Healing nutrition for weight gain. Causes of weightless weight

The buildings 10.10.2019
The buildings

Oddly enough, there are a lot of people who want to score a few kilograms. Despite the desire of a modern person to keep weight in the norm and prevent its addition, some are dissatisfied with their physique and consider it too thin. Men and women seeking to recover will make efforts for this, rebuild their diet. But their task, as a rule, is the increase in muscle mass, and not excess adhesive tissue.

Problem lack weight

Sometimes a person is not able to get rid of an excessive thinness due to the fact that he suffers from serious illness. Only in combination with the reception of drugs, a certain power mode is able to help cope with this unpleasant phenomenon. Therefore, if a quick loss of kilograms is combined with a deterioration of health, you need to seek medical attention.

Effective therapy will achieve the desired result.

In which cases do you need a diet for a weight gain?

Approximately ten percent of the population of European countries has a lack of body weight. This statement concerns people of both sexes. According to medical research, there are 5 categories of people who need a diet for a weight gain:

  1. Individuals predisposed to Sudobe.
  2. Patients with violations of the activities of the gastrointestinal bodies.
  3. People lose weight due to psychological causes (depressive state, nervousness, emotional overloads).
  4. Persons who have suffered a serious surgical intervention or recover after severe pathology.
  5. Athletes wishing to increase muscles.

If a person belongs to one of these categories, it will help him to dial kilograms a certain power system. But in order to talk about the right diet, it should be sorted out for what reasons the weight decreases.

Main factors

Before adjusting food intake mode, specialists are advised to undergo a survey.

Issues such as a diet for weight gain, menus and power mode are solved only after estimating the condition of the body.

As other important factors provoking weight loss, specialists call:

  1. Accelerated metabolism.
  2. Abuse of alcohol-containing products, coffee, tobacco.
  3. Wrong power mode.
  4. Lack of calories.
  5. Emotional overload.

Weight loss - not a harmless phenomenon. This is a problem that in some cases can lead to a deterioration in the state. In the presence of pathologies, treatment in aggregate with a specially selected diet allows to normalize and body weight, and well-being.

The main errors of those want to recover

The basic principle of the diet for a weight gain is the correct balance of nutrients.

It is important to take into account not the volume of products, but the content of calories. Many of those who wish to recover, consume a large amount of food. Such a diet not only interferes with the mass of body weight, but also creates problems in the form of violations of the activity of the stomach and intestines. After all, the digestive system is difficult to cope with overloads.

As for energy value, it should be increased gradually. Many mistakenly think that this can be done sharply. But experts advise to add about two hundred calories per day to the usual diet. Excessive use of fats of animal origin, sweets negatively affects health.

What should be the right diet for a weight gain?

Important principles

So, to add a few kilograms, you need to adhere to such advice:

  1. Eating often. Its quantity should be small.
  2. Breakfast time, dinner, afternoon school and dinner must be clearly installed.
  3. Periods between meals should not exceed 3 hours.
  4. There should be no hurry, calm.
  5. It is necessary to consume at least 2 liters of water daily.
  6. Before bedtime, you need to drink a glass of milk or yogurt.
  7. It is recommended to abandon alcohol-containing products.

When complying with the main principles of a high-calorie diet for a weight gain, it is necessary to remember that the diet should be diverse. It is also important to be a full-fledged rest. It should sleep at least 8 hours.

Sample ration

As an example, a diet for a week for a weight gain can be given the following.

For lunch - the first dish with noodles, 100 g of chicken in fried and peas, pear, 2 slice of bread, tea.

At the afternoon snack are offered: half a cup of kefir, 4 dried fruit.

Dinner is 150 grams of scratched potatoes with a cutlet, 2 sandwich with cheese, juice.

Second day

In the morning there are 100 g of porridge from the milk, 5 tree walnut cores, yogurt, drink tea.

For lunch - 250 grams of chicken soup, pasta, sweet pepper, fresh cucumber and kissel.

In the evening you should eat 100 grams of omelet with the addition of cheese, tomatoes and ham, cookies with milk and honey.

Third days

Breakfast is three eggs welded by screwing, 100 g of vegetables salad with olive oil. For dessert - 30 grams of dried fruit with tea.

Day eating soup with noodles. The second is suitable 100 g of beef pulp with beans. Additionally: compote and orange.

In the evening eating a sandwich with cucumber, tomato, cheese, chicken and tomato sauce, chocolate, drinking fruit juice.

Fourth day

In the morning a porril cereal with nuclear kernels, honey and apples will fit. The breakfast also includes bread with butter, tea.

The day eating cabbage soup on the meat brave, 100 g of pasta with cheese, meatballs, vegetables with sour cream, drink compote.

The afternoon person consists of boiled eggs, cedar seeds, sandwich with butter and juice.

Dinner - 150 g of marine fish in grilled form with crushed potatoes, salad, tea with milk adding.

Fifth days

Breakfast is 100 grams of pasta with vegetables, compote, 4 plums.

Day eat 250 g soup from pea smoked, boiled pork pulp, tomato salad, 2 slice of bread, drinking chevel.

The afternooner is a bun with cottage cheese filling, a banana, a glass of yogurt.

In the evening, you can eat 150 grams of fish fillet (salmon, tuna) in fried, cauliflower, bread with butter, drink juice.

Sixth day

In the morning 100 g of beef stewed with bow and pasta, cocoa.

Day - Cheese soup, crackers, tomatoes salad with cheese, lemon juice and greens, one hundred grams of tuna in fried, compote.

Humannik - a glass of yogurt and a handful of almonds.

In the evening, you can use 150 grams of pasta with sauce, chicken fillet in fried, bread with bran, drink carrot juice with cream.

Seventh day diet for weight gain (in the menu for a week)

In the morning eating casserole from cottage cheese with dried grapes and sour cream. Optional: Cheese sandwich, cocoa.

Day - Solyanka fish, 100 g of folds and pasta with sauce, cucumber. Also, lunch includes two pieces of bread, tea.

Pancakes with sour cream, pear, juice, several nuclear nuts are suitable as afternoon.

Dinner is a stewed turkey with tomato sauce and podolkova beans, 40 g of cheese and cocoa.

Features of the diet for men

The organism of strong sex is not functions as women. And therefore it is important to take into account some nuances when choosing a nutrition for a body weight set.

