Tarot cards dark angels. Tarot of the Guardian Angels: description, meaning of layouts, features in practice

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Every person at least once felt the presence of higher powers in his life. For example, accidentally missing the bus, which then had an accident. But the signs of the universe are not always so easy to decipher. The Guardian Angel Tarot will help you get advice when it is vital. Like every deck, this one has its own characteristics. We will analyze the meanings of the Tarot of Guardian Angels and several layouts in the material of the article.

Structure of the Angelic Tarot

Like any deck, the Tarot of Guardian Angels contains 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones. However, the creators of the deck combined the philosophy of the arcana and religious motives together. The meaning of the Tarot Guardian Angels differs based on the specifics of the arcana. Their interpretation differs from the classical Ryder-White interpretation. So, for example, the lasso of the six Coins depicts a plot in which the poor man huddled in a corner and an angel gives him alms. From this we can conclude that the lasso calls to show understanding and mercy to those who need it. The tarot of angels can be used by anyone who believes in higher powers.

How to work with arcana?

Despite the differences in interpretation and drawing, this deck can be used in the same way as the classic one. The most important thing is to believe in the presence of higher powers and that the person who asks will eventually be heard. With the help of arcana, you can view not only the personal potential of the client, his abilities, strengths and the presence of a connection with a mentor. The deck is suitable for viewing everyday situations in love, work and financial matters. It is for those tarot readers who want to work with a light deck with soft energy. Another interesting deck of the "angelic" series is the Dark Angels Tarot. It is more mystical and "heavy" compared to the deck considered in the article. The choice of which deck to use is always up to the individual's personal feelings.

Layout for a new deck

This layout will be useful to those who have just purchased the Guardian Angel Tarot cards. It will help you get to know the deck better. Eight cards are laid out on the table in any form. Positions of the cards in the layout:

Guardian angel

Consider fortune telling on the Tarot cards "Guardian Angel". This layout will make up a portrait of your heavenly protector. It is laid out in the following sequence:

  • cards from the first to the fourth are laid out in a row;
  • the fifth card is laid out under the third;
  • the sixth - under the first;
  • cards seven through nine form the bottom row;
  • tenth, final - is located between the second and eighth cards.

Let's analyze the interpretation of the positions of the alignment:

Runic layout for revealing the magical potential of a fortuneteller

Although initially developed for runes, the raslad can be used in divination on the angelic tarot. It will reveal the potential of the fortuneteller, give an answer about the nature of his strengths and abilities. Let's start with the diagram:

  1. The first card is laid out in the center of the table.
  2. The second is to the left of the first.
  3. The third is to the right of the first.
  4. Fourth over first.
  5. Fifth under the first.


  1. The magical potential of the deck owner or client today.
  2. Strengths of a person.
  3. Weaknesses.
  4. What actions will help the abilities to develop?
  5. What will happen in the end?

Esoteric path

This spread is similar to the previous one, but looks at abilities from a different perspective. It is used when the fortuneteller wants to figure out if he has abilities in the field of esotericism, the nature of these abilities and the path of development. Scheme:

  1. The first card is in the very bottom left corner.
  2. The second is on the right. The center remains empty.
  3. The third is above the first.
  4. The fourth is over the third.
  5. Fifth - above the fourth.
  6. The sixth is to the right of the fifth.
  7. Cards seven through nine in a row, so that the seventh is over the fifth, the eighth is centered over the sixth, and the ninth card is to the right of the eighth.
  8. Tenth over seventh. The eleventh is next so that it is on top between the seventh and eighth cards.
  9. The last twelfth card is laid out over the eighth.


Map of the day

Another divination on the Tarot of Guardian Angels. It is done in the morning. Shuffle the deck. Ask the angel about how your day will turn out. Remove the cards with your left hand away from you and draw the first card that comes across from the deck. This will be the answer.

Clue from an angel

This fortune-telling on the Guardian Angel Tarot cards answers several questions at once and is used to solve a problem that haunts the fortuneteller. Shuffle the cards by asking the higher powers about what is bothering you. The layout is laid out like this:

  • the first card is the top one;
  • the second - under the first;
  • the third - to the left of the second;
  • fourth, fifth, sixth - in a row, from right to left;
  • cards seven through ten in a row from right to left.

