Aquarium and fish for beginners. Aquarium fish for beginners: photo, video. Selection and compatibility of various fish species.

Reservoirs 31.10.2018

Fish for beginners should be unpretentious and simple in content. So that care for the aquarium and its inhabitants does not require experience, knowledge and qualifications. The following family families will be suitable:

  • labyrinth
  • vivibory,
  • carp
  • catches
  • cichlids.

Let us dwell on the description of only some species and instances.

Senior sergeant junior. A minor sergeant Major Damsels in the wild. A very interesting behavioral show is shown by this small group of juvenile sergeants Major Damsels. As teenagers, they form free, smaller groups and quickly and randomly shoot. They can be cute, but grow to be nasty!

Staff Sergeant. This video is very short, but shows what looks like a parent and a few descendants that someone successfully bred in his tank! While it is not recommended to put it a lot in one tank, it may be in the case of family, and perhaps an adult does not attack young! Usually a pair or one major sergeant can be stored in a tank of 75 gallons.

Labyrinth fish

They got their name for the respiration by ordinary air, oxygen from which is absorbed in a special labyrinth of the body of the Fish. For their content no need for compressorAnd you can transport in your pocket, wrapped in a wet cloth. Often as follows:

Fish 4-5 cm (occasionally up to 10 cm), especially beautiful when completely reveals its fins. Color varied, brighter when excited or during spawning. The females are modest and in color, and in the magnitude of the fins. Right called "fighting". Very aggressively refers to their own mirror reflection, rivals, other species of fish, can fasten fins. When females appear or simply changing the water - reacts violently. Unpretentious fish, with a temperature of content up to 28 degrees., But calmly feeling even at 18 degrees., Ready to do aquarium volume from 5 liters per each instance.

Video shows typical habits of Dels Talbot. Talbot Dummers love to dig a small hole under stone, rubble or coral, alive or dead, and hide there when they are afraid or sleep. They are the most calm of all dams that are closer to the poultry, salary or bobc clown. These little fish are excellent community fish for reef or tank community and their small size 4 makes their excellent nano-fish, as well!

Talbot in Safari. This peaceful little girl has the same temperament as a softer clown. They are gorgeous on the reef and enjoy secluded corners and scan, in which they can hide. Unlike other dams, they do not become aggressive, but, like clown, will protect it little corner reef. This is an excellent peaceful community fish, which is unusual for most ladies!

Gourats grumble

This fish breaks the main stereotype - it can talk. More precisely, to issue sounds that resemble drying or quacking. The noise of the group really resembles grumbling. The silhouette of these, reaching 7.5 cm fish, remotely looks like shark. Coloring varies from brilliantly blue, to greenish, and sometimes golden-brownish. Indispensable attribute, It is 2 and more racks of dark specks along the body. Points of swears and fins, having a wide and rounded shape, with sweat endings in males. Abdominal - filamental.

They have only yellow On the rear tail and a little in the body. They are small, soft for the maiden, and they are easy to take care. They are easily appearing in captivity, although the upbringing of young can be quite complicated. Initial fish: Yellow tail Blue dam. Golden belly Dammel for sale in Pakistan Pets.

There are many excellent salty fish to choose for beginners. Some of them are well suited for a new beginner in the aquarium, and even more may contain more advanced beginners. There are also fish that correspond to all the parameters of the Great Fish-novice, but because of the size and diet it is best to store individually and make an excellent sample to display.

This aquarium fish has a very calm, sealing, styal and slightly flexible nature of behavior. Food is powered by any feedBut preference gives a floating on the surface or near. Requires 24-28 degrees. The temperature of the content, in 15 liters of water for a couple, with an abundance of vegetation in the aquarium.

