The corporate scenario for March 8 is carried out by men. The scenario of the corporate party "March 8 in the fairy-tale kingdom" in verse, competitions and musical accompaniment to them

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The corporate party on March 8 traditionally includes a banquet with toasts, contests and fun dramatizations. There may be a guest host at the celebration, but it’s easy to organize a holiday on your own.

We have selected several scenarios for a corporate party on March 8 to make the evening fun and memorable.

The corporate party begins with congratulations at the festive table.


“We all know that the most fickle and changeable thing on Earth is not the weather, but the mood of women. I wish you that your mood changes from upbeat to good, from good to joyful, from joyful to cheerful, and from cheerful to happy. And no other changes! Since March 8!

After the banquet, it is proposed to play a fairy tale. Participants receive cards with phrases.


The text of the impromptu fairy tale is read by the presenter, the rest beat what they heard and pronounce their phrase every time their character is mentioned in the text.

Actors and lines:

  • Mirror: "We've seen better!"
  • Mary: "I want to marry!"
  • Joe: "They won't catch us!"
  • Horse: "Get me drunk!"
  • Cat Murka: "I'm on my own!"
  • Dog Mongrel: "Well, woof, and what!"

Morning. In a small cozy saloon, the lonely mistress Mary sits and, out of boredom, continuously looks into the Mirror. Cat Murka gently rubs against her legs, then sits down on Mary's knees and also looks into the Mirror. At the entrance to the saloon, the Dog is basking in the sun.

And somewhere on the prairies, the elusive Cowboy Joe rides on his faithful Horse. And suddenly Joe abruptly stops his faithful Horse, because he remembers that today is a men's holiday, and it would be nice to look at the beauty of Mary, skip a couple of glasses. The cowboy abruptly turns the horse around and gallops to Mary. Mary continues to look into the Mirror and sigh.

Joe drives up, gets off the Horse, gives him a drink, and then Dog Mongrel notices him, Joe scratches him behind the ear, Dog pretends to be glad. Joe comes up to Mary, looks into the Mirror, pets Murka the Cat and hints to Mary that it would be nice to have a drink. Then the Horse beat with his hoof and neighed, apparently he also wanted to drink, from this the Dog moved his ears slightly, and the Cat wagged her tail. And Mary again looked into the Mirror, sighed, stroked the Cat, threatened the Dog, waved her hand to the Horse, and finally poured Joe.

Joe drank, flushed, looked in the Mirror, then at Mary, who nervously stroked the Cat, looking back at the Dog and the Horse. Then she began to preen herself in front of the Mirror, Joe had another drink, then another and ... disagreed with the Mirror about Mary. And Joe decided that a holiday is a holiday, and it is better to spend it in cheerful company Mary, faithful Horse, Cat and Dog, than galloping like a fool across the prairies.

Holding March 8 in the women's team

When planning a scenario for March 8 in a women's team, you will need to build a program that would include funny contests that will make the celebration interesting. In this case, no one will be bored.

For the event, you can choose a cafe suitable for the number of participants. The holiday is hosted. The peculiarity of the celebration in the women's team is in the presence of only ladies, which should be taken into account when planning a festive program.

Presenter: Dear women, I invite you to celebrate our holiday! Today we will have a bachelorette party, dedicated to the holiday spring and beauty. At the very beginning, the floor is given to the head of our company.

Presenter: It is very important for us women to always be beautiful. Let's check which of us is the best at doing makeup.

For the next competition, it is necessary to prepare posters on which a woman's face will be drawn. You also need to prepare cosmetics - mascara, blush, lipstick and so on. The task is to make up the face with the help of cosmetics. The competition is held under cheerful music. The winner is determined by the volume of applause. She is awarded a prize - a set of cosmetics.

Presenter: There are many friends in our team. As proof of your friendship, you must sing a song about true female friendship.

After that, the scenario on March 8 in the women's team involves the performance of a song about female friendship. To do this, you must first prepare a musical composition. The song is sung by all employees.

Presenter: Despite the fact that our team is female, on this day we cannot remember about men. For this, a fun competition is offered.

After that, the scenario on March 8 in the women's team includes holiday program competition for which one of the women is invited. The task is to show one of the male professions. This must be done without words, that is, only with gestures. The name of the professions to the participant who will show the words is said by the presenter. The woman who guesses the word will show next.

As an example of professions that will be shown, you can offer such options as a mechanic, driver, tractor driver, plumber and many other options.

Presenter: Now let's remember about classes that are purely female. For this, an excellent option is offered - an interesting game.

Then the game is played. One of the women names a word, for example, "Washing", then the person sitting next to her should name another women's activity. In this case, the condition is to name a word that must begin with the letter with which the previous one ended, that is, in this case this is the letter "A". You can call funny options.

Presenter: I propose to drink for such a festive day and congratulate the ladies on their holiday.

Presenter: What's a party without dancing? Everyone is invited to the dance floor.

Cheerful and dance music sounds and all the guests go to dance.

Presenter: Each of us wants to be in childhood again at least for a moment. Today we will have such an opportunity - this is a competition that will provide an opportunity to feel the sweet taste of childhood again.

In order to hold the next competition, it is necessary to prepare children's sets in the form of constructors.

The task is to assemble the constructor in the allotted time, while the music is playing. The one who copes with the task becomes the winner.

Presenter: Now it's time to test the culinary and tasting skills that are so important for every woman.

Several women participate in this competition. It is necessary to prepare dishes that should not be on festive table previously. Participants are blindfolded. Their task is to guess which ingredients are included in the dish that will be tasted. The person with the most correct answer will be the winner.

The celebration is completed with a sweet table. To do this, it will be good to prepare a birthday cake that can be decorated accordingly.

Scenario with contests

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts to women and congratulations. It is desirable that the congratulations are not too long and official. It is better to perform in poetic or song form. Be sure to mention each woman in your congratulations, compliment her and say a few special words. Also on this holiday you can not do without the presentation of flowers.


Depending on the number of participants and the premises in which the celebration takes place, the nature of the banquet may vary. Guests can be seated at one large table or small tables. Participants can take their places immediately upon arrival at the celebration or after the official congratulations.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is desirable that on this day the participants be spared both the preparation of refreshments and the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Contest-test "Real women"

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a competition of real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men dressed as women take part in it. At the same time, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, an apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.

After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough), claiming that they are women, several participants are selected and various competitions are held between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing up a man as a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger

The leader sets any women's theme(for example, "flowers", "cosmetic companies", "items of clothing", "jewelry"). The task of the participants is to name in random order the words related to this topic. The participant who gives the last word receives a prize point.

Non-standard situations

The facilitator offers each participant difficult situation from which she must find an original way out. The participants who gave the most interesting answers receive a prize point.

