"Prayer" (Lermontov): Analysis of the poem. Prayer as a genre of lyrical poetry M.Yu.Lermontova

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Prayer as a genre of lyrical poetry M.Yu.Lermontova


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Darya Aleksandrovna

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russian language and literature teacher


Elena Evgenievna

Donskaya, 2014.

1. Introduction.

7. References.

1. Introduction.

M.Yu. Lermontov is a very difficult phenomenon in the history of the literary life of Russia. The poet, who lived only 26 years and left a relatively small literary heritage, still remains unsolved and fully understood by a person.

I did not accidentally become interested in poetry of this great person. I wanted to at least figure out his work.

As a person who created so many poems about the demon, refers to the prayer lyrics.So over the poem "Demon" he worked almost all his life: she began in 1829, and the last option was finished only in 1839 - and this is the eighth editor! The poet lived all his life under the terrible gaze of the demone-gloomy spirit of evil. "And the proud demon will not lag behind while I live, from me"1 - So thought the young poet. But at the same time (in 1829) the poet appeals to the genre of prayer and creates a wonderful poem"PRAYER" ("Do not blame me, omnipotent"), and a few years later, it creates other works with such a heading.

Hypothesis of research:

Lermontov's prayer poems reflect the inconsistency of his religious views and are distinguished by the originality of the author's position.

Purpose of work: analyze the prayer lyrics, to understand that he asks the poet from God, which he prays.

To implement the goal, me was put forward followingtasks:

1. To explore the literature on this topic,

2. Analyze the poems of "Prayer" 1829, 1837, 1839,

3. Compare poems and identify the difference between them.

2. Analysis of the poem "Prayer" of 1829.

Prayer is the heartfelt appeal of a believer man to God. "Prayer is the expression of higher Christian virtues - faith, love and hope"2 . This century is the consecrated tradition of Christianity. Prayers who read believers in church and at home, created Christian devotees in ancient times, recognized by the saints, the fathers of the Church. Of course, every believer can appeal with a prayer to God, finding in his heart, in his soul the right words.

In the youthful poem "Prayer", the poet draws with repentance to the "All-Fivy", which It can accuse and turn for the unhappy (for elocting earthly passions).

Do not blame me, omnipotent,

And do not karai me, pray,3

But at the same time, it arises "for the fact that ...", transmitting the growing stress of the plea-dispute, the drama of the struggle in which there is no winner and where repentance turns into disagreement, approving its addictions and rights.

For the fact that the darkness of the earth grave

With her passions, I love;

For rarely in the soul comes

Live speeches of your jet

For the fact that in the delusion wanders

My mind is far from you;

For lava inspiration

Bubbles on my chest;

For the fact that wildworkers

Gloaching glass of my eyes;

For the fact that the world is craped to me,

To you penetrate i'm afraid

And often the sound of sinful songs

I, God, do not pray for you.4

In a quick change of states, the tragic opposition of the Almighty is born, anxiety is growing; The organic connection between "I" and God, which is still recognized by the life-giving

But increasingly, the place of "living speeches" is "lost", the soul is overwhelmed by frantic elements (the bubble "Lava Inspirations", "Wild Waves" of Earth Passions); Pride does not allow the world to be taken as it is, but to accept and get closer to the Almighty - scary ("... The world is terrestrial, I'm crazy / To you penetrate I am afraid"), for it means a refusal of his sinner, but filled with indestructible Thirsts of life "I". The prayer for forgiveness is increasingly drowning by the intonation of the justification of their passions and delusions.

But Ugashi this is a wonderful flame,
All-round fire
Preform me a heart into a stone
Stop hungry eyes;
From terrible thirst for song
Let, creator, freed
Then on the close way of salvation
I'll turn to you again.5

The second stanza not only continues, but largely opposes the first:

1 Stanfa

2 stanza

Prayer-prayer intonation ("Do not blame ... not karai ...")

