Interior of a teenager boy's room, options, photo. Adult design of a small nursery for a teenager Beautiful teenage rooms for boys

The buildings 30.08.2019
The buildings

At one fine moment, the nursery turns into rooms in a teenager, and this is a reason to make global changes into the interior. As if from a school suit, the child grew out of the wallpaper with bears. It's time to move to the next level.

What should a teenager's room look like?

Parents can puzzle over what interior to choose for their son's abode as much as they like, but it would be better to involve him in the process. His opinion is already worth listening to.

Adolescents' moods often change, but the likelihood that he will not like his own choice is much less.

The interior, chosen independently, will be much closer for the child. Participation in the design, the choice of finishing materials will give a sense of maturity, show that he is treated as an equal.

By updating the design on his own, the guy will perceive the room as a place that he created himself.

By shifting the design to the child, there is a risk of encountering irrational ideas or “crazy” color combinations that will quickly begin to annoy everyone. It is better to gently guide the teenager's thoughts in the direction of a neutral style. Examples from the Internet, magazines that talk about the design and interior of the house will help. It can be a piece of wall pasted over with posters, custom-made photo wallpapers, items dedicated to a teenager's hobby.

One zone is enough in which the individuality of a teenager will be expressed. But she must be present.

Own rooms a - this is a place where a lot of time will be spent, so it is worth organizing high-quality conditions for the boy to relax and study. If there is a window, you need to try to think through the design so that natural light is used to the maximum, and at the same time does not interfere with rest.

Lighting is of great importance.

Serious attention should be paid to lighting at night. The working area should be well-lit, preferably with fluorescent lamps. It is recommended that alternative light sources be present, less bright.

It is advisable to think over the lighting of the bedside area in order to read a book before going to bed and turn off the light without getting up.

Remember that adolescence is a time of vivid experiences and violent emotions. To survive them, you need a reliable place where the guy can be alone, chat with friends, listen to music, or somehow throw out emotions.

For a boy, his own corner in the house should give a feeling of maximum comfort and peace.

Essential element - sleeping area. The best way - good bed. Sofa in teenage rooms y may seem like an attractive option, but still it is more intended for temporary recreation. And for a full night's sleep, the child should have a comfortable bed with orthopedic mattress. Adolescence in boys is a period of intense growth.

correct sleeping place help avoid curvature of the spine.

From the same point of view, the work area should be considered. A solid desk with enough space for a computer or laptop, school notebooks, textbooks and other stationery.

If the boy sits at the computer a lot, you can purchase an ergonomic computer chair.

A teenager is an independent person, he needs his own rooms as well as personal space. It covers important aspects of a teenager's life:

  • Dream;
  • O leisure (reading, watching TV, computer games);
  • Sports activities;
  • V meetings with friends;
  • W activities (doing lessons, creativity).

In adolescence, everyone wants to make the space close to him.

The modern style of decoration suggests that the space is clearly zoned to create the most comfortable atmosphere in teenager's room. Screens are used to separate the bedroom from the rest of the room, or this is done using the layout.

Often the boy's sleeping area is hidden behind racks, partitions, etc.

Room area The space dedicated to a teenager may be small, but there should be a place dedicated to the hobby- an aquarium, a shelf with a collection of car models, several sports equipment or a whole drum set.

The child needs to feel that his hobbies are accepted and respected. It is very important.

If the room sizes s allow, you need to set aside a place to chat with friends. The guest area should be cozy. It can accommodate chairs and Coffee table or a small sofa.

Fashionable soft pear chairs and stylized ottomans will complement the interior.

The interior of the room for a boy from 13 to 17 years old

A young man of adolescence has already fully formed his own view of the interior, there are preferences for design and decor. For rooms s teenager characteristically free space, bright modern furniture. Be sure to buy a comfortable table.

The facades of modern wardrobes can be creatively decorated by ordering a photo print of the boy’s favorite idols, a stylish print in the form of a car, a seascape, a musical instrument, etc.

If the room is very small, a loft bed with a working area below, a folding bed instead of a regular one, will be appropriate.

The modern furniture market offers a wide range of interesting space-saving ideas.

You can choose a transforming bed, or a bed equipped with spacious drawers.

All furniture must be of high quality and durable. Look very stylish rooms s made in the same theme. Most popular topics for teenagers rooms:

  • Marine;

    There should be a minimum amount of furniture in a teenager's room - the more space, the better.

  • Musical;

    As with any other room, the style of the interior should be chosen individually.

  • Sports;

    Boys very often choose gray or black colors for their interiors.

  • Military;

    This range creates a comfortable atmosphere for relaxation and activities, it does not irritate the eyes and is practical, which is important for many young people.

  • Automotive;

    Wall mural is a budget-friendly and easy way to make a teenager's room unique and memorable.

  • Space.

    Freedom of expression is very important for any teenager.

For rooms s older boy will be more relevant "adult" style- loft or Hi-Tech.

Style Colors/materials Recommendations
Nautical White, all shades of blue, turquoise, brown.

Wood, ropes.