Interpretation of positions:

  1. The most important thing is what the fortuneteller needs to pay attention to.
  2. Important information regarding future events.
  3. What issues need to be addressed urgently?
  4. Events of the past that affect the course of events in the future.
  5. Upcoming events.
  6. Which of what happens tomorrow is important in the present moment.
  7. Hidden from the eyes.
  8. Advice.
  9. Conclusion, action for the future.
  10. Prospects, positive results of fortune-telling.

Choose short or long alignment

As in any deck, there is a law for the Tarot of Guardian Angels: the shorter the layout, the more information it contains. It's easier to interpret. A large number of arcana in the layout is interpreted as information for reflection. Three to five card spreads are much more accurate and informative than ten to fifteen.

Event View Time

The maximum period recommended for viewing is one year. The forecast for a longer period may be unclear due to the fact that circumstances have not yet developed in the right way. Ideally, it is best to view events for a period of 2-3 months to six months.

Use the Guardian Angel Tarot to solve seemingly hopeless situations. Higher powers will definitely give you advice and a hint on where to look for the key to problems.

Appears in the layout, this is a sign that important events are about to happen, and that the question asked concerns the most important aspects of your life.
0 Jester
He is a wanderer of the wasteland, carrying all his possessions in a bag on his shoulder. He is free and alone. He doesn't have a home. He is free because he has nothing to lose.
I Mage
The magician believes that he has the power to summon and control whoever he invokes. But all power must be earned. And even angels have a long way to go before a novice becomes a master.
II High Priestess
She holds the Book of Secrets because she is the Angel of Wisdom that guards the Gate. She is a sphinx, and she will only let the traveler pass if he guesses her riddle.
III Empress
At the end of time, the Angel Empress cherishes dreams of what is passing. She is the mother of death and the bearer of pain. They live in it. She controls them.
IV Emperor
The elderly Emperor - the lord of the wasteland, sits on the throne and watches the collapse of his kingdom.
The emperor is devoted to his kingdom, he gave him everything that was required of him. The ruler and his kingdom are one.
V Hierophant
When the world is dying, people need someone to worship, someone to believe in. Helpers stand before an unseeing angel and ask to be told how they should behave in the face of oblivion.
VI Lovers
With outstretched wings, the angels cover (protect) those they love. And not only the desire to be pious makes them share the fate of mortals and fight with them against the eternal night for the survival of love.
VII Chariot
The angel of victory rides the chariot of triumph through the gates of death. There can be no victory without war. There is no war without bloodshed. Let the angel of peace pray for the fallen.
VIII Justice
The angel of justice weighs the hearts of the dead with the feather of truth. He crushes those who are unworthy. Truth is sometimes all that matters, no matter how painful it may be.
IX Hermit
In the ruined land, knowledge can be found. But the price of collecting it can be heavy and expensive. The wise hermit seeks new knowledge, but his lamp illuminates only that which is lost.
X Wheel of Fortune
Stone wheel - the millstone rotates slowly, but its rotation is extremely beautiful. The animal books speak of his rise and fall. They talk about how everything will eventually fall below its edge before the turn is made.
XI Strength
The strength is in the mind. It is in preparation and in intent. Angel is waiting for the right moment. Then she will make her move: never too soon, never too late. She knows herself. She knows when to act.
XII The Hanged Man
Throwing herself from the height of a waterfall, the angel sacrifices everything for the sake of what she believes in. Knowing the moment of eternity through the eyes of death, she voluntarily pays the final price.
XIII Death
The one with black wings will lead to the final transformation. The angel of death stabs its bitter, comforting scythe into the ground, leaving behind only white bones. Crows will never go hungry. Until the last day (until no one remains alive).
XIV Temperance
The talent to combine little with even less and make more of it is a valuable skill in the end times. The angel takes what is and applies his art of creating from nothing, patiently bringing the matter to the end.
XV Devil
The devil hides behind a mask, waiting for the unwary to seduce him. Sometimes temptation is worth what it's worth
sometimes the chains are made of gold and sometimes the chains are made of love.
XVI Tower
At the end of all things, when everything falls down, the fire of the apocalypse - the ancient destroyer - burns what can be burned and revels in destruction. Don't mourn it because it's gone.
Even when all seems lost, there will always be someone who will bring water to the dead (barren) earth in the hope that something will be born on it on a starry night. An angel pours poisoned water into the wasteland: this is how hope is born.
In the darkness of the endless night, angels join mortals. They ask the moon to bless them with its energy. They invite her light into their bodies, but it is the shadows of the towers that touch and penetrate them very deeply.
As the light goes out and the sun dies, the angels of light cling to the memories of the dance of life. Hold them close to your heart, it caresses them. The light of life will never die as long as it is remembered and loved.
XX Last Judgment
The angel trumpets for the last time and calls the souls of the living and the dead to judgment. Those who are guilty are rightly afraid, those who have fallen will be judged.
XXI World
The last angel dances on the blasted earth, counting the steps - this last gloomy measure. When the dance is over, and the last grain of sand in the clock falls, time itself will end.