Situation examples:

You have been preparing for the party for a long time, bought a specially elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the outfit of the hostess of the house turned out to be like two drops of water similar to yours. What to do?

You are waiting for the arrival of your husband's parents. To impress, you decide to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you - you oversalt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You do not have time to fix anything, because the guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, you dyed your hair in green color. Goodbye is one hour away. What to do?

You came to a business buffet in a knitted dress. You are talking to a very important partner and you suddenly notice that one of the guests has caught the button of your jacket on the thread of your dress, and the farther he goes, the more your dress unravels. The important conversation is not over yet. What to do?

The contestant with the most points wins a prize. At the same time, it is desirable to expose disguised men and force them to perform a penalty task (sing a song, dance, etc.).

Competition of unusual sculptures

This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must fashion a female figure with the help of adhesive tape. It is desirable that for this competition men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can also be offered to mold a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated, in addition, it is necessary to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. Fun to use balloons various sizes and forms.

It doesn’t matter what size the team is, whether there are men in it or whether it consists only of the beautiful half of humanity - a cheerful corporate party on March 8 will help good mood and involvement of all employees in the holiday.

Video with ideas on how to congratulate women in a team on March 8


Scenario March 8 for a small team (from 10 to 40 people).
This scenario is mainly for those who sit at the table for the whole holiday with small 1, 2 or 3 breaks for dancing. It is necessary to purchase several inexpensive souvenirs for competitions

Our dear WOMEN!
Today you have the most favorable and happiest day for you according to the "male" horoscope, i.e.:
March 8 - a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers!!!
What is the holiday of congratulations? And our respected leader expressed his desire to present the first congratulations to our dear women ... He has the first word.

Although the blizzards have not swept away yet,
But after another drink,
Our souls are warm
And happy hearts.
Let the winter be full of excitement
Spring has come to us today!
Today is the 8th of March
And we wish you happiness!
The third toast "For Love!" No wonder people say - "LOVE is a toothache in the heart!" And now the head of the transport department will share with us this love, or his pain, ...!

Dear ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!
However, it's time to get down to business.
It's time to give gifts!
As our most weighty argument!
We have already presented some of the gifts to you today, but the rest you need to earn by participating in some contests. In other words, we need to recoup for February 23!

So the first competition, not even a competition, but summing up the results of our survey conducted before the holiday itself.

To do this, you need to write the following 5 questions on a piece of paper and give them to the women so that they answer the questions asked and summarize the preliminary results. You can change the questions as you wish or add your own options.

Our dear women were asked to answer the following questions:
1. You came home, and on your bed is sleeping unknown man. Your actions (out of all the respondents, all but one said to lie down nearby, and only one decided to put him out the door, so guys, shake your mustache whoever has it)
2. You come to work, and another worker is sitting in your place. Your actions
(There are many options in this direction, but they can be grouped into approximately three groups - 1. they want to get to know each other, 2. they will be surprised, but they will sit next to each other, 3. they will ask to work for themselves, but for free)
3. You were invited to a restaurant, you had dinner and suddenly your companion disappears without paying. Your actions
(50% expressed a desire to change partners, 30% also decided to run away, and the rest to take measures to pay for dinner, but in different ways)
4. You bought hair dye, dyed your hair, but it turned out that it was green, but you don’t have time to repaint before the reception. Your actions.
(here the women wished to remain in the same socks or stockings, some only in shoes, in underwear, in the same wig, but there were also modest ones - they wished to remain in dresses, but all these items of clothing must necessarily match the color of their hair. Moreover, one of of women would dare to go with one toothless smile, and only two decided to go in what they eat and how they are, at the moment)
5. You have an important report tomorrow, and your neighbors have a big party that keeps you awake anyway. Your actions
(Some of the women remained indifferent and gathered to watch TV, but at the same time turn up the sound of the TV louder, 40% of women decided to take more radical measures - to score an arrow on their neighbors and debrief, moreover, one of these 40% decided on a “wet business”, and only two women don’t care about a neighbor’s party - they decided to just relax)
6. You came to work and you were told about a 10-fold increase in salary. Your actions
(almost all women will be happy about what happened, and one will faint with joy, two women will not believe the salary and think that April 1 has come, three decided to get drunk with joy, but only one decided to get her colleagues drunk, and two decided to get drunk alone, and only one of all said that she would work even better than before, in order to apparently earn even more), So ... think about whether women should raise their salaries, maybe they can give it to men who, on the contrary, are ready to work even better as one !

The generalized results of the survey are as follows: Our women have a sense of humor, although before the survey, some men thought the opposite. Our women are resourceful - they have their own argument for any situation and a way out of the current situation. Our women have not stopped loving us men - at least in our thoughts! And that's good! Our women have a large margin of safety - the conclusion is that the leadership of the department needs to load them more extra work.

Therefore, a toast is proposed to our daring, resourceful, hardworking, abundant and of course dear women!

Ladies and gentlemen! We are all to women, but we are addressing women. And let's turn to our men: "Dear men, tell me which of you is dissatisfied with the small salary that you receive now?" And I thought everyone was happy. I suggest that those who are dissatisfied give their salary to our colleagues - women, and work for free themselves. It always turns out how to share - so everything is in the bushes, not a single one was found! Therefore, we smoothly move on to another competition:

theater competition: Jury all men
4-6 women are invited and are invited to portray the following:
1. portray a feminist
2. portray a man-hater
3. portray a prostitute
4. portray a woman - an official

A prize for the winner and a consolation prize for the rest

The word for congratulations is...

It all starts with a woman! Fun, laughter, duels, disappointments, Love, care, warmth and pain and much more, all this is because of you and for you, our dear ones! At whatever age you are, you will always remain the better half of humanity.

We propose to hold a culinary competition, for this I will now call each letter from the alphabet, and you dear women you will have to name the dishes, within one minute, which of you will name the most, that one won!
Let's start clockwise from me and alphabetically, skipping vowels, and for those who don't have enough consonants, we'll give a vowel. Started:
B, C, D, D, F, Z, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, F, X, C, H, W, W,

Prize winner.

We expressed a desire to congratulate the winner personally ..., and along with all the other women.

Dear men, the time has finally come for you. You are invited to apply Special attention on their neighbors. Our Ladies want to see filled glasses, your happy faces and ears hanging on the carnation of attention. While the glasses are being filled, I propose to hold another competition called

BUTT (or any other word or words "I WANT A MAN")
All women alternately say the word "Butt" or "I want a man!" with increasing volume, i.e. the first speaks in a whisper, the second a little louder, the third even louder, and so on. in a circle clockwise from me, the leader. The one who speaks the loudest wins, i.e. after it, no one will dare to say (shout) yell louder. If during the game someone enters the room where it is held, you should say: "Hi, we called you."

