Comic script for the presenter on February 23. Scenarios of the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day for adults

Decor elements 01.10.2019
Decor elements

From year to year, February 23 is considered a special day for all men. Because it is on February 23 that every man feels even more important in this World. Therefore, the beautiful female half is rapidly starting preparations for this holiday. Since this is a wonderful opportunity not only to congratulate, but also to show men that they are really significant.
It is on February 23 that every woman tries to pay due attention to her sons, brothers, husband, father. Showing in relation to them on this day, as much attention, care, affection, tenderness, warmth and love as possible. And also pamper with an original and unusual congratulation on February 23.

Today, there are many ways to congratulate native men on February 23. And if this holiday is celebrated in the family circle, then the script for the celebration should take place accordingly.

Preparation for the holiday

By the celebration of February 23, the female half of the family begins to prepare for the holiday in advance. Since it is necessary to purchase gifts for men, draw up a festive menu, decorate the decor in the house, and also draw up a festive scenario for the holiday.


When choosing a gift dear to the heart of men, first of all, you need to take into account the interests, tastes and preferences of men. The gift can be different kind and character. Perhaps the gift will be bought in a store, ordered to order or made with my own hands. The most important thing is that the gift should be necessary and practical, as well as given from a pure heart.

Holiday menu

In drafting holiday menu, it is also worth including fantasy. The menu should be interesting, unusual and correspond to the theme of the holiday. You can cook your favorite dishes of men, as well as come up with them original titles.

decor designs

No holiday is complete without decorations. Since it is in it that the very atmosphere of the holiday lies. The house can be decorated with colorful balloons. It will look very unusual to see stars cut out of paper, airplanes, tanks hung around the house. As well as the design of the family walls of the newspaper, with the presence of wishes from February 23 and joint photographs.

Script writing

The main part of the holiday is its script. A scenario that will fully correspond to the current holiday. In order for February 23 to really go off with a bang, you need to use ingenuity, a sense of humor, and also apply organizational skills in writing a script.

Scenario February 23 with family

During the celebration on February 23, all family members dress in clothes that correspond to the theme of the holiday, and, accordingly, in military uniforms. Thus, each family member should have his own military rank, and it can be divided according to seniority. The title does not have to be specified in the form of stars on clothes, you can write it on a piece of paper and attach it near the assigned place for festive table.
When all family members have gathered at the festive table, the first word and the first toast are given to the eldest woman in age. Perhaps it will be a grandmother, or a mother. Subsequent toasts and congratulations can go in any order.
After that, the host of this holiday announces February 23 open. And he voices the first stage of the holiday, this is the stage of competitions.
1. Competition of jokes. Men should tell a joke related to the army theme. If not an anecdote, then a funny case from the army service. Accordingly, who will tell funnier, he wins and receives a prize.

2. Footcloth competition. In this competition, men must show their accuracy, cleanliness and speed in the ability to wind footcloths. Instead of footcloths, you can use toilet paper. The competition is performed with cheerful music. The prize goes to the fastest and most accurate.

3. Seniority competition. You need to prepare cards with the name in advance military ranks: major, captain, general, colonel, sergeant, lieutenant, private, ensign, marshal. At the signal of the presenter, the participants in the jumping must arrange the cards in order of seniority. The winner is the participant who will cope with the task quickly, clearly and correctly.

After a short pause in the form of warm congratulations and toasts to dear and beloved men, the presenter announces the second stage of the holiday, this is the stage of games.
1. Song. The whole family participates in this game and is divided into teams. Each team must perform an army song. The song can sound as its own independent performance, and with the help of karaoke. The team that performs the song without mistakes wins.

2. Dance. Couples who participate in the dance are put on shoulder straps made in the form of napkins. The task is to prevent the shoulder straps from flying off throughout the dance. Whoever does the best on this task wins a prize.

3. Minefield. In this game, each participant must walk independently through the minefield without stepping on the mine. In the form of mines, you can use tennis balls. After scattering the balls all over the floor, the blindfolded participant is sent on a journey through a minefield. If a participant steps on a mine, then he is out of the game.

The host announces a commercial break. A large army-style cake is brought into the room. To the music, the cake is cut, toasts and words of congratulations to men are pronounced.
The presenter announces the third stage of the holiday, this is the awarding stage.
Every man is a protector. And every man, from a child to the oldest member of the family, will be doubly pleased to be reminded of this, and even better to congratulate and present a medal.
Medals must be prepared in advance for the award. Medals can be made both from cardboard and ordinary paper with the inscription of the military rank assigned to a man. Titles can be of this nature, for example: "the most beautiful defender", "the smartest defender", "the most faithful defender", "the most reliable defender", "the smallest defender" (to a child), "the most wonderful defender". Women determine which medal corresponds to the man and reward him. V this case more than one medal can be awarded. Some of the men may be lucky twice, or even three times.
After awarding medals and sincere congratulations, the presenter announces the fourth stage of the holiday, this is the quiz stage.
To prevent family members from getting bored, give them a little quiz and warn them that in this quiz they will need to show off their wits and knowledge.
Make up not a large number of questions with answers to the same questions. Questions directly should be directly related to the holiday. Participants must choose the correct answer from the proposed answers.