Causeing ("Ugashi ... Preform ... Stop"). The hero speaks with "omniscimation" already as equal to, refusing to overcome their own passion.

The lyrical hero feels a sinner

The lyrical hero shows the superhuman forces ("Wildwinds" turn around the "wonderful flame", and in this wonderful flame of the "all-going fire" flickens the defillas of the one who a little later Lermontov will call "my demon"

The life-quality role of the Creator

The killing role ("Ugashi ... Wonderful Flame", "Preform ... Heart in Stone")

Only the price of harsh curb and the taming of the omnipotent can turn the lyrical hero on the "way of salvation".

The possibility of such a tragic squabble was predetermined in the Gospel: "The saving soul will lose her; And the soul lost his sake will save her6 . But the last and hardly the main obstacle on this path is the creative gift, "terrible thirst for songs". Here reaches the highest dispute argument of the hero with God.

"The world of earthly me is crazy" indicates complete hopelessness.

But the disorder with the Creator was not always inherent to the lyrical hero,

What do you specify final words: "I turn back again."

In the "prayer" of the spiritual eye of the poet for the first time, the exclusiveness of his life fate was opened: he felt that the path he would go, remaining faithful to his "I," would not lead him to the path of religious "salvation." "Prayer" conveys a confusion, split the spirit between faith, calling to turn with a repeated prayer for condescension, and the aspirations of hot, proud, unlike soul.

So, we see that in the early poems, Lermontov appears two muses - one demonic, which carries the mood of doubt, skepticism and leads to longing and boredom; Another - muse, remembering the heavenly "Saints songs". Over the years, there is a tense internal struggle of these music.

3. Analysis of the poem "Prayer" of 1837.

In 1837, Lermontov appeals to the "warm intercession of the world of Cold."

I, Mother of God, now with a prayer
In priority, bright shine,
Not about salvation, not before the battle,
Not with gratitude to Ile repentance,

Not for your praying soul deserted
For the soul of the wanderer in the world of rootless;
But I want to give a nunty girl
The warm intercession of the world is cold.

Surrounding the soul of a decent soul;
Give her sopales, full attention,
Youth lightly, the old age is the deceased,
Heart of an informous world of hope.

Whether approaching the hour to approach
In the morning, whether noisy, in the night of Li lackless -
You take to take a saddown sad
The best angel soul is beautiful 8.

This word is not about yourself. For his "soul deserted" the poet still fears to say the words of Molba, facing God, but he asks the Mother of God to be the heavenly patroness of the "Virgin innocent" (it is likely that in the poem we are talking about V.A. Calchina). As it looks like the faith of the Russian people, "For his other" suffering and praying. And as accurately guess the poet, the fact that he always lived in the soul of the Russian people: the intercession in a difficult moment should be sought from the one that understands all human suffering, - in the Mother of God.

During the monologue, three images are identified: God's Mother, lyrical hero and the one that he prays about.

The inner drama of the hero is pushed into the background, and the image of the heroine appears to the first - its moral purity and defenselessness in front of the hostile forces of the "Cold World". Mollet for her illuminates the hero on the other side: the tragedy of spiritual loneliness did not destroy his participation and a deep interest in the fate of another person.

"Prayer" is imbued with the intonation of enlightened sadness. The existence of an "nezoblichny heart", the native soul makes the hero remember the Last "World of Hope", in which the "warm intercession" protects the whole life Path The "decent soul" and the angels fall on her on the threshold of death. Lermontov introduced a poem into the text of the letter MA Lophukhina dated February 15, 1838 called "Prayer of the Wanderer": "At the end of my letter, I send you a poem, which I found randomly in the beats of my travel papers and which I liked to some extent, because I forgot him - but it is at all does not prove anything9 .
The string of the "warm intercession of the world of Cold" becomes a culmination. In it, the poet managed to concentrate one of the main ideas of his creativity. " Cold world"There is no abstraction for the poet, but a completely definite concept. In conjunction with "warm dressing", they create an amazing antithesis. In this my "prayer", Lermontov was deeply peoples, since it was long ago that Russian prayer is mainly prayer for the Mother of God, and through her to Christ.

