What do you get after graduate school. Disadvantages of Postgraduate Studies

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Good day, dear reader! This article is for those who can not decide whether or not to go to graduate school after graduation? Many former and current students fear their future uncertainty.

They graduate from high school, and then what? After all, you are unlikely to be hired for a highly paid job right from the educational threshold. So? So. And no one wants to work for a penny now. After all, Russia is a country of opportunities after all. You don’t want to vegetate in a non-prestigious job in your younger years?

Maybe it's better, before joining the ranks of working people, you should improve your education in order to be more competitive in the labor market? Let's figure it out, you still need to go to graduate school, and if necessary, why.

For those who are not in the know, graduate school is postgraduate education. As they say in English-speaking countries - postgraduate ("after graduation"). Usually graduate students study for 3 years (sometimes 4). There are budget and paid places, everything is like in a university.

Should I go to graduate school or not?

The life of a graduate student is somewhat different from the life of an ordinary student, although both receive knowledge. Only in graduate school, by and large, you will gain knowledge on your own, for the needs of your Ph.D. thesis, while students, for the most part, receive new information through listening to lectures and attending seminars, i.e. from some teacher.

And what generally happens in graduate school, and how can it help you when applying for a job?

Good question that needs a detailed answer. If you go to graduate school, then something like the following awaits you.

If at the university you have to write a graduation project “on the exhaust”, which confirms that you have mastered the skills of your specialty, then in graduate school the bar is raised. There, at the end of your training, you should already present your own scientific work on the issue of interest to you.

What does it mean? This means that you have to "shovel" hundreds of different books, scientific journals, articles, etc. over the years of your postgraduate study.

Then, based on the material read, form your scientific vision of the problem you are working on. Then you submit your Ph.D. thesis to the commission, which decides whether to award you the degree of candidate of N sciences or not.

What determines their decision? First of all, on whether you can prove that your Ph.D. work reflects a completely new (your own) view of the problem under study, i.e. is there anything in your work that takes science one step further on the subject.

If you are in a university, you can, almost without fear, “copy-paste”, i.e. insert into supposedly your thesis“pieces” of text from different books, then such a trick will not work in graduate school. There are very strict requirements for the use of other people's thoughts. In short, you are unlikely to be able to pass off someone else's as your own. You have to work, and work hard.

On the other hand, if you defend your work in front of a strict commission, you will be very far intellectually from most people, i.e. from your potential competitors.

Usually, those people who graduate from graduate school with good or excellent results, no longer think about the money problem. It just won't exist, why should you think about it?

Although there are many examples when candidates of N sciences work as ordinary workers at construction sites, factories, janitors, etc.

Why, you ask? After all, they managed to defend themselves before the commission, so they have more knowledge than the average person? And here it is not. Most likely, such "candidates" ordered their Ph.

Having defended their Ph.D., they come to work, reasonably expecting that they will be given a highly paid job. Annette! Even if yes, then after a short amount of time, such an ungodly "candidate" will be calculated and asked for on all 4 sides.

After all, it is very simple to calculate a false candidate. It will simply not correspond to the declared competence.

Here is an explanation for the low salaries of the intelligentsia. It's just that this is not an intelligentsia, but ordinary people who have decided to break through to the top of society through deception. And, by and large, self-deception. The system rarely skips non-compliant items. She, like Kaspersky, blocks "viruses".

However, if a person is really capable and honest, if he has really proved through his Ph.D. work that he is worth something in the scientific community, the system approves of this and "shoves" him into the upper class. Everything is just insane.

Therefore, the next time you are told that after graduating from graduate school, a person works as an ordinary manager in an ordinary company, hinting that graduate school is a waste of time, remember this article. Maybe the person you are talking about is the very “virus” that the system does not let go further.

We hope you understand that graduate school is a serious undertaking that requires serious people and a serious approach to learning. Are you that kind of person?

You are strong in spirit, purposeful, but still thinking about whether to go to graduate school or not? Then see what you have to face if you still decide to go to study after high school. Are you ready for this?

Disadvantages of Postgraduate Studies

First, let's start with the cons of graduate school. There are not so many of them as pluses, however, we want to warn you against hasty decisions. So let's go!