First, the metabolism in men is fast enough. Representatives of strong sex may not get fat, using a large number of calories. With increasing weight, the fatty tissue is postponed in the whole body. In connection with the characteristics of the body, a diet for a weight gain a man should be based on such principles:

  1. About seventy percent of the diet makes food rich in proteins (meat, dairy products, fish).
  2. Porridge should be prepared on milk with butter.
  3. The men's menu includes foods from vegetables, greens. Meat and fish dishes alternate. At the same time, give preference to lean varieties.

Sample ration

In the morning you should eat oatmeal with the addition of dried fruits, bread with cheese, drink coffee with cream.

The second breakfast is 100 grams of nuclear kernels, a cocktail of milk with a banana.

Halfoon - a glass of yogurt, fruits and cookies.

As a dinner, eggs welded by screwing (4 pieces), bread with butter, cheese and tea.

If a man visits the gym, he needs to eat fruit juice or 50 grams of Kuragi (dried grapes) 20 minutes before training.

Correct diet for women

A diet for a weight gain a girl should not include a large amount of sugar and oily food. After all, fast leads to such an unpleasant phenomenon as cellulite. Even those who have a thin physique are subject to the formation of an orange crust. The diet should consist of five meals. It should not be too strong and quickly increase calorie. Sdobu, chicken thighs, semi-finished products, alcohol and fast foods need to be excluded.

Useful products that will achieve results and not harm health - this is meat, fish low-fat varieties, cheeses, ham, white bread. Suitable: cottage cheese, rubbed soup, halva, marmalade, compote.

Approximate diet

In a diet for a weight gain of the girl, the menu looks approximately so.

Cottage cheese with sour cream is used as a snack, all this needs to be powered by compote.

Between breakfast and lunch are offered fruits.

Food food includes: soup, 2 pieces of bread, plowed potatoes, cutlets, vegetables. As a sweet dish, eat marshmallow with tea.

Evening food meal - meat in baked, vegetables.

At night you can drink a glass of yogurt.

High protein diet

Such nutrition specialists advise those who are engaged in sports. It is aimed at gradual muscle buildup.

There are several rules that allow you to achieve good results, adhering to such a regime. First, you need to play sports. Secondly, it is necessary to give preference to the kushans cooked on the grill or a couple. Thirdly, you need to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.

Here is one of the variants of a protein diet for a weight gain.

Breakfast is a bit rice and chicken breast flesh.

Snack - orange, handful of nuclear nuts.

Lunch - beans and carrots in stewed with meat, tomato.

Afternoon snack - apple (kefir).

Evening meal - fish, vegetable salad.

Excessive thinness does not paint anyone. A vivid example is the famous actress, Angelina Jolie, which because of stressless instability suffers from anorexia.

Causes of insufficient weight

But excessive thinness can be caused not only by strong stress. Factors such as the abuse of caffeine drinking beverages, smoking and a number of diseases strongly accelerate the metabolism.

Excessive thinness is very dangerous for the body. Slept women often have problems with conception due to violations in the hormonal system. Lack of fat can cause a lack of vitamins and trace elements, which affects the negative effect on the state of hair, nails, skin. The hair becomes brittle, dull, the nails begin to get rid, and the skin is thinned, the color is deteriorating, wrinkles appear quickly.

Excessive thinness may be a sign of beginning gastritis, in this case it is recommended to contact the gastroenterologist.

Another reason for the weight deficit fails to work in the digestive system.

Nutrition with insufficient weight

If there are no above diseases, it means that the problem may be incorrect meal. About very thin people often say "not in the horse food".

In the menu, fats, carbohydrates and, necessarily, proteins should be present for full weight maintenance. Mode of nutrition. You need to eat for about five times a day, in small portions. It is advisable to eat approximately at the same time.

If there is no appetite, it is possible to strengthen it with the help of beautiful plates that can be served a kitchen table.

It is very important to exclude stress from your life, if it is not completely to get rid of stresses, you need to learn to treat calmer even to negative life situations.

Many thin people often feed on bold products, but they do not benefit, do not postpone in the form of fats. The main cause of instant fat burning is the redundant mining of cortisol hormone. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist for passing analyzes to determine the number of cortisol in the blood. In case of imbalance in the hormonal system, the doctor prescribes drugs that normalize the level of cortisol hormone. It is also necessary to revise the range of products consumed. It should be abandoned from those products that cause exclusively an increase in adipose tissue, but not the growth of the muscles. Such products have only empty calories and clog the body.

In his diet, it is necessary to include those products that enrich the body with important nutrients and help to gain muscle mass. The most useful, in this sense, are such products: legumes, sea fish, white chicken meat, low-fat beef, dairy and fermented, fresh vegetables and fruits, grain. So that all these products have retained their food value, they must be subjected to minimal heat treatment, for example, to prepare for a pair.

It is very important to observe the power and use breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. You need to cook daily and you can not pass any main meal.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange frequent snacks between the main meals. It is also necessary to snack at the same time.

Drinks from which you should refuse: coffee, tea, soda, mineral water. These drinks should be replaced by other, more calories, such as juice, milk, cream or yogurt.

Carrots and celery enhance metabolic processes, so they are recommended to use as much as possible. It is possible to replace them with grain potatoes and bean.

Steamed rice is also better replaced with granular, more calorie cereals. Those who love fresh juices, the emphasis should be made on cranberry or banana juice.

A rather caloric product is a smoothie. But for its preparation, high-calorie products should also choose: honey, milk, cream, bananas, grapes, etc.

Many thin people have a bad appetite. Such people are recommended to diversify the menu. In your daily diet, you should include food rich in proteins (sea fatty fish, red meat, eggs, chicken, peanut butter, legumes, soft cheese, tofu), as well as products that are rich in starch (various cereals, bread, sdob, paste, rice, potatoes). In finished dishes, it is recommended to add butter to enhance the effect.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to recruit any fats, so much muscle mass. With the use of products with a small content of proteins, even with long and exhausting workouts it will be quite difficult to pump muscles. Therefore, after training, it is recommended to eat protein food, such as white chicken meat. The protein that is contained in the chicken is perfect and easily absorbed by the body.