The winner is a prize, and the rest wishes to congratulate ...

Dear women, now we want to determine which of you is the most dexterous, 4-6 people are invited

Competition "Tear a piece of paper"

With one hand, right or left, it doesn’t matter - to tear a piece of paper into small pieces, while the hand is stretched forward, you can’t help with your free hand. Who will do the job less.
And so they began. The most dexterous prize, We have not yet congratulated ...


The prize is taken, wrapped in paper. The content of any riddle is glued onto the wrapper. Turns around again. And the riddle is stuck again. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The host gives a prize wrapped in ten wrappers into the hands of one. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says a riddle, if not, he reads the riddle aloud, whoever guessed it, gets the right to further expand the prize and everything continues according to the same scheme. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

For the game you need sheets of paper and pencils according to the number of those present. Each guest is given this set of a young artist and a card with the concept - the funnier, the more interesting. For example: adultery; hellish tension; senility; second youth. In five minutes, players must draw their concept without using words or letters. Then each artist presents his masterpiece, and the rest guess the concept. The one whose concept was guessed wins.

Maternity hospital (a woman is given a note with the parameters of the child - weight, gender, height, and even a name)
Two people are playing. One is a wife who has just given birth, and the other is her faithful husband. The husband's task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife's task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, because. the thick double-glazed windows of the hospital ward keep out sound. See what gestures the wife will make! The main thing is unexpected and varied questions.

This game will help to get to know all your guests. Guests sitting at the table pass a roll of toilet paper in a circle. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wants, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.

Two volunteers are called, preferably guys who are well acquainted with each other. The rest stand around and pretend to be a support group. Players sit on both sides of a small table, a candle is placed in front of each, a lighter (or matches) and an apple are given in their hands. The task is simple - who will eat their apple faster. But you can only eat an apple when your candle is burning. And the opponent can blow out the candle and then the player, before biting the apple again, will have to light it again.

The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the "wild beach", where dances are announced. The dancers are given records (one for men, three for women) - "so that intimate places do not excite vacationers on the beach." Music sounds, dancing begins. During the dance, players need not to lose a single record, and for this they have to dance closely clinging to each other

Flowers, gifts and kind words are definitely nice, but expected. V holidays I want bright fresh emotions and a complete distraction from everyday life. Successfully planning a corporate party on March 8 in a mixed team is not easy. But there are so many opportunities to implement the ideas of the organizer, and how pleasant it is to watch the company having fun!


Decide where your corporate event will take place - at work or in a restaurant. Celebrating March 8 at work in a close team, if there is a suitable room, is very fun! You can stay up late, include noisy contests, ditties, chants in the script, because you will not bother anyone.

If it is decided to meet on March 8 in a restaurant, the corporate party scenario should be worked out taking into account the time allotted for the event, free space, and the rules of the establishment. Before renting tables, find out if you can bring your own decor. In order for guests to plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday in advance, give an invitation to a corporate party in honor of March 8 to all colleagues.

You can make an original invitation with your own hands by decorating a blank card with lush corrugated buds, a company logo, a fluffy number 8 made of paper petals.

To immerse yourself in a joyful spring atmosphere, decorate the room:

  • balloons under the ceiling with buds tied to the tails of ribbons;
  • garlands of flowers made of paper, serpentine of delicate spring shades;
  • huge paper pompoms, circular fans with funny pictures or photos of employees in the center;

  • daffodils, tulips, mimosa on the tables;
  • congratulatory banner at the entrance / above the stage;
  • photo zone on the background of a thematic poster/press-ox with the company logo.

embody complex design ideas it’s hardly worth it for March 8 - the main thing is that the corporate party takes place in a “smart” atmosphere, and not in a boring faceless room. The music will emphasize the theme of the holiday (songs about spring, women, congratulatory songs), but the usual dance music for March 8 should also be on the track list, otherwise the atmosphere will turn out to be too “vanilla”.

Entertainment, script

We offer a universal scenario for a corporate party on March 8 in a mixed team - contests, games, congratulations, a playful quiz. Entertainment for both women and men, including pair competitions (they can be replaced by any other at the discretion of the organizer).

Two presenters are supposed - a woman (VZH) and a man (VM), but this is not critical, the texts are easy to correct. Leading in the image of a capricious demanding young lady: “Hey, why are we sitting? Come on, they quickly invited the ladies to dance, otherwise I’m not responsible for myself today! - and top leg.

opening scene

The holiday opens with a funny scene and a short reworking song, girls perform. At this point, the guests are seated at the table leading. The first two typical “blondes” to appear on the stage are brightly made up, in very short dresses, dazzling the audience with rhinestones and jewelry.

Since these are not home gatherings, but a corporate party, choose funny scenes on March 8, taking into account the morals and personal qualities of the guests. It is important that the humor is kind, not insulting and sarcastic.

First and second blondes (1b and 2b):

1b: Darling, what did you give to your 23rd?

2b: The socks are warm and the shorts are comfortable for the house. Cool ones with hearts. And you?

1b: And I’m a machine and foam, he just ran out ... Girlfriend, come on, next year you will give a razor, and I’m underpants?

2b: Come on, the year before they did the same - it turned out fine, original. And what did you ask yours for on March 8? I want an iPhone. Well, or at least the fifth Chanel.

1b: And I say, buy me a fur coat, almost three years old - I will disgrace myself in rags. And he, think, answers me - why do you need a fur coat for spring? Oh, what a man went!
2b: Yes, you won’t expect normal gifts from these goats ...

Completely different girls appear on the stage - modestly dressed, soft makeup, with handkerchiefs thrown over their shoulders, with braided hair. The dream of a future family man! There can be as many as you like, but at least two.

Girl: Hello girls! We accidentally overheard your conversation here, and here's what I want to tell you ...

One of the blondes: Accidentally? Aha! And what kind of girls are we to you? You are unfinished choruses, and we are real women! Yes, Mash? (the second one hums).

Dev1: Yes Yes. Real ones ... About like that fur coat, whose father is a mink, mother is a beaver.

Blonde: You understand a lot! It's ex-key-ziv! Yes, although how do you, rednecks, know such words (both leave the stage with their heads held high, gait from the hip, comically staggering on high heels).

Dev1: It is because of such persons that they then say that all women are fools. And how to explain to them that it’s not in minks and iPhones woman's happiness?

Dev2: Yes, well, their forest-field! The mood today is wonderful, it smells like spring. Let's sleep better, shall we?

