See a dream that the husband marries. To marry the interpretation of dreams

Decor elements 28.06.2020
Decor elements

in the dream of flowers

care, interference, delays in affairs; Laughing - deception.

The meaning of sleep about the groom

by Dream Freud.

Having dreamed of the groom (not someone, and the abstract groom in a suit and with a traditional bouquet) promises you change in personal life. Either you will start a pleasant acquaintance with all the consequences that aroused from here, or change your personal status - the unmarried will marry, and the grieving marries. If in a dream you saw the groom without the bride - it means that in real life you suffer from the lack of integrity and harmony of your intimate relationships. You feel that everything goes not at all as it would like to you, but how to return sex harmony, you do not know. If you saw the groom in a dream, along with the bride, it means that your relationships both in life and in bed can only be envied.


according to Ayurvedic dreamy

Such a dream is unhappy. It predicts grief and disappointment. You will mourn the loss of a relative.

What dreams wedding

in the dream of flowers

sadness, death; Dance at the wedding - trouble with the opposite sex; Communicate with guests - things are confused.


according to Ayurvedic dreamy

Dreamed Wedding

by dream of Miller

See yourself in a dream at the wedding - means that you will quickly find a way out of the circumstances that can cause your anxiety and obstacles to success. If a young woman dreams a secret wedding - this is very unfavorable for the characteristics of her nature. It is possible that the dream will lead her to the thoughts about the need to curb himself. If in a dream she accepted the offer - this means that it will rise in the opinion of those who are above it, and the expected promises will not be deceived. If in a dream she thinks that parents do not approve of her marriage, it means that her engagement will not be approved by relatives. If she dreams that her lover marries another, the sleep foreshadows unnecessary suffering and empty groundless fears. If you dream that you are already married, is a sad omen. If a young woman sees someone in his wedding in Thura - this means that her family life will be unhappy. If this happens on someone else's wedding - it will be wicked by the unfortunate destiny or friend. Sleep can foreshadow annoyance or illness instead of expected happiness and health. A pleasant journey that will take place after such sleep may be seriously upset by an unpleasant invasion or other surprise.

Wedding sleep value

by Dream Freud.

To see someone's wedding in a dream - to pleasant news, which, although they will not be connected with you directly, but still touches you too. If you have dreamed of your own wedding, then soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will need to take it to him with a maximum understanding and guess what he means.

What dreams wedding

in the dream of flowers

be at the wedding - sadness, death or trouble with someone who marries; for sleeping - illness; Being a guest at a friend's wedding, a friend - joint affairs (what the bride looks like - such things); Dance at the wedding - trouble with the opposite sex; See guest, marriage.

What dreams about a dream about the wedding

by dream book Vangu

Walking in a dream at the wedding - to a fun party in a circle of his old friends. Perhaps at this party you will get acquainted with a person who will later become the meaning of all life. To be in a dream at her wedding - evidence that soon you will need to take a difficult decision. Most likely, all your future life will depend on this solution. If you dreamed that you are present at the wedding as an honorary guest, then in real life, some of the loved ones will very much to need your help. Do not deny this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

What dreams wife

in the dream of flowers

be them - disappointment, sadness.

Dreamed wife

by dream of Miller

To see his wife in a dream - means unfinished affairs and discord in the house. To see in a dream that your wife is unusually welcome, it means that you will receive a profit from some important and risky trade transaction. For his wife, see in a dream that the husband beats her whip, predicts that some of her unsuccessful actions will cause her harsh condemnation in the house, and then a common mess and turmoil.

What dreams wife

in the dream of flowers

(former or deceased) - the return of old cases; debt repayment; (in a dream of a husband) - the present work; Favorite or unloved lesson; Earnings; fight her - reconciliation; bore - to the disease of one of the spouses; husband caresses - big income; My wife hits a husband - to the disease; A man beats a wife or woman - to love or consent; Wife dreams very gentle husband - very bad in the family; go together - to parting; Traveling, go together - cash loss; feat - to separation; Purchase a wife (unfamiliar in reality) - a device of affairs depending on beauty and statics; The former wife is an old business; Connect with it - obstacles in proven; See Husband.

