How to prepare for compassion? Replies Archpriest Konstantin Ostrovsky. Preparing for the Great Post: Important Rules

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If you have a question: "What is a compassion and how it is held?", We recommend spending some time and read our article: here you can find a full-fledged answer. You will also learn what is said in the Gospel of the Impression, as it will be prepared for it and that after it needs to be done with oil and grain.

Rite of cubs. His destination

In the Christian tradition, there are some sacraments that are very important for believers. One of these can be considered a compassion, or a mallement. The origins of this rite go back to gospel times, but the ritual itself in today's interpretation is significantly changed.

To understand what a compassion is and how it is conducted, you should find out what is its purpose. The main goal of the sacrament is healing. And healing is not only bodily ailments, but also spiritual. Also, during the rite, there was an absorption of sins, which a person could forget and not confess. It is even believed that the conciliation of confession is in something.

This sacrament is called differently. Initially, it was a mallement, as firings were used for the rite, which a man was introduced. In the future, it began to be called no other than the sacrament of the core. And the thing is that there are several priests (seven) rites (seven), i.e. the cathedral.

Evangelical and historical references to the occurrence of the rite

What is the essence of the binding? To sort out, you need to go deep into history. As already mentioned, the origins of the sacrament should be sought in Evangelievsky time, in particular, we are talking about the period when Jesus Christ lived. His actions on the healing of patients and were reflected in the rite of cubs, or a mallement. In the future, such wonderful acts continued its apostles.

The first rites of healing took place by laying hands, but after some time in the message that the Apostle Jacob wrote, it was possible to read that the sick could call the servants of the Church so that they would pray and anointed him with a bare person in the name of the Lord. If the suffering person has faith, he will heale, and all sins will be waiting for him (meaning those they forgot). In the modern version of the sacrament, the laying on the hands was replaced by the excitement of the bare, and in memory of the old rite, the gospel was put on the forehead.

The first torture procedures in Russia were completely simple, just psalms and several prayers were read. In addition, rites were held mainly at home. Only from the sixth century this sacrament began to acquire the appearance that it has now.

When compassing is held

What else do you need to know about such a ritual as a conciliatory? How to go through it. When it is it carried out. For patients with parishioners who cannot visit the temple and survive the service, the ritual is allowed at home in any of the days agreed with the priests.

There are also traditional days of core. They fall at the time of the Great Post or Christmas. Usually it is not one day, but a few, since you want to heal a little soul. All this should be found in the selected temple, as such ordinances are not conducted in all. By the way, learn to know, and that there is no reflection of obsessed, because it is not welcomed at all.

Who can bind?

In order to understand what a compassion is and how it is held, you should also deal with the question of who can pass this ritual. Every Christian who has reached the seven-year-old age can binds. More junior this ritual is not allowed. However, some clergymen believe that in exceptional cases when a child is sick, it is quite appropriate.

Also, it is impossible to pass the conciliarity of women during critical days. Therefore, if it still happened, it is better to refrain from this rite.

Many people are confident that this sacrament is resorted in the case when a person lies on a mortal app. In fact, it is not. The rite is carried out not only over a person who is sick or will soon leave this globe world. After all, what is a compassion (how to go through this rite - discuss just below)? This is not the last confession and absolution of sins before the transition to the world is different, and even more so no funeral, God forbid! Yes, first of all, this sacrament takes place, but when conducting a ritual at home, the sacred barely enjoy not only the one who does especially need it, but all households, bless them. Therefore, you should not expose yourself a fear of the ambulance. Very many sick after the cubs correctly corrected or it became much better. The dead are already Christians and those who are unconscious, are not allowed to the sacrament.

So, as already mentioned, it can be born completely, no more than once a year (usually a great post). This sacrament frees from forgotten sins, and also treats from mental illnesses. But it should be remembered that the conciliation itself will not replace

Preparation for rite

In some believers, the question arises before passing a compassion: how to prepare for this rite? No special preparations required. However, the believer before the sacrament must come and confess. The same must be done after completing the rite. As you can see, confession is an integral procedure. If you suddenly decided that all sins will be released, it is only worth passing, then it is not. In fact, a person should sincerely repent that he ever had something unconsciously committed.

Also before the binding, the priests prepare special items that will be needed during the sacrament. The man who came to the temple should be purchased by a candle. It is not necessary to fast (except those cases where they are bought out during the Great Post).

What is needed to make a rite

Usually, the following items are needed to hold the rite at home and in the temple:

  • covered with a clean cloth (tablecloth) table (in the church is used by anal);
  • wheat grains (other cereals are allowed), placed on the dish (symbolize the life itself, as well as an update, both physical and spiritual);
  • vessel for consecration
  • seven candles;
  • seven sticks that need to wrap;
  • vegetable oil (usually olive, which for the ancients had a special value);
  • a little red wine (symbolizes the blood of the Lord).

In addition, the priest uses the Gospel and Cross. As you can see, it is still necessary to prepare some items to hold a compassion. How to prepare a person who wants to go through this sacrament is written above.

Cutting in the Church

The sacrament of cobbies is traditionally carried out in the temple (the exception is the weak believers who cannot come due to illness). The rite makes seven clergy, but one in special cases is allowed. Why exactly seven? The whole point is that during the rite it is so many times the texts from the apostle, the gospel, as well as prayers, are read. Seven times the coaling is enacted by the sacred bare.

