Production of frameless furniture for children with their own hands. Several pattern of frameless furniture

Landscape design and layout 29.08.2019
Landscape design and layout

Appearing, more than forty years ago, the frameless furniture continues to be a trend of modern furniture industry, finding all new applications. And the inventors of this type of furniture were three young Italian designers who offered a revolutionary change, habitual for us, appearance of furniture. Frameless furniture, or SACCO is in Italian, is a container filled with small foam balls. At first, it was a simple bag, but with the Sacco shape time, so much changed that at first glance, and you can't say that it is SACCO.

Frameless furniture found a widest field for use - in homes and in apartments, at dachas and in country houses, in entertainment facilities, in medical institutionsYes, where they just won't meet it. And everywhere she is to the place.

What is so attractive frameless furniture?

First, it is, of course, originality. After hemp and stones, on which our not very civilized ancestors were located, after chairs, tables, chairs, beds of civilized world, made of wood, metal or plastic, there was something in the root differing from that and from the other.
Secondly, convenience and comfort. This kind of furniture, takes all the bends of your body, and you relax all the muscles. Excellent relaxation way.
Third, security. About the frameless furniture can not be stuck and get injured. This is especially true when used in children's rooms.
Fourth, environmental friendliness. The filler is a hypoallergenic substance and does not allocate harmful substances. Other materials used are also hypoallergenic.
Fifth, creativity. Flight of fantasy when creating frameless furniture is unlimited. Can be used various materials or their combinations, create the most various formsWhen using traditional materials to create problematic, you can use filler balls different size, etc. etc.
Sixth, mobility. Frameless furniture is easy - 5-6 kg, so it is not difficult to transfer it from place to place. When transporting it takes the minimum space.
And this is just a small part of the advantages of frameless furniture. Anyone can find a lot of advantages.
And one more advantage of frameless furniture. It can make any housewife. Now we will demonstrate it to you.

Frameless furniture with their own hands

Let's make such a frameless sofa.

As a rule, frameless furniture is made of two covers. In one, there is a filler, the second is an outer, performing a decorative function. In addition, it can be easily removed and wrapped if he contaminated.
The inner case is made of durable mixture or polyester cloth, such as Oxford. The external case is made of dense flavored fabric. Pile fabrics are better not to use, dust and dust wool are copied to them.
Required materials for frameless furniture:
- OKFORD 600 cloth 2.5 m
- Reinforced Threads No. 70
- zipper №5 30 cm
- sewing machine and needles №100.
- scissors
- a piece of chalk
- polystyrene foam in granules 3 kg
- Scotch and plastic bottle.

Decitation fabric according to a drawing with tolerances in 1.5 cm.

The back and bottom to be leather face inside and stack to the place where you decide to install zipper. Then we sweat them with the manual seam, we will put the allowances and sew zipper.

We break the temporary seams.

The front part and the back are cleaned by the front side and stage. Then they are climbing and coat with the details of the bottom and back.

The seams are treated with overlock or fold the battery twice and drag.

Drain the front part. Then the case is turned and on the perimeter of the front part lay the line, fixing the fold 0.7 cm. This kant will strengthen the seam and give a visual rigidity cover.

The case is then filled with foam.

Pay attention to the filler for frameless furniture. Foam balls must be isolated, proper form, clean and dry. It is desirable that the granules are of the same size and not very small, then the sofa will be heavy. Best Size Granules - 4-5 mm.
The filler falls asleep in frameless furniture with a simple homemade adaptation - Funnels. From plastic 1.5 liters of bottles (better with "waist") a neck is made through which the filler will be filled. Scotch fully fix the neck on the case and a bag with filler.

The case is filled with 2 \\ 3 polyplate granules. This is the optimal amount. Buying granules better with a margin, because when operating, they will give shrinkage.
The external case is manufactured in the same way, but it is necessary to provide a zipper of the required length so that the inner case can be pulled out. And fasten a couple of chalks on it for the faster air outlet when boarding on the sofa.
That's all. Use and enjoy homemade frameless furniture.