You can style the room like a real cabin in white and blue or antique brown.
Musical Any shades. The musical style is a lot of posters with performers, musical instruments on the walls, paintings and diplomas for victories in music competitions. Accessories will help to complement the character of the room: pillows in the form of musical instruments, etc.
Sports Shades symbolic of your favorite sport. You can put a carpet on the floor that resembles a football field or a tennis court. Add sports equipment and posters with idols.
Military Khaki, Green, Swamp, White, Blue. Simple furniture, curtains and khaki bedding, decor in the form of banners, portraits of prominent military figures.
Automotive Any colors and materials Are future motorists interested in cars in all their manifestations? This means that the room needs bright posters with cool cars, photo wallpapers, a collection of models, a clock in the shape of a gear, a bed in the shape of a car for the bedroom.
Space Silver, Chrome, White, Grey;

materials: plastic, metal.

The space room will be decorated with an unusual chandelier in the form solar system, and the walls can be finished with textured wallpaper in a space style.
Loft Bright colors and different textures. The style is characterized by spacious rooms, a minimum of furniture and “rough” decor elements. Rough brick walls, rough wooden beams on the ceiling, etc.
Hi-Tech Gray, "chrome", gray-blue, white, beige. Materials - plastic, metal. Futuristic forms, strict lines, furniture made of glass, plastic and metal can be used as a basis to create a space style.

Materials for finishing walls, floors and ceilings can be used traditional, and the mood in rooms e create with accessories.

Designing a Nursery for a 13-Year-Old Child

By the age of 13-14, interests change significantly. Designing rooms for a boy of this age, his desire for change should be taken into account. It is better to choose soft, calm colors according to the preferences of the growing young man.A boy's good taste is formed from childhood.

Therefore, try to choose the appropriate style for the beautiful design of the teenage room, buy high-quality furniture.

You should not insist on your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal nursery, especially if it runs counter to the opinion of a teenager. But to follow every whim (painting the walls in black and pink stripes) is also useless. You can always negotiate and find a compromise.The child can plan the interior under the guidance of adults. Perhaps the process will seem fascinating to him, he will come up with an individual style for decoration rooms.

Design and features for a 15 year old boy

For many guys, this period is the peak of self-expression. The boy begins to be interested in girls, he actively tries to look like an adult. If you are preparing a transformation rooms s by the 15th anniversary of the child, then it should have a zone for communication and a large space for self-expression. Teenagers of this age often change hobbies, try to play musical instruments, sign up for sports clubs, etc. And along with new hobbies, posters on the walls will also be updated.

It is best to decorate the walls of the boy's room with inexpensive materials and make room for idols.

15 years is the age when it is important for the boy and parents to keep good contact. This can be done if you treat him with respect, as an adult. If the guy himself determines the design, makes the choice of materials for decoration, layout, helps in arranging, then rooms and become a source of his pride. When doing repairs on your own, you must definitely involve a teenager in this work, this will be a useful experience.A young man should be able to calmly study his lessons, prepare for exams, relax, retire, bring friends to his space. You shouldn't break into rooms y without knocking - a teenager may begin to behave in the same way or try to spend more time outside the house.

If your own room is the place of the most comfortable stay, then you will be able to avoid many teenage problems.

Interior for a 16-year-old teenager

By the age of 16, many guys decide on their hobbies, understand what they want from life. Room design s for a 16-year-old teenager can be completely trusted to himself. The guy already understands what a budget is, what opportunities he has, what functions his personal space should perform. He is quite capable of choosing furniture and optimally organizing the space.

Offer a couple of ideas, but do not insist, let him show his creativity, and the final choice will be his decision.

However, do not force the child to design everything to the smallest detail, especially if he does not want to. Not everyone likes to design the interior of the bedroom. If the budget allows, it is worth visiting a professional designer so that he can create an original design for a teenage girl based on the wishes of the boy. rooms.

Teenage room - what to consider when upgrading?

Sometimes a teenager has to share rooms with my brother. Placing two young men in the same territory, especially if they have different interests, is not an easy task. But she is solvable. It is important to create a sense of equality for every boy. The option is undesirable when one sleeps on the bed, and the second gets a sofa, one table for two for classes, etc.

Let the furniture be compact, but everyone should have their own bed, table, bedside table, bookshelf.

To separate the bedroom, you need to use screens, curtains or partitions. For the best organization space, you can actively use the walls, make hanging shelves, cabinets or use loft beds. Even if the children were friendly in childhood, in adolescence it is better to create conditions so that everyone has a personal place.

VIDEO: Room design for a teenage boy.

The design of a children's room for a teenager is a process that cannot be imagined without his participation. After all, soon the child will turn into an adult with personal hobbies and tastes. But while a teenage boy lives with his parents, he has to reckon with their views on the interior. How to make sure that not only the child likes the room, but also corresponds to the rational ideas of parents about a comfortable and functional living space?

