Independent and official parts of speech 5. Independent and official parts of speech (compendium)

garden equipment 14.08.2020

Lesson topic: Independent and auxiliary parts of speech.

Type of lesson: lesson of discovery of new knowledge.

Lesson construction technology: lesson-dialogue.

Forms of work: group work, work in pairs, individual, frontal.

Purpose of the training event:

show the algorithm for the formation of key competencies through educational and educational competence, which is based on the formation of universal educational actions (cognitive, regulatory, communicative).

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of subject competence.

Lesson objectives: 1. improve the ability to recognize parts of speech; to know what groups are divided into, on what grounds independent and service parts of speech differ.

2. Form key competencies:

Regulatory (goal setting, planning, control, evaluation, volitional self-regulation);

Cognitive (general educational, logical universal actions);

Communicative (communication as communication, as cooperation, as a condition of internalization).

Planned results: students will learn to recognize parts of speech, distinguish independent from service ones, work in pairs, groups, plan work, evaluate the result.

The purpose of the lesson: recognition of parts of speech, the difference between independent and official. Know which parts of speech are independent and which are auxiliary. Be able to identify parts of speech.

1. consolidate students' knowledge of parts of speech, give a general idea of ​​what features words are combined into parts of speech, form the ability to consciously recognize words related to different parts of speech;

Discovery of new knowledge

- Listen carefully to the story

In one magical kingdom lived—there were unusual inhabitants. Some of them were very important. These were independent parts of speech, which considered themselves the most important, and other inhabitants of the kingdom served and helped them. These were the official parts of speech. Lived Parts of speech very amicably. Service parts of speech faithfully served as Independent:

helped the words in the sentence to take the desired form;

linked words in a sentence and parts of a sentence;

added meaning to the sentence.

And the Independent Parts of Speech were grateful to them for this.

Once there was a parade in the kingdom, and the parts of the speech had to be built in two columns: independent and official parts of the speech. How they wanted to go before the king and show him how beautiful and useful they were! But they were very afraid, did they line up correctly?

What is it about?

What are the 2 groups of parts of speech?

How would you name the topic of the lesson - "Independent and service parts of speech." Write the topic in your notebook. Let's try to formulate the purpose of our lesson (to be able to identify parts of speech, to learn to distinguish independent parts of speech from service ones).

What parts of speech are independent?

Define this part of speech.

What are the service ones?

Now, let's look at the screen. Are all parts of speech shown on the slide?

Why did the interjection get on the slide? What is an interjection?

Let's guys look at the table; help the parts of speech to line up correctly. Work in groups and complete the table. Attachment 1.

Man, love, you, bird, kind, five, I, wow-wow, brave, smile, seven, together, three, him, run, fun, they, think, meow-meow, today, yesterday, me, from, to, before, ah, but, and, whether, not, nor, Oh! Eh! Wu!

Check and compare with the standard. (Slide No. 5).

Evaluation of the work of the group (board): Grading for the work (on the criteria board): no errors - "5", 1-2 errors - "4", 3-4 errors - "3"

And now, guys, the most difficult part of the lesson. You should think and answer the question: how do independent parts of speech differ from service parts?

Let's look at the table and check if we answered the question correctly.

Working with a table. (Slide 6). (Table on the board).

Let's do the task and prove the correctness of our statement.

Make up and write sentences from these words in your notebook. (Slide 7).

The sun was setting and slanting rays illuminated the top of a tall oak

Work with text.

Read the resulting text. What parts of speech are these sentences made up of? Write the names of the parts of speech above the words.

Try to make a sentence with these words:

in, from, about, from, to, by, for, from, about

but, a, when, and

no, isn't it

Did you succeed? Why? (Slide 8)

Prepositions: in, on, behind, under, to, about, in front of, from - for, from - under, etc.

Prepositions are used with nouns and connect them with other independent words.

Conjunctions: and, but, what, when, if, because, etc.

Unions link members of a sentence and parts of a complex sentence.

Particles: not, would, but, whether, perhaps, really, etc.

Particles give shades of meaning to the members of the sentence and the entire sentence as a whole.

Conclusion: it is impossible to make a sentence from the service parts of speech. They are used only with independent parts of speech.

Fizkultminutka. (Slide 10)

One - rise, stretch,

Two - bend down, unbend,

Three - in the hands of three claps,

Three head nods.

Four - arms wider

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly in place.