Before the rite begins, all the parishioners should light the candles. The conciliation itself in the temple is divided into three parts (conditional):

  • prayer singing;
  • consecration of
  • anointing with a little.

In the first part there are chants and prayers, and the names of those who came to the conciliation are listed. The sacrament begins with the words "God blessed our ...", then the process is a shortened morning service, which is committed at a time when the post lasts. By the way, modern demanders are not at all like ancient, and some prayers are significantly different (and the rite himself too). Perhaps this is why some sustainable prejudices arose.

In the second part of the firing for anointing. To do this, blend wine and vegetable oil in a separate vessel. The wine is a mandatory component, as it symbolizes the blood of the LORD, shedding for the sake of the salvation of mankind by Jesus Christ. Then they should be lit by seven candles, and the clergy must read a special prayer for consecrated.

And at the end there is an anointing of the cottage. At the same time, the apostles, the gospel, a brief object, as well as a special prayer, which speaks about forgiveness and healing is read.

The last part takes place seven times, but every time they read completely different passages from the Gospel and Apostles. At the very end, after seven-time assistance, all the parishioners surround the clergy. The latter pronounce prayer and put on each open gospel. Then there is a kissing of this sacred book, and after - the objects and bows of the parishioners. This is the sacrament finished.

Conduct at home

Usually held in the church even over the sore. However, if it is not possible to come to the temple and make a rite there, the priests can visit the patient at home. The rite passes almost the same as in the temple. In the sacrament, everyone may be present, during the ritual they are also enacted by a sacred bare.

What needs to be done after cobble

After cobbled, the believer must come, and he can take home the cereals that were used during the sacrament, and the sacred firings. At home, all this can be added in small quantities in food. Patients sick places are enjoyed.

Note! If you still have firings and cereals, you need to burn them, then they need to burn them, and the ashes bury in a place where almost no one goes. You can also give remnants to the temple so that they are burned there (in some there are special furnaces to destroy the dilapidated ritual objects). It should be noted that in ancient times everything that remained from the cobbing was not given to parishioners, and was burned. Even now in some churches, firings and wheat can give, only if it was specifically requested by the one who is being coordinated.

Parishioners who have passed the rite

Those parishioners who deliberately with deep faith and repentance were the sacrament of cobbing, a significant spiritual relief is noted. As for physical healing, we note that it does not necessarily happen immediately after the rite. However, in the future, if you believe the words of the parishioners who witnessed a miracle, a person may well heal, especially if they regularly pray. The main thing here is not to forget about the Lord, about your sins, which led to physical sensitivity.

After the sacrament, many, especially those who sick mentally, feel the calmness and intercession of the Most High. If anyone was destined to leave this world after the rite, they had time to bless their relatives (except for very severe cases) and with a peaceful soul to move away.

The difference of world conjunction and cobbing (Implication)

We hope now it is clear to you, how to condacious. However, there is a very similar sacrament with the Sacrament - Miropomanazism. The essence of both rites lies in the anointing of a sacred bare, however, the compassion is happening more often over sick believers (spiritually or physically). The world-formation is committed once in life, immediately after the baptism of man or if he moved to Orthodoxy from another denomination.

Also, it is also acknowledged by the parishioners with a holy fever during a vigil, but this is not considered a separate sacrament, but only a part of worship.

Myths about cubs

If you have already understood how the conciliation passes, let's discuss some aspects of this sacrament, which is an incorrect impression. For example, as already mentioned, some believe that this rite is performed only over dying, therefore, he somehow accelerates the death of the suffering. Of course, it's not so really.

This is not the last sacrament at all, but a healthy person is bold no more than once a year. For a mortal window, it is necessary to go through three sacraments - confess (if he is able), coming up and binds. Perhaps this is why this myth arose, but no one says that confession only for dying? Therefore, you should not be afraid, because in addition to bodily diseases there are also mental, which also healed. And also an absorption of sins, which were not told or forgotten.


So, now you know what a compassion is and how it is conducted. In conclusion, we can say that this is a very important rite for believers, as there is a full forgiveness of all forgotten sins, as well as spiritual and physical healing. Of course, this is possible only under the condition of sincere repentance and the presence of faith in the virtue of the omnipotence of the Most High.

As for the actual abuse of sins, there is a reservation. If you have trapped something to confession (and they are connected only after it), then for forgiveness will not be such deeds or thoughts. Sins must be really forgotten by a man - voluntarily or unwittingly. The same one who regularly confesses is the sacrament of cobbing (and not only), it can help not only yourself, but also to other people who are consisting of related to him. Thus, the appeal to the Lord in prayer and hope for His mercy, a visit to the church and the analysis of their lives and actions will help to escape and will purl from sins.

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Among the great church sacraments, the rite of compassion is distinguished. According to church, this action is called a mallement. There are many prejudices around this sacrament. We will try to answer the most common issues related to the sacrament: what is needed , as it happens, what rules must be observed and how to pray.

Rite of cubs: what is a compassion in the church

The ceremonial rite is associated with oil-building. Firings are special oil, which at one time enjoyed Jesus Christ and his disciples for the healing of suffering and seriously sick people. The sacrament is aimed at healing not only bodily, but also spiritual wounds of a believer.