Children's room for a teenager: choose the right style

Where does the design of a room for a teenager begin? After consulting with a teenage boy, one specific style should be used. A room for a teenager, completely designed in one of the current styles, will certainly not leave him indifferent. Many designers believe that hi-tech, loft and Scandinavian style. But it is important to take into account the personality of the owner of the room and be sure to consult with him when choosing a design style. Here are some ideas:

  • Sporty style suitable if a teenager leads an active lifestyle. The children's room is equipped with exercise equipment, wall bars. Does the teenage boy prefer one particular sport? Then the main design idea is determined based on the child's hobbies. For example, a football-themed room for a teenager boy is a win-win option, thanks to which the room will become individual. An orange and black color scheme, a green mat that looks like a grass field, a poster with your favorite football player - and the sports design is ready. The room should be spacious so that the active boy feels free. The sports style is functional, so they use the most practical furniture and finishes that can withstand all the pranks of the child. A room for which a sporty style is chosen is decorated with attributes of a certain sport, for example, balls or a basketball net on the wall. Chrome parts, contrasting colors, laconic furniture - elements without which it is impossible to make this youth style. The room looks dynamic and individual.
  • African style suitable if the room belongs to a child who loves travel and the exotic. The African interior involves the use of images of animals. A picture with a lion, tiger or zebra will be appropriate. African design is a room dominated by brown and green colors in all their diversity, with the addition of bright details. Furniture should be used wicker or forged. The room, for which the African style is chosen, is decorated with textiles with animal prints. For example, the room will become more expressive thanks to the bedspread, the pattern of which imitates the skin of an exotic animal. bamboo wallpaper, wooden masks on the wall and carpet-mat on the floor complete the decor. The children's room is finished with high-quality natural materials that help to make a comfortable, but expressive teenage interior.
  • Avant-garde style - a bold design, within which bold experiments are welcome. Such a teenage design implies the predominance of pure colors: green, yellow, white, red, black, as well as their contrasting combinations. Avant-garde strives for originality, but prioritizes functionality. Therefore, the decor should be used to a limited extent. There is no special need for them, since the room is filled with unusually shaped furniture, decorated with bright materials. Walls can be painted in several tones at once. For example, above the recreation area - in green, and above the reception area - in red. There is a transformable, hanging or modular furniture, soft bean bags. An avant-garde-style children's room for a teenage boy is expressive and non-standard. Avant-garde is suitable if the child seeks to stand out from his peers.
  • Loft style - perfect interior for a teenager with any hobbies: both creative and sports. The loft room is the dream of many, therefore it is almost universal. Such a children's room looks concise, but expressive due to the use of stone, brick, concrete, metal in the decoration. The loft will appeal to a teenage boy who is in love with the atmosphere of megacities. The rough textures of the walls and ceiling look advantageous against the background of plastic, glass or leather furniture. This design is open to any innovation, so high-tech sports equipment and high modular bookcases will harmoniously fit into the interior. Loft implies a moderate use of decor. Painting with an urban landscape, big clock on the wall will soften the brutal interior. A teenager will appreciate such an original color. close to loft English style. Such a beautiful design of a room for a teenager echoes the London atmosphere. The interior, designed in red-brown tones, is decorated with images of the Big Ben tower, double-decker buses, stone or brickwork.
  • Hi-tech style- this is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btechnological progress, which will obey the entire interior of the room for a young man. Teenage high-tech design is discreet and functional, and the room is replete with reflective surfaces - polished metal or glossy plastic, glass. The room is decorated with a predominance of cold colors: gray, blue, snow-white. Such a teenager's room is easy to clean, as its design involves the use of a minimum of decorative elements. Any technique and sports equipment harmoniously fits into the high-tech interior. A teenager whose hobbies include computer technology, technical and scientific innovations will appreciate high-tech. Children's room reminds spaceship, where the presence of every detail is justified from a practical point of view. The furniture is light, of clear geometric shapes, and the finish is as concise as possible.
  • Modern style – functional and adapted to the personal needs of a teenage boy. The design of a room for a teenager boy in a modern style does not have strict restrictions. Predominantly used restrained color scheme: soothing shades of brown, gray, green, blue. The neutral background is brought to life through the use of bright details. The design of a room for a teenager in a modern style implies a moderate use of decorative elements. The decoration combines artificial and natural materials, which makes the modern style democratic and affordable. For example, a combination of laminate and wall panels from natural wood. The design of a room for a young man in a modern style is a design dominated by simple and clear lines.
  • Sea style suitable for a room if a teenager dreams of long-distance travel by ship. White and blue colors predominate, and the interior is decorated with a variety of ship paraphernalia: for example, a net, a steering wheel, ship models, a spyglass. Nautical style also welcomes the presence of contrasting color accents, such as brown, red or golden color. How to furnish a room for a teenager boy in a marine style so that it does not look like a room intended for a child younger age? Excessive theatricality should be avoided. The marine style in the room can be created by finishing with a predominance of dark wood and shiny metal. Decor must be used with care to marine room was not overloaded with decorations.
  • kitsch style suitable if a teenager prefers an extravagant interior that defies any rules. The kitsch room is a space for bold experiments. Any combination of finishing materials, decorative elements and furniture is possible. The teenage style of kitsch is that gaudy decoration is pushed to the maximum. The kitschy children's room is a space where neon colors are combined with gold, and innovative appliances are placed on a vintage table. A teenager can create such a style on their own. But it is better for parents to ensure that the boy complies with the measure. A kitsch-style room will turn out to be extraordinary and memorable if the teenager has a developed artistic taste.
  • Classic style. It is more often chosen when the interiors of the whole house or apartment are also designed in this style. Classic in design good way to develop in the child a sense of beauty. After all, it all started with the classics. The main rule in such interiors is to preserve natural light as much as possible. Therefore, light colors should prevail in furniture, decoration and accessories: white, beige, light gray, cream shades. They make up classic pairs: gold, silver, olive, heavenly, chocolate. This style is characterized by such decorative elements as: stucco on the ceiling, moldings along the walls, classic arches, imitated columns, gilded details of furniture or decoration, soft carpet, canopies, classic large chandeliers. Smooth lines and calm tones should be observed everywhere.

