Magnetic water treatment in plant cultivation. The influence of the magnetic field on the germination of the roots of a houseplant

Landscaping and planning 19.05.2019
Landscaping and planning

Recently, scientists from all over the world have been studying the effects magnetic field on the growth and development of plants. Canadians conducted experiments with magnetized seeds of soybeans, buckwheat, barley, oats, the seeds of these cults were subjected to magnetization in a constant magnetic field and the result exceeded expectations, the increase in growth was 20% higher than that of ordinary seeds.

Magnetic field and plants experience of Russian scientists

Domestic scientists in the city of Dubna, Moscow Region, magnetized potatoes. The planting area was 200 hectares. The yield was exceeded by 1000 tons of potatoes.

Magnetized water also affects the growth and development of plants. The properties and structure of water change when it is exposed to a powerful magnetic field. When watering with magnetized water, the growth and development of plants is accelerated, and their productivity also increases.

In Japan, when growing vegetables using the hydroponic method, the nutrient water solution, before watering, is first passed through a special magnetic system. This design includes powerful neodymium magnets—these magnets magnetize the nutrient solution through their powerful fields.

Facts and evidence

It is a proven fact that magnetized water, for example, increases the absorption of fertilizers for plant nutrition by 75%. This result is achieved through physical properties magnetized water, which contributes to a better dissolution of mineral salts, which allows plants to better absorb fertilizers.

Neodymium magnets, as the source of the most powerful permanent field in the world, are most often used in agriculture as a source of magnetization.

For example: if such magnets are placed between the green fruits of tomatoes, they will ripen much faster. In most plants in a constant magnetic field, the growth rate of stems increases, and root system becomes more powerful.

Another effect of magnetized water is its fungicidal properties. Sowing tomatoes with daily watering, magnetized water are significantly less affected various diseases. Experimental samples are 45-50% more resistant to diseases than control ones. Also, the positive effect of magnetic fields helps to strengthen immunity in adult plants.

How to magnetize irrigation water

The method of obtaining magnetized irrigation water is based on the transmission tap water or nutrient solution through magnetic devices. They may be industrial or homemade. Most often it consists of several sections of the same type with permanent neodymium magnets. Such systems are widely used in viticulture, horticulture, horticulture, as well as the cultivation of indoor plants. Currently neodymium powerful magnets are publicly available, so you can design such a system for magnetizing plants yourself.

Magnetization of water occurs only when it moves in a magnetic field - through a pipe, therefore, the greater the extent of the magnetic field, the better.

I removed magnets d 60 mm from two old music speakers (available at the store), cut them with a grinder into two semicircular halves, holding the workpieces in a vise.

I glued the finished parts with glue Moment to two segments of a wooden (you can use plastic) ruler 15 cm long - two semicircles for each bar (see diagram).

I fixed mutually attracting magnets on each bar to ensure the correct magnetic field. Both blanks (opposite each other) were taped to a water pipe supplying cold water with tape.

Perfect option magnet - neodymium. Its field is much stronger and goes much further than the iron one.

Do-it-yourself water magnetizer - diagram

1. The pipe must be made of non-magnetic material (not steel), only plastic or metal-plastic, with a diameter of not more than 20 mm.

2. It is impossible to store magnetized water for a long time - in 12 hours it loses its properties by half.

3. The poles of the magnets should not be at the ends, but in the plane of contact, which is why I used magnets from the speakers (the poles are located in them in the right way).

How magnetic water is used

Believe it or not

magic liquid

Magnetized is water that has been treated with a magnetic field.

The structure of molecules in it is more ordered and biologically active. Such water has a beneficial effect on the body at the cellular level, it can be used as a general tonic. The ordered structure and unidirectional movement increase the movement of molecules and. respectively, the rate of all biochemical reactions. Magnetized water by itself does not provide a complete cure for serious illnesses, but when combined with other types of treatment, it can be very effective.