4. Analysis of the poem "Prayer" of 1839.

Two years later, in 1839, Lermontov again, for the third time, calls the poem "Prayer"("In a minute of life difficult ...").

This is not a prayer in full meaning Words, and the impression of prayer, the descent of grace from the direct conversation with God.

Per minute of life difficult

Persay in heart sadness:

One prayer is wonderful

I am very angry.

There is a power of grace

In the consonant words of living,

And breathes incomprehensible

Holy Charm in them.

From the soul as a burden rolling,

Doubt far -

And believe and crying

And so easy, easy10 ...

Now the demon doubts will be reconciled: "From the soul as a burden rolls, / doubt far ..." This does not mean that everything in life immediately cleared up: the beginning of the poem speaks of a special state, which was characteristic of the poet and reflected in many of his verses. This sadness, which was previously akin to despair, because the poet did not believe in the possibility of existence of grace in the world.

And now the main sense accent is the image of the "consonant words of living", which is poured into the "prayer wonderful":

There is a power of grace
In the consonant words of living,
And breathes incomprehensible
Holy Charm in them.
"Incomprehensible" charm and power of the Holy Word - this is the main thing that he wants to express the poet. That is why it is not so important to whom the prayer is addressed and what she is about. More important than another - the result that is achieved by a prayer uttered from the depth of the soul:

From the soul as a burden rolling,
Doubt far -
And believe and crying
And so easy, easy ...

Such an amazing ease of the soul, purified by tears of repentance, Lermontov could finally comprehend at the end of his life path.

5. Conclusion.

The prayer genre received a new, special development from Lermontov. He was not a discovery, but became an important link of his poetic system.

In conclusion, I want to pay attention to the extraordinary melodiousness of these works. In my opinion, M. Yu. Lermontov - the most "musical" poet of our literature, to understand which is not needed, and in heart.

  1. M.Yu.lermonts. Works in two volumes. Tom first / Sost. And comm.

P. 121.

  1. On the reverent committing prayer and genome behavior in the temple of God. SP "Interbuch". P. nine
  2. ,four. , 5. M.YU.LERMONTS. Works in two volumes. Tom first / Sost. And comm. I.S. Chistova; Board. Art. I.L. Andronnikova. - M.: True, 1988. P. 35.

6. Bible. Books scripture Old and New Testament. -

Gospel from Matthew. Chapter 10, verse 39. Page 1024.

7. Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. -

Russian biblical society. Moscow. 1993

Gospel from Matthew. Chapter 7, verse 13. Page 1019.

8. M.Yu.Lermonts. Works in two volumes. Tom first / Sost. And comm.

I.S. Chistova; Board. Art. I.L. Andronnikova. - M.: True, 1988.

P. 162.

9. M.Yu.lermonts. Works in two volumes. Tom first / Sost. And comm.

I.S. Chistova; Board. Art. I.L. Andronnikova. - M.: True, 1988.

P. 679.

10. M.Yu.Lermontov. Works in two volumes. Tom first / Sost. And comm.

I.S. Chistova; Board. Art. I.L. Andronnikova. - M.: True, 1988.

P. 179.

7. List of references

1. M.Yu.lermonts. Works in two volumes. Tom first / Sost. And comm.

I.S. Chistova; Board. Art. I.L. Andronnikova. - M.: True, 1988.

2. Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. -

Russian biblical society. Moscow. 1993

3. On the reverent performance of prayer and genuine behavior in the temple

God. SP "Interbuch".

4. Balyavin V. Besleeping the song of Russia (M.Yu. Lermontov) // We. - 1990.- N2.-


5. Vinogradov M.I. By living trail: Spiritual search for Russian classics.

Liter.-Critic. articles. - M., 1987.


