Student project on biology vaccination of pelargonium. Project "Geranian Plant"

Engineering systems 30.06.2020
Engineering systems

GKOU "Golovinskaya School-boarding"

Abstract open lesson

in the fifth grade of agricultural labor

on the topic:

"Growing Gerani"


Donskova A.V.


Lesson Topic: Growing Gerani

Objectives lesson:


Contribute to the formation and development of skills and skills in reproduction of geranium stem cuttings;

Promote actualization of student experience.


Develop the ability to properly plant a cutlery in the ground, care for it.

Contribute to mastering the main methods of the mental activity of students.


Acquire students for independence, respect for work, willing to participate in the labor process;

Relieve self-control skills.

Bring up careful attitude to room plants, attention and love of loved ones

Proformal guidance:

Facilitate the formation of knowledge necessary for the professions of the agricultural industry - flower growing;

Reliable respect for a working person.

Equipment and visual manuals: Tutorials, living room plants, equipment for computer presentation, presentation, glue, 8 geranium pots, drawings, exhibition "Journey to the world of geranium", exhibition of books "All about geranium"

Type of lesson: combined.

During the classes.

Organizing time:

Verification of readiness for the lesson;

Motivation of educational activities of students: "I am glad to welcome in the lesson not only you guys, but also guests."

All reprovel in places, not close to anyone,

In secret, I will tell you:

"It will be interesting!"

We repeat the material,

Secure skills,

To everyone can say:

"It's all I can."

Discover paper flowers: red and blue. On the board depicted a vase. At the end of the lesson "If you liked the lesson, and you learned something new, then attach a red flower to a vase, if I didn't like it - blue.

Our scarlet flowers (dropped fingers, brushes)

Disseminate petals. (Hands turn to right left)

The breeze is a little breathing, (slowly move your fingers.)

Petals pegs.

Our scarlet flowers,

Close the petals, (to close the fingers together ("in bud").

Quietly fall asleep. (Hands to lower down the hands down.)

Head swing. (Circular movements of hands with hands).

Clean air,

Create comfort

The windows are green

All year round bloom.

Answer: Flowers

What is it? (houseplants)

Did you guess what we are talking about today?

Today's lesson we will dedicate to the unusually beautiful, fabulous creation of natural plants. But plants are not simple, but those that you can see on your window sills. Late in autumn or in winter, when the snow outside the window, these plants please us with their magnificence! What kind of indoor plants do you know? (Children call plants.) Why these

plants are called indoor? (These plants are grown only in the premises, a person carries for them, so they are called- indoor plants)

Slide 1. Indoor Plants

Slide 2. Houseplants so firmly entered our lives, which is difficult to imagine a house without familiar pots on the windowsill, an office without constant ficus in a person or a hall of public institution without a composition of several plant species.

Why are they needed in our premises? (They moisturize clean and refresh air)

Slide 3. Houseplants decorate our life, give people peace of mind and harmony, give the house freshness and comfort.

Slide 4. What is the history of the appearance of the culture of indoor plants?

At the dawn of its history, a person began to collect and use decorative floral plants.

Slide 5. The first distributors of indoor flowers were warriors, which, returning to their native edges, brought with them the ingenic plants like them.

Slide 6. Geranium. Mystery

The window is growing

Round hat blooms.

This is a caravalid nose

We brought our spirits.

Bloomed so early

On my window ... (geran).

The theme of today's lesson: "Great Gerani".We will get acquainted with the methods of reproduction of Gerani,

Work on the lesson

Let's remember the structure of the flowering plant, and what functions do parts of the plant? Responses of children: (He has a root, stem, leaves, petals flower, fruit, seeds.)

Root - Absorption of water soil and minerals.

Sheet - Absorption of solar energy and the formation of organic substances.

Stem - Water and nutrients.

Flower, fruit, seeds - Seed reproduction organs.

What is a bud? (This is also a flower, but not yet blossoming).

Show them in the picture. (Children show parts of the plant in the picture). (Message student)

I want to tell about the amazing beauty and the beneficial properties of this flower.

South Africa is considered to be Motherland, from there at the beginning of the 17th century, sailors brought this plant to Europe. From now on, it begins the story of the removal of new varieties of geranium, these beautiful colors. It was bred in the rich mansions rich. In England, France, the United States, Australia organized a society of Gerani lovers, which suits the exhibition. In Russia, Geranium was distributed in the 19th century. It is known that in Moscow the greenhouse of the Alexander Garden, about 30 species of South American geranium were grown.