Vivoric fish

The name of the nobility ", indicates that these fish differ from most reproduction method and appearance of offspring. As a result of mating, fertilization of the eggs occurs in the adolescence of female, from where they appear fry. And getting seed once, female capably up to 8 times reproduce offspring. In aquariums, such species are often common:

List of starter fish in the table below includes a fish that would be comfortable in a tank with 30 gallons. Each fish further refers to the category "New beginner", "advanced beginner" or "initial tank". New Fish For beginners for beginners, those who deal with fishing and begins their first aquarium, are samples that are worn, resistant to diseases and will take products from aquarium that are easily accessible. In addition to peaceful fish, proposed for new newcomers, also includes fish with semi-aggressive activity and aggressive fish. A beginner tank for beginners has a few really good beginners for sample. These species can be either peaceful, semi-aggressive or aggressive. This is primarily peaceful fish, so compatibility problems are minimized. . Sea fish that are great for beginners and small tanks are damasters, including chrome.

  • guppie
  • molnesia,
  • swords
  • pecilia
  • amki.

Perhaps the most unpretentious of unpretentious fish. Males can boast a huge variety of colors, drawings, overflows and magnificent, voualese tails. 2-4 cm, and nonsense on the appearance of the female, always larger and reach 7 cm. This is the company's aquarium fish that do not stand out loneliness are victims of attacks with other, more aggressive fish species.

Predatory inhabitants of aquariums

Others include some clowns, cardinals, barns, bulls, hawks, torches, bass grams, grams, militia, pseudochromis and others. Here is generalized general characteristics Groups by fish types. The graphs are below individual selected types of temperament, or peaceful, semi-aggressive, and aggressive. All these aquarium fish with sea water It turned out to be hardy, undemanding and well suited for a novice amateur.

Types of fish-novice. They can become permanent residents if you want more aggressive fish, but if you want to save more calm fish, then you want to return them to the pet shop. One or two will be laid, but more can lead to battle.

  • These fish are often recommended as the best newcomer for the marine tanker.
  • They are small, very hardy, inexpensive, and not picky consumers.
  • They also have incredible colors and color patterns.
  • They are - the best choice For hacking in the sea tank.
There is quite a large selection of peaceful fish.

Amateurs natural lighting. We are content with space 2-3 l for a couple and even in such conditions, they can multiply. The temperature of the content is 18-30 degrees. Prefer to eat live food, but do not refuse from vegetable.

Middle Mares

Vivoric fishwho received its name due to the shape of the tail. His lower process is strongly elongated and pointed, reminding the sword. This is a purely male attribute of a female male. The color of these reaching 10 cm of fish (excluding the process) varies from light-olive to light brown, with a black stamping of the sword. The females are traditionally larger and can reach 12 cm, but have more pale color. In groups of fish with a limited number of men's individuals, cases of transformation of females in males, with the corresponding rust of the sword are notified.

They are great for a new beginner, because compatibility is much less than with more aggressive species. However, some kind of aggression can occur if the fish feels competition for its home territory. Since you choose your inhabitants, it helps to extract fish, inhabiting various areas of the tank.

Peaceful novice marine fish. Both semi-aggressive fish and aggressive fish, although quite hardy, may be furious to pursue peaceful fish. These fish are better for advanced beginners who will develop their choice of fish with a great understanding of each individual fish. Knowing what types of territories are needed by this fish, what are their requirements for diets and what kinds of fish they can choose, and why, these things help in choosing compatible assistants to tanks.

They are civilians with other fish of close size, but showing aggressiveness to the small and owners of lush tails. Comfortably feel at 22-26 degrees. Feed all, giving preference to any meat dishes, but do not refuse from plant food, calm to long-term breaks in nutrition.

List of "Right" Fish for Beginners

Semi-aggressive novice marine fish. Aggressive novice marine fish. Each of the types of saline fish that you find in the hobby is differently adapted to life in the ocean. Despite the extensive space of the oceans, most of These fish is in a specific region. These fish are small ocean inhabitants, and often source of food for larger marine animals.

Most of the species live among the reefs, rocks and rubble, covered with sandy sections in the wild. Their natural houses provide corners and cracks, where they can quickly cover if such a need arises. These areas also support many other types of plant and animal life, which are rich nutritional food sources for fish. Some fish will swim on pretty large sitesWhile others remain very close to the same coral head or stony, exposing all their lives.

