The main platforms within the country are Eastern European, Siberian, West Siberian, Pechora and Scythian. They, in turn, are divided into plateau, lowlands and plains.

West Siberia relief

The territory of Western Siberia is stepped away from the south to the north. Territory relief is represented by a large variety of its forms and is complicated in origin. One of the important relief criteria is the difference in absolute marks. In the West Siberian Plain, the difference between absolute marks is tens of meters.

Plain terrain and minor height differences are due to the small amplitude of the plates. At the periphery of the plain, the maximum amplitude of raising reaches 100-150 meters. In the central and northern parts of the amplitude of lowering is 100-150 meters. The tectonic structure of the medium-grained plateau and the West Siberian Plain in Late Cenozoic was in relative peace.

Geographical structure of the West Siberian Plain

In the geographical plan in the north of the plain, it borders with the Kara Sea, in the south, the border passes along the north of Kazakhstan and captures it a small part, in the West, it is controlled by the Ural Mountains, in the East - the Meshnessism Plateau. From the north to the south, the length of the plain is about 2500 km, the length of the West varies from 800 to 1900 km. Plain Square is about 3 million km 2.

The relief of the plains is monotonous, almost level, occasionally the elevation of the relief reaches a mark of 100 meters above sea level. In the western, southern and north parties, the height can reach up to 300 meters. Lowering the territory occurs from the south to the north. In general, the tectonic structure of the West Siberian Plain was reflected in the terrain.

On the territory of the plain, the main rivers - Yenisei, Ob, Irtysh, there are lakes and swamps. Continental climate.

Geological structure of West Siberian plains

The location of the West Siberian Plain is timed to the epigigzinskoye plate. The foundation breed is strongly deployed and belong to the Paleozoic period of time. They are covered with a layer of marine and continental Mesozoic-Cenozoic sediments (sandstones, clays, etc.) with a thickness of more than 1000 meters. In the foundation of the foundation, this capacity reaches up to 3000-4000 meters. In the southern part of the plain, the youngest - alluvial-lake deposits are observed, in the northern part there are more mature - glacial sediments.

The tectonic structure of the West Siberian Plain includes a foundation and case.

The foundation of the plate has a depression with steep sides from the east and northeast and gentle from the south and west. The blocks of the foundation belong to Dopalozoic, Baikal, Caledonian and Hercinsky time. The foundation is dissected by the deep fault of different ages. The largest faults of the submeridional strike are the East Zouralsky and Omsko-Pursky. A card of tectonic structures shows that the surface of the foundation of the plate has an external tanta belt and an internal area. The whole surface of the foundation is complicated by the system of raising and pridin.

The cover is posted by coastal and continental and marine sediments with a capacity of 3000-4000 meters in the south and 7000-8000 meters in the north.

Medium-grained plateau

The medium-protein plateow is located in the north of Eurasia. It is located between the West Siberian Plain in the West, the Central-Yakut Plain on the East, the North-Siberian Lowland in the north, Baikalia, Transbaikalia and East Sayans in the south.

The tectonic structure of the medium-grained plateau is timed to the Siberian platform. The composition of its sedimentary breeds corresponds to the period of Paleozoic and Mesozoic, characteristic seams for it are reservoir intrusion, which consist of trappers and basalt cover.

The relief of the plateau consists of wide plateau and grooves, at the same time there are valleys with sheer slopes. The average height of the difference in the relief is 500-700 meters, but there are parts of a plateau, where the absolute mark rises above 1000 meters, and the Angaro-Lena plateau includes such sites. To one of the highest areas of the territory refers to the Puratorna Plateau, its height is 1701 meters above sea level.

Near Ridge

The main waterproof ridge of Kamchatka is a mountain range consisting of vertices and passing systems. It stretches the ridge from north to south and its length is 1200 km. In the northern part there are a large number of passes, the central part represents long distances between the vertices, in the south there is a strong dismemberment of the array, and the asymmetry of the slopes characterize the middle ridge. The tectonic structure is reflected in the relief. It consists of volcanoes, lava plateaus, mountain arrays covered with tops of vertices.

The ridge is complicated by the structures of the lower order, the brightest of them is Malkinsky, Kozyrevsky, the Bystrian ridges.

The highest point belongs and is 3621 meters. Some volcanoes, such as Hoowhun, Alnai, Schishel, Acute Sletka, exceed a 2500 meter mark.

Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains are a mountain system that is located between the Eastern European and West Siberian Plains. Its length is more than 2,000 km, width varies from 40 to 150 km.

The tectonic structure of the Ural Mountains belongs to the ancient folded system. In Paleozoy, there was geosynclinal and splashed the sea. Starting from Paleozoic, the formation of the Mountain System of the Urals occurs. The main formation of folds took place in the Gerced period.

Intensive folding occurs on the eastern slope of the Urals, which was accompanied by deep faults and the release of the intrusion, the sizes of which reached about 120 km in length and 60 km in width. The folds are compiled here, tipped, complicated with supay.