The milk contains a large amount of proteins, some fats and carbohydrates. It is enough to drink two glasses of milk daily on a day - in the morning and before bedtime.

In chicken eggs, also contains easily friendly proteins. But to preserve the useful qualities of the chicken egg, it must be boil no more than three minutes.

A good supplement to eggs and chicken meat is greasy rustic cottage cheese.

Boiled rice with the addition of a small amount of butter and fresh vegetables is recommended to use from two hours before training and after an hour and a half after them. Rice and vegetables are necessary to replenish the energy of the energy required during physical workouts and after them. If you use rice no desire, you can simply drink a glass of warm milk thirty minutes before training and fifteen minutes after visiting the gym.

And now I would like to say a few words about individual products.


This drink can also contribute to the acquisition of unnecessary kilograms, and quick weight loss.

A cup of natural coffee without sugar and cream contributes to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body. In addition, coffee also contributes to the conclusion of fluid from the body. To increase weight in coffee, it is recommended to add 10% of the cow cream and one or two pieces of sugar.


People with an excessive huge herring helps to gain extra kilograms. This product contains a large amount of substances (natural anabolics), which stimulate the protein synthesis needed to increase muscle mass.

Sound people do not like to eat. To enhance the appetite, it is recommended to do any kind of sport in which a large amount of energy is consumed. It can be cycling, aerobics, shaping, roller skating. Not only appetite will appear from such classes, and the muscles will acquire the necessary shape and completeness. In addition to this, it is necessary to get enough sleep, follow your day regime, as often can be in the fresh air.

Medical diet to increase weight

If the change of products and frequent snacks do not bring the desired result, the healing nutrition is necessary with the additional use of special infusions and decoctions from healing herbs that improve the work of the digestive system and increase appetite.

For the treatment of excessive thin and, even anorexia, the following healing plants use in medicine: dandelion, lewbee, clover, Japanese sofor, Highlander pepper, nettle, dealer, coriander, sabelnik, yarrow, wormwood. The above-mentioned herbs can be taken separately or use infeed from phytosborns. True, it is not necessary to deal with self-medication, you need to turn to a specialist who will collect healing herbs, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body and will recommend the optimal dosage. Those infusions that are aimed at strengthening appetite are recommended to receive approximately half a cup of 20-30 minutes before meals.

The infusions and heaven herbs are often a bitter taste, especially if they contain wormwood. In this case, in the decoction or infusion, you can add some jam, honey or sugar to improve taste. The course of reception of brazers and informants of healing herbs is 2-3 months. After that, you need to make a two-week break, and then continue treatment again. You need to repeat such courses before the advent of the desired and persistent effect. As a rule, it takes one year. After the treatment of phytitutium, it is possible, from time to time, carry out preventive courses.

You can dial fast weight with some fruits - melons, peaches, bananas, apricots. True, to achieve the desired result, the above fruits must be used regularly. They can be in a fresh form, add to fruit salads and refuel with bold yogurt. Of these, you can do smoothie, puree, juices and nectars.

A cream ice cream can be included in the medicinal diet, which will not only help gain weight, but also give the body a lot of energy, and most importantly, improve the mood.

In therapeutic nutrition it is necessary to turn on the creamy oil of the highest quality and fatty sour cream. Oil can be added to second dishes, and sour cream is good as refueling to thick boors or chicken soup.

Threat people often suffer from digestion disorder. In this case, the food daily diet is recommended to take small portions. Additionally, you can put a course of infusions from phytosborns to improve the operation of digestion.

The reason for the hood may be omission or expansion of the stomach. Such patients are recommended to use a special mode of eating Weira-Mitchell.

In the first four days, a dairy diet must be observed. From 7 am and until 21 o'clock in the evening it is necessary to drink 300 g of milk every three hours.

In the next two days, other products are also introduced into the menu, so the menu these days becomes more diverse.

For breakfast, you can eat one egg yolk, thoroughly whipped in solid milk.

You can eat two small pieces of bread with butter and drink 250 g of milk.

You can eat fresh fruit to choose from or drinking fruit compote from apricots and peaches.

For dinner, you can eat any milk porridge.

In the morning you need to drink a glass of milk. At noon, eat a small portion of fried beef meat with a garnish of their vegetables or potato mashed potatoes.

For dinner - Dairy porridge with butter. These days, the daily diet of the milk must be cut to one liter.

By the end of the second week, other high-calorie foods and drinks can be added.

When appropriately reinforced therapeutic diet, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the body and the shape of thin.

Threat people often feel physical fatigue. To restore physical strength, it is necessary to include in its daily diet a large number of protein products - milk, eggs, fatty fish or meat.

With honestly, which is accompanied by loss of appetite, it is necessary to diversify the power and include more products with a high content of calories. It must be remembered that diverse, delicious food, beautifully decorated, is well absorbed by the body and excites appetite.

Do not force yourself, without prior preparation, to use large quantities of food containing a lot of calories. With such "violence", the body can draw up and, ultimately, disgust will appear to any food. Calorie needs to be increased gradually, bringing it to 5,000 calories daily.

Below is an exemplary menu with an increase in calories.

The daily diet must be distributed as follows:


Soup with oat flakes, refilled by cream oil (60 g), one or two pieces of rye bread (40 g), a cup of sweet coffee, cocoa or hot chocolate, 90 g of jam.


Fat sausage (30-40 g), butter (20 g), a piece of white bread (30 g), a cup of warm milk.

Second Lunch

Half of the chicken broth with homemade noodles or pasta, fried potatoes (300 g), fatty meat (100 g), butter, fresh vegetables, or salad, fastened with vegetable unrefined oil.


Pudding with strawberry or maple syrup, lemon cream, cup of milk.

Afternoon person

Bread (50 g), cocoa cup or hot chocolate, butter (20 g), jam (20 g).

Fried on fat or margarine, potatoes, vegetable salad, fastened with vegetable oil and mayonnaise, white bread (50 g), fat sausage (30 g), a cup of hot chocolate or coffee with cream and sugar.


Any high calorie dish. You can eat pudding, drink a cup of cocoa or hot chocolate. Instead, you can make a banana smoothie with milk, honey and apples juice.

After taking food, for better assimilation, it is necessary for half an hour.

Physical exercises

To eliminate thin, only a healing diet is not enough, a certain physical activity is also needed.