Self-combustion itself can be carried out both in a holy place and at home. Cutting at home is carried out if a person is unable to come to church on his own. In this case, the Holy Father is invited, which is the sacrament. At the same time, the patient should be conscious, because it is an active participant of the rite.

Most often, the excursion is made by several priests, that is, "Cathedral". Depending on the church, the sacrament can at different times of the year, but most often this happens during the Great Post.

For the rite of amissing allowed:

  • children older than 7 years;
  • soulful patients;
  • those who have big health problems;
  • people who are at death.

In the latter case, the sacrament is carried out at home by the dying. Babies are not needed.

Calfing is aimed at getting rid of sins that the person performed unconsciously, or does not remember them, or can not repent due to the great health problems, or those that caused the disease, but suffering does not know about the presence of such sins. Sins are also released, which suffer from not told the clergy from personal considerations.

How to be a sacrament

Believers are often asked - how to condacious, and how to prepare it. The church is very thorough to prepare for the sacrament. To do this, on the day of Imploration:

Useful articles:

  • in the center of the temple put the table on which the gospel, cross and a container with wheat are put;
  • a small vessel is installed in the Cropa, which is filled with a bare wine;
  • surrounding wheat family candles, which attached wool for anointing. Wat is attached not to the candles, but to the wands for attachment. Often, instead of chopsticks, a brush is used for reels.

The amount of candles corresponds to the number of clergymen, which conduct the rite. In the church, where the binding of believers pass, each present lights a candle, pray, carefully follows what is happening and expects its turn on anointing.

All those wishing to enjoy barely in 7 approaches to the cross, paying attention to this body parts:

  • man;
  • nostrils;
  • mouth;
  • cheeks;
  • hands on both sides;
  • chest.

After the assault rite was accomplished, the gospel is disclosed above the head of the believer, and must down the text. This means that the Hand of the Lord blesses a person. Then the Holy Father reads the necessary prayer, and at its end, the well-harmful person kisses a sacred book and a cross with faith that he is under the complete protection of the Lord God.

When the sacrament will be completed above all those who want, everyone distributes a little rude, wines and cereals. Oil after cobble can be used to treat at home. They can lubricate sick places on the cross. The wine is added a little in food, as well as the cereal. The candles used during the sacrament of the sacredness bring home and ignite when someone in the family is sick. If during the rite in the temple there are many sick people, the candles are left in the church, as they are able to absorb all negative energy.

How to prepare for the binding

Each person in the right to choose where to pass . But in independence from the site of the sacrament, the question should be examined - how to prepare for the binding. To do this, follow several rules:

  • get a blessing of the Holy Father;
  • explore the question when and how the rite happens to be ready for it;
  • before the rite, in a couple of days it is necessary to confess and compete, that is, repent of those sins that a person remembers and recognizes;
  • observe the post is not of great need. In addition, the compassion often to come for the period of the Great Post, and at this time all believers observe a strict post;
  • on the day of the sacrament, you need to record your name in the temple and bring vegetable oil, rice or wheat and wine, preferably koror. All these attributes are required for the rite;
  • pick out correct clothes. The priest will need to be an oil chest, so you should give preference to the jackets on buttons or lock;
  • recommended to take a small handkerchief with them to remove the remains of the oil and not blurring clothes;
  • after cobbled, be sure to come.

If the believer is healthy and does not have big vital difficulties, it is enough to make a congestion once a year.

Prayers for cubs, what to do after cobble

During the silence, healing prayer is read. Reading it may differ in different temples. But the performing prayer for all alone, it is read during the exercise of anointing oil. Prayer is read seven times read. Previously, the father came seven days in a row to a sick man and prayed for his recovery, smeared it with sacred oil. This procedure was committed to the legend of the apostles.

After the compassion is obligatory under the procedure of communion. It should also be remembered that the sacrament is not directed to the release of all sins. And this is necessary for the person to realize all his acts and repent when necessary. Therefore, after a mallement, sinless, you need to not forget about repentance and confess. But it is best to prevent sins in your life.

This sacrament is known not to many believers, but it does not decrease its significance. The rite is capable not only to cure the soul, but also the body. The main thing is to be conscious and with a deep faith. And healing will be sure. It is necessary to bind not only seriously ill, but also healthy people, for healing the wounds of spiritual.

The Lord is always with you!

See the video from which you will learn about the sacrament of cobble:

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How to prepare for compassion?

protodiankon answers Dmitry Polovnikov

Hello! Please tell us more about the sacrament of the cobble - how to prepare to it correctly, is it possible on the eve of, for example, on Saturday, confessing and coming up, and on Sunday, it is bred, or are commuated after the cub? How to properly apply olive with wine and cereal, which will be given after the sacrament. Save me, God!

