Syntactic analysis of the proposal Yes, he is alive. To help a schoolboy: We make a syntactic analysis of the sentence

Reservoirs 20.09.2019

Dismissal plan:

  • Difficult.

    The number of parts in the complex, their borders (to allocate the grammatical foundations in simple sentences).

    Communication means between parts (specify alliances and determine the value of a complex offer).

    Offer scheme.

Sample parsing:

Was winter, but everyone the last days standing thaw. (I.Bunin).

(Narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union, complex, consists of two parts, between the first and second parts, opposition is expressed, the parts are connected by the oppositional union but.)

Scheme offer:

1, but 2.

The procedure for the syntactic parsing of a complex proposal

Dismissal plan:

    Type of proposal for the purpose of statement (narrative, questional or motivating).

    Type of detention on emotional coloring (exclamation or unkonsectative).

  • Complexed.

    Home and apparent parts.

    What spreads the apparent part.

    What is joined by the pressing part.

    The location of the dressing part.

    Type of dressing part.

    Scheme of complex proposal.

Sample parsing:

When she is played down on piano 1 i stretched and listened 2 . (A.P. Chekhov)

(Narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union, complex, consists of two parts. The 2nd part of the main, 1st - the apparent, the dressing part distributes the main part and joins the union to it when, the dressing part is located in front of the main one, the type of dressing part - the pressure time).

Scheme offer:

(Union when ...) 1, [...] 2.


SUMSH .. Glazh. Union of places. Glasses pr. SUD

Travelers saw, what they are are located on the little polyana. (Shatov., Non-Social., Complex, SNP with VZD. Thanksnaya, 1) Nespras., Dvusost., Full. 2) Capture, dvusost., Afternoon).

[ ____ ], (what…).

The procedure for the syntactic parsing of the non-union complex proposal

Dismissal plan:

    Type of proposal for the purpose of statement (narrative, questional or motivating).

    Type of detention on emotional coloring (exclamation or unkonsectative).

  • Unsoyous.

    Number of parts (allocate grammatical foundations in simple sentences).

    Offer scheme.

Sample parsing:

The song ran out 1 - there were ordinary applause 2. (I.S. Turgenev)

(Narrative, unkonsectant, complex, non-union, consists of two parts, the first part indicates the time of the action of what is said in the second part, there is a dash between parts).)

Scheme offer:

The procedure for syntax analysis simple sentence

1. Disassemble the offer to members and indicate what they are expressed (first disassembled to the subject, then the secondary members relating to them).

2. Determine the type of proposal for the purpose of the statement (narrative, indispensable, questional).

3. Determine the type of sentence on emotional coloring (exclamation, unkonsectative).

4. Find the grammatical basis of the offer and prove that it is simple.

5. Determine the type of sentence under the structure:

a) twisted or single-maintain (definitely personal, uncertain personal, generalized-personal, impersonal, called);

b) widespread or unpropered;

c) full or incomplete (specify which member of the sentence is missing);

d) complicated (specify than complicated by: homogeneous members, separate members, appeal, introductory words).

6. Create a proposal scheme and explain the alignment of punctuation marks.

Design samples

1) My bonfirein the fog shining (A. K. Tolstoy).

The proposal is a narrative, unkonsectant, simple, twisted, common, complete, not complicated.

Grammatical basis - bonfire shines my, pronounced pretty pronoun. The facility refers to the circumstance of the place in Tumaneexpressed by nouns in the proposed case with a pretext in.

The proposal scheme at the end of this narrative offer is the point.

2) At the end of January, the first thaws received, the cherry smelted well gardens (Sholokhov).

The proposal is a narrative, non-promotional, simple, twisted, common, complete, complicated by a separate coordinated definition, expressed by the involvement of the trafficking.

Grammatical basis - gardens smell. Subject to expressed nouns in the nominative case, the fault - a simple verbal, expressed by the verb in the form of an expressive challenge. To the subject refers to the agreed definition cherryexpressed adjective. The time of time belongs to the fault in the end of Januaryexpressed by the phrase (exist. + SUT.) In the proposed case with a pretext in, and the circumstance of the action oK, pronounced by adverch.

The proposal scheme at the end of this narrative offer is the point; commas in the proposal allocated participialwhich, although it stands before the defined word, is isolated, as it is separated from it in a sentence in other words.