  1. History of creation
  2. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bpoem
  3. Artistic means

"Here are talking about him, a sanity, and I will show you ... the poems that he brought me yesterday," so responded about the poem of Lermontov "Prayer" ("in a minute of life difficult ...") His grandmother, E. A. Arsenyev. Of course, these words sounded with pride, because her grandson and the truth often accused of worryless and lightweight towards life. But externally frivolous, Lermontov was still inclined to reflections on the meaning of life and spiritual search. Make sure the analysis of the poem of Lermontov "Prayer" will help.

History of creation

"Prayer" is created by Lermontov in 1839, already in the last period of his work. The reason for writing served as a conversation with M. A. Shcherbatova, behind which the poet at the time was courting. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, she advised him to pray when he had to the heart of the longing, saying that nothing helps as sincere prayer to God. Lermontov, obviously, followed her to the Council. It is difficult to say, whether it was easily a person, in general, he stimulates his skepticism and challenge, the creator of a wonderful "demon" to turn to God from the pure heart. However, "Prayer" is soon born, which can be called a model of the most beautiful Christian lyrics. The poem immediately gained enormous popularity, and is still considered one of Lermontov's most famous in the poetic heritage. And in 1855, his words were put on the music by composer M. Glinka, and the romance arose.

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bpoem

A description of the poem of "prayer" may look like this: it depicts a collision of a lyrical hero with a harsh and difficult world. He is experiencing a difficult period of life and is in confusion. The poem belongs to K. philosophical lyricsAnd from the first rows it is set in a circle of problems:

"In a minute of life difficult
Purchase in the heart of sadness "...

The verb "is crowded", used here by the poet, transfers the feeling of hopelessness, narrow spaceFrom which it is not so easy to get out. And immediately, in the following two lines, the author offers its solution:

"One prayer is wonderful
I am very angry "

As you can see, this decision becomes an appeal to God, the search for his consolation and protection. It is not mentioned which prayer is chosen by the lyrical hero, and this is not so important - due to its inactiveness, everyone can present his favorite lines here. More importantly, the other - inexplicable the charm of this prayer, and its Lermontov describes in the next quatrain.

"And it breathes incomprehensible,
Holy Charm in them ยป

The repetition of familiar words soothes, gives "fertile forces", as they say in the last four lines:

"From the soul as a burden rolling down,
Doubt far -
And believe and crying
And so easy, easy ... "

Thus, we appear the picture of spiritual quest and calm found in prayer. The soul is cleaned by tears of repentance and impulse of sincere faith, that is where, according to the poet, salvation from doubt and trouble. Lermontov does not roll, does not list his sins and does not ask for intercession. No, he acquires peace when rearing the simplest prayer itself, and this, deeply prayer feeling shares with the reader.
It can be said that in the poem "Prayer" Lermontov reaches its creative heights And reveals as a mature writer. Here is visible to the spirituality and traditional values, and at the same time, the departure from the already familiar ideas of loneliness, incomprehension and demonism. In the future, the poet more than once refers to the topic of religion and folk origins, which allows you to talk about this poem exactly how about key Moment In creativity, not as a one-time phenomenon.

Artistic means

The poem of Lermontov "Prayer" analysis of artistic means is no less important to understand its idea than consideration of the text itself. What techniques use the author?
First of all, we note that with a small amount of poem (three quatrains), in it a large number of trails. This is the epithets: "Minute of life is difficult", "wonderful prayer", "incomprehensible, holy charm", "fertile strength", and metaphors: "breathes incomprehensible, the holy charm in them" and comparisons "from the soul as a burden rolling." All of them serve as one goal: to transfer the sublime, the raised mood in which the lyrical hero is located, express the depth of his experiences and set up the reader itself to the erected way. Let's pay attention to the fact that many words belong to the high level of vocabulary ("burden", "fertile"), which indicates the religious and philosophical orientation of the work. Lermontov also uses specific poetic phonetics using associations. The poem repeats the vowel "y" (13 repetitions in the first quatrain): "In a minute of life a difficult", "one prayer is wonderful", which creates a special, slow sound, reminiscent of a slow, long reading in churches. It also conveys the melodiousness of the speech of the prayer itself, as if re-empty from the mouth of the hero. In subsequent quatrains, the emphasis is transferred to other vowels, "A" and "E", which symbolizes a certain lifting, the direction up. For the same applied various stylistic figures, somehow repetitions: "So easy, easy", syntax parallelism: "And it is believed, and crying, / and so easily ...".