  • Scandinavian style. This is a great option if the task is to create a universal room for a boy of any age, without much effort and budget. This style will fill the room with light, space and comfort. In addition, it is very clear, concise, practical and very popular lately. It should be dominated by natural shades and accessories. For example, it is better to cover the floor with light-colored wooden materials. As a budget alternative, linoleum or wood-like laminate is suitable. Walls can be painted in classic white, wallpaper with floral or geometric patterns, or lining can be used. Thematic stickers, slates, paintings or photos will help to refresh plain walls. Furniture should be as functional as possible, concise and always made of natural materials. Flokati, homemade wigwam tents, striped rugs, two-color pillows are suitable as decor.

  • Constructivism. Perfectionist teenagers will appreciate it well. It will inspire them with clear lines, geometric shapes with a combination of sharp and right angles. This style does not accept a riot of colors: the main shades in the finishes should be plain and not flashy. It is allowed to dilute them with minimal bright details, for example, in the details of furniture or textiles. Most often it is a black and white, or gray-black palette with occasional splashes of red, yellow or green. More than three shades should not be used. In the choice of finishing materials, constructivism is close to a loft: brick, reinforced concrete, glass and plastic are suitable. Looks good wall volumetric decor in the style of 3D and a combination of geometric shapes different sizes and shades.

  • Minimalism. He does not tolerate disorder. Otherwise the whole concept is lost. First of all, it is necessary to provide functional furniture strict lines and a compact, retractable storage system: for example, a sofa bed, a table-cabinet or a bed built into the closet. The shape of the furniture should be rectangular or cubic. A palette for a nursery in this style is best kept in neutral shades of gray, white, black, light brown or beige, wenge ... - 2-3 shades are enough. Instead of bright accents, it is advisable to use original accessories: for example, an abstraction on the wall or a designer floor lamp. The main lighting is often hidden in the ceiling and complemented by a few strict lamps.

Layout of a teenager's room: allocation of functional areas

To make the room of a teenage boy comfortable for sleeping, entertaining and studying, you need to take care of the presence of several functional areas in it. The design of a room for a teenager includes three main zones, each of which has a specific meaning.

  • Sleep zone includes a bed or sofa bed, bedside table or shelf. The men's room does not imply drawing attention to the sleeping area. The main thing is that the bed is comfortable, consistent with the height and weight of the teenage boy.
  • Work zone intended for study and intellectual hobbies. There is a computer table and a chair here. The working area is located as close as possible to the window, but it also needs artificial lighting. Useful in the work area will be a shelf for books or a spacious rack.

  • Rest zone plays the role of a mini-living room. If the teenage room is small, and there is no way to place a sofa or armchairs in this area, then replace them with poufs. Also, a warm carpet in a teenager's room can become a place for friendly gatherings. The room in this zone is equipped with audio or video equipment, musical instruments, an easel ... The choice is dictated by the hobbies of a teenage boy.
  • Sports zone. She is very important for sports development young men. And even if there is not much space in the room, you must definitely consider at least the presence of a horizontal bar, wall bars or a punching bag in it. It is desirable to place them closer to the exit, away from the sleeping and working areas.

The plan of the teenager's room, if necessary, includes other zones. For example, if a boy cannot imagine his life without a sports corner. The main thing is that the room is adapted to his needs and hobbies.

Among the many ways of zoning, the most optimal ones will be: a bookcase with books, a sofa back, a carpet, wall decor (for example, you can use photo wallpapers in the recreation area), lighting (it is minimal in the sleeping area), textiles. One thing can act as a space delimiter: an armchair, an easel, a vase or a coffee table.

A room where there is no decor at all will look boring. But the men's room, unlike the women's room, implies moderate decoration. Optimal solution, thanks to which the room will not lose its usable area - a functional decor. For example, replace ordinary wallpapers with photo wallpapers with images of your favorite movie characters or athletes. Also, the teenage room will be transformed if it is decorated with an unusual chandelier or spotlights.

Poster, photo, clippings from magazines, posters - the room where the young man lives is unthinkable without it. To prevent such decor from spoiling the wallpaper, fix a sheet of plywood or chipboard, a cork panel on the wall. On them, the boy will be able to glue any decor, be it a poster or a favorite photo. This idea will help to keep the wallpaper on the wall for a long time. But the best decor that the children's room will perfectly accept is an item that the boy made with his own hands. So the room will become truly individual.

