Education as a process and result of pedagogical activity. The results of pedagogical activity of a teacher of biology and chemistry

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Efficiency educational activities
Klenova N.V., deputy head Department of Human Resources Development of the Moscow City Palace of Children's and Youth Creativity, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Buylova L.N.., Deputy director of the Bibirevo Center for Children and Youth Creativity, candidate of pedagogical sciences.

In contrast to general education, where the process of identifying the results of educational activities is quite clearly worked out, in additional education this issue causes real difficulties for teachers, since there are no uniform educational standards. Due to the individual nature of training, ideally for each additional educational program it is necessary to develop its own package of diagnostic methods that reflect its goals and objectives.

At the same time, to facilitate the creation of such methods, it is advisable for teachers of additional education to propose a general scheme (matrix) for diagnosing educational results, which can be filled with specific content in accordance with the characteristics of a particular program.

This approach is the result of the research work of the authors of this book, tested on the basis of the Centers children's creativity"Bibirevo" and "Constellation" in Moscow*, the House of Children's Art of the Oktyabrsky District of Yekaterinburg** and, in our opinion, meets the requirements of accessibility and efficiency.

* Buylova L.N. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the activity of the Bibirevo Central Children's and Youth Youth Theater // Bulletin of program and methodological materials for UDOD (regional experience), 2003, No. 3.

** Klenova N.V., Lomova V.F., Merenkov A.V. Development Surveillance Technology personal qualities schoolchild // School Technologies, 1999, No. 1-2.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying the concepts of “result” and “educational result”, since they can have various interpretations. The following approaches are found in the encyclopedic literature.

Result(resultatus - reflected):

The result, the fruit, the product, that is, what is obtained at the end of any activity (Alexandrova Z.E. Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. - M., "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969);

Skill indicator (Modern dictionary of foreign words. - St. Petersburg: "Duet", 1994);

The state of the system after the end of the process (Baranov O.S. Ideographic dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: MGPI, 1990).

Purpose of activity is interpreted as a subjectively conceivable image that satisfies the initial need (N.N. Trubnikov), as an “image of the desired future” (M.M. Potashnik). Thus, the goal is a person's idea of ​​what he should achieve as a result of his activity, that is, a model of the future result.

Pedagogical goals are formed under the influence of social order. For additional education - these are the requests of children and parents, schools and others educational institutions. Goals are formulated for a sufficiently long period and specified in the expected results, which will eventually become the subject of evaluation.

In view of the above, the result can be characterized as the state of the system at a certain moment of its development in accordance with the set goals.

Educational Outcome can be defined as the result (intermediate or final) of the joint interaction of the teacher and the child in the process of educational activities on a specific educational program.

Efficiency - it is the degree of conformity between the expected (normative or subjectively specified) and the results obtained.

The solution to the problem of determining the result in the additional education of children must be sought, at least in two planes:

a) in the field professional competence educators who ensure student achievement;

b) in the field of educational and personal results of children.

First, let's focus on the results of the teacher's activity.

Many leaders start evaluating a teacher not from himself, but from evaluating his children's team, the achievements of his pupils: how many prizes were won by "his" children in competitions and exhibitions, how many awards they received, how many masters, laureates this teacher prepared, etc. . It would seem that this is correct, but there are a number of problems, which should be designated in order to find their solution.

Firstly, this approach does not take into account a significant layer of the teacher’s work with those children who, initially, according to the level of their abilities, cannot achieve the highest indicators and take prizes, become laureates, although they achieve significant results compared to the level from which they started. coming to study with this teacher.

Secondly, with this approach, the teachers of those teams where the acquisition of subject knowledge, skills and abilities is not a priority task, as well as those where educational process is very specific (for example, the communication club for high school students, the Mercy association, etc.). The fact is that the results of educational work, the results of the socialization of the individual (communication skills; personal qualities acquired by the child) leave the field of view of experts who evaluate the work of a teacher through the educational achievements of students. We must not forget that a positive result at the level of an individual child may not appear immediately, sometimes after several years.

That is why it is very important to take into account whether the teacher sees “long-term” results, whether he is able to predict and build the path of movement towards them in different children. It is no coincidence that teachers today are encouraged to develop educational programs separately for each stage, for each age group, thus solving the problems of the quality of education, the continuity of results, and the implementation of educational tasks. When diagnosing educational results, the teacher must track their dynamics, growth, gradual “adding up” of the results of each pedagogical action. This is what testifies to the level of professionalism of the teacher in the field of design, forecasting, and the ability to analyze.

Before analyzing the achievements of students as an indicator of the effectiveness of the teacher, the following should be clarified (Zheleznova L.B.).

What goals does the teacher set: how relevant, promising, socially significant are they, do they correspond to the purpose of additional education (not abstract-global or narrow-subject, but focused on a comprehensive educational result). At the same time, achievable and pedagogically diagnosed goals indicate that the teacher has a high level of pedagogical reflection, that he is aware of his purpose, his role, sees the future and the final result.

To what extent pedagogical activity is organized: how all its directions are connected, how systematic, systematic, diagnosable it is; what are the principles of organizing pedagogical activity and the educational process; how diverse and humane pedagogical technologies and methods are, how they correspond to the goals and content of education; how creatively the teacher approaches the organization of all his activities and the educational process.

What are the indicators of a teacher's qualification - education (special or pedagogical), work experience, professional achievements and merits (certification category, awards, titles).

As a result of such an analysis, a holistic view of the teacher's professional competence should be formed. Professional competence is a measure of the compliance of the understanding, knowledge and skills of the teacher with the real level of complexity of the tasks performed and the problems resolved in professional activity; this is the correspondence of the goals, methods of organization and results of the educational process.

The results of pedagogical activity differ on the following grounds:

By fixing time: final (final), intermediate, current;

On the fact of intentionality: planned (planned, provided) and spontaneously obtained (unplanned, accidental, unintentional);

In relation to the goals (in relation to the goals): “appropriate” and “inappropriate (that is, corresponding to the goals and objectives set and not fully or partially corresponding to them);

By quality: positive (achievements) and negative (failures, mistakes);

Significant (socially, personally, professionally) in a high, medium, low degree and insignificant (insignificant).

Now let's talk O diagnostics of the results of educational activities of children.

In the real practice of additional education of children, the assessment of the educational activity of the child is usually carried out according to educational (most often subject) parameters. At the same time, the results of children's education are judged primarily by the results of their participation in competitions, reviews, olympiads; receiving sports categories, awarding certificates and other distinctions. And this is quite understandable: such results are the most tangible and obvious.

However, this approach is fraught with, in our opinion, a number of dangers. Firstly, different children have different initial rates and depth of mastering educational material, and not everyone is able to rise to the level of certificates and prizes. Secondly, the fixation of predominantly objective results often distorts the range of the child's true achievements, since his personal results remain out of sight.

Of course, the formation of personal qualities is a long process, it is of a delayed nature; Finally, it is no secret that they are much more difficult to identify and evaluate. However, it is necessary for every teacher to do this, which is due to the very specifics of additional education for children.

Recall that in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the leading function of the system of additional education for children is the implementation of educational programs and services in order to meet the educational needs of citizens, society, and the state. This should contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of the individual potential of students, the formation of their readiness for social and professional adaptation. “This is the goal of additional education,” according to L.B. Zheleznova, is wider than a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, by which the results of educational activity were traditionally determined. At the same time, the role of knowledge, skills and abilities does not decrease, but today they are considered as the basis and means for such an educational result that contributes to the effective solution of the problems of a person and society.

Thus, since educational activity in the system of additional education involves not only teaching children certain knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the development of diverse personal qualities of students, it is necessary to judge its results, as it seems to us, by two groups of indicators:

Educational (fixing the subject and general educational knowledge, skills, abilities acquired by the child in the process of mastering the educational program);

Personal (expressing changes in the child's personal qualities under the influence of classes in a given circle, studio, section).

Accordingly, we suggest the teacher to use two tables, which together make it possible to visualize:

A set of basic knowledge, skills and practical skills that a child should acquire as a result of mastering a specific educational program;

A system of the most important personal properties that it is desirable to form in a child during the period of his study under this program and the time of communication with a teacher and peers;

And also to determine the severity of each measured indicator in a particular child, and hence the level of compliance of these indicators with the requirements.

Table 1 demonstrates the technology for determining the educational results of a child in an additional educational program; table 3 shows how you can track the development of his personal qualities.

Commentary on Table 1

Column "Indicators (estimated parameters)" fixes what is valued. These are, in fact, the requirements that are imposed on the student in the process of mastering the educational program. The content of indicators can be Expected results that are included in the program by the teacher. As rightly noted by Z.A. Kargin, the expected results just "may become for us a kind of" standard "in identifying the real achievements of the pupils of the children's association at the end of the academic year"*.


*Kargina Z.A. On the final certification of pupils of children's associations // Vneshkolnik, 2003, No. 4, p. 24.

Moreover, these indicators can be given either for the main sections of the educational and thematic plan (detailed version), or for the results of each academic year (generalized version). Enter these indicators in the table - the task of the teacher who is well aware of the goals, objectives, features of the content of his program. Presented in a systematic way, they will help the teacher to visualize what he wants to get from his pupils at one stage or another of mastering the program.