Exercises should be directed to the training of all muscle groups. If finance is allowed, you can ask for an additional fee to ask the coach in the gym to make a plan of classes. If there is no such possibility, you must independently think about the workout plan.

Do not do daily. The muscles grow not during training, but during the period of rest, i.e. it is necessary to train every other day. During classes, it is very important to follow the right breathing, the number of repetitions of each exercise needs to be performed so much so that the muscles spill a pleasant fatigue. Before starting the exercise, it is necessary to make a stretching or a different breathable muscles. The exercise complex also needs to complete the exercises for muscle relaxation. If this is not done, the muscles will hurt the next two or three days.

After a certain time, the muscles begin to get used to physical exertion. Therefore, every two weeks you need to increase the load.

Physical exertion positively affect metabolic processes, digestion, and also contribute to the development of a harmonious figure.

Those who have no good physical fitness, it is necessary to start classes with light dumbbells. Do not bring yourself to strong fatigue, it is better to increase the load gradually.

Exercises for leg muscles and buttocks

Stand straight, hands should be omitted along the body, put legs straight. First raise one leg, bend it in the knee, and then straighten. Straightened leg without changing the position of the body, it is necessary to take to the side and measure in such a position of five seconds. The same must be done with the other foot. Repeat the exercise 25 times for each foot two approaches. Every five workouts need to increase the number of approaches.

Exercises for abdominal muscles

Lying on the back, raise straightened legs by 45 degrees and make the exercise scissors, i.e. to cross up, and then breed straightened legs. Exercise to perform at first 15 times in three approaches. Legs during the exercise need to keep all the time on the weight. If the exercise was performed correctly, a slight tension in the abdomen is felt.

Exercise for strengthening the hips and an increase in the buttocks

To do the exercise, you will need dumbbells weighing 500 g. Lower hands with dumbbells along the body, make a shower with one foot and make spring movements to the floor. Repeat 15 times. Perform the same actions with the second foot.

Strengthening chest

To perform this exercise, the dumbbells are also needed. Stand straight, legs on the width of shoulders, dilute your hands with dumbbells to the sides and perform circular movements first forward, then back. The more the number of repetitions, the better. During this exercise, it is necessary to monitor breathing, as well as for the tension of the muscles. If the voltage is not felt, it means that the exercise is performed incorrectly.

Exercises on the muscles of the hands

Classic push up with hand to the width to the width helps to create a beautiful hand relief. This exercise is useful for those who have very thin hands.

Source position - the pose of the plank. Hands need to be placed on the width of the shoulders, the face should look down. When lowering the housing down - inhale, when picked up the housing up - exhalation. During the execution of the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the back is the straight line. If pressing with straightened legs is hard, then at first, the exercise can be performed with legs bent in the knees. After the muscles are accustomed to the load, push-ups can be made with straightened legs. Push ups will help not only increase the amount of hands and improve their shape, but also will have a positive effect on the chest, which will be higher and visually volume.

Another exercise on the increase in hand

Stand straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. Take into hand dumbbells and breed them on the parties. Bend your hands in the elbows, touch the shoulder by dumbbells, then return to its original position. Perform this exercise is needed very slowly and at least twenty times.

Exercises for the back

When performing exercises for different parts of the body, you should not forget about the back.

Lie on the gymnastic stomach rug. Raise one straightened hand first, then the second. Return to its original position, then raise both hands. Exercise must be performed slowly and delicately. Repeat exercise at least ten times.

Breathing exercises

In the treatment of excessive hood, the development of proper breathing is of the same great importance as nutrition in combination with exercise. To breathe when performing such exercises, it is necessary deeply and slow. In the room where breathing exercises are performed, you must open a window or a window, even if it is performed in winter. Breathing exercises can be done in nature.

Protein cocktails are a good addition to exercise and respiratory exercises.

They can be purchased at any sports nutrition store. As a rule, they are sold in large tanks in the form of powder.

Preparing protein cocktail is very simple:

In the blender, fall asleep three tablespoons of protein, add 300 g of fatty milk and mix thoroughly. To improve the taste of protein drink in a blender, you can also add some frozen or fresh strawberries and flower honey.

The lack of weight for some people is the same serious problem and reason for concerns, as completeness and obesity from others. According to statistics, about 10% of the world's population suffer from weight shortage. The main cause of weight deficit can be hidden diseases. In this case, immediately consult a doctor and complete a full examination. If everything is in order with health, it is recommended to completely reconsider your gastronomic habits, change the food culture and begin to observe the weight diet.

Power basics for weight gain

The weight gain diet is based on the correct combination of high-calorie products that do not harm health. For normal life, it is very important to maintain not only a wonderful figure, but also good health, and therefore it will be an erroneous to increase the amount of food consumed, which can cause digestive disorders, and later and complete disgust from food.

A diet for weight gain involves a gradual increase in daily calorie content of the diet, to begin with only 200-300 kcal. It is also important to increase the number of food meals up to 4-5 times a day. Fruit food is small, but calorie portions will benefit on physical and mental state. For half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh juice (vegetable or fruit). During meals, drink water food is prohibited. You can go sports 2-3 hours after meals.

  • having a tendency to thin;
  • susceptible to frequent stressful situations;
  • suffered severe illness;
  • having diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • professional athletes.

The basic rules of the weight diet:

The first, most important element - calories. It is from their quantity that your final weight depends. As you know, than a moving person, the more he burns calories. Accordingly, if you decide to play sports, you should change your diet, significantly increasing its energy value.

Sources of calories - Proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories, and in the gram of proteins and carbohydrates - by 4, respectively. Thus, on the day you will need to eat twice as more proteins and carbohydrates, rather than fats. That is, 100 grams of fats and 200 - carbohydrates will provide the body with an equal amount of calories.

Meals for a weight gain should be rich in micronutrients, that is, with vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Micronutrients are extremely important for the body, as they affect many chemical processes, including protein synthesis, which plays a very important role in a set of muscle mass.

Next, consider protein, that is, protein. The protein is the founder of the construction of muscle cells. Thanks to this useful macroelement, your hair, skin and nervous system are strengthened. Among other things, the presence of protein in the blood contributes to the strengthening of immunity.