Slide 7. Geranium is a perennial plant, which has round leaves on long cuttings and they make a characteristic smell, blooming geranium flowers of the brightest shades, but red geranium is considered the most useful.

Slide 8. Let us turn to the dictionary: Geranium (Lat.Geranium) from the Greek Word (Geranos) - Crane. Therefore, geranium is also called the chewing. Because Gerani seeds are similar to the beak of the crane.

Geranium is differently called Pelargonium. Pelargonium (Lat. Pelargonium) from the Greek Word (Pelardjs) - Stork.

In the encyclopedia it is written that geranium is the main genus of the Geranium family. Pelargonium - the genus of plants from the Geranium family.

Slide 9. Legend of Gerani.

According to the legend, one of the cranes during the flight fell off from the pack and fell in a clean field. From the cold rain, all his members of the flocks came out, and pure white snow covered it with his octo. From the eye of the dying crane, a tear was revealed, and it was from her in the spring that grown fine

a plant with flowers similar to the azure sky (light blue), about which the crane grew. That's how the plant was called geranium.

Slide 10.Large-flowered, ivy-shaped, zonal.

There are more than 200 species of Gerani in the world. There are three main types of geraniums: large-flowered, ivy-shaped, zonal.

Large-floweredhe has straight stems, served leaves and very beautiful flowers, different color.

Zone-on the leaves, dark circles, terry flowers and neachrov .

Ivyovoid- Common serves to design balconies.

All types of pelargoniums that are grown in the house are combined with one name - room geranium.

Slide 11. Geranium meadow.

The closest relative of the room geranium is her wild relatives - this is an ordinary geranium, which grows as weed on the gardens, and geranium meadow growing in the glades.

They are distinguished by color color: with white flowers, bloody-red color, blue geranium. The main advantage of Gerana is a wonderful variety of paintings. Flowers look beautifully beautiful, but in different ways.

Slide 12. Geranium cleans air from bacteria in the apartment.

We are most in a closed room of classrooms, where we are lack of oxygen. There is a huge number of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms in the air.

Slide 13. Gerana Miracle Leak

In antiquity, geranium was considered a medicinal plant.

If you do not know that geranium therapeutic, she will still be treated from afar. The fact is that it highlights special substances into the air, which kills various microbes, both in the air and inside our body when these substances exhale. Also geranium is widely used as an external means of local exposure.

Diseases that are treated with geranium such a great set:

1. The head is used at the beginning of a cold, when nasal is missing. From the leaves of Gerani dripped three drops.

2. For normalization of pressure, geranium leaf to the wrists (where the pulse) is applied.

3. Pain in the back pain help the crushed geranium leaves attached by the compress on the night.

4. For relief of dental pain you need to hold the cheek geranium leaf.

5. Drove otitis apply to the fingers to the leaves of geranium in the ear.

6. Drill cuts and wounds, for healing apply leaves or geranium flowers to a damaged place

7. Maslo Gerani helps with depression, increases mental activity, improves mood

To cleanse the lungs daily geranium, put on the table at a distance of 15-20 cm on behalf of the face and slowly breathe and exhale air, feeling the smell of the plant. Thanks to this pleasant procedure, lightning is not only cleared, but stress is removed, the nervous system comes to normal, the protective forces of the body increase.

Slide 14. Growing Gerani. So, the subject of the lesson - Growing Gerani. You already know the indoor plants can be multiplied by several ways. Name these methods (tutorial p.117). (stem cuttings, fission of rhizomes, reproduction of siblings)

Stem cutlery- The separated part of the stem, which is then developing into an independent plant.

Rhizome- Underground Plant Stem.

Siblings - They are formed from kidneys laid on the roots of plants.

Geranium refers to light-loving plants, away from sunlight. Its flowering stops. Geranus care is watering as the soil drying.

Slide 15. This plant can be planted with seeds. And you can land with cuttings. First of all, it is necessary to prepare for soothing. Pour water into the bank and give it to settle. Why do the water give to settle? (so that all harmful impurities are set).

Slide16. Strong cutting.

1. Crash with scissors very carefully.

It is impossible to cut with tips, you can.

If you need to transfer the tool to another.

Then rings from ourselves, you are calmly turned

And, in the tips, hold on, the scissors to him!

When you work,

Immediately scissors close,

To up to sharp edges,

I did not touch the other!

Sold by gerashchok Geranian twig with a length of at least 5 -7 cm with 2-4 leaves.