A good idea for creating a stylish and useful decor is a full wall map. This is especially true for schoolchildren and students. Firstly, it is easier to learn geography with it, and secondly, it is usually dominated by calm blue-green and brown tones, which are well suited for study.

Wall murals and photo collages are a great idea for any style of interior, which will allow you to quickly and effortlessly emphasize the individuality of the owner of the room, his hobbies and temperament. In loft, kitsch and avant-garde styles, graffiti will look good, from which a teenager will simply be delighted.

If a child likes astronomy and space, then the ceiling of his room can be decorated in the style of a starry sky. Today, there are various techniques and finishing materials that allow you to imitate a real night sky.

Small room design for a teenager

Spacious Vacation home is not accessible to everyone, so the problem of lack of space is still relevant. To make a small room comfortable, you need to choose multifunctional furniture for its arrangement. A folding bed or a teenage sofa bed, a shelf-rack above the table, drawers under the bed, a bed on the podium, under which storage systems are located ... A small room requires any non-standard solutions. But in order for a small room to be comfortable, do not forget to evaluate these solutions for functionality.

The optimal color scheme, thanks to which a small room will seem larger - all light shades. The interior will be revived bright details. A teenager who has a small room at his disposal insists on contrasting colors? It is better to dissuade him, because the small room will look even smaller.

Small room rectangular shape it will be more harmonious if you use all its space. For example, a narrow rack located along a smaller wall. An elongated room will benefit from having hanging furniture in it, including at the top of the walls. Symmetry and the arrangement of all furniture along long walls should be avoided.

Color and light design

If the room is medium or large area, then any colors are acceptable. A small room will look better in light colors. The easiest way is to leave the walls white. This will improve daylight and allow you to visually expand the volume of a small room. But so that white does not seem boring, several bright accessories can be placed against its background.

Do not forget that the color of the room affects the psychological state of the child. bright room excites the nervous system, energizes. A room dominated by dark or rich shades is a space where a teenager feels confident and calm. A room in light shades sets up an optimistic worldview, a teenager feels flexible and mobile.

According to the recommendations of the designers, the most optimal shades for decorating the walls of a teenager's room are the basic ones: light gray, beige, white. They easily fit into any interior style and can be easily combined with any other palette of furniture and accessories.

Colors that any teenager will react favorably to are blue, brown, light blue, green, purple. The children's room looks original, where gray is combined with bright colors: light green, orange, yellow. Shades of red are also appropriate. But this color solution should be implemented with caution. It is better to draw only individual details in red. The red room awakens anxiety and aggression.

In a spacious room where daylight is not a problem, you can safely experiment with the palette, trying combinations such as: gray-green, gray-white-orange, brown-orange, graphite blue and yellow with khaki.

Light design is important not only for the children's bedroom to be comfortable. Thanks to multi-level lighting, the room is further divided into functional areas. Spot lighting above the bed, a work desk, a chandelier hanging low above a sofa or armchair... Such lighting design will create a cozy atmosphere. It is convenient to use adjustable lights, dimmers or motion sensors.

Particular attention should be paid to lighting the working area. For right-handers, the light should fall on the left, and for left-handers, on the contrary, on the right. The light in the working area should not be too bright either, because of it, the eyes get tired quickly. Therefore, it is better not to place the table in front of the window, place it sideways, given the direction of daylight.

The room where a male teenager lives is not the best place for layered curtains on the windows. Such a design of the window space prevents the free passage of sunlight. Also, dust accumulates on multi-layered textiles, which a teenager is unlikely to clean often.

But hanging translucent curtains is also not worth it. The teenager should be able to close the windows tightly so that the room becomes a secluded space with a calm environment. The men's room looks more harmonious with Roman blinds, roller blinds or blinds.

Floor, wall and ceiling decoration

Finishing the room is the most important part of its interior. What are the best solutions to make the room look stylish, and the teenager approves of them?

  • Floor decoration. If the boy prefers an active lifestyle, and the room serves as a gym or gym, then it is better to refuse tiles and linoleum. A universal option for flooring will be a high-quality laminate or wooden board. If tile is selected, then you need to make a “warm floor” system. Otherwise, the room will be uncomfortable. If necessary, the room is additionally zoned using a different floor finish. For example, the bed is installed on the podium. If the child is prone to allergies, you need to abandon carpets and an abundance of textiles in the room.

  • Wall decoration. The room will be transformed if, instead of ordinary wallpaper, one of the walls is decorated with photo wallpaper. The image should match the hobbies of a teenage boy. One accent wall will also be appropriate, which should be decorated with a different material. Since a teenager will probably want a poster and a photo to decorate the wall, it is better to choose a plain finish. For example, wallpaper for painting. On such a wall, the pictures look harmonious. Ordinary wallpapers can be revived with the help of special vinyl stickers Or decorate them with a stencil.

  • Ceiling decoration. The room where the teenager lives will look equally harmonious with both single-level and multi-level ceilings. If the interior is expressive, then it is better to make a regular stretch ceiling with a matte structure and white color. If the room is concise, then the ceiling can be of an unusual shape and color.