Today is a holiday for girls -
Give gifts in the morning
And the girls' cheeks are on fire
All day bright blush.
The girls are sitting, things are aside
Bouquets in the hands of teasing
After all, today is the whole evening for the girls
Compliments come from the guys.
Men are full of pride
Caring, kind.
After all, our girls are slim,
Beautiful and wonderful.
The girls are dancing, the husbands are on the sidelines
Glasses and glasses clink
On the main evening of spring March
We expect only the best from the guys!

VZh: Dear men, you have the floor. Open the champagne, we have already prepared ears for toasting about the beautiful half of our team!

Instead of this touching remake song for March 8, you can choose a different theme if the corporate party involves a more cheeky atmosphere.

Using or a similar program, it's easy to change the tempo of the music so that the melody fits perfectly with your words.

Table chant

VM., after a scene and a series of toasts / congratulations in free form: Friends, a swallow on my tail brought amazing news to me. It turns out that not everyone within a radius of 5 km knows how great we are celebrating International Women's Day. This urgently needs to be fixed!

Write roles and lines for them on pieces of paper, let the guests choose who gets what. In a large team, you will get several identical roles, but this way the game will be even more fun.

When the guests hear the word from their card in the speech of the host, you need to shout out your line.

Cards (=number of guests):

Female- we deserve it!

The male- I'm good, I bought a gift (these cards need to be exchanged if the gender does not match the role).

Celebration- let's go, hooray!

March- the freaky spring has come!

Work- I'll wait!

Vodka- pour it already!

The leader reads the text, making short pauses after key phrases. Guests listen carefully so as not to miss their role:

MARCH in our country is traditionally WOMEN'S month, because everyone celebrates a wonderful HOLIDAY in a warm company, often after WORK. Compliments and congratulations from MEN, dancing under good snack Yes, under VODOCKA they raise the mood of WOMEN to the highest degree!

Let's forget about WORK today and show everyone how to celebrate MARCH 8! After all, our corporate party is a HOLIDAY for the soul! Dear MEN, do not forget to add wine to WOMEN, well, do not deprive yourself - if suddenly, we have someone to run for VODKA (pour it already, period =).

Such games in a team help to relax before competitions, to stop being ashamed of each other. Of course, if the corporate party on March 8 is held in a restaurant where, in addition to the invitees, there will be strangers, so noisy games It's better not to include it in the script.

Quiz for men

VZh: Brave, brave, strong, reliable our men! Oh what am I? I haven't come to my senses since the 23rd, sorry. In short, guys! Cheer us up, huh? I have prepared a quiz here, and since March 8, the topic is women. I wonder how much you know our woman's family? Go!

The presenter reads out a list of questions: “Who is the most .... a woman in the world?”, the men answer. In place of the ellipsis is the following (below immediately with the answers, but, of course, they do not need to be read out):

Sensitive (Princess and the Pea)
Green (Frog Princess, Princess Fiona)
Windy weather)
Miniature (Thumbelina)
Capricious/Changeable (fashion)
Wise (Vasilisa the Wise)
Cold ( The Snow Queen, Snow Maiden)
The best (mother, wife)
Sad (Princess Nesmeyana).
Who is the most harmful old woman in the world (not mother-in-law, but Baba Yaga).

Quiz for women

VM: Girls, is it fun for you to laugh at the fantasies of men? Well, nothing, we have prepared such an answer for you! So the quiz...

VZh: Ha, also a quiz. You are my original, quick-witted! Give me a kiss (reaches for VM's cheek).

VM: "Katya", control yourself! How will I explain to your husband later that we didn’t have an orgy in the team, but a decent corporate party on March 8? Any ideas? I don't have it here.

VZh: Last year, on March 8, I yelled ditties until the morning so that my neighbor sang along. So don't worry - my husband will have something to do even without finding out who I smacked in a mental outburst. Okay, let's burn us with the napalm of originality.

VM: And here are the pipes. This lovely ladies will have to show off originality! There is no single correct answer to my questions, but there is no need for one. Show us the famous female logic by humorously answering why some men:

  • Spit on the worm before putting it on the hook(because the fish bite better on the smell of vodka).
  • Put a bag on the plate before eating(not to wash the dishes).

  • Cooked sausages in a shell(because without it, the sausage will “get fat” after cooking, and he is already on a diet).
  • Often lose one sock(to laugh at the funny poses in which the wife searches every corner of the apartment).
  • Sniff food before eating(because yesterday my mother-in-law was visiting, and you never know what’s in the appetizer ...).

The presenter reads his answer (in brackets) after the ladies. The guests applaud who came up with the funniest explanation. The VP is indignant and stamps his feet if the invitees are on the side of the VM, convincing the team that the ladies did better.

Game congratulations with humor

This funny congratulation will fit into any corporate party scenario on March 8th. Props - cards with toasts or poems. You can break a long verse into several parts and mark the reading order with numbers. Choose lyrical, playful, spicy - mixed up it will turn out funnier.

VM: I think both halves of our wonderful team did a great job with quizzes!

VZh: Yes, I admit - the men are on a roll today, well done! But why haven't you heard compliments addressed to us for 5 minutes already?! For this you have a terrible punishment - now everyone is obliged to congratulate the ladies on March 8 funny and in verse! And whoever fails, it's not my fault - it will be a week to wipe the dust at work. After the corporate party, of course, it’s okay today, relax.

Don’t be afraid, we will distribute the texts to you (VM takes out a tray with cards). But you need to read with a condition. What? And to whom will the fortune-teller slip something! They choose, read the congratulations in a funny voice:

Toothless grandfather
of an enthusiastic youth

We offer ideas for a corporate party at work / in a restaurant where there is not too much space:

  • put the egg in a small bag, make a tight knot(so as not to stain clothes). Divide into pairs of men + women, stand with your backs to each other. The goal is to lower the egg sandwiched between the backs to the floor before the rivals, without crushing or breaking it;
  • stand opposite each other for 20 seconds, turn around. The VM asks the woman questions about her partner in the game (the color of the eyes, watch strap, boots, how many buttons are unbuttoned on the collar, etc.). Then the VZh asks similar questions to the man. The one with the most correct answers wins.

When choosing games and competitions for a corporate party in honor of March 8, consider the nature of the company. For example, alcoholic and spicy entertainment is not always appropriate, although they usually go with a bang at adult holidays.

  • for men- draw a portrait of a blindfolded lady of the heart, women evaluate. Or draw with mayonnaise, sauces and cotton buds instead of brushes. Or, at speed, gnaw out a perfect heart from a chocolate bar, put on as many as possible rubber gloves on one hand;

  • for women- collect more “fans” on a long ribbon, threading it through the sleeves of shirts (m. stand in two lines, w. compete for speed). Or a booty to determine how many pills are in a bag on a chair, tie a tie in boxing gloves.