We will put it in the water and wait until it gives root.

Slide 17. We roasted Gerani's cuttings. It is time to plant them.

Practical work. Gerana reproduction with cuttings. Before planting floral plants should prepare the soil mixture. What is soil mixture? (This is mixing various types of soil).

And what types of soils for cooking soil mixtures do you know? (Cherry, leaf, humus, peat). You know how to make soil mixtures for planting houseplants, how to properly care for plants, and today we will get acquainted with the cultivation of houseplants.

Slide 18. Earth mound into a small pot with holes.

Slide19.Insert the rooted stalk of Gerani into it.

Slide 20.Then submitted near the plant of the earth so that the roots close.

Slide 21.Poland neatly water so that the water does not hit the leaves and stem, and put in the pallet.

Slide 22.When the plant is well attached and will release new leaves, it will be possible to transfer it to a sharp place with good lighting.

Behind the planted flowers must be care for. Name the main types of housekeeping (watering, air humidity, lighting, leaves for leaves)

Work in the notebook. Number, theme when planted the number how many leaves;

Slide 23. They say a man should grow a son in his life, build a house, plant a tree.

Let it take place in your life. In the meantime ... if everyone puts and grow at least one flower, the land will turn into a garden ...

We spent the job:

1. Delivered a variety of indoor plants across the school cabinets.

2. Analyzed what plants are often found at school (geranium, chlorophytum, tradescania)

3. Thesed, which classes of school the most "green"

For ourselves, there were further prospects for work, this is breeding indoor flowers at school and at home. I will give flowers to my friends, I will share with them the experience of cultivation and knowledge of the healing properties of Gerani. At the end, our lesson comes up, let's summarize.

Summing up the lesson.

What way do geranium spread? (cutlets, seeds.)

What other types of reproduction of indoor plants do you know?

What they learned today at the lesson;

What I learned;

An objective assessment of the learning outcomes of students in the lesson;

Installing estimates in the classroom magazine and the diary of students.

"If you liked the lesson, and you learned something new, then attach a red flower to a vase, if I didn't like it - blue.

Slide 24. When we enter the class of Il to the house

Where we all cute

Where clean air is pleasantly breathing.

We know: in room colors healing power

For all who know how to solve their secret!

Problems 1. The disappearance of Pelargonium from the windowsill of modern apartments. 2. Residents of the village of Askarovo do not use Pelargonium for therapeutic purposes. Hypothesis: Pelargonium has medicines. Object of study: Pelargonium (geranium). Research Subject: Factors Influencing Pelargonium Grounding.

The purpose of the research work: the disclosure of "secrets" of Pelargonium (Gerani). Tasks: Find out on literary sources of the Motherland, the types and properties of Pelargonium (Gerani). To identify the impact of the conditions for the growth and development of Pelargonium. Conduct a number of experiments on rooting the cuttings of Pelargonium.

Formation of interest groups. Researchers (work with literary sources). Botany - Experimentators (experiments). Decorates (registration of research work).

Questioning. 1. Do you like indoor plants? 2. Does Pelargonium grow in your apartment? 3. What do you like this indoor plant? 4. Do you know that Pelargonium is a medicinal plant? 5. Do you use this plant for therapeutic purposes? 100% 30% 55% 65% 5% 0% 1 2 3 4 5

Pelargonium (Pelargonium) refers to the Geranium family. Motherland Pelargonia South Africa. The name of the genus comes from the Greek "pelargos" - stork: due to the similarity of fruit with the beak stork.

Types of pelargonium: Pelargonium home or large-flowered (pelargonium grandiflorum); Pelargonium zonal or garden (Pelargonium Hortorum); Pelargonium fragrant (Pelargonium Graveolens); Pelargonium Crispum. Pelargoniu Grandiflorum. Pelargonium Crispum. Pelargonium Graveolens. Pelargonium Hortorum.

In the apartments of our village, Pelargonium meets: 10% 5% 15% 70% zonal scented large-flowered ampel

In folk medicine, Pelargonium uses: in the treatment of angina, pharyngitis; In neurosis, stress, increased excitability; When otitis; For better hair growth; During dental pain; With headache; With rheumatism, etc. reduces the number of microbes in the air by 43%.

As a result of the observation, the following was identified: the location of the plant on the southeastern side of the leaves are large, clearly seen the ring on the northern small, side of the light-deed blossoms of the stems are not extended are not extended, the fragrant is weak conclusted, the pelargonium plants are best feeling on windows from the southeastern Parties. Window from the south-east. Window from the northern side.