Since its appearance in the market, frameless soft furniture won a solid place in the interior of residential premises. Most bright representative This type of environment is a bag. It can also be found in libraries, movies and even parks. None of the sofa will not get so convenient as on this design. An additional plus of this type of furniture is not to make a car chairs with your own hands.

Chair bag, binbeg, pouf-name - titles from a soft frameless chair a lot. Not less than his varieties. It may have a different form:

  • square or rectangular;
  • pear shape;
  • circular;
  • in the form of a flower, any fruit, heart, washers, etc.

The choice of form depends only on the preferences of the future host of the chair. As a filler can be used:

  • polystyrene balls;
  • beans, peas;
  • chips, sawdust, feathers.

Purchase any of the fillers is easy. The most preferred is polystyrene foam. It does not cause allergies, cannot be molded, attract rodents or insects. For country house It is better to use only it. In addition, the soft otfik filled with them will be particularly comfortable - it will take a comfortable shape for a person sitting or lying on it, and his granules, unlike beans and peas, not at all tough. It is better to choose small balls, as the major quickly sleep.

The volume of the padded material depends on the size of the chair. On a chair for an adult, you may need 250 to 350 liters. It is better to purchase 400 liters of polystyrene. The residue is useful for the future, since in the process of operation, the material is frozen and approximately once a year it can be shred.

Externally, the bag is similar to the mattress. But under the pressure of the human weight, he takes a handy shape. At the same time, the spine relaxes, and man becomes comfortable. Below are options for using frameless furniture in the interior and master class in its manufacture with your own hands.

Interior chair

Frameless furniture began to be used more often when the interior arrest in the apartment and the house. And form, colors and textures are so diverse that you can choose the variants of practical for any style.

In the living room

The use of frameless chairs is relevant for many stylistic directions. Interesting idea For the living room - a combination of Bean-Bag of different forms, but in the covers of the same tissue.

Use frameless chairs when arranging the interior in many stylistic directions
Fur armchairs for a cozy living room
No less interesting combination of the same tissue in different colors

The chair-bag is widely used in most modern design destinations. In the living room, decorated in Loft style, you can place emotion puffs.

Eco-skin chairs are suitable for arrangement modern interior Loft style
Next to the fireplace, a soft chair is quite appropriate

The coating for the chairs-bag resembling a domain canvas, suitable for the living room in the style of coarse country (rustic).

Frameless interior chairs in rustic style

Representation of maximum comfort when used simple solutions For living room B. scandinavian style Bags continue chairs. Furniture items will organically fit into total color gamut.

Arrangement of living room with furniture in restrained colors Scandinavian style comfort and comfort

Advantages of fusion or eclectic style offer a choice of many options not only color solutions, forms, sizes, but also textures. The chair-bag coated with a long-pile fabric can be part of the unique living room image. Here will be appropriate knitted Bean-Bag from yarn different colors.

No less original in the interior will look small puffs from yarn

For bedrooms

Frameless chairs in the covers made of natural fabrics in the bedroom made in the country style look harmoniously. It is better to use natural shades in the tissues in order to more profitable to emphasize the style trend.

Natural shades even better emphasize style

Frameless furniture in the case with a pile is suitable for decoration in a monotonous gamma. The pencil chairs can be located near the dressing table in the bedroom.

Armchairs can be located next to the dressing table or by the window
Interior option modern bedroom with mild chairs
Comfortable place to stay

Bedroom B. vintage style You can arrange bean-bag in flower or polka dot. If you hang a sconce over him or place a chair near the floor lamp, it will be a cozy corner for reading in a relaxing pose.

Chairs will create a separate recreation area.
Such a bright detail will complement the interior originality

Bean-Bag, stitched from flap or thematic fabrics with patterns, is well attached in the bedroom, decorated in ethnic style.

For the bedroom in ethnic style you can pick up furniture, stitched from flap Using natural materials in the arrangement of the room
Another good example using knitted puffs

Frameless chairs with bird covers, where portraits, painting elements or abstraction are drawn up fashionable styles Avangard, Fusion and Pop Art.

