Frontal speech therapy lesson for children of the preparatory group "Differentiation of sounds G - K". Summary of the lesson "differentiation g - k in words"

Engineering systems 23.09.2019
Engineering systems

Topic: Differentiation of sounds "G" - "K" in words, phrases, sentences.


  1. To consolidate knowledge about the similarities and differences between the sounds "G" and "K";
  2. Develop the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis on the material of words of various sound structures;
  3. To form the ability to compose phrases, sentences by correctly coordinating words;
  4. To consolidate the ability to check the spelling of words with voiced and deaf consonants at the end of a word;
  5. To cultivate self-discipline, a positive attitude towards the result of educational activities.

I. Organizational moment

Refine time representations: part of the day, day of the week, season, day, month,
Write the number in your notebook

II. Main part

1. Solve riddles. Select the given sound from the guess words:

A) A steel horse rides, growls,
Behind the plows drags. (Tractor)
Give a description of 4 sounds in a guess.

B) Two brothers look into the water,
And they can't get along. (Shores)
Describe sound 5.
Determine the common and different in the pronunciation of these sounds.

2. The game "Scout".

Encrypt words with the sound G -, with the sound K -, remember the words.
Words: rainbow, conversation, coachman, adjective, beautiful ( ).
a) write down the words as you remember
b) define it as a part of speech by asking which word is superfluous

3. Name in which group of pictures the sound “K” always comes first in a row

1. saucepan, paints, cup
2. cuckoo, chicken, magpie
3. ball, bell, pencil
4. potatoes, beets, carrots

What is the number of a group of pictures in which the sound "G" is always the third in a row?
1. wagon, grapes, globe
2. rainbow, pear, pea
3. frog, snowman, needles
4. button, tape recorder, horns

3. Fizminutka "Plastic studies"

List the birds whose names contain the sounds "G" or "K". Draw these birds.

4. Write the words in a notebook, correcting mistakes.


5. Highlight a common sound, write down a letter, read the received word, explain its meaning. Make a sentence with this word.

G - nail, garage
A - start, poppy
R - hands, parade
N - zero, hole
And - plum, peace
T - cake, tank
U - labor, bunch
R - cancer, king
HEADSET - a set of items united by one style.

6. The game "Find a couple."

Students have cards with word signs and nouns. The first student goes to the board, takes out the adjective, reads it, inserting the missing letter. He asks: “Who has my pair?” Then the student who has a suitable noun comes out. Read the received phrase. Then the 2nd student continues the game, and so on.
Quacks (duck) sparkles (snow)
Cooing (pigeon) thundering (thunder)
Cackling (goose) floating (clouds)
Cackling (chicken) blazing (fire)

7. From specially selected words and pictures, make sentences, write them down in a notebook, draw up sentence schemes.

1. The boy drives the geese to the river.
2. In the spring, starlings flew into the birdhouse.
3. The swallows built a nest under the roof of our house.

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The main contingent of special (correctional) classes of type VIII are children with a diagnosis of "mild" or "moderate" degree of mental retardation. The degree of severity of disorders in a particular child is different and depends on many factors: the time and degree of impact of the damaging factor, heredity and the environment in which the child was brought up. All components of cognitive activity are disturbed. These disorders are especially evident in the speech development of children of this category. There is a violation of all its components: sound pronunciation and phonetic-phonemic processes, poverty of the dictionary, unformed grammatical structure of speech. The most difficult for correctional work are dysgraphia and dyslexia. The main task of a speech therapist is to develop a child's cognitive interest in classes, which will make it possible to carry out corrective work as efficiently as possible.

I think that this training should not be a simple “coaching”, so all the material used in the classroom is based on gaming technologies and is aimed at the development of thinking, memory, attention, logic, etc. In addition, multimedia presentations provide an invaluable service in this. Their use in the work of a speech therapist teacher of special (correctional) classes makes it possible to achieve better results in mastering topics. Bright pictures, animation, musical fragments attract the attention of students and allow you to maintain interest in the exercises throughout the lesson.