. Rooting the cuttings of Pelargonium in different substrates. Experience Result After 10 days Result After 30 days No. 1 - a transparent glass with a plumbing stretching water No. 2 - a transparent cup with a wet closed with a plastic bag No. 3 - a potted pot with a damp condition: for rapid rooting, it is necessary to put a wet napkin and closed to the bottom of the dishes. Polyethylene.

General conclusion: Motherland Pelargonia is South Africa. Pelargonium is a medicinal plant. 4 types of Pelargonium are grown in our village, many residents do not use the drug properties of Pelargonium. Pelargonium prefers windowsill windows from the southeastern side. For quick rooting, it is necessary to put a wet cloth on the bottom of the dishes and cover with polyethylene.

Practical significance: Build booklets on the maintenance of pelargonium at home and its medicinal properties. A shares on the spread of booklets among residents of the village was held. Cool clocks for elementary school will be held. We plan to grow a pelargonium for school and residents of the village during summer work.

3rd class

1. Introduction

Although the cold autumn window outside the window, my house blooms a beautiful flower garden. Plants not only please our eyes, but also enrich oxygen the room at home. I really like various indoor flowers, but especially beautifully blooms and geranium flams. And it became interesting for me to learn more about this plant.

The topic of my work is aimed at studying this beautiful plant and reinforcement of knowledge about it, with the help of cultivation experience.

2. Main part

2.1. Medicinal Plant Geran

purpose research work growing indoor plants.

A task:

    explore the medicinal properties of Gerani;

    examine the methods of reproduction of Gerani.

I want to tell about the amazing beauty and the beneficial properties of this flower.

South Africa is considered to be Motherland, from there at the beginning of the 17th century, sailors brought this plant to Europe. From now on, it begins the story of the removal of new varieties of geranium, these beautiful colors. For a long time, it was considered an aristocratic plant, it was bred in the rich mansions in the oranges. In England, France, USA, Australia, a society of Geranian lovers, which suits the exhibitions.

Let us turn to the dictionary: Geranium (Lat.Geranium) from the Greek Word (Geranos) - Crane. Therefore, geranium is also called the chewing. Because Gerani seeds are similar to the beak of the crane.

Geranium is differently called Pelargonium. Pelargonium (Lat. Pelargonium) from the Greek Word (Pelardjs) - Stork.

There are more than 200 species of Gerani in the world. There are three main types of geraniums: large-flowered, ivy-shaped, zonal.

All types of pelargoniums that are grown in the house are combined with one name - room geranium. The closest relative of the room geranium is her wild relatives - this is an ordinary geranium, which grows as weed on the gardens, and geranium meadow growing in the glades.

They are distinguished by color color: with white flowers, bloody-red color, blue geranium. The main advantage of Gerana is a wonderful variety of paintings. Flowers look beautifully beautiful, but in different ways.

In antiquity, geranium was considered a medicinal plant.

If you do not know that geranium therapeutic, she will still be treated from afar. The fact is that it highlights special substances into the air, which kills various microbes, both in the air and inside our body when inhaling these substances. Also geranium is widely used as an external means of local exposure.

2.2. Recipes using Gerani

Diseases that are treated with geranium such a great set:

Use geranium at the beginning of a cold, while running the nose, dripped juice from geranium leaves three drops.

To normalize the pressure, attach geranium leaf to the wrists (where the pulse).

In the back pain, crushed geranium leaves attached by compress for the night.

To facilitate dental pain, you need to hold the cheek leaf geranium.

For the removal of the headache, apply a geranium leaf.

When otitis, put a peeling sheet of geranium in the ear.

With cuts and wounds, for healing, apply leaves or geranium flowers to a damaged place.

Geranium oil helps with depression, improves mood, increases mental activity, reduces blood sugar levels, eliminates skin rash and much more.

To cleanse the lungs daily geranium, put on the table at a distance of 15-20 cm on behalf of the face and slowly breathe and exhale air, feeling the smell of the plant. Thanks to this pleasant procedure, lightning is not only cleared, but stress is removed, the nervous system comes to normal, the protective forces of the body increase.

2.3. Growing plants

In the lesson of the surrounding world, we were explained that houseplants multiply with cuttings and seeds. I decided to try the second way to breed plants to make sure that I:

Took Gerani seeds;

Prepared a pot with soil mixture;

At the bottom, the pot made punctures, in order for excess water to flow;

Filled the container soil mixture;

Gave feeding (solution of mineral fertilizers);

After that, I was put in this container Seeds Gerani;

Moistened to the ground and placed the pot into the bright room;

After 3 weeks, the first light green sprouts appeared.