See in a dream wedding ceremony

by Dream Loffa

Obviously, before switching to painstaking work on the interpretation of such sleep, a dreaming will have a desire to explore possible events that have given a push to this sleep, such as other weddings in real life. This dream may be a simple execution of desire or personal expectation. However, if you are not in anticipation of such events, other scenarios can exist. First of all, you should consider other circumstances of your life. Do you take on elevated obligations, are you at the verge of making an important commitment to an employer, partner or other person who has a relationship? This dream can serve as a comment on how suitable for you is this commitment. If the wedding goes well, then you probably think that you conclude a reliable union. If the wedding sees your catastrophe or your role is unclear, then it may be necessary to revise the responsibilities for you.

Expert Answers


I dreamed that I was married and not a very big wedding on the street, in the yard. Give money paper. Many bills. And constantly their someone, like Gypsies, is trying to overeat. I returned them all the time ago. It seems about 3 times continued. A little fly and woke up. For some reason, all this happened in the big yard of my house and school, where childhood passed, if it is important. What can it mean? (Serge)

To see a wedding means that serious changes in life await you. Paper money you give, symbolize a chance or material benefit. Fly in a dream - to the successful completion of the cases started. Judging by the description of sleep, it can be assumed that in real life you are standing on the threshold of changes in life, and you can fall out a chance to succeed, but you need to keep your ear to you, so that you are not taken away from you or have not been deceived. There is a chance that someone from your past will help you. Most likely, everything will end safely.

When it happens to marry a dream, it is important to recall the plot details of his dream. The fact is that the dream book offers many contradictory values, which is a dream such a symbol. Often it is a messenger of change and unexpected solutions that concern love relations far from always.

What Miller says

Miller's dream book dually explains what to dream to marry. If the dreams in reality is experiencing difficulties, the symbol means surprisingly a favorable set of circumstances, as if helping over.

A secret wedding in a dream notes impulsiveness and sometimes excessive altruism. Such traits of character can create a good service, so bring to bankruptcy and other troubles.

Predictions of all times and peoples

Almost every dream interpretation offers its explanation, what to dream to marry. In the interpretation of O.Smurova get married in a dream means big changes. So that they are favorable, it is desirable to take the situation under control.

Muslim dream book offers an interesting interpretation of sleep by the one who happened to get married: the more beautiful bride, the more riser than the prospects of sleeping.

The prediction of Danis focuses on the age of a couple, which decided to get married. Additional years foreshadow the journey, the average age of well-being, to see a very young couple happens to additional obligations.

Chaldean dream book promises a meeting with a deceiver, which will deliver a lot of chagrins and will even cause their ailments.

Groom, witness, guest

Eastern dream book will tell a man why I had to see myself with a fiance in a dream. You will become a member of the mysterious very meaningful event, which will entail many changes.

If a man dreamed of being a witness, his reality will change for the better. When the guy takes an active part in the preparation of the celebration, ahead of sleeping is not an easy choice.

When a man happened to see himself among the guests, among his loved ones there is a detractor.

Who is the bride?

It is curious to know what to dream to marry gypsy. Gypsy dream book advises in the coming days to stay away from the crowd. If you dreamed of songs and dances, the financial situation may disappear.

If he had dreamed that under Fata was a familiar, the Medium Hasse promises new beginnings in affairs. If in a dream, it was lit up to marry a stranger, the likelihood of an increasing act in reality is high.

Marry a rich woman? Ahead of repentance in past sins, often in disobedience and quarrels with parents.

Like the first time

In the dream of Azara, there is an explanation, which will dream to marry his wife. If the wedding festival, which you dreamed, a copy of what happened to be in reality, family life will again be filled with passions.

This is not the only explanation that foreshadows the marriage on your wife. Tsvetkov's interpretation promises exacerbation of relationships. Marry rebound happens on the eve of either cohesion, or divorce.

If you dreamed of marrying the former wife, ahead of new horizons: moving, changing activities or fatal acquaintance.


If a married one dreamed, how he marries the second time, an old oracle warns about the possible infidelity of the second half.

What dreams of marrying married, promises family problems that, oddly enough, only bring together spouses.

Unusual newlyweds

Sometimes in a dream, completely unthinkable connections may appear, for example, marriages between relatives, including those who are alive. Dream interpretation will help decipher unusual images.

  • If I had to see that the husband is married to another, quarrels and problems are coming;
  • When a husband gets married to another in a dream, in reality, beware of deception;
  • If he dreamed like a son signed with bad special, the family will come well-being;
  • If you happened to get married with my brother, tired of an annoying cavalier;
  • Sometimes marriage with brother promises relatives;
  • If in a dream it happened to marry the mother, it's time to take care of health;
  • Did the deceased father gathered to marry? Happily get rid of troubles.