The set of measured indicators is divided in the table into several groups:

theoretical preparation of the child;

practical training of the child;

general educational skills of the child.

Column "Criteria"(criterion = yardstick) contains a set of features, on the basis of which the desired indicators (phenomena, qualities) are assessed and the degree of compliance of the child's real knowledge, skills, and skills with the requirements set by the program is established.

Column "The degree of severity of the assessed quality" includes a list of possible levels of mastering the program material and general educational skills and abilities by the child - from minimum to maximum. At the same time, the table provides a brief description of each level in a meaningful aspect.

For convenience, the selected levels can be designated by the corresponding test scores. For this purpose, introduced column "Possible number of points", which should be carefully thought out and completed by the teacher himself before starting to track the results. To do this, in front of each level, it is necessary to put down the score that, in the opinion of the teacher, best corresponds to one or another degree of severity of the quality being measured (for example: 1 point can correspond to the minimum level, 5 points to the average, 10 points to the maximum). The process of "ascent" from one level to another can be reflected by adding a certain number of points for specific achievements in mastering the program. For example, in order to “move” from the average level to the maximum and get the coveted 10 points, the child needs to go through several intermediate steps, each of which can also be indicated in points from 6 to 9 (it is quite clear that these steps are not highlighted in the table, since only the teacher can determine them).

When determining the level of mastering the program by a child, other scales can also be used (the only recommendation is not to use the traditional 5-point system adopted in a general education school in additional education). For example, you can assign "creative titles" to children: instructor, craftsman, master, etc. or at the end of the training to give special characters, certificates, medals.

In the column "Diagnostic methods" opposite each of the assessed indicators, it is advisable to write down the method by which the teacher will determine the compliance of the child's learning outcomes with the program requirements. Among these methods, you can use: observation, testing, control survey (oral and written), analysis of the control task, interview (individual, group), analysis of the student's research work, etc.). Note that this list of methods is far from exhausting the entire possible range of diagnostic tools; it can be supplemented depending on the profile and specific content of the educational program.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that Table 1 describes the very technology of conducting the procedure for tracking student learning outcomes.

The next step should be to record the results obtained for each child. It is quite obvious that this requires an appropriate form. We suggest using the Individual Learning Outcomes Record Card for the Supplementary Education Program (see below). It can be made in the form of a journal (record book), where the scores corresponding to the degree of severity of the assessed quality (from those listed in Table 1) indicate the dynamics of the results of mastering the subject activity by a particular child. In this case, scores with tenths can be used, since a more fractional differentiation of estimates makes it possible to trace in more detail the dynamics of changes inherent in a particular child.

At the end of the card, we propose to single out a special column "Student's subject achievements", which acts as a "portfolio", where the teacher records the most significant achievements of the child in the field of activity that is studied by the educational program. Here, the results of the child's participation in exhibitions, olympiads, competitions, competitions (awarding with diplomas, diplomas, assignment of categories, honorary titles, etc.) can be noted.

Table 1. Monitoring the results of a child's education in an additional educational program






Assessed quality





1. Theoretical knowledge (according to the main sections of the educational and thematic plan of the program)

Compliance of the theoretical knowledge of the child with program requirements;

Meaningfulness and correctness of the use of special terminology

minimum level(the child has mastered less than 1/2 of the amount of knowledge provided by the program);

average level(the volume of acquired knowledge is more than 1/2);

maximum level(the child has mastered almost the entire amount of knowledge provided by the program for a specific period).

minimum level(the child, as a rule, avoids using special terms);

average level(the child combines special terminology with household terminology);

maximum level(special terms are used consciously and in full accordance with their content)





control survey, etc.


1. Practical skills provided by the program(according to the main sections of the educational and thematic plan of the program)

2. Possession of special equipment and equipment

3. Creative


Correspondence of practical skills and abilities to program requirements

No difficulty in using special equipment and equipment

Creativity in performing practical tasks

minimum level(the child has mastered less than 1/2 of the provided skills and abilities);

average level(the volume of acquired skills and abilities is more than 1/2);

maximum level(the child has mastered almost all the skills and abilities provided by the program for a specific period).

minimum skill level(the child experiences serious difficulties when working with the equipment);

average level(works with equipment with the help of a teacher);

maximum level(works with the equipment independently, does not experience any special difficulties).

initial (elementary) level of creativity development(the child is able to perform only the simplest practical tasks of the teacher);

reproductive level(performs mainly tasks based on the sample);

creative level(performs practical tasks with elements of creativity)










III. General educational skills of the child:

1. Educational and intellectual skills:

1.1 Ability to select and analyze specialized literature

1.2. Ability to use computer sources of information
1.3. Ability to carry out educational and research work (write abstracts, conduct independent study research)

Independence in the selection and analysis of literature

Independence in the use of computer sources of information
Independence in teaching and research body work

minimum skill level(the student experiences serious difficulties when working with literature, needs constant help and control of the teacher);

average level(works with literature with the help of a teacher or parents)

maximum level(works with literature independently, does not experience any special difficulties)

Levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.



research work

2. Educational and communication skills:

2.1. Ability to listen and hear the teacher

2.2. Skill speak to an audience

2.3. Skill to debate, to take part in a discussion

3.1. Ability to organize your work (training) place
3.2. Compliance with safety rules in the process of activity

3.3. Ability to work accurately

Adequacy of perception of information coming from the teacher
Freedom of possession and presentation of prepared information to students

Independence in the construction of a discussion speech, logic in the construction of evidence
Ability to cook independently his workplace activity and clean up after yourself
Compliance of real safety compliance skills with program requirements

Accuracy and responsibility in work

Levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

Levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

Levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1.

Levels - by analogy with clause 3.1.1
minimum level(the child has mastered less than 1/2 of the safety skills required by the program);

average level(the volume of acquired skills is more than 1/2);

maximum level(the child has mastered almost the entire range of skills provided by the program for a specific

Satisfactory - Good Excellent



Individual card for recording learning outcomes for an additional educational program(in points corresponding to the severity of the quality being measured)
Surname, name of the child ____________________________________________

Age _________________________________________________________

Type and name of the children's association ______________________________

FULL NAME. teacher _________________________________________________

Start date of observation ____________________________________

Timing of diagnosis


First year of study

Second year of study

Third year of study


1st semester

End of account of the year


1st semester

End of account of the year

End of the first half

End of account of the year








I. Theoretical preparation of the child:

1. Theoretical knowledge:

2. Knowledge of special terminology

II. Practical preparation of the child:

1. Practical skills and abilities provided by the program:

2. Possession of special equipment and equipment

3.Creative skills

III. General educational skills
and child skills

1. Educational and intellectual skills:

a) Ability to select and analyze specialized literature

b) Ability to speak in front of an audience

c) Ability to debate, participate in discussion

3. Educational and organizational skills and abilities:

a) Ability to organize your working (training) place

b) Skills for compliance with safety rules in the process of activity

c) Ability to work accurately

IV. Student Achievements:

At the level of children's association (circle, studio, section)

At the school level (in the line of additional education)

At the district, city level

At the republican, international level

The card allows you to introduce a step-by-step system for monitoring children's learning and track the dynamics of the child's educational results, starting from the first moment of interaction with the teacher. This method of evaluation is a comparison of the child not so much with other children, but with himself, identifying his own success in comparison with the initial level - the most important distinctive principle of additional education, stimulating and developing the motivation for learning each child.

Regular monitoring of the results can become the basis for stimulating, rewarding the child for his work, diligence. Each assessment should be commented on, showing what the increase in the knowledge and skill of the child is - this will support his desire for new successes.

The total result, determined by calculating the test score, makes it possible to determine the level of measurable quality in a particular student and track the actual degree of compliance of what the child has learned with the specified requirements, as well as make appropriate adjustments to the process of his subsequent learning.

At the beginning of the school year, it is advisable for the teacher to draw up a list of knowledge and skills that children should acquire in the classroom during the school year. The list of knowledge and skills is compiled according to the degree of increasing complexity.

When evaluating the learning outcomes of children, the teacher is recommended to allocate different levels of mastering the material. For instance:

Beginner (for beginners);

Reproductive (activity according to the model);

Creative (activity with elements of creativity, originality).

This will allow a differentiated approach to assessing the achievements of each child, depending on individual abilities and opportunities.

You can advise the child to keep a record of their educational achievements. To do this, he is recommended to have a special notebook (diary) and gradually fill it out. It is necessary to teach children to reason about the quality of their work: this is of great importance for the formation of children's self-esteem.

Self-Assessment Scheme might look like this:

self-assessment allows children to gradually record their own progress through the levels of mastery. If it is done openly, then social mechanisms are included in its regulation. An open demonstration of the learning outcomes of the program (exhibition, concert, competition, etc.) encourages children to look for new job options, to approach their activities creatively.

A child really learns when he has an active interest in the matter, and not when they want to teach him something. This rule must be remembered when organizing any classes in the system of additional education.

For a child, the assessment of his work by parents is of great importance, so the teacher needs to think over a system of working with parents. In particular, control activities can be combined with parent meetings so that parents can see the growth of their child during the year based on the final work.

The forms of certification of children according to the program can be very diverse: test, competition, tournament, open final lesson, exhibition, Olympiad, competition, concert audition, defense creative work, delivery of standards, conference, field practice, test campaign, etc.