Ways to underscore members of the sentence

When analyzing offers for members, standard underscores are used: one feature for the subject, two features for the fag, dotted line for the addition, a wavy line for determining, alternating points and a dash for circumstances.

In some schools, the main member of the single-delivery proposal is emphasized by three features, but is more common, such an underscore is more common, in which the main member of the calling proposal is noted as subjectable, and the main members of other single-maintain proposals are as tamen.

When emphasizing secondary members of the sentence, it is advisable to be guided by the following principles.

A separate sentence member is emphasized as a single member.

Accordingly, the optional members must be emphasized as much as possible in accordance with the questions asked for them.

Designation of words and revolutions that are not members of the sentence

As is known from morphology, the service parts of the speech are not members of the proposal, however, certain problems are related to the syntaxial analysis.

Unions are not members of the proposal and when connecting homogeneous members are not allocated, but in some cases may be part of the inhaulous members of the sentence.

First x, these are comparative unions in comparative revolutions, for example: The block of the bay was like a mirror.

Secondly, these are alliances as part of separate members of the sentence, for example: Stopping often and for a long time, we got to the place only on the third day.

Prepositions also cannot act as independent members of the sentence, but they are used as part of a proposed-case group, together with the form of the case, expressing a certain meaning.

Therefore, it is customary to emphasize the pretext together with the nouns to which he belongs. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to cases where the pretext and nouns are separated by adjectives or communities, for example: instead of older brother. In this case, the error will be underscounted by the pretext along with adjectives as definition; Underlining should be as follows: instead of older brother.

Forming particles are part of the composite verb forms and are emphasized together with the verb, both in contact and thereof, for example, for example: Let him call me!

The semantic (informative) particles are not members of the proposal, but in school practice, the negative particle is not usually emphasized as a single member of the sentence, along with that word to which it refers, for example: No smoking here. I did not really count on help.

It is permissible to notice as prepositions and all semantic particles.

Some teachers for allocating unions teach them to circle them, and the prepositions are a triangle. This selection is not generally accepted.

Introductory words and appeals are not members of the sentence. Sometimes students conclude these components into square brackets or emphasize cross. This is undesirable, since the underscore is used only to designate members of the sentence; It is permissible to note these elements of the sentence with the inscription on the words "introductory" or "appeal."

Description of complicating membership members

With the complication of the proposal of a direct speech or insertion, they are considered and described as an independent proposal, since direct speech, and the plug-in offer has its own goal of statement and intonation, which may not coincide with the purpose of the statement and intonation of the proposal itself.

So, for example, the offer He asked with indignation: "For a long time you still dig?!" It should be disassembled as follows: the proposal is a narrative, non-visible, simple, twisted, common, complete, complicated by a direct speech. Direct speech is a proposal question, exclamation, twisted, common, complete, uncomplicated.

The involvement of turnover complicates the proposal only if it is isolated. At the same time, the description should indicate a complication of not involved in the turnover, but a separate definition; In brackets, it is possible, but it is not necessary to indicate that it is expressed by the involvement.

Comparative turnover can be any member of the sentence - to be sure. This park is like a forest), the circumstance ( Rain lil like a bucket), add-on ( Petya draws better than Anton), Determination (He is almost the same as his brother). In this case, the comparative turnover can be both separate and non-determined. The complication causes only a separate comparative turnover, and, as in the case of a certain turnover, it is necessary to indicate a complication of a separate circumstance, a supplement or definition.

How complicating the proposal structure is also described homogeneous members, Introductory words and suggestions, circulation.

Some complexity represent sentences with homogeneous faugible. In school and pre-university practice it is believed that a two-part proposal in which a multiple legend is used is a simple proposal complicated by homogeneous faithful. In the monastery sentence, as many parts as in it are fad with, with the exception of cases when uniform parts are presented in the structure of the facuable.

For example: I was offended and did not want to answer him - Simple two-part offer with homogeneous faugible.

I was hurt and did not want to answer him - difficult sentence.

I got sad and lonely- Simple single-maintain (impersonal) offer with homogeneous parts of the faithful.

Single Suggestions

With the analysis of single-parting proposals, students often admit different errors.

The first type of errors is associated with the need to distinguish between single-main and twisted incomplete proposals.

