What fish can be kept with goldfish. Goldfish: care and feeding. The impact of the species behavior on compatibility

Reservoirs 14.10.2018

Many busy people who dream of a home pet and have no opportunity to start a cat or a dog, acquire aquariums. However, not everyone knows how to properly care for its inhabitants. After reading today's article, you will learn how many goldfish live.

Small historical retreat


How many goldfish live in aquarium?

IN this case Much depends on the conditions in which they live. On average, this indicator ranges from five to ten years. However, there are exceptions. For example, in one of the English cities there was a pair of individuals who lived to the thirty-year-old age. Moreover, they lived in a sulokalite aquarium and fed on a specialized feed. And in the county of North. Yorkshire was gold fish, lived forty-four years.


Prevention of various diseases

Life expectancy of certain types of aquarium fish

Let's learn how much some kinds of aquarium inhabitants live: Fish Cockery and Guppies, Middle Mares and Scalar, Fish Telescopes, Parrots, Danio and others.

Experts disagree: how many years old goldfish live. Some believe that these fish live 3-4 years old, others - that the duration of their lives reaches 10-15 years. Gold fish in the UK lived the longest longer, which died at the age of 43.

Aquarium fish telescope, as well as other goldfish, can live in aquarium about 15-17 years.

Fish Danio refers to Karpov and lives from 5 to 7 years.

Scalaria, type of cigal, can live up to 10 years. In Germany, the long-lived Scalarium lived 18 years. The form of cigal belongs to the fish of the parrot, which in the respective conditions can also live up to 10 years.

Middle Mares and Guppies are vivaging carp fish and their lives can last no more than 5 years.

Petushki constantly fighting fish live in captivity for long - 3-4 years.

Labyrinth fish gourahm can live in aquarium 4-5 years, glass sober - up to 8 years old, and Piranha relating to the form of Haracinov, lives in captivity up to 10 years.

Remember that the life expectancy of your aquarium pets depends largely on your attentive and careful relationships and proper care.

How many aquarium fish are living :: how many fishing parrots live :: Aquarium fish

Fish is the most ancient class of aquatic vertebrates, which over time became inhabitants of not only water bodies and ponds, but also home aquariums. Fish, which live in aquarium, differ from their wild relatives bizarre form, color, size and other individual characteristics of the body structure.

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As a rule, bright aquarium fish Heat-loving, they feel comfortable at water temperature of at least 17 ° C, but there are exceptions and some species withstand low temperatures. The most popular family of aquarium fish:
- carp,
- Belonty,
- Busy,
- bullish,
- Representatives of the Somov family.

It is worth noting that the life expectancy of any kind of fish is always different and depends on the set of accompanying factors, such as water, food, cleanliness, temperature mode, the number of fish and their compatibility with each other.

Combination of fish

Often if the number of fish is too big, i.e. The aquarium is over-selected, the life expectancy of the inhabitants is declining at times.
For a long time, only those fish, which are compatible with each other and are suitable in the family class. Also on the life expectancy of the fish affects its size: it is believed that small fish live from 1 to 5 years. For example, the common swords and guppi are aging by 3 years, Black Morulius also lives on average for 3-4 years, Cardinal - 4-5, and Labio up to 8 years.
It is believed that the mining fish live for 10 years, but the largest individuals can live 15 years. For example, the average life expectancy of 5-15 years have somes, carp 4-10 years old, and all the favorite gold fish, astronotuses, cichlase and even large piranhas live from 10 to 30 years. There are cases when large carps lived in an aquarium longer than their owner, who died at the age of 78, who received a tank aquarium at the age of adulthood.
Males traditionally live for a year and a half longer females. There are some fish breeds whose females die during childbirth. It can happen to any fish, but most susceptible to the guppy and swords.


An important factor affecting the life of the fish is the change of water in the aquarium and feeding. If it is rarely changing the water, substances will be accumulated in the aquarium, which will adversely affect the respiratory organs of the fish and eventually begin to cohere them. Fish transplanted from dirty water In clean, it will not be able to recover and, most likely, will die.
In the feeding of fish it is important to understand that it is better not to read the fish than to reconcile, because if it is constantly throwing into the aquarium food, it will deteriorate, and the fish will constantly eat union, which will continue to affect her health, often manifested in the form of digestive diseases.
The high temperature of the water in the aquarium will also reduce the life of the fish, since in such water the exchange processes flow quickly, and the body of the fish is age.
If you consider all the factors that were listed above, the life expectancy of fish can be really increasing the right departure. The main thing is to understand what conditions the specific breed of fish will be comfortable, remember the purity, temperature and restrained feed.