Be sure to consult your doctor before use! There are contraindications.

Using magnetic water, you can improve your well-being and quality of life:

  • speed up metabolism
  • improve the condition of the cardiovascular system
  • relieve headaches
  • promote the elimination of excess cholesterol
  • avoid diseases of the skin, joints, kidney stones
  • prevent dental plaque and periodontal disease
  • fight constipation.

Viktor Gorbunov, Tyumen



Dear buyer! Devices CO-2 and CO-3 are designed for magnetic water treatment, which, according to scientific and literary data, has a positive effect on the soil and plants, as well as on the strength and frost resistance of the concrete solution.

Watering the soil and plants with magnetized water is a relatively new and little-studied agricultural technique, so it is recommended to use it in the specific conditions of your site, greenhouse or on houseplants (flowers), leaving some plants for control (watering them with non-magnetized water).

The CO-2 and CO-3 devices differ in the diameters of the fittings and the inner diameters of the attached hoses.

Attention! The manufacturer does not have permission from the Ministry of Health of the USSR for the use of the device for medical purposes and therefore cannot recommend magnetic water for drinking and cooking.


The design of the device is shown in the figure.


Magnetization of water occurs when water passes through the device in any direction.

A noticeable effect of magnetic treatment is achieved at a water flow rate of more than 1 meter per second, at which a bucket (10 l) is filled in about 1 minute. When treating water at a lower speed of sludge with small amounts of it (for watering indoor plants or when soaking seeds), it is recommended to pass water through the device 2-3 times.

For watering indoor plants or soaking seeds, it is necessary to use degassed water, for which the water must settle for 2-3 hours before magnetization.

Magnetized water retains its properties throughout the day. After this period, it can be processed again.

You can store magnetized water in any container.

Magnetic water treatment does not exclude or replace various agrophysical and agrochemical practices used in growing crops, magnetic water only contributes to obtaining the best results when using these techniques.


Magnetized water is used for soil and plant cultivation, as well as for the preparation of concrete mortar.

1. Seeds are soaked in the way recommended for your chosen crop (plant species), but ordinary water is replaced with magnetized water.

2. Irrigation of agricultural crops, including fruit trees and berry bushes, it is necessary to produce according to the scheme recommended for this culture. Magnetized water is recommended for irrigation:

2.1. 1-2 days before planting or sowing;

2.2. within 1-3 days after planting or sowing;

2.3. after fertilization;

2.4. regularly during the growing season.

3. Mixing of the concrete solution is carried out according to the instructions, but with the replacement of ordinary water with magnetized water, which makes it possible to increase the strength and frost resistance of concrete.


1. The value of the magnetic induction in the gaps between the magnets is not less than 100 mT.

2. Weight - no more than 0.4 kg,

3. Dimensions - diameter 75x116 mm.

4. Internal diameter of the connected hose, mm: for CO-2 - 12, for CO-3 - 16.

Adapters must be used to use other hoses.

5. The maximum allowable pressure at the inlet of the device is not more than 4 kg/cm.


The device should be protected from sharp impacts and drops.

In winter, it must be stored in a dry place.

Arzhantsev Egor

The influence of a magnet on the growth and development of plants



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Influence of a magnet on plant growth Prepared by: 4th grade student Egor Arzhantsev Supervisor: Goreva O.V. Research

If there were no plants, there would be no diversity of living organisms on Earth. Without plants, neither animals nor humans can exist. The value of plants is very important for human life. The deeper one studies nature, the clearer becomes the great role of plants. As part of the lessons on the world around us, in the 3rd “E” grade, we conducted research on growing beans, considered what factors affect the growth and development of plants. The results of the experiment showed that air, water, heat and, of course, light are necessary for seed germination and further growth. The beans germinated and were planted in the ground. The plant, reaching 20 cm, bloomed. The sprouts reach for the light. The plant has flowers. But after the flowers withered and the plants died, without yielding a harvest.

