What is the difference between a man and a woman: facts, psychology. Why are men different from women? "Theories": Philosophy and Sex

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occupies a special place in world philosophy women's philosophy. In the list of famous philosophers female names almost never occur, but their contribution to the development of science is large and significant enough to allocate a separate niche for it.

Features of women's philosophy

Women's philosophy cannot be similar to the philosophy of men. The physical and mental difference between the sexes forms in women a special approach to understanding themselves, their place in the world and the main life values.

The main values ​​of a woman

The basic need for every woman is to feel loved and desired. Her gender role instructs her to strive to create a family. It is within the family that the need for acceptance is realized. Caring for the family and husband makes you feel needed.

Most women, among their core values, distinguish:

  • love;
  • motherhood;
  • beauty;
  • health;
  • financial stability;
  • self-realization.

Men in a similar survey in the first place put financial well-being. This difference is due to differences in intersexual psychology. However, in the modern world, the strict framework of social roles is rapidly being erased. Changes in social policy allow women to simultaneously play their traditional role and try on the male one, becoming the main breadwinner in the family. Such changes, affecting the very basis of relationships, become main theme modern women's philosophy.

Features of the female view of the world

Throughout her life, a woman performs various social roles that affect her worldview and shape her personality. These include:

  • daughter;
  • sister;
  • wife;
  • mother;
  • pupil;
  • worker;
  • friend.

Moving from one stage of development to another, a woman gains life experience that affects her attitude to the world, her life, life purpose and other key issues.

Since for a long time the role of a woman in society was passive-observant, this could not but be reflected in her views. In contrast to men who cultivate the idea of ​​actively exploring the world and transforming it to suit their needs, women more often take the position of a mute contemplator. In this case, non-interference in the processes of change in society allows you to look deep and understand the essence of the phenomenon. On the basis of such observations, innovative ideas are often born, which in turn make it possible to influence society by non-violent methods.

Women and beauty

Throughout the development of human civilization, stereotypes about beauty as the main female value and vocation were formed and consolidated. The standards of beauty change under the influence of the political and sociological situation in the world, but the need for an ideal remains unchanged.

Beauty as a weapon

Philosophy about women is characterized by the fact that men and women have different variants personal development and different purposes. A feature of the social role of a man is to be a provider and protector. The woman is given the role of the guardian of the hearth. A man wins and dominates in a relationship, and a woman gives in and is under his protection.

If a man's weapon is his physical strength, financial viability and high status in society, then a woman's weapon is her appearance. With the help of beauty, she can achieve a higher position, receive various privileges.

Beauty as a value

Relationships are based on the idea of ​​the unity of two opposites. A strong active man and a weak passive woman together create a harmonious union. In order to be able to create an alliance (in the understanding modern society- nuclear family), a woman must have necessary qualities. One of them is physical beauty.

Model appearance is the main value for a woman of any age, nationality and social status. Loss of beauty due to an accident, illness or due to age-related changes in the body can cause apathy, depression and even suicide. Therefore one of key issues women's philosophy - the concept of beauty and its role in a woman's life.

The beauty myth

The modern perception of beauty is undergoing major changes. Third-wave feminist icon Naomi Wolf, in her acclaimed work The Beauty Myth, sees beauty as a social construct created within patriarchy. Patriarchy or the power of men is a feature of the world order, in which belonging to the male sex gives a person special rights from birth. Belonging to the female gender obliges to the role of a subordinate. One of the duties of a subordinate woman is to be beautiful.

Beauty standards are formed in such a way that they cannot be achieved. natural features appearances are declared undesirable and harmful. At different times, these included or include: body hair, the shape of the lips, the structure of the hair, weight, height and other characteristics of the body.

In an effort to achieve the ideal, a woman must spend huge amounts of money, restrict herself in food, cause serious harm to health. Since many of the innate features of physiology cannot be changed, the ideal of beauty remains unattainable. This makes a woman suffer and feel inferior. The Beauty Myth states that women can become happy only when they give up the pursuit of an imposed ideal and realize that their value is not determined only by external data.

famous women philosophers

Despite the ban on education, there is no shortage of female philosophers. Even in antiquity, there were famous thinkers who were respected by their contemporaries. The list of founders of women's philosophy includes:

