Magnetic inversion of the earth. Inversion of the Earth's magnetic field: a natural pattern or a fatal event

Landscaping and planning 20.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Change of the Earth's magnetic poles. The future of humanity

At the end of the 21st century things will be different...
And the person will be different ...

What can we - humanity - expect in the future? This question cannot but concern us. We are on the verge of great changes that will happen very soon - in the first half of the 21st century. Are we ready for these changes?

What great changes await us?.. Let's start from afar. The Earth is a very complex “organism” (one can even consider the Earth “intelligent”), subject to external influences (the Sun, the influence of the planets solar system, the position of the planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy).

The development of the Earth occurs cyclically and according to a spiral law. The following time cycles can be distinguished: a day, a year (cycles of the Earth's rotation), 12 years, 36, 2160, 4320 years (cycles associated with cosmogonic factors) ...

There are also longer cycles, for example, in Chinese culture, the Yuan cycle (129,600 years) is described, and in Hindu mythology, the designation of world periods is transmitted through four epochs of the South, which are 12,000 “divine years” or 4,320,000 earth years. Here it is also worth mentioning the “Long Count Calendar” of the Maya civilization ...

Change of the Earth's magnetic poles. Illustration:

We will be interested in one of the defining cycles in the development of our planet, associated with reversal of the earth's magnetic poles.

Change of the Earth's magnetic poles

... then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven;
and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn
and see the Son of Man,
coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory...

Mt 24:30, Matthew, New Testament.

Earth's magnetic poles- this is part of the magnetic (geomagnetic) field of our planet, which is generated by flows of molten iron and nickel surrounding the inner core of the Earth (in other words, turbulent convection during outer core Earth generates a geomagnetic field). The behavior of the Earth's magnetic field is explained by the flow of liquid metals at the boundary of the earth's core with the mantle.

Change of the Earth's magnetic poles (inversion magnetic field, English geomagnetic reversal) occurs every 11.5-12.5 thousand years. Other figures are also mentioned - 13,000 years and even 500 thousand years or more, and the last inversion occurred 780,000 years ago. Apparently, the polarity reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field is a non-periodic phenomenon. For geological history our planet, the terrestrial magnetic field has changed its polarity more than 100 times.

The cycle of changing the poles of the Earth (associated with the planet Earth itself) can be attributed to global cycles (along with, for example, the cycle of fluctuation of the precession axis), which affects everything that happens on Earth...

A legitimate question arises: when to expect a change in the magnetic poles of the Earth(reversal of the planet's magnetic field), or pole shift at a “critical” angle(according to some theories on the equator)?..

The process of shifting the magnetic poles has been recorded for more than a century. The North and South magnetic poles (NMP and SMP) are constantly “migrating”, moving away from the geographic poles of the Earth (the “error” angle is now about 8 degrees in latitude for the NMP and 27 degrees for the SMP). By the way, it was found that the geographic poles of the Earth are also moving: the axis of the planet deviates at a speed of about 10 cm per year.

AT last years the speed of movement of the magnetic poles has increased dramatically: so the North magnetic pole “ran” over 200 km over the past 20 years, now it is moving in a north and northwest direction at a speed of about 40 km per year!

An imminent change of poles is indicated by the fact weakening of the Earth's magnetic field near the poles, which was established in 2002 by the French professor of geophysics Gauthier Hulot ( Gauthier Hulot). By the way, the Earth's magnetic field has weakened by almost 10% since it was first measured in the 30s of the 19th century. Fact: in 1989, the inhabitants of Quebec (Canada), as a result of the fact that the solar winds broke through a weak magnetic shield and caused severe breakdowns in electrical networks, were left without electricity for 9 hours.

Scientists (as well as world leaders...) are aware of the upcoming reversal of the poles of the planet Earth. The process of changing the poles on our planet (active phase) began in 2000 and will last until December 2012. By the way, this date is indicated in the ancient Mayan calendar as “the end of the world” - the Apocalypse?!. Here we must also add that on August 11, 1999, the solar eclipse and the Parade of the Planets, a new era has begun on Earth - the Age of Aquarius (the Age of Pisces is over), which will last 2160 years and which is associated with Russia ...