1. To study in graduate school, you need analytical skills and a desire for knowledge. You can spend hours sitting over books in search of necessary information? Not? And this will have to be done if you are going to study in graduate school. In addition to searching for information, you still have to analyze it, “isolate” the main thing, “discard” the secondary.

How did you do at the university with higher mathematics? In graduate school, it will be very useful to you. Do you have a desire to delve into any issue? To be sometimes a “bore”, proving to others your point of view?

You will need these and other qualities if you aim to study in graduate school. Take a good look at yourself and honestly say: do I have such qualities, or at least their beginnings?

If not, and you are not yet a university graduate, but only a far-sighted student (well done!), But the desire to study there is very great, then you need to try to develop them. How? And it's very simple. Participate in all scientific conferences held at your university. "Instill" in yourself the habit of scientific work.

2. Money problem.

If you are going to study in graduate school, then, most likely, at first you will be faced with the fact that you will be very tight with money.

You will already be about 22-23 years old, and it is natural that you will need money very much. You can, of course, work in parallel, only it will be the same as in the saying about two birds with one stone. Focus on one thing (better, graduate school) or look for a job that will distract you from the educational process to a minimum.

Finding a job like this is no easy task. For example, working as a freelancer can bring you a good income at first.

At the end of graduate school, usually graduate students are given legal permission to earn money. You have to teach students the mind-reason. Yes, maybe they will pay “crumbles” there, but at least something.

Therefore, if you decide to enter graduate school, then think over in advance the options for your material content during the 3 years of your study. Most young people do not go to graduate school precisely because they are put off by the money problem.

We hope you are not a "simpleton" who thinks "like everyone else." AT modern world there are countless opportunities to make money. Therefore, we very much hope that you will not deviate from the intended path to enter graduate school because of the money problem.

If you are talented and smart, then give way to your talent, do not destroy it in the bud!

3. Long "exhaust"

Well, and, probably, the most important disadvantage of postgraduate studies is that you have to reap the fruits of your labor after some time. While your friends and acquaintances are working and earning money by buying different things with them, you will be reading books. You will learn.

But this is a minus, as it were, fictional. In fact, you will be investing in yourself. And investments are the key to the success of almost any rich and successful person. Only few people know that rich and successful people first invest ... in themselves. And not money (although theirs too), but knowledge. After all, knowledge is now very expensive.

The modern world is full of goods, services, but people with quality knowledge are not. Information - yes. But knowledge is not.

Damn, now you can download almost any book for free, take any video course without paying a penny. The necessary knowledge is so easy to get and “absorb” them into yourself. But it's also easy not to. The choice is yours

Therefore, do not worry that everyone around has money, and you are still like a poor student. Firstly, you are far from poor (in spiritual terms, for sure), and secondly, you are 1000 times more likely to become a “big and respected” person after graduating from graduate school than your acquaintances without a Ph.D. Most importantly, remember that you always need to give yourself completely to your favorite pastime, then the “exhaust” will happen more powerfully and noticeably faster.

Postgraduate Pros

Now it's your turn to tell you about the benefits that promises you to study in graduate school. They are much more than cons. Below we list only the most significant ones to show you that self-education, which includes postgraduate study, is the key to your future success.

1.Increased education.

Today, educated people are valued more than ever. A lot has already been created: there are both technologies and experience. There is no main thing - people who can successfully manage all this and coordinate actions.

Therefore, the demand for highly educated people is now higher than ever. On really highly educated, and not on "viruses". So if you choose the path further increase of your education by going to graduate school, then most likely you will be one step closer to success.

The experience you get from studying scientific works the best scientists on your problem, you will be very useful in practical activities.

You will be more competent than any average specialist in your field. The time of the Soviet "equalization" has passed, the time has come successful people and ... "simpletons". Whom to be, it's up to you! Graduate studies move you up the social ladder and it's hard to argue with that. Therefore, if you want your intellectual abilities to match the needs modern society, then it is vital for you to study in graduate school.

2. Personal growth.

In addition to the deep knowledge that graduate school will give you (and in fact, your self-education), you will also grow as a person.

After all, during the training you will have to participate in huge number all kinds of scientific conferences, where the best minds gather.

And among the best personalities, your personality will grow willy-nilly. You will feel it very soon. If you become a strong personality, then you will be less disturbed by life's problems. Why do you think powerful people became like this? This is because they have a strong core that successfully resists external threats.

