The star of magicians in astrology. planets

Decor elements 28.06.2020
Decor elements

Each day of the week is associated with a certain planetary influence. Information about the Star of Mages has come down to us since ancient times. Secret knowledge about the Star was used by mystics and astrologers of ancient Babylon, Egypt and India. This knowledge is recorded in almost all modern cultures in the form of a seven-day week.

The influence of the days of the week on a person

So, Sunday is under the control of the energy of the Sun. On this day, active, positive and creative people are born, carrying light and warmth in themselves, and thus attracting many people. Those born on this day are distinguished by good health, are considered long-livers.

Monday is under the influence of the changeable moon. People who celebrate their birthday on this day are very sensitive, emotional and caring. They make good psychologists, teachers, nannies, cooks, sailors. Women make good mothers and keepers of the family and home.

Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars. On Tuesday, people are born energetic, decisive and inclined to take the initiative. Among their negative qualities, irritability and explosive nature can be noted.

Wednesday is considered a day ruled by Mercury. This planet governs knowledge, communication, travel and trade. People of the environment are very sociable, contact, inquisitive, enterprising and always up to date with all the latest events.

Thursday is under the planetary influence of the kind and generous Jupiter. The opinion of people born on this day is always very authoritative. They constantly expand their horizons, travel a lot and willingly pass on their knowledge to others.

Friday is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, beauty and talent. People born on Friday are very creative and prone to harmony, finding balance and finding compromises with others. Friday is a great time for holidays and marriages.

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. People born on Saturday are serious, uncommunicative, responsible and purposeful. This day is favorable for solitude, meditation. It would be nice to complete things, take stock of your work and make a plan for the future.

The principle of working with the Star of Mages is very simple and accessible to any beginner and lover of astrology. Using the knowledge contained in the Star of Mages, you can quickly understand the essence of a person by his birthday, as well as successfully plan things during the week and rationally use the stellar energy of every day.

Since the New Year is coming soon, I decided to dedicate one of the articles to something unusual. I think everyone will be interested to know what jewelry and clothes to choose for some important event.

Scientific astrology and magic - what do they have in common? However, modern astrology uses what comes from ancient astrology, namely the secrets of the Star of the Magi.
What is the Star of Mages? Sounds very mysterious. Astrologers know her, so my article is for those who do not know.
The star of magicians consists of 7 planets, which are arranged in a certain order. The basis is the number 7, like 7 days in a week, 7 colors in a rainbow, 7 notes in a scale.
Each planet is responsible for its own day of the week, for its hour during the day, for its color, for its stones and metals.

Why do you need to know about metal, stones, clothes? To heighten the vibrations of this day.
Every person has their favorite color. It is defined by an ascending sign. And when a person is going to an important event, he wants to wear his favorite dress, or "happy" clothes, so that everything goes well. And what can happen if you do not take into account the current day of the week?

For example, you go to an important meeting on Monday and you are wearing a red dress and gold jewelry. Red is the color of Mars, goes against the day of the Moon, and gold is the decoration for the day of the Sun. Well, if in an individual horoscope there are harmonious aspects between the Moon, Mars and the Sun, but if not? The meeting can be very stressful.
Someone will say - what nonsense all this. Maybe it's nonsense for some, but if it helps, why not take advantage of it and get the maximum benefit for yourself?

There are 10 planets, and 7 days of the week. Each of the 7 planets has its own day, since in ancient times only 7 planets were known, the other three were discovered later. Therefore, Pluto is with Mars, Uranus is with Saturn, and Neptune is with Jupiter in their similar properties.
Let me tell you briefly about each day.

Monday is the day of the moon.
The color is light, shades from white, silver to blue and blue-green.
Stone - emerald, moonstone.
Metal - silver.

Tuesday is the day of Mars, as well as Pluto.
The color is red for Mars, more to a brown tint, for Pluto it is bright scarlet.
Stone - Mars has a smoky topaz, Pluto has an amethyst.
Metal - Mars has iron, Pluto has steel.

Wednesday is the day of Mercury.
Color - yellow-green.
Stone - green jasper, yellow-green and green beryl.
Metal - light white alloys.

Thursday is the day of Jupiter and Neptune.
Color - Jupiter is purple, Neptune - lilac.
Stone - for Jupiter - red garnet, for Neptune - alexandrite, chrysolite.
Metal - tin.