Snoviditsa is married

If a proposal for marriage has dreamed, an interview or negotiations on important matter will actually have an interview. Sometimes to see in a dream, as they offer to become a wife, it happens shortly to household turmoil and trouble.

Do not want to get married on the eve of the revaluation of life values. When the groom in a dream is too old, a black bar is getting.

Dream Interpretation explains what dream of a Slavic girl, as a non-Russian man called married. A certain bright event for a long time, if not forever, violates the usual life line.

Pre-Wedding Care

Dream interpretation will help you know what to gather to create a family. If in a dream you are talking about future children, an excellent prospects have an excellent prospect. If you had the opportunity to see myself a bride and gather under the crown, it is better to refuse to immediately immediately.

When in a dream to gather on a wedding celebration, someone from loved ones was lucky, the dreams will soon cease to communicate with this person.

Wedding signs

Dream interpretation draws attention to how the wedding looked. When the groom is the best friend, a cherished desire will be fulfilled in real life. If the young straight from the registry office escaped on a journey, wait for the kind Westa.

The overaffect of fun foreshadows sadness. If the newlyweds made themselves waiting, the sipping successfully will work out a family life.

Failed wedding

You should know what to dream about how a friend wanted to marry, then suddenly changed my mind. Such a plot foreshadows a dubious deal or frank fraud.

When the sleeper himself refused to go to the registry office, a certain unpleasant event would force reduce the level of living requirements.

Newlywed, escaped from under the crown, predicts disappointment.

Marriage in a dream means a new thing, big changes in life - bad or good. If you dreamed that someone wants to marry you, you will soon have an important conversation about a profitable business or plans for the future. If you speak about children, then the case will have a big continuous success.

I hear that someone from the people close to you the opposite sex married in a dream, - a sign of breaking relationship with this person. If you will ask you in a dream, are you going to marry (get married), while you don't even think about it, then such a dream predicts you imminent and unexpected changes in your personal life, which may be very surprised to you.

A man see in a dream that he married a girl, sleep foreshadows success in a new business with the help of a person who previously promised to help; If he marries widow, this means a prosperous and advantageous permission of old affairs. A woman to marry a widow in a dream means that she should show carefulness and not trust in unfamiliar people.

If you come out for a foreigner, then she threaten the troubles that she does not wait. Collect marry in a dream - a sign of fast change in affairs and in position. This dream is a warning for those who are frivolously burning their lives and spends money thoughtlessly. To see a married woman in a dream that she gets married, means that she will survive her husband or divorced him. If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, then the dream foreshadows her the birth of a daughter, which she will successfully marry. Sick such a dream foreshadows death.

The girl get married in a dream - the sign that she builds air locks and her dreams will not work for a long time. If you dreamed that you forbade someone to marry someone, and they themselves took the Woman in his wife, then your marriage will be short-term or unsuccessful, and your affairs will go around and so. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows that some woman will bring you a lot of evil.
See interpretation: husband, wife.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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See in a dream to marry

In a dream to be at the wedding - to the early death of relatives.

A young man sees a wedding - to the disease.

See yourself with a fiance or bride - to severe illness or death.

To see the wedding of the elderly - to get the inheritance.

The guy saw in a dream, as his girl married another, - the wedding will have to repeatedly postpone due to the death of relatives.

To see yourself at the wedding of Tamada - to enhance the service.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnie Feng Shui

What does dream marry

Change, deception or sorrow (idle), hopeless position, treason (married); on a young - illness and death; On the widow - surprise.

Interpretation of dreams from Dreamnoy Veles

See in a dream to marry

To joyful events. You yourself are managed by the celebration - the care of the last days will give invaluable results. Young people are married - to an unexpected love diction. People in age are married - to the performance of long-standing dreams. Get the offer in a dream to marry - to a suggestion about a profitable joint business. Marry himself - relationships that have been burned for you will stop without complaints about each other. See how the best friend marries - get support from a loved one. Marry the widow - you will defeat the longtime serious ailment. Marry foreigner - a pleasant stay with new acquaintances. Someone marries your loved ones - to add in your family.

Recall the details of the marriage as possible. Imagine the feelings of joy that you have experienced. Try to stay under the impression of tested feelings as long as possible.

