Scenario of the quest game "round the world trip". Material (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Entertainment scenario "Journey around the world"

reservoirs 24.09.2019



Around the world in one day.

Competitive game program.

The event was held at a school camp with elementary school students.


  1. to acquaint children with parts of the world and the characteristics of the life of their population.
  2. develop curiosity and creativity in children.

Preparation for the event:

6 teams participate in the competition. Each team 1-2 days before the event receives a sheet with tasks and prepares its presentation about the selected part of the world.

First task: make crafts from improvised means and beat its role in people's lives. Crafts: Indian Plume (North America); maracas (South America); Spanish fan (Europe); ikebana (Asia); bijouterie (Africa); didgeridoo (Australia) (see annex 2).

Second task : talk about this part of the world, using materials from the Neil Morris encyclopedia. It is possible to demonstrate episodes of the life of the population (games, dances, holidays).

Equipment: Neil Morris " Big Encyclopedia schoolchild" CJSC Company "Makhaon".

Music center and CD with the music of the peoples of the world.

Balls, skittles, fishing rods with a magnet on the end, cardboard fish with metal clips, plasticine, 6 identical books, a bat and a tennis ball. Tokens. World map.

Event progress.

After the draw, each team shows its performance about the selected part of the world, demonstrates cooked items, dances, games.

The jury evaluates the performance, issues tokens.

After the performance of each team, competition, reflecting the peculiarities of the life of the people of this part of the world. During the competitions, participants collect tokens for their team.

Performance of 1 team.

North America.

AT North America there is a wonderful creation of nature - a chain of great lakes connected to each other. grand canyon in the US state of Arizona - the greatest gorge in the world. Its length is about 350 km, and its depth is about 2 km.

On the last Thursday of November, Americans celebrate Thanksgiving. They follow the tradition of the early settlers who “thanked” God for surviving in the New World.

About a thousand years ago, Viking ships sailed from Europe to America. But the first Europeans settled here only five hundred years later. In subsequent centuries, residents of the most different countries representatives of all peoples and races. Today the American nation is made up of the descendants of all these peoples. Most Indians are indigenous people continent - lives on reservations.

But the unusual clothing of the Indians always attracts attention. Demonstration of Indian outfits and plumes (see appendix).

Lead: B North Americaracing on an unbroken mustang is necessarily included in the rodeo - the competition of American cowboys. The cowboy must stay on horseback for as long as possible.

To participate in the competitionMustang racing» Three participants from each team come out. They must overcome the distance, holding the ball ("horse") between their legs. The fastest team wins.

Team 2 performance.

South America.

A gigantic statue of Jesus overlooks the city and the crowded beaches of the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. The height of the statue is forty meters.

The Atacama Desert stretches for almost 1000 km along the Pacific coast of Chile. It is considered the driest place on earth.

The largest jungle on Earth is near the Amazon River. Both animals and birds are completely different here. The most rare: bison, musk ox, anteater, armadillo. The territory of South America is divided by 13 countries. The greatest of them - Brazil occupies almost half of the mainland. Brazil is the world's largest producer of oranges, bananas, coffee and sugar cane. Brazil is famous for its colorful, fun carnivals, during which many locals dress up in lush, intricate costumes. To the rhythm of the rhythmic music, they rattle the maracas that we have made (see appendix).

Leading : Particularly popular inSouth America enjoys football. Brazil have won the World Cup four times, while Uruguay and Argentina have won the World Cup twice each.

In the competition "Football There are three boys from each team. They must alternately pass the ball between the pins to the landmark and back. The team that completes the distance the fastest and does not drop the pins wins.

Team 3 performance.


Europe has many small countries even more different peoples. Almost each of them has its own language and culture. The smallest country in the world is the Vatican city-state. It is located right in the capital of Italy - the city of Rome. The residence of the Pope is located in the Vatican. There is also an unusual city - Venice - a city built in the sea.

There is such a wonderful country in Europe as Spain. The Spanish flamenco dance accompanied by singing and guitar music is known all over the world. The dancers snap their fingers, clap their hands and shout out to the rhythmic accompaniment. Many Spanish women constantly use a fan. And in hot weather, a fan will not hurt us either (see appendix).