The main requirements when choosing a form are that it should be understandable to children; reflect the real level of their training; not to cause them fear and insecurity, not to form in the child the position of a loser who is not able to achieve a certain success.

Interesting experience in this regard has been accumulated in the institution we have already mentioned - the House of Children's Art of the Oktyabrsky District of Yekaterinburg. Additional education teacher L.D. Kalimullina, as an example, considers the reporting concert - one of the most common forms of final certification of children *.


* Kalimullina L.D. Psychological and methodological aspects of preparing a student for public speaking// Additional education, 2003, No. 10.

Many children, going on stage, experience stress. As a result, the quality of the performance of a particular work invariably suffers, and the abilities and skills achieved in the learning process are blocked. Such performances do not bring joy to the listeners. Instead of enjoying, they worry about the performer.

How to overcome a child's fear of going on stage? The use of the following methods may be recommended.

1. Throughout the school year, it is necessary to carry out a gradual psychological preparation of children for public speaking.

The program for preparing a child for the stage includes several stages:

At the first stage, the student helps in maintenance scenes: he takes out chairs, lays out notes on music stands, distributes shock-noise instruments;

At the second stage, the student illustrates the performances of other children: shows pictures, participates in a puppet or shadow theatrical action, reads poetry, etc.;

At the third stage, the student is included in the performance of the vocal number;

On the fourth - the turn of the ensemble comes;

In conclusion, the student enters the stage with a solo number.

2. The program of the reporting concert should be drawn up in a special way.

It is better to include, for example, pieces in the concert, the performance of which does not cause the guys to feel insecure. In addition, you can additionally secure students by allowing them to go on stage with notes.

For those who will perform for the first time, more benign conditions should be created: it is better to put their numbers closer to the final. Experiencing as spectators the joy of perceiving what is happening on the stage, children internally relax and are less afraid of their exit.

The mode of frequent and short stays on the stage is easier for the student than rare but long performances. Therefore, it is advisable to use the splitting of individual performing programs into several numbers offered to the audience during the concert.

During the concert, you can also demonstrate other fruits of the creative activity of children - their literary compositions, poems, drawings, theatrical performances. Being, in fact, the design elements of musical works, at the same time they play the role of a kind of softening buffer between the speaker and the audience.

3. Very important point is to create a relaxed creative atmosphere during the concert.

To do this, it is useful to involve the entire hall in general music making.

Since the vast majority of spectators are relatives of the performing children, special work can be done with them. As a result, each student shows a pre-prepared or impromptu ensemble with mom, dad or grandmother, where relatives sing, read poetry or play along with a musical instrument.

The program can also include 2-3 common numbers with the participation of all parents: playing instruments, singing, moving to music (dance).

4. During the reporting concert, special attention should be paid to the position of the teacher.

Usually, at reporting concerts, the teacher sits on the sidelines long distance from the acting student and is therefore perceived by him as a critic. And it shouldn't be. In the Palace of Children's Creativity, a variant of maximum support for the child was successfully tested by reducing the distance: the teacher is on the stage at a table near the performer on the side where it is easier to establish eye contact with the speaker. Thus, it becomes possible to correct the performer in a whisper, pointing him to difficult places in the text, to conduct a little, etc.

The most timid child can be seated next to the teacher throughout the concert, inviting him to play the role of a secretary (crossing out the numbers that sounded in the program). The rest of the children can stay with their parents.

It should be added that at the concert the teacher also acts as an entertainer, so he must think in advance how he will maintain live communication with those present. To do this, the teacher, in addition to the program of the concert, must have before his eyes a plan of his dialogue with the audience and a list of the names of the parents.

Until now, we have been talking about determining the subject results of a child's learning according to the program - his knowledge, skills, practical skills, i.e. everything that was previously designated as learning outcomes.

Now let's turn to Table 2 and talk about the personal aspect of educational results, or, in other words, about the mechanism for assessing the child's personal qualities, the development of which should also be provided for in each educational program.

Everyone understands that the development of a child's personality is influenced by many factors, and not just communication with a teacher of additional education. In addition, it is quite difficult to find those indicators of personal development, on the basis of which it is possible to determine their positive dynamics.

Many teachers - whether they work in schools or in institutions of additional education - note a sharp decrease in elementary organizational and managerial skills in today's schoolchildren: the ability to independently plan their activities, set themselves certain tasks and find ways to solve them, force yourself to do the necessary, but not particularly interesting work, consciously manage your emotions and behavior, build your relationships with peers and adults on a conflict-free basis.

Today, the personal development of a child is carried out, as a rule, through his spontaneous adaptation to an extremely contradictory socio-cultural environment. The consequence of this was a noticeable increase in individualism among children and adolescents, with a simultaneous lack of understanding of how to manage oneself, how to organize oneself in order to achieve individually significant goals and adapt to the constantly changing conditions of life.

Meanwhile, the success of a personality's adaptation in modern conditions is determined mainly by the extent to which it is capable of an adequate assessment of its own capabilities and real self-change in accordance with the dynamics of circumstances. That is why the formation of the ability for self-development in children is becoming the most important pedagogical task today.

Who, if not a teacher of additional education, who acts as a “significant adult” for children, can interest his pupils in knowing themselves, help them in developing the skills of self-organization and self-government?

In view of the foregoing, we propose to monitor the dynamics of the personal development of children involved in the system of additional school education in three areas. Each direction is a block of personal qualities.

I block - organizational and volitional qualities, acting as the subjective basis of educational activities of any direction and a practical regulator of the process of self-development of the student;

II block - orientational personality traits that directly induce the activity of the child;

Block III - behavioral characteristics that reflect the type of communication with peers and determine the status of the child in the group.

Why do we single out these personal properties as the object of observation?

The composition of each block of qualities can be traced in Table 2, which is built on the same principle as Table 1, and includes columns with the same names. Only the subject of evaluation here is the personal qualities formed in the process of the child's communication with the teacher and peers.

Comments on Table 2

Taken together, the personal properties given in the table reflect the multidimensionality of the personality; allow you to identify the main individual characteristics of the child, are easily observed and controlled, available for analysis by any teacher and do not require the involvement of other specialists. At the same time, the list of qualities proposed in the table can be supplemented by the teacher in accordance with the goals of his program.

Table 2. Monitoring of the child's personal development in the process of mastering an additional educational program


(estimated parameters)






Possible points

Diagnostic methods






I. Organizational and volitional qualities:

1. Patience

The ability to endure (withstand) known loads for a certain time, to overcome difficulties

Patience is less than 1/2 lesson;

Patience is enough for more than 1/2 lesson;

Patience for everything


2. Will

3. Self-control

The ability to actively motivate oneself to take practical action

Ability to control one's actions

- volitional efforts of the child are motivated from outside;

Sometimes by the child himself;

Always - by the child

The child is constantly acting under the influence of external control;

Periodically controls himself;

Constantly in control of himself




II. Orientation qualities:

1. Self-esteem

The ability to evaluate oneself adequately to real achievements

Conscious participation of the child in the development of the educational program




- interest in classes is dictated to the child from the outside;

Interest is periodically maintained by the child himself;

Interest is constantly maintained by the child independently




III. Behavioral qualities:

1. Conflict

(the attitude of the child to the clash of interests (dispute) in the process of interaction)
2. Type of cooperation

(the attitude of the child to the general affairs of the children's association)

Ability to take a stand in a conflict situation

The ability to perceive common affairs as one's own

Periodically provokes conflicts

He himself does not participate in conflicts, he tries to avoid them

Tries to resolve conflicts on his own

Avoids participation in common affairs

Participates when prompted from outside

Initiative in common affairs



unfinished sentence method


Work on the proposed technology allows you to promote the personal growth of the child, to identify how he came, what he learned, what he became after a while.

As diagnostic methods For personal changes in a child, observation, questioning, testing, diagnostic conversation, the method of reflection, the method of an unfinished sentence, and others can be used.

To clarify our position, we will make explanations regarding some of the personal qualities listed in the table*.


* For more details about the ways of forming these and other qualities of a child's personality, see the book: Merenkov A.V. Pedagogy of self-development of personality. - Ekaterinburg: USU, 2001

I group of indicators - organizational and volitional qualities

Patience although it is given to the child to a large extent by nature, lends itself to directed formation and change, it can be developed in children already from 1.5-2 years old. When evaluating its level in a particular child, the highest score is assigned for a kind of conscious restraint: if the child has the strength to complete tasks throughout the lesson, without external additional motives.

Will it is also possible to purposefully shape from an early age. At the same time, the dependence of the degree of development of the volitional sphere of the personality on the level of physical and mental activity is noticeable - if the latter is reduced, then, as a rule, the will is also weak. Optimal for the development of the will is the average level of psychophysical activity of the child. The highest score is recommended to evaluate the child's ability to perform certain activities through their own volitional efforts, without outside incentives from the teacher or parents. The development in a child of such qualities as patience and will is essential condition its manageability, and hence self-organization.

Patience and will are developed, as is known, only by the method of constant control of the child over his own behavior. However, this requires appropriate motivation. It may be associated with the desire of the student to show a higher degree of adulthood, independence and thereby achieve self-affirmation among the people around him. Therefore, the development of patience and will should go simultaneously with the formation of high self-esteem in the child (more on this will be discussed below).