Predatory inhabitants of aquariums

It is worth noting that under the term "predatory", the fish is understood, often showing an aggressive nature and for the most part that feed on meat food. A distinctive feature of such aquarium fish is the intelligence I. sophisticated social behavior Conditioned by the fact that they are ready to hunt and more jealous to their territory. These include not only bloodthirsty, but also quite a large number of Fish showing themselves as such only in a certain time or in certain circumstances. Their types:

Unpretentious to the conditions in the aquarium

In their natural habitat, there is competition both with food and with protective shelter, and therefore almost all sea fish have some level of aggression. Many will put a certain territory as their home and aggressively protect it from intruders.

Sea fish in a home aquarium. When marine fish fall into homemade aquariumAs in the wild, they need a habitat that suits them. The aquarium must provide a place to protect and asylum and proper nutrition. They also carry their instinctive behavior with them, so they need individual space and compatible assistants to tanks.


it unpretentious, strong and movable Aquarium fish showing character that causes the specificity of their content. They have fightened from the sides and a vertically extended body, with a large mouth and scolded. They meet from monophonic to multi-colored, from striped to swept dots, with sufficient lighting - the color is brighter. The males with age develops ophth grains. The pine and abdominal fins, this fish, rejected to a wide tail and end with extended processes. The males reach 10 cm, females are inferior in size by 2-3 cm.

Like freshwater fish, each sea view has its own needs and requirements. What works for one fish does not always work in the same way as with another. Salt aquariums vary depending on what residents you want to save. Sea fish are also basically going from wildlife, although more and more species are now being divorced in captivity. For acclimatization, wild caught fish takes more attention and attention than prisoners raised individuals.

Regardless of what your skill level is successfully saving, it is necessary to ensure and maintain a properly configured aquarium. Many novice sea fish are light guardians in aquarium by 30 gallons, and there are several that can be stored in a smaller 10 or 20 gallon tank. When you have aquarium, do not hurry to choose fish. Start slowly, fill your tank with the correct number of hardy species, first enter the peaceful fish and add aggressive fish for the last time, and get support for maintaining the marine environment.

Do not tolerate neighborhood with smaller fish, destroying them. This causes the need for a separate content, or in the large amount of water aquarium. Form constant couples, they require a separate territory and roaring it, especially during the spawning and growing fry, which they literally walk and drive home daily, for the period of increasing.

Selection of novice marine fish. You want to have a successful aquarium, and there is nothing more discouraging than losing your favorite fish or a whole fish tank. You want your fish to be worn out and easily cared for her, and avoid the wrong choice. Performing a small number of research in your hand can help eliminate many problems with aquarium and heartbreaking experiences.

Fish, most suitable for beginners

Spend some time to look at different typesAnd then draw up a list of those that interest you most. Compare your list with a newcomer offered and eliminate those that are not good starting fish. They can be an excellent choice for the future tank, but not so good for a beginner aquarium. Now you need to determine which of these fish to choose.

Cikhlasomes are able to recognize the owner and is with the hands, but they can hurt the finger, if a person comes to the nesting territory. It is desirable an abundance of grottoes, shelters and firmly fortified algae, for the comfortable content of these fish. As virtually omnivorous, not less than 70% of the ration of meat-protein food require. The required temperature is in the range of 24-28 degrees.