Leading : Grape harvest - significant event for many peasants and winemakers Europe.

In the competition "Grape Harvest" » two people from the team participate. In one minute, participants must mold balls - “grapes” from a piece of plasticine. The team that blinds wins large quantity balls.

Team 4 performance.


The ancient word "Asia" means "east". Some countries in Asia are very cold and dry, while others are hot and humid. The world of animals and plants is striking in its richness: buffaloes, yaks, tigers, camels, peacocks, etc. Asia holds many mysteries. Ancient cultural monuments attract tourists. In Asia, there are countries such as India and China - famous for their tea, Vietnam - for rice, but we will dwell on Japan in more detail.

Japan - in translation - “country rising sun”.

It is located on the islands. There are about 4,000 of them. The largest engineering structures ( underwater tunnels, bridges) promote connections between the main islands of the country: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikonu, Kyushu. Earthquakes, typhoons (in other words, hurricanes) often occur in the country. The climate of Japan is maritime and humid. The culture is rich and original. Japan is the birthplace of the art of paper folding - origami. A paper Japanese crane is a symbol of the wish for happiness and longevity. And in Japan, the beauty of nature is greatly appreciated and the art of creating bouquets - ikebana - is well developed there. We also tried to create our own bouquet (see attachment).

Leading: Most of coastal populations Asia is engaged in fishing.

In the competition "Fishermen » one person from the team participates. Participants use fishing rods with a magnet to catch fish with a paper clip, spread out on the floor. The player who catches the most fish wins.

Team 5 performance.


Africa - the second largest continent in the world after Eurasia. This is the hottest part of the world. The nature of Africa is very diverse. The sultry Sahara desert, where there is neither water nor a bush of greenery, is Africa.

A solid wall of the tropical forest, where it is gloomy, hot and humid, the leaves of trees and vines are juicy and thick, the fruits of bananas, dates and coconuts are tasty and sweet, the flowers are bright and fragrant - this is also Africa.

There are 436 countries in Africa. The peoples and cultures are very diverse, from the desert nomads to the shortest people in the world - the Mbuti pygmies. There are a lot of people in Africa with black skin-Africans. From time immemorial, most Africans lived in villages, cultivating the land. But the population of Africa increased rapidly, many cities arose. The streets of North African cities are very crowded. Every city has a colorful, lively market. Marrakesh, Big city in Morocco, famous for its leather and textile products.

We carry water in buckets on yokes, but just imagine, African women wear it on their heads in jugs. And Africans love to wear jewelry. They believe that the ringing of jewelry drives away evil spirits (see attachment)

Host: Many Women of Africa carry weights on their heads. In the competition " Burden » three girls from each team participate. Their task is to alternately go the distance with a book on their heads. The fastest team wins.

Team 6 performance.


Australia is the smallest continent in the world. Most plants grow only there: breadfruit and mango trees, eucalyptus, bottle tree. Australians adore sports. They are strong in cricket, rugby, swimming, cycling, they love basketball, football, golf. Australia is the kingdom of marsupials: kangaroo, koala, marsupial anteater. The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. The first to settle in Australia were the Aborigines, who moved here from Asia about forty thousand years ago. The boomerang, or throwing club, is a traditional weapon of the natives. Aboriginal people play on long thick pipes - didgeridoos, which emit a deep bass hum. Sometimes the trumpeter directs the bell of the instrument into the pit to make the sound louder. We also made such a pipe from improvised materials (see appendix).

Leading : Cricket is a very popular sport inAustralia and New Zealand. The rules of the game are similar to the rules of the game of Russian bast shoes.

In the cricket competition » two representatives from each team take part. One of them throws up a tennis ball, and the other hits it with a bat. Three attempts are given. The team that manages to hit the ball wins the largest number once.


