Who does the goldfish live with in the aquarium. Who can you keep goldfish with?

Reservoirs 24.08.2018
Water bodies


Compatibility issue Goldfish (Carassius) on the one hand, it is quite simple, but on the other, it is complex, and this is due to a number of specific nuances that are characteristic of this particular family of aquarium fish.

I think this topic should start with the fact that ALL BREEDS OF GOLDEN FISH were obtained as a result of thousands of years of selection. Therefore, the Veil-tails, Oranda, Telescopes, Shubunkins and others are artificially bred breeds, which, in fact, were obtained from one ancestor - Chinese carp.

Therefore, if we talk about the intraspecific compatibility of Goldfish, that is, about the possibility of joint keeping in an aquarium or pond, for example, telescopes and koi carps, then such coexistence takes place - all types of Goldfish are absolutely compatible with each other. But, THERE IS ONE BUT! Since all Zolotukhs are from the same tribe, they are in the same reservoir, they will interbreed with each other, resulting in "bastards" or, if you want mutants, outbred hybrids. Taking into account the experiments carried out, such cohabitation leads to degeneration and the transformation of the fish back into a crucian carp.

Therefore, if you plan to receive offspring and breed Goldfish, then their species content in a common reservoir is FORBIDDEN!

Before discussing the specific compatibility of Goldfish with other fish. It should be noted that Goldfish are large, clumsy, slow fish. And this specificity must be nourished. For example, if you contain Veilekhvostov in small aquarium with others, be it the most peaceful fish, then all the same, over time, the fish will die, since the absence free space- standards of maintenance, will do their job and the fish will simply "gnaw".

In addition, when discussing the compatibility of any species of fish, it should be borne in mind that a separate fish taken has its own character. In this connection, even observing all compatibility rules for aquarium fish, the output can be negative. In order to minimize this factor as much as possible, it is always recommended to plant different fish young and at the same time, and not gradually add new ones to the old fish.

Now let's take a look at the compatibility of Goldfish with specific species of other fish.

Goldfish and Cichlids: Astronotuses, Scalaria, Discus, Akara, Apistograms, Parrots, Cichlids: brilliant, black-striped, Severum and other cichlids.

Such a union, alas, is not possible. All fish of the cichlid family are aggressive and will not give life to Goldfish. Astronotus generally perceives the Golden as a good live snack.

Somehow, I tried to combine veil scalars with Goldfish, but alas, in the future they had to be seated. Despite the fact that the veiled scalars are slow and somewhat similar to gold ones, all the same, after a couple of days, races began throughout the aquarium.

Goldfish and Tetras : neons, minors, thornsim, pulcher, lanterns, glass tetras, congo and other haracin fish.

Here the situation is completely opposite. All tetras are such peaceful fish that their union with Goldfish will be a wonderful variety of fish in your aquarium. One thing, but !!! When Goldfish grow up, they can burst small tetras, so it is better to take "large" haracin fish, for example, thorns or Congo, to Zolotukha.

Goldfish and Labyrinths : all gouramis, lalii, macrapods, etc.

I don't even know what to tell you. On the one hand, they are compatible, but on the other hand, they are not. This is due to the fact that labyrinth, in particular gourami, are very unpredictable fish and each individual gourami has its own character.

So to make it clear, I will give an example from my own experience. A long time ago, when I started my first 35-liter aquarium and stuffed a bunch of fish there, including two marble gouramias, the latter were like mice, did not touch anyone and peacefully coexisted in a "small hostel". But when one day I planted another blue gourami in a large aquarium, he made such a brawl that it was bad even for small cichlids. I had to take it back to the pet store.

At the same time, laliuses are scared fish, I have no experience, but I think that they will be bad with Goldfish.

In view of the above, the coexistence of the Golden with the Labyrinth is a hassle, therefore such a neighborhood is not recommended.

Goldfish and aquarium catfish, other bottom fish: corridors (speckled catfish), ancistrus (sucker catfish), bocias, acanthophthalmus, green catfish brochis, tarakatums and others.