Write a mini essay "My favorite part of speech"

Ex. 145 (account words)


We turn to exercise 143. page 53


Can I ask a question about independent parts of speech? And to the servants?

Are independent parts of speech part of the sentence? And the servants?

Is it possible to determine the lexical and grammatical meaning of independent parts of speech? And the servants?

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson

Grade 5 (the material is designed for 2 lessons).

Lesson topic : Generalization of the studied in the section “Introductory course. Morphology and spelling. Parts of speech. Independent and official parts of speech "(Slide).

Lesson Objectives :

educational : to summarize and systematize the knowledge and skills of students in the section “Morphology and spelling. Parts of speech. Independent and service parts of speech”;

Educational : to promote the formation of the ecological culture of students, the education of love for nature;

Educational : to promote the development of students' skills to generalize the knowledge gained, to analyze the language material, to synthesize it, and on this basis to draw appropriate conclusions.

Lesson type : a lesson in systematization and generalization of the material.

Equipment :

Textbook: Russian language. Practice. Grade 5: textbook for general education. institutions / A.Yu. Kupalova, A.P. Eremeeva and others; ed. A.Yu. Kupalova. - 16th ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2010. – 270 p.

Computer, multimedia projector, lesson presentation, crossword cards.

During the classes.

    organizational stage.

Greetings. Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Organization of student attention.

Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson. Making notes in notebooks and on the board (date, type of work - class work).

    The stage of preparing students for active and conscious assimilation of the material

    The topic of the lesson. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson.


Teacher's word: Guys! Outside the window is autumn, bad weather, then the sun shines, it is replaced by rain or snow. Nature is preparing for winter. But until recently, the multi-colored outfit of the sheets was so pleasing to the eye. I suggest you go for a walk in the autumn forest, or a park, or a garden! Whatever you imagine, we will go there. Today we have a lesson in which we will use material one way or another related to autumn, the phenomena of autumn nature.


On the screen is a poem by V. Stepanov "Sparrow". This is a small children's poem. Let's read it out loud.


Autumn looked into the garden -

The birds have flown away.

Outside the window rustling in the morning

Yellow blizzards.

Under the feet of the first ice

Crumbles, breaks.

The sparrow in the garden will sigh

And sing -

He is shy.

V. Stepanov

What is this poem about?

What mood does it create?

What are the signs of autumn that are mentioned in the poem?

Sad, isn't it? And the weather outside the window is consonant with the mood that is created with the help of this poem.

But how beautifully the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said about autumn (the teacher reads a poem).


Sad time! Oh charm!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the magnificent nature of wilting,

Forests clad in crimson and gold,

In their vestibule there is noise and fresh breath of the wind.


So, we go for a walk in the autumn forest, but not just like that, but to repeat and summarize what we have learned in the section “Introductory course. Morphology and spelling. Parts of speech. Independent and official parts of speech.

    Stage of work with the main material of the lesson.

Repetition of what has been learned.

What is studied in the section "Morphology"?

What two groups are all parts of speech divided into?


Before you is the already familiar poem by V. Stepanov "Sparrow". Name the words of independent parts of speech and auxiliary parts of speech.

What parts of speech are independent?

Fill in the table, it is in front of you on the tables (on your own). Write the words in the table in a column, we will return to the records and continue to work with them.



Independent parts of speech

Part of speech

What questions does it answer

What does



App Name




Let's check the table. Read examples of nouns (adjectives, verbs).

What questions do the words of each part of speech answer, what do they mean?



Independent parts of speech

Part of speech

What questions does it answer

What does



Who? What?


Autumn, garden, birds, window, morning, blizzards, feet, ice, sparrow

App Name

Which? Which? Which?

Item attribute



What to do? What to do?

Item Action

Looked in, flew away, rustling, crumbling, breaking, sighing, shy


Where? Where? When?

sign sign


Who? What? Which?

person, subject

What parts of speech are not in the table? Why?

What questions does the pronoun answer and what does it mean? Give examples of pronouns.

What questions does the adverb answer and what does it mean?

Vocabulary dictation - check the spelling of adverbs - dictionary words (entry in the appropriate column of the table):

right, left, occasionally, dry, hastily, together, slowly, three of us.


Self-checking written.

Task: make a sentence with one of the adverbs and write it down. Checking the written offer.

In the nouns listed in the table, highlight spellings, select, where possible, test words (the task is performed by students on the board and in a notebook).