As already mentioned, a certain-personal offer we diagnose in the form of a major member: the verbous in it is expressed in the form in the form of 1 and 2 persons of the sole and multiple number expressive inclinations (in the present and in the future), and in imperative inclination; The action producer is defined and can be called personal pronouns 1 and 2 persons I, you, we, you:

I go, I go, and I will not come to the forest.

The feature of the verb forms with a morphological basis of 1 and 2 persons is that each of these forms can "serve" one-sole subject: form with the end - iD-U.) - pronouns I, form with ending - you / -whel ( iD-Eat) - pronoun you, form s - we / -th ( iD) - Proponation we, form s - well / -t ( iD -) - pronoun you. Forms 1 and 2 of the masses of the imperative inclination also definitely indicate a person who is a manufacturer of action.

Insofar as morphological sign Persons are represented in the verb only in these forms, the proposals of a similar value with the leaving-verb in the form of the past time of the expansive inclination and conditional inclination are considered two-part, for example:

She walked, she did not reach the forest.

In this proposal, the form of the baked does not indicate a manufacturer of action.

Even if it is clear from the previous context that the manufacturer of action is speaking (speaking) or listeners (listening), proposals or parts of a complex proposal without being taught in the past time or in the conditional inclination must be characterized as two-part incomplete, since information about the performance manufacturer is extracted not from the very proposal, but from the previous context, which, in fact, is an indicator of incompleteness of the proposal or its part; See, for example, the second part of the Complex Offer:

I would help you if I knew how.

In uncertain and personal suggestions, as already mentioned, the main term is expressed by the verb in the form of 3 persons of the plural (present and future time in the expressive inclination and in the imperative inclination), the form of the multiple number of the time of the expansive inclination or a similar form of the conditional approxiency of the verb. The manufacturer of the action in these sentences is unknown or unimportant:

You call / called / let them call / called.

Are not uncertain personalities such proposals without subject to the specified forms, in which the actions manufacturer is known from the previous context; See, for example, the second offer in the following context:

We left the forest and tried to navigate the terrain. Then they went along the path right.

Such proposals are also twisted incomplete.

Thus, when characterizing the proposal as a single-maintainable certain person, it is necessary to remember the restrictions on the form of the fartainment, when diagnosing a proposal as an indefinite-personal need to take into account the value - an indication that the manufacturer of action is unknown.

Noteworthy-personal single-delivery proposals include not all single-maintenance proposals that can be attributed to everyone and everyone, but only those of which are pronounced by the form of 2 persons of the only number of explicit and imperative chance or 3 faces of the multiple number of expansive inclination:

Forest cabin - pinch fly.

However, certain-personal proposals with the main member in the form of 1 person and impersonal suggestions can also be used in generalized personal significance. What we have - do not store, lose - cry; Wolves fear - not to go to the forest. Nevertheless, such proposals are not accepted as generalized.

The greatest difficulties are associated with the analysis of an impersonal offer.

Significant complexity represents the determination of the composition of the main members in the suggestions of the type We were very fun ride from this slide., i.e., in suggestions that have a ligament, registered part and infinitive. There are two traditions in the analysis of such proposals.

It is believed that when the characteristics of such proposals, as impersonal or how two-part is important, the sequence of components (infinitive at the beginning of the sentence or after the bundle and the nominal part) is important, but the value of the name of the facility.

So, if the name of the state is used in the nominal part, which is experiencing a manufacturer of action (fun, sad, hot, cold, etc.), then this is a single impersonal offer:

It was fun to ride from this slide.
Ride from this slide was fun.

If the word is used in the nominal part with the value of a positive or negative assessment (well, bad, harmful, useful, etc.), then we have a two-part offer with a subject, expressed infinitive:

He was harmful to smoke.
It was harmful to smoking.

According to another linguistic tradition, the characteristics of this type of supply depends on the word order in it, and not from the word value in the nominal part. If the infinition is standing before the ligament and the name of the part, then it, with the relatively free order of words in Russian, denotes the subject of the message and is subject to:

It was harmful to smoking.

If the infinition follows the bundle and registered part, then we have an impersonal offer:

He was harmful to smoke.

In a relationship impersonal offers It is also necessary to note the following: not impersonal, and the part of the complex proposal, the position of which is substituted by the apparent or direct speech, for example, is assumed to be disliked.

It was heard as Kalitk creakeda (Compare: It was heard).