On the western slope, the folding formation occurred less intensively. Folds here are simple, without passion. There are no intrusion.

The pressure from the East created a tectonic structure - a Russian platform, the foundation of which prevented the formation of folding. Plotted mountains appeared on the site of the Ural geosyncline.

In the tectonic terms, the whole of the Urals is a complex complex of anticlinoriums and syncliniodines, separated by the deep faults.

The relief of the Urals is asymmetric from the east to the west. The eastern slope is cool down towards the West Siberian Plain. A gentlying Western slope smoothly goes into an Eastern European plain. Asymmetry caused its activities the tectonic structure of the West Siberian Plain.

Baltic Shield

Refers to the north-west of the Eastern European Platform, is the largest protrusion for its foundation and raise above sea level. In the North-West, the border takes place with the folded structures of Caledonia-Scandinavia. In the south and south-east of the breed, the shields are immersed under the case of sedimentary breeds of the Eastern European Plate.

Geographically shields tied to the southeastern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, to the Kola Peninsula and Karelia.

In the structure of the shield, three segments are involved, excellent in age - South Scandinavian (Western), Central and Kola-Karelian (East). The South Scandinavian sector is tied to the south of Sweden and Norway. The Murmansk block stands out in its composition.

The central sector is located on the territory of Finland and Sweden. It includes the Central Kola Block and is located in the central part of the Kola Peninsula.

The Kolaso-Karelian sector is located in Russia. It refers to the most ancient structures of the formation. In the structure of the Kola-Karelian sector, several tectonic elements are distinguished: Murmansk, Central-Kola, Belomorsky, Karelian, among themselves, are separated by deep faults.

Kola Peninsula

Tactonically tied to the northeastern part of the Baltic Crystal Shield, composed of the rocks of ancient origin - granites and gneisses.

The relief of the peninsula adopted the features of the crystal shield and reflects traces of faults and cracks. The appearance of the peninsula was influenced by glaciers who smoothed the vertices of the mountains.

The peninsula in the nature of the relief is divided into Western and Eastern parts. The relief of the eastern part is not as complicated as Western. The Mountains of the Kola Peninsula have the shape of the pillars - on the tops of the mountains there are flat plateau with steep slopes, lowered lowlands. The plateau is cut in deep valleys and gorges. In the western part there are backed tundras and hibins, the tectonic structure of the latter refers to mountain ranges.


Geographically, hibines are attributed to the central part of the Kola Peninsula, represent a large mountain range. The geological age of the array exceeds 350 million years. Mountain hibins are a tectonic structure that is an intrusive body (frozen magma) complex in structure and composition. From a geological point of view, the intrusion is not an empty volcano. The array continues to rise and now, for the year the change is 1-2 cm. In the composition of the intrusted array, more than 500 types of minerals are found.

In Hibin, not a single glacier detected, but the traces of ancient ice are found. The tops of the massif casting, the slopes are cool with a large number of snowflates, avalanche activity is active, many mountain lakes. Hibins are relatively low mountains. The highest mark over the sea level belongs to Mount Yudychvumchorr and corresponds to 1200.6 m.

West Siberian Plain

West Siberian lowland, one of the largest low-loop accumulative plains of the globe. Located in C. From the small-scale plain of Kazakhstan and Altai Mountains, between the Urals on Z. and the medium-grained plateorem on B. Duration with S. on Yu. Up to 2500 km, With Z. on V. from 1000 to 1900 kM; The area is about 2.6 million. km 2. The surface is flat, weakly rested, with small amplitudes of heights. The heights of the lowlands of the northern and central regions do not exceed 50-150 m, Low rise (up to 220-300 m.) It is primarily characteristic of the Western, South and Eastern Outline of Plain. The strip of hills is also formed by the T. N. Siberian Honors extending in the middle part Z.-S. R. From almost to Yenisei. Everywhere the wide flat spaces of interfluve with minor slopes of the surface are dominated, highly swamped and places complicated by moraine hills and ridges (on C.) or low sandy manes (mainly on Yu.). Significant areas occupy flat ancient-lake basins - woodland. River valleys form a relatively rustic network and in the upper reaches most often are shallow hollows with poorly pronounced slopes. Only a few largest rivers flow in well-designed, deep (up to 50-80 m.) Valleins, with a steep right shore and the terrace system in the left bank.

Z.-S. R. Formed within the epigigzinskaya West Siberian slab, the foundation of which is composed of intensively deployed Paleozoic sediments. They are covered everywhere cover loose marine and continental meso-canine rocks (clays, sandstones, mergels, etc.) with a total capacity of over 1000 m. (in the foundations of the foundation up to 3000-4000 m.). The youngest, anthropogenic, deposits on Yu. - Alluvial and lakes, often covered with lassis and lessoidal sublinks; On S. - Ice, Sea and Glacial and Sea (Power Points up to 200 m.). In the case of loose deposits Z.-S. R. The horizons of groundwater are fresh and mineralized (including brisons), there are also hot (up to 100-150 ° C) water (see West Siberian Artesian Pool). In the depths of Z.-S. R. The richest industrial oil and natural gas fields are concluded (see West Siberian Oil and Gas Pool).