Breeding tropical fish, goldfish and other freshwater fish

Here are some recommendations for choosing salted fish fish. Compatibility with fish for compatible tank community You need to know how each fish gets along with others. Fish range in temperament from a peaceful or semi-aggressive, up to very aggressive. Compatibility between fish of different temperaments varies greatly and depends on a number of factors. Most often, fish with the same temperaments are good and sometimes they can get along with fish a little different. Aggressive fish can keep their own when they are held with other aggressors, but may cause damage to peaceful fish. However, a semi-aggressive fish can be in order with more aggressive or more peaceful fish. Some fish will be laid with other similar species, but only if they have a different color or shape. Sometimes peaceful fish will be aggressively go for fish because it eats. To help compatibility to start, first introducing peaceful fish into the aquarium, then gradually add a semi-magressive next and, finally, aggressive fish. Holding aquarium with sea water The biggest mistake that aquarists make is to eclipse their tank. Two basic considerations with aquarium reserve are the ratio between the size of the reservoir and the number of fish. When you buy sea fish, they are usually minors, but quickly grow to an adult. An adult size is something that is important when determining the number of fish you can put in your reservoir. The aquarium must provide sufficient space so that the fish remains healthy and comfortable. So how many fish can you put in your aquarium? General landmark - 2 fish for every 10 gallons of water. This is not an accurate figure, as it can vary depending on the type of fish and the biological burden, which they are placed in the system. For example, heavy fish and very active fish can produce more waste by adding more bio-load, while thin fish or passive bottom residents have less load. Having a fish. It seems that each marine fish should have refuge. In the wild, the majority live close to corals or rubble with large quantity Cracks and cracks where they can hang out, or quickly rush into a safe place. Some of them will live in Norah in the sand, often at the foundation of the casualties. In the aquarium they need shelters, and many will demand that a certain area be created as its territory. Your fish will be most convenient if there are many living stones, coral skeletons or their combination to find safety and feel at home. Fish resistance. Sea fish is generally more sensitive to temperature fluctuations and water chemistry than their freshwater colleagues. The proposed fish-sleepy fish beginners are most adapted. They are hardy fish and least susceptible to disease. Feeding requirements Good newcomers-fish do not bring what they eat. This is especially true for the new-novice fish. Advanced fish-starting is also usually easy to eat, but there are some that may want livers. Others can be depraved, consumer fish, or search for invertebrates, such as decorative shrimps, mollusks and corals. New types of tank copies are stored by one, because they often eat another fish. Price and accessibility in general, marine fish are more expensive than freshwater fish. For those who are small, reaching only 2-3. With this type of investment in domestic animals, you will definitely want to choose best fish For your aquarium. The new fish-fisher is usually available in fish stores and on the Internet. Many of the advanced newcomers are also quite common, but there are some species that are more sporadically accessible. It helps work closely with your fish shop. Tell them that you are looking for, when some particular view is available, they can tell you and get it for you.

Fish breeding - one of the most exciting and interesting aspects as aquarium keeper

Fish keepers start with several tropical fish or, maybe with golden fish in a small aquarium.

Long cichlida

Sometimes this fish is called a cichlid-knife, due to very elongated body. The head, with a hoppy bottom lip, takes a little less than half the length reaching 12 cm in males, and in female individuals up to 10 cm. Coloring silver, with blue or greenish tump, at the ends of the dorsal and anal fins there are golden orange dots. The females color, closer to olive.

This predator is quite calm, but loves to fall into brilliant items, and when attacked other fish - on their eyes. Males polygamus, they need Harem.If only a couple of women's individuals only, then they constantly ugly. Activity can be reduced by increasing the aquarium and the number of females, as well as creating a lot of shelters and steering only fast and larger neighbors.

During spawning, these fish are jealously guarded the nest. The entire incubation period and until the moment when the fasteners are fixed and will eat themselves, for several weeks, the female wears them in the mouth. Cichlids require a variety of live or ice cream meat feed, some "lovers" - give small fish. For content require a bulk aquarium, more than 200 liters per family, with a temperature of 24-28 degrees.

The smallest inhabitants of the aquariums

In a large aquarium they will be invisible, and in a small may not be so easy to maintain a microclimate regular, because often small fish Very demanding on the conditions of content. Preferred fires in 8-12 copiesSo that aquarium life was interesting to both fish and their owner. These include:

Dwarf Tetradon

This is a small, four-sufficious predator, up to 2.5-3 cm long. Has a yellowish coloring with dark spots incorrect form On a body reminiscent of tasty. Female males bright and sometimes, with a dark stripe on the trouser. Persecuted eyes Move independently of each other.

As many little fish are pretty bugle, but also as all predators are quite smart. Carefully interested in what is happening behind the glass and when a person appears, can be sprinkled, deliberately showing itself. Interesting feature, their reaction to fright - inflating into a ball, the size of 2-3 body size.

Hunt for snails, worms, mollusks and young shrimps, hung over the victim and choosing a moment. Require the predominance of shell feed, to erase teeth, living or frozen. To the aquarium neighbors relative to the peaceful, but having great tails, they will definitely roll. Detention temperature 23-27 degrees. In aquarium from 15 liters of water, A piece of space in which has thick greens and shelter.