Collective congratulations

At the end of the script, it is emphasized main topic corporate party on March 8 - congratulations to the beautiful ladies, this time from the entire male team. VM reads, the stronger sex supports in a friendly choir (preparation, you need to agree in advance):

Dear ladies, we congratulate
We wish you love and joy
Happiness, health, constant luck
(men in chorus) Since March 8!
In a team to appreciate
They carried houses on their hands,
And in the hands of always an unlimited card
(in chorus) from March 8!
Foreign car in the garage, positive at heart,
Bright everyday life, freshness, excitement
(in chorus) dear, since March 8 you!

After such sincere congratulations, it's time to present gifts and bouquets. It is better to give girls gifts at the end of the holiday, so that they do not have to think about where to put the presents.. For awards in competitions, prepare souvenirs with the company logo and / or funny thematic inscriptions, sets of sweets, bottles of wine / champagne.

Sounds like "Oh what a woman."
It is these thoughts that visit the bright minds of men when they look at the ladies who have gathered today in this hall!
We admire a woman, because they bring beauty and beauty to the world. new life, they are with us from childhood in the form of a mother and until old age in the form of companions, their eyes are full of tenderness, and their souls are kindness, poets sing about them, compose songs about them, their thoughtful look in the paintings is fascinating. Queen Woman!!! The whole world is conquered by a WOMAN!!!
And the whole evening today from the beginning to the very end will be dedicated to WOMEN!!!

Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to this hall, which today looks like a blooming meadow overflowing with wonderful flowers. It is you, our dear ladies, who filled this hall with the light of your beauty today!
Allow me to introduce myself……..

Here comes this amazing holiday again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles, and louder drops. On this day, men feel like knights and passionate poets.
Today there is excitement flower shops, all the flora is feverishly bought up. Straining their memory, they remember what flowers you like, what perfumes you prefer to use. After all, exactly a year has passed since the last holiday, when they, the so-called strong half, were in a hurry to congratulate you and express their admiration to you! But! It's no secret that the women's team is quite complex, and managing all these talkers, coquettes, and charms is not at all easy. However, there is a man in this room who copes with this role perfectly!
You have a great boss!
There is a manhood in him.
Okay, I found a reason
Tell him about this.
Being your boss is not easy
He pulls a cart, of which there are not many.
He would use milk for harm,
But he is not harmful, thank God

Director __________________________.

I introduced myself to you, and I want to hear your names too.
Let's all shout out our names now.... Thanks! I did not hear a single name, but I saw your smiles and heard your laughter. Everything is in order with our mood, which means that we can safely continue.
Although men spend a lot of time at work next to women, they do not know all the secrets. I will take the liberty of telling you about women's secrets.
Women love fashionably dressed
Clean-shaven, skilled in the household,
Affectionate, modest, talented, courageous.
They love, especially tenderly, non-drinkers.
They love folk artists and just ...
Basketball players of huge growth.
They love cheerful, resourceful, noisy.
And sometimes ... do not believe it ... smart!
I am sure that all these qualities are fully endowed

Chief Engineer _______________________.

Eastern wisdom says:
“If you want to know the strength of steel, rub it on a donkey;
if you want to know the strength of the horse - load it;
if you want to know the mind of a man - listen to his speeches;
you want to comprehend the heart of a woman -
you'll never get it!"

And we will listen with pleasure to the speeches of the labor protection engineer ___________________________.

Dear men, although you are not so numerous, your voices are well heard. So let's show our lovely ladies how much you want to wish them Happy Holidays.

Congratulations dear women!
We wish you happiness and joy!
In life, you - good luck, luck! -
Happy March 8!

We wish you a holiday in the soul!
Jaguar in the garage!
And in bed - a leopard!
From right zdnik March 8!

At work, to be appreciated!
At home on hand wore
Only trump cards!
Happy March 8!

To health-hoo!
So that in life comme il faut
To always be full of excitement!
Happy March 8!

And summing up these wonderful wishes, one more man will say congratulations to you __________________.

Of course, men will not dare to doubt the presence of bright thoughts in the heads of women, but sometimes there are misguided thoughts in these same heads.
Such as:
● If you want breakfast in bed, sleep in the kitchen.
● So what, that wind in your head?! But thoughts are always fresh ...
● I will live - I will see, I will live - I will know, I will survive - I will kill
● I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying... that you're to blame for everything.
● What you do not understand you can understand as you like.
● I have unpretentious taste - the best is quite enough for me!
● If you want me to be an angel, organize heaven for me!
● If you don't like me, then you have no taste.
● I'm constantly haunted by smart thoughts... but I'm faster!
But we hope that today the thoughts in the heads of our lovely ladies will be confused by the compliments that ___________________________ will now say.

And on this March day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
And reach any heights
In all matters, I wish you!
Let your eyes glow
Let your face shine with a smile!
And let fate give you
One day I will meet with a goldfish!
And since I wished you a meeting with a goldfish, I will hasten to fulfill this wish.
Fairy tale goldfish
Sea– Do not worry!
Seine- I work here alone.
Fisherman- The first guy in the village.
Rybka- I will fulfill any three wishes!
Young woman- All women are like women, and I am a Goddess!
Trough- Indesit is resting.
Grass- And I dream of grass, grass near the house!
Apartment- Come in, don't be afraid, come out, don't cry.

(The host reads the text of the fairy tale, the “actors” beat the action and each answer their own phrase)

There was a fisherman by the blue sea. The fisherman was full of energy, young and dreamed of catching goldfish. So he threw the net into the sea. He sees that the sea has roared a little. A net came with one sea grass. Another time a fisherman cast a net.
He sees the restless blue sea.
Again the net came with one sea grass.
For the third time Rybak threw a net. The blue sea roared. A seine came with one fish.
With a difficult fish, but a magical one.
The fish inhaled oxygen and turned into a girl.
A fisherman saw such beauty, fell in love and offered the girl his hand and heart.
The girl agreed to marry a fisherman.
First of all, the young troughs managed for themselves.
The trough washed the fisherman and his wife. Then they bought an apartment. The apartment of the spouses warmed and pleased with its comfort.
And the spouses lived and lived and made good money.
Here the fairy tales end, and whoever listened can go for a smoke break.


Since we haven’t been able to get to know each other better yet, and horror, how I want to know more interesting things about you, I offer you a dating template. As soon as you hear your number, you should vigorously raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said.