Minor Arcana:
The angels of the minor arcana speak of less significant, more mundane events. Each suit refers to different areas of human life.

The suit of swords speaks of thoughts and conflicts that bring torment to the human race.
Ace of swords
The first decision is the most difficult, and yet it must be made.
2 swords
Balance must be maintained for the sake of peace of mind.
3 swords
When the balance is lost, suffering and sadness will be the result of the sharp pain caused by the blow of the knives.
4 swords
The angel calms the broken soul and sings of its eternal sleep.
5 swords
The winner takes all. Who sleeps - he will lose.
6 swords
The carrier takes the wages he earns. The last trip is always the longest.
7 swords
The angel devised a plan. She thinks she's ready for anything.
8 swords
Unexpected delays and restrictions, your doubt restricts movement.
9 swords
Despair brings torment and captivity to your ingenuity.
10 swords
The collapse as a consequence of the fall of the mind into the darkness of the abyss.
Page of swords
The angel sees and knows everything, she is the spirit of vigilance.
5 of Pentacles
Loss brings disaster, dancers can't get back what's gone.
6 of Pentacles
Those who do not have should ask for the mercy of those who have.
7 of Pentacles
Without care, everything that belongs to you can slip through your fingers.
8 of Pentacles
With care, experience and effort, wealth can be reconstructed and renewed.
9 of Pentacles
An angel can grow a garden to feed a crow in the wastelands of death.
10 of pentacles
Old wealth unites and separates families. It is a blessing and a curse.
Page of Pentacles
The angel has a talisman against darkness which she holds in front of her.
Knight of Pentacles
Carefully passing through the world of the dead, the angel protects his burden.
Queen of Pentacles
Enthroned by wealth and grief, the angel is satisfied and fed up.
King of Pentacles
The Angel King will take what he wants and curse the consequences.

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Many of us, in childhood, parents told about the heavenly guardian angels who protect the life of every person on Earth. With age, told, more and more like a fairy tale. A person grows up, changes, and like everyone else, he becomes a prisoner of his spiritual and physical problems. What if angels really exist? After all, even in fortune-telling cards, there are separate decks with images of those. The Tarot of Dark Angels and Guardian Angels is proof of this.

Dark Angels Tarot - a deck with strong energy

Guardian Angel Cards - A Classic with a Biblical Context

Guardian Angel Tarot Cards is an energetically powerful magical deck created by D. Berti and A. Picho. Its interpretation is entirely based on the writings of Ryder-Waite. Only a few cards have their own interpretation. The artists did an excellent job, using images and elements of religion in their "child". Thus, the New Testament became part of the Tarot system. It seemed that these were completely incompatible things. But Bertie and Picho proved that understanding religion and their own faith in higher powers are capable of much. And now, all the spiritual energy of church images can help anyone who wants to solve an issue that concerns him, or tell the future.

The very differences in the interpretation of Waite and the creators of the Angelic Tarot are insignificant. A novice cartologist may not even notice any difference between them. But "experts", looking through the list of 78 cards, may notice a few nuances. So, the Six of Pentacles has a different meaning from the classical interpretation. The Angelic Tarot indicates that this card means mercy. And in the classical sense, the Six of Pentacles is prosperity, improving the financial condition. Even the image, carefully drawn by the artists, speaks of interpretation. The card depicts an Angel descended from Heaven. He gives alms to the beggar. It is easy to guess the meaning of this card for yourself, and it has nothing to do with the classic “prosperity”.

