Is graduate school worth it? Is it possible to further improve the level of qualification

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The opportunity to go to graduate school for many is a serious step that you need to decide. A person going for this must clearly understand what he wants to achieve. It should be understood that postgraduate studies are not just the next stage of education after graduation. Entering it takes you to a whole new level. Graduate school is not just a place to gain knowledge. It enables a person to receive an academic title.

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In order to study in graduate school, a person must have the ability for analytical, creative and research work, and you must also have talent. There are very few people with such abilities among the graduates of the challenge. Because of this, before making a decision, you must analyze in yourself and understand whether you have the ability to study and scientific work. Without ability and talent, you will simply waste your time, and there will be no benefit from it. It is better to find yourself in something else where you can be useful.

What is this training

Postgraduate studies are a form of professional postgraduate education. It is the main stage in the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. Today it serves as an independent form of education. Its main goal is to acquire skills for the lesson. scientific works on one's own. Education is mainly carried out at research institutes and higher educational institutions.

A specialist who has completed the training must have everything necessary to effectively solve problems in the scientific environment and carry out high-quality research work. Postgraduate study, in fact, is a form of advanced training for those wishing to obtain a PhD degree. In the course of training, a person gains the experience that he will need in order to choose an actual scientific direction in the future. He learns to substantiate those research topics that he is engaged in. The graduate student also receives the required experience for the proper organization and conduct of the experiment. Acquires the skills of skillful work with literature, the ability to competently receive and process research data, perform them comparative analysis. Learns to properly summarize the data of his research in the form of conclusions. The final stage of training is writing a Ph.D. thesis. The graduate student will have to defend the written dissertation at a meeting of the department, as well as at a meeting of the scientific department, which must necessarily correspond to his profile.

Who is a graduate student

A graduate student is a person who has a higher professional education. Its purpose is to prepare for the defense of a dissertation for obtaining the degree of candidate of sciences. To achieve this goal, he must undergo postgraduate studies, which are located at research institutions and universities. They can become a person who has the qualification of a master or a specialist and at the same time is a citizen of his country. To enroll in graduate school, you will need to pass entrance exams on a competitive basis. The candidate will need to prepare a scientific publication, abstract and application for admission. It helps a lot to participate in scientific conferences, on the basis of which a recommendation for admission is given.

Each graduate student is assigned a supervisor, under whose supervision he writes his dissertation. In addition to preparing for writing a dissertation, a graduate student is engaged in individual plan work. This plan provides for the deadlines by which exams for the candidate's minimum are taken. It also indicates the dates on which individual parts of the dissertation are submitted. The duties of a postgraduate student also include attending additional classes. These classes are held in the first year of study. Participation in the work of the department to which he is directly assigned is also part of his duties. If he does not fulfill his calendar plan, he may be expelled.

Scholarships are provided for full-time graduate students. There are no scholarships for part-time students, but they can take every year additional leave in the amount of thirty days. They must take this leave at their place of work. Part-time graduate students can also be given one day a week to conduct classes, which is paid at a rate of 50%. A person entering graduate school has the right to choose the direction in which he will study. Therefore, it is not necessary to go to graduate school in the specialty of your diploma. In this case, do not forget that it will be necessary to master more information.

What gives

Postgraduate studies provide an opportunity for a person to engage in scientific activity. You will also have the opportunity to speak at various conferences and the opportunity to participate in various competitions. It allows a person to improve himself. This is due to the acquisition of knowledge in one direction that you have chosen. Postgraduate studies allow you to engage in teaching activities. The result of the training is the writing and defense of a Ph.D. thesis.

Why do you need

First of all, postgraduate studies are needed for those who plan to engage in scientific activities or teach at a university. Some people go to study in order to improve their skills or change their field of activity. Some people continue their studies because they have a great desire to learn and they like this process.

Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science (Ministry of Education and Science) introduces more and more innovations in the education process, and even yesterday's students often begin to think about the questions: “What does postgraduate study give? Why do you need a postgraduate degree? Why do so many people finish it?” After a large number of transformations, even many educators and scientists cannot understand this.