In 2013, the planet Earth will finally enter the constellation of Aquarius and ... Earth's magnetic poles will change, which will take only a few weeks (hard option). Some scientists predict the onset of the apocalypse until 2030, and third experts say that the movement of the poles will take about a thousand years (soft option) ... There are also versions that the polarity reversal will lead to shift of the north and south poles to the equator.

Forecasts (as well as predictions of prophets, clairvoyants, contactees ... - look for them on the Internet) regarding the development of events on Earth after the change of poles are different. They differ in terms of the restructuring of the planet by new life(the arrival of the New Time), as well as the scale of the planetary catastrophe. And a lot will depend on the person himself - more on that below ...

What awaits mankind in the future? ..

Past Reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field

... In one terrible day, all your military strength
was swallowed up by the open earth;
likewise, Atlantis disappeared, plunging into the abyss ...

Plato, Timaeus dialogue.

Let's turn to history - look into the past of the Earth. On our planet, other civilizations lived before man (Atlantis, Lemuria), traces of which, by the way, can be traced in our culture. The Sphinx in Egypt (according to some studies, it is 5.5 million years old), the Pyramids in Giza (it is assumed that the Atlanteans who survived after a planetary catastrophe led their construction), huge Buddha statues as a reflection of those who lived on Earth before man - a typical image of Atlanta …

Atlantis, as expected, just died as a result of the change in the magnetic poles of the Earth, which occurred about 12.5 thousand years ago - went under water. And then ice age has come, and abruptly: the temperature dropped to minus 100 degrees Celsius and below, evidence of this was found mammoths with green grass in the stomach, some mammoths seemed to be torn apart from the inside: the death of these animals from the cold came instantly!..

... Did you watch the film “The Day After Tomorrow” (“Day After Tomorrow, The”, 2004)? It is not filmed on facts invented from the head. The Great Flood and the new Ice Age - this is a possible scenario for the imminent change of the Earth's magnetic poles. By the way, the Flood described in the Bible is, apparently, the result of the end of the last Ice Age (the Ryan-Pitman hypothesis, Ryan Pitman theory).

Flood scene, Gustave Doré. Bible illustration

It turns out, a new Flood is imminent?.. This is one of the possible (and probable ...) scenarios, according to which the UK will go under water first of all, part North America, Japan, many other coastal countries. The safest place on Earth as a result of a global catastrophe will be the European territory of Russia, Western Siberia ... Now think about why NATO is stubbornly approaching the borders of Russia? will be…

The future of humanity

… The growth of spirituality gradually brings the enlightened
to the next great body transformation,
which leads to more high worlds

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev, "Rose of the World".

As a result of the likely change of magnetic poles, a temporary disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field is possible(magnetosphere). As a result, a stream of cosmic rays will fall on the planet, which can pose a real danger to all living things. True, when in March 2001 the magnetic poles on the Sun changed (the full cycle of changes in the total magnetic field of the Sun is 22 years, Hale's law; hale), no disappearances of the magnetic field were recorded. By the way, the disappearance of the magnetic field on Mars in the past led to the evaporation of the atmosphere on the “red planet”.

As a result of the possible temporary disappearance of the Earth's Magnetic Field and the Flood, one should expect huge human losses, terrible man-made disasters (hard option). Only those who are physically and, most importantly, spiritually (!!!) ready for the advent of the New Time will survive. The planet Earth of the Age of Aquarius (after its “Reboot”, that is, the inversion of the magnetic field) will present other requirements for a person, since she herself will move to the next stage of her development…

Here it is also worth noting the fact of the “cleansing” of the Earth from the “extra burden”, “information dirt”. Recently, there has been a wave of violence, racial and religious intolerance, cruelty, and also ... suicides on the planet. It seems that many people have lost their conscience. On the example of our country: for many, swearing is the main way of communication, without alcohol (especially beer) and life is not life, a cigarette is a cure for stress ... The degradation of society is obvious ... It's sad ...