1. First World War, her years:
1913 - 1915
1914 - 1918
1916 - 1919

2. From being wounded in battle, which serves as protection for the head:

3. What holiday is celebrated on February 23:
Victory Day
Fisherman's Day
Defender of the Fatherland Day

4. What is the name of the military unit located in the city:

5. What does a person who does not want to serve:

6. According to a Russian proverb, what happens when a soldier sleeps:
Beloved is waiting
Winter on the nose
Service in progress

7. What is thrown over the shoulder of an officer dressed in uniform:

8. What the soldiers wind on their feet:

9. In response to the gratitude of the commander that the soldier had to answer Soviet army:
"Come again!"
"Serving Soviet Union!"
"Oh, leave!"

10. What is the name of the ration that is given to a soldier with him on a campaign:

Correct answers to questions:
1. 1914 - 1918
2. Helmet
3. Defender of the Fatherland Day
4. Garrison
5. Mows
6. Service in progress
7. Harness
8. Footcloths
9. Serve the Soviet Union
10. Dry

Every holiday has its end. And to make the end truly pleasant, the presenter announces the fifth stage of the holiday, the stage of presenting gifts to men.
Mothers, wives, sisters, daughters sincerely congratulate their beloved men on February 23 and give gifts.
The final and pleasant stage of the holiday will be the launch of fireworks, as well as burning lanterns into the starry sky with the whole family.
Summing up, we can say that February 23 can also be very fun and original to spend with the whole family, next to relatives and friends. Giving them attention, care, warmth, love and good mood for all day. The main thing is to approach everything responsibly and with love. After all, February 23 is already celebrated once a year and it would be unforgivable not to make it unforgettable.

For congratulations, 4 women are needed.

One February evening three girls at the table

Maybe they ate, maybe they drank, well, in short, they talked.

Discussed in order: prices, dreams, hair styling,

Fashion, cats, movies, books and weather in Antarctica,

And men - where without them, all three of them were “dismantled”!

And since the ladies' conversation is still going on

We will not interfere with them, discuss and condemn.

If only I were a queen...

Says the first girl.

For a family without quarrels and troubles

ban the internet...

Who Invented This Network?

Let him hang there!

At the monitor screen

Time flies by soon.

I drag my husband to bed -

Honey, you need to sleep at night!

He shoots me in my dream

Again "tanks" finishes,

How alive to wait for the morning?

This is the Kamasutra!

If only I were a queen...

Girl friend says...

I so that there would be no trouble

Football would be banned!

At home - only about football:

Who today will "go out" into the field,

Kohl game - transfer to bed,

It is useless to even wait...

Lost, won, even if by zeros.

Husband as if "replaced"

He is there in body and soul!

Leave - again the game,

That's such nonsense!

He has a favorite - the Club!

Do you have a beloved friend?

If only I were a queen...

The third says the girl.

I would immediately - I do not mind

Fishing would be banned.

And along the way, and hunting -

I'd rather take my work home.

All week preparation

Shot and gunpowder and skimmer

The drill is sharpened, the wad is clogged,

And I'm already chilling.

Just remember how yesterday

In your fridge -

Not an apartment, but a madhouse.

We talked for three hours

Everything seemed to be discussed.

About children. about the harvests

About the health of aunt Rai,

They chuckled and parted ways.

With the idea that one for all:

"My favorite is the best."

Don't judge women harshly

That sometimes language is our enemy.

They are ready to forgive.

Only betrayal will not be forgiven!

They just want to be with them

You are like God's grace

To give their love

They carried her to bed in her arms.

To feel with all my heart

Near the heart is a sweet beat ...

And the maggot? What a bug…..

We'll pick it up somehow.

1. Comic scene from women: “Cucumbers”

Comic scene-congratulations on February 23 to colleagues
Awesome comic scene on February 23rd! Rzhach is guaranteed!


Girls, do you want congratulate your male colleagues in an original way use my scenario.

Presenter 1: today we will tell you fairy tale, and maybe not fairy tale, which called: « East, it's a delicate matter."

He lived and was in one West Siberian state, which is almost in the center of Yugra, almost on EAST, one padishah. He kept his state clean and tidy, regularly came to the service always with good mood because what:

All subjects and colleagues greet him;

With a 100% feeling that you will never be left without a job;

With the realization that raspberries are better than gooseberries.

Presenter2: Meet our padishah. As expected, he puts on his overalls and dances his ritual dance.

we put on a turban and a robe (to the music. "If I were a Sultan", put on the throne.

Smiling girls from his numerous harem danced for him Eastern dance, by the way, look, just here they are

Presenter2: But one day a delegation from the military registration and enlistment office came to him with agitation and offered their program for recruiting into the army.

We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that

In our army in fashion

All soldiers are dressed.

My fiance Volodya is writing to me:

Every day they give an outfit!

My dear, my dear,

Take with you to the war

There you will fight

I am to supply ammo.

The major was walking along the road.

I looked at the major

Someone stole the lieutenant!

Red day of the calendar -

How many heroes are here!

Oh, lucky, women, nibble!