Another condition for the upbringing of the discussed qualities is the development of students' faith in their own strengths, ridding them of the fear of failure. Also of great importance is the encouragement of the child for the most insignificant successes in the manifestation of patience and will.

Completes the first block of personality traits self-control. This characteristic makes it possible to reveal the degree of self-organization of children; it shows whether the child is able to obey the demands addressed to him; to fulfill one's own will; achieve intended results.

Forms of self-control can be very different: control over one's own attention, over one's memory, over one's own actions, etc.

Thus, self-control is an integrative characteristic that testifies to the child's ability to regulate his natural givenness and acquired skills.

The table distinguishes three levels of development of self-control: low - when the child is almost constantly controlled from the outside; medium - when he himself periodically manages to control his intentions and actions; high - when the child is able to constantly control himself. For the implementation of activities according to interests, the last of these options is optimal, and it gives the highest score.

A few words about how a teacher encourages a child to self-organize if the family has not formed the necessary skills for this (namely, this is what school teachers and teachers of additional education most often face).

1. First of all, children need to be shown the meaning of those personal qualities that they have to develop in themselves. Each child must be explained what qualities are given to him by nature, and which he can form himself. It is important to convince children (better on concrete examples) that the development of human qualities (patience, will, self-organization, goodwill in relations with other people, etc.) will lead to a more complete manifestation of natural abilities and improve learning outcomes.

2. Another stimulus for self-organization can be a public summing up after each lesson, including the manifestation of organizational, volitional and other qualities. However, singling out those who have distinguished themselves, one should not name those who have not yet been able to demonstrate these qualities; silence will be perceived as giving these children a chance to equal others.

3. Another factor that reinforces the skills of self-organization in children can be quite strict control over the fulfillment by students of both the instructions of the teacher and the promises made to him. The consistency and perseverance of the teacher himself is extremely important here.

4. Parents can play an important role in teaching children to self-control. The family should be the environment that can encourage children to the conscious formation of personal qualities. However, for parents, the primary value, as a rule, is either the grades of their children, when it comes to school, or the level of practical skills acquired in institutions of additional education (the ability to sing, dance, construct, sculpt from clay, etc.). Unfortunately, the least of all adults are oriented towards the development of proper human qualities in children - kindness, patience, attention, perseverance, the ability to obey, etc., which make it possible to form a universal system for the child's adaptation. Therefore, a teacher who wants to involve parents in the process personal growth of their children, should conduct preliminary work with parents to explain the importance of developing human qualities both for the adaptation of the child in general, and for greater effectiveness of basic and additional education - in particular.

II group of indicators - orientation qualities

Self-esteem- this is the child's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bits advantages and disadvantages and at the same time a characteristic of the level of his claims. The significance of this phenomenon lies in the fact that self-esteem, as it were, starts or slows down the mechanism of self-development of the individual; self-esteem is the key to understanding the pace of a child's development.

Adults largely determine what level of self-esteem will be formed in a child: underestimated, normally developed, or overestimated.

Low self-esteem means the underdevelopment of a positive self-image, disbelief in one's own strengths, and therefore, the lack of an internal incentive for development, since the child does not see his own merits, on the basis of which he can improve. Such children require special attention, constant praise for the most minimal achievements.

Normal self-esteem means that the child has formed an adequate idea of ​​his strengths and weaknesses, which combines the positive ideas of the individual about himself with a sufficient measure of self-criticism. It is this level of it that is an effective stimulus for self-development of the individual.

Inflated self-esteem can appear both as a result of immoderate praise of the child, and as a result of inadequate assessment of his own giftedness, which he perceives as superiority over others. This type of self-esteem is the most difficult in terms of personality development, since it either deprives the child of an incentive to develop (because it creates in his mind the illusion of reaching a positive limit), or gives him the desire to achieve leadership in the group at any cost, including through other children. Such children, as a rule, are difficult to manage, are often aggressive, and are almost incapable of working on themselves. The presence of a worthy competitor in the group can play the role of an external incentive for their self-development.

It is very important for the teacher to identify students with a particular level of self-esteem, since this forms the basis for individually oriented work in a group.

Interest in lessons. It is well known that children begin to study in a circle, section, studio, as a rule, under the influence of their parents and are not always interested in this themselves. Therefore, it was quite natural to single out in the table three levels of interest in children's activities:

The interest is imposed from outside;

Interest is periodically stimulated from outside;

Interest is self-supporting.

Such differentiation means that in the process of learning the child is given opportunities to develop his own interest in the chosen business. It is easier to do this if there are natural inclinations for a particular type of activity. But even if the child does not have any, then with the help of will, patience and the achievement of certain results (success), interest can be formed and developed further. Highest score is put in the case when the interest is supported by the child independently.

What is the methodology of the teacher in this direction?

Whatever initially caused the child’s interest in a particular business - his natural inclinations, the attitude coming from his parents, etc., at first he has a general, not a specific character (for example, the child wants to speak French well or dance beautifully, without thinking about what systematic efforts the desired result will require from him).

Regular classes, associated for the child with overcoming difficulties, lead some children to a decrease, and then a loss of interest (such children, as a rule, are eliminated from studios and sections, leave electives); other children - on the contrary - to its deepening, the transition from a general interest to a specific one, associated with the desire to deeper and more fully master the chosen type of activity. It is on the basis of the movement from a general interest to a specific one that an increase in the level of interest is possible, its transition to the stage when interest is maintained independently.

Here it is desirable to take into account two points. First, it is advisable to celebrate and support the smallest successes of the child. Secondly, since most children need to reinforce their efforts in the form of a positive assessment in each lesson, it becomes necessary to plan the pace and expected results of the child's activities (these can also be micro-groups of two or three children with approximately the same level of skill development). After making an assessment for a particular lesson, the teacher must set appropriate tasks for different children for the next lesson: what exactly is important to master for this or that child by the next time.

Step-by-step planning of the expected result - a kind of "ladder" - will be the concretization of the child's development in terms of the level of his interest in the matter. The child will have a personal reference point that stimulates his own efforts. Thus, the traditional process of developing certain skills through systematic training, developing a skill to automatism will be strengthened by the "connection" of the child's consciousness, his own desire to climb a step higher. This will be the transition from interest stimulated from outside to interest maintained independently, from development conditioned by external factors to self-development.
III group of indicators - behavioral qualities

Here stand out: child's attitude to conflicts in the group and type of cooperation. These characteristics are the fruit of upbringing and are very slightly due to the natural factor. They fix the authority of the child in the group, his communicative competence, the degree of his manageability and discipline.

Communication problems with peers are included in the table because any individual development is some kind of competition. In their peers, children feel equal by nature and it is with them that they relate their successes in working on themselves. This orientation is especially significant in adolescence. In other words, communication with peers acts as an additional social incentive to turn on the mechanism of the child's self-development.

The nature of communication largely depends on the type of self-affirmation of the personality, which, in turn, depends on the level of self-esteem inherent in the child. Inflated self-esteem often leads to self-affirmation through the desire to subjugate other children, to dominate them. Understated itself is an obstacle to normal communication, because such children often experience a feeling of self-doubt, stiffness, and anxiety surrounded by peers.

The criteria of this block highlighted in the table can be differentiated by the degree of controllability on the part of the child himself and expressed by the corresponding marks in points.

The essence of the teacher in this case, it is to minimize the possibility of conflicts in the group and to maximize the desire and ability of children to participate in joint activities.

In case of occurrence conflict in a group, the teacher must follow several rules, following which will help in resolving the conflict.

1. You can not drive the conflict deep (not pay attention to it, limit yourself to reading notations to the conflicting parties, immediately take the side of one child).

2. When looking for the cause of the conflict, try to be objective and unbiased, not to look for someone to blame initially.

3. Remember that with all the variety of causes of the conflict, its "organizer" (source) is the one who claims superiority over others. A completely different child can directly provoke a conflict and, as a result, become its victim.

4. Overcoming the conflict is, first of all, overcoming the desire of individual children to subjugate others, in whatever forms it manifests itself.

5. Conflict prevention is about identifying power-oriented children and limiting their attempts to dominate others.

Cooperation is the ability of the child to take part in the common cause. Joint activity is associated with the distribution of functions between its participants, and therefore, implies a certain ability of the child to obey circumstances, take into account the opinions of others, limit himself in some way, and take the initiative, improve the common cause. Accordingly, the table highlights several levels of cooperation - from the desire to avoid being included in joint activities to a creative attitude towards it.

The initial determination of a particular level of cooperation among students can be carried out with the help of general tasks aimed at the implementation of a certain type of activity. Already in the process of this common cause, the differentiation of its participants in terms of their ability to cooperate will be quite clearly visible. The teacher's further work in this regard should be connected with finding out the individual reasons that determined the appropriate level of cooperation (for some, this is elementary laziness, for others, the fear of seeming inept, awkward, etc.). Understanding the reasons will make it easier for the teacher to find specific ways to form an orientation towards cooperation in different children.

The described technology for monitoring the personal development of a child, as in the case of tracking subject learning outcomes, requires documenting the results obtained for each child.

This purpose can serve Individual card for recording the dynamics of the child's personal development.