The moral decline of human society, inextricably linked with the Earth (global processes on the planet), is one of the harbingers of an impending catastrophe: the aggravation of the listed manifestations in society is a consequence of the processes of the Earth's transition to a new level of development... Think about why this is so, and why...

The scenario of the planetary catastrophe threatening us will depend on how humanity will be able to meet the arrival of the New Time (new Epoch). The lower society falls, the harder the Earth will react. It is possible that everything will go “smoothly”, or it is possible that only the most “chosen ones” will remain on Earth ...

Why do we, mankind, need all these trials?.. This is the Transition, and the transition to more high level development - Great Transition- not for everyone, but such are the laws of evolution... There must be a constant Movement Forward!

I must say that on December 21, 2012 (?!. according to other versions, December 23, 2012) another event will occur (which is noted in esoteric literature), which is associated with the inversion of the Earth's magnetic field, - "Quantum transition"(Quantum Transition of the Solar Logos and the Earth) - a powerful energy impact that ... will change the geometry of Space and translate Material world, including people, to a higher level of vibration - to the next stage of evolutionary development.

It is likely that after the change (or displacement) of the poles and the quantum transition (and, by the way, this has not happened before in the history of mankind), before humanity, if they do exist, two paths will open:

  • over the next 12.5-13 thousand years, go through evolution again, but at the same time start everything from scratch; academician E.N. Ecumenical believes that as a result of the change of poles, living beings (not ready for the New) experience a loss of Consciousness (memory erasure). By the way, the peculiar epidemic of amnesia that has been observed in society lately is not a sign of the Earth (?);
  • go to the next evolutionary step (God-Man), at which a person will have the opportunity to become immortal. A person will feed on the energy of the Cosmos (energobiosis), be able to materialize objects, etc. ... By the way, aren't the sun-eaters people of the New Time (?) ...

It is likely that on Earth after the Great Transition will live two kinds of people: a man of the past (already past) and a man of the future - the God-man.

Will there be a pole change or not, Kryon, by the way, gave information that there will be no change of poles, anyway on Earth soon there will be changes... they are already happening!.. And all of them will survive on themselves… The end result is a change in consciousness on planet Earth!

Hypothesis of geomagnetism. Explanation of the mechanism of magnetic pole reversal

Hypothesis of geomagnetism by Dmitry Alexandrovich Dyudkin (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology), which explains the mechanism of changing the Earth's magnetic poles. The hypothesis is based on geoelectricity. I will give the fundamental theses of the hypothesis.

Availability of free electric charges, their accumulation, the formation of high electric fields in the bowels of the Earth and its surface layer. Intraplanetary current system with quasi-equatorial strategic direction creates, according to the laws of electrodynamics, a magnetic field in the form of a magnetic dipole, which we observe.

The rotation of the Earth is maintained by the electric field of the ionosphere, which determines the fluctuations in the speed of the planet's rotation.

Solar activity is constantly changing (the process is cyclic).

In case of growth solar activity(as a result of the impact of enhanced corpuscular and short-wave radiation on the Earth's atmosphere, the ionization of the latter increases) the intensity of the electric field of the planet's ionosphere increases. The Earth receives additional acceleration, the strength of the currents excited in the surface layers of the planet will increase, this will lead to an increase in the geotectonic activity of the Earth (increased seismic activity, activation of volcanoes, etc.).

In the event of a decrease in solar activity, the speed of the Earth's rotation slows down, the intensity decreases intraplanetary induced currents, the intensity of the geomagnetic field falls.

With synchronous rotation of the Earth and the ionosphere (at present, the Earth rotates faster than the ionosphere, which leads to the excitation of powerful electric currents in the surface layers of the Earth), a powerful electric current will cease to exist, and, consequently, the dipole part of the Earth's Magnetic Field will cease to exist.

