How to deal with cold feet. woman's world

Engineering systems 03.09.2020
Engineering systems

Constantly icy legs not only cause tangible discomfort, but also signal serious disturbances in the body. Before embarking on the fight against this unpleasant symptom, you need to understand the reasons that provoke it. Why this happens and how to get rid of it, you will learn in this article.

Icy feet: possible causes

If icy feet become a serious hindrance to comfortable well-being, it's time to seriously think about the reason that caused this phenomenon. It lies in violation of the blood supply. And this, in turn, can be a concomitant symptom of many diseases and painful conditions, for example, such as:

Autonomic dysfunction, or vegetative-vascular dystonia, characterized by an imbalance between the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system. As a result, during the release of adrenaline, the lumen of the vessels narrows sharply, a spasm sets in and the limbs become cold;

Iron deficiency anemia, in which the intensity of blood flow is significantly reduced;

Phlebeurysm. When blood vessels suffer, their tone and ability to properly conduct blood flow are disturbed;

Hypothyroidism (disturbance in the functioning of the thyroid gland) and diabetes mellitus (problems with the pancreas);

Stroke, heart attack and their characteristic disorders of the passage of nerve impulses;

Unstable blood pressure - a decrease or increase in this indicator can provoke vasospasm;

Helminths, or worms, can also cause chilliness of the extremities due to the entry of toxins into the bloodstream, to which the vessels react with constriction;

Allergies, especially those with a long history. It has been proven that people who suffered from diathesis in childhood are more than others at risk of cold feet;

Candidiasis - the presence in the body of an excessive number of fungi contributes to the sensation of icy cold in the legs;

Some drugs from the family of adrenergic blockers, one of the actions of which is spasm of peripheral vessels;

Frostbite that has taken place will lead to the fact that chilliness of the legs and hands will always accompany a person;

Smoking, alcoholism.

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. Icy feet, the cause of which can be very different, is an occasion to pay serious attention to your health, not just using folk remedies that alleviate the condition, but by contacting a doctor.

Icy feet: how to help yourself?

In addition to the direct fight against the underlying disease that causes this symptom, you can take a lot of other measures that greatly facilitate your well-being:

Regular physical activity - regular walking, cycling, dancing, gymnastics;

Stop smoking, alcohol, overeating;

Exclusion of stress and depressive conditions;

Warming rubbing, compresses with alcohol, vodka, apple cider vinegar;

Contrast baths, baths with salt or pine needles;

A balanced diet with the inclusion of vasodilating foods in the menu: red and black peppers, ginger, all citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi, cranberries, wheat germ, garlic, nuts and enough water (2 liters per day);

The wardrobe must strictly correspond to the season - insulate your legs, do not let them freeze.

Finally, advice: do not make cold feet your companion for many years, get rid of this symptom without neglecting medical recommendations. Follow the simple tips outlined in this review, love yourself and do not leave your health care for later.

The feet are far from the heart muscle, blood is delivered here more slowly, and this already leads to the fact that the legs are cold. When the feet are cold, the reasons can be very diverse. You can freeze if you are in an uncomfortable position, blood access is deteriorating, your legs are cold and numb. An incorrect or unbalanced diet can also cause cold feet. If such manifestations pass quickly and without a trace, then you should not be afraid for your health. It is enough to eliminate the side effects, but everything is much more serious.

Principles of thermoregulation

A healthy human body temperature is 36.6 degrees. The temperature ranges from 36.3 to 37.0. The hottest organ is the liver. And enzymes are adapted to work with elevated temperatures. It is the most complex system of thermoregulation that controls the level of heat in the blood and body.

  • The brain is our main thermometer. In particular, the hypothalamus is endowed with such functions. In addition to various functions, it also detects the temperature of our blood and "gives commands" to different parts of the body in order to maintain the temperature at the proper level.
  • The heart is the organ that pumps blood, the temperature of which is on average 37 degrees. As a result, every cell in our body also has the same temperature.
  • The liver is the most powerful organ where heat itself is produced. The biochemical reactions in the liver give the heat due to which the blood is heated.

All of these organs are responsible for maintaining the temperature of the human body, and for the production of heat. But the main role is played by our vessels.

At the right moment, when it is hot “on the surface”, the capillaries expand, a much larger volume of blood passes through them. Heat is given out, and inside we do not overheat. As soon as it gets cold outside, the vessels constrict, the blood stops circulating so actively. Heat dissipation drops sharply, and all the heat remains inside. It should be understood that the main element of the body's thermoregulation system is the skin.