How to check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word?

For which word did you fail to find a test word, and which letter cannot be checked? (sparrow - sparrow, the first unstressed vowel O). Therefore, we have a dictionary word (studied in elementary school, but we write it down in a dictionary).

Let us conclude: what does morphology study as a branch of the science of language?

Using the data in the table "Independent parts of speech", describe each part of speech and give examples. Use the plan presented on the slide (students answer one by one, characterizing one of the parts of speech):


    Part of speech.

    Answers the questions …

    Denotes ...

    For example, …

Now let's do the crossword puzzle.

Crosswords in front of you on the tables.


1. An independent part of speech that answers the questions what? which? which? and denotes an attribute of an object. 3.… noun, … adjective.4. This is an indefinite ... verb.


2. Verification word for the noun "blizzard". 5. The words of what part of speech are used in the meaning "instead of a name." 6. Name the part of speech to which the given verbs belong: looked in, flew away, rustled, crumbled, broke, sighed, shy. 7. Find the adverb: Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up. And look sadly bare bushes.





1. adjective

3. name

4. shape

2. chalk

5. pronoun

6. verb

7. sad

    Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics and spelling of independent parts of speech.

What part of speech are you talking about?

Everything that exists, it means,

Questions WHO? and what? answers correctly.

And so that all honest people are not offended,

It always has both number and gender.

He also has three declensions,

There are six different cases at once.



So, it's a noun.

How do nouns change? (according to cases and numbers). What permanent features do nouns have? (gender, declension).

From V. Stepanov's poem "Sparrow" you wrote out nouns, determine their gender, declension, case and number, signing these signs from above, above the word. Perform the first word with the whole class, then on your own (example of design: autumn - female, 3 cl., im. p., singular).

Make a conclusion about the constant morphological features of nouns and their changes in numbers and cases.

Guess the riddle:

The whole world knows our artist:

The artist paints every object.

Always answers questions such as:


With dad Noun

Lives in uncommon friendship:

Change the ending

When he needs it.

She won't break up with him.

Never again:

Stands with him in the same way,

Number and case.



Let's look at adjectives.

What does the adjective mean? What questions does it answer? Give examples of adjectives, linking them with the general theme "Autumn in the forest", for example, autumn, rainy, etc.

Do ex. 74 (p. 2) on p. 28 (on the board and in a notebook on their own).

Checking the exercise. Make a conclusion about the spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of adjectives.

Name the initial form written out from exercise. 74 adjectives. Answer the question: how do adjectives change, what determines their form? Determine the gender, number, case of the written adjectives.


On the slide you see the words. Fill in the missing letters and explain the spelling of the adjective endings:

About the green ... field

In coniferous ... shadow

In the autumn ... forest

Discuss what adjectives mean and how they change.

And now, guys, the next riddle:

He brings things to life

Gets them all involved

tells them what to do

He strictly monitors it.

He has three times

And he knows how to hide.

Many schools are being built for children,

For everyone to know about...



The next independent part of speech, on the characteristics of which we will dwell, is the verb.

Guys, what does the verb mean, what questions does it answer?

How do verbs change?


From V. Stepanov's poem "Sparrow" write out the verbs, distributing them into a table depending on the time in which they are used.


indefinite form

Past tense

present tense



looked in

flew away

Rustling, crumbling, breaking, shy


Answer the question: Determine the number and gender of the written verbs in the past tense?

How do verbs change in present and future tense? (by numbers and persons). Determine the number and person of the written verbs.

Guys, determine the conjugation of verbs and explain the spelling of personal endings of verbs in the present and future tense.

In what form is the verb "break" used? Put this verb in the form of 2 l. units h. (breaking). Explain the spelling “Soft sign at the end of the verb 2 l., unit. h."

The task is differentiated:

    compose a dictionary dictation of 10 words for the spelling “Soft sign at the end of the verb 2 l., unit. h." or 2) execute ex. 94 on page 35. Highlight the spelling.

Another important spelling that needs to be repeated in the lesson is “Unstressed vowel in the personal ending of the verb.”

What determines the choice of a vowel in the personal ending of a verb? How is the spelling indicated in writing (you can refer to the spelling designation on page 37 of the textbook)?


On the slide you see phrases, write them down in a notebook, inserting the correct personal endings of the verbs and denoting the spelling "Unstressed vowel in the personal ending of the verb":

(grove) shake off ... t

(road) frozen ... t

(neighbor) hurry ... t

(barking) bud…t.