In general, 100% compatibility is observed here. Let me draw your attention to the fact that not all catfish are very peaceful. For example, Botia Modesta or Baya are somyars that can snatch. Or, for example, ancistrus at night can easily stick to sleeping Goldfish, from which the latter will look like plucked hens.

Otherwise, everything is OK! Moreover, all aquarium catfish- these are good helpers in the fight against poop from Goldfish. Provide the aquarium bottom to the catfish and the frequency of the aquarium bottom siphon will decrease.

Goldfish and carp : barbs, zebrafish and others.

It should always be remembered that Goldfish are slow and any neighborhood with nimble fish, and even more so those who can pluck them is not desirable. I do not see anything criminal in the joint keeping of zebrafish and Goldfish, but I do not recommend it with barbs. Sumatrans can easily nibble on the Golds.

Goldfish and Peciliaceae, viviparous fish : guppies, swordtails, mollies and others.

I read somewhere that guppies can attack and bite Goldfish! But, something I do not believe in these stories. I can't even imagine how this gupeshka will be able to covet a big Goldfish, unless they attack in a crowd))).

To be honest, I have no experience in keeping live-bearers and Goldfish. And in general, it is somehow not solid to keep the golden aksakals of the aquarium world and simple live-bearers together.

And I also want to offer you such a topic as compatibility of Goldfish and aquarium plants.

Whoever started the Goldfish knows that this issue is acute, since the Gold family just loves plant foods. To avoid the disgustingly plucked look of aquarium plants, I give my Golds twice a week overgrown duckweed from another aquarium. You can also recommend keeping Goldfish with aquarium plants that will be too tough for Goldfish: anubias, microoriums, cryptocorynes, as well as mosses.

For more details on this, see this article - FISHES EAT PLANTS, WHAT TO DO?

Summing up, it should be said that, nevertheless, Goldfish are fish intended for a species aquarium, which require a separate, special attention... Moreover, the cost of these fish is quite high, they are long-livers compared to other inhabitants of the aquarium, and therefore it would be a shame to lose such a fish due to the fact that some five-kopeck ancistrus did not let her sleep at night.

Video about the compatibility of aquarium fish

Compatibility types

Fish species can be:

  • fully compatible;
  • completely incompatible;
  • conditionally (limited) compatible.

Click to enlarge

Everything is clear with the first two categories, while the third includes species whose coexistence is possible under certain conditions (such can be the size of the aquarium, its correct zoning, the presence of shelters, or even character traits and life experience of specific fish individuals). I must say that sometimes - very rarely! - completely incompatible species somehow manage to get along in aquariums, but these are the exceptions.

To facilitate the task of selecting fish, there are species compatibility tables, they are in special literature and on many aquarium sites. But we will still try to formulate the principles by which the compatibility of fish is determined.

Basic principles of compatibility of aquarium fish species

Predators and prey

Size matters

Opposites don't converge

Territorial aggressors

Gentle handsome men

What to do if you really want to populate incompatible species in the aquarium?

All about aquarium goldfish


Dear Reader! This article is a collection of all the articles on our site. We also tried to supplement the article with the nuances of keeping and caring for goldfish in an aquarium.
Why do you need such an article? Everything is very simple. Many newcomers to the aquarium world do not know how to keep them, make gross mistakes, as a result of which, after a month, goldfish, at best, fall ill with fin rot, and at worst float up belly up.

For example, often on our forum, and on the Internet in general, they ask the question - why is my gold fish swims sideways or belly up? When you start to understand, look for the cause of such an ailment and ask the owner questions ... the answer is by itself and literally lies on the surface of the water.
Many do not know, I forget or do not want to know that feeding the fish should be balanced, that is, their diet should include dry food, both live and vegetable. Goldfish are gluttonous, prone to overeating, so the issue of balance in nutrition for them is as relevant to anyone else. As for the above question, the answer is simple - in the process of eating dry food, goldfish swallow air along with food. If you feed them only with dry food, the fish, due to the excess air in the food system, begin to float up belly up. The problem is solved in an elementary way - the fish are transferred to the correct, full-fledged feeding and after 3-4 days the goldfish begin to swim normally.
Alas, there are a lot of such examples and it is impossible to cover everything. But, we will still try to do this by centralizing all information about goldfish. We will try to focus on the most important points keeping gold aquarium fish.