  1. Hanna Arendt. A Jewish woman who was forced to flee France and took refuge in America. Wrote several papers on political structure. In her books, she considered the features of tyranny as a form of power and the desire of people for totalitarianism.
  2. Philip Foot. Engaged in ethical research. She taught at Oxford and worked with many contemporary philosophers. Her essay "Virtue and Vice" is considered a classic of modern philosophy.
  3. Elizabeth Anscombe. She has researched many fields, including ethics, logic, linguistics, and metaethics. It was made famous by the series of articles "Internationality", which examines the moral foundations that determine the intentions and actions of a person. Introduced the term "consequentialism" into philosophical discourse.
  4. Mary Wollstonecraft. English writer and philosopher. She advocated women's free access to education, for which she can be considered one of the founders of feminist philosophy. In addition to political and social literature, she wrote fiction books, including children's books. Her daughter also became a writer, she is the author of the novel "Frankenstein".
  5. Hypatia of Alexandria. Daughter of Theon's philosophy, follower of the views of Plato and Aristotle. She was influential politician of his time and famous philosopher. She taught philosophy, mathematics and astronomy, and after her father's death she directed his school. She made a great contribution to the development of scholasticism.
  6. Anna Dufourmentel. French philosopher, explored the philosophy of risk. She has written 30 books, and is best known for her work In Defense of Risk. In it, the writer considers risk as a necessary motivation for development.
  7. Harriet Taylor Mill. Founder of British feminism. After the death of her first husband, she married the philosopher and like-minded John Mill, studied with him social role women in society. On the basis of her essay, Mill wrote his work On the Subjection of Women, which became one of the first officially published books on feminism.
  8. Katherine Guinness. Lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania, researches Africa and the features of "black" feminism. Founded the College of Black Women Philosophers. Criticized Bouvoir's feminist ideas for not being inclusive enough. According to Guinness, in addition to patriarchy, main problem black women still remains racist and this must be taken into account.
  9. Simone de Bouvoir. One of the founders of "white" feminism. He is the author of several dozen books, the most famous of which is The Second Sex. In it, the writer examines the role of women in the modern world, the features of relationships with men, motherhood and other basic aspects of life. Together with Jean-Paul Sartre, she developed and popularized French existentialism. Her famous saying “Women are not born, women are made” has become one of the most used literary quotes.
  10. Carol Gilligan. Considered the standards of morality and ethics, criticizing the universality of concepts. She founded a school of care ethics and wrote several books on the psychology of women.

12. The second sex and philosophy

Simone de Beauvaar: “You are not born a woman, you become a woman”

In 1949, the book "The Second Sex" by the French writer was published. Simone de Beauvoir, wife of an eminent philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. The book showed that, firstly, understanding male and female determined by cultural, including philosophical, norms; secondly, since time immemorial, male culture has been recognized as positive, and female negative. The writer gave her book a title not by chance. This means that the first sex is the biological characteristics by which biologists distinguish a man from a woman. The most important biological difference between a woman and a man is her fertility. But along with the first sex, there is also the second, the creation of masculinity and femininity in the social life of a person, the development and cultivation of male and female values. That's why Simone de Beauvoir asserts that "a woman is not born, a woman is made."

The first books in defense of women appeared in the 15th century. But until the second half of the 20th century, women's issues could not be raised to philosophical heights. It has succeeded in the last 30 years. Now the women's question becomes a cross-cutting one for the whole culture. What does it mean to be a man, what is a woman? These, at first glance, simple questions at detailed consideration turned out to be filled with philosophical subtleties, branched problems, which had not been suspected before. The true meaning of the unity and difference between the masculine and the feminine has fallen out of the field of vision of philosophers. Gradually, imperceptibly for itself, the traditional philosophy not only did not question the legitimacy of the subordination of a woman to a man, but also contributed to the strengthening of patriarchy (the power of the fathers). Thus, philosophy unduly narrowed its horizons, abstracted from many problems that are of paramount importance not only for women, but also for men (motherhood and fatherhood, family, society, inequality in the family, sexual violence, prostitution, etc.).

Woman and man, femininity and masculinity

Millions of pages have been written about the qualities of women and men. Very often they come to the following two conclusions:

Any confident drawing of boundaries between a man and a woman is possible only at the average level. At the individual level, qualities that are recognized as typically masculine or, conversely, feminine, migrate from men to women and vice versa. Thus, high rationality and scientific audacity are usually attributed to men. But what about polka Maria Sklodowska-Curie, who was twice awarded Nobel Prize- the first time in physics, the second time in chemistry (besides, she was a charming woman)? They say that women succumb to dangers, but does this apply to pilots and astronauts? Again, some men are able to compete in grace with women.

The qualities of "average" men and women complement each other. It cannot be argued with any justification that the qualities of a man will certainly better qualities women.

Below we present a comparison of the quality (virtue) of an average man and woman. It's about masculinity and femininity second nature of men and women.