Friday is the day of Venus.
Color - pink and yellow-orange.
Stone - rose quartz, yellow-orange agate.
Metal - copper.

Saturday is the day of Saturn and Uranus.
Color - Saturn is black and dark blue, Uranus is sky blue.
Stone - Saturn has rock crystal, diamond, Uranus has bright blue sapphire.
Metal - Saturn has lead, Uranus has aluminum.

Sunday is the day of the Sun.
Orange color.
Stone - ruby, amber, aventurine.
Metal is gold.

So what are the secrets of this star? - you ask.

Secret one.

Look at Figure 1 for the direction of the arrows. And you will see a system for managing the days of the week. The Sun governs Sunday (Sunday is the day of the Sun). Then Monday (Monday is the day of the Moon), it is ruled by the Moon, Mars on Tuesday, Mercury on Wednesday, Jupiter on Thursday, Venus on Friday, and Saturn (Saturday is the day of Saturn) on Saturday.

Second secret.
Look at Figure 2. If we go around in a clockwise direction, we get a clock control system. The first hour of the day is ruled by the planet that governs that day. For example, Sunday is ruled by the Sun, which means that the first hour on Sunday is ruled by the Sun. The second hour is ruled by Venus, the third by Mercury and so on. The next day is Monday, the day of the moon. And the first hour is ruled by the Moon. The second is Saturn, the third is Jupiter, and so on in a circle.
Since these hours are uneven, this principle is not widely used in everyday life. But it can be used to choose the time of a responsible meeting, buy an expensive item, charge a talisman, create a company.

Secret third.
Look at Figure 3. All the colors of the rainbow can be decomposed along the tops of the Star of Mages. Let's start with Mars, which is naturally red. And let's go clockwise. The sun corresponds to the orange color of the rainbow. Venus rules yellow, Mercury rules green, the Moon rules blue, Saturn rules blue, Jupiter rules purple.
But Mars has a brother Pluto, so they share red. Mars is responsible for the red-brown color, and Pluto for the bright scarlet color. In a Jupiter-Neptune pair: Jupiter is responsible for the red-violet color, Neptune for soft purple. Shades of blue were distributed as follows: Saturn is responsible for shades from dark blue to black, and Uranus for light blue, heavenly color.
It should be noted that there is no sharp border in the colors, so the neighboring planets will partly correspond to the general shades of colors. For example, the Sun governs hues from red-orange to yellow, and so on.

The star is a fairly well-known and familiar symbol to everyone. It is used by many magicians, kabbalists, alchemists, witches, astrologers. The role of each symbol in our life is very important. They carry energy, both positive and negative, and can have a significant impact on a person's life. The seven-pointed star is a septagram, known since ancient times. We will consider its meaning and application in this article.

General information

This symbol is also called the elven, magical or fairy star. The first mention of it was recorded in the Ancient East. It is drawn without moving the hand, in one stroke. All seven rays of the star symbolize the seven days of the week. Monday means betrayal, Tuesday - anxiety, Wednesday - new beginnings, Thursday - courage and will, Friday - family sphere, Saturday - friendship, Sunday - happiness and adventure. These characteristics can be very useful when drawing up a natal chart and fortune telling about the future. The seven-pointed star is a rather positive symbol that has a strong influence on all areas of human life.

mystical meaning

As you have already noticed, the seven-pointed star has seven rays. This number is shrouded in many secrets and mysticism.

It includes three components of the divine: body, spirit and mind, as well as four elements: Fire, Earth, Water and Air. By itself, the number 7 signifies wisdom. It helps to draw knowledge from space. People with a life path number of 7 are very independent and quite wise. They are smart and charming. Seven is a symbol of pride and honor. In ancient Egypt, this number was a symbol of eternal life. The seven-pointed star is a symbol that is endowed with all these qualities. It can greatly enhance them in a person.


Each of the symbols found in various literature and nature can both positively influence a person and negatively. Even the most harmless thing can bring happiness and good luck to one person, and troubles and hardships to another. You can check a thing for compatibility in many ways. One of them is the use of a pendulum.