Goldfish: description, types, main points of content

Choosing aquarium neighbors for scalars

Scalars are peaceful aquarium fish, which in some countries are called "angel fish". As members of the Cichlid family, they still have a predatory instinct. Is scalar compatibility with other fish possible? This is a controversial issue, since even schematically acceptable compatibility can end in failure for any aquarium fish. If you grow scalar with other fish, starting with young age, then in the future they get along.

The main rule is not to settle them with predatory, fast and aggressive fish and those who are smaller in size. Those who fit in the mouth will eat those of the scalar. The compatibility of these aquatic organisms with: corridor catfish, pseudotrophies, zebrafish, platies, labeos, tetras has been proven. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the species compatibility table, which does not guarantee a peaceful settlement in the same aquarium, but gives an idea of ​​who the scalars usually get along with.

Compatibility chart: scalars and other species

Shellfish and crustacean compatibility

Unpretentious gourami are great neighbors


Are they compatible with each other?

About compatibility with representatives of other species

Compatibility criteria

To understand whether compatibility between species is possible, you need to familiarize yourself with the criteria for full, partial compatibility and incompatibility. With full compatibility, you can calmly observe the life of the fish, with partial there are threats of rivalry, in the absence of compatibility as such, the fish do not need to be settled in one aquarium at all.

Pairs of gourami and fish, compatibility:

  • Scalar and gourami: fully compatible
  • Barbs: partially compatible
  • Males: incompatible
  • African cichlids: incompatible
  • South American cichlids: incompatible
  • Corridors: fully compatible
  • Danio: Fully Compatible
  • Discus: partially compatible
  • Loach: partially compatible
  • Goldfish: incompatible
  • Gourami: partially
  • Guppy: partially
  • Koi carps: incompatible
  • Botia: completely
  • Mollies: completely
  • Astronotus: incompatible
  • Pecilia: completely
  • Plekostomus: completely
  • Iris: completely
  • Parsing: completely
  • Labeo: completely
  • Swordsmen: completely
  • Tetras: completely
  • Acne: partially
  • Piranhas: incompatible
  • Shrimp: incompatible
  • Floating aquarium plants: completely

See also: How to care for chocolate gouras?

Who will parrot fish get along with?

Main characteristics

How to feed parrots

Compatible with scalars

To this day, disputes continue as to how possible the compatibility of parrots with scalars is, because there have been both cases of attacks on these fish and peaceful coexistence. Scalarians prefer to hide in algae, and parrots love to feel their plates, inadvertently damaging the fish. Once "feasting" on the scalar, this creature will not stop, and will touch the rest.

There were examples when parrots got along in the redistribution of one "communal apartment", but its volume should be at least 200 liters. During fish spawning, parrots drive the scalar into a far corner, holding them there. Because scalars are slow, parrots can nibble on their fins. If you have no other choice but to settle them together, then build comfortable shelters for everyone.

For parrots, fish are fast, similar in size. If you follow all the recommendations, your aquarium will turn into a friendly nursery, life in which will become a real idyll for every fish.

See also: Cichlids - rules for keeping in home aquariums

Discus compatibility rules with other fish

Discus are peaceful aquarium fish, slow and timid. They can get along with the same fish of the same size, but there are a number of reasons why it is undesirable to settle them with other types of fish. It would seem, as representatives of the Cichlid family, they should have a hardy organism and strong immunity, but their content with other fish is an open question to this day.

Compatibility b mollies with guppies are almost perfect. Both species are viviparous, live in warm brackish water, love sunlight and dense vegetation. If breeding is also in your plans, then before giving birth, the fish need to be separated from each other, and after the appearance of the offspring, the females should be removed, since they sometimes do not mind eating their own fry.

In general, mollies can be kept along with:

  • All kinds of pecilia and catfish,
  • Rainbows
  • Tetras,
  • Gourami,
  • Labeo.