Section of the program: Differentiation of paired voiced and voiceless consonants

Lesson Topics:

  • Correctional - “Differentiation of sounds“ TO” - “G” in words, phrases, sentences.
  • Grammar - “Consonants” TO” - “G”, spelling of words with voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of words.
  • Lexical - “Birds”
  • Develop the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis on the material of words of various sound structures;
  • To form the ability to select words that are suitable in meaning for compiling phrases, sentences;
  • To consolidate the ability to check the spelling of words with voiced and deaf consonants at the end of a word
  • Activate the dictionary on the topic “Birds”
  • Develop spatial orientation, color perception
  • Cultivate emotional responsiveness, perseverance in achieving goals

Equipment: computer, multimedia presentation, “pyramids” for sound characteristics, notebooks, pens.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

Hello guys. I am very glad to see you at the lesson. Now we are all in a different mood. Look carefully at the slide and choose a bird of the color that matches your mood in this moment. (slide 2)

Students look at the picture of birds. Name the color of the selected bird. Depending on the chosen color, the teacher assesses the condition of the child at the first stage of the lesson.

II. Main part

Determining the topic of the lesson

Guys, guess who I'm talking about:

He's purple
Waving his hand cheerfully.
He fell to us from the moon -
Very kind, we know.

Who is the following verse talking about?

At furry hooligans
insatiable appetite,
One leaf, two leaves,
The third one is hanging in a hole.

That's right, these are caterpillars.

Guys, name the sixth sound in the name Luntik (sound K) What letter denotes the sound K? (letter K).

What is the first sound in the word caterpillar.

(sound G) What letter in the letter denotes the sound G? (letter G).

Presentation of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Guys, try to guess what sounds we will distinguish today in class.

Right. The topic of our lesson is “Sounds “K” - “G”. We will learn to distinguish these sounds in words, phrases and sentences and Luntik and caterpillars will help us in this.

Repetition of characteristics of sounds

Describe the sound

"K" - consonant, deaf, hard

Describe the sound "G"

"G" - consonant, voiced, hard

What do these sounds have in common?

How do they differ?

Each student has three pyramids, with four sides. On the faces of the pyramids are depicted:

  • pyramid - red and blue circles
  • pyramid - the bell is crossed out, the bell is not crossed out
  • pyramid - stone and grass

Pupils rotate the pyramids with the desired face. Thus, they characterize the sounds “_ TO_” - “_G _” and say their answer.

The game "Hide and Seek" (slide 4)

Guys, look carefully at the screen. What do you see? (Many cells. Numbers are written in the cells). Our heroes propose to play hide and seek. Now they will appear in one of the cells, and disappear. And you name the number of the cell. (click on number)

(Answer #24)

Now I will name the route of movement of Luntik and the caterpillars, and you will determine in which cell they are now.

From the cell with the number 24 - 1 cell up, 2 to the right, 1 up

Name the number behind which our heroes are hiding. (22)

Let's check. Here are our heroes and the first task under number 22. (to go to the slide, click on the square with the number that appears)

Exercises to determine the presence of sounds "TO" - "G" in words. (slide 5)

Pictures will appear on the slide. If there is a “K” sound in the name of the item shown in the picture, raise right hand, if the sound “G” is left, and if “K” and “G” are together, then both hands. Be careful.

Completed the first task. And again we determine the route of Luntik and caterpillars: from №22- 1 cell up, 1 left, 2 down. What number do you think Luntik and the caterpillars are behind? (#9)

Second task.

Exercises for determining the place of sound in the names of pictures

There are four groups of pictures in front of you. Look carefully at the pictures. Determine the position of the sound "K" in words.

What is the number of the group of pictures in which the sound “K” always comes first in a row (Slide 6).