What kind of furniture to use?

In order for the room where the teenager lives to be comfortable, it is important to choose the right furniture for her.

  • A bed with drawers, which is used to store bed linen, will be the best option. Don't forget the orthopedic mattress. After all, the young man continues to grow. An alternative idea is a bunk bed, where the bottom is a working place, and the top is a sleeping place. For a teenager to sleep soundly, do not change the bed for a teenage sofa bed. This option will be uncomfortable.
  • If the room is not large sizes, then instead of a closet it is better to make a roomy chest of drawers with drawers. After all, the boy is unlikely to focus on replenishing the wardrobe. Outerwear can also fit on a horizontal hanger. A built-in wardrobe is suitable if the room is medium or large in size. One convenient closet will accommodate all the things of the child.
  • Ergonomic table and chair are essential. After all, a teenager spends a lot of time at school or a computer. The table should be equipped with a podium for the monitor, a pull-out shelf for the keyboard. It is better to arrange the room so that the table is located as close to the window as possible. The best option is light falling on the table from the front or left. It is better to choose a chair with adjustable leg height. After all, the boy continues to grow, and the interior must be adapted to this.
  • In the recreation area, you can place one or two comfortable and compact chairs. If they are of an unusual shape and bright colors (for example, a chair in the shape of a soccer ball), then they can become a stylish accent and a separator of functional areas.

  • A shelf or one large rack near the work area is also needed. On them, the young man will be able to place all the books, magazines or his awards. The shelf should be placed low above the table, so that the necessary thing can be taken without getting up.
  • If the space of the room allows, then a special showcase can be placed to demonstrate awards, cups and diplomas. So the teenager will have an additional incentive to fill all the shelves of the closet.

Finally useful advice: if you want the owner of the room to treat her carefully, maintain cleanliness and order, then The best way is to involve him (at least partially) in the process of working on the project. You can let him choose the color of the wallpaper or furniture, hang his favorite photos, drawings or posters on the wall. The more efforts a young man makes to ennoble his living space, the more respectful and careful he will treat him.

The princess room is not an option for a teenager. A growing girl, on the contrary, most often denies excessive femininity and an abundance of attributes of a typical bedroom. Below we see a variant of a room for a teenage girl, she makes a rather “cold” impression, but reflects exactly the desires that a teenager may have: there is a place to relax, to work, a place to “dream” by the window - and All this without pretense of femininity.

Design: Maria Ermilova

2 secluded corner

Personal space is often exactly what a teenager is looking for outside the doors of his room. In this interior, a place is thought out in order to close for some time from the world and its adult problems - bed.

Design: Bella Designs Studio

3 Brutal room for brothers

Today it is rarely possible to put two same-sex children in different rooms, so pay attention to the option of successfully combining space for two teenagers in one bedroom. There are no images of balls, cars, robots here. The room is quite mature and brutal, and this characteristic already makes the interior unusual for a teenager.

Design: Robinson Design

4 Tender room for two sisters

Below in the photo is the complete opposite of the previous bedroom - the room for two girls, which embodies most of the attributes of a typical girl's bedroom. Pale pink color, white furniture, a statue of a white horse, as if magical, flying. And tulle canopies complete this gentle atmosphere.

Design: Robinson Design


A minimalistic teenager is also real, although quite rare, primarily because the choice of a teenager is often not at all connected with restraint. This interior combines convenience and a pleasant, unobtrusive design, while the tucked-in bed is also a sofa on which you can seat friends.

Design: Rachele Biancalani Studio


One of the easiest ways to successfully decorate a room is to create and complete it. bright accents, as is the case with the room in the photo below. White walls have become a canvas for creativity, and colored furniture with bright textiles and decor create the right rhythm: active, life-affirming. A great option for a room for both a boy and a teenage girl.

Design: Cadence Design Studio

7 Teen Boy Themed Room

Perhaps the best solution for a teenager's room is to decorate it according to hobbies. Below is just such a room that belongs to the boy. The decor here is very good. Gray is the leitmotif, and orange, the color of the owner's favorite basketball team, successfully complements it.

Design: Royal Interior Design

8 Interior with bright detail

In the photo below, a room that looks more like a parent's bedroom than a teenager's. If not for a small detail.

Design: Royal Interior Design

Here is the themed pillow. Yes, teenagers want to express themselves, but this is not always shown in the drawings on the whole wall.

Design: Royal Interior Design

9 Teen Athlete's Room

In general, such an interior can also be classified as thematic, with one difference - there is not only decor that speaks of passion, but also a cool detail - an imitation of a basketball net. Together with the drawing, it immediately gives the room a meaning.

Design: Lavrik Irina

10 Room with slate wall

A musician obviously lives in this room, but that's not what's interesting. The look attracts slate which has become not only useful, but also interesting decor. And the fact that the board smoothly flows into the same black ceiling is an unusual design find that allows a teenager to stand out among others, which is always a pleasure for a child of this age.