Each team is asked questions about the parts of the world represented by the rival teams. (For each correct answer, the team receives a token)

1. What is the name of the greatest gorge in the world? (Grand Canyon).

2. When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving? (Last Thursday in November).

3. What is the name of the American cowboy competition? (Rodeo).

4. What is the name of the headdress of the Indians? (Plume).

5. Name the largest city in the USA. (New York).

6. In what city is the gigantic statue of Jesus? (Rio de Janeiro).

7. Which desert is considered the driest place on Earth? (Atacama).

8. Which country is the largest producer of oranges, bananas, coffee and sugar cane? (Brazil).

9. What is the most popular sport in South America? (Football).

10. What is the name of the percussion musical instrument rattle-like? (Maraca).

11. What ridge separates Europe from Asia? (Ural).

12. What is the name of the Spanish dance accompanied by singing and guitar music? (Flamenco).

13. Name the smallest country in the world. (Vatican).

14. Name a country that is rich in geysers and uses them to generate electricity. (Iceland).

15. What is the name of a city built entirely on the sea? (Venice).

16. Name the highest peak peace. (Everest or Chomolungma).

17. What country is called the land of the rising sun? (Japan).

18 What is the staple food in Asia? (Rice).

19. What is the most common mode of transport in China. (Bike).

20. What is the name japanese art paper folding? (origami).

21. What is the name of the greatest desert in the world? (Sahara).

22. What animal is called the "ship of the desert"? (Camel).

23. What are the names of jewelry made from inexpensive and available materials? (Bijouterie).

24. What people are considered the shortest on the planet? (Pygmies Mbuti).

25. Which African city is famous for its leather goods and textiles? (Marrakesh).

26. What are the names of the indigenous inhabitants of Australia? (Aboriginal).

27. What animal is the symbol of Australia? (kangaroo).

28. What is the name of the long wooden trumpet, the traditional musical instrument of the Australian Aborigines? (Didgeridoo).

29. What is the name of the traditional Aboriginal weapons? (Boomerang).

30. The rules of which Australian game are similar to the rules of the game of Russian rounders? (Cricket).

At the end of the quiz, the results of the competitive program are summed up. The team with the most tokens is the winner of the game.

Sound, the rhythms are louder, more fun,
It's time for us to start our carnival!
Be brave, friends, get up in a circle faster-
We will have fun and dance!

The merry Brazilian carnival begins. Cheerful music sounds. Children move in a circle and demonstrate the costumes they have made.

Valentina Mikhailovna

Goals: Clarify children's knowledge of 6 parts the light of the earth; climate features, varieties of flora and fauna of the continents; introduce the games of different nations.

To develop friendly relations, mutual assistance, competitive qualities, the ability to lose, be happy for rivals, achieve a good result.

Equipment: Globe, map, pointer with a boat, chain, anchor, decals of different colors, flag, attributes for competitions.

leisure scenario.

Leading: Dear parents, dear children! Today we'll take a trip around the world, we will visit different parts of the Earth.

We will show our knowledge and skills, strength, dexterity, ingenuity during the trip.

To do this, we divide into two commands: "Brave" and "Strong" and build a ship.

Earth is a planet that is part of solar system. It is surrounded by a gaseous shell - an atmosphere that protects all living things on it from hazardous radiation and meteorites.

There are 6 largest continents on Earth (mainland): Eurasia, North America, South America, Africa, Australia and Antarctica.

Our ship is called "Friendship".

Let's say hello friend friend:

Team "Strong"

Lots of hardships along the way

We are ready to pass them!

Team "Brave"

And heat and cold

we will always overcome.

The first contest is called: "Prepare the ship to sail".


1. Strong anchor chain

2. We prepare food for the trip.

We take places in the ship, set sail. (Antonov's song "Sea").

We sailed from the mainland "Eurasia", where we live. Land ahead is the continent of AUSTRALIA.

Katya Tulupova gives us a geographical reference about Australia.

Geographic reference.

Australia is the greenest continent. Only here are marsupials kangaroo, koala, marsupial wolf.

Diverse vegetable world where many birds live.

There are kangaroo taxis in Australia. They will be your dads who will take you to the shore, who is faster. How good it is here, there is a fast river and a quiet meadow.