Interpretation of dreams

    Dream "Sonnikolaev"

    Most often husband in snow Symbolizes the state of your current affairs. Depending on the circumstances and the following in snowin which you saw muga, dream interpretation will be different. To quickly find the situation that you dreamedas well as interpretation sleep - All circumstances are below alphabetically. Without this, sleep may foresign longens and health muga. Husband marry on the other in snow means your fear losing muga.Read completely

    Dream "Magickum"

    If a in snow you dreamed your husband, sleep one way or another concerns your relationship, or some events in your life muga. Thank, presented husband in snow Meaning the Union, the Alliance (if the ring was gold and integer). Pregnant husband can dream In the event that it is scheduled or nascent others Relationships. Total

  • Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    See in snow marriage His loved one muga on the other - A similar dream predicts that you lack tenderness for happiness and attention. Surrender the concern for your marriage partner, give an example. Dreamedthat you are present on the marriage of your parents at the time of their youth - the long-forgotten desires will again emerge on Sleepin which your favorite marry on the otherand you, having learned about it, upset - you are waiting for a cheerful feast on which you will be in the spotlight, promises the lunar dream book.Read completely

    Dream "Sonan"

    Dreamed like husband Wanted marry on the other Only for the sake of finance, and so will live with our child. In snow wake up and tell him that as soon as he marry, then he will not live with me. I'm talking about this and his brother who does not understand why he decided so. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dreamed Favorite marry on the otherbut the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream Interpret? Our experts will help you find out what dream Favorite marry on the other in snow, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if in snow Seen this symbol. We are! Tatyana.Mne dreamed sleep from Wednesday to Thursday that my favorite man,civil husband.marry on the otherand in the same snow He is confessed to me in love, says that he loves me and I just need him! What ... read completely

    Dream "Dreams"

    Gypsy sleep. Marry in snow On the beloved woman - to luck. All the initiated cases will soon be successful. If a person in a dream dancing at his own wedding, then he is not long time marry. When you dreamed(Sia) marry? Today. Yesterday. Day before yesterday. Other day. I do not remember

    Dream "Astralomir"

    If a woman in snow Her second half says that I female and marry on the otherthen it is very favorable sleep. What if men dreamed, what married his best friend, then for a guy sleep means that someone from relatives is lying. Dream, what am I female: what does it mean? Modern dream book says that if a dream dreamed his marriageIn most cases, such a dream is interpreted as interesting offers or significant changes in life. Total

    Dream "Astromeridian"

    Dream "Sonnik-Enigma"

    Sleep, in which dreamed former husband, dream book with bigvot as interpreting dream book, for what dream former husband from other: sleep Directly indicates the incompleteness of the relationship. If in snow Your former husband marry, sleep promises that you will succeed to achieve the desired result. Total

    Dream "Dreams"

    For what dream husband from other woman? Not always to people dream Pleasant or sweet dnahwho leave after nice impressions sometimes drawn The plot carries something completely unpleasant to human consciousness. For example, one of the spouses can to dream treason for his second half. This is not to break your head with guesses, it is best to seek help to dreamnieswhich maybe help explain what dreamed Such strange sleep.Read completely

    Dream "Zhenskoe-Mnenie"

    According to dream InterT Miller, having seen himself in snow At the wedding, you should expect a quick exit from the alarming circumstances or eliminate any obstacles. Wedding, drawing A young woman says not in favor of her personal qualities and signals that she should change his attitude to life. Sleep that your loved one is marry on the other a woman broadcasts about the coming unnecessary suffering and fears that have no soil. Total

    Dream "Astroscope"

    Anxious sleep, If a in snow Shatta came, and who are unknown. In reality, you can really threaten a different kind of trouble and illness (you saw in snow People trying to inform you about it). DreamedThat you are swat or swash, woven someone in snow - To participate in some unexpected event. DreamedThat you are the groom Marry on the other, Married man in snow marry - to treason; will be offered to participate in the new project. Total

    Dream "Sonniktolkovatel"

    Dreamed marriage its, Marry in snow, You are the groom (for trouble) - idle, problems; Otherwise - thoughts about marry. highly - Marriage responsible step. Perhaps a dream effect is your own reflection and experiences on the upcoming occasion Marriage.DreamedThat you are the groom Marry on the Married, other man in snow marry Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream book Marriage muga on the other dreamed, for what dream in snow Marriage muga on the other? If anyone in snow will see that someone other Makes sexual intercourse with his wife, his family will receive wealth and benefit. If he sees that he performs sexual intercourse with mother, sister or with a relative woman on which it is impossible marry, and if it are the months of Haja, he will go to Mecca, and if others months, relationships between relatives will improve, he will make it good. Total