The seven-pointed star must be placed in front of you, and above it, use a special object - a pendulum. If it starts to rotate clockwise, then the symbol is compatible with you, if counterclockwise, then it does not suit you. Sometimes the pendulum seems to freeze and does not move, in which case your compatibility with the magic star is zero. It does not affect you and your life in any way - either positively or negatively. As a pendulum, a beginner esotericist can use a ring or a pectoral cross.

Who suits the elven star

Of course, since this symbol is associated with the number seven, it is most likely suitable for people born on the seventh of any month or who have such a life path number. Sometimes certain people seem to be attracted by a magnet to such a number: he is the seventh in the alphabetical list of colleagues, his soulmate was born on such a date, various interesting things constantly happen to him on the 7th. Several such coincidences may well indicate that a seven-pointed star is suitable for a person.

The meaning of this symbol in the life of everyone is completely different. In some cases, the most unpleasant situations happen to people, and they can happen not only on the 7th, but also with the presence of a magic star. This can happen if someone has brought damage or the evil eye on you and at the same time used this particular symbol. He will meet you in shops and buses. If you notice that the seven-pointed star of magicians is “chasing” you, this is definitely not without reason. Perhaps there is a need to turn to an experienced esotericist with this question.

Of course, the symbol itself is neither positive nor negative, which means there is no need to be afraid of it. Where else is the magic star used?

Who does not fit the seven-pointed star

There is a certain category of people who should not interact with this symbol. First of all, you need to pay attention to how you feel when you hold it in your hands. If you feel uneasy, it is better to remove the star away.

Of course, no less important is where you got this symbol. For example, you found a small pendant in the form of a seven-pointed star on the street. It is beautiful, shiny and delights you. Such an undertaking can be dangerous. Often, magicians and esotericists deliberately throw away such items. There are several reasons for this:

  1. With the help of a seven-pointed star, damage or the evil eye was removed, and all the negative energy was transferred to this thing. Of course, it would be more logical to bury it somewhere in this case, but not all esotericists do this and many simply throw it into the grass. By lifting such an amulet, you can take all this negative energy upon yourself.
  2. The second option is the most dangerous. An experienced fortuneteller or magician makes a special rite (conspiracy) on the seven-pointed star so that it serves as a transmitter of energy. Now the person who found it will give all his life force to the one who performed the rite.

Use in divination

The meaning of the seven-pointed star is so great and extensive that it is often used in a wide variety of divination. In most cases, this applies to the layouts on the cards. So, for example, in Tarot, the Seven-pointed Star divination is used to find out the events that will take place in the coming week. .

Fortune telling should be done on Sunday or Monday and lay out the cards in order, as shown in the picture. The last card, the eighth, shows the end of the week and important events that can happen.

Planetary days and hours

The seven-pointed star is a symbol whose significance cannot be underestimated. Despite the fact that it is used in various divination rituals, it is also used by many astrologers to display the time cycles that determine the rhythms of life in the solar system. Planetary principles directly or indirectly relate to the planets, which set the basic rhythms. In addition, each day of the week corresponds to one of the planets. Sunday - Sun, Monday - Moon, Tuesday - Mars, Wednesday - Mercury, Thursday - Jupiter, Friday - Venus, Saturday - Saturn. Above we have already mentioned the meaning of each of these days. According to them, you can make a variety of schedules for yourself that will take into account planetary days. The day of the week on which a person was born is also very important. Especially in ancient India, this concept was given quite a lot of attention. It is believed that the character of a person and his life path largely depend on the day of the week. The happiest people are those born on Sunday under the auspices of the Sun. And the most unfortunate - on Monday under the auspices of the moon.

How, according to the above data, a horoscope is compiled? In fact, everything is quite simple. The characteristic of the planet, under the auspices of which a person was born, is very suitable for him. So, for example, people born on Sunday (Sun) are very cheerful, cheerful, cheerful. They can be impulsive and short-tempered. People born on Friday under the auspices of Venus are romantic, mysterious, friendly. As a rule, such people are not devoid of taste, they dress beautifully.

Connection with the astral world

We have already found out earlier what the seven-pointed star means, as well as in what areas it can be used. However, there is another very important function that it has. The seven rays of the star correspond to the four elements and three manifestations of the divine, all this in one star gives it the ability to be a guide to the astral world.