So that the muscular mass continues to grow, and the weight increases, the admission to the protein organism should be continuous.

Carbohydrates They are divided into complex and simple. Forged carbohydrates (baking, sweets, desserts) are easily absorbed by the body, but at the same time increase blood sugar levels, thereby contributing to the increase in weight. Difficult - digested not immediately, the saturation body gradually.

Based on this, it follows that simple carbohydrates contribute to the rapid weight set. Therefore, you need to enable them in the Diet menu. The daily rate of simple carbohydrates for a massset is half of the total amount of food consumed.

Fat. Possess a huge source of calories. Consequently, they must be included in the diet. Athletes for weight gain are often used by an acid consisting of fat, called Omega 3. In addition to the increase in muscle mass and rapid weight gain, fats strengthen the walls of vessels and hearts, increase brain activity, accelerate the metabolism in the body and increase the human immune system. The daily rate of fats is from 10 to 15% of the total food.

Water - The most important element intended for normal human life, as the body is 75% consists of it, and the muscles themselves are 70%. In any case, each a day is recommended to drink from one and a half to two liters of fresh peeled drinking water.

Surprisingly, even in a dream, your body burns about a hundred kilocalories per hour.

No less important, the final element of the base for a weight gain is calorie counting. In order for you to be easier to calculate the ratio of all nutrients per day. Provide your option of approximate calorie for the day:

So, suppose you weigh 80 kg. For a weight gain per day, you should consume 3100 kilocalories. Of them:

  • 1100 kcal - proteins;
  • 1550 kcal - carbohydrates;
  • 450 kcal - fats.

Women's Weight Diets: Types, Menu

Many women mistakenly believe that they will be able to gain weight in a short time, swaying with high-calorie cakes and cakes. This approach is fraught not only by a set in the weight, but also by the development of serious diseases (including diabetes mellitus). In order to recover without harm to health, it is necessary to eliminate the following common mistakes for women:

  • excessive consumption of sugar and animal fats - will lead to diseases of the heart and elevated cholesterol in the blood;
  • meals for the night - contributes to a restless sleep;
  • abundant food by high-calorie products - will serve as a large load on the body and the gastrointestinal tract, in particular. "Ugly" food will provide you with poor health and feeling of gravity in the near future.

Stellic diet

If you want not just to recover, but also to gain muscle mass for pumping forms, a protein diet is perfect. Average daily calorie The diet must be 300-500 kcal more of the required norm. To identify the rate of daily calorie content of the diet, you need to multiply your weight in kg to 30. For example, a woman with a weight of 50 kg should consume at least 1500 kcal per day. For a weight gain, it is necessary to increase the daily caloric content of up to 1800-2000 kcal. It should be eaten often 5-6 times a day. Daily drink at least 2 liters of purified water without gas.

  • low-fat meat and bird (veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • sub-products (liver, language);
  • eggs, both in the boiled form and in omelets;
  • ham (no more than 4% fat);
  • fish (trout, polytai, tuna, cod and perch);
  • seafood;
  • dairy and fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, rippy, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream).

Based on the above list of products, approximate menu for a week protein diet for weight gain women (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon school, dinner):


  • Omelet from 2 eggs;
  • 2 pieces of ham;
  • Bouillon. Stew turkey in cream sauce;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Ear from sturgeon with pieces of fish.


  • Cottage cheese, seasoned with natural yogurt;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Bouillon. Meat roll with egg;
  • Soft-boiled egg;
  • Seafood cocktail.


  • 2 eggs screwed. 2 pieces of ham;
  • A glass of prokobivashi;
  • Bouillon. Boiled chicken breast;
  • Baked carp.


  • Cottage cheese pudding;
  • 2 pieces of ham;
  • Meat broth. Beef steak;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • Dorado grilled.


  • Fried eggs "Glazunya" of 2 eggs;
  • Glass of ripping;
  • Bouillon. Meat roll with egg;
  • Highnuts with chicken liver;
  • Baked trout.


  • Cheesecakes with sour cream;
  • 2 pieces of ham;
  • Bouillon. Veal medallions in cream sauce;
  • Soft-boiled egg;
  • Seafood (mussels, shrimp).


  • Omelet with ham;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Bouillon. Salmon steak baked in the oven;
  • Cottage cheese, filled with yogurt;
  • Head from beef.


A carbohydrate diet for a weight gain for women involves the same medium-sized calorie rate and mandatory 4-6 meals a day. Of course, the main thing and obvious difference is that in the menu of this diet will prevail carbohydrate products:

  • porridge: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat;
  • pasta;
  • wheat, rye, wholegrain bread;
  • brown rice;
  • beans;
  • vegetables: eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, radishes, cabbage, carrot;
  • fruits: apples, pears, peaches, plums, strawberries, kiwi, pineapples, avocado;
  • dried fruits: Raisin, Kuraga, prunes;
  • sugar;
  • bread, baking;
  • potatoes;
  • mushrooms

Approximate menu for a week of carbohydrate diet for a weight gain to women look like this (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Buckwheat porridge with banana;
  • Orange juice;
  • Mushroom soup. 2 pieces of bread;
  • Tea. Carrot casserole;
  • Spaghetti refilled by soy sauce. Vegetable stew.


  • Oatmeal with dried fruits;
  • Tomato juice;
  • Pea soup. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
  • Rho rosehip. Mac Bun;
  • Mashed potatoes. Cabbage salad.


  • Rice porridge with prunes;
  • Carrot smoothie;
  • Green soup. 2 pieces of bread;
  • Green tea. Pancakes with jam;
  • Mushroom pilaf. Salad of grated carrots.


  • Millet porridge with dried fruits;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Lean vegetable soup. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
  • Tea. 2 piece of "quarreling";
  • Puree from beans. The vinaigrette.


  • Jumble porridge with dried
  • Kisel;
  • Brideller. 2 pieces of bread;
  • Dried fruits compote. Pancakes;
  • Stuffed peppers.


  • Muesli with raisins and honey;
  • Berry mousse;
  • Borscht. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
  • Apple juice. Cookies;
  • Baked potato. Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.


  • Oatmeal with berries;
  • Fruit salad;
  • Mushroom soup puree. 2 pieces of wheat bread;
  • Plum compote. Bun with jam;
  • Cabbages.