Let's check the correctness of what was written according to the poem by A.S. Pushkin:


October has already come - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has died - the road freezes through,

The murmuring stream still runs behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

In the departing fields with his hunt,

And they suffer winter from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes the sleeping oak forests.

Guys, draw a conclusion about the spelling of unstressed vowels in the personal endings of verbs.

Another spelling that we should pay special attention to when talking about the spelling of verbs is “Spelling with -tsya, -sya”. What determines the spelling of the verbs - tsya and - tsya?

Guys, you are invited to complete the task: from ex. 110 on page 39 write out 5 verbs for this spelling, highlight the spelling in writing.

Check the spelling of verbs.

In the lesson, we repeated such parts of speech as a noun, an adjective, a verb and their spelling. Why do you think the Morphology section is so closely related to spelling? How does knowledge of parts of speech help spelling?

And again the riddle:

Signs of action it means

It answers all the curious

AS? and when? WHY? FROM WHAT?


It doesn't like to change very much.

Rod does not have, does not want to bow down.

The degree of comparison can be

What's his name, please answer!



Another independent part of speech is the adverb.

What questions do adverbs answer? What do they stand for?


Autumn evokes different emotions and moods in us. With the onset of autumn, I get sad, and you guys? Express your mood with adverbs. Write the adverbs in your notebook. What questions do the words you write answer? What part of speech words did you write down?

Find adverbs in a short excerpt from A. Pleshcheev's poem "Autumn Song".


The summer has passed

Autumn has come

In fields and groves

Empty and dull.

Make a conclusion about the adverb as a part of speech - what questions it answers and what the adverb means.

Another riddle:

We all use it

Instead of an item name,

Instead of a sign of an object

We also apply this

And the number of items

Replaces this often.

It will show us everything

But he won't say anyone's name.

Often used very

It changes a lot.

Without him, no matter how you turn,

We can't do without speaking.



Let us turn to the characteristics of such a part of speech as a pronoun.

What questions do pronouns answer? What does the pronoun mean, give examples of pronouns.

Guys, find the pronouns in S. Marshak's poem "Colored Autumn" and write them out.


Colored autumn

S. Marshak

Colored autumn - evening of the year -

I smile lightly.

But between me and nature

There was thin glass.

This whole world is at a glance,

But I can't go back.

I'm still with you, but in the car,

I'm still at home, but on the road.

Check what you have written and correct any mistakes.


Have you written out all the pronouns? What pronouns did you add?

We talked about independent parts of speech. And in the section "Morphology" we study the service parts of speech.


What are these words? What do they serve?

Guys, find in V. Stepanov's poem "Sparrow" the words of the official parts of speech and write them out in a line, separated by commas.

What part of speech words did you write out (prepositions, conjunctions)?

What part of speech is this riddle about?

The dog sits on the road

Behind an expensive pillar stands.

I will run to the road

UNDER the road run.

There is an underground passage.

FROM the road - the cat is walking,

The road has a turn.

ABOVE the road - clouds.

Pedestrian walking to the road

Half an hour away.

We're going with class on a ride,

We will be on the road for a day.

We are lucky on the road

It didn't carry her in the rain.

Us In the story about the road

Helped a lot...


What official speech is missing from the list of words you wrote out? (particles: not, same).

Guys, draw a conclusion: what are the words of the service parts of speech? What do they serve?


In order to summarize the material of today's lesson and bring it into a system, I suggest that you orally fill out the following table.

Independent and service parts of speech

Independent parts of speech

Service parts of speech

What is conveyed in speech?

Basic Information

Used to connect words

Do they answer questions?

Answer, the words of each part of speech answer their own questions

do not answer

What do they mean?

Objects, signs, actions

Do not designate objects, signs, actions

Are members of proposals


Are not

Guys, draw a conclusion, what is studied in the section of the science of language, which is called "Morphology"? What two groups are all parts of speech divided into? What parts of speech are independent? And to the servants? What is their difference?

    The stage of checking the assimilation of knowledge.

In order for you to check yourself how well you have learned the knowledge gained in the lesson, we will conduct a test.


This is the part of speech that denotes the subject:

a) a noun, b) an adjective, c) an adverb.

2. Part of speech, which is used in the meaning of "instead of a name":

a) a noun, b) an adjective, c) a pronoun.