The poem is written by a four-stranded and three-colored yamba, the rhymes - cross, accurate, alternately, then men's.

The value of the poem in the work of Lermontov

So, the analysis of the poem "Prayer" shows it artistic peculiarity And he emphasizes the versatility of the lyrical hero for all readers: no wonder the romance for the words of Lermontov used the same success both in the Great Salons and the simple people. The importance of this work for the work of Lermontov as a whole is indisputable. For many years, it remains the peak of the Russian Orthodox lyrics, and only in the XX century. A. Blok and S. Yesenin manages to achieve the same heights in the image of a religious feeling.

Analysis of the poem M.Yu.Lermontova "Prayer"

Main topic:

Appeal to God, please console and search for protection.

The basic idea:

In the prayers of the soul of a person finds calm, repentance and sincere faith brings a peacefulness of the soul, protect against trouble and salvation from doubt.

Problems of poem:

Philosophical lyrics collision soulful forces With a real, harsh world. Easy experiences of the poet in difficult time, confusion of the soul and search for soothing.

The idea of \u200b\u200bpoem:

Show the strength of the faith of a man. Do not seek in sins, and not asking for forgiveness, and at the expense of simple prayer a person finds a real faith in his heart, which protects him and gives calmness.

Main characters:

Artistic means of expressiveness:

Epitts: a minute of life is difficult, a wonderful prayer, the power of the gracious, incomprehensible, holy charm, live words.

Compare: with the soul as a burden rolling.

Metaphors: sadness is crowded in the heart, it breathes incomprehensible, holy charm in them.

Assonance - The presentation of vowels, to make melodiousness, slowdown and enhance the dynamics of the work.

Syntax parallelism: And it is believed, and crying, and so easy.

Dynamics of poem:

Rhythmic, at the expense of rhyme, the poem goes on the growing, with a slow-down tempo, it goes up, on an elevated note, it is approaching, which contributes to a high-pass style of vocabulary. The first quatrain, slowed down with the help of Assonance, transfers the church reading a prayer reading. The peace begins.

Poems size:four-stranded and three-rescue yamb, 12-stroke poem-three quatrains.

Rhyme:crossing (1-3, 2-4 rhyme lines), alternately men's rhyme (emphasis on the last syllable) and women's rhyme (emphasis on the penultimate syllable).

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is one of the most ambiguous, complex poets of Russian literature of the 19th century. His creativity breathes by energy, the power of the spirit, but at the same time, in his works there is a taste of bitterness and the motives of hopelessness and despair are heard.

Where does such a synthesis of these contradictory feelings in the shower so young man? The answer to this question should be sought in the epoch itself, the historical environment of the poet. Lermontov lived in the 30s of the 19th century, during the sort and stagnation. The young generation was tormented by the rethinking of the heritage of the past and the ambiguity of the future. It was the era of the lack of high moral and spiritual ideals. And Lermontov fully felt the tragedy of the "lost generation".

Despite the subtle organization of the soul of the poet, Lermontov was a strong, persistent person. And it could not not find reflections in his poems. But also strong people Sometimes support and consolation is required. And, apparently, one of the moments of the mental crisis it was written a poem confession "Prayer".

This work is one example of the fact that the brevity of the form does not understand the wealth and completeness of the content. It consists of only three quarters, but here Lermontov opens with us from a new, Dotol Unknown, the parties:

Per minute of life difficult

Persay in heart sadness:

One prayer is wonderful

I am very angry.