If the foot comes into contact with something cold, then there will be an intense heat loss in it, which can lead to hypothermia. Therefore, when the legs are open and in contact with the floor, the vessels of the skin are closed, and this prevents the release of heat. Thus, cold feet and heels can be a manifestation of normal thermoregulation of the body.

The manifestation of diseases

The main “our vessel” is the aorta of the heart. Various “branches” come out of it, which go to various parts of the whole body, including the feet. Cold feet is such a heart disease when there is a narrowing in the aorta, especially in its descending part. The amount of blood that enters the lower extremities is significantly reduced. This defect is called coarctation of the aorta. It can appear in two ways:

  1. A person has really cold feet and when walking, he begins to limp.
  2. The pressure in the upper half of the body is high (during the diagnosis, hypertension is detected).

Cold feet can be a manifestation of some other diseases. It could be:

  • Neurosis
  • Vvegetovascular dystonia
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities
  • Phlebeurysm
  • iron deficiency
  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Raynaud's disease.

With such diseases, the feet, heels and fingers of the extremities constantly freeze. For many people, this ruins their lives, especially for women. Most often, the feet get cold precisely because of poor blood circulation. To keep your feet always warm, you need to know how the blood vessels behave. It is enough to diagnose the signs of diseases as follows: measure the pressure on the arms and legs, and then compare the data. Normally, it should be the same, the difference is less than 20 mm. rt. Art. And with coarctation of the aorta, the difference becomes huge. On the legs, the pressure will be lower, and on the arms, it will be 20-30 mm higher. rt. Art. With such a pathology, at least a doctor's consultation is needed. Doppler scanning of the vessels of the arteries of the lower extremities will show the result.

If the leg is cold and has a bluish color, these are definitely signs of some kind of disease. But, if the leg is cold and pink, this is just a physiological deviation from the norm and is a natural phenomenon.

Other reasons

Among other factors that contribute to such a phenomenon as cold feet, the following are noted:

  • Smoking and excess blood sugar. In such cases, there is every chance for the occurrence of circulatory disorders in the extremities (obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities). Large vessels of the legs in the femoral artery, which supply the feet and lower legs, begin to be damaged. That is, they form damage to the inner layer of blood vessels. Atherosclerotic plaques begin to form, the narrowing becomes critical, the blood flow is poor. First, “a cold snap occurs”, then the syndrome of intermittent claudication and trophic disorders in the form of ulcers may begin, and then not far from gangrene. Vessels should be checked by a specialist.
  • Obesity, constant fatigue, “unwillingness to do anything” are signs of hypothyroidism, namely, a decrease in thyroid function. It is responsible for all metabolic processes. And if these processes are not active or reduced, then such a phenomenon will be called metabolic activity in hypothyroidism. This makes the feet really cold. To maintain human life, thyroid-stimulating hormone must be produced. It regulates thyroid function. If these hormones are not enough, then the vital activity is already less active and the legs become cold. You can detect this phenomenon with the help of an analysis of thyroid hormones. If these hormones are not enough, the doctor will replace them in the form of tablets.

Prevention methods

If your feet are very cold, you should not wait long for a meeting with the doctor. Although it is recommended to just put on warm socks or warm up with a heating pad, it is worthwhile to understand that it is better to give up smoking, as well as exclude tea and coffee (they remove iron from the body). Try to do a foot massage, though if you have varicose veins, you should not do massage and rubbing your legs. If there is no varicose veins, then warm baths help. It is enough to collect two basins of water. One with cold water, the other with hot. It is necessary to alternately put the legs in these basins, first the left, then the right. Do the procedure according to the principle of a contrast shower once a week. An alcohol compress is also done for warming. To prevent vascular diseases, physical activity is useful, for example: cycling, dancing, walking at a fast pace for a long time.

It is also advisable to follow a certain diet. Review your diet. Meat, namely veal or beef, must be present in the human diet. More than 20% of iron is absorbed from it. Eat black bread, cereals, dill, parsley, lettuce. Rose hips, buckwheat flowers, dandelion stems and roots are in priority.