First of all, we note that, according to the definition of the St. Filaret of Moscow, "the sacrament is a sacrament, in which, when anointing the body, it is called for a sore grace of God, healing gentlemen spiritual and bodily." About healing through the Icemake writes the apostle Jacob, Brother Lord: "Does any of you call, let him call the presbyters of the church, and let him put on him, anointing him with a bare person in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sore, and will restore his Lord; And if he fell sins, they will face him "(Iac. 5: 14-15). This certificate is based on the church sacrament of the Impression. Holy in the sacrament heals not firing as such, but the prayer of faith, and restores the patient himself of the Lord. Anointing serves only an external sign indicating the internal content of the sacrament - the prayer of the faith and the release of sins. The absolution of sins is an integral aspect of the sacrament of the sacredness. The disease and sin are related to each other - about this connection writes the Apostle Jacob himself at the beginning of his message: "The sin makes death" (James 1:15). As the death and the death of human nature there is a consequence of the fall, and the personal sins of a person may cause aggravation of the disease. It correlates the surning of repentance - the first replenishes the second, especially for severely ill, but does not cancel it. According to the church tradition, the delight is preferably made together with the confession. Before the binding the believer it is recommended to bring repentance on the sacrament of confession and coming around the Holy Taine.

Many are wondering whether to resort to the sacrament of cobbing those who are not seriously ill? Church legend testifies to this practice, although with reservations. Due to the fertile action of the sacrament, not on the body only, but also on the soul of man, the fathers of the church were possible to make it not only over the suffering bodily illnesses. Therefore, the exclusion over all those who wanted usually commit in the period of the Great Post, when the church especially called sinners to reconcile with her.

According to the church tradition, it is possible to take a malfusion only once for a single disease. More than once in the same disease, the exclusion may be taught only in the form of an exception - if it took a particularly protracted character.

Since the essential side of the sacrament of the sacredness is to be absorbed by sins, while solving the issue of participation in this sacrament of children should be guided by the same rules that relate to the sacrament of repentance. In particular, the sacrament of the ignition should not be taught to children under the age of seven years without much need.

With a large coherence of the people, confession before the delight can be performed in advance a few days before the sacrament. The cereals used in the sacrament does not carry some particular degree of consecration and is added when cooking in ordinary porridge. The ebel, remaining after the commission, was specifically consecrated, so it must be used to induce himself during the disease. Take home more than a quantity is not recommended.

In order to properly prepare for compassion, it is important not so much horrified by your bodily glances how much to pay attention to your own soul. It is necessary to spiritual zeal and a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is filed in the sacrament of the ignition. Unfortunately, even severely ill people do not always understand what they have acute need in this sacrament. Many are embarrassed because it is so accepted, because the day of general cob is appointed relative or in the temple, and now, we go along with everyone, just in case, according to the principle: "You never know, suddenly in That will help. " In this case, a person has neither sufficient faith nor the diligent prayer to accept the gift offered in the delight.

From the Gospel, we know that the Lord Jesus Christ often did not commit miracles on the disbelief of people (Matt. 13, 58; MK. 6, 5-6). And it was the strength of faith that often allocated individuals from many of many approaching it. So, when Christ surrounded and crowded the crowd of the people, a woman, who had twelve years, suffering from bleeding, touched his clothes to the edge and immediately received healing. The Savior touched a lot of people, and only one healing received the healing, that he himself said: Your faith saved you; Go with the world (Luke 8, 48). The blinding of Vartimie, who was sitting by Jericho, learning that Christ was held by, began to shout loudly: Jesus, son of Davidov! Merry me. And although many forced him to silenced him, he did not stop asking for pardon, and in the end the Lord healed him, saying: Go, your faith saved you (MK. 10, 46 - 52).

So, the Savior healed during his earthly life when he saw a solid faith and a relentless prayer. The same thing happens now when a person is looking for healing, participating in the sacrament of the Issue. The sacred Scripture said: Jesus Christ yesterday and today and forever the same (Heb. 13, 8). So he gives the same gifts, also heals. But from us, in turn, they are required, as required from people then, - sincere faith and a hot request. Therefore, it is important to realize exactly the personal need for the sacrament of the surning. And, as the apostle Jacob said, prayer faith (that is, filled with deep faith) healing sick.

So it is important to have the right internal mood. Here you can select several components. First, as we have already said, there must be a hot faith and take sincere prayer. Preparing for the binding, well read the acathists to the Savior, the Mother of God and the Holyness, famous for the wonderful physician of diseases, such as the Great Martyr Panteleimon, and in general, the saints whose memory is particularly close to us. Thus, the soul is in advance located to the adoption of the gift of healing, submitted in the sacrament of the ignition.

Secondly, we must have a hearty crushing about their sinfulness. Before binding is well confess. And in the sacrament of the ignition, we will be released forgotten or committed by ignorant sins, so the concealing person needs to have a repentant mood of the soul: it is worth remembering all his life, the false immutions and caused by the near resentment and pray to God for the forgiveness of admitted sins. Cobalancing must and forgive himself to his neighbors, if anyone offended him. After all, the Lord said: If you forgive people to breed them, then I will forgive your father your heavenly, and if you don't forgive people to warm them, then your father will not forgive you of your sins (Matt. 6, 14 - 15). How do we want to get a vacation of sins on the iburn, if you do not forgive our neighbors?

Thirdly, it is important to learn more vigilantly to treat yourself, to your inner world, to defeat sin at its first appearance - in thoughts or feelings. The reason for our troubles is often within us, so it is necessary to constantly clean your heart. For this, the holy fathers are supported more likely to utter brief prayers, for example, prayer Jesus: Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy, sinning, Mytar's prayer: God, merciful boudi sinning,or equivalent to her: God, clean the sinningeither briefly: Lord have mercy,as well as the Mother of God: Most Holy Mother of God, save me sinning; Virodok Delo, rejoice other. It is important to learn how to defeat sin in the bud, recognize the first sinful desire. The constant reversibility of the soul to God, the vigilant storage of herself from sinful thoughts and feelings along with the patient carrying of his life cross will be worthy of preparing the believer to the sacrament of the sacredness.