Another proof that now personal growth- this is a very important component of your life, is that almost on every corner you can find announcements of courses to improve self-esteem, public speaking, stress resistance, etc.

All this together is personal growth. Since the Internet is full of such ads, it means that there is a demand for such services. And if there is a demand, then it is important for modern people.

After all, everything is changing very quickly, a lot of new things are appearing. All this leads to the fact that people cannot live normally. they are subject to various stresses, problems, etc.

However, this will threaten you to a lesser extent, because after graduating from graduate school you will know how to relate to everything that happens in this world. You will, you will know, the feeling of knowing the functioning of the system (the world) will surely overtake you.

Therefore, if you are going to study in graduate school, then you have taken a step towards self-improvement. This quality is highly valued in the modern world.

3. Career opportunities.

Of course, most people go to graduate school in order to be a person with a well-paid job in the future. Money, of course, rules the world, but this is partly.

The world is ruled reasonable people who make the most important decisions. After graduating, you will join the unofficial club of "rulers". It is those who manage who always get more than a mere worker. Is always!

Only money should not be your end in itself. The most important thing for you is that you can apply the acquired knowledge for the benefit of society.

If you work diligently, the money will come by itself. Having gained deep knowledge in graduate school, apply it to the benefit of people. And then our world will be a little better. From such, at first glance, small deeds, great deeds are worth. Remember this.

4. Forget about the army.

This paragraph applies to the male part.

Firstly, if you enroll in graduate school immediately after graduation, then you automatically receive a deferment for the entire period of your studies (unless, of course, this is a full-time graduate school).

And secondly, if you successfully defend your Ph.D. work, and you are awarded the degree of Candidate of N Sciences, then you can forget about the army altogether. According to the Federal Law "On military service and military service" dated March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ, you are exempt from service in the Russian Armed Forces. That's it.

Conclusion: In this article, we considered a question that interests university graduates - to go or not to go to graduate school after graduating from high school.

If you still decide to go there, then you should know what awaits you there. Firstly, at the end of your studies, you will have to submit your Ph.D. thesis to the attestation commission on the scientific problem that interests you.

This is about the meaning of education. Secondly, you must soberly assess your abilities: can you study there or not? And thirdly, we told you about the privileges that postgraduate studies can give you after graduation. The choice is yours!

Do everything honestly, and our world will become a better place!

What does postgraduate study in Russia give and why go there? Graduate school gives a respite from the army? Is it included in the work experience? What gives in employment? Postgraduate study and work, how to combine? What is the duration of postgraduate studies? What are the types of postgraduate studies? Is there a postgraduate course? How is part-time postgraduate study different from full-time? What is the learning process in graduate school? What does postgraduate study without protection give? What is the title of a postgraduate student? Calculation of training costs.

the article was prepared by a candidate of philological sciences

What is the end of graduate school? Why go to graduate school?

You ask yourself these questions when you are faced with a choice: whether or not to go to the hard-to-reach goal - the degree of Candidate of Sciences. Since you are aware that the path will be difficult, it is important to have good motivation in order to decide in favor of admission. But about the "buns" a little later, first we define some concepts.

What are the types of postgraduate studies?

The following, already familiar to you, forms provide for the third stage of higher education - postgraduate studies: full-time form of education, correspondence a form of education for the most strong-willed and independent - competition.

The term of study in graduate school usually depends on its form:

  • The duration of full-time postgraduate study is 3 years.
  • Correspondence postgraduate study, term of study - 4 years.
  • Application - 5 years (I will not dwell on this form in detail, because I am not familiar with it).
So, back to what postgraduate study gives.
  • For young people postgraduate studies - resignation from the army. But there are a number of nuances here:
A) the form of education must be full-time (if part-time graduate school, a deferment from the army is not provided),

B) an organization that has a graduate student in a particular specialty must have state accreditation for it,

C) a young person enters the next stage of education in the year of receiving a diploma from the previous one. Therefore, a deferment from the army in graduate school after a master's degree is also possible, you just need to have time to enroll in graduate school immediately, without a year or more break.

And now the good news, if you meet all the above requirements, and the only thing that matters is the availability of budget places, I should please you: paid graduate school = deferment from the army too.

Deferment from the army after graduate school is valid for another year after graduation - time is given to defend a candidate's dissertation.