But I decided to continue the experiment on growing beans and analyze what other factors affect the growth and development of plants, and consequently, the yield.

Louis Pasteur French chemist, microbiologist Back in the middle of the 19th century, French scientist Louis Pasteur made a sensational discovery: the Earth's magnetic field has a positive effect on plant growth. From that moment, hundreds of scientists in America, Russia, Japan, England and France began to conduct research in the field of the influence of the magnetic field on living organisms. Many reports have been written on the improvement of the germination of cereals after exposure to a magnetic field on the grain. The plants were exposed to magnets and watered with magnetic water. `

The effect of the dependence of the growth of plants (or their parts) on a magnetic field is called magnetotropism (from the word "tropos" - direction). It is possible even visually to begin to be convinced of the magnetic dependence of plants. For example, in free development, plants orient themselves in the direction of the south magnetic pole. First of all, the roots develop predominantly in this direction. But conjecture is not proof. And so I present to your attention this project.

The purpose of this work is to study the influence of a magnetic field on the rate and degree of germination of beans. Object of study: influence physical factors on the speed and degree of germination of beans. Subject of research: speed and degree of germination. Hypothesis research work: exposure to the magnetic field of a permanent magnet has a positive effect on the speed and degree of germination of beans.

Based on the analysis of information sources, find out what effect the magnetic field has on the biological processes of plants. Develop an experiment to study the influence of a magnetic field on the speed and degree of germination of beans. Conduct an experimental study. Analyze the results of the experiment. Draw conclusions.

Experimental part I started and carried out an experiment to monitor the germination and growth of bean seeds depending on the presence of a magnet. The place of the experiment is home conditions. Start date of the experiment: November 06, 2016 For the experiment, 12 bean seeds were taken as an object, different size and colors.

The 12 seeds were divided into two groups in order to view changes over time. The main criterion for dividing seeds into groups was the creation different conditions depending on the presence of the magnet. The second group of seeds was in a magnetic field (where the north pole of the magnet was set to the north, and the south pole of the magnet to the south). I group of seeds - outside the field of the magnet

Entries from the diary of observations. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 It can be seen from the table that sprouting beans on a magnet accelerates the germination of seeds compared to seeds that are not exposed to a magnetic field. Already on the 4th day, 5 beans sprouted on the magnet, while only 3 without the magnet. Consequently, the germination of the beans on the magnet led to the activation of seed germination.

Day 5 (11/10/2016) Group II (on a magnet) Sprouted beans - 5, of which 3 develop lateral roots. Group I (without magnet) Sprouted beans - 3, of which 2 develop lateral roots. Day 7 (11/12/2016) Sprouts 2 cm and 3 cm high! The first pair of leaves is formed and ready to open. The roots are well developed. Sprouts 3 cm and 5 cm high! The first pair of leaves is also formed and ready to open. The roots of 2 beans filled the entire layer of cotton wool. The samples were kept under equal conditions at room temperature of 25°C throughout the entire experiment. The impact of the magnetic field on the seeds for 5-7 days continued to give the best results in terms of seed germination, seedlings, stem length and root system.

Day 8 (13.11.2016) Group II (on a magnet) Planting in the ground - 3 seeds Group I (without a magnet) Planting in the ground - 2 seeds On the 8th day of the experiment, the sprouts were planted in the ground.

Day 15 (11/20/2016) A week has passed since planting the sprouts in the ground. All sprouts got stronger, the first pair of leaves unfolded, the leaves became larger, the color darker, sprouts appeared for further growth. Elongated roots are visible through the transparent container white color. But the second sample, under the influence of a magnetic field, continued to lead in development.

Main results and conclusions: In the beans under the influence of a magnetic field, rapid swelling, early and friendly shoots were noted. Under the influence of the magnet, the whole plant (both roots and stems) developed more efficiently. The hypothesis on the positive effect of the magnetic field of a permanent magnet was confirmed - the magnetic field accelerates the growth of plants.

