Beautiful handmade icicles. How to make artificial icicles with your own hands! Wash basins and boxes

Landscaping and planning 16.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

What will be needed:
1. Plastic bottle (preferably transparent, smooth is best, but you can experiment).
2. Scissors (or a sharp knife - just don't cut yourself!).
3. Candle.
4. Thread (invisible, can be found in shops for magicians).
Actually everything. Next comes the instructions.

1. Take a bottle and cut upper part knife (or scissors).
We cut, again with scissors or a knife, the bottle lengthwise into strips of approximately the same width (optimally - 1-1.5 cm). Due to the fact that the bottle is usually in the shape of a cone, the bottom of the bottle will be slightly wider than at the top of the bottle. As a result, you will have a number of strips with a width of 1 cm at the beginning to 1.5 cm at the end. Do not worry about some flaws - at the end of the work they will be almost invisible. Here is just one good advice - cut off the sharp end, you can really cut yourself on it, since the PTF from which the bottles are made is a fairly durable material.

3. We light a candle. The candle should not smoke and flicker (if so, just cut the wick). We take a plastic strip at both ends (we do not heat them so as not to burn ourselves) and slowly draw it over the candle flame (at a height of about 3-4 cm), at the same time, as it were, stretching and twisting while moving. When you reach the end, do not stop and stretch the strip until it cools, as the icicle may turn out to be bent.
4. If desired, you can cut off a thinner end, and the wider one must be cut to a rounded shape.
5. At this wide end, you need to dig a dirk for a thread and thread an invisible thread into it (but you can also see it, but with an invisible one it turns out cooler).
6. That's it, hang up and rejoice.

Good advice from experience: the first icicles will most likely be thrown away by you. Do not despair, try again - a few prototypes will help you achieve such a mode of movement and warming up so that the plastic does not melt on the one hand, but on the other it still becomes pliable. A rancid plastic smell should alert you - either run the strip over the candle too slowly, or hold it too close to the fire - in any case, the plastic starts to burn.
If you are making a long icicle (for example, from a 2 liter bottle), stop in the middle of the way, let it cool down a bit - this way you will achieve a more controlled warm-up.

In this article, we will tell and show you all kinds of items, food, toys ... in general, everything that can fit to create a festive New Year's atmosphere.

What to do if there are spruce branches?

When installing live Christmas trees, sawn off branches may remain. Never throw them away! Such branches can be woven into garlands, used in Christmas wreaths, made into bouquets or decorated with them on the table. Garlands are easily fastened with wire or ribbons.

And if you like needles powdered with snow, just create a strong saline solution and submerge the twigs in it for one night. After drying, they will be covered with "real" hoarfrost!


Well what New Year without tangerines and oranges? It is easy for the whole family to create beautiful compositions from citrus fruits with the help of cinnamon sticks, cloves, foil and in general everything that comes to hand! We make tangerine snowmen, stick clove seeds into the zest so that they form hearts or snowflakes, build slides from colorful citrus fruits and, of course, decorate all this splendor with fir branches!

Today, Christmas beads can be bought per footage. They are sold in both large reels and small reels. It is not at all necessary to use strands of beads: we boldly divide them into separate beads, filling them with all possible transparent containers: vases, glasses, bottles. Scatter the beads on New Year's table and under the tree. We sew red bags, in which we also add beads. You faux Christmas tree? String beads on needles. By the way, instead of beads, you can use sets of small balls.

Beads have another great use: with the help of beads and thin copper wire you can make a lot of unusual snowflakes. Hang them in your apartment and be sure: no one will have such decorations!

Homemade garlands

Are you bored with store garlands? No problem! With your own hands you can make garlands that the world has not yet seen! Buy strands of Christmas beads, collect everything christmas balls, bells and icicles that are in the house - and go for it! String them on threads with beads the way you like, and don't listen to anyone. There is a definite plus in such garlands: it is easy to disassemble them, which means that for the next New Year you can make new garlands from other balls and in other colors.

Homemade garlands can be made from anything: from soft toys, woolen pompoms, fabric, threads, candies and even CDs!

Serpentine - with your own hands

Coarsely chopped serpentine looks very advantageous. All you need is a few sheets of double-sided thick colored paper. You cut each sheet in a spiral, and you get such “serpentine” threads that you can hang on a chandelier or just under the ceiling.


Balloons can also be used in New Year's decoration. Snowflakes from balls attached to the ceiling and walls look very unusual, or these funny Christmas trees:

By the New Year, a lot of balls with New Year's prints are produced, which makes them welcome guests at this holiday.

Maybe you live in a place where cones literally lie under your feet? Then do not waste time and collect this treasure! Cones can become a wonderful decoration: inexpensive, long-lasting, exclusive. Depending on the effect you would like to achieve, use fake snow, silver paint, and satin ribbons.