"I disappeared," I flew in my head (Compare: It flashed in my head).

Such proposals without a subordinate part or direct speech lose all meaning, are not used as it is the criterion of incompleteness. So, the proposals * was heard or * flashed in my head could not be understood and not used.

Not all schoolchildren are easily given a full syntactic analysis of the sentence. We will tell you right sequence actions that will help easier to cope with such a task.

Stage 1: Carefully read the offer and determine the purpose of the statement.

For the purpose of statements, the proposals are divided into:

  • narratives - "Beauty will save the world" (F. Dostoevsky);
  • questionative - "Rus, where are you going?" (N. Gogol);
  • motivating - "My friend, dedicate to the souls of beautiful gusts!" (A. Pushkin); "Testament writers: no need to invent intrigues and plots. Use the plots that life itself provides (F. Dostoevsky).

The narrative offers contain a message about anything and characterized by a calm narrative intonation. The content and structure of such proposals can be very diverse.

The purpose of question offers is to get an answer from the interlocutor to the question in the proposal. In some cases, when the question is rhetorical (i.e. does not require a response), the purpose of such a proposal is other - the pathetic statement of any thought, ideas, the expression of the relationship of speaking something or the like.

The purpose of the expression of the wake-up proposal is to motivate the addressee of the message to make any action. The urge can express a direct order, advice, request, caution, call for action, etc. The differences between some of these options are often expressed not by the structure of the very proposal, but the intonation of the speaker.

Stage 2: Determine the intonation and emotional color color.

At this stage of the syntactic analysis of the offer, see which punctuation sign is at the end of the sentence. For this parameter, the sentence is divided into:

  • exclamation - "Well, what a neck! What kind of eyes! " (I. Wings);
  • non-obvacial - "Thought flies, and the words go a step" (A. Green).

Stage 3: Find in the proposal grammatical foundations.

The number of grammatical foundations in the sentence determines how this proposal is:

  • simple sentence - "Wine turns a person in the cattle and the beast, he brings it to the frenzy" (F. Dostoevsky);
  • difficult sentence - "It seems to me that people do not understand how many misery and misfortunes in their life arises because of laziness" (Ch. Aitmatov).

In the future, the syntactic analysis of the complex offer and the syntactic analysis of the simple supply go different ways.

To begin with, consider the syntactic analysis of a simple sentence with examples.

Stage 4. for a simple sentence: Find the Main Members and give a proposal characteristic.

A simple supply depending on the availability of a complete set of main members of the sentence or the absence of any of them can be:

  • single - "Prepress the court of people is not difficult, to despise the court's own - impossible" (A. Pushkin) is missing; "Fall. Fabulous pane, all outdoor for review. Forest roads, looked in the lake " (B. Pasternak), there is no leaky;
  • twisted - "A very bad sign becomes loss of ability to understand humor, allegory, jokes" (F. Dostoevsky).

Specify which major dick is present in a single-service sentence. Depending on this, single-delivery proposals are nominated (subject to the subject: called) and verbal (present to the lean: definitely personal, vaguely personal, general and personal, impersonal).

Stage 5. for a simple sentence: Look, whether there are minor members in the proposal.

By availability / absence of additions, definitions and circumstances, a simple proposal may be:

  • common - "My goal was to visit the old street"(I. Bunin);
  • non-prolonged - "Flip-ended. Sadness (S. Yesenin).

Stage 6. for a simple sentence: Determine, complete offer or incomplete.

Complete or incomplete is the proposal - it depends on whether all members of the proposals are included in its structure, which are needed for the completed, which has the meaning of the statement. In incomplete, there is no one of the main or secondary members. And the meaning of the statement is determined by the context or previous proposals.

  • full offer - "The words from the Svhanina bloom, sparkle" (K. POUST);
  • incomplete offer - "What's your name? - I Anchoka " (K. Fedin).

When syntaxially parsing offers for incomplete, indicate which members of the proposals are missed.

Stage 7. for a simple sentence: Determine, complicated offer or not complicated.

A simple proposal can be complicated or not complicated by introductory words and appeals, homogeneous or separate members of the sentence, direct speech. Examples of simple complicated offers:

  • "Ostap Bender, as a strategist, was great." (I. Ilf, E. Petrov);
  • "He, the Commissioner, had to become in short with Sarychev if not a personal charm, not past combat merit, not military talent, so to all other: principled, hardness, knowledge, finally, courage in battle" (K. Simonov).