We sang a song to you -

Guys here and there!

They confessed their love to you.

If only they didn't get it!

Presenter 1: but our girls stood up for him with a mountain and have spoken their word:

“If necessary, we ourselves will go to serve in the army for him, this is also good for us.

Girl 1: OK it's all over Now. Goodbye civilian life! Now for two years my house is a barracks.

Girl 2: Yes, what I just didn’t do to get away from the army. And she mowed down like a pacifist, and turned to the society of soldier fathers, and made eyes at the doctor. Nothing helped.

1 : Why run away from the army? Here I am, volunteering.

2 : Yes, what a fool will go to the army herself now. Right now there is chaos! Babovshchina!

2 : What, you haven’t heard anything about Babovism? Well, nevermind, you'll soon find out.

1 : And my mother is like that said: "Lucy, if you want to become a real woman - go to the army, and don't be afraid of anything!".

2 : Yes, how! And wash your footcloths, clean your boots, stand on the bedside table! And run AWOL for deodorants!

1 : And I also heard that in the army you need to salute.

2 : Well, I do not! I will not give my honor to anyone. Well, except for the general.

1 : And there you also need to put on a gas mask in five seconds.

2 : What is it? I did my hair for three hours, did it, and then five seconds - and a gas mask!

1 : Nothing, they will cut it to look like Kotovsky, you will do your hair in five seconds!

2 : One pleases, soon a new form introduce: here are bows, here are ruffles, kirzachi with high heels and a decollete.

1 : In vain rejoice. All the same, the ensign will drink everything.

2 : How do you know everything?

1 : Yes, my sister recently came from the army. Biceps - in! Shoulders - in! On the back is a tattoo - DMB!

2 : We met for probably a week.

1 : Yes, we walked nicely on my wires. I put a bucket of moonshine for my girlfriends, so the three of us drank everything.

2 : And we invited the boys. Only they were weak. Everyone leaned on champagne. They drink two glasses, and walk: "Oh, how drunk I am, hold me!".

1 : And my boyfriend burst into tears on my chest. Like, how am I going to live here without you. Yes, I'm not going to look at other girls!

2 : Everyone says like that. And a month will pass, and you will not wait for a letter from them!

1 : Okay, cry, let's better clean the ensign's face!

2 : Exactly! In her face, in her face. (pictured by hands slap) And then he builds too much of himself!

Presenter2: We will not give the padishah to the army, he is to ourselves needed:

Who clears the paths and sprinkles sand? Our V.I.

Who fixes the sockets? Our V.I.

Who built a steam locomotive and a whole cart of cars? Our V.I.

And to whom what to beat, to repair the door in the hallway? Our V.I.

Presenter2: Thank you, kind padishah,

What have you got us!

your smile of kindness

She's like a light in a window!

We want you to be happy

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful

And the best padishah!

Lead 2: congratulations Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day and wish you to always be with us

and gift giving

Tale of the Rule, or A small poetic trick on how to teach kids to follow the rules. A little poetic trick on how to teach kids to follow the rules. It turned out something like "Bad Advice". in one kingdom.

Presentation “How they had fun with Yaga, they immediately found themselves in a fairy tale” A fun, fabulous evening of entertainment with Baba Yaga, who does not let children into a fairy tale. Scenario of entertainment But a kind one opposes her.

Congratulations script "Eastern tale on February 23" for male colleagues
Congratulations script "Eastern tale on February 23" for male colleagues


The script is made as a congratulation. If it implies both a table and a drink at the same time, turn on toasts and games into the script.

Choose games for YOUR men, based on the nature, complexes (or vice versa), and so on.

Be sure to decorate the room. It is possible like this:

1) Inflate balloons, after placing papers there with wishes. Balloons can burst at the end of the evening by announcing some contest "Best Shooter", or you can give them away, just with your wishes.

2) Don't be lazy, do it newspaper. Even if you just take a picture of men in a working environment and add some kind of military branch or some kind of comic situation to them, it will be interesting.

A cool scenario for a corporate party on February 23 “Elevation of Na. »

The scenario is designed for an organization of up to 50 employees and is designed for a fun celebration in the office. Includes a large number funny contests and original congratulations from the female half of the team.

At the entrance to the office, the men are met by several colleagues who offer them to choose who they want to be today - a sailor or a paratrooper. Or you can distribute distinctive attributes by drawing lots so that each team has an equal number of people.

And to create a mood, each man, upon entering the room where the corporate party will be held, receives an Alenka chocolate bar as a gift, but instead of the girl’s face, the employee’s face should be depicted on the wrapper.


The place where the celebration is planned must be arranged in the color of military and sea wave.

1. Paper planes and ships should be hung from the ceilings on a fishing line.

2. For the photo zone, you need to make two large figures: a parachute and a submarine. Those who wish can choose: take a picture with a parachute soaring in the sky or study sea ​​world on a submarine.

3. To save space, it is better to cover buffet tables- it will help to release more space for competitions and dances. You can add military-themed elements to the tables: toy tanks, airplanes.