And yet, fourthly, each of us will have to be, perhaps the most difficult thing - to enter yourself, your life and health in the hands of God. Spiritual life is impossible with consumer attitude to God's Daras. For a Christian, the main thing is to communicate with God and the introduction to His Eternal Kingdom, and we entrust our earthly well-being of the Saint God. Therefore, preparing for the helpfulness, with faith and a hot prayer, asking healing, we betray themselves in the hands of God, being sure that God gives a sincere Christian much more than a simple bodily healing, and physical health itself is not an end in itself.

The strength of three sacraments

There is a wonderful tradition, according to which a believer Christian is involved in a row in three sacraments: confession, binding and communion.

Any severe illness is a kind of sign, the call to draw a gaze from temporary to the eternal. After all, during the disease, our traction is weakened for earthly pleasures, and most importantly, we begin to see all the phonas, the fragility of the material benefits and values \u200b\u200bof this world. But to gain the values \u200b\u200bof the eternal, it is necessary to free yourself from the shipment of sins - this happens in the sacrament of confession. According to the Holy Scripture interpreters, the confession of sins is cooled by the Holy Apostle Jacob in a direct connection with the Iels: Admit yourself before another in misdeed and pray for each other to heal (Iac. 5, 16).

What is the point in confession before the cute? We have already said that in the sacrament of the ignition, a person is forgiven forgotten and perfect sins. But as the Lord let go of sins, if there is no repeated mood in the soul? Perfect those who are confessing in sins before grave. In this case, a person comes in sincerely and more often - he tries to confess everything, which haired, but if she could not remember something, it would be erected by grace of cobbing.

However, if we did not have time to confess to a mallement, you can do it after. Only not by deploying for a long "later," not forgetting that in spiritual life, the delay is in the literal sense of death, and this death, alas, already eternal. We will try not to be sealed by one pre-revolutionary entrepreneur, who once dangerously fell ill. His relatives, seeing that he may not survive the disease, persuaded him to invite a priest for a farewell of the Holy Gifts. The father came, but at the same moment the patient received a telegram, according to which his disposal of trade affairs was required. Then the sick deleted the priest, took up trade orders and suddenly died. So a long-term habit did not allow a person to appeal to God even before the death itself.

And in our life it often turns out that when we are healthy, we have no time to participate in the sacraments of the church, and when they are ill, then for spiritual life there is already no strength. It is important to overcome your cosiness, break this vicious circle, and to do this inner effort, remember the words of the Savior: The kingdom of heavenly fee is taken, and the consuming effort admire him (Matt. 11, 12). The Lord graciously accepts a man who was bothering with all his weakness for the life of spiritual.

In the sacrament of confession, a Christian is cleared of the perfect sins perfect, and in the sacrament of pleasure, the sacredness is exempt from their consequences: he is healing the gentleness of the soul and body, as well as the forgiveness of sins forgotten or committed by ignorance.

And in the sacrament of communion, a person acquires the greatest treasure - is connected to the eternal life with Christ. And both night darkness is scattered with the advent of the first sunlight, and the oppressing soul of thoughts disappear when we adopted the holy sacraments. After the Holy Communion, sensitive soul feels an amazing world, purity, genuine liberation from the shackles of sin and earthly fuss. A decent communizing Christian acquires reasonable, wisdom.

When the author of these lines studied in the Moscow spiritual seminary, he often visited one old man, a nine's monk, which was already over eighty years. She tormented by many diseases, her legs were covered with ulcers, so she almost could not walk. From pain and lonely life, it was sometimes overwhelmed by Ropot, doubts, anxiety. But when she confessed and sainted the Holy Taine, "she commited at home," an amazing change took place with her at that moment. I just had an old, tired man before you, and after she, confessed, took the holy taina, an amazing light came out of her eyes, and in this peaceful and enlightened soul there was no shadow of embarrassment, ropot, alarms. This light now warmed others, and her word after communion became completely special, so she now strengthened her neighbors.

So the Holy Spirit in the sacraments of the Church gives man purity, and cleanliness is an unlucky, clear vision of everything and all, the pure perception of life. Even possessing all the treasures of the world, a person cannot become happy and will not be, if the treasure of the inner will not find the treasure, will not imbued with the grace of the Holy Spirit. This ingrowned gift The Holy Church offers a person in the three mentioned sacraments.

After cobbled

At the very beginning of the mystery of the sacrament, the firs, with which the priests then enacted the believers seven times. By committing the binding of the holy ebb usually remains in sufficient quantities and he is distributed to everyone. Holy oil is poured into small bubbles, which, bringing home, must be stored in a decent place, next to holy water and other shrines. Why do we need it? Cathedral butter, as it is also called, can be placed in the case of illness, with faith referring to God and praying for recovery. The saints can simply be simply crucial to encourage its man (that is, the forehead) every morning after reading the morning prayers, with the words: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen,safding the blessing for the day the coming day.

Thus, although the sacrament "passed", but the sanctified fools remained, they can be placed, and therefore, the fracture continues to bear fruit.