The nuances of working with a deck of Angels

The Guardian Angel is an invisible helper given by God. A person conducts all his deeds under his supervision. Sometimes, people even ask him for help. So Angelic cards are not an easy magical accessory for divination. Before using the deck for your own purposes, you should ask the Higher Forces for help. And some tarologists, before the layouts, are advised to read “Our Father”.

But not all cartologists are of the opinion that faith in God can affect the outcome of the alignment. For those, telling fortunes on cards with Angels or ordinary images of people comes down to the classical Tarot system. Believer or not, but the further actions of people are the same. The first thing that is required is a clear statement of the question. And only the subsequent correct actions of the cartologist and a clear decoding of the meaning of hotel cards matter.

There is an opinion that the result of divination by the Dark Angels Tarot deck is influenced by faith in God

And those who believe in God often have a different point of view. A person who has contacted the Higher powers should ask, but not demand, help from his Guardian. And subsequent actions should not follow the classical algorithm. The interpretation of the cards should take place in an intuitive way, according to the images. Only in this way, a person can get the most accurate information.

Features of the Guardian Angel deck gallery

The Guardian Angel Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. These are divided into: 22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana.

The Minor Arcana includes cards of the following suits:

  • Cups.
  • Wands.
  • Denaria.
  • Swords.

All the Major Arcana of the Tarot Guardian Angels are religious images of both individual characters in the Bible and the events that are described there.

These are the main cards of the deck. So the images worked out by the artists may have some superiority over the worldly images of the Minor Arcana. So, the gallery of the deck includes 22 cards that are considered "trump cards", that is, the strongest. Even when looking at the colorful illustrations of the deck and the names corresponding to them, one can understand the essence of such a division. So, the Major Arcana include cards: Death, Devil, Justice, Emperor, Empress, Strength, Chariot, High Priest, etc.

And the cards of the Minor Arcana are the state of a person. The interpretation of such can always be compared with the spiritual or physical state of a person in the past, present and future. The design of the deck itself is very colorful and kind, even the Hanged Man card does not look intimidating. Only one "Devil" is depicted in his characteristic manner - the Evil One sits on the throne, his eyes are downcast. This character has the body of a man and the legs of a ram. His features are terrible, as are the powerful wings growing from his back. The efforts of the artist can be noted, because the Devil turned out to be really awesome.

Fortune telling on the cards of Guardian Angels

Fortune telling on the Tarot of Angels can be carried out by any known hands. The main thing is to know the differences in interpretation. And this has little to do with the meaning of some individual cards that defy Waite's system of notation. Tarot deck of Angels by Bertie and Picho requires consideration of the situation “Man is the Law”. That is, the ability of the Angel (Law) to help solve the worldly problems of people. Higher powers are only able to prompt or direct a person to the right choice or action. They cannot force him to do something and change the future in a new way.

One of the most popular readings on the Dark Angels Tarot is the Compromise spread.

One of the most popular layouts using Guardian Angel cards is the “Compromise”. Such a name may seem somewhat strange, it fully shows the essence of this action. If a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, and knows the way out of it, but is unsure of the correctness of his choice, then the advice of the Angel or his point of view can help him. So, a compromise with the Angel is the actions of a person that will not harm him. The words "to act within the confines of the law" take on a new, interesting meaning.

The alignment itself has 2 levels for interpretation. The cartologist can describe what he saw by:

  • surface value lines;
  • lines of the general picture of what is happening;
  • combination method.

Combining such lines into one stream of information requires a great deal of concentration and the ability to correctly formulate a description of the big picture from the cartologist. The layout itself is based on laying out 10 cards. 6 of them are placed in two horizontal rows of 3 pieces each, and 4 are placed on the sides. The result is a cruciform figure, hollow inside. Modern cartologists call this alignment the "Seal of the Angel."

Dark Angels card deck

Another equally interesting deck is the Dark Angels Tarot. The artist R. Luka did a good job of drawing ominous images. These Dark Lost Souls have a human form. Everything is done with the graceful beauty of a gloomy gothic design, and the predominance of black and white shades contains something mysterious and unknown. The Dark Angels are extraordinarily beautiful, because most of the cards depict young, sophisticated girls. These cute creatures are able to captivate the eye with their sinister appearance. What is important, the author showed the angels from different angles. Some he endowed with black wings, others with some kind of ability. And most importantly, it is the history of the narrative, which is often neglected by modern authors.