  • Those who successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertations are awarded PhD degree.
At the end of postgraduate studies, two scenarios are possible:

A) just complete the training without defending a dissertation,

B) defend a PhD thesis.

What does postgraduate study provide for employment?

You may be interested in what does postgraduate study give without defending a dissertation? My answer is nothing, or, almost nothing. Completing a postgraduate course without a defense is equivalent to taking continuing education courses and does not entitle you to apply for a higher position or salary supplements, in contrast to the case when a dissertation is defended.

It turns out that the PhD degree is the reason for getting more high office its owner, but only the one for which the requirements for candidates indicate “the presence of a Ph.D. degree”.

And the fact of appointment degree supplements must be recorded in the internal local act of the institution or employment contract otherwise, the candidate's diploma will not be financially rewarded by the employer.

It turns out that there is a need to defend a dissertation a university teacher, an employee of a scientific institution, or a military, in other organizations, a defended dissertation will not provide any advantages and will not provide an increase in salary or promotion to a higher position. Therefore, you need to weigh your initial data well before entering graduate school, and decide whether the game is worth the candle.

  • What does PhD NOT provide?

You may be interested in the answer to the question: Is graduate school included in work experience? Answer, - No. Both scientific and pedagogical, and work experience, full-time graduate school bypasses, as well as correspondence. Previously, the years of study in full-time postgraduate study were counted as scientific and pedagogical experience, after the law of 2013 they stopped.


How is graduate school going?

Start preparing for graduate school with search for a supervisor. This person will mean a lot to you in the next years of training, and it will almost entirely depend on him whether you defend yourself or not. It is important that he has “weight” among colleagues in his profession, otherwise his graduate student’s work may be biased, or it may indeed turn out to be mediocre: the leader will not have enough professionalism and “flair” to direct the graduate student in the right direction. It is important that he has a strong character, and he strives to bring the graduate student to the defense. It is important that he is in good physical and mental shape: supervisors are often elderly and some, despite serious health problems, still recruit graduate students, as a result they cannot physically work together on research, and the supervisor's help is very important , it is clear that for such a leader, if one of ten graduate students defends himself, it is already good, and the merit in this will be entirely the graduate student. If you have a desire to develop a specific topic, you need to clarify the area of ​​​​scientific interests of your prospective supervisor, perhaps he is not interested in what you want to do, then you will have to look for another supervisor.

It is also important for a supervisor to take a literate and responsible person who can conduct serious research and defend his work as a graduate student. Therefore, you will also be well looked after.

After you have enlisted the "good" of the supervisor to work with him, you should start collect a package of documents for admission. The list can usually be found on the website of the university you are going to apply to. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you will need to provide a list of your published scientific works, if there are none, then you will have to write an introductory essay, which takes time to work on, count on this and start preparing for admission in advance.

It is also important to think about the defense that takes place in the dissertation council already at admission. So, each council has the right to "listen" to defense only in certain specialties. It is advisable to take the path of least resistance and choose a specialty, the advice for which is in the city where it will be most convenient for you to defend yourself.

Entry exams in philosophy, foreign language and specialties, usually rent by tickets, preparing in advance. At the same time, previously passed candidate exams do not relieve from passing the entrance exams.

The process of studying in graduate school in absentia or full-time consists of attending lectures, seminars, practical classes, and obtaining credits upon their completion. But exams all to be handed over three, they're called candidate: in philosophy, foreign language and the specialty in which the graduate student is studying.

Lectures and seminars, in theory, are designed to give useful information, which will come in handy, will remove some of the difficulties in carrying out the postgraduate student's own research - dissertation.

Of course, you need write a dissertation, which must be ready by the end of the postgraduate study period, and report supervisor and at a meeting of the department to which they are assigned, about the work done at the end of each academic year.

All this must be completed by the end of the graduate study period, and the dissertation must be submitted by pre-protection, this means that the members of the department to which you are attached will hear the main results of your research, two reviewers will study the work and give comments that need to be answered, then they will discuss your work and give or not give the go-ahead for defense in the council.

Within a year after the end of the postgraduate study period, it will be necessary to collect all the necessary the documents, bringing the dissertation to the ideal, and submit everything you need to the dissertation council.