Paper snowflakes

Paper snowflakes have been known to us since childhood. This elegant decoration is easy to make with your own hands. Especially fun to carve them with the whole family. You can attach such snowflakes to walls, windows, curtains. They can be collected in garlands or used as coasters for plates. They can be a great stencil for decorating windows.

To do this, cut out a snowflake, wet a glass or mirror and attach it so that it sticks. Then dip in blue or white gouache unnecessary toothbrush, bend the bristles with your finger and release to spray the snowflake and the glass around it. Repeat the procedure several times, then remove the snowflake. Her beautiful double will remain on the glass. Washing off gouache after the holiday is easy. Remember: there are not many snowflakes - it does not happen!

By the way, snowflakes do not have to be white at all. They look great in bright red!

Balloons with fabric applications

In any house, one way or another, there are unnecessary wearable things. If your favorite balls are fading and the icing is chipping off, consider refreshing them with fabric appliqués. Just cut out the pattern you like from the fabric, glue it - and your balls are completely out of competition! And to complete the picture, hang such a ball on a satin ribbon.

Christmas garlands made of paper and fabric

Perhaps paper and fabric garlands give the greatest scope for imagination. In addition, they are inexpensive, and you can create them even with a small child. The main thing - do not be afraid to fantasize!

Candles have long been considered necessary element to create a romantic atmosphere. If your New Year should be just like that - be sure to pay attention to them. You can arrange them in glasses or transparent flowerpots, use them as an addition to wreaths of spruce branches, and even hang them on a Christmas tree, having previously acquired special containers.

Candles are very decorative and atmospheric, they are available in a huge range of colors: from white to gold. True, when choosing such an ornament, you must carefully consider the rules. fire safety and provide decorative saucers-stands or candlesticks.

Ordinary tree branches can also be excellent material for New Year's decoration. Arrange them in vases or bottles that can be filled with both medium-sized Christmas toys or beads, and material that looks like snow (salt, flour, sugar). Hang any decorations on the branches - from electric garlands to gingerbread houses.

Icicles and snow

Icicles are a great decorative element. White and blue colors emphasize the breadth of the home space, and the decoration will not look heavy. Icicles are made simply: cut out of paper long row icicles, then the lower edge is coated with glue and dipped in sparkles. All that remains for you is to glue the icicles along the edge of the shelves, cabinets and window sills (you can simply fold the edge of the paper sheet and put it like a napkin so that the icicles hang like a fringe). It is a little more difficult to make voluminous icicle tubes and attach them to the ceiling in the corner of the room.

Any material can be given a "snowy" look. To do this, use salt, sugar or foam balls. A thin adhesive film will create a "glassy" feeling.

Tinsel Jewelry

If you like stars, snowflakes or spruce branches, you can make them very simply and quickly from ordinary tinsel. All you need is a flexible frame wire. Draw the outline of the desired shape on paper, then bend the wire directly along this outline. Now wrap the resulting frame with tinsel - and voila! You will get fluffy snowflakes, stars, sleighs, and in general, anything your designer vein wants!

New Year's minimalism

If you don’t like bright decorations or think that there is no room for voluminous toys or hand-made in your interior, limit yourself to a transparent vase filled with beads and Christmas decorations with the addition of cones or spruce branches. This decoration looks very stylish, does not take up space, allows you to limit yourself to the necessary color palette and pleases no less than garlands or a Christmas tree.

Eco style jewelry

Curious christmas toys you can do it yourself from ropes, cones, twigs or dried fruits. If you prefer only exclusive jewelry, just take a look around: you will surely find a lot of material to create such unique gizmos.

Pompoms always look festive. They are done quickly. And if you have extra yarn, such a stylish decoration is quite suitable for you /

Ready-made Christmas pictures

Is it easier for you to buy ready-made pictures or stencils than to cut them yourself? Before you go to the store, be sure to look on the Internet: it is not difficult to find ready-made free pictures on the net.

Thanks to stencils, you can quickly and cost-effectively decorate windows, walls and doors. Also today you can buy bright self-adhesive pictures.

Hand made - something that is made with your own hands. Today, this design direction is gaining points. Do you enjoy creating on your own? Then at your disposal great amount materials: plastic and textiles, wood and wire, thread and salt dough, paper and foil, fabric and Balloons. All these things can be used to create unique and inimitable jewelry.

We invite you to play a small game with your friends: let New Year's celebration Everyone will bring a handmade toy!

Advice for good mood

You love pleasant surprises? Then be sure to place star glasses, caps, masks and other accessories in different places of the festive hall. Rest assured your guests will love them!

There are many ways to decorate your home to make it joyful, unique and truly magical. Choose what suits you the most and please yourself and your loved ones with the most original and warm ideas!