In the summer of 2005, Jeromona John cooled over ten special forces sent to Chechnya. In supporting, he gave them consecrated butter, and every morning, before entering the combat tasks, the commander of the group entered the military with the saints. The soldiers remembered this trip as a completely special - as if someone invisible them fenced and helped them, and the commander later said: "All this time we were like Christ for the sinus."

So, the sacrament of the ignition not only frees from the previous ailments, but through the consecrated lodge, which Christians are enrolled with faith, protects against possible temptations, protects against diseases and bodily injuries.

Great post in many temples is committed by the sacrament of cobble. What does it mean? In what cases should need to bind and how often? How to prepare for him? And is it possible to do this sacrament at home?

"Does any of you be sick, let him call the presbyters of the church, and let him put on him, anointing him with a bare person in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sore, and will restore his Lord; And if he fell sins, they will wait for him "(Iac. 5, 14 - 15).

Cobbing is not performed over babiesbecause the baby cannot be deliberately perfect sins.

With any other sacrament, so much superstitions and prejudices are connected, as with the binding. It is said that after the cubs it is impossible to marry, it is impossible to wash, eat meat, you need to fast on Mondays; And most importantly - that it is possible to take this sacrament only dying. All this is not true!

This is not a fare of that lightBut healing for this life in repentance. It leads its origin from the apostles, which, having received power from Jesus Christ, " many patients smeared oil and healed"(MK. VI, 13).

The sacrament of amazing, one of the seven sacraments of the Church, consisting of the help of core and mental recovery, and gives a sorry for the sorry forgottenless sins (but not hidden consciously). Due to the imperfection of the memory, a person can practice not all his sins, therefore it is not worth talking how great the value of cobbled. The sacrament of the ignition for that and exists in the church so that a person, starting to treat the body, did not forget about the soul and the cause of diseases - sin.

Orthodox writer of the XIX century Evgeny Poslana wrote: " It does not say that the disease should be fatal or that a person is in a helpless state. It is not necessary to forget that in Christianity, the soul is also recognized as a disease ... So, if I suffer from the spirit of the death of loved ones, from grief, if I need some fertious impetus to get together and remove with myself despair, I can resort To the cobby. "

Often, worldware is confused with binding. Anointing of consecrated barely, which is accomplished during the whipless is not a church sacrament.

In addition, the coolant, as spiritual medicine, does not eliminate the strengths and laws of physical nature. It supports a person spiritually, providing his graceful assistance to him, to the extent that it is necessary for God's lookout to save the sore. therefore cobrants does not cancel the use of drugs, Lord of data, for the healing of our diseases.

But before participating in this sacrament, you need come in advance and prepare. The commission of this sacrament is paid. But it is necessary not only to pay, but also to Made your name to the list of the cottage. Then these names of the priest will be spent several times when committing the sacrament of cobble. Therefore, you must first approach the church shop.

Also necessary purchase a candlewhich you will keep in your hands during the whole sacrament of cobbing., which lasts about 1 - 1.5 hours.

Also before take either 2 large nasal handkerchiefs, or 2 pieces of well absorbing fabric (gauze) - One will need to wipe the surplus oil from hand and face, the other to fix it on the neck to oil not glass on clothes.

Women need to take more and headscarf (Considering that the face will be grilled and the hair will improve it very difficult).

Also usually bring with you bottle of oil (at your discretion, greater and small, homemade oil or from the store). And put on a table for cobbing (center).

It is necessary to dressSo that the neck was well open and it was possible to unbutton a blouse on the chest - will tolerate oil. Sleeveless should not hang a hanging and fringe - the back of the palms will also be placed. The forehead must be open For the same.

Do not wear Gold on the neck and fingers, bracelets are also falling down and will interfere.

After the cobblement, do not forget to pick up your bottle with butter.

This oil can be gradually added to food. Also, consecrated barely can be to anxious (crucial) patients of the body. This oil, like a cereal, is used in little time throughout the year - until the next post.

Used bottle from oil should be burned.Also enter and with handkerchiefs and ragswhich you wiped out excess butter on the face during cobble.

Cobbing usually performed in the temple, but if it is impossible to deliver a hard sore, maybe taught and at home.

When the sacrament is performed at home, then you need to do next preparations: In the patient's room, in front of icons, put a table covered with a clean tablecloth. A dish with wheat grains is placed on the table (in the absence of it, it can be replaced by other cereals: rye, millet, rice, etc.).

In the middle of a dish on wheat, a vessel is installed in the form of a lamp (or just a clean cup) for consecration. In the wheat put seven candles. In some vessels (lints or glasses) put on the table with clean oil and a little red wine.

How is the compassion?

In the center of the temple is put an allay with the Gospel. Near the table on which a vessel is with a bare on a dish with wheat. Seven lit candles and seven brushes for anointing are installed in wheat - by the number of readable passages from the Holy Scriptures.

All complaints hold in the hands of lit candles. This is our testimony that Christ is light in our life.

By the exclamation, "God is blessed now, and confessed, and in the eyelids" begins the prayer with the transfer of the names of the cottage. The priest is then poured into a vessel with oil wine and prays about the sanctification of gods, for the sake of healing and cleansing the flesh and spirit of those who will be anointed.