3. The words of this part of speech change by cases and numbers, have gender and declension:

a) a noun, b) an adjective, c) a verb.

4. Part of speech that denotes a sign of a sign:

a) a noun, b) a pronoun, c) an adverb.

5. Cold, cloudy, sad - this is

a) nouns, b) adjectives, c) adverbs.

6. Parts of speech that do not matter and serve to connect words in a sentence:

a) independent, b) official, c) auxiliary.

7. The words of this part of speech change in persons and numbers, refer to one of two conjugations:

a) verb b) pronoun c) adverb

8. The words of this part of speech do not answer the questions:

a) a preposition, b) an adjective, c) an adverb.

9. In order to determine which vowel should be written in the personal unstressed ending of the verb, one should:

a) ask a question, b) determine the declension, c) determine the conjugation.

10. Verbs in the past tense change:

a) by gender and number, b) by person and number, c) by number only.

11. The adverb changes:

a) by cases, b) does not change, c) by numbers.


Answers to the test: 1a, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8a, 9c, 10a, 11b.

Guys, check the correctness of the test. Cross out the wrong answers and count how many correct answers you gave. Mark yourself using the key (slide).


10-11 - "5"

8-9 - "4"

7-6 - "3"

5 or less - "2".

Raise your hands, who earned the mark "5", "4", "3" today. Who did not cope with the lesson material and received an unsatisfactory grade?

    Summing up the lesson.

Guys, what goal did we achieve today at the lesson?

Let's conduct a blitz survey to determine what knowledge you will take with you from the lesson today:

What does morphology study?

What groups are all parts of speech divided into?

What do independent parts of speech mean?

Why did the service parts of speech get such a name?

Name the independent parts of speech.

List the parts of speech.

Why study morphology?

Evaluation of the work of students in the lesson: the mark is made up of marks for written work performed in the lesson (dictionary dictation, crossword puzzle, test), which were evaluated as a result of self-control, as well as for work in the lesson.


Homework will be creative in nature: optional:

    Write a short story about parts of speech, morphology, their adventures or travels, or maybe about friendship or helping each other; the main thing is to reflect in this tale the distinctive features of independent and service parts of speech, their meaning, and the content of morphology as a section of the science of language;

    Make a test on the topic “Morphology. Independent and service parts of speech ”(at least 10-12 questions with a choice of 3 answers in each);

    Make a crossword puzzle on the topic “Morphology. Independent and service parts of speech” (at least 10-12 questions horizontally and vertically);

    Make a dictionary dictation according to spellings, which are studied in the section “Morphology. Independent and service parts of speech” (at least 20 words).

All tasks, except for the vocabulary dictation, must be performed on a separate sheet, with high quality and accuracy, because. materials will be used in the next lesson when checking homework and testing knowledge and skills.

An open lesson of the Russian language in the 5th grade on the topic "Independent and service parts of speech" The objectives of the lesson: - introducing students to the section of linguistics - morphology; - teaching children to recognize independent and service parts; - the formation of spelling and punctuation skills; - patriotic education of students. Equipment : tables, crossword, cards with tasks, cards with words; writing on the board; board; chalk; textbook.



Open Russian lesson in 5th grade

on the topic

"Independent and service parts of speech"

Plieva Maliki Idrisovna - teacher of Russian language and literature

Lesson Objectives:

Acquaintance of students with the section of linguistics - morphology;

Teaching children to recognize independent and service parts;

Formation of spelling and punctuation skills;

Patriotic education of students.

Equipment: tables, crossword, task cards, cards with

words; writing on the board; board; a piece of chalk; textbook.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment

Hello guys! Open your notebooks, write down today's date, and get ready for a conversation.

Please tell us what sections of the science of language have we studied over the course of many lessons?

What does vocabulary, phonetics, morphemics study?

Today we are starting a new section of the science of language "Morphology".

Today we have a new topic in our lesson “Independent and service parts of speech”. We will talk about it a little later, but for now I propose to write a small explanatory dictation.

II. Explanatory dictation on the section "Morfemics".

Silent, blacken, grow, offer, lecture, distribute, came, grew, presentation, cucumbers.

III. Vocabulary and spelling work

Today we are adding the word "patriotism" to our vocabulary. This is a word of Greek origin, consisting of two roots: "Patrice" - "Motherland, Fatherland."

What does the concept of "patriotism" include?

What is the name of a person who loves his homeland, lives for its good?