Today, the number _ 1 ___ will sing the most.
Most of all will dance number _2_
Today, most of all will shine and star - number 3 ....
Everyone will shout louder: From March 8, number 4
But All of them will shout more often and louder “Pour more! " number 5
Today, 6 and 7 will join hands and dance to hum “and we are penguins, but we are not cold, but we live in the north”
eight…. The whole evening he will pester at 9 with the words "why are you girls, you love beautiful ones."
And 10 will exclaim all evening "where am I?"
Today 11… will be inviting colleagues to rest in Haiti all evening.
And 12 ... will pursue men with the words: Look into my eyes!
...After the party, 13 will leave on their own two ...
Singing: I got drunk, I'm drunk, I won't get home, I'll leave by car 14 ...
And 15 ... and 16 ... will hardly take away 17 ... who will shout: All the women ...
In an hour 18 will say that she (he) is the coolest (oh),
In 1.5 hours 19… will say that he is Mega Star,
And after 2 hours 20 ... he won’t say anything.
Tomorrow he invites you to improve your health on 21 ...
And with the words “How much milk does a cow give?” - wake up tomorrow in someone else's bed 22
For the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: And I wish you happiness, - drinks 23 ...
24 will allow 25 not to come to work tomorrow,
And 26 will come to work with a can of brine and will treat everyone.
27 will dance on the table, and 28 will sit quietly ... under the table and hum in "a million, million, million scarlet roses"
29 will be fascinated all evening looking at a bottle of vodka and saying “why am I so in love with you”
Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I can’t help but talk about 30 and the following, who will now stand up and say loudly:
Enough, people to talk, it is necessary, people, to pour!
And we’ll pour it, but we can’t drink without toast, the word ___________________________.

Before we continue our evening, I want to make sure that all the reflexes of your body are still in order, therefore:
I ask everyone to rise right hand
Higher, higher! Fingers wider, like a fan!
And now without lowering the right, raise the left! And do the same.
Well done! That is how much you have the right to drink tonight for the health of our hero of the day.

And now the hero of the day welcomes guests with a simple hand gesture (waving)
Then - only with the little finger - the guests repeat, and now only with the big, and now with the big and little fingers ....
Here it is a SYMBOL OF REAL FUN, in Ukraine this gesture is called POUR-KA and it calls for filling glasses with the best drinks and giving the right to say a toast _____________________.

Drink, walk, if only I had enough! (health)
I allow you to get drunk today, you won’t drink me all exactly. (talent)
Vyanem in comparison with female charm. (flowers)
We wish everyone that we come true. (dreams)
I'll die for happiness. (tableware)
Here you are all drinking, but you thought of me? (liver)
If you get drunk, then you have nothing to blame on me. (mirror)
I congratulate you. I'll be on my way tomorrow morning. (hangover)
Don't sing without me! (toast)

In front of the children PLEASE APPLAUSE
-only the beautiful half of humanity
- strong sex only
-those who love lard more than chocolate
-those who respect beer
- those who want to live beautifully
- those who are never late for work
- those who are pleased to be in this hall today. (round of applause)

During the break while the children change clothes about applause

presenter- And so advice number 1
If your colleagues
Gave a big prize
And they completely forgot about you
And they didn't give any
Instead of paint
Pour into printer
strawberry jam
And about you in the institution
Will never be forgotten.

presenter– Tip #2
If in the evening the director
Erase all games from your computer
And in the morning you are from grief,
Rip your hair off your head
Then go and erase
All contracts, reports,
What would he have another six months,
Didn't remember you at all

presenter– Tip #3
If your friend is cute
invited you on a date
And the boss is a little early,
Doesn't want to let you go
You fold your jacket to him,
Your most beautiful bra
Let him prove to his wife later
These things are not his!

presenter– Tip #4
If the office is all at once,
Sick with the terrible flu
And the work immediately got up,
And customers are calling!
You, with whatever piece of paper,
Send the patient to them,
Let them get sick too
There will be no one to call!

presenter– Tip #5
If on workplace,
Everything is covered with paper
And find you what they ask
There is no hope, no
Quickly dump everything on the floor
Stomp your feet on top
And leave this job
Where there is no one to clean the table.

presenter– Tip #6
If your leadership
He transparently hints to you
That the customer will be soon,
And the order is still standing -
you with a serious expression,
Play solitaire all day
And then tell him
What have you been working for.

presenter– Tip #7
If your best employee
lift you up asks for salary,
And threatens to quit
If you don't agree!
Then pour him at lunch,
More pepper in tea and soup
Because pepper is very
Reduces appetite.

presenter– Tip #8
If New Year's celebration,
You were forbidden to
And at the festive banquet,
The director said no money!
Gathered together on the weekend
You will come to visit him,
Promise as a team
Look into the new year.
And then you very quickly,
Get the amount you need
To not see
you at the festive table

Immediately after the children, the sultan arrived and brought his most beautiful wife with the oriental dance "Sultan".

Lovely girls! Just look how excited your men are today! And believe me, I understand their excitement! Let's talk a little about the "strong half" of humanity. Today they want to impress you so much that even talking about work has faded into the background! You look, not a single man rang mobile phone, and whoever had such an embarrassment, he, embarrassed and not noticeable to everyone, pressed the end button. All attention, dear ladies. But let's think about your recent investment in today's holiday. What have we been celebrating recently? Right! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or, as they used to say in the good old days - Day Soviet army. It just so happened that when more than three men gather, they always talk about the army, service, memories of military affairs. Dear men, raise your hand, for whom the word defender, the army, the military, are not empty words!
So my friends, I see who will share their memories with us. For which of you the sounds of a marching trumpet are not empty words! And let our lovely ladies not be jealous, but! TASTING TO MEN

Our dear women! Today we spent a truly magical evening with you. We, men, tried with all our might to show you how we love you, how we care about you, how dear you are to us, our dear, charming, unique ones. We promise you that we will be the same gallant and attentive not only on the 8th of Matr, but always, every day, at home, in the office, especially on the roads! We swear that we will stop worrying about blondes driving, we will always give way to you at unregulated intersections, give compliments every day, and of course we will shift some of your everyday worries onto our own, male shoulders!
Happy holiday, dear women!
We wish you happiness!

Our women are providers
bring me
tie (belt)

We spend a lot of time at work, and we need to know everything about each other. However, not everything is so simple, because everyone can hide their essence. It is precisely about the real essence that we now learn. Those of you who received the task sheets, I ask you to go to the middle of the hall so that everyone can hear everything well.
(leaves of 2 animals and characteristics)

Who is the most eloquent in the team? We invite you
A toast, the participant says, I raise a piece of paper with the word, he must use it (refrigerator, RAM, carburetor, referee, felt boots, battery)

Clamp a box of matches with your knees and throw it into a vase (flying gait ....),
rubber bands (dress from bottom to top)
from the start, throws the sheet forward. No. 2 - runs up to the place of the fall, picks up the sheet and throws the uncreased sheet forward with his hand.