The volume of one portion with a carbohydrate diet for a weight gain is calculated individually, depending on the necessary daily calorie content of the diet.

Diets for men for weight gain

Poisen, developed musculature is the purpose of many men. For effective pumping muscles and transformation in the taut attitude, men need a weight set. Both protein and a carbohydrate diet for a weight gain described above may not only be suitable for women, but also to men. However, by virtue of their physiological features, men gain weight much more difficult than representatives of beautiful sex. Based on this, consider the two most effective diets for the weight gain of men.


The high-calorie diet for the weight gain of men is divided into three categories:

  • Easy food plus protein-fat additive. You should add up to two liters of milk to their usual meals. According to experts, this milk drink contributes to growth hormone.
  • On dry mass. The essence of such nutrition lies in the daily use of five grams of carbohydrates, two grams of protein and one gram of fat for every kilogram of weight. In addition to the weight gain, such a diet avoids fatigue. For example, a man with a weight of 70 kg must be consumed 350 g of carbohydrates, 140 gr proteins and 70 gr fat daily.
  • The final category was named "Extreme Mass" By increasing the amount of carbohydrates per kilogram of the weight of a man from five to seven grams. For example, a man with a weight of 70 kg must be used per day 350-490 Gy of carbohydrates.

It should be powered often, at least 5-7 times a day. Every day it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of water without gas, before and after meals, the food is not recommended water. On the night you can drink a glass of fermented milk drink (kefir, ryazhenki, prostruck). Over the night of the stomach is not recommended for better learning. Breakfast should be dense. A diet for a weight gain in men involves the use of simple carbohydrates (baking, desserts) in the first half of the day, in the evening it is recommended to give preference to protein products and complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals).

Approximate menu high-calorie diet for a weight gain for a daymen look like this (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):

First option:

  • Omelet of 5 eggs with bacon. 2 cups of milk;
  • Cottage cheese casserole. 2 cups of milk;
  • Ear with pieces of fish. 2-3 pieces of wheat bread. Potato mashed potatoes with milk. Beef meatballs. Greek salad";
  • 2 sandwiches with cheese. 2 cups of milk;
  • Macaroni with grated cheese. 2 chops of veal. Vegetable stew;
  • Glass of milk (overnight).


  • Muesli with berries 150 gr. Banana;
  • Cottage cheese, filled with yogurt 200 grams;
  • Turkey soup with pieces of poultry meat. 2-3 pieces of bread. Stuffed pepper with sour cream 250 gr;
  • Green tea. Meat cake 150 gr;
  • Makaroni with cheese 200 gr. Salad "Caesar" with chicken meat 200 gr.

The third:

  • Oatmeal 200 gr with dried fruits. Toast with cheese;
  • Curd casserole with raisins. Berry Morse;
  • Meat solyanka. 2-3 pieces of bread. Puree from lentils. Grilled salmon steak with vegetables;
  • 2 banana;
  • Potato mashed potatoes 200 gr. Beef cutlets. The vinaigrette.

Sports nutrition

Consider the main principles of sports nutrition for men:

  • The combination of proteins with carbohydrates is especially useful at breakfast. For example, cottage cheese with dried fruits or fruit yogurt;
  • In no case do not let breakfast. Even if you don't want to eat at all, force yourself to eat, as breakfasts charge energy for the entire subsequent day. Find the strength to eat at least the scrambled eggs;
  • Protein bars are very similar to ordinary chocolate, so the purchase of this sweetness for a set of muscle mass will be only a joy;
  • You can eat at night. Fruits, vegetables or milk drink - a great option of night snack for weight gain;
  • Special dietary supplement called "Geiner" is rich in proteins, so it should be taken after each workout;
  • For the most efficient pumping of muscles, men are offered special sports nutrition to increase body weight. In particular, it is suitable for those who only "rose on the path" a healthy lifestyle.

The essence of the diet for a diet for a kilogram set is to add to the usual nutrition of the following preparations designed to increase muscle growth:

  • "Geiner" - in the mornings and after each workout;
  • "Melatonin" - before bedtime;
  • "Whey Protein" - throughout the day;
  • "Creatine" - in the morning and after each workout;
  • "Multivitamins" - in addition to the dining age;
  • "Fish oil" and "Omega 3" - add to breakfast.

Of course, to achieve the desired result, your nutrition for this period should be correct and balanced. No fast food, baking, confectionery and alcohol!

Diet for baby for weight gain

No less relevant the problem of insufficient weight in children. In order to start taking measures, you need to identify causes of child weight shortage :

  • Slim physique, fast metabolism;
  • Excessive mobility. Energy consumption in this case exceeds the receipt;
  • Violation of metabolism, hormonal failures;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions to certain foods;
  • Diseases (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism);
  • Estimation of a psychological nature. In preschool and school age, peer ridicule can lead to digestive disorders.

For a weight gain, the child needs an adjustment of the nutritional culture as a whole. In no case cannot force the child to be forced. It is necessary to involve the child in the process of serving the table, turn the process of receiving food into pleasure. Do not order the child with high-calorie products, in the hope that he will add in weight. The weight gain process must be gradual and correct, with health benefits. It is recommended to feed the baby 5-7 times a day, when the slightest feeling of hunger.

Basic diet principles for baby weight recruitment:

  • for a set of kilograms, necessarily daily use of dairy products - cottage cheese, sour cream, milk;
  • twice a day (for lunch and dinner) put in the meat or fish menu;
  • use sandwiches with solid cheese, butter or sausage as snacks;
  • cereal from cereals are recommended for use every day, eggs - three times a week, pasta - twice a week;
  • also for an effective set, vegetable salads are recommended for a daily diet, rich in vegetable oil;
  • fruits can be in unlimited quantities;
  • for the greatest weight gain and improving the child's well-being, it is necessary to introduce soup or broth in the menu once a day;
  • from drinks in the menu must be present: decoction of rosehip, tea with milk, fruit compotes.

Approximate diet menu for a child for a week (breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Milk soup with vermicellus. Pear;
  • Kisel;
  • Chicken soup with pieces of poultry meat and crackers. Potato mashed potatoes with fish cutlets. Compote;
  • Kefir. Oatmeal cookies;
  • Buckwheat porridge. Chicken Schnitzel. Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes.