Wine in the oil is poured into the memory of the Merciful Samarynin, which the Lord told in his parable: how a samaryann was compressed over a man, beaten and robbed robber, and " bandaged him wounds, indirect oil and wine"(Lux 10:34), and added to it in a small amount of wine - symbolizes Redeeping blood of the Savior. The connection is made with wine in the imitation of this physician, which used for the samarin samarin.

In addition to wine and oil, wheat grains or millet are used. These grains symbolize the germ of life, and by the death of the body - the resurrection.

So, songs sound, these are prayers facing the Lord and the saints that were famous for wonderful healing. Then the reading of the passage from the messages of the apostles and the Gospel, telling us about the wonderful healing of diseases. After that, the priests of each crossly melted with the consecrated bare forehead, nostrils, cheeks, lips, chest and hand brushes on both sides. This is done as a sign of cleansing all our five senses, thoughts, hearts and the hands of our hands - all of what we could sin.

Said in the following: " holy Saint gave an image of your cross"Indicates that the most diseases of the believer mysteriously unite with Christ's suffering, serving a painful, but beneficial reminder of them, a true compassion, and with a spiritual feat and prayer and the communion of suffering.

Before each anointing, the priest pours his soul in prayer before the Lord, feeling his unnecessary and the greatness of the sacrament, and the needs of the sick, as a mirror of their own immerses, and recalls numerous examples of the pardon of sinners and healing in the Old and New Testaments.

With each anointing, prayer is read: " Father holy, doctor's soul and televisosis, the message of our son, the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, all the ailment of healing and from the death of the delivering, heal and the slave of yours (or a slave) from the obligations (engulfed) (or her) bodily and spiritual weakness and to revive him (or her) the grateful of Christ Christ"... Next follows the prayer calling to the Most Holy Virgin, the life-giving cross, John the Baptist, the Apostles and all the saints.

During anointing the oil, the abbot of the temple of the knee reads a prayer for health to health and lists the names of people who are now in the sacrament of the core.

Then the priests return to their places. Prayers are read again, special chants come across, and again passages (but others) from the apostles and the Holy Gospel are read. After priests, again, Crossfinds the saints with a bare forehead, nostrils, cheeks, lips, chest and hand brushes on both sides.

And just seven times. Other passages from the Apostles and the Holy Gospel are reading every time. (What excerpts from the Apostles and St. Gospel are read what the point of these readings - read below)

The granted the gospel of the gospel of the gospels by the campaign, keeping his letters down, as if the healing hand of the Savior himself - on the head of the patient and at the same time the molite of the Lord about the forgiveness of all his sins: " Lord Jesus Christ, I do not feel sinful on the heads who came to you to ask for the restoration of sins; But your hand is strong and strong, which is in this Holy Gospel, and pray you with them, our Savior, I myself, the reception of your slaves, and give them forgiveness ...

From the binding it is impossible to expect immediate recovery. Alas, sometimes in the consciousness of people, this sacrament turns into something self-sufficient, external, almost magical. Some people perceive the compassion as a medical procedure, about his spiritual aspect and no thoughts ... The consequences here can be quite sad, without having received the expected bodily recovery, the person is offended: how so, I defended the long service, did everything that is supposed, and the result is not !

In any case, it acts through the sanctified firings, but the action is detected by the impact of God, unequal: Some are completely healed, others get relief, the forces are awakened for complacent transferring disease. Forgiveness of sins, forgotten or unconscious, is always given to the Cobly.

Healing - This is the free gift of the all-bad loving God, and not the inevitable result of some external actions. This should be remembered by all the collapsing sacrament. We must think about your life, about your sins, strive to cleanse from them. The sacrament of the cubism is partly akin to the sacrament of repentance. As a special case, it can be said that in addition to completely special situations, women in the period of regular physical dishes do not begin to miserably, as well as to any other sacrament.

Reading the Apostles and the Holy Gospel in Cob

First reading - the messages of the Holy Apostle James on the establishment of the sacrament of the Iaclery (Iac. 5, 10-16). Gospel (Luke 10, 25-37) about Samaryanin, which is merciful to neighbor, wounded by robber. Following the way, remembering the benefits of God's human race, enlightened and redeemed by him, and the grace of ministry, this prophets and apostles.

Second reading - Rome. 15, 1-7, where the Apostle Paul commands strong to carry the weakness of weak and, according to the example of Christ, we will not please, but neighbor, for the good, appealing to the God of patience and consolation. He inspires that all members of the Body of Christ should unanimously praise God.

In the second gospel (Luke 19, 1-10), we are talking about Sotar Zakhei, who appeals to faith when visiting it by Jesus Christ.

Third reading - 1 Cor. 12, 27-13, 8, where various ministries of the members of the Church of Christ are first calculated, and then extolled above all the love as the main goal and a means of Christian life. In the third Gospel (Matt. 10, 1, 5-8), it is narrating on the message of students for the sermon in Judea, when the Lord gave them the power to escape the unclean spirits, heal any ailment and resurrect the dead.

Fourth reading - 2 Cor. 6, 16-7, 1 - The Apostle Paul calls the believers of the temples of God Livago and calls them to cleanse them from every bad flesh and spirit, "doing the shrine in the fear of God."

In the subsequent gospel reading (Matt. 8, 14-23), he escales the Savior by the Savior by the Savior of Petrova, lying in the fever, as well as many undersigned, in the execution of the prophecy of Isaiah, who says: "He took over our weakness and suffered disease" ( Is. 53, 4).