Individual card for recording the dynamics of the child's personal development(in points corresponding to the severity of quality)

Surname, name of the child ________________________________________________

Age _____________________________________________________________

Type and name of the children's association ___________________________________

FULL NAME. teacher ___________________________________________________________

Start date of observation ______________________________________________

Timing of diag-



First year of study

Second year of study

Third year of study

Beginning of study of the year


uch. of the year

Beginning of study of the year

End of account of the year


uch. of the year


uch. of the year

I. Organizational and volitional qualities:

1. Patience

2. Will

3. Self-control

II. Orientation qualities:

1. Self-esteem

2. Interest in classes in the children's association

III. Behavioral qualities:

1. Conflict

2.Type of cooperation

IV. Student's personal achievements*


*This block can be entered into the map at the discretion of the teacher in order to mark the child's special progress in conscious work on changing their own personal qualities.
The card is filled in by the teacher with a frequency of 2 times a year - at the beginning and at the end of the school year. If necessary, this can be done more often - up to 3-4 times a year; for this purpose, you can enter additional columns.

For a detailed reflection of the dynamics of changes, it is better to put points in tenths.

The resulting slices make it possible to sequentially fix step by step process changes in the personality of each child, as well as to plan the pace of individual development, focusing on the problems identified using table 3 and this card.

The student himself can be involved in the evaluation of the qualities listed in the card. This will allow, firstly, to correlate his opinion about himself with the ideas that people around him have about him; secondly, to clearly show the child what reserves he has for self-improvement.

The value of the proposed technology lies in the fact that it makes it possible to make the educational work of the teacher measurable, as well as to include the student in the process of self-development consciously controlled by him.

Thus, a reasonably organized system for monitoring and evaluating the educational results of children in the system of additional education makes it possible not only to determine the degree of mastering the program by each child and identify the most capable and gifted students, but also to trace the development of students' personal qualities, provide them with timely assistance and support.

Wherein important to distinguish evaluation of training results individual child and assessment the general level of training of all pupils* any children's association. From these two aspects, a general assessment of the result of the work of a children's association (circle, club, studio, etc.) is formed.


* Kargina Z.A. On the final certification of pupils of children's associations // Vneshkolnik, 2003, No. 4.

Summing up the general results, i.e. evaluating the effectiveness of the joint creative activity of students of a particular children's association, the teacher must determine the following:

What is the degree of implementation of the educational program by children, i.e. how many children completed the program in full, how many - partially, how many - did not master at all;

How many children have become winners of competitions, festivals, competitions, olympiads for the current academic year;

How many children wish to continue their education in this educational program;

What is the number of pupils transferred to the next stage of education;

What is the level of organization, self-discipline, responsibility of children involved in a group;

What is the nature of the relationship in the group (level of conflict, type of cooperation).

In conclusion, we will give the rules for conducting the final certification* of schoolchildren attending children's associations of the supplementary education block. These rules need to be known to both teachers of additional education and school administration.


1. Attestation of students at the end of each academic year is the final stage of the educational process in the school block of additional education. Its main task is to assess the real effectiveness of the educational activities of children involved in children's associations for additional educational programs.

2. Final certification is carried out on the basis of the definition:

The level of theoretical training of pupils in a particular educational field;

The degree of formation of practical skills and abilities of children in their chosen form of creative activity;

The level of development of their personal qualities,

as well as the correlation of all of the above with the expected results laid down in the educational program.

3. Based on the results of the certification, factors are identified that contribute to or hinder the full implementation of additional educational programs, and the necessary adjustments are made to the content and methodology of the educational activities of children's associations.

4. The final certification of pupils of children's associations is carried out 1-2 times during the academic year: at the end of the first half of the year - if there is an educational need at the request of the teacher; at the end of the second half of the year - without fail.

5. A month before the final certification of the children's association, the teacher must submit the schedule and certification program to the school administration in writing. The certification program is compiled by the teacher himself on the basis of the content of the educational program and in accordance with its predicted results. The certification program must contain:

The list of learning outcomes expected by the end of the academic year, incorporated in the program;

Methodology for assessing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and personal qualities of students;

List of forms of certification.

6. On the basis of applications submitted by teachers of additional education, the school administration draws up a general schedule for the final certification of children's associations included in the block of additional education of the school, issues an appropriate order by institution.

7. To conduct the final certification of pupils, an attestation commission is formed , which includes representatives of the school administration, the trade union committee, teachers of additional education of the corresponding profile of activity.

8. The results of the attestation are recorded in the protocol of the final attestation of pupils of the children's association, which is one of the reporting documents and is stored in the school administration. In parallel, the results of certification can be recorded in the journal of a particular study group.

9. The results are analyzed by the school administration together with teachers in the following areas:

The number of students (%) who have fully mastered the educational program, who have partially mastered it, who have not mastered the program;

Number of students (%) transferred (not transferred) for the next year (stage) of study;

Reasons for non-fulfillment of the educational program by children;

The nature of the adjustments to be made to the program.
We have outlined only some approaches to assessing the result and effectiveness in additional education for children, including those organized on the basis of schools. Of course, there are incomparably more such approaches today. Their systematization, finding best options is an extremely relevant and interesting task for researchers and practitioners.

L.N. Buylova, N.V. Klenova. Additional education in modern school. M .: "September", 2005 (Library of the journal DSh, No. 1, 2005)

Lesson - introduction of new material in mathematics in grade 6

on the topic "Multiplication of positive and negative numbers».

Prepared by: Sarangova Zoya Anatolievna,

mathematic teacher

Lesson topic: Multiplication of positive and negative numbers.

Lesson Objectives :

    Organize joint activities aimed at a substantive result: derive the rules for multiplying positive and negative numbers, teach them how to apply them when solving examples; learn how to explain a new topic to others.

    Create conditions for the development of skills to compare, identify patterns, generalize, teach to think, express one's opinion;

    To cultivate industriousness, accuracy, the ability to work collectively and individually; develop a sense of self-confidence and responsibility for each other.

Preparing for the lesson:

Divide the children into 6 groups. Children are seated using cards with numbers. The student with the first number sits at the first table, with the second - at the second, and so on. As a result, the following picture should turn out: the numbers 1, 7, 13, 19, 25 should sit at the first table; after the second - 2, 8, 14, 20, 26; after the third - 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, etc. Cards are being prepared for changing groups. The groups must be mixed in this way: the first five sit at the first table, the next five people sit at the second table, etc. It turns out that in each group there will be children who have studied different parts of the topic.

During the classes:

2.Updating knowledge.

In order to learn how to multiply positive and negative numbers, you just need to remember the rules for multiplying natural numbers, decimal and ordinary fractions. Otherwise, even if you learn to work with signs, the result will not be correct. A

a table will help us remember all the rules. (Oral count - frontal survey).

Solve examples orally. Speak the relevant rules.

slide number 2

3. Learning a new topic - stage 1.

Let's move on to a new topic. Today you will study it on your own.

Distributes cards with task number 1, explains the task.

Work with card number 1.

Write the rule in a notebook, analyze the examples. Solve examples from the card together.

slide number 3

Learning a new topic - stage 2.

Gives a command to change groups, explains a new task, distributes cards with examples:

Now in each group there were guys who studied three different rules. Share your knowledge and solve the flashcard examples for all the rules.

Organizes verification of examples during the frontal survey.

Exchange the information obtained at the previous stage. Write down the rules in workbook, solve examples.

slide number 4

4. Physical Minute.

Conducts a physical session.

Perform physical exercises.

5. Consolidation of new material.

Asking questions:

How many rules on a new topic should be written down?

Read these rules.

What two rules can be combined into one?

If you multiply four negative numbers, what will be the result?

If you multiply seven negative numbers, what is the result?

Formulate a rule for multiplying negative numbers using the concepts of "even" and "odd".

Write down the two basic rules in your reference notebook.

Introduces the rule of signs in multiplication, considers the "rules of the ancients", gives historical background.

Answer the teacher's questions. Write down in the reference notebook two multiplication rules, the rules of signs. Consider together with the teacher the "rules of the ancients."

slide number 5

slide number 6

slide number 7

slide number 8

slide number 9

6. Checking the primary assimilation of the material.

Conducts a mathematical dictation, monitors the correctness of the students' answers.

Orally perform tasks of a mathematical dictation, give answers with the help of signal cards "+" and "-".

slide number 10

7. Summing up.

What new did we learn at the lesson today?

Formulate rules for multiplying positive and negative numbers.

Gives grades for the work in the lesson to the most active students.

Answer the teacher's questions. Evaluate their work in the lesson, fill out cards for reflection.

slide number 11

8. Homework.

b), No. 1145 a), d), No. 1146.

Thank you for the lesson.

Record homework in a diary.

List of used information sources and resources:

    Non-standard lessons of mathematics. 5 - 6 classes. Lesson plans./Comp. E.A. Kim. - Volgograd: Teacher - AST, 2005.

The structure of pedagogical activity

1.5 Product and result of pedagogical activity

The product of pedagogical activity is the experience formed by the student as an individual in the totality of moral, ethical, emotional, semantic, subject, and evaluative components. The product of this activity is evaluated at the exam, tests, according to the criteria for solving problems, performing educational and control actions. The result of pedagogical activity as the fulfillment of its main goal is the development of the student:

§ his personal improvement;

§ intellectual improvement;

§ his formation as a person, as a subject of educational activity.