  • Manya porridge on milk. Grapes;
  • Rho rosehip. Ham sandwich;
  • Borscht. 2 pieces of wheat bread. Fig. Beef meatballs. Apple juice;
  • Cheesecakes with sour cream. Kefir;
  • Mashed potatoes. Baked perch fillet with vegetables. Orange.


  • Buckwheat porridge on milk. 2 plums;
  • Fruit salad;
  • Vegetable soup. Spaghetti. Rabbit, stewed in creamy sauce. Mandarin;
  • Milk. Gallery cookies;
  • Pilaf. Cutlets from veal. Salad of grated carrots.


  • Curd pudding. Orange;
  • A cheese sandwich;
  • Ear of pike with pieces of fish. 2 pieces of bread. Puree from beans. Fish soufflĂ©. Salad of grated beet;
  • Jelly. Peach;
  • The vinaigrette. Baked potato. Tefators from veal.


  • Oatmeal on milk. Apple;
  • Berry mousse;
  • Turkey soup with vegetables. Cheap turkey fillet. Cauliflower in batter;
  • A glass of milk. Carrot casserole;
  • Vegetable stew. Beefstrods from chicken. Garnet.


  • Omelet with tomato and ham. Banana;
  • Cottage cheese with sour cream and dried fruit;
  • Soup on meat broth. Salad of vegetables and seafood. Tomato juice;
  • Dried fruits compote. Gallery cookies;
  • Buckwheat porridge. Beef meatballs. Greek salad".


  • Pumpkin porridge. Peach;
  • Oatmeal cookies. Dried fruits compote;

Not all women suffer from overweight, while there is another, no less serious problem - weight deficit. In order to gain missing kilograms, women are trying more, but this leads only to various diseases and stomach disorders. Special diet for weight gain is the optimal solution to this problem without any negative effects for your own health. How to comply with such a diet, an approximate menu, recipes for a week and reviews about this diet - all the necessary information you will handle this article.

What is a diet for weight gain?

Unlike most diets, this is not designed to reduce weight, but for its set. Weight deficit may arise as a result of health problems, also after starvation or misconceptions of any diet. This problem relates to the category of hazardous and most serious, because the lack of weight can lead to dystrophy, diseases of the heart, kidneys, impaired in the work of other internal organs, hormonal imbalance, etc.

What is a diet for weight gain? This is a special diet, which should be coordinated with an experienced doctor. The fact is that you may have to abandon some specific products that are incompatible with the peculiarities of your body.

Due to the weight deficit, many women suffer from infertility, have tired appearance, outstand cheeks, too thin legs and hands. A specific diet will help you look much more attractive, gain weight in reasonable limits and get rid of many health problems. The weight set will occur gradually, physiologically, so that no problems and excesses arise.

Weight Diet: Results

Those girls who seek a little recover by this diet will be able to experience the following results for themselves:

  1. You will recruit at least 1 kg for a week. It can be achieved and more significant results, but this may adversely affect your health, so it is recommended to get better gradually, not a hurry event.
  2. You will be able to get rid of your thin, even if you all your life could not get the necessary weight.
  3. Your figure will become more attractive for men who love slim, but at the same time skidy girls.
  4. You will save and improve your health status. Many problems associated with weight deficit will leave forever.

You will definitely be satisfied with the results of a diet for a weight gain. Now you will not look as depleted as before, you will add strength and energy, and the new weight will be pleased to please you.

Weight Diet: Products

The weight diet does not imply unlimited use of all sorts of high-calorie products. This is a systematic diet providing for balanced food. At the same time, you will need to use about 50% of carbohydrates, 15% of fats and 35% of proteins. Fats should be vegetable, besides, it is necessary to eat as much vitamins as possible that contribute to health restoration.

It is worth paying attention to the following products with a diet for a weight gain:

  • meat products;
  • a fish;
  • potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice);
  • bakery products;
  • tea and coffee with sugar adding;
  • creamy and vegetable oil;
  • chocolate products;
  • sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • various sweets, etc.

It is noteworthy that with such a diet can not be too passive. This means that you are not enough just to sit at home and eat all the products above. In this case, you will grow a lot of fat, and the figure will become even more ugly, and the health problems will not leave anywhere. Experts recommend doing exercise, move more, then the products for a diet for a weight gain will be very useful and efficient.

Light diet: Menu and recipes for a week

Approximate menu for 7 days

First day

Breakfast. Omelet from 2-3 eggs, ham sandwich, 1 walnut. From drinks you should drink tea with sugar.

Dinner. Prepare noodles soup. You can eat 2 pieces of bread with bran, 100 g fried chicken. Black tea with sugar.

Afternooner. Natural yogurt, 1 cup.

Dinner. Potato mashed potatoes, 2 sandwich with cheese and sausage.

Second day

Breakfast. Washing bash with milk, tea, a half-table of yogurt.

Dinner. Chicken soup, cucumber, Bulgarian pepper, Kissel.

Afternooner. A glass of fruit juice, 100 g of any sweet berries.

Dinner. Sandwich with tomato, cucumber, chicken and cheese, 100 g of cookies.

The third day

Breakfast. 2-3 Eggs Screw, vegetable salad, raisins.

Dinner. 100 g of potato ravioli, 100 g of beef, tea or kissel.

Afternooner. A glass of kefir, a little sweet berries.

Dinner. 100 g of cookies, omelet with cheese, ham and ketchup, milk with honey.

Fourth day

Breakfast. Pearl porridge with the addition of natural honey. Walnuts, apple, tea with sandwich.

Dinner. Soup on meat broth, vegetable salad, 100 g of pasta.

Afternooner. Oil sandwich, 1 boiled egg. 1 cup of fruit juice.

Dinner. Potato mashed potatoes and fried fish, Greek salad, tea with sugar.

The fifth day

Breakfast. 100 g of vegetable salad, compote or tea, ravioli.

Dinner. Pea soup, boiled pork, 2 pieces of bread.

Afternooner. 1 banana, 100 g of cookies, fruit juice.

Dinner. 100 g of cauliflower, butter sandwich, fried fish.

Sixth day

Breakfast. Stew beef with bow, 100 g of pasta, tea with sugar.

Dinner. Cheese soup, vegetable salad with olive oil, roasted fish, compote.