Angelfish and goldfish are beautiful and popular freshwater fish, and many hobbyists would like to have both in the same tank. But is it possible contain goldfish and scalar together? Unfortunately, these fish have different needs and are not recommended for joint keeping.

Temperature in the aquarium

Goldfish is a representative of cold-water fish (after all, it descended from crucian carp) and prefers water temperatures between 18 and 23 degrees Celsius, while scalars are tropical fish, the content of which starts at 24 degrees. This is already sufficient reason to keep the fish separately, because keeping fish in conditions of "uncomfortable" leads to weakening of fish immunity, disease and death.


Goldfish are generally peaceful creatures and can live with most other peaceful fish. The scalars get along well with other types of scalars, but they tend to be aggressive with peaceful fish. It is likely that they will hunt goldfish and certainly their fins. Thus, even if the temperature of the content of these species coincided, it would not be possible to keep them together - the scalars will offend goldfish.

Aquarium size

Many aquarists keep goldfish or scalar in small aquariums, but small volumes can limit growth and lead to health problems. Both types of fish require ample space. Scalars require at least 12 liters of water per fish, while goldfish need 15 to 30 liters of water per fish. An adult and large goldfish will need 50 to 100 liters per fish.


The diet of scalars and goldfish is quite similar. Both species are omnivorous, but scalars require more squirrel. Bloodworms, brine shrimp are excellent food products for these fish species. But goldfish need to be fed with vegetable food, because it is still a herbivorous species of fish.

Recently I bought an aquarium (I have long dreamed of goldfish). But I bought a very large aquarium, 80 liters. And my little goldfinches are somehow lonely there. Now I think who can be hooked up to them. They say that goldfish are very capricious and can simply eat all the neighbors. Maybe there are some fish that get along with them? Can you advise me!! I really want more fish. And then because it hurts an empty aquarium.

4 answers To answer

15.03.2013 17:08

lion666900 Helpful answer? |

Good day! Everything is relative enough. From the very beginning I have scalars (4 pieces), 2 gold, 2 telescopes, 4 Sumatran and 4 veiled-tailed barbs, pearl and marble gourami, a couple of lalius, 15 pieces of neons (red, black and ordinary), guppies, mollies and 3 species of catfish (I will probably not name the exact names). Everyone has been living very peacefully for several years, no one bullies or offends anyone. True, the aquarium is large enough. The secret, I think, is that all the fishes were small and got used to each other from childhood. I try to keep the temperature regime relatively average - about 24-25 degrees, there is a powerful filter, good aeration and various feeding (I try to give both dry and frozen food at the same time, so each fish chooses a treat for itself). Golds do not eat anyone (well, except for fry of live-bearers, which almost all are supported by). Also, no one gnaws gold fins. So everything is relative, everything depends on the comfort of each representative of the underwater world.

19.01.2014 11:12

DenStrighoff Helpful answer? |

Almost unambiguously this question can be answered - "NO ONE". It is best to keep your goldfish in a separate tank. Even different types goldfish get along very badly with each other. It should be borne in mind that one goldfish needs from 50 liters of water. Goldfish are very gluttonous and can easily devour other fish. Also, goldfish need a certain temperature regime and fauna. Therefore, experienced aquarists recommend keeping goldfish in a separate aquarium and only with representatives of their own species. Undoubtedly, these are very beautiful fish, but think carefully before starting them. There are others beautiful views fish.

29.03.2013 07:00

AlexPif Helpful answer? |

Yes, due to the fact that fish cannot always get along with those other fish that you want to settle with them, you need to know exactly with whom they can cohabit and with whom they cannot. There is a lot of useful literature for this. At one time, I kept an aquarium with goldfish. Therefore, I have studied this issue. Goldfish is a subspecies of freshwater crucian carp. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for them to find good aquarium neighbors. Ideally, they are best kept separate from other fish altogether. But if you really wanted to add someone, then let it be koi carps or plekostomus catfish. In any case, in such a company, no one will eat anyone and will not collide.

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