The polarity of the planet's magnetic poles is determined by the direction of the induction current. Therefore, the further lagging of the Earth from the ionosphere will lead to the excitation of a reverse direction current - the polarity of the magnetic poles will change by 180 degrees (the inversion of the Earth's magnetic poles).

In the past of the Earth, the inversion of the planet's magnetic field was accompanied by a global decrease in temperature - the Ice Age.

In this way, the change of the Earth's magnetic poles depends on solar activity!..

Kryon: " ancient tribes on the planet are well aware of what is happening, for it was foretold in their calendars. However, the changes will not be as expected. This will not be the end of the world, but the era of "final exams". Completion of one period of the history of the Earth and entry into new spaces of the Galaxy (previously hidden from you). Transition of humanity into a new consciousness and new ways of life(also previously hidden from you).

The planet and man are not just interconnected, but also interact and are considered as a single entity. When universal entities speak of "Earth", they mean both the physical stones of the planet, and the people who live on it, and other entities that support the existence of the whole. All this is understood as a single system, and the assessment of the vibrations of the planet includes the vibrations of all these kingdoms. It is impossible to raise the vibrations of people without raising the vibrations of the Earth!

As the planet changes, so will you. Earthquakes, sudden changes in weather and volcanic eruptions can directly affect the personality changes in each of you.”

And here are the words of Kryon: “... Do you really think that humanity, having reached the end of this cycle of higher enlightenment of consciousness through a whole period of earth's history, will have to be washed away by waves and stones? Prom would be nice, huh? No. The slope that was foreseen is my job.

It's magnetic tilt and it's restructuring of the Earth's magnetic grid system to secure your final period. In essence, you will be provided with a magnetically correct cover for the existence and life of balanced enlightened people.

Your magnetic north will no longer match the geographic north pole. He actually never did, as you know, but now this deviation will become significant. So why is it important? The importance is that those who are not ready will not be able to match it. Some will stay and those who can't will reincarnate and reappear with the correct setting.

As the grids adjust over the coming years, more enlightenment will be given to you...

… You have earned the right to stay and fully control your own destiny in the first century of the new millennium. You have achieved this yourself by raising the vibration of the planet through thought consciousness over the past 60 years (at the very last moment, one might say).”

So - our future is in our hands! .. And not only ...

For a better understanding of the ongoing processes on Earth, I advise you to read the report of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, laureate of the Prize. Vernadsky, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Nature and Society Evgeny Nikolaevich Vselensky “Pole change and the great universal experiment” (21.1 KB, .zip), Moscow, 2000. From the report you will learn what the sixth race is, transmutation, what abilities the person of the future will have ...

I also advise you to pay attention to Pavel Sviridov's book "The Myth of the Age of Aquarius" (it can be found on the Internet). There is an analysis of the past and future of Russia on the basis of cosmogonic cycles.

I would like you to think about the following questions:

What is the crop circle phenomenon? When did the “circles” begin to appear, and what does our Earth want to tell us about their appearance and pattern?..

Is Bigfoot a descendant of the Atlanteans? Who are dolphins?

Why are children born on Earth now with unusual abilities (indigo children and crystal children)?.. Will they not guide humanity in the Great Transition and form the society of the future?..

Try to answer your questions...

Supplement on the topic “Earth and Man” - figures, facts, theories:

The Earth's magnetic field began to weaken about 2,000 years ago. A sharp drop in its tension has been noted in the last 50 years, and since 1994 its powerful fluctuations have begun.

There is a so-called "Schumann frequency" ( The Schumann Frequency), or Schumann resonance, is a wave emanating from the planet (the “heartbeat” is the rhythm of the Earth), occurring at a specific frequency of 7.83 Hz (hertz). It was so stable for a long time that the military tuned their instruments to it. However, the Schumann frequency began to increase: in 1994 - 8.6 Hz, in 1999 - 11.2 Hz, and at the end of 2000 - about 12 Hz. It is assumed that when the Schumann frequency reaches 13 Hz, there will be a pole reversal.