In cold weather, wear spacious shoes so that they are tight - do not interfere with the blood to move freely through the vessels. Insoles should be with thermoregulation, and a person needs to move as much as possible. Hungry, it is advisable not to go out, "fight" with cholesterol. In such cases, there will be no question why the legs are cold and what to do to warm them up.

Feeling cold in the legs is not uncommon even on a hot summer day. You should not pay attention to the fact that your toes are cold, because behind such a symptom a rather serious disease can be hidden.

Sometimes your toes can get so cold that even a blanket and hot tea won't help. The feeling is not the most pleasant when in

freezing cold, from which nothing can save. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the reason why such a pathology occurs.

There are many reasons why you may feel cold toes. One of them is the lack of fatty tissue under the skin. It is the fatty layer that retains heat, and its lack leads to a feeling of freezing.

If the muscles are underdeveloped or there are problems with the vessels, there will also be a feeling that the toes are cold. After all, blood circulation is disturbed, which also contributes to additional heating.

Vascular dystonia (to which young people are especially susceptible today), disorders in the functioning of the heart muscle, local circulatory disorders, for example, due to varicose veins, thrombosis, etc. also lead to a feeling of coldness in the legs. Difficulties in blood circulation cause a decrease in temperature in the extremities.

Among the reasons leading to freezing of the toes, problems with the thyroid gland, for example, hypothyroidism, are also called. In this case, all processes proceed slowly, the production of hormones decreases and the release of energy worsens. In parallel, a number of symptoms appear: arrhythmia, brittle nails, hair greasiness increases, and a lower body temperature is noted.

Another reason is iron deficiency anemia. As a result of the development of such a pathology, the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, less oxygen begins to flow.

Causing a feeling of coldness in the legs can be caused by a lack of fats and vitamins A and E. The lack of the proper amount of these trace elements causes increased sensitivity to cold.

Doctors say that the limbs of ladies who are fond of low-calorie diets often freeze. After all, it is with such dietary restrictions that a lack of nutrients is obtained.

Smoking and taking certain medications are another reason why your toes may be cold. This is due to the fact that nicotine and some drugs cause vasospasm. blood circulation becomes difficult and there is a feeling of coldness in the legs.

Toes can also freeze under stress. After all, the whole body is tense, the vessels are compressed in spasms, and the blood stops flowing in the proper quantities to the limbs.

Toes get cold even if a person has low blood pressure. In this case, as a rule, not only the legs, but also the hands freeze.

What to do to get rid of this feeling

Feeling cold feet is not the most pleasant. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the cause that causes such a problem.

The first thing to do is to start training the vessels. Strong blood vessels are a guarantee of health (no headaches, normal pressure, etc.). Hot contrast foot baths are suitable for training vessels. Contrasting douches under the shower will also be effective. You can visit the bath, sauna or bath once a week. It is advisable to plunge into a cold pool after the steam room. True, this method has its own contraindications. For example, sudden changes in temperature in some people can cause vasospasm, resulting in a stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor and choose the appropriate treatment option.

To get rid of the problem, you should reconsider your diet - exclude coffee and other strong drinks, alcohol from the menu. You will also have to add foods that dilate blood vessels and speed up blood circulation - spices, spicy dishes, etc. Sometimes you can hear a recommendation to drink hot chicken broth before going out.

If the toes are cold due to low hemoglobin, first of all, it will be necessary to increase its level. To restore the balance of iron in the body, you will have to include dried apricots, raisins, pomegranates, pumpkins, fresh fruits and vegetables, especially apples, in your menu.

In your wardrobe, use only natural fabrics. If socks, then cotton, not synthetic. In winter, you can wear woolen options.

Treat yourself with care, and then, perhaps, the problem of frozen feet will no longer torment you.

When a person's body experiences cold in the autumn-winter period, this is perceived as a common occurrence. But if a person from time to time feels that the lower limbs are getting colder in the warm season, then such symptoms should not be ignored. A feeling of chills and a frequent desire to rub frozen knees should be a signal for referral for medical advice.

Causes of feeling cold in the legs

The human body is a complex "mechanism" in which everything is interconnected. There can be several reasons for the appearance of one unpleasant symptom.

The reasons can be both external and internal.

External causes include:

  • ambient temperature;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions;
  • tight shoes;
  • insufficiently warm clothes at low temperatures;
  • getting wet feet;
  • smoking;
  • shoes not suitable for the weather.