In these lines, we see not Lermontov-Fighter, Lermontov-philosopher, arguing and condemning its contemporaries, but a certain "inner" Lermontov, capable of a hot, coachable faith. The poem is imbued with special psychological. We clearly see in the image of the lyrical character of the author himself, its depths, hidden thoughts and feelings. We will find him at the time of spiritual decline, despair, in the "minute of life difficult". And here in search of calm he refers to higher power, to God.

Making a roll-drawn with a vital by the author of the poem, you can come to the conclusion that the hero is actually no longer anyone to contact, there is no place to seek comfort. After all, as already mentioned above, the poet lived during the moral stagnation, he did not give any illusions about his contemporaries. Realizing the entire bitterness of the situation in the situation, Lermontov felt very lonely, perhaps to some extent, even lost. The lyric hero in his poems is usually distinguished by the depression, sadness, skepticism. In the same product, the author transmits the state of "sincere enlightenment". This feeling was flooded on his hero due to the fact that "the minute of life is difficult" there is always someone to contact.

It also should be noted that the very conservation of this small work is very interesting. There is an alternation of a four-stranded yamba with a three-stranded. Thanks to this reception, the poem acquires a special rhythm, the observance, thereby becoming like Orthodox prayers.

It is very interesting the following quitters:

There is a power of grace

In the consonant words of living,

And breathes incomprehensible

Holy Charm in them.

To, like a poet, pay special attention On the mysterious power of the word over man! Lermontov feels the magic of ancient Orthodox prayers, the mystical power of centuries, generations are enclosed in them. You can not even think about the meaning of the words uttered by you, the subconscious mind itself will feel the great magic of the perfect consonance ...

So what does the lyrical hero feel after prayer?

From the soul as a burden rolling,

Doubt far -

And believe and crying

And so easy, easy ...

Incredible relief covers the hero of the poem, he and "believe, and crying", he has new forces to live, create, fight ...

There is a natural question: is it worth it after this poem say that Lermontov "switched from the renatry to humility"? Apparently, no, since both of these feelings are different sides same person. The poet with his "candy soul, irreparable verses" does not stop the struggle against the surrounding reality. But naturally, the fact that in the most difficult moments he should also draw a new strength somewhere, seek consolation, soothing. A person who owns the magic of words, addresses the Creator of all the Universe - there is some kind of symbolic. Despite its rebellion, protest, Lermontov still recognizes the existence of the Higher Divine Forces, in front of which he is humble and to which he is for help, bowing his proud head ...

Other materials for creativity Lermontov M.Yu.

  • Summary of the poem "Demon: Eastern Tale" Lermontova M.Yu. on chapters (parts)
  • Idean-artistic peculiarity of the poem "MTSYRY" Lermontova M.Yu.
  • Idean-artistic peculiarity of the work "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young Ochrichnik and a removed merchant Kalashnikov" Lermontova M.Yu.
  • Summary "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young Ochrichnik and a removed merchant Kalashnikov" Lermontova M.Yu.
  • "Paphos Poetry Lermontov is in moral questions about the fate and human rights rights" V.G. Belinsky

History of creation. Lermontov poem, written at the end creative path In 1839, called "Prayer". In his poetry there are other poems with the same name: in early lyrics This poem "Do not blame me all-dry ...", created in 1829, it was not printed during the life of the poet, and "I, Mother of God, now with a prayer ...", which was written in 1837, that is, a little earlier considered. Both poems published, respectively, in 1839 and 1840, then entered into the collection of "Poems M. Lermontov", which was released in 1840

Genre and composition. Usually, the prayer is called the penetrating appeal of a believer person to the God of a believer man. This century is the consecrated tradition of Christianity. Prayers who read believers in church and at home, created Christian devotees in ancient times, recognized by the saints, the fathers of the Church. Of course, every believer can appeal with a prayer to God, finding in his heart, in his soul the right words - such words are not pronounced in front of other people, and even more so do not appear in the press. But in the literature, there are examples of how the prayer becomes the definition of a special genre of poem, maintaining the main features orthodox prayer. Usually, such poems belong to Peru deeply believing poets, such as I.S. Nikitin, A.K. Tolstoy, K. R. (Konstantin Romanov).

