Mysticism is terrible: the clock foreshadows the date of death. Watches - routine or mysticism? Mystic clock minecraft

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.07.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

This watch has a large round dial and a beautiful, well-functioning movement, but no hands. They tick loudly, measuring time, but do not show the result, and this, from my point of view, is the best that a merciful watch can do for its owner. (Max Fry)

Watches - routine or mysticism?

Among the unknown in the nature around us, the most unknown is time, because no one knows what time is and how to control it.

That time either does not exist at all, or scarcely exists, being something obscure, can be assumed on the basis of the following. One part of it was and no longer exists, the other is in the future and does not yet exist; From these parts, both infinite time and each time allocated a period of time are added. And what is composed of the non-existent cannot, as it seems, be involved in existence.

There is something indivisible in time, which we call "now". Nothing can be grasped in time except now. "Now" is a continuous connection of time, it connects the past with the future and in general is the boundary of time, being the beginning of one and the end of another. Since "now" is the end of the past and the beginning of the future, time always begins and ends. And it will never stop because it always starts.

Watches are a tool designed to "grab time by the tail." And for this reason alone, a watch, as a device, an object, is a magical tool rather than a mechanical one.

Strange watch behavior in anomalous zones

Researchers of anomalous phenomena claim that the watch is very sensitive to various radiations. Including unregistered radiation, which (as experts understand) there are many. Surely over time a person will learn to register, describe and study such phenomena. In the meantime, we just have to come to terms with the fact that we still know very little about our Planet, about Space and Time.

They say that in the Pokaiņu forest (Latvia) - one of the anomalous zones, which is known for the fact that stones are heated here and the air shines, watches of any design, from wristwatches to laboratory ones, often act up, or even stop altogether. According to one of the hypotheses of the researcher Anita Biseniece, anomalies appear where there is an inhomogeneity of time - either it accelerates or slows down. Therefore, many tourists wander in the three pines, they often experience fear and a state of stress, which, as you know, changes the subjective time of a person - remember the stories of front-line soldiers who saw the flight of a bullet so clearly that they managed to dodge it.

In the Zone of Silence, located in the Mexican desert, 400 miles south of the US city of El Paso, amazing phenomena also occur. The main oddity of this place is, first of all, that in the small town of Ceballos, TVs do not work, and radios barely sound even at full power. If you drive away from this settlement for 50 kilometers into a deserted desert, then the radio turns off completely, the clock stops, and the compass needle dances.

Inexplicable phenomena, according to the media, which from time to time remind of an event first mentioned ten years ago, are also recorded in Sicily. Most of the inhabitants of this small island complain that their clocks are ten minutes fast every day. As a result of the clock rushing, the usual rhythm of life is disrupted, various technical devices and banking systems fail.

We have repeatedly paid attention to the fact that in the presence of portals in the premises, not only the compass needle behaves "strangely", but also ordinary watches, especially mechanical ones.

A number of experiments carried out by us with a "special" (magic) and ordinary compass, as well as a couple of clocks (electronic and mechanical) showed that in the presence of disembodied spirits and entities in the investigated room, the following is observed:

1. The normal compass shows a more or less expected direction to the North, while the arrow of the "special" compass indicates the "wrong" direction, sometimes deviating up to 90 degrees to the left.

2. The control electronic watch does not change the accuracy of the rate, while the mechanical ones begin to be noticeably late, by about 1-2 seconds per hour.

The reason, apparently, lies in the fact that the compass needle and the second hand of the watch are influenced by electromagnetic (and other) fields, twisting against the Sun, from right to left. At the same time, the influence of these fields is not enough for a noticeable deviation of the arrow of a conventional compass, but it is enough for a noticeable lag of a mechanical watch.

In the presence of portals, a normal compass can also deviate from the true direction, since the left-handed fields at the location of the portal are much stronger than in the presence of a normal entity. The difficulty lies in registering the true and actual direction to the cardinal points, since in the place of the portal any compass will behave differently than usual.