Necessary props

1. Stickers in the form of stars.

2. List of songs for the contest "Guess the melody".

3. Two magnetic boards, two markers, two washing sponges.

4. Ten items for the "To the touch" contest.

5. Two suitcases with clothes, two matches.

6. Matchboxes, ribbons.

8. Musical blanks for competitions.

Leading: Our dear, brave sailors and handsome paratroopers! On this men's day - February 23 - all of our women's team congratulates you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, and wishes you to always keep your eye on luck, good spirits, eternal youth of desires and feelings! And as an initial greeting, please accept our special musical gift!

Women's group performance

Two girls perform a song-alteration to the motive of the song "Fortuneteller", with them a small group of girls on the dance floor.

Fashion changes daily

But as long as there is a white light

Without men there is no good weather

There is no people without men.

Even in the cards of the old gypsy

Through times the king, then the jack.

Yes, and we will tell you without trickery:

There is a white light on men.

What can I say, what can I say.

Happy holiday to you, men,

And we want to wish you

And courage and strength.

You miss the stars in the sky

Hold a tit in your hands

Don't forget to dream sometimes

Store heat particle.

We wish you more happiness in life

Do not be sad for nothing.

Congratulations on this day

Although you were not in the army yourself.

We wish a fair wind

Your life ships.

We dedicate this song to you

Noble to their kings.

Leading: Applause to the charming sailors and paratroopers. And now the floor is given to the director of the company (full name).

(The director gives a short congratulatory speech).

Leading: At the beginning of our holiday, you had a choice: who to become - a paratrooper and a sailor. Divide now into groups according to your choice and let's see who is the most here.

(Men are divided into groups).

Leading: You were divided not by chance. Today we will not only determine who is cooler - the marines or the air cavalry, but also identify the strongest, most courageous - a real fighter!

(Each team can be tied around the neck with a scarf; blue - marines, green - foremen).

Leading: Let's start testing for strength and endurance.

For the competition, one participant from each team is invited.

Task: to collect as many girls as possible in a certain place, but you need to carry them to the gathering place on your hands, on your shoulder, and in any way, only so that they do not walk on foot.

The one who collects the largest number of girls receives a medal of honor - a sticker in the form of a star, which will be glued to each winner's clothes.

Leading: That's the first victory! But let's see if the winner brought our girls to their destination in general condition?

(Looks at the girls). Girls, do you feel good, do you feel dizzy, do you feel sick? Well, everything seems to be fine! And let's say hello to the first winner again. And the opponents do not despair, because there is still a chance to recoup. Sailors, paratroopers, choose your team of 3 girls!

From the teams again leave one participant.

3 girls are invited to help each of them.

Task: guess the melody.

The first person to raise their hand gives the answer.

Songs should be on a military theme.

Leading: A real soldier must be able to convey information in such a way that the enemy does not understand it. Now you have to turn on all your ingenuity, because you will not explain with words, but with drawings.

From each team, one person is selected to begin explaining the words first.

Each team has a magnetic board and a marker with which they can draw and, if necessary, erase the excess with a sponge.

Riddle words should display some kind of action. For example, military porridge. It is important to name this particular phrase, and not just “porridge” or “food”. The person who guesses the word gets a star.

Leading: Well, you don’t have to be a commander, but you always have to clean the roads from snow!

4 participants are invited.

Each is given a shovel. With it, they will have to imagine how they clean the roads from snow, but not just like that, but to the music.

Participants will have to demonstrate snow removal under 3-4 songs.

The best dancer is chosen by the audience with applause.

Leading: And they wear it on their hands, and they know the songs, but how beautifully they know how to move! How lucky our women are with such colleagues! Let's check, how do they navigate in the dark?

Two participants from each team are blindfolded.

They need to guess 5 objects by touch, and the teams can suggest what kind of object is in front of him if the participant cannot determine the object for a long time.

But the hints should be suggestive - remotely describing the subject and not contain the same root words.

Leading: A real defender of the Fatherland must be fast, dexterous, courageous, and now we will find out who is the most exemplary soldier in your team.

Each team chooses a suitcase. It's closed so they don't know its contents.

The host offers to choose a captain and only then says the rules of the competition.

The task of the captains for a while, while the match is burning, is to put on all the clothes that are in the suitcase.

The one who puts on more things wins.

To be funny, the suitcase should contain funny and ridiculous things, for example, women's or children's clothes.

Leading: Aren't you guys tired of competing yet? While you rest, let's pass the baton to our beautiful ladies!

Competition for girls.

To the belt of 5-7 girls, one matchbox is tied to a fishing line or ribbon so that they touch the floor.

On the boxes you need to stick a photo of any male object.

Girls must trample on the boxes of their rivals as quickly as possible and at the same time prevent others from trampling on their own.

Those participants whose boxes were trampled on are eliminated from the game.

Leading: What, however, are your harsh conquerors of men's hearts. Let's congratulate the winner with thunderous applause and be careful with her, everyone saw how she took other people's guys away, beat and trampled!

Attention! Now there will be a very serious competition, which will determine who will come out of here today as a winner!

For the competition you will need a table and two glasses or two faceted glasses.

The contents of the glasses can be anything.

On both sides of the table are a paratrooper and a sailor.