A group of geophysicists from the University of Calabria (Italy), led by Professor Vincenzo Carbone (Vincenco Carbone) found that the earth's core "remembers" the history of magnetic switching, and the mathematical formula for taking into account this "memory" is well known: it is used by spectroscopists when describing inert gases.

Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky brilliantly proved the influence of periodic changes in solar activity on the vital activity of organisms on the planet, laying the foundation for space biology.

“Medium cycles falling on the downward period of a large cycle are characterized by the duration and depth of depressions, the brevity and weakness of upswings; the average cycles that fall on the upward period of a large cycle are characterized by inverse features”… Theory of Big Cycles N.D. Kondratiev.

AT In the noospheric teachings of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, a person appears rooted in Nature, and the “artificial” is considered as an organic part and one of the factors (increasing in time) of the evolution of the “natural” ... Vernadsky concludes that humanity, in the course of its development, is turning into a new powerful geological power that transforms the face of the planet with its thought and labor.

Books on the topic “Secrets of the Earth and Man”:

  • Centuries, Michel Nostradamus ( Michel de Nostredame ) - a book of prophecies predicting events that should happen from 1555 to 3797;
  • The Fall of Atlantis, Frank Joseph Frank Joseph ) - a book about indisputable evidence of the fall and death of a legendary civilization;
  • 1000 unexplained riddles, I.A. Damascus - the book describes the strangest phenomena: UFOs, dinosaurs, Bermuda Triangle, ghosts and more;
  • Rose of the World, Daniil Andreev - a book about the fate of Russia and the world, man and mankind - one of the most unexpected books in the treasury of Russian philosophy and literature;
  • 100 great secrets ancient world, N.N. Nepomniachtchi - a new book from the series "100 Great" tells about the ancient civilizations of our planet.

Number of reads: 2808

Reversals (inversions) of the geomagnetic field, when the North and South poles of a permanent magnet (which is the Earth) change places, occur regularly. In the early sixties, as a result of determining the absolute age of the corresponding lavas by the potassium-argon method, a scale of geomagnetic field reversals was developed, consisting of alternating epochs of normal (i.e., the same as today) and reverse polarity; This scale became the basis for a fundamentally new section of stratigraphy - magnetostratigraphy.

In the real magnetic field of the Earth, the time during which the sign of the polarity changes can be either short, up to a thousand years, or even millions of years. The magnetostratigraphic scale is essentially a global scale of geomagnetic polarity over the observed portion of geological history. Currently, hundreds of thousands of determinations of direct and reverse polarity in samples have been carried out. rocks of different ages, dated both with the help of isotope radiological methods, that is, with obtaining the absolute age of the rock, and with the help of methods of relative geochronology, that is, paleontological methods.

The first scale for the inversion of the earth's magnetic field for the last 3.5 million years was created in 1963 by A. Cox, R. Doll, and G. Dalrymple. Within this interval, they established two zones of direct polarity (like a modern field) and one zone of reversed polarity. Since then, many magnetostratigraphic scales have been compiled, the completeness and lower age limit of which are constantly increasing, and the subdivision itself is becoming more and more fractional. The time intervals of the predominance of any one polarity are called geomagnetic epochs, and some of them are named after the prominent geomagnetologists Brunness, Matuyama, Gauss, and Gilbert (Fig. 3). Within the epochs, shorter intervals of one polarity or another are distinguished, called geomagnetic episodes. The most effective identification of intervals of direct and reverse polarity of the geomagnetic field was carried out for geologically young lava flows in Iceland, Ethiopia and other places. The disadvantage of these studies is that the process of lava outpouring was an intermittent process, so it is quite possible to miss any magnetic episode. It is a completely different matter if the magnetic properties of sedimentary rocks in the oceans are measured when drilling deep-sea wells. Such drilling became possible in 1968, when it was carried out on a special drilling vessel, the Glomar Challenger, and later, from the Joydes Resolution. During this time, more than a thousand wells have already been drilled in different oceans, and some of them have gone deep into the rocks of the seabed by 1.5 km.