The internal reasons may indicate a specific condition or disease:

  • hypotension;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • pinched nerve endings on the background of osteochondrosis;
  • iron deficiency in the blood;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart pathology;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • intoxication of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • against the background of strong thinness with a narrow chest.

Feeling cold and numb in the legs can be for many reasons. It often happens that other symptoms of diseases join the feeling of cold. For example, if a person suffers from vegetovascular dystonia, then in addition he will be disturbed by shortness of breath, fatigue and a decrease in vitality. And with varicose diseases, uneven thickening of the veins, swelling of the feet, pain when walking are noted.

Vascular diseases

Vascular diseases most common cause of cold knees. In order to get rid of the cold in the limbs, it is recommended to make efforts to strengthen the vessels. In addition to recommendations on a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, it is necessary to start the hardening and massage procedure.

But no matter how useful hardening is for the body, you should not resort to it in a drastic way. The decrease in the water temperature should be gradual. It is also recommended to start hardening and cooling the body in the warm season. For those who, for certain reasons, cannot start hardening, it is recommended to use another method - a contrast shower.

Physical exercises in the morning will allow you to properly stretch the body, improve blood circulation and vascular function.

Physical exercise

Morning work-out- the most useful procedure for sick and healthy people. If you feel cold in the lower extremities, you should perform the following exercises:

  • squats;
  • rotation "bicycle" lying on the floor;
  • rolling from toe to heel;
  • circular rotations of the feet;
  • exercise "scissors".

For those people who have physical training, it is useful to go down and up the flight of stairs. And for the elderly or those weakened by the disease, walking with a gradually increasing distance is recommended.

It is known that cholesterol is very important for the normal functioning of blood vessels. So Eliminate fatty foods from your diet. Also, do not abuse fried foods.

Flour confectionery is better to replace nuts, candied fruits and honey.

It is especially useful to eat grapefruit, blackcurrant and chokeberry.


In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications to improve the condition of the vessels.

  • "Ascorutin" (due to the content of vitamins C and P, it helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries);
  • "Piracetam" (strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • "Troxerutin" (reduces inflammation and fragility of blood vessels);
  • "Neuromultivit" (normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens capillaries and veins).

Low pressure

The second reason why knees can freeze is low pressure. It is recommended to treat hypotension with the use of dark chocolate, pomegranate, sweet black tea, birch and cranberry juice. It is also worth doing morning exercises, visiting the pool, doing your favorite sports, getting enough sleep. You may need to update your wardrobe with cotton thermal underwear and comfortable shoes.

Decreased hemoglobin

A decrease in hemoglobin is an insufficient amount of iron in a person's blood. And such a condition may well cause a feeling of chilliness of the legs in the knees, hips and feet.

Significantly increase hemoglobin You can adjust your diet by introducing healthy foods such as:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • natural honey;
  • pomegranate seeds and juice;
  • nuts: walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts;
  • chocolate;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • cranberry;
  • apples;
  • whole grains;
  • a fish;
  • milk products.

If the correction of the diet does not bring the desired result, then the doctor will prescribe a medical course of treatment aimed at stabilizing the normal composition of the blood.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

An imbalance in the work of the thyroid gland and a failure of the hormonal background are fraught with a significant deterioration in human health.

Symptoms of thyroid lesions are:

  • chills;
  • drowsiness and decreased ability to work;
  • constipation;
  • convulsions;
  • high blood pressure;
  • irritability and tearfulness;
  • significant weight gain;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • lamination of the nail plate;
  • dry hair and skin.

If you find these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and undergo an extensive examination.

Malnutrition and atherosclerosis

Poor and inadequate nutrition can provoke a frequent feeling of chills, where the body simply will not have enough calories for normal thermoregulation. Therefore, women who adhere to a strict diet most often freeze. Lack of vitamins E and A can also disrupt thermoregulation.

Feeling cold in the legs can provoke another serious disease - atherosclerosis. With this disease, the legs can become pale in color, and against the background of the progression of atherosclerosis, the limbs are often covered with trophic ulcers. It happens that only one leg becomes numb and cold. To the listed symptoms, it is worth adding pain in the legs, the appearance of dry skin and lameness.

Health care

Qualified medical assistance and advice can be obtained from a therapist, orthopedist, surgeon.

One visit to the doctor will not be enough, and to complete the picture will have to do a lot of tests and examinations. The specialist, based on the data of the examination, questioning and the presence of symptoms, will refer the patient to an ultrasound, cardiac examination, x-rays and blood tests.