Somik Pigmere

Aquarium fish corridors Pegmy attracts its elegant and unshaven species. A grayish-olive elongated body, with an extended Bokami Bokami, a dark back and a strip coming from the nose to the tail. Corners of the mouth have small mustache. Size of females up to 3 cm, and in males - up to 2.5 cm.

Fish Mirna, curious and dear, with sparrows behavior of stakes, which can sit row, in love with a snag or leaf, and then break away to another place at one of the congor. Active and confident behave during content from 10 copies, with the number of males at least 2 per female. Love to dig at the bottom, with business speciesabsorbing food. Eat everything that can go into a little mouth. Satisfied with aquarium from 40l, on a flock of 6-12 fish, with a temperature of 24-26 degrees.


Sometimes, you can hear the name "Boraras Strawberry", as well as close variations. There is no difference, this is the same bright red fish, with a body size of 1.5-2.0 cm and having a dark spot on each side, an oval shape resembling a trail from the berry. Females have a more flexible color and can reach 2.5 cm of length, and stain round shapebut smaller.

it timid, fussy and very movable fishpreferring to stink, so for natural and comfortable behavior, it is better to contain from 7-10 copies. Well feels in thick planted aquatic plants aquarium, the bottom of which is lined with dry leaves, which resembles fish natural conditions And it helps to watch their lives, on a dark background. These fish eat all protein and frozen food, but being insectivores, prefer live and small size.

It is not bad to live even in aquariums from 10 liters per 100-10 fish, but freely feel and multiply in large volumes. Content temperature 23-28 degrees.

The underwater world is great and diverse, within the framework of one material it is impossible to describe all its magnificence. We just touched it. Raised the veil of secrets, only over some inhabitants of the fish kingdom. Everyone can stand on this path of observations and discoveries, joining the number of aquarists.

Falling by the idea of \u200b\u200bstarting your aquarium, many of us imagine its full spectacular exotic fish. But practice shows that not all kinds of fish are suitable for inexperienced aquarists. Who can choose for your first aquarium?


Perhaps the most popular aquarium fish for beginners are unpretentious. These bright fish are undemanding to the composition of water in the aquarium and the quality of the feed. Guppies quickly multiply, they can be performed in a species aquarium, where they will be fenced from the aggression of other species of fish.

Middle MaresUnresponsible to the form of feed, for one or two weeks they can do and without it without it, feeding by algae increments and small snails. Optimal temperature Water for swords are 24-26 °, but they carry lower and lower values.

Aquarium fish molly, or, from which black, actually omnivores are most suitable for beginner aquarists. But vegetable fiber is of particular importance for their nutrition. It is more comfortable for all of them in aquariums rich in vegetation.

Movable pecilia also prefer overgrown aquariums, but they need free space For maneuvers in the central part. Water in their aquarium should be renged every week, while the favorable effect on the health of Pecilium will add the cooking salt into this water.


Another suitable small fish for novice aquarium owners - cardinal. It prefers small living food and water with a temperature of 18-22 °, while being unpretentious to the parameters of this water, shrine and hardy.

Little flock rapid danio You can even keep in the cans with a capacity of two liters. But in a large aquarium with other species, these fish will find mutual language By virtue of high ability to adapt. Danio will take any proposed feed, and heated water is optional for them.

Steak neon It can be a decoration for both small and a roomy aquarium; These fissures suitable for beginners are distinguished by a blue stripe on the body. They do not need any special conditions of content, except for timely feeding and changing water.


Labyrinth fish gurura breathe atmospheric airsailing to the surface of the water. Everything that is important for the gurura is a small food size (whether it is a lively or dry, ice cream and even vegetable) and the water temperature around 24-28 °.

The labyrinth includes foolish petushkiwhich are also not very demanding on the saturation of water oxygen. They are omnivorous and not upon the quality of water. In their case, difficulty filters disappear.

Cleaning workers

Of course, a rare aquarium costs without somomikov. Ansister, corridors, Caracatum and many other catches will have a beneficial effect on the level of purity in the aquarium. True, the activities of some of these fish can provoke a raise of a mud with aquarium bottom.

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