Stage 8. for a simple sentence

First denote the subject and lean, then minor in the composition of the subject and minor in the composition of the facid.

Stage 9. for a simple sentence

At the same time, specify the grammatical foundation if the offer is complicated - specify the complication.

Look at the sample of the syntactic pavement:

  • Interpretation: The proposal is a narrative, non-promotional, simple, twisted, grammatical basis: the Swiss flooded, moved, did not, stopped, common, complete, complicated homogeneous legend, separate definition (involvement), separate circumstance (verbaturn).
  • Written analysis: POST., NEW SOURCE., Prost., Dvusost., H / O Swiss flooded, moved, did not do, stopped, prison, complicated. homogeneous. Tale., Outroot. Definition (involved. Turnover), OPERAGE. Ohf-basic (he-across. Turnover). Now consider the syntactic analysis of the complex sentence with examples.

Stage 4. for a complex offer: Determine how bond exists between parts of a complex offer.

Depending on the presence or absence of unions, the connection may be:

  • union - "The one who seeks to self-improvement will never believe that this self-improvement has the limit" (L. Tolstoy);
  • non-union - "At the moment when the moon, such a huge and pure rose over the crest of that dark mountain, the stars who were in the sky, once opened their eyes." (Ch. Aitmatov).

Stage 5. for a complex offer: Find out what connects parts of a complex offer together:

  • intonation;
  • writing unions;
  • subordination unions.

Stage 6. for a complex offer: Based on the relationship between parts of the supply and funds that this connection is expressed, classify the proposal.

Classification of complex suggestions:

  • a complex proposal (SSP) - "A strange influence had a father on me, and weird were our relationship" (I. Turgenev);
  • a complex proposal (SPP) - "She did not reduce the eye from the road, which leads through the grove" (I. Goncharov);
  • sophisticated non-union sentence (BSP) - "I know: there is pride in your heart, and a straight honor" (A. Pushkin);
  • offer S. different species Communications - "People are divided into two categories: those that first think, and then they say and, accordingly, they do, and those that first act, and then think" (L. Tolstoy).

The relationship between parts of the non-union complex proposal may be expressed different signs Cleaning: comma, colon, dash, point with comma.

Stage 7. for a complex offer: Describe communication parts supply.


  • what does the apparent part relate to;
  • through which the pressing part joins the main one;
  • what question answers.

Stage 8. for a complex offer: If a podep parts Several, describe the relationship between them:

  • consistent - "I heard Gaidar cleaned the bowler with sand and scolded it for the fact that the handle fell off" (K. Powetsky);
  • parallel - "We must accurately consider the environment in which it develops poetic workSo that the word is alien to this environment randomly "(V. Mayakovsky);
  • uniform - "It was difficult to understand whether there was a fire somewhere, or was going to bring the moon" (A. Chekhov)

Stage 9. for a complex offer: Stress all members of the sentence and indicate what parts of speech they are expressed.

Stage 10. for a complex offer: Now disassemble every part of a complex proposal, as simple, see the scheme above.

Stage 11. for a complex offer: Make a proposal schema.

At the same time, specify a means of communication, the type of the apparent part. Look at the sample of the syntactic parsing of the complex proposal:


The syntactic analysis scheme proposed by us will help properly describe the proposal for all significant parameters. Use it step-by-step leadership Regularly at school and at home, to better remember the sequence of reasoning when analyzing offers.

Examples of the syntactic analysis of the proposals of a simple and complex structure will help correctly characterize sentences in oral and writing. With our instructions, a difficult task will become clearer and easier, will help you to learn the material and consolidate it in practice.

Write a comment, whether this scheme was useful to you. And if it turned out to be useful, do not forget to tell you friends and classmates about her.

blog.set, with full or partial copying of the material reference to the original source is required.

Syntactic analysis Suggestions are the analysis of the proposals for members and parts of speech. You can execute the syntaxal discloser on the proposed plan. A sample will help properly arrange a written sentence analysis, and the example will reveal the secrets of the oral syntactic parsing.

Syntactic Disability Plan

1. Simple, simple, complicated by homogeneous members, or complex

2. For the purpose of the statement: a narrative, questional or motivating.

3. By intonation: exclamation or non-visible.

4. Common or unprofitable.

5. Determine the subject. Ask questions who? or what? Emphasize the subject and determine which part of speech is expressed.