The appeal of Lermontov to such a genre at first glance seems strange. After all, with the name of Lermontov, the demonic motive in poetry is closely connected, he worked on the poem almost all his life: she began in 1829, and the last option was completed only in 1839 - and this is the eighth editor! In Lermontov lyrics, many poems dedicated to the demon and related in this way. It can be said that the poet lived all his life under the terrible gaze of this gloomy spirit eval. Russian Romantic Lermontov in this respect continues the traditions of Western European romanticism, first of all Bairon, for which the goggle and demonic motifs were very characteristic. But the traditions of Russian spiritual poetry were close to Lermontov. No wonder his first poem in the genre of prayer was written in the same $ 1 29, when the first poem appeared, the drawing of the demon is "my demon". "And the proud demon will not lag behind while I live, from me," the young poet thought so. But time passed, and in 1839, Lermontov with him "shared - verses." It is significant that in the late work, to which the work under consideration belongs, the motives of reconciliation appeared in Lyrinka Lurmontov - with peace, people, God. This is evidenced by the fact that at this time he turns twice to the genre of prayer.

The development of the poetic thought of the prayer poem (1839) organizes its composition as a movement from the state of doubt, sadness, sadness (first stanza) through the awareness of the "fertility" of the holy words (second structure) to reconciliation, purification and internal "enlightenment (third stanza) . It can be said that in the composition of the poem, it was reflected in the inner movement of the soul of the poet itself from Skepticism to faith and a peace, which characterizes his life in recent years.

Basic topics and ideas. Two years before the poem of "prayer" ("in a minute of life, a difficult ...") was created one of the first works of the poet, in which his new topics and ideas were reflected, "when the yellowing Niva is worried ...". In it, the motive of reconciliation is expressed in the idea of \u200b\u200bhumility in the face of the Most High, sounding in the final lines:

Then the souls of my alarm,
Then wrinkles are diverged on the brow, -
And happiness i can comprehend on earth
And in heaven, I see God

The "Prayer" of 1839 also expresses the idea of \u200b\u200brefusal from the former doubts, skepticism, leading the poet to the state of sadness. But if in the poem "when a yellowing Niva is worried ..." Such a state is associated with the contemplation of peaceful nature, then the emphasis is on the "power of the gracious" of the Holy Word in "Prayer". Based on this, it can be said that in the poem of "prayer" the topic of faith, mental enlightenment is closely intertwined with the theme of the word - for the poet it means the topic of creativity: "From Flame and Light Born Word" - so described it in another poem of Lermontov. Such ideological and thematic relationship occurs not by chance. Lermontov already in the earliest verses appear two muses - one demonic, which carries the mood of doubt, skepticism and leads to longing and boredom; Another - Muse, remembering the heavenly "Saints songs", which are stated in the early poem "Angel". Over the years, there is a tense inner struggle of these music, but by the time of the creation of "prayer" the outcome of this struggle becomes obvious.

Now the demon doubts will be reconciled: "From the soul as a burden rolls, / doubt far ..." This does not mean that everything in life immediately cleared up: the beginning of the poem speaks of a special state, which was characteristic of the poet and reflected in many of his verses. This sadness, which was previously akin to despair, because the poet did not believe in the possibility of existence of grace in the world. And then completely different sounds sounded, such as his "prayer" of 1829:

Do not blame me, omnipotent,
And do not karai me, pray,
For rarely in the soul comes
Live speeches of your jet
For the fact that the world is craped to me,
To you penetrate i'm afraid
And often the sound of sinful songs I,
God, I do not pray.