Day 39 (12/14/2016) With regular watering, being on the windowsill, the plants continued to grow and develop. But I had to find out if it would be possible to get a crop at home? Does the influence of the magnetic field also affect this result?

Group I (without magnet) Group II (with magnet) 39 days have passed since the beginning of the experiment: the first flowers appeared on both samples!

Day 43 (12/18/2016) Another week passed and a tiny bean pod appeared in place of a flower in a plant in a magnetic field. This means that the beans have self-pollinated! I will continue to water and monitor growth.

And now, 2.5 months after the start of the experiment, the decisive moment has come. The pod has grown and dried up. I decided to open it and see if I managed to grow new beans at home. When I carefully separated the pod segments, I found only one bean inside, about the same size as the original ones, but brighter in color.

Conclusions The seeds of group II, which were under the constant influence of a magnetic field, had a high rate and degree of germination. Top speed growth had seeds of group II, which were under the action of a magnetic field. The constant magnetic field greatly accelerated the growth of plants. A plant under the influence of a magnetic field yielded a crop. The conducted study confirmed the hypothesis of the positive effect of the magnetic field. So, the use of a magnetic field can significantly increase the rate and degree of germination of bean seeds, but this requires more detailed study and experimental verification in the natural environment. This concludes my experiment.

References Bondarenko N.F.; Rokhinson E.E.; Gak E.Z. Studying the possibility of using magnetic fields in agriculture. Weak and superweak fields and radiation in biology and medicine. - SPb., 1997. Influence external factors on the growth and development of plants. Metal, magnet and plants. Louis Pasteur.

Magnetic water treatment for watering plants is not an invention of the 21st century. In the old days, a magnet was placed in a barrel of water, which was then watered over the plants. As a result, the water became "softer" and the plants developed better. It is believed that the effect of a magnetic field on water leads to its structuring. The new UDI-MAG GARDEN magnetic transducer is used for watering vegetables and fruit crops, fruit trees on private property and farming. The device is a patented development. The EFFECT that is achieved with the use of the device can be described as follows: the magnetic treatment softens the water (“rainwater” effect) and reduces its surface tension, which improves the penetration of minerals and nutrients soil with water through the intercellular membranes of the plant. As a result, there is INCREASED YIELD WITHOUT THE APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS.

Garden magnetic water converter UDI-MAG GARDEN, art.050 it is used for watering vegetable and fruit crops, fruit trees on a private plot and in a farm.
Buy garden magnetic water converter UDI-MAG GARDEN, art.050

The magnetic transducer can be built into an irrigation system that already exists on your site.

The choice of method of irrigation of the site.

Although watering the lawn by hand, often accompanied by splashing, pouring, playing battleships, etc., can be fun, in terms of effective watering, it will be a waste of time, money and unnecessary water consumption.
What can you do? Overground irrigation by sprinkling - effective method irrigation, when all the work is taken over by the sprinkler system. Portable sprinklers come in several types. Oscillating type sprinklers are good for covering "traditional" rectangular or square meters. Rotary sprinklers are suitable for irregular shape plots. The benefits of watering with these attachments are that you spend less time watering and save water. The downside is that sprinklers need to be controlled and moved around the area to get even coverage.
drip system- Another method of above-ground irrigation is a system of pipes or hoses with tiny holes through which water slowly flows. Drip systems can be installed above or below ground. The advantage of the above-ground system is its mobility, the ability to be moved to another area of ​​irrigation and easy adjustment as needed. advantage underground systems s is less evaporation of water, which means its greater penetration to the root system. Systems drip irrigation effective not only for daily watering, but also for fertilizing the root zone of plants. Drip irrigation systems minimize weed growth by providing zoned water only where needed. These systems can be equipped with a timer, allowing watering even at night. However, the drip irrigation system also has its own problems - it requires a fairly frequent check, because. tiny holes are often clogged with lime deposits and small particles soil.
The most effective combination of application above ground and underground irrigation systems preferably with a timer. The combination of systems allows you to adjust the degree of watering, based on the needs of a particular site. For example, trees and shrubs that should be watered infrequently, but so that the water penetrates deep to the roots, may receive maximum benefit from a drip irrigation system. Pots and containers with plants are also desirable to be watered using a drip irrigation system. Overhead rain systems are best for lawns that require heavy watering to avoid "brown spots" of drying grass.
When choosing an irrigation system or combination of systems, specific climatic conditions and features of agricultural technology of those plants that you grow on your site.