What is graduate school

Until 2013, postgraduate study was considered one of the forms vocational education after the university or a form of training of higher scientific personnel, and since 2013 it has been given the status of the third level of higher professional education.

Postgraduate studies - what kind of education is this?

Yesterday's students, accustomed to lectures and practices, do not have a very good idea of ​​what it means to study in graduate school and what it is.

However, postgraduate studies are not lectures, tests and exams, although there is no way without them, but an independent form of obtaining knowledge and education.

The graduate student will have to determine on his own the scientific direction that is relevant, formulate the topic, set up the necessary experiment, obtain data and process, compare the results with those already available in science and draw specific conclusions.

To complete the course, you must write and defend a Ph.D. thesis. But before the official defense in the dissertation council of the university, a graduate student must pass a preliminary defense at an extended meeting of the department, where representatives from other departments and / or educational institutions are invited.

Who can become a graduate student

To join the ranks of graduate students you need to have a master's or specialist degree. And it is not necessary to have a so-called red diploma in your hands, a blue one is enough. Also, postgraduate students can become persons who have completed residency, postgraduate, adjuncture, assistantship-internship (considered one level of education), but their training is carried out only at the expense of own funds these persons.

Forms of study in postgraduate studies

Graduate students can study in:

  • full-time;
  • in absentia;

Training on full-time last 3 years(on technical specialties 4 years), and correspondence fore MA study - a year longer, 4 or 5 years respectively. With part-time education, you will need to work and study, which not everyone succeeds. Although some faces manage to combine everything on a point.

When choosing a form of study, you need to consider what you can study for:

  • budgetary (free) basis;
  • paid basis;
  • target basis.

Possibility to receive free education given to applicants who scored during the exams the largest number points compared to other applicants.

If in the rating of applicants to be on the bottom lines, then you can study only for a fee. Paid education in the future does not exclude, with excellent results, the transition to the budget. Studying on a budget is allowed by law only once. Subsequent admission only on a paid basis, but not a limited number of times.

"Targeted Learning"- this is when the employer agrees to pay for training. Why does an organization pay for training? Apparently, highly qualified workers are needed, which are sometimes not enough.

How to get into graduate school

For admission, you need to submit to the admission committee of the university:

  • statement;
  • passport (other document) proving identity, citizenship;
  • diploma of education;
  • documents confirming individual achievements;
  • other documents.

Individual achievements are:

  • diploma of higher education Honours;
  • publications in scientific journals;
  • diplomas, certificates of participation in conferences, seminars in educational institutions;
  • availability of the status of a scholarship holder for achievements in the field of science or study.

If there are no publications in scientific journals, then an abstract is written on the topic of the proposed scientific work.

After required documents passed, the day of the entrance exams comes. Only three exams: specialty, philosophy of science and foreign language. It is necessary to obtain satisfactory grades, otherwise retake only the next year.

It is also necessary to talk with the supervisor and get his approval for admission. The supervisor is a person who is appointed from among the scientists of the department with a doctorate degree or professorship. Together with the supervisor, the topic of the Ph.D. thesis is selected, a plan and procedure for the postgraduate research is drawn up.

For admission to budget education, you need to go through a competition, which on average is 4-5 people per place.

For paid and part-time postgraduate studies you can do no contest mostly. You just need to pass the exams.

What does postgraduate study provide

Why does a person need a scientific degree? What does graduate school provide? Why go to graduate school? Why do you need a postgraduate degree?

Everyone can answer differently. From all the answers, the main points can be distinguished:

  • Graduate studies provide invaluable skills research work;
  • after completing a postgraduate course and successfully defending a Ph.D. thesis, a graduation diploma is issued and the academic degree of a candidate of sciences is awarded;
  • a diploma and an academic degree give the right to teach in higher educational institutions as an assistant professor, to engage in research work in scientific institutions and organizations and is a source of successful career growth ;
  • an important point, for men in full-time training, a deferment from the army is given.