In fact, both the left and right columns indicate values. Add up all the masculine values ​​(M 1 ..., M n) and you get what can be called a masculine philosophy. Accordingly, the sum W 1 ...., W n will give women's philosophy.

Take now any philosophical system, for example, rationalism. It will fall under the rubric of masculine philosophy. If, however, we choose this or that particular person as an object, then both male and female qualities will certainly be found in it. We will get entries like: Sidorov Alexey (M 1, M 4, F 3, F 7), Ivanova Marina (M 2, M 5, F 1, F 3).

As a conclusion, we note: the so-called women's philosophy is an organic part of the modern philosophical picture of the world.

Philosophy of love

"Love," said the writer A.P. Platonov,- there is a connection of a loved one with one's main and most sincere ideas - the realization through him (beloved - beloved) of one's meaning of life. Love is the mutual attraction of a man and a woman, it is biological instincts, spiritualized both morally and aesthetically. There is no such value of a person that would not enter one way or another into the tender sacrament of love. Perhaps the shortest definition of love is: love is spiritualized flesh. Love is by V.G. Belinsky, not just a whim of feelings or a whim of the heart, but respect for the dignity of a person.

Philosophers have thought a lot about love. Plato was the first who, in a systematically developed philosophy, elevated spiritual love over sensual love (hence the expression “platonic” love, that is, spiritual, not physiological). In the Middle Ages, love was considered the main virtue of God. In modern times, love was predominantly attributed to a person, but quite often the symbol of love - the heart - was opposed to the symbol of reason - the mind. In the 20th century, love is sometimes reduced to physiological instincts (as in Freud), they are equated with the values ​​of aesthetics or ethics. “Love is the flowers of morality…” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

We note one very curious circumstance. Quite often, against the background of poetic lyrics, philosophical reasoning fades, they lack freshness and penetration. In order not to be unfounded, let's listen to the poet. Here is what he wrote A.S. Pushkin about love, respectively, at 14, 25 and 36 years old:

The passionate heart was captivated;

I confess - and I'm in love!

And the heart beats in rapture

And for him they rose again

And deity, and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love.

I thought my heart forgot

The ability to suffer easily

I said to what was

Not to be! not to be!

Gone are the joys and the sorrows

And gullible dreams...

But here they tremble again

Before the powerful power of beauty.

It is hardly possible to translate the lines Pushkin into a philosophical text. We will not attempt to do so. It remains for us to wish philosophy to achieve poetic perfection (not necessarily in verse, because poetics in prose is also by no means ordered).

Let us now formulate the main conclusions.

Love - philosophical theme insofar as it occupies the most important place in a person's life.

Love is spiritualized flesh, the path to perfection through natural instincts. Love is the criterion of spiritual beauty.

Understanding love depends on spiritual level era and the individual.

In love, as in other matters, a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness: if you want to be loved, improve yourself.

In the philosophy of love, the so-called masculine philosophy is not enough, it must be supplemented with feminine philosophy.

Discussion of numerous debatable issues of the philosophy of love (the problem of first love, the choice of the object of love, the tragedy of love, chastity, the role of dance, music, art), the consideration of which goes far beyond the scope of this book, requires proper philosophical preparation.

The author of these lines happened to watch a funny television program in Germany. There, in a prestigious ladies' club, the title of "Man of the Week" is played weekly, the winner is decently awarded. 10 young people participate in the competition, the judges are girls, the losers are pushed into the pool to the general laughter. Imagine our surprise when one day among the handsome men there was a rather frail boy with a bald head and protruding ears. He turned out to be a student of philosophy. And - a real miracle! - the philosopher won the prize! Ladies fell in love with him for his intelligence, humor, the ability to turn their weaknesses into strengths.

A good philosophy is always love, and true love is always a philosophy, a difficult slalom on the way to the desired prizes.

Is it easy to be young?

"Is it easy to be young?" is the title of a movie that was very popular in the late 80s. It turns out that being young is just as difficult as being an adult man or an adult woman. In all cases, young or old, cherish human dignity. It is not born with it, it is not inherited, it is worked out, cherished, and one has to fight for it. One does not become young in the stream of time, which, it seems, carries everyone from childhood to youth. Young people need to be able to become.

With the philosophical understanding of youth, the situation is approximately the same as with the philosophical understanding of femininity. Like women and youth is a social group. In society, any biology is loaded with sociality. This applies to both young and old, both men and women.