The clock stops when the owner dies

There are cases when the clock stopped not only on the hand of the deceased, but sometimes in the whole house. Whether this is a coincidence or a pattern, no one can explain. But legends and stories that claim to be real are passed down from generation to generation.

"December 4, 1887, George Fry of Pennsylvania, writing a letter to his brother Gideon, who lived in Michigan, looked at his brother's watch. Seeing that it was standing, he took out his pocket watch and realized that his brother's watch had stopped only a few minutes back at 9:45 p.m. He was about to turn the hands, but then a strange light seemed to flood the dial. The next morning a telegram arrived with the news of Gideon's death. A letter received later confirmed that he had died the night before at exactly 9:45.

Similar stories, both true and not especially, can be found a lot. But one circumstance is obvious - the watch somehow "knows how" to interact with the energy of the owner, and not only with the so-called biofield, but (apparently) also with the "time field" of a person, as well as with the (causal) subtle a body responsible to one degree or another for Fate.

Existence "individual field of time" is currently only a hypothesis. But some people (we, for example) have already thought about this, once paying attention to the fact that time flows differently not only at each individual moment (more precisely, a sequence of moments), but also for each person.

Moreover, the individual time field is not a constant value. Remember how "long" summer seemed to us in childhood, and how quickly it begins to fly by over the years. And this happens in proportion to growing up. The older a person is, the more "accelerates" his individual time field. And vice versa - the agonizing expectation, as it were, "stretches" our individual field of time, the clock hands seem to freeze...

The Legend of the "Unlucky Hours"

They say that the French Count Nicolas d "Chatelele owned a handmade Swiss watch. The case and chain of the chronometer were made of rose gold, the hands were made of white gold, the glass was made of rock crystal, the dial was decorated with diamonds, and instead of numbers, signs were inscribed on it of the zodiac... The watch was commissioned by the count's wife, who paid the jeweler-watchmaker for it an amount equal to the value of a small estate.

Shortly after the clock entered the house, the count's wife died. A week before, the Count had noticed that the Swiss watch had stopped. After the funeral, they went again, but then d "Chatelele did not attach any importance to this ...

One day the count went hunting. There, a misfortune happened to him: the horse suffered, Nicolas caught on a branch, fell and broke his leg. Taking a watch out of his pocket, he found that it had a scratch on it.

Since then, the count began to notice that as soon as some kind of trouble happened, another crack appeared on the clock ... And shortly before someone close to him died, the clock stopped. In the end, d "Chatelele went crazy. He sold all his possessions and embarked on a pilgrimage. Ten years later, the former watch of the count was bought from a junk dealer by the Marquis de Bras. They cost only five sous and were covered with dirt and soot, and the case was all in cracks...

Within two years of this, the marquis's parents and wife died. At the same time, the clock stopped running a week before death. There were rumors that they do not just predict death and misfortune, but "call" them. Nobody wanted to buy a watch, and the Marquis decided to get rid of it by throwing it into the sea.

According to legend, after more than a hundred years, the count's watch was found in the sand at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea by a pearl seeker. Now they are in the museum.

Uri Geller stopped the most famous clock in the world

Perhaps a specialist in tricks with metal objects and watches, psychic Uri Geller, could tell a lot, but the secret remains unsolved. The fact remains that he could not only tear metal rings with his eyes, bend spoons and move objects in space, but also force a long-stopped clock to run by an effort of will.

Uri Geller's most famous trick is to stop London's oldest clock on Big Ben, which has never stopped in 130 years. The fact is that the director of the company that produced the games invented by Uri asked him to do "something like that" as an advertisement, for example, to stop Big Ben. Then Uri, who lived in the suburbs of London, in the morning at 9.00 took a postcard with the image of the famous tower, looked at it intently and imagined how the arrows freeze ... Sensational notes appeared in the newspapers the next day: "At 11.07 the famous Big Ben was stopped! " There is no doubt that it was Uri Geller who did this - the experiment was reported in advance.