Then continued to care. Watering them, and after a while he was seeding in different pots.

It turns out, geranium is not whimsical, easily multiplied by seeds.

3. Conclusion


When working on this research work, I studied reference literature, about therapeutic properties of geranium.

For myself, there was a further prospects for work - it is breeding the house of some species of this plant.

I will give flowers to my friends, I will share with them the cultivation experience and knowledge of the healing properties of Gerani.

4. Annex

5. List of references

    Collection of "Flowers of your Garden", Moscow, 2002.

    A.A. Pleshakov "The world around us" Moscow, "Enlightenment", 2003.

    Therapeutic properties of geranium

    Atlas-determinant "from land to heaven", "Enlightenment", 1998.

Room geranium is very common home flower today, which loves all over the world. With proper care, it can bloom almost all year round in large bright inflorescences. Room geranium is easy to care and multiply.

Reference!The species and varieties of Gerana countless, so you can make a beautiful and fragrant collection on your windowsill.

How to propagate?

Geranium often deteriorates by the method of drawing. This allows you to preserve all the varietal properties of the parent plant. The main condition here is to maintain a constant temperature and daylight access. If the light day is no longer so long, we advise you to use additional lighting, for example, phyto lamps.

In the case of cuttings, you can also take a sheet of paper. So we can grow geranium, as they speak in the people "from the leaflet". Next, consider this method more.

Reproduction with cuttings in spring or autumn is logical and properly combined with the planned and necessary trimming of the plant. The first cuttings are assembled during the spring trimming of the upper and side shoots, and the next, when during the giving the shape of the scorched bushes, shortening too long shoots. If the home geranium bush is grown by drawing, the roots will grow without problems.

More about reproduction of Gerani cuttings can be found, and more in detail about how easy to rejected geranium can be found in.


Geranium reproduction seeds are not so popular as other ways.Such a method allows to obtain a plant with completely new properties: colorful colors and leaves. But it is considered more troubles.

Attention! The soil must necessarily contain humid and sand, possibly peat, and be loose. It is better to start seeds in early March. If you have to sow earlier, you will have to provide additional lighting of daylight lamps.

Before laying seeds, the land is better treated with disassembly, as prevention from diseases of disease. When landing, it is enough to sprinkle seeds with a small amount of land, and create a greenhouse effect by covering the film or special covers that are included with containers.

Read more about how to grow geranium from seeds at home and care after this can be found, and more in detail about how the Geranian seeds look like and how to collect them, you can learn in.

Dividing bush

Geranium is convenient to multiply by partial division of the bush with a planned transplant. After, for example, it was dugged in the fall for transplanting from the garden to the room or with a change in a larger change, it's time to gently disconnect the bustling bushes into several separate parts.

Is it possible to grow from the leaflet: features

As we already understood, geranium is perfectly multiplied with a vegetative way. One of them can be reproduction with sheet.

Breeding geranium vegetatively possible throughout the year, however, it is best to do in springbecause The duration of the daytime increases, and the new plant will manage to give you more shoots. Consider the subtleties of growing from the sheet.

Predset preparation in water

Carefully inspect the bush and choose a healthy leaf with a dense stalk. A well-sharpened knife or scissors cut it under an acute angle. Now put it in a water container. Hold the leaf in the water before the appearance of the first roots.

Choosing a pot

The pot must be chosen small, as in a large pot geranium will give new shoots, but will not bloom. The material from which the pot is made does not matter. Pay attention to the presence of drain holes at the bottom. They are mandatory, since geranium, originally from South Africa, does not like to oversupply moisture.

Room geranium is not demanding of the soil, but still there are some recommendations. Geranium loves loose enough soil. The earth for a flower can be purchased in a flower shop, any substrate is suitable for flowering indoor plants. Experts tend to use universal soil, and enrich it with fertilizers and other impurities necessary.

The substrate should add washed rolling sand, vermiculite and perlite. When choosing a universal land, you need to make sure in the absence of various kinds of insect mold. Another soil should not be lifted in a lump. The composition of the soil must come into peat, then your plant will be great and grow. The assortment of stores also contain specialized soils for Gerani.

Processing of soil

Before planting a sheet with roots to the ground, it is necessary to disinfect the Earth, to avoid plant diseases at the earliest stage. Soil can be poured on a skillet, in the microwave stove or oven. But it is possible to go and other way, the souls of the land in a potted in a weak solution of manganese.