1. saucepan, helmet, glass

2. chicken, duck, squirrel

3. pencil, candy, bell

4. books, ruler, paper clip

In which group of pictures is the sound "G" always the third in a row? (Slide 7)

wagon, grapes, globe

rainbow, pear, pea

frog, snowman, needles

button, tape recorder, horns

If the answer is correct, when you click on a number, its color changes, if it is incorrect, it does not.

And again we are looking for heroes. From number 9 - 1 cell to the right, 3 up, 2 to the left. Name the cell number. (#10)

Let's see what task is hidden behind it.

Fixing the spelling rule for voiced and deaf consonants at the end of the word The game “Make no mistake” (slide 8).

The caterpillars inserted the missing letters into the words. Check if they did the right thing. Write the words in your notebook, correcting the mistakes.

The task is checked, the rule of spelling of words with voiced and deaf consonants at the end of the word is fixed. Selected test words

Health-saving minute for the eyes "Ducks". (slide 9)

And now Luntik and the caterpillars offer you a little rest. Look carefully at the slide and follow the moving objects with your eyes.

Composition of phrases. Adjectives agree with nouns in gender, number and case.

Our friends have already moved to another place. Let's find them. From number 10 - 2 cells down, 1 to the left, 2 down. Name the cell number. (#7)

Task: Make up word combinations, choosing the right words for the pictures.

  • Domestic (geese)
  • Electric kettle)
  • Striped (tiger)
  • Ripe (berries)
  • Checkered shirt)
  • Multicolored (rainbow)

Read the resulting phrases. Name the words that answer the question "Who?" (geese, tiger). Remember and name the birds in the names that have the sounds “K” or “G” (Rook, starling, cuckoo, swallow, lark, capercaillie, dove, etc.).

Making proposals

Make up sentences using the given words and pictures. And write them down in your notebook.

The girl chases the geese to the river.

In the spring, starlings settled in the birdhouse.

Under the roof of our house, the swallows built a nest.

Plastic studies

Each bird has its own habits. Draw birds (goose, chicken, penguin, parrot...)


Today in class we talked a lot about birds. They remembered the names of birds, made sentences, showed pantomime.

Homework. Make three sentences about birds and write them in your notebook

III. Summary of the lesson.

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. What is the topic of our lesson?

Stand up and raise your hands up those who think they understand the topic completely.

Stand up those who think that more work needs to be done on this topic

  • Chest
  • Other pictures from
  • Once the Old Man Zvukovichok got to the collective farm yard. Geese and chickens lived in the collective farm yard. That's what Zvukovichok saw there. In the early morning, a herd of geese headed for the water, shouting importantly: “Ha-ha-ha ...” And meanwhile the chickens rushed around the Yard, collecting bugs and worms. And they raised such a cry when they found prey that even the geese on the pond heard them.

    How did the chickens cry? "Ko-ko-ko ..." The geese, returning home in the evening, looked at them with displeasure, cackling loudly: "Ha-ha-ha ..." The chickens did not pay attention to them and clucked in their own way: "Ko-ko-ko ..."

    Exercise 1. Comparative characteristics sounds [g] and [k].

    Teacher. Who lived in the collective farm yard?

    Child. Geese, chickens.

    Teacher. How can they be called in one word?

    Child. Birds.

    Teacher. What are these birds?

    Child. Home.

    Teacher. Why?

    Child. Because they live in people's yards, people take care of them.

    Teacher. How did the geese cry?

    Child. Ha-ha-ha.

    Teacher. How did the chickens cry?

    Child. Ko-ko-ko.

    Teacher. What sound does the word "geese" begin with?

    Child. From the sound [g].

    Teacher. What sound does the word chicken begin with?

    Child. From the sound [k].

    Teacher. How are these sounds similar and how are they different?

    Child. These sounds are similar in that they are solid consonants. They differ in that the sound [g] is voiced, [k] is deaf.

    We remind you!

    The sound [g] is sonorous, the voice is involved in its formation, the vocal cords vibrate. If you put your hand on the neck, you can feel the vibration.