The most important advantage of studying the magnetic properties of the well core (column of drilled rocks) is the continuity of the stratigraphic section, when there is no gap in the layers, and we are confident in the completeness of the geological record. An analysis of the magnetic properties of samples from the rocks of the ocean floor made it possible to compile a detailed scale of field reversals up to the late Jurassic period inclusive, that is, for a time interval of 170 million years, which made it possible to reconstruct the Earth's magnetic field during this time. Until the turn of 570 million years - for everything

During the existence of the Earth, its magnetic field has already changed polarity several times. According to one assumption, when the next coup occurs (the deadline is 2021), it will destroy most of the planet and its population, since the magnetic field will not be able to adequately protect the Earth from the increased in 2011-2012. solar radiation, as it usually happens. In extreme cases, the magnetic upheaval will disable all computers and other devices, thereby causing universal chaos.

Scheme of the movement of the north magnetic pole in the period from 1900 to 1996. The source of the geomagnetic field is the outer core.

First, do not confuse two concepts: magnetic field reversal and pole shift, because there is an inversion complete replacement the locations of the south and north poles to the opposite, and the shift is a larger event that occurs no more than four times in a million years. Both events are in fact a common geological pattern, and as the analysis of secular deposits shows, they cannot lead to any dramatic consequences. There are several scientific points of view regarding magnetic inversion:

The magnetic reversal occurs in parallel with the pole shift. The Earth's magnetic field arises from the electrical currents produced by the movement of the liquid outer shell of the earth's core. Rotational movements of the internal solid core lead to a rupture, and later to the renewal of the magnetic field, which is the essence of magnetic inversion. Such events weaken the magnetic field of the planet, which gives rise to the theory of the end of the world in connection with the perturbations of the magnetic field. According to various experts, the last time the inversion occurred was 13,000 or 11,803 years ago. Some experts really believe that the inversion can shake the stability of life on Earth. Others do not see anything supernatural in it.

NASA believes that the reversal of the magnetic field is nothing more than a natural geological phenomenon that has been repeated several times already in our era. The inversion cycle is about 800 thousand years and is not every minute and unexpected. When the event ends, the compass needles that were previously pointing south now start showing north, and vice versa. For NASA, magnetic field reversal is the rule rather than the exception.

Another group of scientists believe that inversions are the norm, not the exception. And they occur every 20-30 thousand years. According to their theory, the magnetic poles do not change completely, but only begin to move back and forth, moving to unusual latitudes.

Some geologists believe that the Earth's magnetic currents have already begun to warp, creating intricate patterns at the magnetic poles. If this process continues, then soon the auroras can be seen even at the equator. This can lead to strong and long periods drought, which will significantly change the modern climate.

Another theory says that the magnetic zones are in continuous motion, and this should neutralize the global magnetic field after some time. Its adherents explain the reason for the appearance of a magnetic field on our planet in the same way as the first theory presented here: by the rotation of a metallic molten liquid core around a solid iron core and the resulting electric current.

Another theory stands for geomagnetic reversal being affected from solar activity, creating global disruption. According to this theory, the Earth will be completely devoid of a magnetic field, and hence, protection from harmful solar radiation and coronary matter emissions. An analysis of the materials of the past did not reveal facts confirming that the magnetic field ever disappeared. Although in the future it may well be weakened, and this should not cause any special problems and the atmosphere of the planet will continue to perform its protective functions, protecting us from radiation.

The fact that the viscous shell of the core is moving is shown by the movements of the Earth's magnetic poles. The north magnetic pole goes further north, and since the 19th century, when it was first marked, it has managed to shift by as much as 1,100 km. Over time, the speed of its movement only grows and is about 64 km per year. At the beginning of the 20th century, this speed was only 16 km. So far, scientists cannot create a complete picture of what impacts such shifts may have.