Everyone knows that the most courageous women are Slavs. I invite the most courageous to leave.
Now we will once again prove to men that courage is not an empty phrase. The administration of the cafe forbade setting fire to the hut, but I did not find the horses (they died from work). Therefore, we will show men the feat that every woman has definitely accomplished at least once. BIG WASHING
On the big wash: booty erotically rotate (Do not forget that men are looking at you,) stomp the foot (what would be fun), eye wink (while you can flirt)

With rubber bands striptease. invite girls: What are the most erotic places girls have? We put rubber bands on them, mass striptease.

Cuts invite girls and see who goes to work in the morning.
- What time does the working day start?
- what time does it end
- What time does lunch start?
- What time does lunch end?
who comes first
who comes on time
- who is late
I invite those who answered and watch how they go to work in the morning

For couple dances: You work together, so you must understand each other from a half-word, and preferably without words at all. Men get tasks and show their partner what she has to do: Girl MUST….. (and pantomime begins)
go to the supermarket and buy:
- buy champagne
- buy beef tongue
chicken breast
beef liver
- and 10 eggs!

Prepare the most festive salad "Olivier salad"
Engine girl, boy, girl, boy… we are looking for the neighbor's waist (comment - I asked for a waist, not a neighbor’s pocket, I see some pat on the pockets) and holding on to the waist, we move the neighbor to the level of the outstretched arm ... When I say
"SAUSAGE" we all lean forward,
"PEA" - back,
"Cucumber" - in a circle (tilts to the side)
"POTATO" from the circle,
and when “MAyonnaise” we do everything beautifully sexy rotation of the hips and let's go ...

Are there real men in the hall? Come out. These are the men who should represent our country at Eurovision. Casting will take place now. Dear participants, we ask you to come up with a pseudonym for yourself. Everyone knows that in addition to voice data, emotion and facial expressions are very important. We will decide on the voice, the technique will help, but we will work out the facial expressions. We put the elastic band under the nose, you need to remove it on the neck without hands. We choose the winner with applause. The Eurovision Organizing Committee will contact you, look for sponsors.

(Russian beauty Masha, Freken Bok, the most beloved and most modest sex bomb, Little Red Riding Hood)
Perform a dance with energetic grand batmans with a simultaneous jump on the half-toes (as it says in the encyclopedia.)
Well, this dance is known to the people as a simple can-can.
Photo session, dance in costumes

Guys, tell me please, what is the power? Here one hero of the film said (recording “What is the strength, brother”), what do you think? But I unequivocally affirm that strength is in kindness, only it is most important and expensive, and I’m not the only one who thinks so (Funtik and Beladonna come out). Photo session, dance in costumes.


Who came on what

The game "The Man of My Dreams" - it is scientifically proven that a woman at any age dreams of a handsome prince I have a magic crown with which we will find out who our queens dream of
1 real colonel - Pugacheva
America fight- Combination
Agent 007,- Brilliant
And I love the military - Combination
Such as Putin - Singing together, etc.

Let the reflection of winter not fade away,
But the air is getting shaky.
Happy women's spring holiday to you,
With the first spring smile!

While the toast is being seated _____________________.

How nice it is to celebrate the holidays in the company of men, basking in the friendly attention of colleagues! But if they, that is, male colleagues, simply do not exist? Bored, chewing a cookie under the seagull? In no case! And without the stronger sex, the corporate party on March 8 in the women's team will turn out to be cheerful, bright and noisy, if you approach the organization with imagination!


First of all, find a room in which it is possible to organize a mini-stage, a dance floor, and arrange tables. It is desirable that no one interferes with you, and you do not interfere with anyone

A corporate party in a team of teachers can be held right at school, educators - in kindergarten, corporate in medical team on the territory of the clinic, if there is an assembly hall. But all ideas need to be discussed with management in advance.

  • Decorate the room so that the ladies from the threshold plunge into the festive atmosphere. Instead of expensive fresh flowers in the spring, use paper pompoms, lanterns, fans. Flickering electric garlands always cheer you up, especially if the lights are dimmed in the hall;
  • make a congratulatory banner and / or a funny stand with a photo of colleagues. In a team of teachers on March 8, you can put fives under the pictures for great job, in the medical team - to sign ridiculous diagnoses (chronic veilism, progressive hohonitis, etc.);

  • pick up fun contests, congratulations in verse, songs - a corporate party for women is unthinkable without music. If March 8 passes at the table, make a selection of humorous tests, chants, thematic toasts;
  • do not forget to think over the menu, because in the women's team, not every first sweet tooth is necessary, but every second is on a diet. Look online for "delicious" ideas for a corporate party on March 8 to fit treats into the festive surroundings (toppers, skirts, flowers from fish slices / fruits, etc.);

  • hand out beautifully designed invitations, even if you work in the same room literally side by side- a nice little thing that should not be forgotten.

Script, entertainment

Our script for a women's corporate party on March 8 is universal, regardless of the scope of the company. After all, this is a women's holiday, and the main theme of the corporate party is congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. And to emphasize the scope of the institution, add prof. jokes in the host's remarks.

If everyone knows each other well, and in general the team is friendly, the script can be supplemented with alcohol contests and spicy games. When it is appropriate, such ideas at a corporate party on March 8 for women, as well as on purely male holidays, invariably raise the degree of fun!

Introductory part

The corporate party begins with a scene for March 8 - a short preamble. Two young ladies are sitting on chairs, talking, passing a test from a magazine:

Mash, here is such an interesting test "How dependent are you on men." Let's guess?

Why guess? I can’t open a jar of cucumbers without the help of my husband, which means I’m dependent, I love cucumbers like a passion!

Under vodka? (chuckles). Can you open a bottle yourself?

Fie on you, what vodka! I am a decent woman. But I can open a bottle.

You can take a bottle, you can't take a jar - it's not clear. Let's guess. Question one: Have you driven a car at least once in your life?

No, I failed my driving test.

And what failed, practice or theory?

No, I’m like in a joke - a trash can and a couple of passers-by ...

Wow, that's really a stunning woman. Then the next question is: “Have you ever lifted luggage heavier than your purse?”

My husband had to go to the 6th floor… Does that count? And on February 23, he gave me a gift - he reached the 3rd himself!

Okay, yes, I am writing. The next question is: “If you are lost in an unfamiliar city, who would you rather ask for help, a man or a woman?”

Smartphone, dammit. Kat, 21st century in the yard. What kind of test is this, what is the point?

Well, here if you answer “yes” to most of the questions, then you are very dependent on men, and if “no”, you don’t need them at all.

How is it "absolutely"? But what about that, well, this ... Um ... Stupid test, in short. Is it that women need a man just to carry bags and carry bags to the shops? I myself will carry a galloping horse out of a burning hut, but without a peasant it’s still no way!

She can carry a horse, but she can't open a jar! Okay, Mashun, it’s good to sharpen the laces, all the guests have already gathered. One evening without men, we definitely won’t get bored?