    Test yourself! Compare the sounds

    • Put your hand on your throat. If a tremor is felt when pronouncing a sound, it is a voiced sound, if there is no trembling, it is deaf.
    • Close your ears with your palms and make a voiced sound [g] and a deaf [k].

    Task 2. The game "Name the first sound in the word."

    Goals: highlighting the first sound in words, distinguishing between sounds [g] and [k].

    The words: goose, newspaper, cabbage, bush, garage, cat, caterpillar, dove, chickens, nest, book, city, cinema.

    Task 3. The game "Songs".

    Target: distinguishing sounds [g] and [k] in syllables and words.

    Listen carefully and repeat the songs of the geese and chickens.


    ha - ha - ka gee - gee - ky ko - go - ko

    goo goo goo goo goo goo

    ku - ku - gu ky - ky - gee ko - go - ko

    Words that contain sounds [g] and [k]: sip, claws, sponge, blueberry, beep, jackdaw, gosling, corner.

    Task 4. The game "Insert the correct word."

    Target: distinguishing between sounds [g] and [k] in words.

    Opened once... (mole) In the mountain there is a huge ... (grotto).

    Got a bag... (bones) And invited... (guests).

    From afar... (walked) At a feast to him ... (jackal).Ya. Kozlovsky

    Task 5. Repetition of phrases with a clear pronunciationsounding sounds [g] and [k]: fortune telling, ugly duckling, caterpillar cocoon, thin line, pies with cabbage, a sip of juice, blue stone, blueberry compote, guess the riddle.

    Task 6. Speaking tongue twisters with a clear pronunciation of sounds [g] and [k]:

    ha - ha - ha - the geese went out to the meadows;

    ka - ka - ka - our tree is high;

    go - go - go - I will not see anyone;

    ko - ko - ko - it is easy to go with the flow;

    gu - gu - gu - a lot of bees in the meadow;

    ku - ku - ku - Katya poured flour.

    Task 7. Repetition of sentences with a clear pronunciation of sounds [g] and [k].

    Gosha is skating.

    Kolya likes to eat biscuits.

    Katya has a blue bow in her braid.

    The floor is tiled in blue.

    A large caterpillar sits on a bush.

    Galya bought zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers.

    Mom bought a parrot.

    Katya looked after the geese.

    Katya has threads and needles on the shelf.

    The dove pecks at the cranberry.

    Task 8. Repeating tongue twisters with a clear pronunciation of all sounds.

    Kitten thread ball

    Rolled into a corner.

    Kostya drove to visit Gosha.

    Klava put the bow on the shelf,

    She called to herself Nikolka.

    spank in single file

    Goose with a goose.

    Dove, goose and jackdaw -

    That's the whole count.

    The tree has needles.

    In the yard - a jackdaw,

    On the shore - pebbles.

    Grigory carried the pie over the threshold.

    He stood on the peas and fell on the threshold.

    Task 9. Repetition of poetic texts with a clear pronunciation of sounds [g] and [k].

    I was bought in a store

    Blue suit and blue

    Pleated and polka dot skirt

    And nice boots.

    No, in vain we decided

    Ride the cat in the car.

    The cat is not used to riding

    Overturned a truck.

    The sun walked across the sky

    And it ran over the cloud.

    Hare looked out the window -
    It got dark.

    K. Chukovsky

    The goose cackles and cackles.

    I don't understand what he wants?

    I want clean water

    Seeds and lentils.

    Task 10. Retelling.

    Grisha and Kolya went into the forest. They picked mushrooms and berries. They put mushrooms in a basket, and berries in a basket. Suddenly thunder boomed. The sun has disappeared. Clouds appeared all around. The wind bent the trees to the ground. There was a big rain. The boys went to the forester's house. Soon the forest became quiet. Rain stopped. The sun came out. Grisha and Kolya went home with mushrooms and berries.

    Task 11. Finger game.

    Goals: development of fine motor skills; distinction in the poetic text of sounds [g] and [k].

    On the mountain we see a house. Fold the “house” with the hands.