There is a ritual: a seven-pointed star is drawn on the floor. A candle is placed in its center. On all seven edges people stand and call the deceased. This is a very old and ancient ritual, which is recommended only for experienced magicians. In no case should you leave your place during the session, because in this case one of the ends of the star will be released, and the dead soul will leave the symbol.

The magic star is very often used for predicting the future. It helps to establish a connection with the astral world and find out all the necessary information. Almost every esotericist has an image of this symbol, and it is successfully used in rituals.

Amulet and talisman

If the seven-pointed star seems attractive to you, and you have determined that you are compatible with it, then you can buy such a pendant and carry it with you. Since it is not known for certain when buying whether the talisman had an owner before, and who he was, it is best to immediately go to the church with the amulet and consecrate it. Now, even if suddenly there was negative energy on it, all the bad things will go away, and the talisman will serve you for many years.

A very important and interesting nuance: when a seven-pointed star suddenly breaks into several parts, it means that it was able to save you from evil and witchcraft. We need to thank her for this and bury her under a birch.

Each planet gives a special "taste" to the day, paints it in its own color, in one way or another influencing the course of daily events.

Days of the week management is based on Star of Mages.

The seven-beam star in ancient times and the Middle Ages was called the Chaldean star. The day was endowed with a special symbol. For those born on a given day, certain recommendations were given. And also for each day of the week there were recommendations for doing various things.

Planets - Rulers of the days of the week:

Sunday - Sun

Monday - Moon

Tuesday - Mars

Wednesday - Mercury

Thursday - Jupiter

Friday - Venus

Saturday - Saturn

Why do we need to know the Daymasters? In order to be on the same wavelength with the universe, that is synchronize your life.

What's happened synchronization? This is when external events match our internal mood. In this case, we will bring our actions and deeds in line with the energy of the Planets.

For example, the Moon tells us that lunar affairs are best done on Monday. Mars will tell you that Martian affairs should be postponed until Tuesday.

Let us consider in more detail each day of the week and its Ruler.

The sun- a symbol of individuality in a person, creativity, celebration and celebration.

Sunday - a great day to reveal all your creative talents, to start a new cycle of creative programs. On this day, isolation, solitude is not recommended. It is better to be creative, play with children, organize a noisy and cheerful holiday for them with gifts and surprises. "Joy, creativity and smiles!" is the motto of this day.

moon- a symbol of emotions, a romantic, dreamy state, variability, sensitivity.

Monday is considered a hard day because of its instability, changeability, hypersensitivity and nervousness. On this day, it is undesirable to start new business, as they may be associated with excessive anxiety and accidents. It is better to spend this day at home, with your family, do the cleaning, cook something according to a recipe that you may have inherited from your mother or grandmother. On this day, work with the subconscious, emotions is effective. You can also reconsider your relationship with your parents, especially with your mother, make prayers for your parents.

Mars- a symbol of activity, struggle, courage, action, determination.

In Tuesday Better not to sit back. This is a day of active actions, manifestations of initiative. But on Tuesday, you should not start new things and you should not finish old ones, since this day is associated with increased conflict, when everything will provoke you to break through, over your heads, excluding any diplomacy. Also, be careful and prudent in communicating with loved ones, do not break firewood on this day, which you may regret very much tomorrow.

Mercury- a symbol of knowledge, curiosity, movement, communication, connections and contacts, trade and commerce.

Wednesday - a great day to get information, to conclude deals, sign contracts and agreements, to communicate and make new acquaintances, to travel and travel. On this day, it is good to solve issues related to literature, reading, writing. In resolving issues, conflicts must be avoided in every possible way, but use logic and intelligence, or connect the art of the deal.

Jupiter- a symbol of law, justice, religion, missionary and charitable activities, authority and respect, generosity and breadth of worldview.

IN Thursday it is recommended to study spiritual literature, conduct charitable affairs, communicate with representatives of the authorities and the law, it is appropriate to resolve legal issues. It is good to show generosity on this day, to participate in common affairs for all, to go on long journeys, to study foreign languages ​​and cultures.

Venus - symbol of harmony, beauty, love, art.

IN Friday truly love and beauty will save the world. This is a day of peace, harmony, justice, contemplation, art and beauty. This is the best day for love acquaintances and meetings, for marriage, for visiting theaters, art exhibitions, beauty salons. Also on this day, it is good to observe the measure in everything and not indulge in excessive passions. It is good to take a light meal or fast to restore the harmony of the body and combine it with the harmony of the spirit.