Afternooner. Kefir, 13-15 almond nuts.

Dinner. Spaghetti with a gravy or pasta (100-150 g), 1 piece of bread, a glass of carrot juice.

Seventh day

Breakfast. Curd casserole, cheese sandwich.

Dinner. Pasta, 2 pieces of bread, vegetable soup.

Afternooner. Fritters with sour cream, natural fruit juice.

Dinner. Stew turkey, bread with bran, cheese, a glass of tomato juice.

The menu with a diet for a weight gain may vary depending on your preferences, but the main principle should remain the same: balanced power together with an active way of life.

Recipes for a week

  1. Pearl, oatmeal is prepared on milk. It is necessary to pre-dock the barbecue overnight, and then fill the porridge with honey, grated apple and nuts.
  2. You can prepare a vegetable salad, refueling it with mayonnaise, sour cream and sunflower oil.
  3. Soup noodles is prepared from the following ingredients: 400 g of pork pulp, 2 bow, 1 carrot, 100 g of egg noodles, pepper, vegetable oil.

Weight Diet: Reviews

I have always differed in that I had a weight deficit. Many girlfriends envied, and I, on the contrary, did not like that I was too thin. A diet for weight gain was effective, and in a couple of weeks it turned out to recover about 3 kilograms. " Anna, 29 years old.

She adhered to this diet exactly 7 days. During this period, 2 kg was able to dial. Used pasta, flour, drank tea with sugar. After consulting with a nutritionist, I will continue such a diet as it is still where to recover. "

In our world, ever thin people questions: "How to quickly gain weight with a man?" Most are not disturbed. But those who burn without a trace every calorie do not want to grow muscles, there is a need to buy clothing for adolescents, they infrequently know how to organize their food and workouts so to acquire a sporty look.

And we are not talking about pursuit of the mass, as in professional bodybuilding. The optimal increase in its own weight due to muscle mass is useful for men. It will help maintain a high level of testosterone for many years, not to get injuries in everyday life and finally gain self-confidence. Fortunately, the male half can easily gain weight, even if he is thinning from nature.

Causes of weightless weight

You can typing quickly, it is only worth considering the fact that any load, even in the form of kilograms, can adversely affect the state of the joints and the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is necessary to think very well before proceeding to an increase in body weight and pass a full examination to identify diseases of internal organs and systems.

As a rule, the cause of weightless weight is diseases of an acute or chronic nature. After passing the survey, you will learn whether you have such diseases or not. If they are, it is necessary to first cure them and only then begin to set the weight. In most cases, getting rid of diseases, a person has a weight independently normalizes without any effort.

Another reason that is often found at the low-blank weight is heredity. If you have thin in your family, who constantly try to recover constantly, then most likely nothing will happen to you. Unfortunately, you have such a physiology, it is impossible to do anything. You can only gain weight in this case by contacting the plastic surgeon, which will increase your weight by pumping fat.

If you have no thin in your family and you have passed a complete examination, in which there were no diseases affecting your weight, then you should pay attention to your lifestyle. Perhaps your diet consists of low-calorie products and at the same time you will lead an active lifestyle and are constantly exposed to stressful situations. In this case, it is necessary to avoid stress or take sedative preparations that allow you to calm down and not take everything so close to heart.

Understand how to gain weight simply. The mass is not growing in itself, but depending on how much energy in the body is absorbed from food. Therefore, it is necessary to provide:

  • uninterrupted influx of high-quality calories from healthy full-fledged food;
  • the surplus of these calories. This means you need to eat more than is usually required to maintain the current weight;
  • good food digestibility.

Of course, when we talk about the set, we do not think about a thick stomach, nor. Strong, dense embossed muscles, and not fat deposits are necessary. And for their growth, one diet can not do, they will be required regular, and, properly organized.

Also, to begin with, it will be nice to calculate the body mass index and accurately determine the deficit. It is best to refer to specialists in a fitness center, which not only calculate the indicators, but also prompt what fabrics is not enough - fat or nevertheless muscle. And at the end will prepare the basic recommendations on diet and training.

How to gain weight fast and healthy ways

Before making any weight setting, you need to visit a nutritionist so that it calculates your daily caloric content necessary for a weight gain. Daily caloric content is calculated individually taking into account age, gender and initial weight. Its decrease can lead to a lack of results, and the increase can lead to problems related to health.

Main mistake men - copying bodybuilding champions training plans. Yes, these guys are really big, but they:

  • genetically gifted differently, as a rule - mesomorphs or endomorphs;
  • do not do one, and not two years. Usually, before the release in a decent weight category since the first trip, 5-6 years of persistent work take place;
  • someone uses pharmacological support (injection of testosterone preparations, growth hormone, and anabolic steroids), which is not necessary for health and aesthetics.

The classic training plan-split is not suitable for those who fight for each kilogram of mass.

The reason is simple - the newcomer does not have time to recover the nervous and endocrine systems. As a result, the secretion of testosterone can decrease, the restoration will be impaired due to, and in the end it will come not to pump, but overtraining.

Instead of this, follow these rules:

  • care 3 times a week;
  • perform definitely squat and one of the variants of traction. These are the main movements for the growth of mass throughout the body. They not only use absolutely all muscles, but also give a powerful testosterone splash. Start with the development of equipment with average weights, strive to move into force mode of operation - 5-6 repetitions, heavy weight, from 4 approaches for each movement;
  • tightening, bench with a barbell (and not sitting with light dumbbells) - Mandatory exercises for high-quality set. And, of course, do not forget about the press lying, it needs to be done in classical technique, so far without a "bridge";
  • approximately looking for a novice to the set look like this. Monday - Capture, "Good morning" with a barbell, a rack in the bar, bench press, the rod rod to the belt. If the forces remain - biceps or triceps, one any exercise. Wednesday - Range traction, pulling up with weight, bench press, one any exercise on the press. Friday: We repeat the Monday training;
  • contrary to popular belief, you can do aerobic workouts, and for health - you need. If you run, swimming or rotate pedals, eat a little more than 5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of our own weight, and you continue to grow. Increase in mass frankly interfere with only extreme work on endurance - preparation for the marathon, triathlona ionman or something like that;
  • put the technique of basic with a coach, so you will know exactly that the muscles work, and do it safely.

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