The essence of R. Luke's work is to use an interesting story about dark angels who fled from the Devil to Earth. Meanwhile, chaos reigned on the planet. And desperate recalcitrant lost souls tried to save the last thing left on Earth - people. So, interpreting these words in the meaning of the cards, one can determine the Angels used as helpers of mankind. So, even the usual divination on Tarot cards occurs under the influence of the Dark Forces, who wish good to a person.

Modern tarologists are skeptical about the power of such a deck. Their judgments come down to one thing. This is nothing more than a set of beautiful pictures. If there is any magical influence, it is definitely not related to the images. So, this deck is based on one of the greatest works of Tarot Waite. Modern cartologists can apply it to their work only on the basis of such considerations. But there are those experts who can argue with them. After all, the Tarot of the Patrons is in demand, and the World must be in balance. And such is the deck of Dark Angels.

Dark Angels Deck Gallery Features

The gallery of images of the author Rousseau Luca requires special attention. The Gothic style carries centuries-old energy, and when using a deck of cards in divination, it seems that at this moment a connection is really being established with mythical and mystical images. And it doesn't matter that almost all the cards are made in dark shades. The light that this Tarot deck carries in itself is able to illuminate all the secret dark areas of the human soul. A deck of Angels cards, albeit Dark ones, is a work of art of its kind. And many simply did not have time to get acquainted with such, since this work of the Italian artist was published only in 2010.

According to the author's idea, the depicted angels are able to change the fate of people even with a wave of their beautiful wings. Proud and noble, they command nature and all known elements. What is important, these souls are able to find the key to the heart of any person, point out his problems and help solve them. Thus, Dark beings become the second Guardian Angels. This kind of magical Tarot allows a person to:

  • cope with life's troubles;
  • point out the possible mistakes of his life path;
  • get a prediction for the near future;
  • find answers to his questions.

Dark Angels Tarot helps you find answers to all your questions

Compared with other Gothic works of our time, the maps of the river. Bows are vastly superior to their opponents in every possible way. Even the colorful design of the Tarot by Joseph Vargo, Ricard Minetti, Barbara Moore and Ian Daniels cannot be compared in its richness with the work "Dark Angels".

Interpretation features

All 78 Tarot cards with Dark Angels are divided into Major and Minor Arcana, just like any other deck in the Waite tradition. All "juniors" have suits:

  • Wands.
  • bowls.
  • Swords.
  • Pentacles.

Among these are the so-called "Heads of the Court":

  • Knight.
  • Lady.
  • King.

Major Arcana cards always indicate certain events. The more the number of such falls out in the scenario, the more likely a person is expected to make fateful decisions.

Some non-traditionality is present in the interpretation of these cards. So, in the correct position, the card indicates a certain event. And in the inverted - to its opposite meaning. Here are some examples of maps:

The correct position is freedom and purposefulness, and the inverted position is slavery, indifference.


The correct position is trust, strong friendship, confidence. And inverted - collapse, quarrels and self-doubt.


Direct designation - a person knows the truth, and with an inverted card - he is lost.

The card denotes the hope or expectation of something. And in an inverted state - this is hopelessness.

Denotes payment for one's own sins. Reversed card - impunity.

The role of the Minor Arcana in the deck

The minor arcana tells a person about his life needs, special desires and minor mistakes. So, for each individual suit, a certain sphere of life is separated. Four suits are the four main components of human existence. So, the Minor Arcana share:

  1. Maps showing the human world around. These include Wands.
  2. The suit responsible for emotions is cups.
  3. Cards of the state of mind and mental state - swords.
  4. The suit of a material character is pentacles.

So, the interpretation of the Cups will be associated with everything: conflicts, problematic character traits, love affairs, as well as their breaks. And the dropped Pentacles indicate all sorts of problems and improvements in the financial condition: profit, sudden wealth, poverty, etc. Wands are event cards. All actions that can lead to a particular result are necessarily shown by this suit. So the Swords will accompany the future with all experiences and internal conflicts.