So youth is special social group people, distinguished both by their biology and values. This seemingly simple idea, oddly enough, was developed not somewhere in the depths of history, but in the late 60s - early 70s of our century. Crucial had three circumstances: 1) the youth movement against the Vietnam War, which reached its apogee in the mid-60s in the USA; 2) youth unrest in France in May 1968, when the dissatisfaction of the young with their position resulted in riots; 3) the creation of a special youth culture with its emphasis on rock and pop music, rock and roll dance style, fashionable clothes with its play in nudity, skin and transparency, and finally, a frank sexual revolution. In all three cases, the independence of young people is evident, the impossibility of fitting them into the old stereotype: young people are just people who have not yet become adults. If the records of Michael Jackson and Elton John diverge in 30 million copies, then this obviously indicates not only the originality of youth culture, but also its scope, mass character. This is also evidenced by stadiums filled with fans of sports and pop music and huge concert halls.

Initially, youth culture was considered exclusively a form of protest against certain established social orders (hence the name "counterculture"). Subsequently, it became clear that although the pathos of protest and rebellion is indeed inherent in youth culture, at the same time it is simply a new culture. When at the beginning of 1998 Boris Grebenshchikov, The leader of Russian rock musicians was awarded the prestigious Triumph award, thereby celebrating his contribution to the country's musical culture.

So, youth is an independent subject of social creativity.

Young people's values

There is no sharp boundary between the values ​​of young and old. As for the young people's values ​​themselves, there are uncertainties at every step, everything is as mobile as possible, extremes converge every now and then. This makes it difficult to characterize the values ​​of the young. It's hard to even list them.

So, among the values ​​of young people, in our opinion, the following dominate:

Striving for maximum spontaneity in life, opposing stiffness and arrogance;

Support for group, formal or informal community (“we are us, and they are them”);

Impracticality, sometimes turning into its opposite - pragmatism;

Inventiveness and innovation, followed by impractical adherence to standards;

Rebelliousness and extremism, giving way to social passivity;

The unbridled desire for freedom and anarchy, now and then supplemented by dependency;

Reliance on imagination, fantasy, construction of a virtual (elusive) reality as opposed to strict logic;

Playfulness opposed to planning;

Irony, laughter, carnival culture;

The interweaving of male and female (boys look like girls, and girls look like guys).

Youth philosophy facing a new challenge

The totality of young people's values ​​forms basis what can be called the philosophy of the young. Of all the philosophical systems, the philosophy of the young is most reminiscent of postmodernism. They are united by the desire to fill the new with a supernova, a protest against strict logic, giving aesthetic and ethical values ​​the nature of mandatory norms. Naturally, when comparing the philosophy of the young and postmodernism, it should be taken into account that in the first case we are talking about the mindset that develops not at the desk of a scientist-philosopher, but in the communication of the young; in the second case, we are dealing with a deeply professional philosophy.

And, finally, one more very important circumstance. AT philosophical culture young people, the above values ​​do not necessarily dominate, most often they are supplemented by a fan of other philosophical values, all those that are discussed from the first pages of this book. Ultimately, young people think about the same problems as adults. There is no reason for both of them to reject the achievements of philosophy as a whole.

Our time is a challenge to everyone, both young and old. To meet the challenge in a worthy manner, one must good philosophy. From this point of view, neither masculine, nor feminine, nor youth philosophy is self-sufficient in itself.

The youth is initially in the philosophical field, where it shows a certain originality.

The complexity of the current situation requires young people to be included in world philosophy (life does not end with youth).

Leonardo da Vinci rightly remarked: "Get in your youth that which, over the years, will compensate you for the damage caused by old age."

Main conclusions

To be a woman, a man, and also young (or old) means not only to have some biology, but also the corresponding social value content;

Traditional philosophy does not sufficiently take into account the peculiarities of the philosophizing of women and youth.

The innovations of the so-called women's and youth philosophies will quite possibly enrich the modern world philosophy.

Basic terms






Questions and tasks

1. According to Greek mythology, by the will of Zeus, as a punishment to people for the theft of fire by Prometheus from the gods, Hephaestus created Pandora from water and earth. Pandora captivated the beauty of Prometheus' brother Epimetheus and became his wife. Seeing a box in her husband's house, curious Pandora opened it. The box was filled with disasters that were spreading across the land. Give a philosophical description of the myth of Pandora's box.

2. In Christianity there is God the Father and God the Son, but there is no God the Mother. Think of a possible explanation for this fact.