Games in Australia.

1. Funny kangaroos.

2. Who will catch the fish faster.

From Australia we sail to the next mainland: Antarctica.

Geographic information about Antarctica is given to us by Lera Sumtsova.

Geographic reference.

It is always cold in Antarctica and therefore there is always snow and ice that never melts. Half a year stretches day and half a year stretches night. There live large animals: walruses, seals and birds that are not afraid of the cold.

Games in Antarctica:

1. Stubborn penguins.

2. Warm up.

3. Musical pause. merry dance "Aram Zam Zam"

(Diskoteka Avaria)

Rather, we need to get out of Antarctica, otherwise we will freeze, and our ship will get stuck in the ice. Boarding a ship and sailing through Indian Ocean. It has become much warmer, what kind of continent lies ahead? It's getting hot! This is Africa.

Geographic information about Africa is given to us by Dima Belov.

Geographic reference.

The hottest continent is Africa. Therefore, there is a lot of sand - deserts. Prickly bushes grow in the deserts, snakes and lizards live - monitor lizards, scorpions. The pet in the desert is the camel.

Games in Africa:

2. Decorate the cactus.

3. Caravan.

Goodbye Africa, very hot. We're sailing away.

Musical pause. Relaxing music sounds "Ocean".

Dry ahead. We sail to the mainland of South America.

Polina Golubkova gives us a geographic information about South America.

Geographic reference.

Yes, I would not like to meet crocodiles here. We need to get to know their habits.

Games in South America:

1. How a crocodile looks out of the water

2. Watch out for the crocodile.

3. Howler monkeys. (music by Celentano). Musical-rhythmic pause.

We take places in the ship - North America is waiting for us ahead.

Musical pause "Sea".

Here we are.

Geographic information about North America is given by Nikita Markov.

Geographic reference.

In South America there are impenetrable forests - the jungle. They are inhabited by predatory jaguars, howler monkeys, crocodiles and giant boas - anacondas. The richness of the birds of the jungle is unparalleled.

Games in North America:

1. Lasso the horse.

2. Cowboys and mustangs.

It is time for us to return to our homeland, the continent of Eurasia.

The song sounds "Parent House".

Hooray! We're home! We are in Russia!

We have committed trip around the world having visited all the continents of our planet.

And Titov's Venus will tell us about Eurasia.

Geographic reference.

Eurasia is the largest continent on the planet. It consists of two parts Europe and Asia. There are very hot places in the south and very cold places in the north. Eurasia is home to many different animals and birds. It is inhabited by peoples of different nationalities. \

Games in Eurasia:

1. Tug of war.

2. Spiders.

Let's sum up our journey.

Jury's word: Friendship won!

Each participant of the trip was awarded a medal and a certificate of honor, in which says:

"Participant world travel,

brave sailor.

(Surname, Name of the child) boldly forward,

to new discoveries!

Summary of the integrated leisure scenario for children of the preparatory school group "Around the World in One Day"

Compiled and hosted by:

Musical director

Rakovets Natalya Alexandrovna

Target: introduce children to successful interaction with society through the solution of the following tasks:

1. To introduce children to Russian culture, its traditions, customs, folk dances and games.

2. To introduce children to the traditions, language, culture of people of other nationalities.

3. Develop personal qualities children.

4. To cultivate feelings of love and respect for their nation, self-esteem as a representative of their people.

5. To develop in children a positive attitude and a sense of sympathy for all races and peoples.

6. Teach children to live in peace with themselves and other people.

7. Cultivate a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

Priority educational area: "Music".

Integrating educational areas:

  1. Cognition
  2. Communication
  3. Socialization
  4. Hood. creation
  5. Phys. culture
  6. Health

Attributes: flower-semi-flower, costumes of different peoples of the world, 3 fans, castanets, fake fire, Russian flag.

Decor: the hall is decorated with children's drawings on the theme, on the central wall - Earth, flags of different countries.

Entertainment progress.