For candle cups:

Two glass jars of different sizes
various lace ribbons 70 cm long
organza ribbon 70 cm long
satin ribbon 70 cm long
cotton cord 70 cm long
window film with deer and squirrel motifs
2 wooden snowflakes with a diameter of 3-4 cm
2 white wax beads with a diameter of 8 mm
white acrylic matte paint


scissors scraper or flexible plastic spatula barbecue sticks clear tape

For snowflakes and icicles:

Imitating ice structural gel paste in a tube
Czech beads and faceted glass beads with a diameter of 2-6 mm
artificial decorative sparkling ice crystals
thin silver thread or silver cord with a diameter of 1 mm
white organza ribbons 10 and 3 mm wide, 30 cm long
white satin ribbon 3 mm wide and 30 cm long
self-adhesive transparent faceted glass beads with a diameter of 8-10 mm
silver wire with a diameter of 0.25 mm


scissors paint spatula drill 1 mm drill bit hot glue gun darning needle

for free download

Step 1

Enlarge motifs for snowflakes and icicles and fix with adhesive tape on the reverse side of the film.

For icicles, apply a structural gel paste to the film with a spatula, and apply it in an uneven layer, in places forming “heaps” resembling snowdrifts.

Scatter small beads and sparkling artificial ice crystals over the still soft gel paste.

Step 2

When applied, the gel paste has a milky color and, depending on the thickness of the layer, dries out within 2-4 days. Once the gel paste is dry, the film can be removed.

After that, grease the icicles on the back side with gel paste and, as for the first time, sprinkle with beads and sparkling ice crystals.

Step 3

When the icicle is completely dry, drill a hole with a diameter of 1 mm for hanging. Insert a thin wire into the hole and bend it in the form of a small loop. Hang the icicle on a thin silver cord. Lay a satin ribbon and two organza ribbons in the shape of a bow, tie with silver wire and glue to the hanging loop with hot glue.

Step 4

glass jars degrease. Measure the circumference of the jars and cut out the film with motifs 2 cm longer. Lay the film around the jar and stick it without folds. At the same time, press it with a squeegee or a flexible plastic spatula.

Tie the jars with various ribbons and lace, as shown in the photo, and additionally decorate with wooden snowflakes. Put a candle in a jar or fill it with Christmas balls.

Step 5

The motif for the snowflake, as well as for the icicle, is fixed under the film.

Squeeze the structural gel paste onto the film directly from the tube. At the same time, hold the tip of the tube vertically, squeeze out the gel paste slowly and follow the contours of the motif with the lines of the gel paste. Thus, with the lines of the gel paste, alternately repeat each ray of the snowflake. In the middle, press a large faceted glass bead into the gel paste.

After that, sprinkle the gel paste with a thin layer of sparkling ice, leave to dry for 1-2 days and, finally, carefully and slowly remove the film. Make a hole with a thick darning needle and hang the snowflake on a thin silver thread.

Among New Year's decor, which can be easily made from ordinary office paper, it is necessary to mention voluminous icicles.

Paper icicles are made quickly and look very impressive, especially if you add a small yarn tassel and a few bright beads to them.

For crafts you will need:

  • 2 squares of office colored paper 9 * 9 cm;
  • lace or thread for knitting;
  • 3 beads for decoration;
  • scissors;
  • gypsy needle.

How to make an icicle out of paper:

  1. On a square sheet, with the help of folds, outline both middle and two diagonal lines.
  2. We connect the halves of the horizontal line, the figure turns into a triangle of several layers along the edges.
  3. In origami, such a basic figure is called a “water bomb”.
  4. Raise the first layer of the triangle on the right side.

  5. The line that was the lateral side is combined with the vertical line emanating from the top of the triangle. Smooth out the folds.
  6. We bend the left side of the resulting quadrangle to the right. Raise upper layer triangle on the left side.
  7. We repeat point 5.
  8. Turn the figure over to the other side and lift up the right side of the triangle.

  9. We repeat point 5.
  10. Repeat step 5 for the last (left) side of the triangle.
  11. Similarly, we make the second half of the icicle.
  12. Now we make a suspension. We insert a piece of cord or knitting thread folded in half into a gypsy needle.

  13. We pierce the upper part of the icicle in the middle, bringing the needle out from the inside. We remove the needle - there is a loop left. We tie a thick knot at the ends from the inside - such that it does not slip into the hole.
  14. For a brush, wrap 7 circles of thread around three folded fingers.
  15. We cut the resulting skein in two places and tie with another thread in the middle.
  16. We put all the threads of the brush together and under the knot we wind several turns of another thread, which we fix with a knot and hide the ends under the turns. Trim the brush with scissors.

  17. We thread both ends of the thread on which the brush is held into the needle, string 3 beads on them.
  18. Now we make a puncture of the second half of the paper icicle in the center from the outside, bringing the needle inward.
  19. Closer to the paper, tighten a thick knot and cut off the excess thread.
  20. We insert both halves of the icicle into each other. This requires accuracy and slowness. Each long sharp part of the icicle should lie under the short triangle-pocket of the other part. Load parts sequentially.

For strength, I put a couple of drops of glue under the pockets. Otherwise, the weight of the beads could separate the paper structure.

Have fun preparing for the holidays!

Shared the master class

Kononenko Anastasia

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