Before adviceyou speak, sharing, again, the results of your research, board members listen to the comments of opponents (people who have studied your work), you answer them, all members also ask you questions. Then the dissertation council makes its "verdict", then the applicant draws up in accordance with the requirements andsends documents to the Higher Attestation Commissionin Moscow. The commission awards the degree of Candidate of Science and issues the corresponding diploma.That's it, you are a PhD!

How is part-time postgraduate study different from full-time? Full-time postgraduate study and work, how to combine?

Let's start with the fact that I studied in correspondence graduate school, attended classes with everyone and did not notice the difference between full-time and part-time students. Classes are being conducted and the graduate student, based on which course of lectures is more necessary for him or which one is read at a more suitable time for him, attends a certain number of lecture courses.

The final of both full-time and part-time postgraduate studies is the writing of a dissertation and its defense, only a full-time student is given three years for this, and a correspondence student - four. Thus, in the form of education, it is not the organization of the learning process that is important (there is no difference) and not the result, but only the number of years allotted for writing a dissertation research. Postgraduate study and work are correlated as follows: regardless of the form of study, if there is a goal to complete a dissertation research, you will have to set aside time and not work, at least for a year, but write a dissertation, otherwise you will not complete it. At the same time, officially, while studying in full-time postgraduate studies, one cannot work, but while studying in absentia, one can. But the reality is that, working full-time, or even in more than one job, there will be no time left for a dissertation, no matter whether you study full-time or part-time.

Calculation of Postgraduate Tuition Costs

What you will have to spend money on while studying in graduate school:

A) tuition fees, if it was not possible to enter the budget,

B) paper and a printout of intermediate versions of the dissertation for verification by the supervisor (scientific supervisors are usually ladies, men of age and prefer to work with paper, and not at the “beast” computer they do not understand),

Often, when we meet a person who has entered graduate school, there is a desire to ask him one single question: “Why?”. What made a person make such a decision? If you had to describe graduate school in three words, then “long”, “useless”, and “low paying” would be perfect. Most people see no point in going to graduate school and dedicating their lives to science in order to get a degree. But there are students who, after graduating from the university, decide to also go to graduate school. In today's article, we will talk about why people go to graduate school and what opportunities it opens up for them.

In fact, there are many reasons that push people to go to graduate school. Below we highlight four main ones.

First reason

Most students go on to graduate school in order to achieve a candidate's degree as a result. The PhD degree is the final stage of postgraduate studies. If you think that only those who really love to study go to graduate school, then you are mistaken. In fact, 90% of graduate students just need the appropriate mark on their resume, which will be a big advantage when searching. high paying job. As practice shows, candidates of sciences have a lot of bonuses and privileges. A person with a candidate's degree can count on a worthy position and high salary. In addition, PhDs move up the corporate ladder faster. Given all these points, then admission to graduate school no longer seems so pointless.

But not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first. Enough to bring one small example to disprove all the benefits mentioned above. Let's imagine the following situation: you became a Ph.D. information technologies. According to current legislation, a person who has received a candidate's degree in this field cannot count on an increase in salary of more than 30%. Fortunately, this limitation is not relevant for other disciplines.

In comparison, a typical fourth-year student who studies at the Faculty of Information Technology and speaks several programming languages ​​has a good chance of finding a job and receiving a higher salary than a graduate student who cannot even count on a normal increase. So is it worth going to graduate school? The answer to this question again does not seem so unambiguous.

If we consider this issue more globally, then in developed countries PhDs are considered very important people and highly valued by employers. For some reason, many people believe that all PhDs work in such large corporations as Google and Microsoft, but this is not entirely true. For example, in the United States, holders of a scientific degree consider work in scientific institutes and research stations. This approach is a little unusual for our mentality, but it also has a right to exist.

The second reason

As a result of recent statistical surveys, it turned out that many people enter graduate school in order to continue the family tradition. Often, relatives of future graduate students already work at the department, and this gives them a slight advantage in admission.

Third reason

A person who has completed a full course of study in graduate school receives a large array of theoretical knowledge. But the problem is that this knowledge is not fixed in practice. It turns out that a candidate of sciences already at a fairly conscious age will have to adapt to the application of theoretical knowledge. In turn, people who received a regular diploma of higher education they are already honing their skills to the fullest and getting decent money for it.