The climate is continental, rather severe. In winter over the plain, the mass of cold continental air is dominated by temperate latitudes, and in warm time, the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure is formed and the wet mass of air from the North Atlantic is more often received. The average annual temperatures from -10.5 ° C on C. up to 1-2 ° C on Yu., Average temperatures of January from -28 to -16 ° C, July from 4 to 22 ° C. The duration of the growing season in Extine Yu reaches 175-180 days. The bulk of precipitation is brought by the air masses with Z., mainly in July and August. The annual amount of precipitation from 200-250 mM. in tundra and steppe zones up to 500-600 the forest area. Power of snow cover from 20-30 cm in the steppe to 70-100 cmin the taiga of the prienesey districts.

The territory of the plain drains more than 2,000 rivers, the total length of which exceeds 250 thousand. km. The largest of them are Ob, Yenisei, Irtysh. The main sources of nutrition of rivers are melting snowy water and summer-autumn rain; Up to 70-80% of the annual flow falls on the spring and summer. Many lakes, the largest - chanes, killed and others. Part of the southern regions are filled with salty and bitter and salty water. Large rivers are important shipping and alloy highways connecting southern areas with northern; Yenisei, Ob, Irtysh, Tom possess, in addition, large reserves of hydropower resources.

Line relief Z.- S. R. Determines a clearly pronounced latitudinal geographic zonality. The specific feature of the majority zones of Western Siberia is excess ground moistening and, as a result of this, is the widespread dissemination of marsh landscapes aligning on Y. Solonians and salt marshes. The north of the plain is the tundra zone in which the landscapes of arctic, moss, lichen, and on Yu. - Shrubniki tundra are formed on the tundra arctic and tundra gley soils. The south of the launch of Fondra, where on peat-gleyev, guery-podzolic and swamp soils, complex complexes of landscapes of shrub tundra, spruce-larch retrofits, sphagnum and lowland swamps are developed. Most of Z.-S. R. refers to the forest (forest-swamp) zone, within which coniferous taiga, consisting of ate, fir, cedar, pine, Siberian larch prevails on podzolic soils; Only in the extreme Y. Zones of the Taiga arrays are replaced by a strip of fine forests from birch and aspen. The total area of \u200b\u200bforests exceeds 60 million. ha Wood reserves 9 billion m 3, And its annual increase of 100 million m 3. The forest zone is distinguished by the wide development of the rolling stock-sized sphagnum swamps, which accounted for more than 50% of the area. Forest zone animals are typical: brown bear, lynx, wolverine, curtain, otter, columns, sable, elk, Siberian roe, squirrel, chipmunk, ondatra, etc. Representatives of the fauna European-Siberian subdomains of the Palearctic.

The south of the subbands of small forests is a forest-steppe zone, where it is not everywhere with plowing meal meadows, birch-osine flips ("slices") and herbaceous swamps are formed leached and ordinary black windows, meadow-black earth, dark gray forest and swamp soils, solonts, soloki . Extreme southern part Z.- S. R. It occupies a steppe zone, on S. which even recently prevailed the varnopers, and on Yu. - Powder-Ticker Steppes. Now these steppes with their fertile black earth and dark chestnut soils are placed and only areas with saline soil places have retained their virginity.

LIT: West Siberian lowland. Essays of Nature, M., 1963; Western Siberia, M., 1963.

N. I. Mikhashov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

Watch what is "West Siberian Plain" in other dictionaries:

    West Siberian Plain ... Wikipedia

    Between the Urals in the West and the Meshness Plateorem in the East. OK. 3 million km & sup2. The length from the north to the south is up to 2500 km, from west to east to 1900 km. Height from 50 150 m in the northern and central parts up to 300 m in Western, South and ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    West Siberian Plain, between the Urals in the West and the Medium-Sivory Plateorem in the East. OK. 3 million km2. The length from the north to the south is up to 2500 km, from west to east to 1900 km. Height from 50 150 m in the northern and central parts up to 300 m in ... ... Russian history

    One of the biggest on earth. Occupies b. h. Zap. Siberia, stretching out of the coast of the Kara Sea on S. to the Kazakh Melkosopechnik on Yu., From the Urals to Z. to the Middle Eybir Plateau at V.P. OK. 3 million km². Wide flat or ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    Between the Urals in the West and the medium-grained plateorest in the east of about 3 million km2. The length from the north to the south is up to 2500 km, from west to east to 1900 km. Height from 50 150 m in the northern and central parts up to 300 m in Western, South and East. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    West Siberian Plain - West Siberian Plain, West Siberian lowland. One of the largest low-loop accumulative plains of the globe. It occupies most of Western Siberia, stretching from the coast of the Kara Sea in the north to the Kazakh small variety and ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

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