Clock mysticism

Hours have long been attributed mystical and magical significance. There are also people who constantly have various troubles with watches, even bought at different times and in different stores. We can say about ourselves - wristwatches "do not take root" with us. They are, but they lie quietly in boxes, waiting for some "special" occasion.

There is an opinion that not only a personal watch can give signs to the owner, the time field itself can do this - in the subway, on a mobile phone, on a microwave clock, on a computer, etc. A spontaneous glance at an electronic watch often surprises people, because they often see similar, mirrored ... in a word, noticeable, attention-grabbing numbers, obviously without intent.

This is a clear signal that our "individual field of time" gives. Such signs may indicate that a person is going through an important, fateful period. Perhaps you should take such a sign into account - change your life in some way or make an important decision, or some important event awaits a person.

It is very difficult to interpret such signs, since it is necessary to take into account some indistinct individual parameters, which we call "individual time field", but in general, you can try to use the following recommendations.

The clock can show the date of some important event, or how many days, months or years are left before it. If you look at your watch for several days in a row just at the moment when it shows exactly noon or midnight, this may mean that some important event is about to happen. Or, for example, you saw the time 16.16 several times. This may mean, among other things, the date - the 16th of some month in the future.

If you often see the same time in your eyes when you look at your watch - for example, 12.20 - this can serve as a warning against unknown danger. And it is possible that danger will lie in wait precisely at the indicated hour and minute. Or it means the date - December 20th...

There is also a certain table of the meanings of the numbers on the electronic clock. It is not disputable, but, as they say, let there be at least what is:

00.00 - wish fulfillment
01.01 - good news
01.10 - the business started will not bring results
01.11 - an interesting offer
02.02 - invitation to visit
02.20 - watch your words
02.22 - a secret will be revealed
03.03 - new love
03.30 - unrequited feelings and efforts
03.33 - good luck
04.04 - look at the situation from the other side
04.40 - today is clearly not your day
04.44 - catch up with the authorities
05.05 - secret enemies
05.50 - beware of water and fire
05.55 - meeting with a wise man
06.06 - imminent marriage (marriage)
07.07 - danger from a man in uniform
08.08 - career takeoff
09.09 - loss (theft) of money
10.01 - acquaintance with an influential person
11.11 - dependence on someone (something)
12.12 - success in love
12.21 - meeting a woman
13.13 - beware of the opponent
13.31 - getting what you dreamed about
14.14 - love and love adventures
14.41 - an unpleasant situation, set up
15.15 - advice of a wise man
15.51 - stormy but short romance
16.16 - caution on the road is necessary
17.17 - an unpleasant meeting on the street
18.18 - need to be careful on the road
19.19 - success in business
20.02 - quarrel with a loved one
20.20 - a serious scandal in the family
21.12 - the birth of a child or a new project
21.21 - stormy romance
22.22 - a new acquaintance
23.23 - dangerous connection
23.32 - health problems

Simferopol railway station, business card of the city.

During the war, it was destroyed to the ground, and created according to a new project after the Victory, in five years - construction began in 1946 and completed in 1951.
The station, like the entire station area, was built by captured Germans. The project of the station complex was developed and implemented by the architect Alexei Dushkin, a mystic, astrologer and occultist.

The main part of the station tower is the clock. All guidebooks mention that the dial is decorated with the signs of the zodiac.

But few places mention that the zodiac is changed. Capricorn, as it should be, is located between 12 and 1, but further the signs are mixed up in places, and Virgo, Libra and Taurus are absent in the signs. Instead, Ophiuchus, Swan, and Hounds are present.
Knowing the biography of the architect, it is impossible to assume that this is a mistake. Moreover, the clock sketches were approved at the highest level, each bas-relief of the zodiac sign was substantiated, casting molds were made for it, and there can be no talk of any chance.
The confused and mutated zodiac is not Dushkin's only secret.

To understand, you need to know the details of the biography of the architect.