Although the conditions under which the poles begin to move cannot yet be accurately predicted by scientists, no evidence has been found in ancient deposits that previous pole shifts led to the destruction of all forms of life or the integrity of the planet itself. It is unlikely that this will happen during the expected new inversion. It can only bring significant benefits to enterprises involved in the production of compasses.

From time to time, the north and south magnetic poles of the Earth change places. This phenomenon is called magnetic field reversal. Such events do not have any pronounced periodicity. Between the next change of poles can pass as from tens of thousands of years to millions of years.
Paleomagnetic data suggest that the last reversal of the Earth's magnetic field occurred 780 thousand years ago - long before the appearance of modern man. At the same time, geologists have at their disposal a number of evidence that even after a change in "polarity", the magnetic field can experience periods of instability. During them, the direction of its lines can quickly change to almost the opposite, and then also rapidly return to its original position.

To better understand these processes, an international team of scientists studied stalagmites from Sanxing Cave in southern China. They formed between 107 and 91 thousand years ago. Paleomagnetic analysis showed that at that time the Earth's magnetic field survived a large number of anomalies. The amplitude of the magnetic field reversal during this period sometimes exceeded 100 degrees. At the same time, a pronounced asymmetry was observed in these rotations - relative to the normal direction, the polarity in the Eastern Hemisphere turned mainly to the south and to the east. The field strength in some areas of the surface was reduced by 90%.

But the most interesting thing is the time required for such "turns". Between 106 and 103 thousand years ago, it took less than two centuries for the magnetic lines to shift by 100 degrees. Previously, scientists believed that such processes stretched over many millennia.

Various yellow media often like to scare their audience with apocalyptic scenarios, that the next “reversal” of the magnetic field will almost be the end of the world. Of course, this is not true. During its existence, the terrestrial biosphere has successfully survived hundreds of magnetic inversions. At the same time, it can certainly damage modern civilization, especially power supply and navigation systems. But on this moment scientists do not have any data that would allow at least an approximate calculation of the time of the next change of magnetic poles.

Scientists sounded the alarm about the displacement of the Earth's magnetic poles. So, at present, the magnetic pole of the planet is moving in the direction from North America to Siberia at such a high speed that in the next half century Alaska may already be left without the Northern Lights. However, this radiance can be seen in some European regions.

So what is a magnetic pole? The Earth's magnetic pole, as a rule, refers to the part of the magnetic field created by the core of the planet, which, in turn, consists of molten iron. Scientists have long known that magnetic poles can move, and that they change places periodically. However, they cannot yet determine the exact cause of such changes.

The magnetic pole can move due to the oscillation process. Thus, over time, the pole moves into place. So says one of the most common points of view. Based on the results of previous studies, over the past century and a half, the strength of the magnetic field of planet Earth has decreased by about 10 percent. During this time, the North Magnetic Pole has moved about one thousand kilometers. At the same time, the results of the study showed that, compared with the last four centuries, the speed of movement of the poles has increased significantly.

The North Magnetic Pole was first discovered in 1831. In 1904, scientists conducted repeated studies, as a result of which it was determined that the pole had moved 50 kilometers.

Note that the compass needle points not to the geographic, but to the magnetic pole. According to the results of the research, over the past millennium, the magnetic pole has moved over long distances from Canada to Siberia. Sometimes he moved in other directions.

The North Magnetic Pole has been moving across the territory of Arctic Canada for a long time, but since about the 70s of the last century, it has acquired a clear direction: with an ever-increasing speed, which currently reaches about 46 kilometers per year, the pole rushed almost in a straight line to the Russian Arctic. According to the forecasts of the Canadian Geomagnetic Service, by 2050 it will stop at the mark of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago.