    Lots of greenery around. Wave-like movements of the hands.

    Here are the trees, here are the bushes. Hands depict trees, bushes.

    Here are fragrant flowers. Show the bud with your fingers,

    blooming flower.

    All around a fence. Show the fence with your fingers.

    Behind the fence is a clean yard. Stroke the table with your palms.

    We open the gates, show the gates with our hands,

    as the gate opens.

    We quickly run to the house. Run your fingers across the table.

    We knock on the door: Knock on the table with your fists.


    Someone comes to us to knock ... Put your palm to your right ear.


    (speech therapist: N.V. Nekrasova, MS (k) OUVIIIspecies)



    learn to distinguish sounds [G] - [K];

    highlight the sounds [G] - [K] among other sounds, syllables, words;

    clarify the acoustic and articulatory characteristics of these sounds, conduct comparative analysis; at

    to determine the position of a sound in a word;

    learn to differentiate the letters G - K in writing.

    Corrective: develop phonemic awareness phonemic perception.

    Developing: develop skills in the operations of phonemic analysis and synthesis; develop visual perception, thinking, auditory and visual memory.

    Equipment: cards - symbols, cards with a written task for each child, notebooks, ICT.



    Topic : Differentiation sounds G-K, G'-K'

    (teacher-speech therapist: N.V. Nekrasova, MS (c) OU VIII type)



    learn to distinguish sounds [G] - [K];

    highlight the sounds [G] - [K] among other sounds, syllables, words;

    clarify the acoustic and articulatory characteristics of these sounds, conduct a comparative analysis; at

    to determine the position of a sound in a word;

    learn to differentiate the letters G - K in writing.

    Corrective: develop phonemic awareness, phonemic perception.

    Developing: develop skills in the operations of phonemic analysis and synthesis; develop visual perception, thinking, auditory and visual memory.

    Equipment: cards - symbols, cards with a written task for each child, notebooks, ICT.

    Lesson progress:

    I. Organizational moment. (Slide 1)

    Respiratory gymnastics.

    Lesson topic message.

    Guess the riddles:

    Sound [K]:

    I am a pied, I am a corydalis.
    Where-where! I shout briefly.
    I scream, and the street hears:
    Laid an egg ... (Chicken)

    Sound [G]:

    Strives to pinch the legs,
    I drive him out of the way:
    "Get out! I'm not afraid of you!"
    "Ha-ha-ha!" - laughs ... (goose)

    What sounds do words begin with?

    II. Main part. (Slide 2)

    1. Refinement of the acoustic-articulation characteristics of sounds [G] - [K].

    Tell me, is the sound [Г] a consonant or a vowel? Why?

    Voiced or deaf? Why?

    Is the sound [K] a consonant or a vowel? Why?

    Voiced or deaf? Why?

    So the sounds [G] - [K] are paired.

    1. Differentiation of sounds at the syllable level: (Slide 3)

    Work in a notebook (task 1.2): (See the appendix to the abstract)

    Determine which symbol refers to which sound?

    Find all the letters G and K. Underline the voiced consonant sound G with two lines, the voiceless consonant K with one line.

    • Guess the syllables made up with vowels and symbols, name them.
    • Syllables:

    A E I

    YU O A

    Ball game.

    The speech therapist throws the ball to the child, calls the syllable with a ringing sound. The child must return the ball to the speech therapist and name a syllable with a dull consonant sound.

    Ga - ka, go - ko, gu - ku, gi - ki ... etc.

    Game in the store. (Slide 4)

    The gnome went to the store. Help him buy only those things in the names of which there are sounds G - G '. Write down the words.


    1. Differentiation of sounds at the word level:

    Game "Beehive"

    Gnome's friend Gosh the bear cub breeds bees, help the bees find their hive. (Work in notebooks).