3. Name three main features of masculinity and femininity.

4. How do you understand the meaning of the expression: love is spiritualized flesh?

5. Why, in your opinion, lovers, having married and even lived happily for several years, suddenly disperse?

6. What are the features of the so-called women's philosophy?

7. What does it mean to be young?

8. What are the features of the so-called youth philosophy?

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Any relationship in this world is built on certain postulates, concepts. Contain some philosophy. The philosophy of relations between a man and a woman is the same concept that you either accept yourself or not.

In the end, any dispute on philosophical issues always reaches a certain limit: people bombard each other with arguments, arguments and examples, but at the same time they always reach the point where you can say - do you believe or not believe this?

That is, there are some basic things in which a person either believes or not. It is already very difficult to sort them out somehow, to prove them in a normal conversation. And a person accepts it, because it fits with his life experience, or he does not accept it. And such basic "plateaus" are very difficult to move anywhere.

Different approaches in the philosophy of relations

There are different approaches to the relationship between a man and a woman, just as there are different approaches in ordinary philosophy to life. Some concepts suggest a more materialistic and cynical approach, some operate with the ideas that our world has changed a lot, and a man and a woman have also changed a lot, and the old concepts are already dying off.

And there is an approach that is based on some traditional values ​​and knowledge, and it offers a philosophy that has existed for many centuries, millennia and maybe even millions of years.

Each of these relationship philosophies has its basis, and perhaps one option suits someone, another. The last path is closer to me, and, considering it true and leading to the greatest good.

So what are these approaches and philosophies?

Approach “A woman should use her body to get the most out of this world. We only live once"

The most cynical and pragmatic approach, in which the concept of morality, to put it mildly, is erased. He suggests that a woman should squeeze the maximum out of men at the expense of her beauty.

Moreover, all possible tricks, chips, and methods are used. If you need to sleep with a dozen men, while you will receive material benefits - go ahead, as they say, with a song. Take off your panties in time when you see another millionaire on the way.

The concept of a woman's soul, some kind of natural purity, is not considered at all. This philosophy assumes that we live once, everything is meaningless, and the main thing to do is to try to “squeeze” all possible pleasures and benefits from this world, by any, any ways.

For me personally, all this sounds wild, although I understand perfectly well that this theory and philosophy is very popular. And there is great amount women who are ready to go over their heads, give themselves to the right and left, in the hope that something will fall to them from a man.

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In my world, such women are corny whores. I can't name them otherwise. They can be very highly paid, and really get cars, apartments, diamonds from men, but at the same time, nothing is worth anything behind this. Only an irrepressible desire to chase the material.

I have a feeling that they have an emptiness inside. I very much doubt that such ladies feel some kind of harmony or happiness. Pleasure, passion - perhaps. But true happiness is not there.

Of course, adherents of this approach may begin to belittle what I say, arguing that a man, hiding behind beautiful words about love and feelings, wants to get everything from a woman for free. This is partly true, and there are a large number of such irresponsible gentlemen who are looking for easy money.

That's just to the fact that a woman can and should maintain inner purity, and such a pursuit of material wealth, without a spiritual component and at least some kind of morality, will not lead to anything good, it has nothing to do with it.

We are so different, and we think, and we feel, and we act, that when you understand this, you are amazed - how could I not notice this before! providence and higher power arranged in such a cunning way that we are very similar to each other: two arms, two legs, a head, a torso. Only the proportions change slightly in some places. And thanks to this external similarity, many people live in the illusion that we are equal. And we are not equal.

However, I am not saying that the man better women. I believe that a woman is much more valuable and talented than any man. A woman is the foundation of the whole world.

But at the same time, its value must be protected. A woman is valuable precisely for her feminine nature, and if she begins to become a man, then she loses this in many ways.

At the same time, a woman can achieve tremendous success, and in many men's affairs surpass a man. But does she need to do it? Will she feel truly happy about it?

Philosophy based on the deepest needs of man and woman

That approach, and that philosophy that I adhere to - as it represents to me. These laws are deeply buried in our instincts and inner feelings, and although the world has really changed a lot, and what was even 100 years ago no longer works in many ways, those instincts and those feelings that were laid in us remain.

These laws are not at all obvious, and in order to reach them with your own mind, you would probably have to spend a thousand lives and try to build relationships with thousands of people.

But due to the fact that there are sources of knowledge that come from ancient times, we can use this wisdom of millennia.

Of course, this knowledge needs to be adapted in a certain way modern world, and some of this philosophy is not always relevant, but the basis - those deep laws that are described in ancient treatises - remain unchanged. When you begin to understand them, you begin to see their manifestations in any life situations. It turns out to see the essence, and not the screen with which people often cover their real moods and feelings.

What are these laws? What are they?