Opening speech: Dear guests, we are starting our unusual trip “Around the World in One Day”. Today we will visit different continents, as well as different countries. A very exciting journey awaits you, where you will learn about the traditions and customs of other countries, about national characteristics and you will have unique opportunity visit different parts of the world in 1 day! Are you ready for such a journey? Then we start! Meet our foreign guests!

The song “You, me, he, she ...” sounds, the children enter the hall and sit on chairs .

Leading: Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are very glad to see you in this hall, at this hour!

Our planet is generous and rich:
Mountains, forests and fields,
All our guys are familiar with it,
This planet is Earth.
She is the most beautiful among the planets - sisters,
We will talk about her today.
Her forests, gardens are like a miracle,
Seas and rivers - it's hard to count
And wherever we are, we meet everywhere
People who can create!

A girl enters the hall with a globe in her hands.

Girl:(twirls the globe) There are many different, wonderful countries in the world, it would be interesting for me to see them!

Leading: Here's the TV, turn it on and watch.

Girl: Your TV is not interesting to me.

I want to learn crafts
Learn the customs of the game and dances.
Can't wait until I'm an adult.
Now I want to make my dream come true.


And it's not worth the wait
You only need on holiday
Ours now to visit
And I promise you can really
Learn everything and learn a lot.

Girl: I agree, I agree! And it won't be dangerous?

Leading: Not!

Girl: Then let's not waste time. It's time for us to start the holiday!



Sound, the rhythms are louder, more fun,
It's time for us to start our carnival!
Be brave, friends, get up in a circle faster-
We will have fun and dance!


Hold hands tightly
And go to countries.
Good luck, friends, go ahead!
On an exciting trip!

Children stand in a semicircle and "Friendly Song" is performed

The children sit down.

Guys, I invite you all to go on a trip around the world! I have a flower with multi-colored petals in my hands,

Don't worry, Alice! I will help you. Is in our garden amazing flower. And his name is Tsvetik-semitsvetik. He is magical!

Children surround the Seven-Flower Flower and sing the song "Flower-Semitsvetik"

Children sit in their seats (except for the Girl and the leader)

Girl: Why different color each shining petal?

Leading: Seven flowers, seven petals
rainbow colors,
But to find such a flower
Only possible in a fairy tale.
May my flower be with you
He will fulfill all desires.

We'll tear off the first leaf, let's start the journey!

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
in Japan!

Japanese girls come out, recite poems and perform "Japanese dance", take their seats.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: Ah, what beautiful Japanese women, what a wonderful dance! But I want to go somewhere else!

Leading: We tear off the second sheet, we reveal our secret to you.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in Scotland!

The Scots come out, recite poems, perform "Scottish Dance" sit down.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: That's lovely!…..

Leading: We tear off the third sheet, and continue our concert.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in Spain!

The Spaniards come out, recite poems, perform "Spanish Dance - Paso Doble", sit down.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: That's lovely!…..

Leading: We open the fourth sheet, we start a quick dance.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in Africa!

Papuans come out, recite poems, perform "African dance - Chumba E", sit down.

The leader and the girl come out.

Girl: …..

Leading: The fifth leaf flew through the west to the east.

(the girl tears off the petal, pronounces the words).

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the west to the east
Through the north, through the south,
Come back, make a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led. Tell me to be right now in England!

Games and entertainment, competitions for new year holiday on the topic of travel

How to entertain guests at the New Year's holiday?

The topic of travel is of interest to many, which is why the scenario of the new year “Around the World in One Night” is always relevant. Entertainment for guests and the scenario program can be implemented with the family or at a corporate New Year's holiday.

New Year's holiday invitation.

Invitation text for the New Year: Every year since childhood, on New Year's Eve, we believe in miracles and expect that magically everything around will change, our dreams will come true and magic predictions of happiness, good luck will come true! We invite you to the most mysterious evening, where the unknown awaits everyone, pleasant surprises and wish fulfillment! Don't forget to take with you good mood and faith in miracles!

An interesting decoration for a New Year's themed holiday.

For such a holiday, I propose to create something a little futuristic, magical. Let your evening be remembered by unusual decor and color combinations. Decorate the hall with stars, frost patterns, ice sculptures, outlandish treats and signs of the zodiac.