Goldfish: Care and content

The content of goldfish and care for them do not require special efforts. Best of all, they live in the aquariums of traditional shapes, in which the width is approximately equal to half the length. The number of fish for settlement is calculated, based on the following indicators: one fish for 1.5-2 sq. MD. The bottom of the aquarium should be postponed with small soil or pebbles, as Golden Fish love to dig at the bottom and can raise a torment from the sand. In addition, they are easily shifted by plants that are poorly fixed, so the wings are best suited, planted in special pots or well-attached large stones. Conditions for the content of goldfish depend on their external signs, for example, if you are going to settle in your aquarium individuals with convex eyes, then you need to make sure that there is no one at the bottom, and there are no any aquarium acute corners, cobblestones who can damage this organ.

The water temperature for the content of goldfish can vary from 17 to 26-29 ° C. Follow the behavior of your fish. If they are slow, inactive, then water is too cold or hot. They are not very demanding of acidity indicators, however, the rigidity should not be less than 80. For goldfish, it is important that in the aquarium good lighting and ventilation.

Aquarium goldfish has good compatibility with other species of fish. They rarely go away, attack the aquarium other inhabitants, and their enough big sizes Allow them to avoid skirmishes with fish of other varieties. Separately, it is recommended to contain only voulahvosts, since their beautiful fins may suffer from the neighborhood with other fish. This is very wisdom appearance Your pet. In addition, voualehvosts are a little sunny and are quite slow, so they may not have time to get food during feeding, as other fish will push them aside.

Gold fish caviar breeds. To do this, eat the female and several males into a special aquarium. You can distinguish the floor among fish only before spawning: the female is rounded the belly, and the male fins are covered in a kind of white "rash". A plastic mesh is placed in a spawning aquarium for 1-2 cm from the bottom, and a piece of synthetic washcloth is placed in the angle. Under the grid will be rolled eggs, some of them will attach them to the washcloth. After spawning, fish is cleaned. The appearance of fools occurs in about 4 days.

Goldfish: Care and Feeding

Feeding goldfish can be carried out different food. They gladly eat dry food, white bread, rainworms, oat and manan Kashi. (cooked without salt), row, salad, nettle and much more. It is better, If fish diet is diverse. If for a long time to feed them only with dry food, then irritation of the digestive system may appear. Feeding is better to produce with periodicity 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. It is necessary to give food in sufficient amount for all fish by about 15 minutes, then remove it with a siphon. With proper nutrition, fish can live without damage to health about two weeks without food, which is very convenient if the owners leave home for a while. It is necessary to avoid the surplus of goldfish, as they quickly gain weight, which negatively affects the duration of their lives.

All about aquarium goldfish

All all about goldfish

Dear reader! This article is a national team from all articles of our site. Also, we tried to supplement the article by nuances of the content and care of gold fish in the aquarium.
Why do you need such an article? Everything is very simple. Many newcomers of the aquarium world do not know how to contain them, they make gross mistakes, as a result of which, in a month, goldfish in the best case are sickly crushing rot, and in the worst pop up by the belly up.

For example, often on our forum, and on the Internet as a whole ask the question - why my goldfish floats sideways or upstairs by the belly? When you start to understand, seek the reason for such a notem and ask questions to the owner ... The answer is by itself and literally lies on the surface of the water.
Many people do not know, I forget or do not want to know that the feeding of fish should be balanced, that is, in their diet should include dry food, and alive, and vegetable. Golden fish are increments, prone to overeating, so the issue of balance in nutrition for them as an actual one for anyone. As for the aforementioned question, the answer is simple - in the process of eating dry food, goldfish swallow air together with food. If you feed them only dry food, fish, due to excess air in the food system, begin to pop up by the belly up. The problem is solved elementary - fishes are transferred to the right, full feeding and after 3-4 days goldfish begin to float normally.
Alas, such examples are all impossible, everything is impossible. But, we still try to do this, by centralizing all information about goldfish. We will try to focus on the most important moments Contents of gold aquarium fish.

Goldfish: Description, types, main points of content

Goldfish: Compatible with other fish

The impact of the species behavior on compatibility

Compatibility of goldfish with cichlids

Practice shows that such a neighborhood is impossible. And this is due to the natural aggressiveness of almost all cigal.

Even if the cychlides are herbivores and one size with goldfish, then races throughout the aquarium are inevitable.

In some sources, you can meet information about peaceful accommodation in the general aquarium of goldfish and South American cichlase, but the clashes between them are inevitable. Especially if the fish are hungry.

As for the rather common astronotus, he considers the "golden" exclusively as an extra dish to his dinner.

Compatible with labyrinth

"Golden" and haracin

Joint content with carp

Goldfish and decorative soma

Experts argue that in this case one can expect quite decent compatibility. Small aquarium Sumi. (Tarakatums or corridors) do not consider "gold" as rivals, they are too calm for this and slow.