On the one hand, they are quite simple, on the other hand, they are infinitely deep. Indeed, in general, the topic of the relationship between a man and a woman, and the philosophy of these relationships, is an endless topic that you can talk about all your life.

One of the main principles and ideas that are embedded in this philosophy is the fundamental difference between men and women, their approaches to life, and the paths to happiness. The most interesting thing is that nature or providence has created us in such a way that we are very well suited to each other. That is, what a woman lacks, a man has, and vice versa - what a man lacks, a woman has in abundance.

That is why, when everyone knows their place and their nature, wonderful, harmonious and happy unions are obtained.

The second point of this philosophy is that relationships should be built gradually.

Relationships must be built gradually.

In life, haste is important only when catching fleas, and therefore trying to skip over some stage of building a relationship is fraught.

Building harmonious relationships can be compared to sports: you cannot come to the gym for the first time and immediately take a barbell with a huge weight and lift it. We need gradualness. You need to go through many steps, steps, and reach your goal. The same is true in the relationship between a man and a woman.

All other principles and ideas you can read in other articles on this site. I'm not trying to hide or keep silent about anything, so you can look at other articles - maybe something will interest you.


Of course, each person chooses his own path. And everyone has the philosophy that he chooses for himself in order to build relationships. Someone does it meaningfully, studying different options, someone follows the “rails” that their parents, society and the world around them have laid for them.

And each of these options suggests that a person can reach some level of happiness and well-being in a relationship.

I see that if you want to get to a very high level in relationships between a man and a woman, and to understand your true nature, feeling real harmony - then you need to adhere to the principles that I write about on this site. These are a few fairly simple concepts: that a woman and a man are very different, and not at all equivalent, that relationships need to be built gradually step by step, that relationships need to be learned and absorbed by this philosophy.

And what choice of philosophy you make for yourself is up to you.

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In human nature, as in human existence, there is nothing predetermined, predetermined - there is no "essence". "Existence precedes essence." The essence of a person is made up of his actions, it is the result of all the choices he made in life, his ability to implement his “project” - his own pre-established goals and means, to “transcendence” - the construction of goals and meanings. And the motivators of his actions are the will, the desire for freedom. These motives are stronger than all laws, moral rules and prejudices. They should also determine the family structure, relationships in love. Our objective essence presupposes the existence of another. And vice versa, it is the freedom of another that serves as a justification for our essence.

Simone de Beauvoir tried to find out for herself and explain to the reader what this “female destiny” is, what is behind the concept of “the natural purpose of sex”, how and why the position of a woman in this world differs from that of a man, is a woman, in principle, able to take place as a full-fledged personality, and if so, under what conditions, in what ways, what circumstances limit the freedom of a woman and how to overcome them.

Simone de Beauvoir's book The Second Sex is an attempt - and a successful attempt - to disengage from the Marxist approach to the "women's question". Its focus is not on the "women's masses" and their "collective struggle" for the common cause of the "proletariat". Her focus is on the female personality or "situation" of a woman in history, given by physiology and anatomy, psychology and social traditions. Simone de Beauvoir considers this "situation" using the concepts of free will, autonomy, self-fulfillment through the "project". She focuses her analysis mainly on the topic interpersonal relationships men and women - the relationship of the One and the Other, seen through the prism of "true being" - the being of a subject capable of transcendence, that is, of assuming the meanings and goals of his life. From this point of view, Simone de Beauvoir rereads the myths and legends about the "mystery of sex" , "the purpose of a woman", "a riddle female soul". It is obvious to her that such a riddle does not exist. In the heat of the controversy, she formulates her famous aphorism: "You are not born a woman, you become a woman."

She argued that the physiological differences between a man and a woman do not at all predetermine their existential difference - the difference in the quality of the subjects of history, when one is the master and the other is his slave. This division of labor is not predetermined, it is imposed by quite definite socio-historical conditions.

Simone de Beauvoir emphasizes that since it was male activity that formed the concept of human existence as a value that raised this activity above the dark forces of nature, conquered nature itself, and at the same time a woman, then a man in everyday consciousness appears as a creator, creator, subject, while a woman - only as an object of his power. Against this prejudice, the thesis “you are not born a woman, you become a woman” is directed. Simone de Beauvoir seeks to dispel any doubts that initially the same potencies, the same abilities for the manifestation of free will, for transcendence and self-development, are inherent in a woman as in a man. Their suppression breaks the female personality, does not allow a woman to take place as a person. The conflict between the original ability to be a subject and the imposed role of the object of someone else's power determines the specifics of "women's lot". But Simone de Beauvoir is convinced that this conflict is being gradually resolved. The desire for freedom prevails over the inertia, the immanence of female existence.