According to the scenario, the journey can be made on an air liner or it can be a sea voyage, as well as a fabulous journey with the help of stardust or an hourglass. Depending on the chosen method of movement, we choose the design of the hall. We like the theme of astrologers, magic, so we choose star dust for moving in space. Each movement will be accompanied by subdued light, a musical screensaver, and the leader from the magic vessel will pour "star dust" into the palm of his hand and blow it away in the spotlight, creating a mood of magic.
You can support the theme of travel with accessories of a real traveler: maps, a spyglass, a compass, suitcases with stickers from different countries.

How to entertain guests on New Year's Eve.

Games and entertainment.

How to start New Year's Eve?
An original interesting New Year's greeting, a good New Year's toast, wishes and a musical and dance number are the best start.

New Year's greetings, wishes.

New Year is not just a tradition. New Year is a holiday where the impossible becomes possible! On New Year's Eve, we make our most cherished wishes and begin to believe in miracles! And something magical will definitely come true if you really want it! Believe in miracles! Strive for new heights! May the new year not only be a new turn in your life, may it bring you new happiness! Happy New Year!

How to introduce guests to the topic of traveling around the world?

The lights go out, mysterious music sounds, and an astrologer appears, who hands the host a mysterious vessel and a scroll. The host reads a message to the guests, which tells about a wonderful gift for everyone - the opportunity to travel around the world in one night. "Stardust" - a magic powder that is enough to blow off from the palm of your hand - will help you move. The presenter opens a magical vessel, blows stardust from his palm, and a dance group appears on the stage, performing the dance of hot Hawaii - the guests were transported to the fabulous beaches of the island of Hawaii. At the end of the dance, leis are put on for the guests.

In the program of a corporate holiday, you can schedule a performance by a music or dance group. On the family New Year's Eve you can prepare a dance number on your own.

Travel to Hawaii on New Year's Eve.

Who has not dreamed of one day on a frosty winter day to be on the sunny beaches of a fabulous island? Your wish came true, we got to Hawaii.
The guests repeat the Hawaiian greeting and are invited to make a wish according to the Hawaiian custom while the sacred leaf of an ancient tree burns.

A bartending show with cocktail preparation will organically fit into this part of the festive evening. If this is not possible, you can arrange a song auction - which of the guest teams sitting at the tables will remember more songs about the sea.
Also, guests can be asked to perform the New Year's "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" using Hawaiian rhythms on impromptu exotic drums "tam-tam". Props - children's drums.

Prizes for participation in competitions - lottery tickets. New Year's lottery "Wonders of the World" will be held at the end of the evening. Everyone is waiting for interesting prizes and New Year's gifts.

Quiz for the title of honorary expert of the travel club.

To continue the journey, it is necessary to check the knowledge about the countries and continents.
Questions for the quiz:
What is Santa Claus called in Finland? (Joulupukki, and in Cyprus Santa Claus is called Vasily);
What is the name of the people living in Germany? (Germans);
Say hello in French, English and German(Bonjour, Guten Tag, Hello);
What creation of human hands is visible from space? (Great Wall of China);
In which city can you see the Eiffel Tower? (In Paris);
Where is the Tower located? (In London);
In which country in the new year do they guess by filling in pies? (In Romania).

The host offers to taste magic pies and tell fortunes for the next year, as they do in Romania. Meat filling- a satisfying life, jam - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsweet pleasures, bean filling - for money, cabbage - profitable offers await you in the new year, raisins - replenishment in your family.

The light is dimmed, the leader uncorks the magic vessel and again blows star dust from the palm of his hand.

Travel to Italy in the New Year.

New Year's greetings scene.

Two guest-participants act as an Italian and an interpreter who come out to the song "Uno-uno-uno-momento", you can also use costumes from the same movie "Formula of Love". The Italian pronounces the phrase, the translator translates.

Respectatos puzatos mafia!
Dear Sirs!

Bella di bitch squander!
Beautiful ladies!

Drunk parasite nationale!
Dear guests!