The competition is like a duel. At the command of the facilitator, the participants should grab the glass, drink the contents and loudly put the glass on the table.

You can hold several of these "duels", but with different participants.

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, in a fierce battle, in a hard struggle, we have a winner. The most active participant with the most stars. Let's count!

(Music turns on, everyone applauds.)

Host (announces the winner): You get a certificate to visit a real Russian bath! (The music turns on, the presenter addresses all the men). And the rest of the participants are not upset, because gifts have been prepared for you too!

(All participants who have stars receive memorable prizes as a gift, for example, a comic diploma with the inscription “The main thing is not victory, but confirmation that you are a real sailor!”)

Leading: Dear men! Today you showed your strength, skill, quick wits, but for what? After all, no matter how strong men are, their main incentive is to win the attention of a woman. In fact, today there are no winners and losers among you! I was approached by the female half of our team with a request to convey that you no longer need anything, because for your colleagues, you are the strongest, the bravest, the best!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to congratulate men, to present them beautiful gifts and arrange for fun event. A corporate event on February 23 will allow you not only to have a good time, but also to get to know your colleagues better.

In an informal setting, everyone will be able to express themselves and open up. Joint leisure will help to unite the team and take a break from everyday work. Of course, organizing a worthy celebration is not easy, but knowing a few good scenarios and ideas, you will definitely cope with the task. Efforts will be rewarded with grateful smiles of colleagues and good mood.

military registration and enlistment office

Organize an impromptu recruiting office in the office, divide the room into various points (assign the role of certain doctors to women), and then hand the summons to the men.

Next: at each point, men must pass certain tests in order to prove their suitability for military service. For example, at the appointment of an otolaryngologist, you should definitely check the patient's hearing, sense of smell and vocal cords.

To get started, arrange a contest called "Guess the Melody", where colleagues will have to find out those offered for listening. Then you should go to the test of smell: blindfold the contestants and bring various products to the nose. Whoever gives the most correct answers is the winner. The last task is to perform a thematic composition. After such a thorough inspection, your colleagues will be ready for any challenge.

If you do not have enough time at your disposal to organize a large-scale event, employees. You need to find photos of men and then use Photoshop to insert their images into some military photo. So you can depict them on the battlefield or arrange a demobilization album. place it on the wall in the office to cheer up employees every day.


If men in your team lead healthy lifestyle life and love outdoor activities, then the scenario of a corporate party for February 23 in the style of a sports competition will come in handy more than ever.

To get started, take care of the design of the room: hang motivating posters on the walls, photos of colleagues in the role of football players, hockey players, swimmers and other athletes. In the office, make several areas for games and arrange a championship in arm wrestling, push-ups from the floor, darts, squats and push-ups of the kettlebell. Medals and consolation prizes should be prepared to reward the winners and cheer those who fought well but did not win.


Everyone is pleased to know that he is appreciated and considered the best in any field. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great opportunity to reward men and give them an honorary title for services to the company. For all employees, prepare individual cups, orders and come up with nominations. If the script for February 23 for a corporate party is made in an informal style, then the titles should be cool so that they reflect the individual characteristics of your colleagues as accurately as possible.

For all employees, prepare individual cups, orders and come up with nominations. If the script for February 23 for a corporate party is made in an informal style, then the titles should be cool so that they reflect the individual characteristics of your colleagues as accurately as possible.

A few unusual nominations, among which you may find suitable for your men:

  • "For gentle handling of the computer during slow loading";
  • "For courageous confrontation with angry clients";
  • "For a non-standard approach to a printer with jammed paper";
  • "Record holder for drunk cups of coffee per working day";
  • "Best office football commentator."

On a note! These simple options will help to amuse men and bring a festive atmosphere to the working environment.


The corporate script for February 23 for colleagues should contain a lot of interesting competitions and games. They will not let you get bored at the festive table, help to rally the team and teach employees to work in a team.

exemplary soldiers

The army has rather strict rules, so the fighters must be able to quickly and unquestioningly follow orders. Invite employees to transform into privates and experience all the difficulties of army life.

You will need several sets of soldier's uniforms, things from the women's toilet (to confuse the men), as well as volunteers. At the command of the leading man, they must quickly find the necessary wardrobe items and put them on. You can complicate the task as follows: on command, the leader lights a small candle, and colleagues try to have time to get dressed until it burns out. Don't forget to give the prize to the most extravagant and fit for service contestant.


Corporate on February 23, as a rule, organizes the female part of the team, which, of course, also deserves attention. Representatives of the stronger sex should not only be able to protect women, but also to please. The competition consists in the fact that men take turns complimenting the ladies, and they choose the most skillful speaker. He can be awarded the "Ladies' Man" medal of honor.

Shoulder straps

Find and print out images of military shoulder straps in advance, write the corresponding ranks on small pieces of paper. Call a few volunteers who, in the allotted time, will have to establish a match. If you want to complicate the task, then tell your colleagues to sort out all the ranks by seniority. Such a competition will test the speed of reaction, ingenuity and memory of employees. Award the Order of the Erudite General to the fastest competitor and reward with exclusive epaulettes.