The result of the completed pedagogical activity should be a person who has mastered this part of the culture.

The product and the result of pedagogical activity can be very different from each other. Knowledge from different areas received different ways and with different motives and goals, can have a different impact on the development of the student. If, for example, knowledge and skills in a particular subject were acquired only in order to get good grades, but in real life they were not used at all and were quickly forgotten, then their impact on the student's personal development will be minimal. But if the teacher has managed to captivate students with his subject, arouse their interest and need for additional knowledge, then this environment itself already has a significant educational impact. In many cases, students remain forever grateful to teachers for the work invested in them, even if the knowledge in the subjects taught by them was not subsequently used. And if the work of a teacher turned out to be a decisive factor in choosing a student's future profession, then the knowledge gained in the relevant subject will determine a significant part of the student's future life and will make an incomparable contribution to his personal development. This degree of fusion of the product and the result of pedagogical activity determines another of its specific characteristics - productivity.

Analysis of the possibilities of information and communication technologies in preschool education

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Professional training of a sports teacher

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Self-esteem and self-control and features of their development in primary school students



The results of the pedagogical


« To be a good teacher, you have to love what you teach.”

Vasily Klyuchevsky

Generalized performance and quality indicators for 2009-2013

Item name







progress, %

quality, %

progress, %

quality, %

progress, %

quality, %





Analysis of the level of education of students for three years (2010-2011 work at the Siberian Academy National economy, position - senior lecturer) shows a steady increase in the quality of knowledge in the subject. The success rate is maintained at 100%. This is facilitated by high cognitive activity and learning motivation students. Children learn with interest, strive to achieve higher results.

Dynamics of quality for 2009-2013

In my work I use the optimal combination of methods, means and forms of education that ensure high effectiveness of schoolchildren's learning, I adhere to the technology of phased knowledge formation, which allows me to achieve high-quality assimilation of the basic level of knowledge and successfully carry out level differentiation. I widely use visualization, handouts, level individual tasks, schemes, modern teaching methods and technologies, active use of ICT in the classroom.

To monitor the quality of assimilation of program material, timely detection of typical and random errors, I use various types of control of students' knowledge: tests, independent work of a differentiated nature, tests, tests. Testing contributes to painless adaptation to passing the exam. The results of knowledge assessment are communicated to students in a timely manner and commented on. Ways to correct and eliminate errors are outlined. In my practice I use the method of reflection, which helps to teach children self-assessment of knowledge. At the beginning of the year I conduct starting tests, at the end - final ones. Analyzing the results of examinations, one can trace the overall picture of changes in knowledge, skills and abilities. This system of work allows me to correct the educational process in a timely manner.

Self-analysis of pedagogical activity for 2009-2013.

Live one of yours and a thousand
the lives of your students - and you
live forever…

Directions for the modernization of Russian education and the activities of the school, on the implementation of which the teacher is working, participation in the implementation of the methodological theme of the school "Methodological support for preparing teachers for the phased introduction of federal state educational standards for general education"

The goal of teachers' activities is the formation of a free socially competent personality capable of self-development and self-realization using a systematic personality-oriented approach to the upbringing process.

I consider the purpose of my work not only to give the student a certain amount of knowledge, but also to teach how to learn, to develop interest in learning. I consider it necessary to organize the educational process in such a way that it provides favorable conditions for all students to achieve a basic level of training that corresponds to the State Education Standard, as well as for students who are interested in the subject of the course to learn at a higher level.

In teaching, I set several tasks:

  1. Provide students with a quality education in the subject
  2. To reveal the abilities, intellectual, creative and moral potential of each student
  3. To instill independent work skills with a focus on further education in various educational institutions. Prepare students for informed career choices.
  4. Improving the forms of organization of educational activities
  5. The use of new pedagogical technologies, effective methods learning
  6. Preparing students for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

All this allows me to develop the personality of the student in accordance with his abilities, interests and opportunities, and students to achieve certain success in their studies and the implementation of their plans for further education.

  1. Introspection of skill level

For the period 2009 - 2013 completed coursework

  1. "Updating the content and methods of teaching the educational discipline of economics."
  2. “ICT is the teacher's competence in teaching children with disabilities using the Internet and computer technologies. Fundamentals of work.
  3. "Creation of educational materials in the distance learning system"
  4. Organization of distance learning in an educational institution
  5. "Creation of educational materials in the system of distance learning".Intel - "Learning for the Future" (V 10.0)
  6. Second-level seminar in economics under the program of the US Council for Economic Education with the right to use the materials of the seminar for teaching economics.
  7. Economic education at school. Modern Requirements

Significantly improved his skills through visiting urban problem groups, school theoretical and methodological seminars:

  1. The competence-based approach is the basis for the modernization of Russian education.
  2. PR - (public rileshens) and strategic communications in education
  3. System-activity approach in education.

Self-education through the study of the advanced pedagogical experience of colleagues: I improve my professional skills through training courses, problematic seminars, attend the lessons of my colleagues, study various pedagogical technologies, buy methodical literature. I apply the experience summarized in these sources in my work.

I study material in the network of creative teachers. Webinar attendee:

- “Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the Educational Process – Prosveshcheniye Publishing House (Russian level).

- “We are switching to the Federal State Educational Standard LLC: “Achieving subject, meta-subject and personal results with teaching materials in geography “Polar Star”;

- "Achievement of personal and meta-subject learning outcomes by means of teaching materials "Geography of Russia". Grades 8-9"

To improve self-education, I actively participate in the work of educational portals on the Internet: a personal account on the website of the First September Publishing House, participation in the School of the Digital Age project, in preparation for lessons I use materials from publications: Geography, Economics, First September ”, in the educational work “Classroom Leadership”.

Results of work onindividual methodological topic: "Competence-based approach in teaching economics" - preparatory stage, the beginning of the practical stage. Period of work: 2011-2015. The nature of the work is research.

Experimental work. Analysis of the textbook on geography for 10 "B" class. Series "academic school textbook". Geography. Modern world. Grades 10-11: textbook. for general education institutions: a basic level of/ Yu.N. Gladky, V.V. Nikolina; Ros.acd. Sciences, Ros. acad. Education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - 4th ed., Rev. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 272 p.

GENERAL CONCLUSION on the quality of the textbook (total teaching materials)

  1. UMC is relevant, it contributes to the development cognitive activity students, the nature of the presentation of the material is available to students, the material is provided in sufficient volume, corresponds to the experience of students, the presentation of the material is scientific, logical, consistent and understandable for students, corresponds to their stock of knowledge, experience and needs. The logic of presenting the material of the tested teaching materials enables the teacher to carry out personality-oriented learning. The system of questions and tasks is designed so that the student can complete almost all the tasks on his own, the teacher is needed for additional clarification and simplification (acceleration) of the process of doing the work.
  2. TMC complies with the State Standard of General Education, program, Mandatory minimum content of education, exemplary program, curriculum.
  3. The conceptual apparatus, which is obligatory for studying the theoretical material, intended for memorization, is formulated in the textbook quite clearly, logically and consistently and highlighted, the accessibility of the presentation is quite consistent with the age of the students. Practical tasks are differentiated by the level of complexity. UMC allows the teacher to conduct lessons of various types, introduce game elements in the lesson, use the project method, ICT, apply a technological approach to teaching
  4. Pedagogical efficiency:

4.1. The educational achievements of students when studying according to this textbook (TMC) as a whole do not differ

4.2. The tested teaching materials contain a sufficient number of exercises to develop the skills and abilities of students.

4.3. The WCU contributes / does not contribute enough to the successful self-realization of the teacher in his pedagogical activity, and this is expressed in the following: in the possibility of using ICT and the project method. EMC makes it possible to individualize and differentiate learning

5. TMC contains a sufficient number of components, all of them are interconnected: textbook - lesson planning - current control constructor. I think that I do not need additional components of the UMC. This is a personal initiative of the teacher.

6. The TMC is suitable for use in the practice of school work in general education classes. It is advisable to add one hour for the study of geography in high school (10-11), for a total of 68 hours.

II. Self-assessment of the level of professionalism

Actively implement in the classroom and in extracurricular activities modern educational, information and communication, gaming technologies, which allows you to activate the cognitive process of students, develops their creativity and independence. In the selection of methods and technologies for teaching the economy, I give priority to games. The use of games in the educational process solves many problems at the same time: games contribute to the formation of the student's creative personality, form the ability to see problems, make decisions, develop cognitive interest in the subject, have a strong emotional impact on students, form character. At the level of the main school, I use the gradual development of the initial figurative idea of ​​the economy. The figurative portrait of the economy created at the previous step should be developed through acquaintance with the surrounding economic entities (enterprises, a bank, a store, a school economy, fairs, and much more). The practice of a number of schools, including MBOU "Secondary School No. Busygina M.I. ”, showed that teaching economics is best done using research, intellectual and simulation role-playing games.

I have an implementation system information technologies which includes:

1. Preparation of didactic material for lessons.The works performed by the teacher (presentations, booklets, didactic material for lessons) constitute a methodological piggy bank on the subject;

2. The use of Internet information resources in the educational process, electronic textbooks and encyclopedias in preparation for lessons;

3. Conducting lessons using information technology:

Showing an informational presentation prepared by the teacher at the lessons of introducing a new topic, summarizing and consolidating the material;

Creation and demonstration student projects in the form of an electronic presentation.