Write this word in the dictionary, make a sentence with this word.

IV. Exploring a new topic.

"Morphology", Morphe - "form", logos - "teaching" (Greek)

Morphology is a branch of the science of language in which all parts of speech are studied.

Based on the sentence, the teacher explains the topic.

"The bunny twitched its ears and hopped merrily on the green grass"

All independent parts of speech are members of a sentence, but service parts are not.

Independentparts of speech have grammatical meanings, morphological features, syntactic features.

Service parts of speech connect sentence members and simple sentences as part of a complex one.

How Morphology put things in order

It was a long time ago. There was a real mess in the words - no order!

We tried to form some words. Became and so, and so, all badly turns out. "We can't do without a commander," the words decided. "Let's call on Morphology to help us!"

Which one of you designates the subject? Morphology asked the words.

- We label the subject, - answered one.

What forms do you have?

- gender, number, case.

What can you do?

- Be all members of the sentence, but first of all the subject and object.

Get under the banner"Noun", - ordered Morphology.

- And we designate actions, we have a face, time, inclination, appearance, we can be a predicate! - reported other words.

Get under the banner"Verb" Morphology answered.

Then she collected and combined all the remaining words.

Thus, with the help of Morphology, thousands of words, depending on their meaning, grammatical and syntactic functions, united under their banners.

Morphology - Commander over all parts of speech. Together with Syntax, it enters the kingdom of Grammar. The king in this kingdom is the mighty Language, and the queen is the wise Grammar.

The queen has a whole retinue of princes and princesses. Among them, one stands out in particular - strict, order-loving Morphology. It is from her, the most beautiful of princesses, that it depends in what outfit, in what armor, her devoted servants, whose names are Noun, Adjective, Numeral, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Particle, Interjection, should act.

V. Consolidation of the studied topic.

Exercise #462, page 179

For weak students, cards with tasks are given to reinforce the topic.

Noun - school
Waking up is a verb.
cheerful with adjective
A new school day has arrived.
We got up - a pronoun,
Beats the numeral seven.
For learning, no doubt
Everyone should be accepted.
We adverb excellent
We value the lessons.
We habitually follow
discipline and mode.
Not and neither - we have particles.
We need to repeat them.
And don't be lazy
And don't waste time!
After school, as you know,
We ride in a sleigh.
Here are especially relevant
Interjections oh and ah!
Prepositions, conjunctions, particles

Everyone got up in a round dance,

Service important persons -

An extremely serious people.

It's impossible to do without them

And they know about it.

Always and in everything be careful:

They don't walk alone.

They are indivisible and whole,

There are no roots and prefixes in them,

You can't find morphemes in them -

And this is their main secret.

And then
At the warm stove
We repeat
Parts of speech!

VI. Summary of the lesson.

What is "Morphology"?

What three groups are all parts of speech divided into?

How do we distinguish independent parts of speech from service ones?

VII. Explanation of homework.

$87? Ex. 462.

Give five examples for each part of speech.

VIII. Lesson grades.

08.01.2016 6669 641 Girya Tatyana Alexandrovna

Lesson topic: Independent and auxiliary parts of speech

The purpose of the lesson:recognition of parts of speech, the difference between independent and official.

Tasks: to consolidate students' knowledge of parts of speech, to give a general idea of ​​what features words are combined into parts of speech, to form the ability to consciously recognize words related to different parts of speech; develop spelling vigilance, attention, thinking, speech, contribute to the formation of competent calligraphic writing skills; to cultivate interest in the study of the Russian language, curiosity, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Lesson type: combined

Methods, techniques: visual, search, reproductive, game

Equipment: book, task cards

During the classes

1. Motivation for learning activities.

Good afternoon guys! Let's check your readiness for the lesson.

Are our eyes ready? - Yes. Ready! (Clap eyes 4 times).

Are our ears ready? - Yes. Ready.

Are our pens ready? - Yes. Ready.

Are our legs ready? - Yes. Ready.

We are all ready!

Checking d.z.

2. Actualization of knowledge and skills.

Do you know, guys, that today I hid the topic of our lesson in a poetic text, listen to the poem and look carefully at it. What is the topic of our lesson? Name her.

Noun - school

Waking up is a verb.

cheerful with adjective

A new school day has arrived.

We got up - a pronoun,

Beats the numeral seven.

For learning, no doubt

Everyone should be accepted.