Design: Annie Hall Interiors


It is customary to think that a teenager's room is multicolored, sometimes "hardcore". But the interior below says something completely different - a great option when you want to keep a single style for the whole apartment, but the child wants to stand out a little. By the way, a successful layout for a small room is also shown here: pay attention to the full-width desk - you will definitely want to do homework and learn something new behind this one.

Adolescence is characterized by complex perturbations of a person's personality. Almost for the first time, he truly realizes his individuality, begins to demand more freedom. All parental attitudes are questioned and revised. In order not to resort to harsh parenting methods, parents are encouraged to act subtly. So, for a symbolic expansion of the boundaries of his freedom, you can create an appropriate room design for a teenager. It is also possible to involve him himself to participate in the choice of design style, however, you should be prepared for manifestations of youthful maximalism. Here are some tips to help you find mutual language with your child best room for a teenager.

Competent design of a room for a teenager is the same concern, only of an indirect form. Not all children from 12 to 17 years old can independently determine their needs, and therefore still need parental help with this issue. And the most important thing to take into account here is the secondary importance of the monetary aspect. The teenager will appreciate final result completely different. Therefore, regardless of how the layout of the rest of the rooms looks like, the nursery should take into account his personal interests. It is better to direct the child's self-expression into a creative plane than to subsequently allow unmotivated aggression to spill out. It is important to understand that the design of a room for teenagers can be based on hobbies, hobbies, abilities, and not just follow some generally accepted style. This room should become his personal space. Further on the differences in design for boys and girls.

Choosing a nursery design for a teenage boy

It is strongly recommended to turn to his hobby, if possible, make a themed room. This will help not only earn the respect of a teenager, but also have a beneficial effect on the development of his abilities. For example, a boy may have the following interests:

  • Computer games, virtual programs;
  • Art (music, cinema, painting);
  • Military affairs, weapons;
  • Applied, exact sciences (chemistry, geometry, geography);
  • Sport.

The last option is the most versatile. Regardless of the chosen theme, a sports corner should be provided in the teenager's room. It is important to determine what exactly interests your child. Usually this is in plain sight, guys rarely hide their hobbies.

Choosing a teenage room for a girl

A similar method works here as well. First you need to listen to the opinion of the girl herself, before turning to an experienced designer. Even the coolest of them cannot know for sure what will be best for her.

The modern arsenal of professional interior craftsmen offers many more options than just pink wallpaper or ruffles on curtains. For instance, important element decor can be the correct furniture layout. Fortunately, manufacturers offer the widest choice on the market, corresponding to all kinds of hobbies of the child.

Since a girl should a priori have a lot of outfits, she will need original products that allow her to carefully store clothes. The minimum set may look like this:

  • Locker for dresses, outerwear;
  • Shelves under the bed for storing shoes;
  • Chest of drawers for underwear;
  • Trumeau.

Despite the abundance of clothes and other women's accessories, it is still not worth it to unnecessarily clutter up the space of the room.

Choosing a nursery design for two teenagers

Enough difficult task, because it is necessary to maintain a balance, a certain balance. It is necessary to make sure that teenagers do not interfere with each other, but at the same time maintain a strong bond.

If space allows, this effect can be achieved by combining functional areas:

  • A bunk bed is considered a classic, allowing you to combine a sleeping area;
  • A long desk can become a work area for both;
  • It is easier than ever to dispose of a closet where a fair division can be provided;
  • A common recreation area, the same musical corner or a punching bag.

One conclusion can be drawn here: it is extremely undesirable to create a situation where one of them may feel left out.

Parity must be maintained in everything, especially if the children are twins.

Toys are toys, but the same furniture set will have to be divided equally. Even if we are talking about the design of the room of a teenage boy. The discount will be only that the room can be decorated with one theme. Of course, taking into account the opinions and tastes of each of the teenagers. An exemplary example is the topic of football. Guys may love rival teams, but the ball and shared tournaments bring them together. But this is if you are lucky, because the guys can get involved in different sports.

If the children are of different sexes, then zoning is indispensable here. To avoid a rigid division, the design of a room for two teenagers can be combined in one common style. But before moving on to the design style, you should briefly introduce age-related accents.

Interior accent depending on age

12-13 years old

The child is just beginning to realize his own individuality, but it is likely that he has already developed some kind of hobby. In this case, you can not hesitate, you need to fully reflect this room for a teenager.

Maybe someday he will say a big thank you to his parents at the awards ceremony, if the creative hobby develops into something more. It's incredibly cool when a person starts doing what they love from such an early age. Therefore, the sooner you notice this, the more serious the results will be.

14-15 years old

Since the guys have most likely already decided on the topic of hobbies or hobbies, it was the turn of idols. They instinctively look for a role model. Focusing on the model of his behavior, they can behave the same way with their friends.

By the age of 15, children are often members of teenage "gangs", communities of interest, so it is advisable to provide for the possibility of friendly gatherings. To do this, the design of a teenager's room can be decorated with soft puffs or colored pillows, which take up much space. less space than chairs.

16-17 years old

At this age, a teenager could already achieve certain results. He feels himself an independent person and can evaluate his achievements from the outside. The best advice for parents is to let go of the reins and let him choose his own style. Show more trust.