4. The use of information technology in extracurricular activities:

Creation of an electronic resource in the form of presentations within the framework of project activities;

5. The use of information technology in the work of the class teacher:

Use of presentations, computer films on thematic classroom hours, parent meetings.

I consider the project method to be the most successful method of organizing students in their lessons, extracurricular and research activities, the use of which contributes to the development of independence and creativity among schoolchildren, increases interest in the subject.

For several years, students have been carrying out and defending business projects. The topic of the projects is chosen independently or on my recommendation, based on the individual characteristics of the students: “Specialized store “Sweet tooth”, “Sports club “Ust-Ilimsk”, “Network vending machines selling hot drinks" and many others. The use of the project method contributes to the development of independence among schoolchildren, teaches them to objectively evaluate their activities, and develops communicative qualities.

Working on projects and defending presentations in lessons and class hours allow all children to be involved in active, independent activities when working on a subject, show its practical significance, create an atmosphere of creative cooperation in the classroom and conditions for the manifestation of the creative potential of students, individuality, independence and responsibility .

Systematic, purposeful use of the method of projects and information technologies in the educational process gives positive results, expressed in the high cognitive activity of students in the classroom, in interest in extracurricular activities in the subject. Experience allows you to work with students of different age groups: from children elementary school to high school students.

1. An adapted program on "Geography" of the profile level for students in grades 11.

The adapted development is designed for 102 hours (3 hours per week). The program combines the course content of E.D. Dneprov and others. Geography grade 11. (Collection of regulatory documents. Obraz RF. M.: Drofa, 2007), which does not indicate the number of hours for studying topics and the elective course L. L. Rozanov "Geoecology" (34 hours). - (Programs of elective courses. Geography. Grades 10-11. Profile education - M .: Drofa, 2007) with the preservation of all sections and topics provided for by the program. Review dated 06 May 2010.

2. Workshop "Microeconomics" Reviewer: Savelyeva E.V. Associate Professor of Economics. Sciences BSUEP, 2010

3. Adaptation program of the elective course for students of the 5th grade "Economy around us", 2013

4. Adaptation program of the course "Geography of the World" for students of the 11th grade of educational institutions (humanitarian profile), 2013

Teaching subjects involves the study of some aspects of other related subjects, such as geography, social studies, law, economics. Therefore, when preparing and developing lessons, I use and apply facts from various related sciences, I study modern points of view on economic and geographical events.

I have the necessary knowledge in psychology, age physiology, which ensure the successful organization of the educational process.

Used modern educational technologies




students (classes)

What goals and objectives of education and upbringing is aimed at solving?

Methodological and didactic materials (methodological development of lessons, reports, articles, recommendations, memos, KIMs, didactic cards, etc.)

ICT - technologies


Increasing the individualization of learning;

Strengthening motivation for learning;

Involving students in research activities;

Development of information competence.

2012 - Laureate of the 5th competition of educational and methodological developments "Information and communication technologies in pedagogical activity" in the nomination "Educational project"

2012 - All-Russian Internet competition of pedagogical creativity using ICT, nomination "Leisure and extracurricular activities"

Technology of the collective way of learning


Development of cognitive activity;

Increasing students' interest in lessons;

Meaningful and conscious understanding of the educational material;

Development of skillful communication skills, the ability to conduct a dialogue.

2013 - "Inflation - forms, causes, consequences"

The use of these technologies makes it possible to reveal the capabilities of students, to improve the quality of learning in the subject, to interest and motivate students to further study this subject.

Work on the formation of key competencies

The activities of the teacher

competence building

Used methods and techniques

Methods for diagnosing the level of formation of students' competencies or their elements

Special techniques for learning to work with educational material, including text.

Conscious reading

Highlight the main idea in the text

Write short and long answers

Translation of textual information into other forms - schemes, tables, charts

Find similarities and differences in historical texts

Compare the studied material with real life

Ability to work with textual information, to carry out any analytical actions with it

Ability to compile a bibliographic list

Write a study, submit it

Reading conversation

Text retelling

Essay writing

Techniques, forms, methods and issues that contribute to the formation and development:

Ability to work independently with information;

critical thinking;

Skills of selection and systematization of material on a specific topic;

The ability to learn and the ability to organize, regulate their activities;

Reflection skills, self-assessment.

Tasks for searching for information in the literature, working with the primary source, interviewing.

Drawing up plans, questions, diagrams, tables, graphs, diagrams according to the text

On the analysis and generalization of a historical source

Preparation of reports, messages

Educational and research work

Individual tasks of a problematic nature

Work in pairs

Practical work

Problematic issue, situation, lecture

Search for errors in the text

The level of formation of cooperative competence is the ability to work in a group.

Solving problematic problems: from setting goals and objectives to finding a solution.

Ability to solve practical work of a search and research nature.

Conversations by reading

Reports, abstracts, messages

Project implementation

The presence in the educational process of material that contributes to the education of patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland; common cultural, universal values

Verbal, visual, practical.

Independent work with the educational text, independent practical research.

the level of civic engagement of students through participation in promotions, competitions

Methods, techniques and tasks that provide a non-standard approach to solving problems by students

Insert method (marking text)

I know - I want to know - I found out


Restore sequentially -


Creative work, project implementation, participation in olympiads, competitions.

I systematically work on the formation of subject and meta-subject competencies in students, I pay special attention to informational, communicative, critical thinking, as well as the education of general cultural and universal values.

Extracurricular work on the subject




Conducting special courses, electives, elective courses, circles, etc.

Expanding students' horizons.


Grade 5 "Family Economics"

Grade 6 "School Economics"

Grade 7 "Economics of the immediate environment"

Grade 8 "Personality and Economics"

Grade 10 "Economics" preparation for the exam

Grade 11 "Economics" preparation for the exam

Improving the professional self-determination of the individual in market conditions.

Maintaining extracurricular hours

Increasing the motivation and quality of learning among students.

Working with underachieving students.

Preparation for exams of choice in the exam in the 11th grade.

According to the results of the 2010-2013 academic year, there are no poor students in the subject.

Successful completion of elective exams by students.

Organization of educational and research activities of students

Development of creative abilities of students and development of their research skills;

Formation of analytical and critical thinking of students in the process of creative search and implementation of educational research;

Identification of gifted students and ensuring the realization of their creative potential;

Education of purposefulness and consistency in educational activities;

Assistance in professional orientation.

Uch. Year

NPC Name

Work theme



"Use of plastic cards by residents of Ust-Ilimsk"

Grankina Natalia

2nd place

"Behind the pages of your textbook"

"What does it mean to buy?" (economy)

Krasikova Kristina

Member Certificate

"Behind the pages of your textbook"

"Technogenic disasters of the XX-XXI centuries (geography)

Zhilina Xenia

Member Certificate

VII student scientific and practical conference "New generation - new thinking"

"The Causes of the Crisis in Russia"

Nizovkina Irina 11A

1st place


"Behind the pages of your textbook"

The benefits and harms of the E Index

Samolyuk Ekaterina 10A; Baranova Elena 10A

2nd place

"Behind the pages of your textbook"

Tomilova Anna, 11B

III place


"Behind the pages of your textbook"

"Economic cyclical development of the Russian state"

Kiseleva Anastasia, Bozhenko Ekaterina 11A

2nd place


"Behind the pages of your textbook"

"Juice or no juice"

Ustimenko Daria 9B

2nd place

Preparation for participation in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Development of cognitive activity of students.

Formation of interest in the study of the subject.

Development of independent, search, research thinking

Formation of creative activity of students

Development of thinking and communication skills.

Uch. year


F.I. student





Shebalina Valentina

Grankina Natalia



Diploma of the participant

Psychology in Economics and Ecology (regional level)

Kostenko Irina


Diploma of the participant



Kiseleva Anastasia

10 A

Samoha Marseille

10 V

Baikal studies

Schukin Prokhor



Schukin Prokhor Georgievich


1st place


Bozhenko Ekaterina Vitalievna


1st place


Schukin Prokhor Georgievich


Honorary diploma of the participant of the regional stage in economics.

Baikal studies

Schukin Prokhor Georgievich

Kiseleva Anastasia Andreevna



2nd place

3rd place



Savinovskikh Andrey


2nd place


Shukin Prokhor Georgievich


3rd place

Social science

Koronova Maria

3rd place

Participation in competitions, competitions, festivals, exhibitions, etc., incl. in remote

Stimulating the interest of students in the study of economics and geography;

Creation of conditions for the integration of the efforts of the teacher, students, their parents in joint work on the creative research work of students;
- development of ICT competence, students, their parents.

Academic year

Name of the contest/event

F.I. student

Presented work



VIII International Olympiad on the Fundamentals of Sciences "Geography"



Bronze medal

Eremich Alina

III place



Diploma of the participant

Zyatkova Alena

Diploma of the participant

Anokhina Olga

Diploma of the participant

Distance International Olympiad on "Fundamentals of Sciences":

11 participants, Schukin Prokhor Georgievich


student of the final stages of the VIII International Geography Olympiad.

Organization and holding of public events on the subject

Contribute to the intensive study of forms, methods, content of lessons.