We adverb excellent

We value the lessons.

We habitually follow

discipline and mode.

Not and neither - we have particles.

We need to repeat them.

And don't be lazy

And don't waste time!

After school, as you know,

We ride in a sleigh.

Here are especially relevant

Interjections oh and ah!

And then

At the warm stove

We repeat... ( parts of speech).

- Right. The topic of our lesson is parts of speech.

Try to formulate the purpose of our lesson. The theme of the lesson will help you with this.

3. Work on the topic

1) The word of the teacher

- Listen carefully to the story. What is it about?

“In one magical kingdom, there were unusual inhabitants. Some of them were very important. These were independent parts of speech, which considered themselves the most important, and other inhabitants of the kingdom served and helped them. These were the official parts of speech. Lived Parts of speech very amicably. Service parts of speech faithfully served as Independent:

Helped the words in the sentence to take the desired form;

Linked words in a sentence and parts of a sentence;

Added more meaning to the sentence.

And the Independent Parts of Speech were grateful to them for this.

Once there was a parade in the kingdom, and the parts of the speech had to be built in two columns: independent and official parts of the speech. How they wanted to go before the king and show him how beautiful and useful they were! But they were very afraid, did they line up correctly?”

What are the groups of parts of speech?

What parts of speech are independent?

What are the service ones?

Let's take a look at the table guys.

- Now, help the parts of speech line up correctly.

2) Training exercises

Help the words line up correctly

Man, beloved, you, bird, kind, five, I, brave, smile, seven, together, three, him, run, fun, they, think, today, yesterday, me, from, to, to, but, and, yes, no, no, oh! Eh! Wu!

Students write the words and put the parts of speech in brackets.

How do independent parts of speech differ from functional ones? Name your assumptions, versions. (Assumptions, versions of students).

Try to make a sentence from these words: in, and, from, about, with, a, to, by, for, but, from, oh, when.

- Did you succeed? Why? What are these parts of speech called?

Conclusion: fromservice parts of speech cannot be a sentence. They are used only with independent parts of speech.

Can I ask a question about independent parts of speech? And to the servants?

Are the members of the proposal independent? And the servants?

Is it possible to determine the lexical meaning of independent ones? And the servants?

- Now let's look at the table and check if we answered the questions correctly.

Independent parts of speech

Service parts of speech

1. You can ask a question.

1. You can't ask a question.

2. Are members of the proposal.

2. Not a member of the proposal.

3. Have a lexical meaning.

3. Have no lexical meaning.


- Now, guys, let's rest. They got up and left the desks.

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

4. Consolidation of educational material .

We continue our lesson. Let's see if you can identify the parts of speech.

1) Work with the textbook

Page 64 ex.131, ex. 134.

2) Riddles

- Now guess the riddle. Name the part of speech it is talking about. Does it refer to independent or service parts of speech? Justify your answer. Give 1-2 examples. (Hint on the board).

Riddles about parts of speech

Everything that exists, it means,

Questions WHO? and what? answers correctly.

And so that all honest people are not offended,

It always has both number and gender.

He also has three declensions,

There are six different cases at once.


He brings things to life

Gets them all involved

tells them what to do

He strictly monitors it.

He has three times

And he knows how to hide.

Many schools are being built for children,

For everyone to know about... (Verb).

The whole world knows our artist:

The artist paints every object.

Always answers questions such as:


With dad Noun

Lives in uncommon friendship:

Change the ending

When he needs it.

She won't break up with him.

Never again:

Stands with him in the same way,

Number and case.


It will quickly count the objects,

The strict order in counting knows them.

Only two questions will answer you,

These are the questions WHICH? and how much?

Numbers often replace it,

People incline him in oral speech,

Often times they are wrong.

What is his name, who can guess?


Signs of action it means

It answers all the curious

AS? and when? WHY? FROM WHAT?


It doesn't like to change very much.

Rod does not have, does not want to bow down.

What's his name, please reply!


We all use it

Instead of an item name,

Instead of a sign of an object

We also apply this

And the number of items

Replaces this often.

It will show us everything

But he won't say anyone's name.

Often used very

It changes a lot.

Without him, no matter how you turn,

We can't do without speaking.


On offer in service

He is always in friendship with the case,

Shows him

And the words connect everything.

This? ( Predlo G).

I try to unite and connect

I am equal and unequal at the right time.

Sometimes I don't repeat myself at all

Sometimes I repeat myself many times.