Fifth Apostolic reading - 2 Cor. 1, 8-11 - Apostle Paul puts as an example his deliverance to the Lord in the middle of persecution, when he no longer hoped to stay alive, and commanded to hope for God.

In the relevant Gospel (Matt. 25, 1-13) gives the parable of the Lord about the five wise and five unreasonable virgins that did not prepare with a groom's meeting and remaining because of the marriage fellow of the kingdom of heaven. "So, be awake, because you do not know no day, no one who comes in which the Son of Man will come," the Lord calls on this parable.

In six Reading the Apostle - Gal. 5, 22-6, 2 - the Apostle Paul calculates spiritual fruits, inspirers to shepherds so that they correct the swordstream. "Wear each other's burden, and thus execute the law of Christ," he calls.

In the Gospel of Matthew (15, 21-28), readable, then, it is narrating about the great faith of Hananade's wife, daring effort by their daughter's collapsed health.

A number of readings from the messages of the Holy Apostle Paul ends with an excerpt of 1 Fez. 5, 6-19, containing the appeal of the apostle to faithful to console freshly, maintaining weak, forgive evil. "Always rejoice. Mustaintly pray. Thank you for everything, for such a will of God's will in Christ Jesus. Spirit do not fade, "he appeals to our hearts.

Finally, the Holy Evangelist Matthew (9, 9-13) tells how he was from Mytar is called upon by the Lord and fell by the apostle, and leads the words of Jesus Christ with the Pharisees to him: "Not healthy have a need for a doctor, but patients; Go, learn what it means: I want mercy, not the victims. For I came to call no righteous, but sinners to repentance. "

About binding in matters and answers

- In which cases a person needs to be addled? Until now, it is quite common that the conciliatory is performed only before death.

- Gaining committed on Orthodox believers over seven years, suffering from bodily and mental illnesses. Under the latter, it is possible to understand the hard spiritual state (despondency, sorrow, despair), for it can be (and, as a rule, there are unrecognized sins, maybe even not realized by man. Consequently, the sacrament may be committed not only over suffering from heavy bodily agers or dying. In addition, few of the lives living in our time can consider themselves absolutely physically healthy even in the absence of serious diseases ... It is not accomplished by sickness over patients who are in an unconscious state, as well as over violent psychic patients.

The sacrament can occur both in the temple and in other conditions. According to the current tradition, the general conciliation in many temples is performed in the days of the Great Post.

- How often can you resort to the tange of the core?

To the helpfulness, if there is no particularly gravily disease or grave circumstances, you should proceed more than once a year.

- How needs to be prepared for compassion?

- special cooking before the sacrament is not necessary, but it will be useful and reasonable to connect it with the confession and with the adoption of the Holy Taine of Christ, because according to the faith of the Church, the sins forgotten by us, and, of course, the person who has found himself has sincerely cleared his Soul with repentance, he is more benefit for himself and feels. As a special case, it can be said that, in addition to completely special situations, women in the period of regular physical dishes are not embarking on unfortunate, as well as to any other sacrament.

- Do you mean the words of the Apostle Jacob, "if anyone becomes sick, let him call presbyters ..." that the Orthodox Christians do not need medical care at all? Healing is possible only due to spiritual means, such as cobbing?

- No, of course, the malignancy as spiritual healer does not eliminate the laws and forces of physical nature. It spiritually supports a person, provides his graceful assistance to the extent that the impact of God is needed to save the soul of the patient. Therefore, the compassion does not cancel the use of medicines.

- How to use the right oil, taken in the temple after cobble, and what should be done with wheat grains?

- Flares can be either added to the prepared food, or, in case of certain ailments, praying, to independently apply it crucible. You can use them to use those who have not bought out (there is no instructions in the charter that it is prohibited), but only this does not replace participation in the sacrament. But it happens that people forget about him, and then people ask where to give roar oil. So another time do not embarrass if everyone is taken, and you will not have such a necessity - it is not necessary. Used bottle from oil should be burned. Also enter with handkerchiefs and cloths that you wiped out the surplus oil on the face during the cub.

Wheat grains, which are still used in the cubs in order to stick in them candles standing on the central table, can be used absolutely at their own desire. Want to say, you want to bake a pie of them if they are enough, "there are no instructions of the church charter.

- Coboring (Impression) is often confused with worldware and with anointing during a vigil vigil. What are their differences?

- Miropomazania and Impressiveness are two completely different sacraments. The world-formation is committed, as a rule, immediately after baptism. And it serves the gifts of the Holy Spirit that help us increase and strengthen in that new spiritual life in which we have just born. In some special cases, the world-formation is performed separately; Suppose, if we take a person in Orthodoxy from the nonsense confession (for example, from traditional Protestants or from most old-supplied directions), the reality of the baptism of which we recognize, but other sacraments do not consider valid.

Of course, from that of the other sacrament should be distinguished by the anointing with consecrated barely, which is accomplished during the vigil and which people only suitable for the fence of church or recently entered into it are sometimes taken for some sacred. This is only anointing with a holy fellow, which was blessed by the previous all-sleeping, when lithium was accomplished - part of the service, during which wheat blessing, wine, and loaves are committed. This very consecrated luggage is made anointing on all-bedains. Repeat, this is not a church sacrament.

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