An exception can only be an ansister or som suction cup, which hunts at night. Sitting to the Golden Fish, this sober can stream it pretty.

Some connoisseurs argue that the neighborhood with sommi will be even useful for aquarium biotope, since "golden shells" leave behind a lot of garbage, which can quickly decompose, and soma in their nature are bottom cleaners.

Goldfish varieties compatibility

From the point of view of behavior and tranquility in a water dormitory, there will be no problems in this case. Comets, voualehvosts, Supbukunkins, Vakin, Telescopes and Riukins will rest peacefully in the shared company.

But there is another problem here: the state of the offspring. The individuals of various subspecies will begin to cross each other and give hybrids. Thus, the breed will be corrupted, and the age-old efforts of the Eastern breeders will go to the pump. If this process does not stop, then there will be a fairly rapid transformation of goldfish back to ordinary carp.

So, who is better to combine elegant goldfish? There is only one answer option, with which all experts agree: with anyone. In the species aquarium, gold fish of one breed will be calm, cozy and safely.


To date aquarium fishRather, their varieties are quite numerous and diverse. But always the most important among them are considered, in fact, legendary goldfish.

Interesting golden inhabitants underwater world far away simple creatures. And to provide correct careIn order to maximize the duration of their life and prevent diseases (you are interested, how many years do such fish live?) Finally, if you wish to ensure their reproduction, many nuances should be taken into account.

External description

Typically, the length of gold fish comes up to 30-35 cm. However, in aquarium conditions, the indicators are much more modest: it is rare to meet the fish more than 15 cm.

The body of these aquarium fish is slightly stretched in length, has the form of an ellipse, the sides are flattened.

As for the fins, it is very long the dorsal, which begins with the middle of the body. The anal fin is relatively short (it is attributed to the tail). Usually these creatures are red, slightly reddish either at all yellowish fins. Belubo, as a rule, has a yellowish tint, the sides are golden, and the back - red-golden.

However, there are existence different kinds These aquarium inhabitants who can have a pale pink, red, black, white and even spotted color.

Features of content

Goldfish require carefully selected aquarium conditions. First of all, it should be understood that the content of one fish requires at least 50 liters of water. However, as the number of fish in the aquarium increases, an increase in the density of their settlement is allowed.

At the bottom of the aquarium, there should be a coarse-grained ground, because the fish love to rummag. Pebbles need to pick round, which do not have sharp edges. The content also assumes the plants, only better let them be not with small leaves, because on such leaves will settle the dirt raised from the soil. Floating plants will be useful - with their help you can ensure feeding.

Now let's talk about the parameters of the water: its temperature ranges from 16 to 24 degrees (the lower temperature is needed in winter, as it approaches summer period It is necessary to gradually increase the water temperature); Stiffness - at the level of 8-18 degrees, acidity is needed about 7.

In general, the water should be paid to maximum attention (after all, its quality even affects the life expectancy of the fish themselves, i.e. it depends on how much the fish under consideration). It must be abundantly saturated with oxygen, should be clean. Every day should be replaced around the tenth of the water. Without a filter, do not do. Inappropriate water quality provokes diseases.

By the way, about life expectancy. How many water inhabitants live? The exact term, how much they live, no one can name, but the case is known when the Golden Fish has lived to 34 years without a single illness. How much do they usually live? From 3 to 10 years. The length of life of these creatures directly depends on what their contents.

Now consider compatibility. Here it is necessary to take into account the varieties of goldfish, because not all species have complete compatibility with other fish. In addition, even the compatibility of the fish with each other is not always observed. Check compatibility with one or another fish is still not worth it. In any case, peaceful and calm neighbors are not too large, allow to provide practically absolute compatibility.

How to feed?

To feed the fish under consideration is very difficult, especially for novice aquarists. Why? Goldfish is very voracious creatures that are almost constantly asked to eat. You can say so: how many live, so much eat. However, feed them too often is strictly prohibited, since they develop diseases.

The answer to this question is extremely simple: you can feed almost everyone, because goldfish is omnivorous creatures. By virtue of this variety of their feed implies availability:

  • living feed;
  • specialized dry feed;
  • vegetable food (i.e., plants are needed).

Live feed is desirable to acquire frozen (this will exclude the likelihood that the fish will be illness) to then defrost it and feed them fish. Dry it is recommended to first be twisted in a small aquarium water drying. Plants Before you begin to feed fish, you should scat out (it will also prevent the disease) and grind. It is noteworthy that adults can eat plants even if they are not crushed.

What can be plants? Especially to highlight the salad. The leaves of this plant are very familiar to the fish. Plants can be perfectly supplemented with fruit.