Supplement a calm interior will allow bright details
You can choose for yourself bright seats with prints or abstraction

For children

Widespread use of frameless furniture received in children's rooms. The chair bag love for mobility and safety. For nursery there are many original solutions, among which models in the form of animals, rubble cubes or balls.

Soft pouf can become one of the main objects of the interior of the children's
Options for children's beds
Original and bright pouf for children's room
Variety of ideas is infinite
On a soft pufa can be located with an interesting book
Soft knitted puffs in the interior of children's

Frameless pouf in the baby's room can not only be bright accent. Such a chair is a convenient place to relax in health benefits, contributing to the strengthening of deep muscles of the back.

Not only beautiful, but also safe
The chair can be bright detail of the interior, and a place to relax
Football ball for young fan

Extravagant patterns of pouf can be used in the design of a teenager room.

Teenage room design option Interior option with original chair for modern teenager
Chairs will allow you to highlight a separate area for recreation and communication.

Several Bean-Bag of different shapes and sizes will be appropriate in the gaming area.

In the gaming zone, such chairs will be by the way
Fabulous interior for small tenants

Unusual form For a frameless armchair - flower. Such pouf will perfectly fit into the children's room like a baby and a teenage girl.

Flower Chairs Options
Convenient I. soft seats For a recreation area

What types of exist

Despite the lack of a frame, some kind of such products still have. It is she who serves honors different types Chairs bags.

In what form they can be made:

  • Pear . The classic option - depending on the texture and colors of the case suitable for any room. A large chair bag such a form looks like a mini-sofa.

    This option is suitable for most rooms.

  • Pillow. It is highly soft due to the addition of a synthetic fluff, often used for children's rooms.

    Comfortable big pillow for relax

  • Ball. Sharo-shaped models are convenient and ergonomic. Under the weight of a person, they form armrests, which increases the comfort of the product.

    Comfortable and ergonomic ball

  • Puf. Such chairs weigh little, they can be taken with you to nature or install in the gaming zone of the children's room.

    Despite the dimensions, puffs are lungs and comfortable

These are traditional options for performing similar chairs. But there are unusual options - a star, a flower, a banana, a cartoon character, a transformer. Such more often choose kids for rooms.

Photo Gallery: Options and Design of Frameless Chairs

The option will suit the living room or attic arrangement in a chair with a book, you can forget about the time of leather chairs for your interior.

Advantages and disadvantages of frameless furniture

Such furniture has gained popularity thanks to many advantages:

  • mobility;
  • high comfort;
  • security;
  • budget price.

Covers are easily erased and change, allowing you to change the room interior in a short time and adjust to any designer project.

The disadvantages include the need for frequent cleaning of the cover due to lack of legs, the impossibility of using classic interiors And the risk of cutters because of the "fighting" of a child or a pet.

How to make a chair bag do it yourself

Although such furniture and inexpensive, saving it economically independently. This process is simple, and allows you to make a chair-bag based on an individual taste and size.

What fabric to choose

Frameless furniture consists of two covers. For internal option It is necessary to choose a dense and practical fabric. It may be a cloak or mattress textile, better on a natural basis. But at the same time the fabric should not sit down, otherwise the external cover will be wrinkled.

If you are not sure in shrinking properties, extend and destroy the cloth before cutting.