Development of cognitive interest and creative abilities of schoolchildren, the formation of their independence and initiative


Economic game "FIRM"

25 members

10 classes

Participant certificates

Participation in city events for students of subject content

Expansion of youth interest in economic knowledge, acquisition of practical skills, formation of economic culture and modern economic thinking. Education in students of initiative and independence.

Academic year


event title

Class / number of participants,




Career guidance competition dedicated to the "Day of Entrepreneurship"



Trapeznikov Danil 10A

Ganiev Arif 10A

Number of participants - 7

1st place

2nd place

III place

There is a tendency to involve children in groups on special courses, the interest of their participation in olympiads, conferences

III. The work of the subject teacher with parents (the current system indicating the forms and their effectiveness).

Work with parents is based on the study of the family, its spiritual values, traditions, style of relationships between parents and the child using various methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (observation, conversations, testing, questioning, training).

The content of activities to develop cooperation with parents includes three areas: psychological and pedagogical education of parents (meetings with subject teachers, psychologist, administration), involvement of parents in the educational process and participation of parents in school management. Parents are active participants in school events and provide financial support to the school.

In my speeches at parent meetings, I try to involve parents in educating children in a responsible attitude to learning, developing a conscious need to study certain subjects, and being interested in additional classes in preparation for the exam. Parents are always aware of student progress. I try to convince parents of the importance of studying the subject.

As a subject teacher, I consider it necessary to create conditions for self-determination of graduates in choosing their future profession. In order for students to receive information about the professions that exist in the city, about who and where their parents work, what enterprises operate in the city, parent meetings are held together with students.

I systematically and effectively carry out activities to solve this problem:

Diagnosis of inclinations and professional interests of students in various activities;

Library hours in the school and city libraries in order to expand their career-oriented horizons;

Excursions to the enterprises of the city, to TsDUNTT (with the assistance of parents) - a supermarket, industrial enterprises in order to organize leisure for children after school hours;

Organization of lectures by teachers of universities and branches of the city;

Meetings of high school students with school graduates studying in economic universities;

Meetings with people of professions of interest to students (entrepreneur, manager, marketer, merchandiser).

How classroom teacher To survey parents in order to satisfy the educational process, I use a questionnaire. Analysis of the results showed that the training is at a decent level, a good class team is being created. Parents believe that I take into account the individual abilities of children.

IV. Generalization, presentation and dissemination of the experience of innovative pedagogical activity.

The high level of professionalism allows me to successfully present my work experience, both in the subject and in the framework of additional education, at various forums and seminars at the municipal and regional levels. Feedback from colleagues is only positive.

Printed works

Form and title of the publication



Place of publication

(Imprint of the collection, periodical, name of the educational Internet portal and email address publishing, etc.)

The presence of a document certifying the publication

article "The concept of economic education"


Website of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8" and the Territorial Resource Center "Baikal":

Article "Organization of children's and youth entrepreneurship as a condition for improving the quality of education"


Collection "Integration of basic additional technological education: from the experience of organizing the teaching of technology and entrepreneurship at school" / ed. A.F. Shupletsova, A.I. Timoshenko. - Irkutsk: BSUEP Publishing House

The game "Star Hour of Europe" - teaching geography



"The concept of economic education at school"


Russian Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", website of the publishing house "First of September" (;


Article "Problems of Teaching Economics at School"


Collection "The Role and Place of the Teacher in the System of Russian Education: Materials of the 5th Regional Scientific and Methodological Conference Dedicated to the Year of the Teacher". - In 2 hours. Part 1. - Ust-Ilimsk: RIO of the Ust-Ilim branch of the Sib.feder. un-ta, 2010.-264 p.

"Economics: test"


Russian Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", website of the publishing house "First of September" (;


Workshop "Macroeconomics with answers"


Russian Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", website of the publishing house "First of September" (


Adjusted syllabus in geography. 10th grade. Profile level


Russian Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson", website of the publishing house "First of September" (;


Participation in professional competitions of different levels (year, level, title, submitted work, result)

Competition Information



Result (place, certifying document)

Competition name


competition, date



2008 - 2009 academic year

"The best teachers of the Russian Federation


Moscow city



"Youth of the Irkutsk region in faces"



Ministry of physical culture, sports and youth policy of the Irkutsk region

Nomination "Professional achievements in the field of education"


IV. Based on the results of the analysis of pedagogical activity, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. During the 2009-2013 academic years, I improved my qualifications through short courses, seminars, visiting city problem groups, working on an individual methodological topic, attending open lessons for school teachers.

2. In his teaching activities he used various methods and techniques to increase the motivation and quality of student learning.

3. In my work, work with gifted children can be traced: participation in olympiads, scientific and practical conferences.

4. Their pedagogical experience is presented at the school, municipal, regional levels.

Public presentation of the results of pedagogical activity

Bushmakina Nadezhda Leonidovna
Place of work: MKOU "Kozhilskaya secondary school", educator
For the past three years, the teaching staff of the MKOU "Kozhilskaya secondary school" has been working according to a program developed on the basis of an exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education "Origin" edited by L.A. Paramonova. The program reflects the basic content of preschool education.

According to federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation” “the development of educational programs of preschool education is not accompanied by intermediate certification and final certification of students” (Article 64). Along with this, the federal state standard for preschool education includes the section "Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of preschool education."

Monitoring in kindergarten is carried out on the basis of methodological manual“A system for assessing the quality of educational work and the individual development of children for the exemplary basic educational program “Origins”, edited by L.A. Paramonova. The targets presented in a generalized form in the Federal State Educational Standard for Distance Education, in the "Origins" program, are concretized in the content of integral development indicators and basic personality characteristics that accompany each section of the "Origins" program and represent a comprehensive characteristic of the child's development at the end of each psychological age.

The purpose of monitoring is to determine whether a particular indicator has been formed in a child, and it does not matter whether it is formed at an average or at a high level.

The assessment system used has the appropriate gradation:
- “sufficient level” is set when the studied indicator is formed and observed in the independent activity of the child;
- "a level close to sufficient" is set when the indicator is in the state of formation, it manifests itself unstable;
- “insufficient level”, when the indicator does not manifest itself either in joint activities with an adult, or in independent, or in conditions of specially created situations that provoke its manifestation.

Based on the results obtained, individual, subgroup and group work with children is planned (games, conversations, developing situations, Team work, individual sessions). Individual consultations of parents, parent meetings are held in order to consolidate efforts in a certain direction in the development of the child. (slide 2)

Purpose of my work– creation of favorable conditions conducive to the development and self-realization of each child.

This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:
1. Identification of the natural inclinations and abilities of each child.
2. Further development identified abilities, the possibility of their implementation.
3. Ensuring the cognitive-speech and social-personal development of children.

The solution of these problems is effectively implemented through the participation of children in competitions. (slide 3)
The Kozhil kindergarten cooperates with the Ponin School of Arts. this work aimed at additional artistic and aesthetic development of children. Most pupils attend circles for vocals and choreography. With reporting concerts they perform on the stage of the Kozhilsky TsSDK. Many kindergarten graduates, already studying at school, continue additional education in these aesthetic institutions.

100% of the children in my group (20 people) attended the Magic Drafts club. (slide 5)
The children of our group actively participate in various competitions, in the activities of the educational organization. (slide 6,7)

The traditions introduced by me several years ago have firmly entered the life of our group. (slide 9)
Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education that I use are aimed at implementing state standards preschool education. Their use allows you to increase the efficiency of the educational process, helps to achieve a better result. In order to create best conditions for the education and upbringing of pupils, I actively test and implement the following modern educational technologies, which are aimed at improving the quality of pupils' knowledge, motivation to study new material, and expanding the content of education. (slide 11,12)

One of the directions of the national educational initiative "Our New School" is the development of pedagogical potential, where it is noted that "in the conditions of solving ... strategic tasks, initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions become the most important qualities of a person." Therefore, I consider it necessary to improve professional skills, develop creative potential. One of the most effective ways increasing professional competence is a productive exchange of innovative experience with the pedagogical community. I conduct systematic work on the dissemination of pedagogical experience on the pages of scientific and methodological journals, within the framework of pedagogical festivals, seminars, and competitions. I publish class notes, wall newspapers, articles, reports, a master class on making a current lepbook, projects. (slide 13)

A modern educator today, in my opinion, is a professional. I think that the professionalism of an educator is determined by his professional suitability; professional self-determination; self-development, i.e. purposeful formation in oneself of those qualities that are necessary for the performance of professional activities. I am sure that an educator working in modern conditions should have sufficient information about modern trends in the development of pedagogical science, participate in various competitions, master classes, and engage in self-education. This is one of the reasons for my participation in various competitions at various levels. (slide 14)

The changes taking place in the modern education system make it urgent to increase the level of professionalism of the teacher, i.e. his professional competence. One of the most effective ways to improve professional competence is the interaction of teachers in the framework of training seminars, round tables, creative laboratories, master classes, etc. (slide 15,16)
Thus, in my opinion, fruitful work with children, participation in professional competitions gives me the opportunity to: improve my social status; study the experience of colleagues; realize your creative potential; develop your own communication skills; establish new contacts at a professional level; publish their methodological materials in scientific and methodological publications, websites; increase authority in the teaching staff, society.

Presentation on the topic: Public presentation of the results of pedagogical activity

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