That was indeed "sinful songs", but the poet was given to say another word facing the "prayer" of 1837 to the "warm intercession of the cold world." This word is not yet about yourself, "not about salvation, not before the battle, / not with gratitude to Ile repentance." For his "deserted soul" the poet still fears to pronounce the words of Molba facing God, but he asks for the Mother of God to be a heavenly patronage of the "Virgin Nevinos". As it looks like the faith of the Russian people, "For his other" suffering and praying. And as accurately guess Lermontov, what always lived in the soul of the Russian people: the intercession in the "minute of life is difficult" must be sought from the one that understands all human suffering - in the Mother of God.

In the "prayer" of 1839, the new intonation sounds, which becomes now characteristic feature Poetry Lermontov. It is piercing and tight and at the same time the peaceful sound is akin to the genuine prayer of the Russian man. The words of this amazing poem, like prayer in the church, pour out of the heart of the poet and sound like a chant:

Per minute of life difficult
Purchase in the heart sadness
One prayer is wonderful
I am very angry.

Historian Klyuchevsky, who wrote an article about the work of Lermontov called "sadness," proves in it that, by his rhythm, the general intonation drawing, Lyric Lyrrontov Lyrics really approaches the national primary source. Its leading tone Klyuchevsky calls "sadness-longing" and sees in Lermontov founder of the new worldview, reflected in poetry, which combined the romantic and nationally Orthodox bases.

These truly national spiritual foundations manifest themselves in the fact that the poet in his verses, like the Russian people, more often appeals to the Mother of God - the "warm intercession of the world of Cold." In the "prayer" of 1839, it is not specified to whom it is facing, but her very sound is more likely to fit the Mother-Corresponding Prayer. But here the main sense emphasis is the image of the "consonant words of living", which is poured into the "prayer wonderful":

There is a power of grace
In the consonant words of living,
And breathes incomprehensible
Holy Charm in them.

"Incomprehensible" charm and power of the Holy Word - this is the main thing that he wants to express the poet. That is why it is not so important to whom the prayer is addressed and what she is about. More important than another - the result that is achieved by a prayer uttered from the depth of the soul:

From the soul as a burden rolling,
Doubt far -
And believe and crying
And so easy, easy ...

Such an amazing ease of the soul, purified by tears of repentance, Lermontov could finally comprehend at the end of his life path.

Artistic peculiarity. Even among the masterpieces of Lermontov lyrics of Prayer, 1839 amazing amazing harmony and sound penetration. Everything artistic means Subordinates the task to express the depth of the prayer sense of man. That is why the poet uses emotionally appreciable words (sadness, doubt) and epithets ("in a minute of life difficult", "one prayer is wonderful"), as well as epithets associated with the religious and philosophical themes ("Holy Pretty", "Holy Charm" ). The same purpose is the comparison ("from the soul as a burden comes, doubt ...") and the metaphor ("and breathes incomprehensible, holy charm in them"). Repeators play a big role in creating a slow-first, singular intonation of the poem ("and so easily, easily ...), syntactic parallelism (" and it is believed, and crying ... "), the associations on" y "(" in a minute of life is difficult. .. ";" One prayer is wonderful ... ").

The value of the work. In the work of Lermontov "Prayer" became a poem, marking a new turn in the inner, mental and spiritual, state of the poet. She was the answer to those who accused him of diverse and demonism. At the same time, together with such poems, as "Motherland", "Prayer" showed the concern of the late creativity of Lermontov to the folk origins. Already in the XX century, perhaps, only two poet - A.A. Block and S.A. Yesenin - reached in its poetry as accurate and unusually expressive strength of the sad-lyrical folk intonation, which is characteristic of this Lermontic poem. From the point of view of the genre, it also received a continuation of such deep believers of Orthodox poets as I.S. Nikitin, A.K. Tolstoy, K. R. (Konstantin Romanov).

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