Everyone decides for himself whether to study in graduate school or not. But one thing becomes clear, a graduate student who defended his PhD thesis rises to a higher professional level, and this is worth the time and effort invested.

Order a postgraduate essay

AT last years many students aspire to become graduate students. This is due to the fact that after defending their dissertation they have more possibilities. Translated from Latin, the word "graduate student" means striving for something. First of all, people who want to continue their education strive for knowledge. If the specialty is technical, they have the opportunity to make a discovery in the chosen industry. Humanitarians, by obtaining a PhD degree, increase their rating in the labor market. Let's take a closer look at what graduate school provides.

Postgraduate Benefits

First of all, students pay attention to the fact that in graduate school it is realistic to get a deferment from the army and a scholarship. If a university or research institute trains scientists in technical specialty, then the size of the scholarship may be much higher than the minimum in the country, which is currently set at 2,500 rubles. Other benefits can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Opportunity to improve in your chosen profession. This advantage rarely attracts young and ambitious people, so this formulation is increasingly attracting mature and established specialists to graduate school. At the time of study, graduate students have access to scientific libraries, laboratories and attending conferences.
  2. Opportunity to do science and make own discoveries and research. Future candidates of science have the prospect of doing science. Even without defending a dissertation, they can make themselves known in the scientific world by publishing and speaking at conferences.
  3. An option to go not only in the chosen specialty, but also to teach students. Graduating from a master's program also makes it possible to teach, but institutions higher than secondary schools will not take you. With a Ph.D., you can lecture at universities.
  4. For a scientific degree public service they pay extra, and for publications in specialized publications they often give increased fees.
  5. Over time, you can defend a doctoral dissertation, which makes it possible to join the leadership of a university or scientific institution.

Most often, postgraduate studies are preferred by those who want to engage in scientific research.

For this, additional training is ready to be given. maximum amount opportunities.

Who can benefit from additional training

Postgraduate study can provide other opportunities. For example, increase your quotes in the labor market. It will be useful to undergo additional training for those specialists who are too many in the labor market. Find good workplace much easier for people who have a degree. This saying can be applied to:

  • teacher
  • economist
  • lawyer.

For those in the first profession, a degree is a way to find a better paying job. There are a lot of economists and lawyers in our country, so employers give preference to those who have a Ph.D. When employed, they are more likely to be invited for interviews.

For an engineer or a doctor, postgraduate studies are necessary to improve their knowledge, obtain more complete information about the chosen direction. In addition, during the passage of additional training, it is really possible to make a discovery. Everything you need for this is in the laboratories of research institutes and universities.

Differences between graduate school and residency

If we dwell in more detail on the improvement of the qualifications of physicians, then they have their own opportunities to become valuable specialists. One way to achieve high level is residency. You can enter this stage of training with a diploma from a medical university. After residency, a special document (certificate) is issued, which gives the doctor the opportunity to practice.

Postgraduate studies are an opportunity to draw theoretical knowledge. After it, a medical worker is awarded a scientific degree, having which you can get a job not only in a medical academy or any hospital, but also do research at research institutes, attend conferences and conduct teaching work among practitioners.

Doctors who have passed all possible stages of training and have a degree are more likely to be hired by the largest hospitals in the country. They can apply for leadership positions. Most medical institutions that are ready to accept medical workers with a scientific degree, are engaged in the development of new methods of treatment, which will allow the physician to continue research for a long time.

Adjuncture, clinical residency

  • Adjuncture- Postgraduate study of universities and research institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Clinical Residency- a form of professional development of doctors in medical universities, institutes of improvement and research institutions.

Graduate student

Social guarantees

In Russian law federal law“On higher and postgraduate professional education in Russian Federation» the following guarantees are provided:

P.S. Temporarily, until the spring conscription of 2012, full-time students of non-accredited postgraduate studies are not subject to conscription into the RF Armed Forces if they have Appendix No. 2 and a postgraduate license, since the decree on obtaining accreditation by postgraduate students was issued relatively recently (previously only licenses were required). Universities were given time to prepare.