In this case, the patient's lifestyle and age are taken into account. Lack of physical exercise, alcohol and tobacco abuse leads to weakening of the vascular system and muscle atrophy. If this is the only thing, then it is worth normalizing the daily regimen, exercising regularly, doing exercises and loving water procedures, then the feeling of cold in the limbs will cease to bother.

A special approach is required for the elderly. In this case, the natural aging processes of the body, slowing down metabolism, reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass are taken into account. In addition to certain physical exercises, diet and massage of the lower extremities, chondroprotectors can be additionally prescribed. These are special drugs that are designed to improve articular blood flow, metabolism and slow down the destruction of cartilage in the joints.

Many people are concerned about the condition of cold feet. Despite the time - spring, winter, summer or autumn, the feet always remain cold. The causes of cold feet are different. The main reason is the specificity of the structure of the body - there are no subcutaneous fat and muscles on the feet, as a result, more heat is consumed than it comes in.

If there is a violation in the blood circulation and in the work of the heart, the activity of the thyroid gland is disturbed, vegetative-vascular diseases, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, disorders in the body associated with hormonal changes are disturbed, then often these are the main causes of freezing legs.

An interesting fact is that women suffer from constant cold feet more often than men. And it all comes from the fact that women have less muscle mass, because muscles are energy producers that warm the body inside. A woman was created in order to give birth to children, which means that the temperature regime in the reproductive organs must be constant, as a result of which there is a decrease in blood supply to the limbs.

The main causes of the sensation of cold in the extremities

Many will agree that the appearance of a feeling of coldness in the legs and hands is by no means pleasant. Before complaining about feeling unwell, you need to figure out what is happening with the body.

In a disease called somatoform autonomic dysfunction, there is a release of adrenaline and vasospasm, because of this, a feeling of cold is observed in the hands and feet.

If there are sharp changes in blood pressure, that is, there are drops from high to low and vice versa, this affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe limbs. At high pressure, the vessels are in a state of spasm and blood flow problems occur, and at low blood flow also suffers.

With iron deficiency anemia, the level of hemoglobin in the human body is low and, accordingly, oxygen also does not enter the vessels at a sufficient rate, which causes a feeling of cold in the legs.

In hypothyroidism, when there is a decrease in thyroid function, all the processes that occur in the body are slowed down, there is a decrease in energy release, the body quickly gets tired and there is a feeling of chills.

The presence in the body of an excess amount of fungi, mainly occurs after taking antibiotics, is also one of the causes of constant cold in the legs and hands. A paradoxical example - colds were cured, candidiasis was acquired. In order to get rid of the state of chills, you need to get rid of candida.

It must be said that some drugs, these are beta-blockers, cause vasospasm. Ergot preparations also cause a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

The presence of bad habits has not yet led to anything good. Under the influence of nicotine, the vessels spasm and as a result - cold feet in winter and summer.

With frostbite of the limbs, even if it happened a long time ago, with the slightest decrease in air temperature, a feeling of cold feet will remain throughout life.

If hands and feet are regularly and often cold even in warm weather, it is necessary to find out the cause. To do this, you need to contact a therapist or rheumatologist.

It is also necessary to follow some preventive methods. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits, replace coffee and strong tea with teas with the addition of mint, lemon balm, motherwort. You can diversify your diet with spicy spices and seasonings. The use of black and red pepper, mustard contributes to the expansion of blood vessels. Take anthelmintics from time to time. Regular exercise, going to the sauna can get rid of the feeling of cold in the legs. You can also do foot baths in the evening. Add 2-3 tablespoons to warm water. dry mustard and hold your feet in this solution for 15-20 minutes, then wipe dry and put on warm socks. In order not to increase the pressure, so that the blood flow is not disturbed due to the release of adrenaline and the legs do not freeze, you must also try to avoid stressful situations.

anonymous, Female, 23

Please feel free to post this, thanks! Hello, Evgeny Viktorovich! Help me please! My mother is 49 years old, she was diagnosed with varicose veins of the 1st degree, which has been bothering her for 2 years already. (Unfortunately, I can’t provide an ultrasound scan.) A year ago, my mother went to the doctor, they said that surgery was not required, they prescribed the drug “phlebodia”, Troxerutin ointment and varicose tights. I took these pills for 1 month (the effect of which lasted half a year). When the legs are disturbed at night, she uses troxerutin ointment (still disturbing at night), she tries to wear pantyhose most of the time. A month ago there was a strange feeling of coldness on the front of the thigh, just above the knee. Despite all the conditions of heat in the room, on warm clothes. Mom does not feel that her feet are cold and says that this is not numbness. It is rather difficult to explain. At night, the feeling of cold intensifies and “whines” in the same place. Please tell me what it could be? What is the reason? And how to treat existing varicose veins? Thanks in advance!)