    Dream "Zhenskoe-Mnenie"

    For what dream Former - by dream InterT Loffa If a dreamedthat former married on the other, this means your forgiveness to someone; married on the you - to big troubles; He burns hot love for you - wait for surprises and not always pleasant; death - soon get married, maybe you will give birth to a child. What dream Former - by dream InterT Meneghetti. Conversation in snow with former husband - to the disease of the present satellite of life or others Close to. Total completely

    Dream "Owoman"

    If the patient dream, what he marry- this is to the aggravation of the disease or even to death. Marry on the A young girl - to the fulfillment of desires, on the widow - to the prosperous completion of cases of both new and old. For those who are going marry, play in snow At the harp Marry, marry - see your wife coming to marry other means a divorce or change in affairs. If a married woman sees itself over other, sleep promises her separation from husband. But if she has a daughter, then sleep foreshadows that the daughter will marry full

    Dream "Astroscope"

    Value sleep by Dream InterT Husband, sleep Husband no legs sleep Husband Threw, interpretation sleep Husband Former, I. others Interpretki snov: Husband beats his wife Husband returned Husband in military uniform Husband naked, Husband marry on the other, Husband ill Husband and wife Husband and lover Husband changed, Husband Changes with a girlfriend, Husband in blood. And in perfect other Forecast prepared Sonniki those in whose dreams was attended by someone else Husband or Husband Girlfriends are a sign that you are unhappy with your personal life in reality. Dreamed its own husband in snow - current affairs and care. Total

    Dream "Prisnilos"

    Dream "Sonvryky"

    Sleepin which the former husband marry on the other - A sign that in real life to meet a new satellite life will not have to him, but you. Drawn former husband and lover with mistress - empty sleep, signing on your mood drops due to memories of the past, which should be mercilessly deleted from your life. Pribration in snow recognition in love - a sign that in reality you will be presented not very pleasant surprise. Total

    Dream "Dreams"

    if you dreamed marriage, sleep Speaks about the harmoniousness of your character. Sleepin which you see your beloved marry on the other A woman, foreshadows jealousy on your part, for which there is no reason. If you see in snow, as marry Someone from your friends (relatives), and at the ceremony there is a man in mourning clothes, this sleep foreshadows someone from your loved ones a bad marriage. Total

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    Dream book Husband. What means sleep From Tuesday on Wednesday? dreamed that former husband marry on the other a woman who is in the wedding dress and I am present at their wedding as a guest, while worrying very much, and I have the whole ceremony unpleasant, as a result, I have from the disorder, in snow, bleeding has been opened. Total

    Dream "Sonnik.jofo"

    DreamedThat you are the groom Marry on the Married, other man in snow marry - to treason; To participate will be offered in a new project. Marry For symbolic you can be some kind of new or project the idea that you dedicate everything that will require yourself complete dedication and efforts of huge. Dream book Husband, Key values snov in Dream Interpret: Husband without legs, Husband threw Husband former, Husband beats his wife Husband returned Husband In the pitch completely

    Dreamnov Domsnov

    For what dream, what husband from other. Interpretation snov. Sleepin which you see muga from other A woman, above all, speaks of his dissatisfaction with life. muga in snow With a stranger - to the troubles that you are threatened due to the frivolity and indisputability of your friends. Sleepin which your husband kisses s other a woman foreshadows an unpleasant story in which you will be acting person.

    Dream Interpretation "Felomena"

    For what dream Guy marry in snow by dream InterT? See that your groom binds himself to marriage with someone other - So, in real life, his love dust in relation to you somewhat cool, and the reason for this may be your competitor, which has obvious advantages over you. dreamedthat my former husband married, and I did not see the wedding itself, I was missing about her. It was not hurt, I wanted to break on my car. Total fully

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream book Dead husband marry on the dreamed, for what dream in snow Dead husband marry on the?Sleepin which you leave from muga to other in snow husband male Read completely

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream book Former husband marry on the dreamed, for what dream in snow Former husband marry on the?Sleepin which you leave from muga to other A person can bring big trouble on you in real life because of your too sharp and long tongue. If a in snow husband Leaving on a business trip, and you act according to the classic scheme, taking on a married bed of your lover, - in reality your excessive coquetry gives male reason to suspect something wrong. Total

    Dream "Zhenskoe-Mnenie"

    Sleepin which the bride dreamthat her favorite marry on the other - to unfortunate jealousy. If in snow Favorite man gives you his photo - it says that you are for him - only an instrument to achieve his goals; If you give expensive gifts - it's good and rich male. Walking with your beloved on a beautiful well-kept park - to a pleasant pastime and successful marital margin. Total

    Dream "Sunhome"

    Dream book - Husband, man. Woman see in snowthat it husband, lover or close friend married- The prediction of the fact that it is soon waiting for parting and loneliness. if you dreamthat you are looking for your mugaand it is not, or you call him, and he turned to Sleepin which you saw that your husband passionate other the lady, tells you that you must give him more attention to make your collaborative life more attractive and interesting, as your currently husband dissatisfied with your life with you.