For an external cover, not only practicality and durability are important, but also an attractive appearance. Furniture fabrics are ideal:

  • Oxford. The fabric has the effect of "anticature" and a water-repellent property. Durable artificial polyester and nylon fibers form a density to 600DEN. Wear-resistant fabric is easy to care. The disadvantages include a tendency to accumulate static electricity and instability to high temperatures.
  • PU artificial leather. Modern polymeric material Different with affordable price and excellent quality characteristics. The fabric is not afraid of frosts, elastic and resistant to mechanical loads, does not smell. PU artificial leather practically does not have drawbacks, therefore is actively used in the production of frameless furniture.
  • Flock. Durable wear-resistant furniture fabric with water-repellent effect. Fabric base - cotton and polyester, velvety surface. It uses well to air, resistant to the effects of pets of domestic animals. Flock Fabric Furniture is recommended to be located away from heat sources and use manual washing mode at a temperature of not more than 40 ⁰C.
  • Velur Cudrey. Cudrey - modern materialDifferent innovative technologies. The fabric has a velvet effect, elastic, withstands the effects of domestic claws and resistant to abrasion. In care, it is not recommended to use cleaning products based on strong chemicals, press and expose to any rough mechanical effect.
  • Leather. Luxurious and expensive natural material It has a high degree of wear resistance and practicality. Genuine leather passes well and resistant to temperature difference. Caring for this material is simple, the skin is well cleaned from dust and dirt, long retains a presentable look.
  • Shenill. Wear-resistant fabric has a delicate velvety surface. The composition of the material is natural, synthetic and artificial. Soft and elastic sinilla resembles veul, but its value is lower. The disadvantages include the possibility of tissue hooks.
  • Jacquard. The durable uniform structure of the tissue makes it practical and durable. Jacquard passes air, as it has cotton fibers. The material is not sensitive to the temperature difference, but it is better to erase it in cool water. Fabric production requires large costs, Therefore, Jacquard refers to an elite type and has a high price.

Street chairs are better covering covers from the Oxford material - it has water-repellent impregnation and racks to pollution.


The connoisseurs of eco-materials are proposed to fill such bags with wood chips, natural octoral or leguminous crops. These options are environmentally friendly, but careful care is required for the product so that the filling does not spin, do not mold and did not rot. In addition, such a filler is very loved by rodents.

It is better to use polystyrene bulbs as a filler.

This material is harmless to ecology and health, durable, no moisture is afraid, fireproof and retains warmth well. The only disadvantage can be considered that with incorrectly selected balls, the product will be harsh. You need to choose granules no more than 5 mm in diameter. 300 liters - minimum quantity for the chair. Additional softness will give additives from a synthetic fluff.

How to calculate the sizes for the pattern

The diameter of the chair-bag varies in the range from 70 to 130 cm. The average product in diameter is about 90 cm, and in height - 1.2 m. On each case, it will take about 2.5 m tissues with a width of 120-140 cm. For a child The pattern and the amount of fabric is proportional to decrease, and if you want to make a mini-sofa - increases. Here are the options for leaking products of different shapes:

Details for frameless armchairs
Pattern for armchair

Step-by-step master class

For manufacture, you will need:

  • millimeter or newspaper;
  • material for covers;
  • filler;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • scissors, chalk, needles, threads;
  • sewing machine;
  • two zippers.

Also need a suitable pattern.


  1. Select the appropriate pattern and transfer it to a paper on a real scale. It is more convenient to use the millimeter, but you can take an old newspaper.
  2. Take a damage to the fabric and cut, leaving the allowance of 1.5 cm. There should be two outdoor parts set - for an external or internal case.
  3. Sust in the inner bag, the seams are better to do double or zigzag, use reinforced threads. In one of the seams insert zipper.
  4. Remove the bag with cuts inside and fill in polystyrene foam granules for two thirds through the funnel so that they do not fly out. Close the clasp.
  5. Sew the outer bag, insert a zipper in one of the seams. Put it on the chair and close the clashes.

Video: Making a soft chair-bag

Care rules

In order for frameless furniture to serve for a long time, while maintaining a flawless appearance, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • from time to time, shine a filler so that it does not lose form;
  • do not put near the radiators not to deform the filler;
  • so that the fabric does not fade, remove from directional sunlight;
  • do not clean furniture with bleaching particles, ammonia and solvents.

Make a chair bag can even novice tailor. The main thing is to choose a suitable pattern and be careful in the sewing process. As a result, it will be present presentable, low-cost and proper care Durable subject of the interior.