Update: October 2018

Usually people do not pay attention to such an unimportant thing as cold feet or do not attach much importance to it if the feeling has already become habitual and has ceased to cause discomfort. Cold feet occur most often in winter or autumn, when a person often gets cold or gets their feet wet.

But if your feet are constantly freezing, even when a person is in a warm, heated room, it is worth looking for the reasons more meticulously. This problem is very often faced by women and men over forty years of age. Most often, poor blood circulation or disturbances in the activity of the nervous system (looseness or low tone of its autonomic part) are to blame.

Cold extremities in healthy people

The feet are the temperature regulator of the entire body. The fact is that the lower limbs are a distant part of the body, where it is difficult for the heart to deliver blood. And doctors strongly recommend hardening your feet, for example, walking barefoot in the summer or at home. Shoes must be selected carefully, according to the season.

Causes of constantly cold feet

The most common cause of cold feet is PBP (peripheral vascular disease). BPS often affects the vessels that carry blood from the heart to the periphery, as well as those vessels through which blood moves, on the contrary, to the heart. Below is a complete list of vascular causes of cold feet:


If the feet are constantly cold, the cause may be diabetes mellitus, in which small and large vessels become more fragile and prone to thrombosis. Cold feet can be a harbinger of such a formidable complication of diabetes as a diabetic foot, in which the nutrition of the leg tissues gradually becomes worse and the risks of its amputation increase (see,).


Anemia (low hemoglobin) impairs the supply of oxygen to the tissues, which slows down metabolic processes and heat generation. A sharp cold snap of the extremities gives acute anemia due to blood loss, for example. with injuries (see).

Raynaud's disease or syndrome

Symptoms of poor blood flow

  • Fatigue and pain, as well as the appearance of swelling in the lower leg or foot. At rest, the pain should decrease.
  • Feeling tired during even slight exertion.
  • Convulsive involuntary twitching of the muscles of the leg and buttocks.
  • When in a stationary state, for example, during sleep, convulsive twitches in the feet and legs can also occur.

Nonvascular Causes of Cold Feet


Various changes associated with age. After fifty years, the immune system is very often weakened, and hormonal changes also occur, the volume of muscle mass and subcutaneous fat decreases (disrupting heat transfer), blood circulation worsens, metabolism slows down, and the body's ability to self-regulate decreases.


Or in other words, a decrease in the functionality of the thyroid glands - this condition causes a slowdown in all metabolic processes in the body. Heat transfer suffers and slows down. Characterized by a feeling of fatigue, a feeling of cold, a drop in interest in life, a slowdown in perception and memorization. The release of energy is significantly reduced.

Constantly cold feet are combined with pallor, dryness and swelling of the skin, brittle nails and. It worsens the condition and hypoacid gastritis, leading to a decrease in appetite and secondary iron deficiency anemia. This disease is mainly found in people over 40 years of age, in women after undergoing thyroid resections, radiation therapy.

Atopic dermatitis in childhood

Cold feet are an almost inevitable phenomenon if you suffered in childhood (in simple terms - a pronounced diathesis). It has long been known that allergic manifestations remain forever and are combined with autonomic dysfunctions, manifested in the form of white dermographism (when you run a finger over the skin of the forearm, a persistent white appears instead of a red stripe, indicating a prolonged vascular spasm).

Taking certain medications

Some drugs can also be a factor that causes "cold feet". Feet get cold in heat when taking beta-blockers (atenolol, anaprilin). For gynecological diseases, women may be prescribed ergot preparations, which also cause chilliness.

Acute allergic reactions

Acute allergy in the form or due to a sharp expansion of small vessels gives a significant heat loss and may be accompanied by chilliness of the skin.

Provocateurs of cold feet

In addition to diseases, cold feet can be caused by the following habits and factors:

  • obesity
  • smoking
  • hypodynamia
  • improper and irregular diet
  • diabetes
  • pregnancy or nerve disease.