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The deck of Tarot cards of dark angels belongs to the Tarot of the Major Arcana and has a certain meaning. As a rule, in the major arcana, Angels portend important events and represent the higher forces of nature. The appearance of the Dark Angels Tarot makes it clear that your destiny will soon change.

In total, there are 78 dark angel cards in the Doreen Verche Angel Tarot. They depict angels with human bodies. The dark angels were seduced by the flesh, its beauty and allure. The Dark Angels disobeyed their Master's order and descended for a walk on the ruined Earth. They themselves decided to help the dying earth and the remnants of humanity in order to lead them to death through the desert of their hopes. The arcana of the Dark Angels are like a gate to the world of death, and in order to use them, you need to follow them into the darkness that lives inside everyone.

Among the major arcana of the Dark Angels Tarot deck, the meaning of which is as follows:

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  1. 0 - Jester (Traveler in the desert). He is purposeful and free, he has nothing to lose. Denotes a person who is self-sufficient and goes straight to his goals.
  2. I - Mage (He has the strength and desire, but lacks the mind to perform actions). He says that before doing something, you need to think very carefully.
  3. II - The High Priestess, in her are secrets accessible only to a few. This card in the Dark Angels Tarot deck advises you to wait until everything secret becomes clear.
  4. III - Empress. Her dreams are in the past, now only a residue of pain remains.
  5. IV - Emperor. Denotes a mature person whose advice you need to listen to.
  6. V - Hierophant. In a deck of Tarot cards, Dark Angels speaks of a person immersed in his inner world and problems in it.
  7. VI - Lovers. Denote a strong union, or a serious person.
  8. VII - Chariot. There must always be sacrifices in everything, without feeling the bitterness of war, you will not understand the sweetness of victory.
  9. VIII - Justice. Truth is eternal. Nothing compares to her and does not interfere.
  10. IX - Hermit. Indicates a young man, with a reserve of strength, who gradually reaches his goal.
  11. X - The wheel in the Tarot of Dark Angels is a sign of the volatility of life, the night follows the day, and the rise is followed by a fall.
  12. XI - Strength. You need to act at a certain moment.
  13. XII - The Hanged Man. For eternity you have to pay.
  14. XIII - Death. Until everything is gone, the raven of death will not rest.
  15. XIV - Moderation creates something out of nothing.
  16. XV - The Devil in the Tarot cards of Dark Angels means temptation.
  17. XVI - Tower. Their creator, the man himself, is to blame for his troubles.
  18. XVII - The star says that hope dies last.
  19. XVIII - Moon. Human instincts are out of control.
  20. XIX - Sun. Memories are priceless, they are life.
  21. XX - Judgment. Everyone will answer for their own sins.
  22. XI - Peace. The last piece of the past.

Tagged with: future divination

Many of us, in childhood, parents told about the heavenly guardian angels who protect the life of every person on Earth. With age, told, more and more like a fairy tale. A person grows up, changes, and like everyone else, he becomes a prisoner of his spiritual and physical problems. What if angels really exist? After all, even in fortune-telling cards, there are separate decks with images of those. The Tarot of Dark Angels and Guardian Angels is proof of this.

Dark Angels Tarot - a deck with strong energy

Guardian Angel Cards - A Classic with a Biblical Context

Guardian Angel Tarot Cards is an energetically powerful magical deck created by D. Berti and A. Picho. Its interpretation is entirely based on the writings of Ryder-Waite. Only a few cards have their own interpretation. The artists did an excellent job, using images and elements of religion in their "child". Thus, the New Testament became part of the Tarot system. It seemed that these were completely incompatible things. But Bertie and Picho proved that understanding religion and their own faith in higher powers are capable of much. And now, all the spiritual energy of church images can help anyone who wants to solve an issue that concerns him, or tell the future.

The very differences in the interpretation of Waite and the creators of the Angelic Tarot are insignificant. A novice cartologist may not even notice any difference between them. But "experts", looking through the list of 78 cards, may notice a few nuances. So, the Six of Pentacles has a different meaning from the classical interpretation. The Angelic Tarot indicates that this card means mercy. And in the classical sense, the Six of Pentacles is prosperity, improving the financial condition. Even the image, carefully drawn by the artists, speaks of interpretation. The card depicts an Angel descended from Heaven. He gives alms to the beggar. It is easy to guess the meaning of this card for yourself, and it has nothing to do with the classic “prosperity”.