Bandito canaliento pasta
Warm hearts of the people of Italy

Otzhiganto e collected caballero del uno unexpectedly comediclabde!
Happy new year everyone!

Veselyanto sobranchito sacramente del adorantos
We sincerely wish everyone

Del crepciano degrees normate,

Le Fortuno unexpectedly goes to the house,

Every unnecessary junk,
House - a full bowl,

Umma mano, put a coin in a bankotresto, do not count the bablato in your pocket!

The host welcomes everyone to Italy, where, according to popular belief, on New Year's Eve, the good Fairy Befana arrives on a magic broomstick. She opens the door with a small golden key and, entering the room where the children sleep, fills children's stockings, specially hung on the fireplace, with gifts. In Italy, there is a belief that the New Year must begin, freed from everything old. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, it is customary to throw old things out of the windows. It is dangerous to walk the streets of Italy on New Year's Eve!
Guests are also invited to get rid of everything bad by writing it on pieces of paper, crumpling the sheets into "snowballs". You need to have time to throw them into a bag, with which the host runs around all the tables to a cheerful Italian song.

What is Italy famous for? Pasta, pasta.

Spaghetti game.

Long spaghetti in Italy is a sign of longevity! Team game on the longest pasta that each team "sculpts" from cocktail tubes. The team with the longest spaghetti wins lottery tickets.

Which city is the capital of Italy? Rome.

Auction "Capitals of the world".

The guests at the tables are divided into teams, for example, according to the number of tables. Which team will name the most capitals of the world - receives a prize - a lottery ticket.

Where can you celebrate the most romantic new year? In Paris!

Travel to Paris in the New Year.

The host again takes out the magic vessel and the guests go to France. France is famous for spirits, wine, as well as the New Year tradition - a good owner-winemaker should certainly clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the future harvest.

Winemaker game.

Guests are divided into 2 teams. Which team will burst their "grapes" in the form of small balloons in children's inflatable pools faster.

Dance competition "Moulin Rouge".

In Paris, there is a world-famous attraction - the Moulin Rouge - the famous classic cabaret where the best cancan is danced. Girls are invited to the stage to participate in the New Year's show in the famous performance at the Moulin Rouge. Each receives a prize - a lottery ticket.

The host invites everyone to a dance break - have fun at the Moulin Rouge!
Dance break.

The guests leave Europe and go to the East, to Japan.

Japan is the land of the rising sun, origami and cherry blossoms. It is here, according to tradition, that the New Year is celebrated in new clothes. It is believed to bring health and good luck in the New Year. And also on New Year's Eve, children hide under the pillow a picture of a sailboat, on which seven fairy-tale wizards are sailing - the seven patrons of happiness.

Creative game "Sailboat of dreams".

Guests are divided into 2 teams of 2-4 people. One - draws blindfolded, the other - directs him. Then, the participants switch roles. Who will draw the best sailboat faster. Hall of applause decides who is the winner.

Creative game "Rake".

The most popular New Year's accessory in Japan is the rake. Every Japanese believes that it is necessary to have them so that for the New Year there is something to rake in happiness. The more the rake is decorated, the more fortune will be favorable to their owner. The guests are divided into 2 teams, who need to decorate the rake as quickly as possible from improvised materials that are offered in the bag (children's stickers, colored paper, markers, balloons, adhesive tape, ribbons, children's toys, etc.)

Also a symbol Eastern culture is a dragon - he patronizes all the dexterous, courageous, those who know how to work in a team. The stronger and larger the dragon, the more luck awaits you in the New Year. Let's build the biggest dragon and get into the Guinness Book of Records!

Competition team "Dragon".

2 participants - 2 captains, who must recruit their team to the music and build a dragon (line up as a train). The captain is the head, the last one is the tail. The head of the dragon to the music should capture the tail of the second dragon. As soon as the enemy dragon disintegrates, it is considered defeated.
Dance break.

New Year's songs. Songs from different countries about the new year and Christmas.

The guests at the tables are divided into teams, for example, according to the number of tables. Which team will name more songs about the new year and Christmas - receives a prize - a lottery ticket.
The host again blows off the stardust and the guests return home - to Russia, where they are congratulated by Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Award "Minute of Glory".