Let's start the procedure with the correct filling of the container containers. On the bottom of the pot laying a layer of drainage: it can be a brick crumb, small pieces of foam or clay. Next, put the soil layer. Earth should be slightly moistened to young roots quickly fit.

We make a small deepening and put a sheet there. All actions should be extremely neat so as not to damage young fragile roots.It is not necessary to close the banks and bags.

Care at home and irrigation scheme

The first watering of the new plant should be made no earlier than 10 days after landing. Next, watering mode familiar to all geranium is drawn: no more often than 1 time 4-5 days. The first fertilization of the young plant from the sheet should be produced no earlier than after 1 month.

Tip! Feed a special fertilizer for geranium, and if it is not, then the usual universal. In the period when the plant blooms, choose liquid fertilizers, mineral with low nitrogen content.

Useful video

We watch the video about whether it is possible to multiply geranium leaves:


So, geraniums with the help of a sheet is common and efficient. If you comply with all the recommendations of geranium reproduction specialists, as well as some care rules, you will definitely get strong and healthy plants for a fairly short time.

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Petriev Vladislav.

Project Manager:

Zyuzin Irina Evgenievna



Individual research project on biology on the topic "Pelargonium Home" Student of grade 2 examines historical information about the origin and study of the house plant of Gerani, describes the structure of pelargonium and its properties, studies its sphere of its use by man.

Read more about work:

In the process of student research work on the biology "Pelargonium Home" The healing properties of Pelargonium and its influence on the human body are studied, the folk signs associated with geranium are given.

Training project on biology on the topic "Pelargonium Home" contains reference information about pelargonium and its use; The meaning of the healing properties of Pelargonium in the human life is studied and the phytoncium activity of Pelargonium is found.

The materials of the research project can be used as an additional when preparing for lessons and exam work on biology, as well as for self-studying Botany.

1. Historical information about Pelargonium.
2. Description of the structure of pelargonium and properties.
3. Therapeutic properties of Pelargonium.
4. Signs: Pelargonium in the house.
5. Investigation of geranium properties experimentally.


I live in the Voronezh region, the working village of Novokhopursk. This is the center of Chernozem. We have very beautiful nature. The river Savala and Hopper proceed. I love nature. I love to go to the forest, listen to the singing of birds. I really like to consider plants. I know that there are many useful plants in nature.

I have at home encyclopedia about plants. I read about the plantain, beastly. Also drugs are Valerian, Yarrow. These plants bring great benefits. And I wondered: Are there any healthy plants for a person? Asked mom.

She said that there is. And this miracle is on our windowsill. It turned out that it was. Scientific name - Pelargonium. From here there was a topic of my work: " Pelargonium - Green Miracle" The main purpose of the work is to study the healing properties of the indoor plant-pelargonium to the human body.

As research methods, the theoretical is the study of scientific literature on the topic of the project, observation. Practical - experiment.

Hypothesis The work is as follows: if it is known to others about the healing properties of pelargonium, then people will actively use this plant.

This paper was implemented in order to show the realism of such projects - projects to study the healing properties of plants that grow nearby.

Relevance This research work is due to the fact that in the modern world are increasingly turning to traditional medicine that uses medicinal plants. Plants - our most faithful close friends and defenders. Each of us, for sure, at least once in his life he treated any disease with medicinal herbs purchased in a pharmacy or torn in the forest.

But many people are not suspected that such familiar " flowers in pots»Can also be not only an ornament, but they purify air in rooms from toxic substances that excrete plastic coatings, varnishes, glue, detergents, synthetic resins, increase air humidity, kill bacteria and reduce electromagnetic radiation.

I really like to learn something new in school, I haven't heard anything else. It is especially interesting when you need to search, do some conclusions and then tell about all classmates.

Since there is such a miracle in my house, I decided to learn more about this flower. Using knowledge about Pelargonium, this plant can be widely used as a medicinal plant to strengthen the health and purification of air of the room from bacteria in order to prevent colds.

Purpose of work: Examine the healing properties of Pelargonium and its influence on the human body.


  1. read the literature about Pelargonium and its use;
  2. explore the meaning of the healing properties of Pelargonium in a person's life;
  3. find out the phytoncium activity of Pelargonium.

Subject of study:

Object of study: Healing properties of geranium, influence on human health.

Research methods: Analysis of sources of information, observation of the plant, description of the external structure, analysis of the experiments.

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