Divide the team into 2 teams and blindfold all participants. The words of the host at the corporate party in honor of February 23 at this moment will be about how much the fighters remember drill. The order to build must sound. The host announces to the contestants various geometric figures, and their task: without opening their eyes, line up accordingly. Participants are allowed to touch and talk to each other. Naturally, the winning team should be awarded an unusual prize and commendable letters.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day is approaching, and you want to put on funny skits for your male colleagues? Such a performance will help to amuse the guests and will be remembered for a long time by your colleagues.

Only the fair sex can participate in productions, or several men can be invited to the stage. Since the miniatures are small, it will not be difficult for them to learn their roles.

Short funny scenes for February 23 at work

Three girls participate in the first scene on February 23 for colleagues. They can be dressed in ordinary clothes or long sundresses with kokoshniks on their heads.

- Three maidens by the window
Dreaming in the evening...

1st girl:
- Hurry to get married
Tired of the girls right already!
2nd girl:
- Just for anyone
I wouldn't go out!
3rd girl:
- There are no good men
This is now a rarity!
I'd go for a businessman
Like a stone wall!
Mom would love a son-in-law
But where can you get this?

1st girl:
- That would be to marry the military -
Strong, extraordinary!
I would be happy
With a guy strong as a rock.
2nd girl:
- Well, I'm sure
I'd marry a sailor!
And while he was swimming in the sea,
I would live without knowing grief!
3rd girl:
- We were dreaming, girls ...
All the guys were crushed.
They would lie on the couch,
Have fun on the Internet!

Then, in this scene-congratulations on February 23 for men at work, he takes the floor leading:
Oh, those young people...
All of you are unbearable to marry!
Let me get into the conversation.
I know where the guys are!
Not one, not two, not three...
Girls (in chorus):
– Where is it?! Speak!

presenter(points to the men sitting in the hall):
- Look here:
Here guys anywhere!
Not the military, so what?
Each stately and good!
One per sister...

1st girl(approaches one of the men):
- Chur, I'll take it!
2nd girl(fits another):
- I like this one!
3rd girl(runs to third)
This one smiled at me!
Girls in chorus:
All the guys are good
Just a feast for the soul!

- Girls, you are right - today we really celebrate the holiday, and this is the holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, courageous and self-confident, our knights and defenders. Let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts on Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

A funny sketch on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland will be completed by the performance of a song-alteration to the motive of the song “A soldier has a day off”:

Our dear men
Happy holiday again
We are February this afternoon
Happy to congratulate!
And with a pins and needles on you
Dear suit!
And at least look at the shoes,
And expensive perfume
And expensive perfume!

We confess from the bottom of our hearts
What we admire about you!
We are under your protection
Life is so easy!
We wish you prosperity
Good luck in your endeavors
And up the career ladder
Rise high!

Sketches for congratulating men at work from February 23

In the next short funny scene for colleagues on February 23, the military commissar, his deputy and several girls participate.

A military commissar appears on the stage:
- What a life ... Conscripts are getting smaller every year, and they are somehow frail. It's time to recruit women into the army.

A deputy runs up to him with a piece of paper in his hands:
- Comrade Commissar! Your dream has come true! The relevant decree has been issued, so you will have to recruit girls into the army. And here they are!

Brightly made-up glamorous girls in short dresses and high-heeled shoes appear.

One of the participants in this miniature congratulations to men states:
- Well, finally, we were equalized in rights with the guys! And then they have a lot of privileges compared to us.

- What are these?
- Well, for example, you can walk in clothes and shoes until they break, and not until the release of a new collection.

The other girls continue:
- For them, the stomach is not a reason for worries, but a sign of masculinity!
And you don't have to worry about a manicure. It is done completely free of charge, and with teeth.
- And to bring the nerves back to normal, you do not need to visit a psychotherapist. It is enough to drink 200 grams of vodka or sort out the carburetor.

The military commissar walks around the uneven formation, carefully examining the girls, and scratches his head, then says:
So what else are we complaining about?

The girls answer:
“And guys don’t need to give birth!” You can appear in the maternity hospital for only one hour, and even then with beer.
“And you don’t have to stand at the stove for hours to cook dinner. It is enough to open a tin can, get bread - and you're done.

- Well, we talked and that's enough. Equal, girls! Attention! Before you are drafted into the army, you need to see if you are suitable for it.

In this short funny production for February 23 for male colleagues, ladies will have to pass the appropriate exams.

The military commissar hands one of the girls an elegant handbag.
- Come on, let's see how you do push-ups.

She begins to raise her purse at the expense of the commander: "One, two, three, ...".

- Fine! Fighter fit!
He approaches another girl.
- And you have another task - shooting eyes. Attention! Object on the left! Object on the right! Left! On right!

The girl "shoots her eyes" at the audience.

- Excellent result! And this fighter is fit! And now I will check how you know the bylaws.

All the girls take out fashion magazines and read them.

- Great fighters! Everyone is ready to serve! And now they are in line. Sing the song!

Participants funny scene on February 23, they perform for male colleagues a song-alteration to the motive of the song “If there was no winter”:

If there were no men
Women would be bored!
Twenty third of February
Hardly would have noted!
Nails, lips and eyes
They hardly painted.
If there were no men
If, if, if, if!