Here's another! Between us girls it’s even more fun, without a vigilant eye! Okay, lift the bins of the motherland from the chair, it's time to speak!

Welcome song remake

There are two songs to choose from for a corporate party on March 8. They are easy to replace with others of your choice, there are many examples on the net. The girls from the scene can be supported by their friends who came out to them at the end of the dialogue - singing in chorus is not so shy.

To the tune of "Good Girls":

Reckless girls, cherished girlfriends,
Laughing faces, twinkling eyes!
As soon as we tighten the song, like everyone-everything-everything in the district
We tearfully ask the police to pick us up as soon as possible.

On heels to fate, we rush without looking back,
Wherever you send us, we will send you there!
We are ready to celebrate in the hut and tent,
If the whole team suddenly wanders there.

But not today, what are you! Today we are all ladies
Today we are all ladies and solid mademoiselle
Girls, spill - the snack is getting cold,
You just need to close the front door more tightly.
Girls, spill it - the appetizer is getting cold.
And riot police won't get to us now!

To the motive "If you frown":

With a sunny smile we left the house,
After all, today is the best holiday ever!
Everyone congratulates us - uncle unfamiliar,
Dad, husband and every sweet boy you meet!

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
We will give you now!

At a corporate party, chance brought us together
And it's definitely not in vain!
Gentle, kind, modest, women of the best
Since March 8, we will congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

And now from tenderness
Everyone's eyes will sparkle.
Pour - we'll tell you a toast
What can we pull in vain!

Further minus without words, it is better to muffle the music a little and pour drinks under it. When everyone is ready, congratulations sound on March 8 for women's team from the presenter or those who sang. Options for congratulations in verse:

Congratulations neat
Tender, affectionate, depraved
Sweet, kind and dangerous
Smart, stupid and beautiful!
Congratulations birds, bunny
Kat, Oles, Natasha and Raek (names of colleagues)
Mice, donuts and skinny...
Wait, what am I talking about?
Happy Spring Women's Day everyone!
2. Every day we spin like bees
Now rags in hands, then panicles
Eat, drink, wash
Prepare and then clean up
And don't forget to work
Pave your way through your worries.

But today without a doubt
We will mark the problems
And let's celebrate the holiday brightly -
Let's drink, sit, sing!

Our holiday! We have the right
A little cognac to start!
Happiness, joy, health
Girls, from 8 us March!

Games, contests

After the introductory part - skits, songs, toasts and congratulations - hold contests at the table. A corporate event for women, and even on March 8, does not fit well with active competitions (everyone is smart, in dresses, on heels).

Of course, sitting at the table the whole holiday will be boring, so dancing and a few in moderation active games you can and even need to add to the script. We offer fun competitions for corporate parties on March 8 in the women's team:

  • The most eyed miss(title for humorous diplomas for the winners) - guess which of the colleagues is shown in the photo. These can be children's pictures or parts of the body (décolleté, buttocks, knees, eyes). V. shows a photo, who will quickly answer correctly - plus a point;
  • The sweetest mademoiselle. This competition can be held both at the table and on stage. Props - caps with a ribbon hanging on the visor (on a clothespin). A candy is tied to the end of the ribbon. Put on a cap, swing the candy without the help of hands and catch it with your mouth before your rivals;

  • Miss Charm. Table draw. V. says that now he will read the phrases, the guests should repeat them all together. Like, let's check who has a tongue without bones, and who got bubbles in the head. The first phrase: lilac fog obscures the eyes the next morning after the corporate party. Everyone repeats. The second phrase: runners run fast. Repeat.

Here the host very naturally says: “Well, you made a mistake on the second phrase!”. And seize the moment - someone will certainly begin to resent that they said the right thing. A diploma from a charming miss and a fine - to come up with a toast for March 8 with the words "repeat, exactly, a rally."

  • Michelangelo in a skirt. This competition is great for a corporate party in a team of kindergarten teachers, but by and large it is universal. V. gives the guests a pen and asks them to write down on a napkin (not to show it to anyone) the most important quality of a real man.

And now you need to mold your ideal from plasticine or draw it, highlighting the recorded dignity. For example, a big head - wisdom, widely spaced hands - openness, generosity. Then you need to guess (everyone takes turns sitting at the table) what quality the neighbor on the left / right portrayed. Appreciate creativity and humor with applause.

In a medical team, you can draw the ideal man with iodine, brilliant green and cotton swabs according to the same principle. Distribute to the participants surgical gloves so as not to spoil the manicure.

Gifts are not gifts!

This entertainment, even if it is familiar to the team, still causes laughter on the head heated with champagne. It's simple - the host offers to take two pieces of paper from two different trays. The papers are numbered - if anyone has the same numbers (the same on both), award the title "Donna Fortune".

But that's not the point - it's funny just because of the inconsistencies. For example, to a photo of an idol, a lady draws out “I love it since childhood, I’ll eat it right away!”. The first pile of pieces of paper is gifts, the second is application (mix well):

gold chain- such a gift can only be proudly worn around the neck!
Mikhailov Photos(anyone who is a sex symbol for the women of your team) - I will kiss every night before going to bed
chocolate bar- eat and share with friends
silver spoon- I will stir the tea, because it kills germs
Barrette- I will wear it on my head, but what else?
silk napkin- I’m definitely not going to wipe my nose with this, it’s a pity to spoil such a thing!
Candy on a stick- since childhood I love, I’ll eat it right away
Soft toy- I will sleep with her in an embrace
fruit basket- I will cut the salad, pour over yogurt and eat
Keychain- I will immediately hang it on the keys so as not to lose it, etc.


To raise the degree of fun or, conversely, to relieve emotions a little after the contests. At a corporate party in honor of March 8, a chant about what is important for every woman.

V.: Lovely ladies! We are all a bit of a witch, and some even witches, according to evil gossip. But it's in our favor! Now we will conjure ourselves a simple female happiness - the louder we scream, the faster the wish will come true!

The host reads, the ladies support in chorus:

What every girl needs
We answer in chorus, together!
Foreign car, house, perfume?
(in chorus) So that men love!

All are so beautiful
You won't find better than ours!
But admit it, we need
(chorus) So that men love!

Maybe a fur coat, chocolate,
In Sochi three times a year?
I'm not with you, women, sweet!
(chorus) So that men love!

What, girls, we light?
Away from boredom and longing!
Today we walk like this
(chorus) So that men love!

For a beautiful scenario finale, prepare an unconventional congratulation. You can take a touching text from the network, but be sure to add something from yourself that is related to the team. In addition to the expected gift bouquets, buy fun souvenirs, candy sets, etc. as gifts for the activity shown in the contests.

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