Alexey Dushkin is the chief architect of Metrostroy, among whose underground masterpieces there was one scandalous one. Someone noticed and reported "where it should" that the Moscow metro station "Kropotkinskaya" is an exact copy of the ancient Egyptian temple of Amun in Karnak. But Dushkin got away with it, saying to the chief curator of Metrostroy, Lazar Kaganovich: “They have palaces for the pharaohs, and we have for the people.”
However, the sincerity of the architect can be doubted, given that he closely communicated with the staff of the laboratory of neuroenergetics, headed by the main Soviet "occultist" Alexander Barchenko.
It was Barchenko who instilled in the young architect an interest in mysticism. And it was the members of this Soviet "sect" (mostly high-ranking party workers) who recommended Dushkin for the construction of the metro. And he, it seems, honestly worked out patronage, secretly embodying the nature of the ancient mysteries.
In 1935, after the destruction of the Neuroenergetics Laboratory, he nevertheless landed in jail on charges of involvement in occult organizations. But later he was rehabilitated, became a leading specialist in the architectural workshop of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR and was able to return to work, which culminated in the Simferopol railway station.

This project became "fatal" for the architect: shortly after the grand opening of the station, a special decree of the USSR Council of Ministers "On the elimination of excesses in design and construction" was issued. Dushkin was accused of architectural perversions, wastefulness and imprisoned, with all his drawings, diaries and archives confiscated.

The main cross on the clock, formed by lines 12-6 and 9-3, indicates the constellations Capricorn-Cancer and Cygnus-Aquarius
Of these, the sign of the Swan has a special meaning in the Slavic tradition - this is Iriy, the place where the souls of ancestors go. In combination with the nearby Ophiuchus, which was considered the gates of Heaven, a sign that steals souls from darkness and returns them to the Light, the Phoenix and the sign of the Magi, the Swan takes on additional meaning.

If you climb the clock tower and look at the main building, then on the roof you can see a structure with columns, which is usually ignored from below

This is an exact copy of the Temple of Demeter.
The symbolism of the tower was also associated with Demeter, on the spire of which there used to be a wreath of ears of corn, a traditional sacrifice to the goddess, but now instead of it there is a red star. The goddess Demeter in mythology gives birth to all living things, and accepts all the dead. And this adds meaning to the signs of Ophiuchus and Cygnus.

After all that has been said, it is not surprising that the Simferopol railway station has a copy - the Sochi railway station. Both are oriented to the sun, and on December 21, the facade of Simferopol looks exactly at the point of sunrise from the horizon, and the facade of Sochi is mirrored, at the point of sunset. At the same time, the zodiac of Simferopol is red, sunrise, and the zodiac of Sochi is black, sunset.

Sochi railway station

The pigeons of the patio, when viewed from above, form a salting swastika. Some wise guy discovered this message from the architect, and two pigeons were cut down, without understanding, salted, Slavic, swastika or anti-salt, Hitlerite.

The clock in the tower is mechanical, the weights are lowered to the full height of 60 meters, and once every ten days the watchman lifts them up with a winch.

Forty turns to wind the clock

The clock is "mute", for which a prompter "talks" every fifteen minutes - a small grandfather clock in the basement, the beat of which is output through a microphone and an amplifier to the speakers.
The microphone is turned off at night.

The utilitarian purpose of the tower is the station water tower. Below it is an artesian well, and above it is a reservoir.

During Stalin's time, the station square was the only one in the USSR where two monuments to the leader were erected at once.
One was demolished, and the second was sawn at waist level and a bust of Lenin was installed on top.
In this form, he is now, the seam is noticeable, although it is not striking

I have a very interesting job. Our department is the only one in the country that deals with, so to speak, inexplicable phenomena. It is almost impossible to get here, only if the case brings you to us, but it is extremely unsafe to look for this case. And even if you find and stay alive, they will clearly and clearly make it clear that you need to forget everything and never remember, casually giving you a cipher in this conversation that not every person will understand.

Why didn't anyone know about us? Hmm, so many incidents have happened throughout history, terrifying, witnessed by hundreds and thousands of people, but they all sat quietly because they knew what would happen to them if they spoke.