If there were no men
Dear girlfriends,
Who would then his noodles
Hanging on our ears?
For whom would I be
Feminine and weak?
If there were no men
If, if, if, if!

If there were no men
Where to get problems?
About whom would we then
Did you sing from this stage?
About whom every day
Would you think then?
If there were no men...
There would only be women.

This scenario is suitable for the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, when relatives and friends gather. Children may also attend.

The room can be decorated balloons green ("protective") color or white, blue and red (in the colors of the flag); paper planes and stars.

For treats, favorite dishes of all the men present are prepared. You can come up with an original menu (let the children draw it up on a piece of paper), in which the dishes will be called in a military way, for example, naval pasta, Soldier's Dream cutlets, General's Visit salad, Brave Captain seafood, etc. e. The highlight of the dinner will be a cake in the form of a five-pointed star..

presenter raises the first toast: Today is a big holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! On this day, it is customary to congratulate all the military, everyone who has served in the army, and everyone who has yet to do so. But even those of the men who have never worn and are not going to wear military uniform, today, too, full-fledged heroes of the occasion!

Our dear men, you fight daily for the well-being of your families. Therefore, each of us can say about his beloved half, as well as about his dad and grandfather: my dear defender!

Women give gifts to men, children also prepare gifts for dads and grandfathers in advance.

presenter: Tonight will not be quite ordinary ... How do the festive events usually go? First there is a solemn part, and then a banquet, a buffet table and so on. But we decided to deviate from tradition and invented own kind holiday - banquet-concert! What does it mean? This means we will be eating and having fun at the same time!

Our dear defenders, of course, have already relaxed and are looking forward to the pleasure... But a surprise awaits them! They themselves will become the main participants of the impromptu concert! Yes, yes, men, because the heroes of the evening are you! But the first number in our program is still from women ... We have prepared a song about you!

The song "Dedicated to Men" (to the motive of the "March of high-altitude fitters" from the movie "Height").

You are not stokers, not carpenters,

Not oligarchs, not singers,

You are very valuable workers, yes,

Husbands and the best fathers!

Behind you, the house is stronger than the fortress,

And we seem to be behind a wall,

Forgive us attempts of jealousy, yes,

We are your heart and soul!

There is nothing for us to worry about,

When there are men around!

Today you are the heroes of the evening, yes,

Poems and songs in your honor!

Do not deny us the favor

And invite me to dance

And then without you, without your tenderness, yes,

We will cry and suffer!

Women invite men to dance.

Then a toast is raised: A long time ago, man and woman were one being, with two pairs of arms, legs, and two heads. These creatures lived on earth for themselves, lived until one day they greatly angered the gods. And they decided to separate them as a punishment. Separated and relaxed. Time has passed... The gods look at the earth: halves together again! The gods got angry and separated them for the second time - they sent them jealousy and scandals. More time has passed. The gods looked at the earth and were amazed: not only were the halves together again, but small creatures were also running next to them!

Presenter: Men, our dear men... Today we are talking only about them. They are our support, the stronger sex, and these are not just words. What qualities should a real man have? I think you know this very well! First, he must be fearless... There is a proposal to test our defenders for fearlessness!

Game "Pass the checkpoint"

The game is simple: each of the men must crawl under the table on opposite side. The one who, according to the general opinion, will do it more dexterously or more original than everyone else (taking into account age) receives a small prize.

Presenter: You will not refuse courage and dexterity to our men! We argue further. Secondly, a real man, of course, is not devoid of creative abilities! After all, they help him find a non-standard way out of difficult situation... It would be necessary to check the presence of a creative streak among the heroes of the occasion! Just the next number of the concert program announced the performance of the ensemble. It will be the song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army!

Ensemble of the Soviet Army

All men participate.

Their task: to sing a military song (which everyone knows, for example, "Katyusha" or "Smuglyanka", etc.). It is possible under karaoke, it is possible without it. Men are asked to voluntarily divide into those who will sing and those who are in the “backup dancers”, or they are appointed.

After the song, the presenter thanks the participants and proposes a toast to them - talented and resourceful.

Presenter: Our defenders performed just fine! But friends, that's not all. We have not named even half of the qualities inherent in real men. And the next point, it seems to me, is this: a real man should always tell the truth and only the truth! He simply needs this quality to confuse all opponents and opponents ... And only today we had the opportunity to test men on a lie detector. Who knows, maybe they are hiding something serious from us?

Lie detector test

The presenter asks questions to each of the men in turn, to which they must answer quickly and without hesitation (the presenter warns: only the truth!), But instead of “yes”, you should say “That's right”, and instead of “no” - “No way!” .

1. Would you like to fly into space?

2. How often do you give girls flowers?

3. Your dream is Claudia Schiffer?

4. How long have you been doing plumbing repairs in the house?

5. Do you have serious feelings for your wife?

6. Are you annoyed by your superiors?

7. Do you doubt your sense of humor?

8. Do you know what your wife is thinking?

9. Are you satisfied with your appearance?

10. Did you have a funny nickname as a child?

11. Are you scary when angry?

12. Are you afraid to look funny?

13. Is it easy to negotiate with you?

14. Can you dance tango?

15. Women confessed their love to you first?

16. Do you know how to drive a locomotive?

17. Do you like your wife's hairstyle?

18. Is a vacation in the countryside healthier than a vacation in the Caribbean?

19. Do you fly in your sleep?

20. Are you attracted to mulattos?

After the interview, the presenter asks the women if their husbands were truthful enough and what they lied about. The toast is raised.