After a series of studies, physicists came to the conclusion that the change of magnetic poles has a significant effect on earth's atmosphere. And the pole shift can have serious consequences. This can be confirmed by comparing the results of observations over the past century with calculated data.

If you remember school course physics - electric current heats the conductor along which it moves. In the case of the atmosphere and magnetic poles, the shift of the magnetic poles will heat up the ionosphere. Electrons will penetrate into the neutral atmosphere, which will affect the wind system and the climate as a whole. The shift of the poles will bring certain changes to the work of technology. In particular, in summer period in middle latitudes it will be simply impossible to use short radio waves. The operation of navigation satellite systems will also be disrupted, because they use ionospheric models. In addition, according to the forecasts of geophysicists, the approach of the magnetic pole will lead to an increase in induced induced currents in power networks and power lines.

However, this is just theoretical, because at any moment the north magnetic pole can sharply change its direction or even stop. As for the south magnetic pole, it is generally impossible to predict its movement, since its movement is very chaotic, and if until 1986 it moved quite briskly, then its speed dropped significantly.

It should be noted that the problem of the displacement of the magnetic poles was first published in 1885. The magnetic poles change places about once every one million years. Thus, for 160 million years of existence, they changed 100 times. The last time, according to geophysicists, the magnetic poles changed places about 780 thousand years ago.

Despite the fact that scientists cannot name the reasons for the pole shift, they nevertheless warn that this phenomenon can have a negative impact on all life on Earth. According to some hypotheses, during the change of poles for some time the Earth's magnetosphere will disappear. This will allow cosmic rays to freely penetrate our planet, which can be a real danger to humanity. By the way, it is with the shift of the magnetic poles that scientists associate the Flood, the death of mammoths and dinosaurs, the death of Atlantis.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the speed of movement of the magnetic poles. The North Pole, since 1931, has been moving at a speed of 10 kilometers per year in the direction of the northwest. But in the 80s of the last century, its speed increased significantly, reaching 46 kilometers per year in the new century.

Of course, it is impossible to say that the inversion has already begun, but recent studies from the satellites of the European Space Agency Magsat and Oersted proved that this is exactly the case. Thus, it was found that the magnetic lines of force on the outer core of the planet in the southern Atlantic region are in the opposite direction to what it should be in the normal state of the magnetic field.

Thus, based on the foregoing, certain conclusions can be drawn. The reversal of the magnetic poles has already begun, as evidenced by the decrease in the magnetic field of the planet over the past two millennia, the acceleration of the fall in field strength in recent times, the acceleration of the displacement of the magnetic poles, as well as the location of the magnetic lines of force.

The magnetic field is important for the life of the planet: on the one hand, it protects it from the flow of particles that fly from the depths of space and from the Sun, and in addition, it serves as a kind of indicator for living beings that migrate every year. Scientists cannot say exactly what will happen if the field disappears, but they suggest that there may be accidents on high-voltage lines, problems for astronauts, malfunctions of satellites. The movement of the poles can cause a strong expansion of the ozone holes.

There are several points of view regarding what a reversal of magnetic poles can lead to. Optimistic scientists say that in the history of the planet's existence, the pole shift has occurred repeatedly, but it has not brought any consequences for the Earth. And link mass extinctions and natural disasters with magnetic poles there is no reason. In addition, the biosphere has great ability to adapt and recover. And since the inversion can last for a long time, there is enough time to prepare for the changes.

According to the opposite point of view, the shift of the magnetic poles can happen very soon and have catastrophic consequences for the planet. This hypothesis has been compromised large quantity unscientific and completely unsubstantiated claims. In particular, some pseudo-scientists say that during the period of magnetic pole shift, the human brain is rebooted, during which all the information it contains will be completely erased.

Be that as it may, there are very good reasons to treat the upcoming change of magnetic poles with great attention and caution, and to think about what dangers it can bring not only to the planet and humanity as a whole, but also to an individual. And, accordingly, to develop promising means and systems of protection that will reduce Negative consequences inversions.

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