This does not mean that the theory is absolutely useless. It is just as important for a specialist as practice. It’s just that theoretical knowledge should always be consolidated in practice, and graduate school, unfortunately, does not create necessary conditions. No matter how harsh it may sound, but graduate school slows down the development of a person in the workplace.

Fourth reason

Postgraduate studies are a great option for people who have a lot of ideas but don't know how to implement them. Created in graduate school ideal conditions for the implementation of ideas and their further promotion.

It is worth noting that in order to defend a dissertation, a graduate student must submit all the published works that he wrote during his PhD studies. This item is required. It turns out that a person can implement his ideas, write about it, and then use these articles in the process of defending a dissertation.

Fifth reason

Some people enter graduate school in order to be able to engage in teaching activities. So they can earn extra money and raise their social status. In addition, the future candidate of sciences can make a lot of new acquaintances and gain valuable experience as a result of communicating with colleagues.

Everyone has to decide for himself whether or not to go to graduate school. It is important to take into account not only the advantages, but also the obvious disadvantages of this undertaking. We hope that our article has become useful for you, and you have received answers to all your questions.

Adjuncture, clinical residency

  • Adjuncture- Postgraduate study of universities and research institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Clinical Residency- a form of professional development of doctors in medical universities, institutes of improvement and research institutions.

Graduate student

Social guarantees

In Russian law federal law"About higher and postgraduate vocational education in Russian Federation» the following guarantees are provided:

P.S. Temporarily, until the spring conscription of 2012, full-time non-accredited postgraduate students are not subject to conscription into the RF Armed Forces if they have Appendix No. 2 and a postgraduate license, since the decree on obtaining accreditation by postgraduate students was issued relatively recently (previously only licenses were required). Universities were given time to prepare.


In some European countries, terms graduate student and graduate school correspond doctoral student and doctoral studies.


Candidates and doctors of sciences receive exemption from military service.


see also

  • Residency

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Postgraduate study" is in other dictionaries:

    Adjuncture, targeting Dictionary of Russian synonyms. postgraduate studies noun, number of synonyms: 2 postgraduate studies (1) … Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) in the Russian Federation a form of training scientists at universities and research institutions ... Law Dictionary

    Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from lat. aspiro I strive to try to get closer), a form of training scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. spread in higher educational institutions and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended candidate dissertations from 1934). In the beginning. 1990s ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    POSTGRADUATE, graduate school, women (neol.). 1. Position, activity of a graduate student. 2. only units, collected. Postgraduate students (colloquial). Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    POSTGRADUATE, s, female The training that graduate students undergo; such training system. Study in graduate school. Finish graduate school. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    graduate school- uh. graduate student m. Ph.D. The system of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at universities and research institutions. ALS 2. Lex. Ush. 1935: graduate student / RA ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    POSTGRADUATE- POSTGRADUATE. Form of training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (post-graduate students defended candidate dissertations - since 1934). May be full-time (3 years of study)… … A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    PhD- (from the Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer), a form of training for scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread in higher educational institutions and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended candidate dissertations from 1934). At first … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    POSTGRADUATE- (from lat. aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) a form of training scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (post-graduate students defended candidate dissertations since 1934). AT… … Legal Encyclopedia


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University studies are coming to an end, and while some are enjoying the opportunity to relax, others are planning to study further. Does it make sense to continue studying? Yes. It’s just that those who plan to further connect their activities with science or gain unique experience in independent research and writing projects, move to another level of education.

What is graduate school?

This is one of the types of postgraduate vocational training. It serves as the main stage in the training of scientists and scientific and pedagogical personnel. During postgraduate studies, people acquire the skill independent work With scientific research. In other words, this stage of education is a great opportunity to improve your skills and get a scientific title.

Who can become a graduate student?

Those wishing to become a graduate student, as a rule, already have a higher education, and their further studies in graduate school are associated with writing and defending a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. That is, a person who has a master's or specialist's qualification can become a graduate student, and he must also be a citizen of the country in which he plans to study. Otherwise, acceptance foreign citizens carried out in accordance with the regulations of the higher education institution.