Actually, if suddenly there is a smart guy who starts telling everyone about his case, and who was involved in this business, then either he will be called an idiot who invents fables in order to gain fame, or he will be sent to a neuropsychiatric dispensary.

Even what I am telling now is just a story, an ordinary, invented one, which will be drowned in a million others. No one will believe it, but actually it's good.

There are no psychics, seers, people with telekinesis, or any other abilities in our service. I cannot say that they do not exist, it is quite possible that they do exist, since there is something that our department is engaged in. But for now, all the psychics and other people with incredible abilities are entertaining people on TV, with a pre-written script.

Who wins these shows only knows the script.

All predictions are voiced after something happens - isn't it strange?

But I am sure that if a person had any gift, he would never in his right mind tell about it, but would use it himself. Who wants to trade a quiet life for 4 walls of special services departments, where they study you every day?

But all this can be discussed forever. I will say one thing, I believe in mysticism, because I have seen irrefutable evidence. But I do not believe that a person can have any gift, although perhaps someday I will change my mind.

Now I would like to tell one of the many stories that I once worked on.

It all started with a letter to the relatives of one missing person. It was possible to ignore him, a common joke, a hoax.

Serov Andrei Aleksandrovich disappeared on September 20, 2012. He just left the house and was never seen again.

No trace of the missing person.

Seven months after Andrei's disappearance, we got a call from the police and were told that we definitely need to talk to the wife of the missing person.

She told a strange story.

2 years before Andrei's disappearance, a letter was found under the carpet in front of the front door.

Text of the letter.

Andrey, hi. I don't have time to describe everything in detail. I write to the future, being in the future. The future for you, for everyone else is the past. It's all about the clock. Remember, on September 20, 2012, do not go anywhere at all, if you see some old pocket watch, do not pick it up under any circumstances.

I went to the store and found a watch and picked it up. The hands of the clock moved off the dead center, and went back. Time has gone backwards on my phone too.

When I got home, I found that no one was there. The whole family is just flying home now, this is the last day of your vacation, September 19th. But I can't wait, the hands of all the clocks in my apartment are spinning back, much faster than yours are now moving forward.

Time goes faster and faster, everything, I don't know what will happen to me, but don't pick up the clock!

Andrei's wife said that they laughed at this letter for a long time, everyone tried to find out from their friends who joked like that, but no one confessed.

The most interesting thing is that Andrey's handwriting was not forged.

We took a non-disclosure agreement and let her go home. After 15 days, I called her and said that the letter was forged, someone joked 2 years ago, there were no travels, Andrei disappeared, someone abducted him or decided to run away. He also said that we would look for him.

After that, we really started looking for Andrey. In one of the photographs of 1957, we found him.

The similarity is 100 percent, it was him.

This photo was in the unsolved file of one police department. There, an unknown person who identified himself as Serov Andrey Aleksandrovich was detained for debauchery in a store.

According to the information that he gave, they could not identify him.

His story to the police.

I tried to break it, it's a damn watch, and I succeeded. But time has not stopped.

On September 20, 2012, I picked up an old clock and the whole reality changed. Time has gone backwards. Every second is faster and faster.

Returning to my apartment, I managed to write a letter and put it under the mat in front of the door, but while I was writing it, 2 years had passed. Two years ago...

I saw some kind of obscure shadows, silhouettes, perhaps it was me, my family, neighbors, but time passed so quickly that I only saw people running at great speed, buildings being destroyed and standing.

They all flew through me as if I or they were ghosts.

It was scary, everything went like in fast-forward.

It feels like yesterday to me. But more than a dozen years have passed.

As a result, time stopped and went forward at its usual speed. The clock disappeared at that moment, as if it had never existed.

I went into the store and immediately realized that I was far in the past. I decided to buy cigarettes, they didn’t accept money from me, I lost my temper and started screaming. Well, then you drove up and took me away.