The nuances of working with a deck of Angels

The Guardian Angel is an invisible helper given by God. A person conducts all his deeds under his supervision. Sometimes, people even ask him for help. So Angelic cards are not an easy magical accessory for divination. Before using the deck for your own purposes, you should ask the Higher Forces for help. And some tarologists, before the layouts, are advised to read “Our Father”.

But not all cartologists are of the opinion that faith in God can affect the outcome of the alignment. For those, telling fortunes on cards with Angels or ordinary images of people comes down to the classical Tarot system. Believer or not, but the further actions of people are the same. The first thing that is required is a clear statement of the question. And only the subsequent correct actions of the cartologist and a clear decoding of the meaning of hotel cards matter.

There is an opinion that the result of divination by the Dark Angels Tarot deck is influenced by faith in God

And those who believe in God often have a different point of view. A person who has contacted the Higher powers should ask, but not demand, help from his Guardian. And subsequent actions should not follow the classical algorithm. The interpretation of the cards should take place in an intuitive way, according to the images. Only in this way, a person can get the most accurate information.

Features of the Guardian Angel deck gallery

The Guardian Angel Tarot deck consists of 78 cards. These are divided into: 22 Major Arcana, 56 Minor Arcana.

The Minor Arcana includes cards of the following suits:

  • Cups.
  • Wands.
  • Denaria.
  • Swords.

All the Major Arcana of the Tarot Guardian Angels are religious images of both individual characters in the Bible and the events that are described there.

These are the main cards of the deck. So the images worked out by the artists may have some superiority over the worldly images of the Minor Arcana. So, the gallery of the deck includes 22 cards that are considered "trump cards", that is, the strongest. Even when looking at the colorful illustrations of the deck and the names corresponding to them, one can understand the essence of such a division. So, the Major Arcana include cards: Death, Devil, Justice, Emperor, Empress, Strength, Chariot, High Priest, etc.

And the cards of the Minor Arcana are the state of a person. The interpretation of such can always be compared with the spiritual or physical state of a person in the past, present and future. The design of the deck itself is very colorful and kind, even the Hanged Man card does not look intimidating. Only one "Devil" is depicted in his characteristic manner - the Evil One sits on the throne, his eyes are downcast. This character has the body of a man and the legs of a ram. His features are terrible, as are the powerful wings growing from his back. The efforts of the artist can be noted, because the Devil turned out to be really awesome.

Fortune telling on the cards of Guardian Angels

Fortune telling on the Tarot of Angels can be carried out by any known hands. The main thing is to know the differences in interpretation. And this has little to do with the meaning of some individual cards that defy Waite's system of notation. Tarot deck of Angels by Bertie and Picho requires consideration of the situation “Man is the Law”. That is, the ability of the Angel (Law) to help solve the worldly problems of people. Higher powers are only able to prompt or direct a person to the right choice or action. They cannot force him to do something and change the future in a new way.

One of the most popular readings on the Dark Angels Tarot is the Compromise spread.

One of the most popular layouts using Guardian Angel cards is the “Compromise”. Such a name may seem somewhat strange, it fully shows the essence of this action. If a person finds himself in a difficult life situation, and knows the way out of it, but is unsure of the correctness of his choice, then the advice of the Angel or his point of view can help him. So, a compromise with the Angel is the actions of a person that will not harm him. The words "to act within the confines of the law" take on a new, interesting meaning.

The alignment itself has 2 levels for interpretation. The cartologist can describe what he saw by:

  • surface value lines;
  • lines of the general picture of what is happening;
  • combination method.

Combining such lines into one stream of information requires a great deal of concentration and the ability to correctly formulate a description of the big picture from the cartologist. The layout itself is based on laying out 10 cards. 6 of them are placed in two horizontal rows of 3 pieces each, and 4 are placed on the sides. The result is a cruciform figure, hollow inside. Modern cartologists call this alignment the "Seal of the Angel."

Dark Angels card deck

Another equally interesting deck is the Dark Angels Tarot. The artist R. Luka did a good job of drawing ominous images. These Dark Lost Souls have a human form. Everything is done with the graceful beauty of a gloomy gothic design, and the predominance of black and white shades contains something mysterious and unknown. The Dark Angels are extraordinarily beautiful, because most of the cards depict young, sophisticated girls. These cute creatures are able to captivate the eye with their sinister appearance. What is important, the author showed the angels from different angles. Some he endowed with black wings, others with some kind of ability. And most importantly, it is the history of the narrative, which is often neglected by modern authors.