6. Determine the leakage. Ask questions what does it do? etc. Emphasize the legend and determine which part of speech is expressed.

7. From the questions to be sent to secondary sentences. Stress them and determine what parts of speech they are expressed. Write the phrase with questions.

8. From the lend, ask questions to secondary members. Stress them and determine what parts of speech they are expressed. Write the phrase with questions.

Sample Syntax Disability Offer

The sky was breathing in autumn, less often the sun shone.

This proposal is complex first part:

(What?) The sky is subject to, expressed nouns in the unit. h., Wed r., Nar., Nodua., 2 Skl., and. P.
(What did it make?) Dyshalov - the lean, expressed by the verb of Neskov. View., 2 dispre., in units h., Pos. BP., Wed. R.
dyshilov (what?) In autumn - the addition, expressed by the name noun into units. h., w. r., Narits., Nodya., 3 Skel., so p.
dyshylov (when?) Is already - the circumstance of time is pronounced

the second part of:

(What?) Sunshine - subject, expressed nouns in the unit. h., Wed r., Nar., Nodua., 2 Skl., and. P.
(What did it?) Shipped - the lean, expressed by the verb of Neskov. View, 1 dispre., in units h., Pos. BP., Wed. R.
shone (how?) less often - the circumstance of the image of action, pronounced by nashche
shone (when?) is already - the circumstance of time is pronounced

An example of a syntactic analysis of the sentence

They, they flew to the wind, then they fell asleep on the crude grass.

This offer is simple.

(What?) They are subject to pronouncement of MN. h., 3 l., and. P.
(What did you do?) I flew - a homogeneous fague, expressed by the verb of Nes.Vid, 1 SPR., MN. h .. POST. BP .. Select
(What did they do?) Located - a homogeneous ledge, expressed by the verb of Nes.Vid, 1 SPR., MN. h .. POST. BP ..
pilot (how?) Skos - the circumstance of the image of action is expressed by adverch.
flew (how?) on the wind is the circumstance of the action, pronounced
lay down (as?) The circumstance of the image of the action, expressed by adctor
loaded (where?) On the grassland of the place, expressed by the name of the noun., Nodua., in units. h., w. r., 1 Skl., V.P. With a pretext
grass (what?) Crude is a definition, expressed by the name adjective in the unit. h., Zh.R., V.P.

Words and phrases are the constituent of each sentence on the letter and in oral speech. It should be clearly understood to be clearly understood which communication between them should be to build a grammatically correct statement. That is why one of the important and difficult topics in school Program Russian language is a syntactic analysis of the sentence. With this analysis is carried out complete analysis All components of the statement and establishes the connection between them. In addition, the definition of the proposal structure allows you to properly place the punctuation marks in it, which is quite important for each competent person. As a rule, this topic begins with the parsing of simple phrases, and after children it is taught to conduct a syntactic analysis of the sentence.

Territory Collection Rules

Analysis of a certain phrase, taken from the context, is relatively simple in the Syntax section of the Russian language. In order to produce it, determine which of the words is the main thing, and what is the dependent, and determine which part of the speech each of them relates. Next, it is necessary to determine the syntax link between these words. All of them are distinguished.

  • Coordination is a kind of verification connection in which the genus, the number and case of the case for all elements of the phrase determines the main word. For example: a distant train, flying comet, luminous sun.
  • The control is also one of the types of verification, it may be strong (when the case of words is necessary) and weak (when the dependent word is not predetermined). For example: Waterflowers - Water from the watering can; The liberation of the city is the liberation of the army.
  • Adjoining is also subordinate view Communications, however, he only applies to unchangeable and not inclined by pades. Dependence Such words express only meaning. For example: riding riding, unusually sad, very scary.

Sample of the syntactic parsing of phrases

The syntactic analysis of the phrase should look something like this: "Beautifully says"; The main word - "says", dependent - "beautifully". This connection is determined by the question: says (how?) Beautifully. The word "says" was used in the present time in the singular and the third person. The word "beautifully" is adverb, and therefore the syntactic connection is expressed in this phrase - adjoining.