Often, in a dream, we see how they marry, or they themselves play the role of the groom or the bride. In dreams There are many interpretations of such sleep. Sometimes it means big changes in life and unpredictable solutions.

Opinion Miller

By Miller's dream book, if the dream is a black strip in the dream of a dream, then after sleeping about marriage must all be allocated to resolve.

If you dreamed that you were secretly crowned, then in life you are disinterested, you are peculiar to a sharp change of feelings.

For other interpreters

What dreams of marrying, many dreams offer their explanation of dreams.

O. Smurova believes that he marry in a dream - to change in life. But do not forget that life for you will not do anything yourself, it is necessary to take everything under control.

Muslims decipher sleep by certain signs: the more beautiful the bride, the better the future for sleeping.

Danis drew attention to the age category of the couple. If the bride and groom are adults - it promises a trip. Newlywed middle age predict welfare. Very young newlyweds foreshadow bustle.

Chaldean dream book explains the dream as a meeting with a false man who will bring a lot of trouble and can harm health.

In what quality to see yourself

Eastern dreams identified what to dream to marry, so: if you are groom, take part in some important event or surprise.

What dreams of seeing yourself in a dream witness? Soon in life everything will change for the better. A man participates in the preparation of a celebration - in reality it will be necessary to take an important decision.

The guy see himself a guest at the wedding, it means that there is a person who wishes evil among relatives.

The appearance of the bride

If we saw the gypsy as a bride, then the Gypsy dream book warns at this time not to be in crowded places. Sing and dance at a wedding - In the future, the financial situation will deteriorate significantly.

Under Fata, next to you familiar girl? Miss Hasse explained it as new things. Marry an unfamiliar girl - to an incorrect act in life.

What dream of a wealthy lady as a bride? According to the dream, you recognize your mistakes and you will feel the feeling of guilt in front of someone, in particular, to parents.

Again wand

Azar in his dream book explained what to dream to marry his wife. If the wedding was already in reality, then in family life, passion and understanding again. But the Dream Dream of Tsvetyls complexity in family relationships, it may mean divorce or a large quarrel.

An unexpected dream about the conclusion of marriage with a former wife foreshadows a new life, a change of residence or acquaintance, which will change your worldview.

By the dream of an old oracle to be under the crown a second time - in reality to catch his love on treason.

If in a dream, marry the second time - in life there will be problems in the family, but you should not worry, they will only bring together spouses.

Absount Wedding

Conflicts in a married couple threaten those who had dreamed that her husband decided to marry another.

If you saw a husband in the arms of another spouse, the dream book says that you may be deceived. In a dream, get married a brother? Soon you will have an unpleasant fan.

Son found a bad bride - fortunately in the family. Wedding with brother in a dream can bring a deterioration in someone from loved ones.

Take a native mother in his wife - it's time to survey in the hospital and learn about the state of health.

The late father who marries a dream, foreshadows you quick and rush overcoming problems.

Get married

What dreams, what did your hand and heart offer? In fact, soon go on an important transaction or meeting. Also, the proposal may mean unexpected troubles or quarrels.

Requested from the proposal or do not want to become the parent - in reality you need to overestimate your life.

Is the groom too adult man? You are waiting for a black band in life and failure.

A Russian girl saw how in a dream she makes a proposal a guy not Russian nationality - some event will change your life in the opposite direction, perhaps forever.

A girl to see himself in a dream in the dress of the bride - it is necessary to immediately refuse all the planned affairs, they will not bring the result.

Going to a wedding to your loved ones - in reality, perhaps, stop communicating with these people forever.

What was at the wedding

Often, dreams advise to pay attention to what happened during the wedding.

Your best friend gathered to marry - the desire that you have long dreamed will be fulfilled. Newlyweds spoiled on the journey directly from the wedding - pleasant news will burst into your life.

Too fun during a wedding celebration - Something will soon disappear.

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