The essence of R. Luke's work is to use an interesting story about dark angels who fled from the Devil to Earth. Meanwhile, chaos reigned on the planet. And desperate recalcitrant lost souls tried to save the last thing left on Earth - people. So, interpreting these words in the meaning of the cards, one can determine the Angels used as helpers of mankind. So, even the usual divination on Tarot cards occurs under the influence of the Dark Forces, who wish good to a person.

Modern tarologists are skeptical about the power of such a deck. Their judgments come down to one thing. This is nothing more than a set of beautiful pictures. If there is any magical influence, it is definitely not related to the images. So, this deck is based on one of the greatest works of Tarot Waite. Modern cartologists can apply it to their work only on the basis of such considerations. But there are those experts who can argue with them. After all, the Tarot of the Patrons is in demand, and the World must be in balance. And such is the deck of Dark Angels.

Dark Angels Deck Gallery Features

The gallery of images of the author Rousseau Luca requires special attention. The Gothic style carries centuries-old energy, and when using a deck of cards in divination, it seems that at this moment a connection is really being established with mythical and mystical images. And it doesn't matter that almost all the cards are made in dark shades. The light that this Tarot deck carries in itself is able to illuminate all the secret dark areas of the human soul. A deck of Angels cards, albeit Dark ones, is a work of art of its kind. And many simply did not have time to get acquainted with such, since this work of the Italian artist was published only in 2010.

According to the author's idea, the depicted angels are able to change the fate of people even with a wave of their beautiful wings. Proud and noble, they command nature and all known elements. What is important, these souls are able to find the key to the heart of any person, point out his problems and help solve them. Thus, Dark beings become the second Guardian Angels. This kind of magical Tarot allows a person to:

  • cope with life's troubles;
  • point out the possible mistakes of his life path;
  • get a prediction for the near future;
  • find answers to his questions.

Dark Angels Tarot helps you find answers to all your questions

Compared with other Gothic works of our time, the maps of the river. Bows are vastly superior to their opponents in every possible way. Even the colorful design of the Tarot by Joseph Vargo, Ricard Minetti, Barbara Moore and Ian Daniels cannot be compared in its richness with the work "Dark Angels".

Interpretation features

All 78 Tarot cards with Dark Angels are divided into Major and Minor Arcana, just like any other deck in the Waite tradition. All "juniors" have suits:

  • Wands.
  • bowls.
  • Swords.
  • Pentacles.

Among these are the so-called "Heads of the Court":

  • Knight.
  • Lady.
  • King.

Major Arcana cards always indicate certain events. The more the number of such falls out in the scenario, the more likely a person is expected to make fateful decisions.

Some non-traditionality is present in the interpretation of these cards. So, in the correct position, the card indicates a certain event. And in the inverted - to its opposite meaning. Here are some examples of maps:


The correct position is freedom and purposefulness, and the inverted position is slavery, indifference.


The correct position is trust, strong friendship, confidence. And inverted - collapse, quarrels and self-doubt.


Direct designation - a person knows the truth, and with an inverted card - he is lost.


The card denotes the hope or expectation of something. And in an inverted state - this is hopelessness.


Denotes payment for one's own sins. Reversed card - impunity.

The role of the Minor Arcana in the deck

The minor arcana tells a person about his life needs, special desires and minor mistakes. So, for each individual suit, a certain sphere of life is separated. Four suits are the four main components of human existence. So, the Minor Arcana share:

  1. Maps showing the human world around. These include Wands.
  2. The suit responsible for emotions is cups.
  3. Cards of the state of mind and mental state - swords.
  4. The suit of a material character is pentacles.

So, the interpretation of the Cups will be associated with everything: conflicts, problematic character traits, love affairs, as well as their breaks. And the dropped Pentacles indicate all sorts of problems and improvements in the financial condition: profit, sudden wealth, poverty, etc. Wands are event cards. All actions that can lead to a particular result are necessarily shown by this suit. So the Swords will accompany the future with all experiences and internal conflicts.

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