    Insert the missing syllable GA or KA. Write in a notebook. (Slide 5)

    DU ... (GA), RU ... (KA), BUT ... (GA), DORO ... (GA), MOUNTAIN ... (KA), FORK ... (KA), MYSTERIES ... (KA), RADU ... (GA), VET ... (KA), RO ... (GA), BEL ... (KA), VERYOV ... (KA), ANSWER ... (GA).

    CHECK YOURSELF (Slide 6)


    1. Differentiation of sounds at the level of a phrase.

    Card work

    Make phrases with the Gnomefrom the words of the first and second columns, write off, underline the letters G and K:

    red sausage

    high tie

    smoked cockerel

    Check yourself (Slide 7)


    1. Differentiation of sounds at the text level.

    Read the text, fill in the missing letters. Write the text, underline the letters G and K.(Slide 8).

    The dog gnaws ... awns. On Thursday, ... awns will come to us. Grisha loves bread ...orca. On Monday, the whole class went to ... orca. An interesting and ... ra was going on in the yard. Very useful black and ... ra. Alina is blooming in the garden. Katya's friend's name is ... Alina.

    Svetlana Khodakovskaya
    Summary of the lesson "Differentiation of sounds [g] - [k]"

    Goals classes:

    Develop auditory differentiation of sounds K and G;

    Develop the ability to relate K sounds, G with letters K and G,

    Develop phonemic awareness;

    Expand words knowledge;

    Develop attention, logical thinking;

    Cultivate self-control.

    Material to occupation:

    1. How many times in the poem met G sound?

    Find a word with soft sound G.

    Between themselves for centuries

    Live in harmony G and K

    And does not fall into offense,

    When G replaces her,

    What is similar to a heron in appearance

    And stands on one leg.

    I don't think I'm wrong

    Let's remember G by heart - G - like a dove, G - like a goose.

    This is pride, this is sadness. G mushrooms, peas, biscuits,

    All words in G are needed - City, gas, decanter, newspaper.

    In speech, they are so needed!

    How many times in the poem met sound K?

    Name words with soft sound K.

    Rabbit, chickens, cat and cat, K - cinema, compote, cutlet,

    And cabbage, and potatoes, Book, paints and candy,

    Clover, cacti and maples, Lace, ship, whale -

    Cypress evergreen. Hear, K - sounds everywhere!

    Viburnum bush, cedar grove,

    Oh, what a generous language we have.

    We remind you!

    Sound G - voiced, the voice participates in its formation, the vocal cords vibrate. If you put your hand on the neck, you can feel the vibration.

    2. Test yourself! Compare sounds:

    a) Put your hand on your neck. If vibration is felt, trembling is a ringing sound if there is no jitter - deaf.

    b) Close your ears with your palms and pronounce a voiced sound G and deaf K.

    3. Game "Echo". Repeat syllables:


    goo-ku-ku ga-ka-ga-ka go-ko-ko-go ko-go-go-ko.

    4. Name first sound in a word:

    Goose, newspaper, cabbage, bush, garage, cat, caterpillar, dove, chickens, nest, book, city, movie.

    5. Determine which sound in a word - G or K and its place:

    Cat, poppy, gas, garden, riddle, T-shirt, coast, pie, wagon, tanks, horns, fire, jackdaw, leg, slide, gander.

    6. Think about what the letter G looks like?

    What does the letter K look like?

    7. Draw these letters with your eyes closed on the sand, on your palm, in the air. Draw the letter G.

    Lay out these letters from small objects.

    8. Think about what elements make up the capital letters Gg and Kk?

    9. Read the words with the letter G, then with the letter TO:

    10. "Who is bigger?"

    Think of and write down as many words: starting with the letters G, K; having them in their composition.

    11. Insert the letter K in green, D - blue. When writing down, pronounce the words aloud in syllables.

    Pisces ... ah, ... asha, but ... ah, glad ... ah, mar ... ah, ... apusta, ball ... he, ... azeta, dear ... ah, oh ... oh, oh ... but, bu ... var, ... itara, ... eroy , …osmosis, …room, …uvshin.

    12. Bottom line classes.

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