Postgraduate Pros

Most do not see the prospects that can open up for those who receive education in graduate school. For many, the point of further study is to get a degree. But its advantages do not end there:

  1. This is an opportunity for continuous improvement. Studying is given to young people much easier than to the older generation. And without constant self-development to achieve significant heights in the chosen activity will not be easy.
  2. Occupation scientific activity. After all, even if a graduate student is not going to defend a dissertation, he can attend scientific conferences and speak at them, which will give invaluable experience. public speaking before the scientific public.
  3. Opportunity to practice pedagogical activity. After graduate school is completed, the graduate receives not only a specialty, but also the opportunity to teach at universities.
  4. And of course, getting a PhD degree - but this is only in the case of defending a dissertation. This immediately opens up many possibilities. Apart from material bonuses, there is an opportunity to get a PhD in the future. And this is already a good prospect for career growth in the chosen field.

Cons of graduate school

In addition to the pros, there are also cons to being a graduate student. Therefore, before deciding to study further, one should take into account not only the positive points:

  1. This is quite a long way to achieve the goal. You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to study the same way as before, attend all classes and prepare for the defense of your dissertation, which is undoubtedly more difficult than term paper.
  2. Conducting seminars with students. For some, this is not at all the ultimate dream, because ordinary students (not studying in pedagogical universities) do not practice this, because they are not prepared for further teaching.

Forms of study

Forms of obtaining this type of education can be as follows:

  • full-time;
  • correspondence.

The differences between part-time and full-time postgraduate studies are small, but still there. Of course, with the correspondence form, it turns out to be possible to combine work and study, but you will almost always have to do it yourself.

Now readers already understand what graduate school is and why some people are so eager to go there. The main thing is to adequately assess your capabilities, because, despite all beautiful words about self-improvement and scientific activity, it all requires self-discipline, dedication and willingness to constantly learn.

Who is being trained here and how to enter graduate school

Getting into graduate school is not as difficult as many people think. If you know the subject well and are prepared, then it will not be difficult for you to pass the entrance examinations. What exams are required for graduate school:

  1. Special discipline that corresponds to the program.
  2. Philosophy.
  3. Foreign language.

Many begin to guess at who they teach in graduate school. A list of postgraduate specialties is available at each university where a future postgraduate student intends to study. It is not at all necessary to act only in your own direction - you can choose any, you just need to be prepared for a larger amount of information.

What documents are needed for admission

In order not to waste time in vain and then not to search in a hurry required documents, it is better to prepare them in advance. Typically, the list looks like this:

  • an application for admission to study and an application to it;
  • recommendations of the Academic Council (if any);
  • your scientific works and articles that have been published, and if there are none, you need to write an abstract in the desired specialty;
  • a copy of the diploma of higher education and its insert;
  • if you do not enter immediately after the university, but after working at the enterprise, then you will need to submit a personal sheet from the personnel department;
  • if you work, you need a reference from the place of work;
  • 3 photos - 3 x 4 and one 4 x 5;
  • topic and substantiation of the dissertation.

How is the training

Having dealt with the question of what graduate school is, weighing all the pros and cons, and deciding that further education is needed, you should get a rough idea of ​​​​how the educational process is built.

Each graduate student is assigned a supervisor, under the strict guidance of which he works on a dissertation. In addition to the dissertation, the graduate student also has individual plan work. It indicates the dates when the candidate's minimum is surrendered. There are also specified dates when you need to hand over some parts of the dissertation work.

The list of duties of a postgraduate student includes attending additional classes that are held in the first year of study. It is also desirable for a graduate student to participate in the work of the department to which he is assigned. If he does not fulfill the calendar plan, then he can be expelled.

Efficiency of PhD studies in Russia

Despite the fact that there are a sufficient number of universities in the country, the number of graduate students is decreasing every year. This can be explained by the fact that there is a reduction in budget places, and not everyone has the opportunity to pay large sums for education. But a certain part of experts believe that insufficiently high efficiency is associated with the human factor. It refers to the motivation of graduate students, their values ​​and personal characteristics.

Also, not all graduate students are ready to engage in scientific activities in the future. Some go to graduate school because the award of an academic degree is considered prestigious, others want to extend their student years, and for young people, a deferment from the army is a nice bonus. Society still continues to believe that it is much easier for a candidate of sciences to build a career. Perhaps there would be more students willing to continue their studies if they were explained what postgraduate studies are and what opportunities open up for those who defended their dissertations.

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