In general, it should be noted that goldfish issues should be submitted extremely responsible. It is very important to feed these aquarium inhabitants correctly and in a timely manner. If all the requirements are observed, then complete developing adult fish with ease will transfer a two-week hunger strike (in case of departure on vacation or a business trip).

In addition, there is and the possibility of leaving the fish for more long term If there is such a need. Then they can be left in the aquarium more rogolistnik.

We also indicate that a number of specialists recommends completing the diet of goldfish with cereal porridge. Such cereals should be cooked on water without salt. It is desirable that they were crumbly.

Many novice amateurs-aquarists have a question: how many aquarium fish live. It should be understood that the life expectancy of any living being depends on its type, proper care, a comfortable habitat.

The aquarium on the life expectancy of fish affects the degree of its population. If fish is much, respectively, the duration of their lives is reduced. In addition, do not forget that only fake-compatible fish can live for a long time. Remember that aquarium fish cold-blooded: the temperature of their body directly depends on the temperature of the water in which they live. The warmer water, the fact of fish flows faster due to accelerated metabolic processes in their organisms.

The life expectancy of the fish depends on their size: the life of small fish is short-lived - from 1 year to 5 years, the fish of the medium size can live to 10-12 years old, and large fish live 15 years and longer.

A rare change of water in the aquarium, as well as persistence leads to a reduction in the life expectancy of fish. Moreover, the stubble is much worse effect on the fish than the undercurrent. The older they become, the more susceptible to stress and various diseases.

Below is a list of life expectancy of some aquarium fish:


tetras, Neons, Minors 4-6 years

piranha, Paku - 10 years


danio, Barbusa, Labo, Cardinals, Bala Akuliy 5-10 years

goldfish - 10-30 years


Scalaria, Frontose, Malawi Tsichlids (Labidochromis, Pseudotrofius) 8-10 years

Cikhlasomes, astronotuses, discs, Severuma 10-18 years

Apistograms 3-5 years


guppie, Mollyonsia, Middle Mares, Peclion 3-5 years


gourats, Lyalius, Petushki 4-6 years



Bind, Booting 10-15 years

How many live Akula Balu - 10 years;
How many live Apistograms - 3-5 years;
How much lives Fish Angel Pomelodus - 8 years;
How many live Astronotuses - 10-18 years old;
How many live Barbusa - 5-10 years;
How much lives Vyun ordinary - 10 years;
How many live Bats10-15 years;

How many hyppi guppies live - 3-5 years;

How many live Gurura - 4-5 years;
How many live Discusses - 10-18 years;
How many live Danio - 5-7 years;

How many goldfish live - 10-30 years;

How many live Congo - 5 years;
How many live Cardinals - 4 years;
How many live Cracking cattle corridratuses - 5-7 years old;
How many live Lyalius - 5-6 years;
How many live Labo - 4-10 years;

How many ladies live - 3-5 years;

How many live Metinis - more than 10 years;
How many live Misti - 5 years;
How many live Neons - 4 years;
How many live Molinezia - 4 years;
How many live Nimbochrisis - more than 10 years;
How many live Pecilia - 3-5 years;
How many live Ocalkinuses - 5 years;
How many live Pirates - 10 years;
How many live Malawi cichlids - more than 10 years;
How many live Plemptom - 7-15 years;
How many live Rapid - 5-10 years;
How many live Sindontis - 5 years;
How many live Severum - 10-18 years;

How many scalar live - more than 10 years;

How many live Som Banjio - 7-15 years;
How many live Tarakatum - more than 10 years;
How many live Networks Soma - 8 years;
How many live Tetra - 5-6 years;
How many live Cyiclazines are black-rocked 10-18 years;
How many live Frontose - 8-15 years;
How many live Cichlamps 10-15 years;
How many live Chorni Morulisi - 4-10 years;
How many live Tetradones - 5 years;
How many live Sturizoma - more than 10 years;
How much lives Fish Spray - 5 years;
How many live Klinobyuhi - 5 years;
How many live Rainbow - 3-5 years;
How many live Panakia - more than 10 years.

Types living in salted water

How many aquarium fish live, which prefer salted water? Despite the narrow distribution in domestic nurseries and complexity in the content, yet some lovers try to provide them with all possible conditions Life. Extend life can balanced salt level in water, proper nutrition and the corresponding volume of the aquarium. Most sea fish live in public aquariums, where they live in best conditions. Many marine fish are amenable to diseases at the beginning of life due to poor care.

Some species inhabiting in saltwate water live from 2 to 4 years. Among them: Fish Butterfly, Tangerinka, Moorish idol, bulls, sea dogs, Napoleon, Monodactilus (Fish-Swallow), Spinorog, Surgeon Fish, Legu. Most small tropical seahorse live in aquariums for 3-4 years. Larger sea skates can live longer, but rarely available for home aquarium.

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