No one believed Andrei then, he was sent to a psycho-neurological dispensary, from where he soon successfully escaped, and so successfully that no one ever saw him again.

The psychologist Jung allowed the idea that the mental and the material are two aspects of the same thing. Otherwise, how can we explain the facts when material objects react to an internal state without a reason that is clear to us? The clock stops at the time of the death of a person, for example. This incomprehensible and mysterious connection between our life and the outside world is called synchrony. We have collected in one place some real evidence of the amazing properties of watches.

My dad had a wrist watch, but he didn't wear it. When they stopped, I don't know. But the clock showed the time of death to the minute. I got scared when I saw this.

My father died about three years ago. He was seriously ill, but, of course, no one could say exactly when he would die. When I called my sister to announce my father's death, we had 3:40 in the morning. My sister told me she already knew. The huge chiming clock in her apartment stopped at exactly 3:30, the moment her father died. At the same time, my sister and I live in different time zones. And 3:30 they had 3 hours earlier than ours…

In December 2013 my father died. I drove up to him 10 minutes after calling an ambulance. The ambulance traveled three kilometers for 33 minutes. The father died during this period. I removed from him a shockproof gold-plated mechanical watch, he did not part with them for more than 40 years (a gift from my grandmother, his mother). He didn't fall on them. At home, I found that the clock had stopped, stopped walking. And the time on the stopped clock: just between my arrival to my father and the time of arrival of the ambulance, which only stated the fact of death. The watch was later seen by all the relatives. So, all this is true - with death, wristwatches stop. And while it is difficult to explain, but the fact. Maybe someone goes further, but in my eyes they actually stopped.

In the hall, the parents hang a clock, made in China, Obormottkoko style, red price 50 rubles, age about 10 years. They stop exactly one day before the death of one of the relatives. Matched 9 times. When they start to “slow down” (the battery is weak), the whole family is in a panic. I do not believe, but I am afraid every time.

When my husband died, on the night after his death, my watch either got up, or time jumped in them, or they began to show abracadabra, for example, 83 hours 93 minutes ... And so all the clocks in the house, including on the microwave and oven. My husband didn't wear a watch.

When grandfather died, the wall clock stopped. And that's all, they never went any more, no matter how many they were started.

Mom died in the country 9 years ago. When it happened, all hours. at home and in the country, stood up.

On the day my brother died, the clock stopped in his room, although he did not die at home. Hours are ordinary, round, on batteries. They hung on the wall above his bed.

When the former left the family, all the clocks in the apartment stopped. And those that were presented to us for the wedding broke completely. But in addition to everything, my equipment was all broken. I had to buy a new one, up to the washing machine and refrigerator.

Incredibly, sometimes a broken clock starts running again at some important moment.

Father-in-law was a watchmaker and collected watches. After him, the mother-in-law, as a memory, in a conspicuous place in the hall, had an old clock that had not been running for a long time due to the fact that someone tried and overdid it with the winding mechanism. And then, one day, they remembered the father-in-law at the table on his birthday, and ... the clock went.Mystic! It seems that the clock is an ordinary mechanism made by human hands. Instead of a dial with hours and minutes, you can put anything you want, even the water cycle in nature. And it, there, as it happens ...

I received my first watch as a gift from my aunt at the end of tenth grade in 1967.

She took me to a huge store in Donetsk and offered me to choose them myself.
Eyes widened at such beauty. Miniature on a strap, they beckoned to themselves.
At that moment I was in seventh heaven. In those distant Soviet times, it was a real treasure.

Having chosen, I instantly put them on my right hand. But they made a remark to me that the watch should be worn on the left hand, but I insisted on it. It was much more comfortable that way. In the future, I will figure out that I am half left-handed.

Every day in the morning I would wind up my watch, which ticked pleasantly in my ear if I brought it closer to me.

Years passed, I already bought a watch for myself. My watches have always been miniature and with a bracelet.

Many years have passed since my first watch, when one day I noticed that my watch (the next handsome ones) stopped walking.