Cold feet: what to do?

And so what to do if such a misfortune happened? To get started, you should use simple recommendations to help warm your feet: use woolen socks, a knee-length bath with mustard, or just warm water.

Long-term events look like this.

  • It is imperative to quit smoking.
  • You need to dress strictly in accordance with weather conditions, avoiding tight clothing for the lower half of the body.
  • Shoes must be chosen carefully and according to size.
  • Get regular exercise, such as exercising.
  • Eat more protein foods, as well as various spicy foods, spices and seasonings, such as red pepper or mustard.
  • Avoid any stress.
  • It is advisable not to abuse strong tea, as well as coffee. You need to drink tea with motherwort, mint, valerian.
  • If the feet are not only cold, but also sweaty, then it is advisable to make warm foot baths using sea salt or mustard. For example, salt baths are made as follows: two tablespoons of salt (sea salt, can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy), two tablespoons of milk must be dissolved in boiled, hot water. After the bath, you must wear thick, woolen socks (you can knit slippers).
  • If you stand at work all day, then in the evening you need to take baths with the addition of mustard. This will improve blood circulation and relieve swelling.
  • When even the slightest signs of freezing of the legs appear, it is necessary to give them a massage. First, rub the soles of each foot, then massage your fingers. After that, put on warm socks (preferably preheated).
  • There may be contraindications to the next procedure (for example, varicose veins). Prepare two containers with hot and cold water. Feet must first be placed in a container with warm water for 5-10 minutes, while doing a massage. Then the legs should be put in cold water for 10-20 minutes. The procedure is repeated until the warm water cools down. Also, it must necessarily end with immersion of the feet in cold water.

Folk remedies for cold feet

There are many more folk ways that help to recover from this disease. For instance:

Alcohol compress

It is done as follows: it is necessary to moisten the soles of the socks with alcohol or vodka, warm the feet in warm water and put on these socks. It is also recommended to wear woolen socks over the top. After that, within five minutes you will feel that your feet are completely warmed up.

Hot pepper

Pepper in a ground state will perfectly warm the skin if it is applied to it. The irritation it causes is not significant. A great solution is to put pepper in your socks or grease your legs before you go outside.

Sophora tincture

Insist for one month 50 grams of fruits (you can flowers) Sophora per half liter of vodka. You need to drink this tincture three times a day, one teaspoon. It is necessary to drink tincture from three to four months.

mistletoe leaves

It is necessary to completely grind the dried mistletoe leaves to flour. Pour one teaspoon (with a slide) of ground mistletoe with one glass (200 milliliters) of boiling water and leave overnight in a thermos. Mistletoe is taken in small sips of two tablespoons 10-20 minutes before meals. Mistletoe also needs to be drunk for three to four months. Mistletoe regulates blood pressure, especially cardiac, has a calming effect.


As mentioned above, exercise helps get rid of cold feet. Below we will consider a set of gymnastic exercises aimed specifically at the problem of cold feet.

leg shake

For example, shaking the legs is a very useful procedure. When shaken, the capillaries are subjected to vibration, which in turn leads to contraction of blood vessels and improvement of blood circulation. It is necessary to lie on your back on a flat and hard surface (for example, the floor), then you need to raise your legs, as well as your arms so that they form an angle of 90 degrees with the body. In this position, you need to shake them for one to two minutes.

Reeds in the wind

Lie on your stomach, relax your legs and at the same time bend them at the knees. Next, you need to give them freedom of movement, you need to imagine that they are a reed that sways from gusts of wind (the exercise, by the way, is called “Reed in the Wind”). It is necessary that the legs hit the priest.

Massage with walnuts

This exercise will not only improve the circulation of the body, but it can also help relieve stress. This exercise is performed as follows: nuts (walnuts) are placed between the palms and rotational movements are made for two to three minutes. It is very important at the same time to make an effort so that the nuts are pressed tightly against the palms. After that, it is necessary to do the same, but not with the palms, but with the feet. These exercises must be performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening.

If all household tricks do not help to cope with cold feet, you should go to see a doctor. The therapist, after asking about complaints, taking an anamnesis and examining, will recommend taking blood and urine tests, as well as performing an ECG. If necessary, a consultation with a vascular surgeon and an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the legs will be scheduled. With the exclusion of vascular pathologies, a visit to a neuropathologist and endocrinologist follows.

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