The presenter says that throughout the holiday there is also a competition for the most accurate "eater", because a real man should be able to eat well and beautifully.

presenter: Let's continue our conversation about men... What do we need men for? Maybe we could do without them? I counted and counted and counted at least twenty-three points why we need men! Just in honor of February 23!

twenty three reasons

(joking poem)

Why do we have men?

I know twenty-three reasons:

To paint and saw,

Entertain and amuse

Bring finance to the family

Sing romances under the windows,

Compliments to say

Cook dinner a couple of times

Throw out the garbage once,

Raise sons and daughters

Plant onions in the garden

There is, tirelessly,

Plastering, building, gluing,

Dispel all doubts

Snuggle up and hug

Accept apologies!

What else is a man for?

Take the car in for repair

Buy a beaver coat

To nail the shelf tightly ...

Well, the main reason

What are men for?

We are without memory to love!

The host asks each of the women to add their reason to this peculiar list.

After that, a toast sounds: let's drink to skillful hands and inquisitive minds of our dear men!

Presenter: How else do real men differ from fake ones? Well, of course, there weren’t and aren’t real ones here! .. A real man must have a sense of humor! It allows you to look at some of life's troubles with a smile ... And I invite men to show us their sparkling humor by taking part in the military jokes competition!

joke competition

Men can tell not only jokes, but also stories, funny stories from the army years. The winner of the competition is awarded a prize - a humorous book or magazine.

Presenter: Our men are the most cheerful and witty, no one doubted this! But a real man, besides this, must also be clean. For example, he never scatters socks and beer bottles, but carefully puts it all under the sofa ... And if suddenly he has to rush into battle tomorrow, he will easily do what any soldier should be able to do! This is exactly what we will now check, especially since everyone has sat up a bit.

Competition "Footcloths"

In this competition, men compete in the ability to wind footcloths, which will require toilet paper (one roll for each participant). The game is accompanied by cheerful music. The fastest but the most accurate wins.

Game "Minefield"

The task is as follows: while the song is playing, women must move around the hall, in no case touching the floor, for which men carry them in their arms.

Presenter: And now you won't believe it - we'll play spin the bottle! But no, it will not be the “bottle” that you thought about. And we will play in the truest sense of the word. We already have enough empty bottles, let's collect them. Get a real military band! Now we will see who will play better - a female musical group or a male one!

A bottle-playing contest is held between women and men. You can not only play, but also sing.

presenter: We can list many more features that true men are endowed with, but we would not forget about the most important thing. Of course, a real man is a knight of his beautiful lady! He would give everything for her, including his life. Have our gentlemen lost their knightly qualities? Are they still capable of showing tender feelings?

Anonymous confession game

The task is this: men must write on pieces of paper a declaration of love for their soul mates (or for daughters, mothers) in one or two sentences, without indicating names. The presenter collects them in a cap or hat and mixes them. Then he takes out one at a time and reads it. The one to whom the confession is addressed must guess that the words were written to her.

For confessions, men are bestowed with kisses.

Presenter: Well, friends, on this romantic note, the planned part of the program of our banke-ta-concert is coming to an end. We are waiting for another awards ceremony, and then - a complete improvisation!

It seems to me that we should thank our incomparable defenders for their patience, because they got it from us today. And also for the fact that we just have them ... Maybe they have a desire to utter a response?

Men offer a return toast to the ladies.

presenter: And now - the awards ceremony for the defenders, so to speak, at the end of the evening!


For rewarding, the presenter prepared paper medals, which are awarded to men. The titles awarded to men are written on the medals: “the most courageous defender”, “the most witty defender”, “the most charming defender”, “the most romantic defender”, “the most ingenious defender”, “the most patient defender”, “the youngest defender” ( to kid).

You can also add funny titles, for example, “the most mustachioed defender”, “the most bald defender”, “the most glamorous defender”, etc. Women decide who gets which medal. Nothing if someone gets more than one.

The evening continues with dancing.

Games for dancing

"Tenderness". Dancing couples must hold with their foreheads balloon. You can't drop it. Dropped get "penalty" glasses.

"One head is good..." . This is a variant of the game described above, when the dancing couples are given a cap (one for two) and they need to put it on and keep it on their heads.

"epaulettes" . Paper “epaulettes” are placed on the men’s shoulders (you can use napkins). The task is the same: during the dance do not drop them.

"General". A “general” is selected from the guests by lot (it can also be a woman). During the evening, the rest should, turning to him (her), salute. The one who forgot fulfills any desire that the guests come up with for him.

"First second". The “General” commands all guests to pay off “for the first or second” (in no particular order). Then he announces that the first numbers should invite the second to a romantic dance, and it doesn’t matter what gender they are.

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