Guests are awarded small diplomas with comic nominations. Rewarding occurs for 4-6 people. Nominees can be asked to perform something in their nomination.

New Year's lottery "Wonders of the World".

Various souvenirs from different countries are played in the lottery: France - wine, Lapland - fur mittens from Santa Claus, Italy - a book of Italian cuisine recipes, Spain - a disk with a Spanish guitar, England - tea and Shakespeare's book, Brazil - a soccer ball or coffee, China - dinner for two in a Chinese restaurant in the form of Doshirak and Chinese sticks, Japan - a figurine of the symbol of the year, America - a bottle of Coca Cola, Russia - a jar of caviar and Soviet champagne, Switzerland - chocolate, etc. New Year gifts should be decorated with bows and wishes.

Photographer: Frenzel Photographers

Tags: new year ,

On the walls of the room in which the holiday will be held, children's drawings, balloons, a map of the world, a globe or posters with images of the continents, clouds made of foam rubber, a wind rose are hung. On the door of the room hang the inscription "Cabin".

(Children sit at the table)

- Today we have a holiday in the wardroom. famous traveler... turns ... years old! What do we wish him (her)?

Everyone in a circle says their congratulations and wishes.

- You know, guys, we used to celebrate name days instead of birthdays. Let's join hands, start driving a loaf and name all of them full names: Ekaterina, Ksenia, Ilya, Alexander... Are you curious to know what your names mean?

Children drive a loaf, with the help of adults, they remember the meanings of their names. Everyone is given colorful balloons.

Today we are going to travel around the world balloons. We will visit Europe, North and South America, Africa, Australia, Asia and Antarctica.

As the game progresses, children are shown on a map, poster or globe the mainland they have landed on. They tell something interesting about him, focusing on the age of the children.

1. Music Tournament (Europe)
- Guys, let's challenge adults to our musical tournament!

Children sing one song, adults sing another. The facilitator can give song themes, for example, related to the name of the child whose birthday is being celebrated.

2. Creek (Europe)
plays odd number children. The players are divided into pairs, the children in pairs hold hands, the pairs become one after the other. When everyone raises their hands on a signal, the driver closes his eyes, runs under them and grabs any player by the hand. The resulting pair becomes the end of the column, and the player who is left without a pair becomes the leader.

“Now let’s take a seat in the wardroom.” In the meantime, we're flying over Atlantic Ocean, you can eat a little.

Children are treated at the festive table.

3. Compliment Contest (North America)
- We flew half the world, and ended up on another continent. At a party, they try to be polite interlocutors. Let's see if you can compliment.

Each child takes turns sitting on a high chair or armchair. Everyone tries to say something nice to him. The best compliment is awarded with a prize.

4. Carnival (South America)
Turn on music. Children choose accessories for their costumes: hats, masks, scarves. Everyone is dancing. The best dancers are awarded prizes.

5. Competition of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus (Antarctica)
They play in pairs. Two Snow Maidens (Santa Clauses) are quickly handed light gifts in turn: balloons, balls, Stuffed Toys... Their task is to keep as much as possible more items without dropping them. Those who dropped out of the game must sing a song about New Year. Parents can participate in the competition.

6 Africa
A symbolic bonfire is set up in the middle of the room. Participants are given beads. Then they are divided into pairs. The rest of the guests become members of the jury. Put on African folk music. Couples must perform African dances to it. Prizes are awarded to the winners of the competition.

7. Green Olympics (Australia)
Competition "Ostrich egg". Each participant must go a certain distance, stuffing one ball with another, while the ball-egg must not fall or break.

Kangaroo Competition. Participants hold balls between their legs and jump with them a short distance. All Olympians receive chocolate medals.

8. Land of Mysteries (Asia)
Each participant is given a riddle according to his age.

At the end of the evening, travelers are served a festive cake with candles.

As a result of the trip, you can make the magazine “Around the World” with your children with interesting photos evenings, stories and drawings of the participants.

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