Simone de Beauvoir, having outlined the prospect of "authentic existence", was able to vividly describe the "inauthenticity" of ordinary women's everyday life - this everyday bondage that oppresses a woman today no less than in the past. Exposure, exposure of everyday forms of discrimination - one of the main virtues of the book "The Second Sex". Her other dignity is connected with the same concept of "authentic existence" and its ethics, which presupposes the acquisition of one's "I" on the path to freedom, that is, presupposes the existence of an independent female personality, its autonomy, the ability to "appropriate" own life. Translated into the slogan "self-realization" or "self-fulfillment", this concept became a new creed for feminism in the second half of the 20th century.

She argued that being a woman is not a vocation, but a state, that a woman, like any person, should strive for self-affirmation as a person - in creativity, work, self-disclosure. She is not a machine for the reproduction of the human race. Her motherhood can only be an act of free decision, not a duty.

The diversity, versatility, diversity of the social space, in which more than one subject operates and which keeps in suspense not one conflict, but many conflicts resolved in different ways. And one of them - the most ancient - the conflict between a man and a woman.

Chapter 1

It is enough to walk down the street with open eyes to recognize that humanity is divided into two categories of individuals whose clothes, face, body, smile, gait, interests, occupations are clearly different; maybe this difference is superficial, maybe it is destined to disappear. But one thing is indisputable - at the present moment it exists with amazing obviousness.

A man thinks of himself without a woman. She can’t imagine herself without a man.” She is only what a man will appoint her. Thus, she is called "sex", meaning by this that she appears to a man, first of all, as a being of a certain sex: for him she is a sex, and therefore, she is him absolutely. She defines herself and stands out in relation to the man, but not the man in relation to her; it is the non-essential next to the essential. He is the Subject, he is the Absolute, she is the Other.

In essence, the separation of the sexes is a biological given, and not a moment in human history. A couple is a fundamental unity, both halves of which are chained to one another, and no stratification of society on the basis of sex is possible. This is what determines a woman: she is the Other inside a single whole, both elements of which are necessary for each other.

The world has never belonged equally to both sexes. And even today, the position of women is still very disadvantageous, although it is changing. There are almost no countries where she legally has the same status as a man; often a man significantly infringes on her interests. But even when its rights are recognized in the abstract, established, habitual mores do not allow them to find a concrete embodiment in Everyday life. From an economic point of view, men and women are practically two castes; Other things being equal, men have more vantage point and more high salary than women who have recently become their competitors. In industry, politics, etc. there are many more men, and it is to them that the most important posts. In addition to the specific power they have, they are also invested with prestige, which is traditionally supported by the entire system of raising children: behind the present, the past appears, and in the past, history was made exclusively by men.

A woman is not a frozen reality, but a becoming; and only in becoming should she be compared with a man, that is, her possibilities should be determined; a great deal of debate loses its meaning because of the desire to reduce a woman to what she was, or to what she is today, while it is a question of her abilities; there is no doubt that abilities manifest themselves with all evidence only when they are realized - but there is also no doubt that, considering a being whose essence is transcendence and going beyond the limits of one's "I", one should never draw a line.

The enslavement of woman by race, the limits of her individual possibilities, are facts of extreme importance; a woman's body is one of the main elements that determines the position that she occupies in the world. But the body alone is not enough to define a woman; it lives only in the reality that is perceived by its consciousness through actions and within the framework of society. Biology alone is not enough to answer the question that occupies us; why is a woman another?

Thus, it is impossible to consider a woman simply as an organism of a certain sex: among biological data, only those that acquire a specific value in her actions are significant; a woman's self-awareness is determined not only by her sexuality, it reflects a situation interconnected with economic structure society; and in it, in turn, finds expression of the level of technical development achieved by mankind.

The division was established precisely in those epochs when a woman was perceived as an Other, society especially stubbornly refused to accept her as a person. Today it becomes equal to the Others at the cost of losing its mystical halo. Real power has always been in the hands of men; from the very beginning of the era of patriarchy, they considered it useful to keep a woman in a state of dependence; their legislation was directed against her; and thus she was concretely constituted as the Other. This position served the economic interests of men, but it also satisfied their ontological and moral needs. When the subject tries to affirm himself, he still needs the Other that limits and denies him, for he can reach himself only through a reality that he himself is not.