Saturn- a symbol of time, concentration, rigor, restrictions, responsibility, foundation, a symbol of knowledge of the inner world of a person and his relationship with society, with the outside world.

Saturday - a day of solitude for the purpose of knowing the inner world, repentance and purification. On this day, any inner work is shown, reflections on the meaning of life, about Time, meditation and prayer. It is good on this day to remember with gratitude your ancestors and your Family. It is recommended to take a small amount of food. On Saturday, one should not do things related to passion, and it is not recommended to talk a lot - it is better to be silent.

This is how, day after day, listening to what the Star of Mages tells us, we can synchronize our life, bring it into harmony with Nature. And let this be one more step on the way of knowing the laws of Nature, one more step on the way of rapprochement between man and the Planet. Man and Space. Man and God.

Graphical "calculator" designed to calculate the ruling planet of a discrete period of time.

Rarely does anyone wonder where it came from in the year 12 months, 365 days why is the circle divisible by 360 degrees, per day 24 hours, 7 days a week etc. “It so happened,” but all these meanings are associated with well-defined cosmic cycles, and they got into our everyday life due to objective reasons, and not by anyone's permission. Attempts were made to establish a 100-hour day, and a 10-month year, and a 1000-degree circle ... It didn’t take root, only in the military commissar the corners are denoted in places, the angle is indicated in “thousandths”. Otherwise, all calendar systems retain astrological (later astronomical) principles.

It is possible to state in detail the essence of all the planetary cycles included in the foundations of the calendars, but this is not necessary, since for convenience most of them are encrypted in one symbol - the Star of Mages. However, it encodes not only cycles and sequences, but also the ratio of "planetary forces", all the features of their interaction, and much more that is applicable in astrology to determine. The fact is that astrology, like any occult discipline, cannot be adequately transmitted by memorizing any rules, and its essence is simply inexpressible with the help of our language not adapted for these purposes - for centuries its own special symbolic language. Moreover, it is wrong to say that certain concepts are “encrypted” in symbols - they transmitted through symbols, the meaning of which cannot be mechanically "deciphered" - it can only be comprehended intuitively. Quite a lot of these symbols have come down to our time, but not all of them are so obvious - few people realize that occult symbols are also embedded in a regular deck of playing cards: four suits correspond to four elements:

    ♣ "Wands" (clubs) denote the element of fire;

    "Bowls" (hearts) - the element of water;

    ♠ "Swords" (spikes) - air;

    ♦ "Pentacles" or "Disks" (tambourines) and - the element of earth.


Again, again, "hard trials" associated with the next period of "tightening the screws", which provokes riots and "establishing a new order." Either repressions or reforms are used here, however, in both cases, both the authorities and later the population are raked. Not immediately, but a certain reworked “world stability” is formed, for which the population will have to pay with severe restrictions, suppression of attempts of all kinds of creative (Solar) transformations and reforms, which was observed in our rather bright Catherine's era. This is a new "holiday of mad printers", scribbling new laws and restrictions on what the writers of the laws do not understand ... that time there was an intention to liberate the peasants at the beginning, but it turned out exactly the opposite ...

For states, this will bring some bonuses “on the world stage”, but not to the population, the population is a resource, moreover, a self-renewable one ... it is customary to use it, and not to cultivate it.

Other cycles

In addition, within the 36-year cycle, its own gradation is visible, where each year it is “ruled” by its own planet, and this control can be traced by the same Star of Mages: the first and last year of the cycle is controlled by the planet of the same name - the ruler of the entire period, the second year is controlled by the next clockwise planet.

It should only be noted that the beginning of each cycle, like the beginning of the astrological year, falls on the day of the vernal equinox, when the Sun enters Aries sign(March 21st) not on January 1st.

Here opens the scope for the study of at least politics, at least astrology. Having understood the “planetary principles”, you won’t have to be surprised at the completely predictable cycles in the country’s domestic and foreign policy, when where will the emphasis go - whether on the drafting of laws, or on their implementation ... Considering these cycles, if there are no more interesting things, you can play the stock exchange with greater success, or change the country of residence in time.

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