Room styles for teens

Classic style

Considered one of the most good decisions if the teenager is a girl. Within the framework of this style, the economic abilities of the future keeper of the hearth can be well manifested. True, parents should be aware that in addition to observing symmetry, this decor implies the presence of expensive fabrics and other luxury items.


It is a kind of opposite to the classics, involves a violation of symmetry in favor of certain geometric shapes. The non-standard layout and functionality of the room create the design of a modern room for a teenage boy. Dynamic effect, visible expressiveness, daring style - are a clear evidence of this. The emotional component of such an interior allows young man be in harmony with your “wave”, your own worldview. The child's hobby will not matter, it is easy to adapt to the design.

American style

The salient features of the style are:

  • functional association of zones;
  • impressive dimensions of the furniture set;
  • use or imitation of expensive materials;
  • spot lighting.

It can be concluded that this style has some similarities with the classics. For its use, sufficient light space is required. Suitable for both teenagers.


It contains some element of education, when a teenager learns from childhood to appreciate what he has, and does not litter his personal space with unnecessary objects. In addition, cleaning such a room is extremely easy and fast. What looks like an undeniable dignity with a guy.

It also guarantees additional safety, since the fewer corners and protruding parts, the less risk of injury. For a concert of a musical group or a performance by a favorite team may well provoke a child to reckless actions.

High tech

The previous style is considered the forerunner of hi-tech, which positions itself as the fruit of the work of science fiction writers. This includes space motifs, popular science topics, the construction of starships. The smooth texture, the functionality of metal products, the use of cool shades - everything should set the teenager up to conquer new heights, model the technologies of his future. Here, too, there should not be any problems with cleaning the nursery.

Hi-tech is the perfect interior for a boy's room.


A direct heir to the industrial style, the loft is the most practical option for decorating a child's room. This is due to the lack of the need to adhere to a single layout: it is allowed to use furniture of various sizes, unusual accessories and improvisation with the color of the finish. For fidget guys, this style allows you to show your reckless nature to the fullest. Parents can only be reminded of the sense of proportion, as well as the fact that this design will require a large space.

Sea style

white and blue color scheme, wooden crafts, metal fittings Everything must be reminiscent of the sea. You can arrange the curtains in the form of sails, and the flooring - under the deck. Perfect option for dreamy teenagers who have been in love with geography since childhood with its overseas travels.


Allowed only if available creativity The child has. Because without an unusual look at things, a specific imagination, it will be difficult to justify the apparent bad taste or the presence of an acid color. There are practically no rules. More precisely, there is one thing: breaking all the rules.


Suitable more for those who began to grow up early, tries to put things in order and pragmatically assesses the future. Perfectionists are found equally among boys and girls. For example, female representatives can rationally approach the issue of storage, and later this will come back to haunt the fact that the daughter will become the chief accountant. The boy will appreciate the spaciousness of the asymmetrical design room.

Features of finishing a teenage room


There are no hard and fast rules here, since the child has already grown up and cute little animals on the walls are no longer relevant. You should focus solely on the personality of a teenager. No need to insist on practical beige if it grows creative. Conversely, acid tones can become a source of nervous tension in a calm child. A compromise can be one pronounced wall with the rest of a neutral color. Guys are recommended a soft color of the cladding, muted, matte. The girl is more characteristic of gentle, vanilla tones.


When choosing the texture of the wallpaper, you should consider the future placement of your favorite children's posters on them. Therefore, a large ornament will annoy the child, it is better to use simple tones. Ideally, when an artist grows up, who is able to paint the walls on his own. And it doesn’t matter what, with a pencil or through graffiti. Parents can recommend bright wallpapers with the right plot.


There are no fundamental points here, except for the design in high-tech style (where it is possible to organize a starry sky). Ordinary whitewash, drywall or stretch ceilings have the same chances. You can focus on the height of the room and lighting features.


Similarly, it will depend on the style. Either this is a deck (nautical theme), or just parquet, if it's a classic. Or maybe ceramic tiles, if high-tech. Athletes the best option there will be carpet. The only wish is that the flooring was heated.


The younger generation needs a lot of natural light. artificial lighting it is desirable to make a point, for each functional area. Thus, they further delimit the space. Girls are more suitable option with beautiful chandelier with floral motifs.

Furniture and decor

Various awards, favorite posters, homemade products young designers, musical instruments.

There are many requirements for children's furniture. Firstly, it should not be much, the minimum set. It should not litter the space and limit the movement of a teenager. Secondly - the maximum functionality of all products. If the style does not involve dark wood, then it is better to dwell on light shades of natural wood. Any accessories.

The bed must be comfortable and ergonomic, possibly with an orthopedic mattress, as the child is still growing. For girls, a bed on the podium, with drawers for clothes, is suitable. Sofas-transformers are better not to use at all.

What is the result

A thoughtful approach to the design of the nursery involves attention to the interests of the teenager himself. Therefore, there are no iron requirements for design. There are some wishes: more space, light, less furniture, extra details. It is also desirable that positive colors be used, even if the child belongs to the Goth subculture. The main requirement for a few pieces of furniture is its functionality. As for the finish, everything here will depend on the style you have chosen together.

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