Frameless furniture with their own hands is a very fashionable offer from progressive handmakers. Such household items do not have parts of solid parts. Since there is no main framework, there are a lot of advantages of unusual things in front of furniture with a tight base. Among them:

  • safety due to the lack of any acute corners;
  • originality, since the furniture freely changes the form;
  • she has a slight weight, and even a child can be transferred.

You can, at your request, develop your design, sew unique-style comfortable and comfortable items. You have the opportunity to choose the most optimal, only under your space, dimensions and take into account all your requirements that are limited when buying finished furniture. For this you will not need special machines or tools used for the production of frame standard or built-in furniture. Everything necessary materials Freely sold and affordable. Only a desire is needed, some time and ability to sew, which everyone received in labor lessons.

This, at first glance, unusual, without hard wooden or metal carcass Furniture is found in children's gaming roomslocated on
the territories of supermarkets, and even in the working offices of progressive firms. Her main feature is that it repeats the contours of the human body, and then it is capable of restoring the initial look. Its cost is many times lower, as there are no costs for the purchase and processing of wood or metal. Relax and the state of bliss with such an apartment attribute will be available not only in the salons, and at home, where we strive after work to fully relax. The manufacturing process itself is easier than sewing a soft toy.

For its manufacture, you will need:

  • the fabric from which will be sewn cover and inner parts;
  • wax challenging to move pamal;
  • scissors to cut composite pieces of furniture;
  • special reinforced threads and sewing needles;
  • zipper for the convenience of removing and washing the case;
  • sewing machine for strong stitches.

Next you need to purchase all this. But first, create on paper sketches of your There are future chairs, chairs in the form of toys, pears or even a flower, docks, balls, and maybe sofas or sun beds. This will make the accurate calculation of the necessary tissue elements.

One possible complexity There will be a preparation of globa as separate parts of the pattern. The Council of Masters for beginners - to choose a test first product of a drop-shaped chair, which consists of two parts of the rounded shape and six wedges of the trapezoidal form. Currently, the flight of your imagination allows you to create houses with your own hands not only a separate frameless thing, but also all sorts furniture headsets. Pattern samples are available on any specialized site.

For the upper covers is suitable natural or artificial leather, different kinds fabrics, fur. To the selection of a part that will be dressed from above, we assign very seriously. Be sure to consider and check the material for strength, wear resistance so that the tissue is durable and not immediately broken on the seams. Not the last in the list will be its groin and the ability to absorb moisture, as it depends on how much you will additionally buy a washing powder. Pay attention to air permeability so as not to make additional holes for air intake. Color must match the interior of the room.

Since it is a frameless furniture, then its base consists of filler. It happens two types:

  1. Safe granules, or polystyrene balls, polyurethane foam. This type is used for the objects of the form of a person.
  2. Prefabricated or cast polyurethane pillows for the manufacture of modular furniture of the right shape.

To create a tighter base, on the bottom of the product you can additionally put inflatable mattresses or rubber chambers. Granules need to take a medium-sized about 4-6 mm, since smaller will weigh more, and the larger will not give fluidity. Buy it with a margin so that at any moment you can replace the worn, which give shrinkage.

It is also necessary to purchase a fabric for an internal case, which will directly place the filler. It should also be breathable, moisture-repellent and durable. When everything you need acquired, the moment of direct manufacture comes.

For this, the fabric parts of the furniture should be cut on the prepared paper sting. Do not forget about the mandatory additional two centimeters on the seams. Make the pattern on flat and smooth surfaceSo that the details are accurate. All parts are folded by the "fabric" inside and first are embedded manually, and then machine seam. It is possible to secure the line on the front side, with a height from the edge to six centimeters for greater strength of the product. Fill the covers of approximately 75 percent so that they are soft, and landing on them was comfortable. On the external case, the ligament is lightning so that it is convenient to remove for washing.

Step-by-step instructions of fashion handmakers (master of hands) are available on YouTube channels. Believe that the joy of your child or the "child of your soul" from such furniture will be huge!

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