- This?(Union).

- Well done! You have completed the task.

3) Test

1. What does the noun mean?

2. What does the adjective mean?

a) an object b) a sign of an object c) an action of an object

3. What does the verb mean?

a) an object b) a sign of an object c) an action of an object

4. From these words, select nouns:

5. From these words, select adjectives:

a) bright, kind b) run, play c) sun, light

6. From these words, select the verbs:

a) bright, kind b) run, play c) sun, light

7. From these words, select independent parts of speech:

a) house, mom, cheerful b) run, but, from c) me, about, yesterday

8. From these words, select the service parts of speech:

but)sword, out, beautiful b) and, no, yes in) door, star, think

Key check:

1 - a

2 - b

3 - in

4 - in

5 - a

6 - b

7 - a

8 - b

Grading for the test: no errors - "5", 1-2 errors - "4", 3-4 errors - "3"

5. Summary of the lesson

What did you learn new in the lesson? What they were doing? How did we do it?

6. D/Z p. 64 ex. 133.

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Morphology. Independent and service parts of speech

Morphology is a branch of the science of language that studies the word as a part of speech.

What is a part of speech? Parts of speech are groups of words that are united by a common meaning and grammatical features. For example, common meaning of all nouns refer to things, adjectives refer to signs, verbs refer to actions. These are the parts of speech that you are familiar with. But not all that exist in the Russian language. When we need to name the number of objects or their order in counting, we use numerals. When addressing other people, we tell them “you” or “you”, talking about something or someone, we use the words “he”, “she”, “it”, “they”, talking about ourselves, we use the word "I". These words are called pronouns. There are a lot of pronouns in Russian. They are used instead of names, point to objects or their attributes, but do not name them specifically. The words "that", "this", "each" are signs that are denoted by pronouns.

By the way, Verbs also have signs, but they are denoted by adverbs. After all, you can run fast and slowly, listen carefully and distractedly. These words are signs of action that adverbs denote.

All this - independent parts of speech. They are called so because they have a lexical meaning. We have not listed all the independent parts of speech. You will meet some of them in high school.

In addition to independent parts of speech, there are service ones. They do not have a specific meaning, but simply perform certain grammatical functions. For example, prepositions link words together, conjunctions link homogeneous members of a sentence and simple sentences as part of a complex one.

If we need to express a negative, we use the short word "not". No is negative particle , but there are many others in the language, and their roles are very diverse. For example, the particles “let” and “come on” express an impulse to act, the particle “even” enhances the meaning, the particle “whether” helps to ask questions, the particle “would” indicates that the action did not take place in reality, but could - if some conditions.

Another part of speech helps us express our emotions - interjection : these are the words "oh", "ah", "oh" and some others.

The question of parts of speech is one of the most ancient in the science of language. Even the ancient Greeks in the fourth century BC distinguished parts of speech in the language. The parts of speech of the Russian language were first described by M.V. Lomonosov in 1757 in the book "Russian Grammar". It would seem that so many years have passed, but this issue is still controversial, scientists have not been able to finally agree on how many parts of speech there are in the Russian language.

Consider one of the controversial issues.

Compare the meaning of the word "fun" in the two sentences.

1) Children sing merrily.

2) I'm having fun.

In the first sentence, the word "fun" denotes a sign of action, refers to the verb "sing" and is a circumstance. By all its signs, it is clearly an adverb. There are no questions here. And in the second sentence, everything is much more complicated. There is no verb in the sentence, and there is no adjective (an adverb can denote not only a sign of an action, but also a sign of a sign). This means that in this sentence the word "fun" does not play the role that is characteristic of adverbs: it does not denote either a sign of action or a sign of a sign. But what does it mean? It denotes the state of a person. The adverb has no such meaning. In a sentence, it plays the role of a predicate, which is not very typical for an adverb. These are the words of the Russian scientist, academician L.V. Shcherba named state category. He also referred to them the words “cold”, “difficult”, “sad”, “painful”, “easy”, etc., but only in sentences of a certain type. Look at the table - and you will see when these words play the role of adverbs, and when they are a category of state.

It must be said that not all scientists recognize the category of state as a separate independent part of speech.

Another important question of morphology is the question of what is grammatical meaning of parts of speech. These are certain grammatical features that are characteristic of each part of speech. In the 5th grade, we will consider the grammatical features of nouns, adjectives and verbs.

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