I instantly took them to the master, he repaired, and I went home satisfied. But a couple of days passed and my watch broke again. I again went to the watchmaker, he was surprised, he repaired it for free, because. I was still under warranty.

I left, but a few days later everything happened again. And then I decided to buy a new watch, but the process was persistently repeated.

And one day I got so tired of it that I took off my watch, put it in a box and put it in the closet.

Six months passed, and I suddenly remembered them. When I took the watch out of the box, I found that it runs fine and shows the correct time.

My surprise knew no bounds. How could this be, after all, a mechanical watch that needs to be wound every morning, and now six months have passed?

Once, while talking to an elderly woman I did not know, I told her about this unique case.

She asked me: "Have you had clinical death?"

Yes! Was...

And she explained to me that the watch would stop on me all the time, so I shouldn’t wear it.

You need to buy electronic.

Only here I was not lucky.

My hands are very thin and I constantly began to lose my watch, because. they just slipped off my hand and I didn't notice it.

Thus, once again, having lost my watch, I again bought myself a watch with a beautiful bracelet - a cat's eye. But the bracelet was too big for me, and I gave them to a friend to remove two links in the bracelet.

Many years have passed, and he apparently forgot about them, but I decided not to remind him.

It was only then that I realized that I should not wear a watch at all.

And what time it is at the moment, I always know.

I can't explain this either.

I just know everything.

So I live without a watch, I'm used to it. I just continue to wear bracelets, with which I have a completely different problem.

Let them wear it, the bracelets are beautiful.


Registration number 0067695 issued for the work:

I read the story "The Hours" from my friend.

I remembered my first watch, so I decided to write a story about it.

I received my first watch as a gift from my aunt at the end of tenth grade in 1967.

She took me to a huge store in Donetsk and offered me to choose them myself.
Eyes widened at such beauty. Miniature on a strap, they beckoned to themselves.
At that moment I was in seventh heaven. In those distant Soviet times, it was a real treasure.

Having chosen, I instantly put them on my right hand. But they made a remark to me that the watch should be worn on the left hand, but I insisted on it. It was much more comfortable that way. In the future, I will figure out that I am half left-handed.

Every day in the morning I would wind up my watch, which ticked pleasantly in my ear if I brought it closer to me.

Years passed, I already bought a watch for myself. My watches have always been miniature and with a bracelet.

Many years have passed since my first watch, when one day I noticed that my watch (the next handsome ones) stopped walking.

I instantly took them to the master, he repaired, and I went home satisfied. But a couple of days passed and my watch broke again. I again went to the watchmaker, he was surprised, he repaired it for free, because. I was still under warranty.

I left, but a few days later everything happened again. And then I decided to buy a new watch, but the process was persistently repeated.

And one day I got so tired of it that I took off my watch, put it in a box and put it in the closet.

Six months passed, and I suddenly remembered them. When I took the watch out of the box, I found that it runs fine and shows the correct time.

My surprise knew no bounds. How could this be, after all, a mechanical watch that needs to be wound every morning, and now six months have passed?

Once, while talking to an elderly woman I did not know, I told her about this unique case.

She asked me: "Have you had clinical death?"

Yes! Was...

And she explained to me that the watch would stop on me all the time, so I shouldn’t wear it.

You need to buy electronic.

I bought electronic ones, which I did not like at all.

Only here I was not lucky.

I bought myself a beautiful watch with a bracelet made of stones.

My hands are very thin and I constantly began to lose my watch, because. they just slipped off my hand and I didn't notice it.

Thus, once again, having lost my watch, I again bought myself a watch with a beautiful bracelet - a cat's eye. But the bracelet was too big for me, and I gave them to a friend to remove two links in the bracelet.

Many years have passed, and he apparently forgot about them, but I decided not to remind him.

It was only then that I realized that I should not wear a watch at all.

And what time it is at the moment, I always know.

I can't explain this either.

I just know everything.

So I live without a watch, I'm used to it. I just continue to wear bracelets, with which I have a completely different problem.

I just love giving my bracelets to my friends.

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