Chapter 2

An adult girl becomes less romantic than she was in adolescence, and thinks more about marriage than about love. Her future husband no longer appears to her in a divine halo, she strives only for a stable position in the world, she wants to start leading her life as a woman. For most adult girls, whether they work or not, they live cooped up in parental home or enjoy some freedom, the most important task of life is to find a husband or at least a permanent lover.

They jokingly say that men and women have only one difference: men take care of what is between their legs, and women take care of what is between their hands. This, of course, is true, but there are many other equally interesting differences. For example, female and male logic. Women call iron. And men argue that women have no logic in principle.


The brains of men and women work differently.

There is scientific evidence for this. The brain of a man and the brain of a woman work differently. The female mind is fragmented, illogical and yet comes to a single result. Male - monolithic, unidirectional, with plot logic. This is how nature arranged it, and it is pointless to argue with this.

Harvard President Lawrence Summers summed up at a major international conference: “Women cannot achieve great success in mathematics and natural sciences not because of social inequality, but because of genetic difference from men.” Angry ladies from the scientific community took his words literally: “We are considered fools!” and defiantly left the room. But Summers didn't mean to offend anyone. The fact is that he did not quite successfully voice the results of recent studies that showed that the male and female brains are different from each other.

Scientists conducted the following experiment: participants of different sexes moved through the streets of a virtual city created on a computer. In order to get to the right place, men used an average of 2 minutes and 22 seconds, and women - 3 minutes 16 seconds. What are the reasons for such a clear difference? Scientists believe that women think mostly in the frontal lobes of the brain. And these shares are responsible mainly for intuition and emotions, and not for logic. Men, working on any problem, use all their brain analytics, plus, more actively than women, they turn on the brain areas responsible for processing visual information. A woman always thinks “between”, she does not have logically verified chains.

She takes one, pushes away from it, something flies like an impulse inside her brain, and at the output we get an absolutely incredible message. This is called female intuition, although in fact this is the normal normal operation of the female brain. It seems to others that a woman is deceiving or delusional, but in fact this is not so, she simply lives inside herself a whole world of sensations, lives and images.

Thus, the secret of the female mind is that a woman is not unipolar: by introducing one frequency into herself, she will bring out a completely different one. A man, on the other hand, is straightforward: what “entered” into him, then “exited”. The male mind is logical in and out.

Vocabulary difference

In addition to logic, men and women have vocabulary in different ranges of their vocabulary. A man, as a creature programmed mainly for actions, reacts to verbs and is absolutely insensitive to adjectives. A woman, on the contrary, hears only adjectives, she has nothing to perceive verbs. For example, a wife comes up to her husband and says: "My dear, my dear, my beloved." He hears only her voice, which sounds like a stream. A man does not perceive these epithets, they do not enter his consciousness, they pass by. But then the woman gives the command to act: “Go and act, come and see, do it for me”, the man hears the order and goes to act.

It is easier for a man to explain himself in love with verbs. He says: "Love me, act, rule over me, cover, etc." And the woman bewilderedly asks: “Call me sweet, wonderful ...” For her, the main thing is emotional coverage, for him - action. Roughly speaking, men have one straight line in their brains, while women have two curves. Men's logic can be imagined as a solid island, while a woman wraps quicksand around this island and thereby shakes it. Ladies are accustomed to the caress of the language with words, to songs, to long words. A man loves recitative, short words, abrupt phrases. Women themselves represent love, they are more cordial, caring, reverent. The only thing in which both sexes are similar is in nouns, but women's words still consist of a large number of letters. Here is an understanding of the difference!

Who is more important?

I must say that humanity spends a lot of time on the relationship between a man and a woman, trying to reconcile with each other or separate from each other. A woman by nature always wants to be protected by a man. A man, on the other hand, always strives for freedom, and even the bonds of love seem like chains to him, even though he loves her (or, more precisely, himself in her). But the more developed and educated a man is, the more deeply he comprehends love. And the woman entering men's world, begins to struggle, and often her love begins to dry up from this.

And M and F start an endless fitting - who is more important. Forgetting that a man can look, a woman can listen. As a result, one never hears, the second never sees. The task of a man and a woman is to step towards each other, not to tear themselves apart, to pass through each other and to know the opposite "civilization" without disturbing its flow. This is how the happiest families are formed, which can get to know each other for a long, long time, without destroying either themselves, or those who are nearby, or their own children.

Of course, these are far from all aspects in the difference in the worldview of men and women, but the essence is clear in any case - each of us should remain in our assigned roles by nature, without pretending to take each other's place, and remain with open eyes and ears in daily dialogue.

Maybe there was a story in your life when you had to be the one that “stops a galloping horse”, perform a male role? Tell us how you managed to return to your feminine position.

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