Irrigation systems.

Irrigation systems are automatic irrigation systems designed to deliver a controlled flow of water for plant growth. Automatic irrigation systems allow you to choose optimal mode irrigation for lawns and gardens with significant water savings. Although the most common above-ground irrigation system is sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation systems are gaining popularity because of the potential for significant water savings.

Ground irrigation (watering)
Above ground irrigation systems are most effective for watering small or large open areas such as lawns. These systems allow you to distribute water quickly and on large area, spraying water through stationary, oscillating or rotating spray heads, at regular intervals, working in a single system. Above ground irrigation systems consist of hoses, stopcocks, a sprinkler and a timer.

The main diameters of hoses and their throughput: 1/2” (12.5mm) - 40 liter/min; 5/8” (15mm) - 76 litres/min; 3/4” (19mm) - 103 litres/min. Typically, the length of the hose coil varies from 5 to 50 meters. The length affects the amount of pressure at the opposite end of the hose. For maximum efficiency pressure, it is recommended to choose a length for the hose that matches the distance of the area to be watered. Hose materials range from lightweight, synthetic-reinforced and inexpensive PVC to heavier, stronger rubber. Composite rubber/vinyl hoses - good decision for frequent use. When choosing a hose, make sure it matches the diameter of your stopcock (valve).

Threaded taps are commonly used, typically ½" or ¾" inch. In addition to standard walk-through cranes, are used check valves, preventing the entry Wastewater into the irrigation system, as well as taps resistant to freezing in winter period time. It is recommended to install taps (valves) on the site in convenient places away from home

There are 3 types of sprinklers for above ground irrigation systems:
Stationary (Small sprinkler at the end of the hose)
In addition to sprinklers, drip irrigation is used - a system of hoses that slowly passes water through thousands of tiny holes, which is great for localized watering of long strips of lawns, gardens and elements. landscape design. A drip irrigation system consisting of hoses and pipes can also be connected to a faucet (valve) to turn the water on/off as needed. Drip irrigation systems can also be used in greenhouses.

A timer connected to the hose will save you time and money by converting a regular hose into automatic system glaze. To automate irrigation, both drip and sprinkler, no wiring is required.

Sprinkler timers
The automatic timer can optimize plant growth and save time and water when properly programmed. the right amount water and duration of irrigation. Timer functions include manual or automatic control, management of the entire system and individual elements.

Pumps allow you to use water from natural sources such as rivers, lakes, ponds and wells.

Water pressure gauge
The water pressure gauge is used to determine the water pressure in the irrigation system.

Used to close openings when moving the irrigation system.

Humidity sensors
Irrigation systems with this monitoring function determine the amount of moisture in the soil. They automatically turn off the system when the soil has received sufficient moisture, which helps save water and prevent soil waterlogging.

rain sensors
To measure the amount of rainfall and turn off the irrigation system when the set rainfall level has been reached.

Fertilizer injector
Creates the ability to add nutrients during irrigation by adding fertilizer to the drip irrigation system.

Prevent large particles and debris from entering the irrigation system.

Pressure regulators
Reduces incoming water pressure to the recommended pressure for drip irrigation systems. Pressure regulators prevent water leakage and damage to connections in the irrigation system.

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