Syntactic pavement scheme

The syntactic analysis of the proposal is slightly similar to the analysis of the phrase. It consists of several stages that will learn the structure and attitude of all component components:

  1. First of all, the purpose of the statement of a separate proposal is determined, all of them are divided into three types: narrative, questional and exclamation, or motivating. For each of them is characterized by its mark. So, at the end of the narrative sentence telling about any event, it is worth a point; After the question, naturally, a question mark, and at the end of the motivating - exclamation.
  2. Next, it is necessary to highlight the grammatical foundation of the sentence - to be both faithful.
  3. Next Stage - Description of the structure of the sentence. It can be single-maintained with one of the main members or twisted with a complete grammatical basis. In the first case, it is additionally necessary to specify what exactly the proposition is in the nature of the grammatical basis: verbal or called. And then determine whether in the structure of the statement of secondary members, and specify whether it is common or not. At this stage, it should also be specified whether the proposal complicated. Complications consider homogeneous members, circulation, turnover and introductory words.
  4. Next, the syntactic analysis of the proposal provides for the analysis of all words by their affiliation to parts of speech, family, the number and case.
  5. The final stage is an explanation of the punctuation marks in the proposal.

An example of a simplicity of a simple sentence

The theory of the theory, but without practicing it is impossible to fix a single topic. That is why in the school program a lot of time is paid to the syntactic exams of phrases and suggestions. And for training you can take the simplest suggestions. For example: "The girl was lying on the beach and listened to the surf."

  1. Offer narrative and unkonsectative.
  2. The main members of the sentence: the girl is subject to, lying, listened to - said.
  3. This offer is twisted, full and common. As complications are homogeneous taled.
  4. Disaster of all words of the sentence:
  • "Girl" - acts as subject to and is a nouns of the female kind in the singular and the very nominal case;
  • "Ly" - in the sentence is a taught, refers to the verbs, has a female genus, the only number and past time;
  • "On" is a pretext, serves to communicate words;
  • "Beach" - answers the question "Where?" and is a circumstance in the proposal expressed a noun male race in the proposed case and the singular;
  • "And" - the Union, serves to connect words;
  • "Listened" - the second lean, the verb of the female race in the past time and the singular;
  • "Surf" - in the sentence is a supplement, refers to the name of the noun, has male Rod, the only number and is used in the vinegenic case.

Designation of parts of the sentence on the letter

When syntaxially analyzes phrases and proposals, conditional underscores are used, which indicate the belonging of words to one or another member of the sentence. For example, the subject to be emphasized by one line, the previous one, the definition is denoted by a wavy line, the addition - dotted line, the circumstance is a dotted line with a point. In order to properly determine exactly what a member of the sentence before us should put on it with a question from one of the parts of the grammatical framework. For example, the definition is responsible for the questions of the adjective, the addition is determined by the issues of indirect cases, the circumstance indicates the place, time and cause and answers the questions: "Where?" "Where?" and why?"

Syntactic analysis of the complex offer

The procedure for the analysis of the complex proposal is slightly different from the above examples, and therefore should not cause special difficulties. However, everything should be in order, and therefore the teacher complicates the task only after the children learned to disassemble simple proposals. For analysis, a complex statement is proposed, which has several grammatical foundations. And here should adhere to such a scheme:

  1. First determine the purpose of statement and emotional color.
  2. Then allocate grammatical foundations in the proposal.
  3. The next step is the definition of communication, which can be carried out using or without a union.
  4. Next, you should specify, by any connection two grammatical foundations are connected in the proposal. It may be intonation, as well as writing or subordinate unions. And immediately conclude, what is the proposal: a complex, complex or non-union.
  5. The next stage of the parse is a syntactic analysis of the proposal in its parts. Produce it according to the scheme for a simple sentence.
  6. In the conclusion of the analysis, the proposal scheme should be built on which the connection of all its parts will be visible.

Communication of pieces of complex offer

As a rule, to communicate parts in complex proposals Unions and allied words are used, before which the comma is necessarily put. Such suggestions are called allied. They are divided into two types:

  • Complex proposals connected by unions a, and, or, then, but. As a rule, both parts in such a statement are equal. For example: "The sun shone, and the clouds sailed."
  • Complexed proposals that use such unions and allied words: to, as if, where, where, because, though other. In such proposals, one part depends on the other. For example: " Sun rays Filled the room as soon as the cloud passes. "

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