In some European countries, terms graduate student and graduate school correspond doctoral student and doctoral studies.


Candidates and doctors of sciences receive exemption from military service.


see also

  • Residency

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Postgraduate study" is in other dictionaries:

    Adjuncture, targeting Dictionary of Russian synonyms. postgraduate studies noun, number of synonyms: 2 postgraduate studies (1) … Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) in the Russian Federation a form of training scientists at universities and research institutions ... Law Dictionary

    Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from lat. aspiro I strive to try to get closer), a form of training scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. spread in higher educational institutions and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended candidate dissertations from 1934). In the beginning. 1990s ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    POSTGRADUATE, graduate school, women (neol.). 1. Position, activity of a graduate student. 2. only units, collected. Postgraduate students (colloquial). Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    POSTGRADUATE, s, female The training that graduate students undergo; such training system. Study in graduate school. Finish graduate school. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    graduate school- uh. graduate student m. Ph.D. The system of training scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel at universities and research institutions. ALS 2. Lex. Ush. 1935: graduate student / RA ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    POSTGRADUATE- POSTGRADUATE. Form of training of scientific-pedagogical and scientific workers. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (post-graduate students defended candidate dissertations - since 1934). May be full-time (3 years of study)… … A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    PhD- (from the Latin aspiro I strive, I try to get closer), a form of training for scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread in higher educational institutions and research institutes of the USSR (postgraduate students defended candidate dissertations from 1934). At first … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    POSTGRADUATE- (from lat. aspiro I strive, I try to get closer) a form of training scientists. Organized in 1925 under the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, in the 30s. spread in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (post-graduate students defended candidate dissertations since 1934). AT… … Legal Encyclopedia


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Admission to graduate school for postgraduate professional education and dissertation writing are important decision which will affect your life in the future.

Reasons to understand what graduate school gives

Most often, pedagogical and scientific personnel require a scientific degree, which is a necessity when obtaining this vacancy.

This does not mean that they should plunge into work immediately after completing their university education. Just make sure you have a good reason scientific novelty of the research for admission to graduate school.

Some of the reasons listed below are more valid than others, but they all have common causes, by which people determine what graduate school gives:

The flip side or cons of studying in graduate school

  1. High competitiveness. There is competition for places in research positions related to departmental politics.
  2. It takes the ability to prioritize. It takes a lot of discipline and foresight. This can be a strain on family and personal relationships, not to mention yourself.
  3. Relationship strains. If you are married, housing can be a problem. You may be offered a position and free education but not housing for your spouse in a hostel.
  4. Stress. Emotionally exhausting - having completed graduate school, a PhD requires emotional maturity.
  5. Dissertation writing. Writing an original thesis is not easy compared to a term paper or thesis and it often takes much longer than training.
  6. Requires support. You may need a strong support network to get through everything emotionally.
  7. May take 2-7 years of its life. Not for everyone, this can end up with a dissertation defense in a typical 2 or 3 years. Personal obligations often interfere or lack of funds makes defense difficult.
  8. Additional cost of education. If you do not intend to work during your studies or do not get a job as an assistant or a tuition waiver.
  9. Does not guarantee high salary. Earning a PhD does not necessarily mean that you will be offered a job with a much higher salary.
  10. Limited employment opportunities. If your PhD is in an academic field, finding work outside of teaching or research can be difficult.
  11. Too qualified. During economic downturn If you find yourself looking for a job, having a degree can be a burden. You may hear "sorry, you're overqualified."

Is going to graduate school worth it?

The structure of education is different than in the university. There are practically no lecture classes, all or almost all classes will be small seminars with a few graduate students. Even just 2-5 people in a class is not uncommon.

It is necessary to be ready for seminars, to speak and participate in intellectual conversation. Your professors will be interested to hear your findings. High quality of works, presentations and group projects is expected. You will be able to devote much more time to each discipline than you could in high school.

This is what graduate school provides - an advanced program of study that focuses on a specific scientific discipline or profession with the opportunity to defend a PhD thesis.

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