The most simple fish for beginners. Aquarium fish for beginners. Tips for choosing.

Reservoirs 15.09.2018

In order for the fish to please their owners and uncover an amazing aquarist underwater worldThey need to provide comfortable conditions for detention. At the same time, they should feel safe and not be constrained in their movements.

If you have never had an aquarium and there is no experience in the life of fish, it is best to make fish that need minimal care and are not very demanding on the conditions of existence. This will avoid the death of your fish, as well as gain experience and knowledge in the content of the aquarium.

In addition, if the aquarium shows optimal conditions for water I. ambient, You can try to reproduce these fish, which, however, multiply in numerous herds to better observe the social life of these fish. From this family, views are extremely easily multiplied and, first of all, reproduce so much that they regularly intersect with individuals to create participants and, in exceptional cases, new species. The first of this family is "Guppy", it is very easily multiplied and a fish breeding, resistant to diseases and is not too complex from the point of view of nutrition.

Many tropical fish require maintaining a certain quality of water (rigidity, acidity, temperature, etc.), the presence or absence of plants, a certain brightness of illumination or its absence.

The range of comfortable conditions is much wider, which allows them to contain in a less high-quality environment. They are also less affected by negative factors (incorrect feeding, late substitution of water, etc.).

As for the reproduction, we must say how at home they are sold in stores for aquariums, where you can put parents, which will then send eggs. Cyclical species belonging to the cyclide family are undoubtedly the most beautiful that may be there for their colors and social Behavior. The most famous scalar and discus. These fish can be grown in aquarium, even if they require higher care than other freshwater fish from the point of view of physicochemical water values.

First of all, the basic rule when buying a fish or any other organ is to document as much as possible through books, Internet, newspapers and even exchange views with other aquariums or serious traders. It is especially important to document, in particular, the nutrition of this particular type, since it is subject to possible pathologies and requirements for optimal breeding as a whole. After that, once from the benchmark, good practice should not be enchanted by flickering colors of some fish; Very demanding fish, which also challenge the experience of experienced aquariums for some time, so it is better not to buy it to keep them from their imports.

There are several defining factors when choosing fish:

  • aquarium size;
  • choice and;
  • size and temperament of fish.

If the aquarium is already there, then you need to determine which and how many fish can be accommodated in it. This will avoid overpopulation, which leads to excessive fights, oxygen fasting, eating predators of peace-loving fish.

As mentioned earlier, the first glimpse should be in external condition Fish, i.e. He should not represent the following points:. - Eyes or hips are obvious signs of weight loss - irregular or accidental swimming - friction against decorative or invertebrates. - irregular breathing; accelerated they also add to the apathetic behavior of fish and rejection of food; The trick to find the possible inappropriate fish is to ask the bench to feed fish or fish in such a way as to check their food reaction that they give.

In addition to this demonstration, it is not bad to specify your purchases on those forty nine for at least 15 days, although it is desirable to configure a quarantine tank in advance to put the fish inside when you return home, acclimatizing very slowly with a drip method before it is inserted into the main Bath. Last Council: Read, read and read and document. Fish - very delicate animals, and even in freshwater aquarium they need to recreate the habitat as close as possible to natural, as they can risk life.

Aquarium size

If you have enough space and money To install the aquarium of any acceptable size as well necessary equipment To ensure the livelihoods of fish, you can move to the next title of this article.

If you decide to save a freshwater aquarium, you need proper equipment for proper workAnd you need some to be in our bathroom. The size of freshwater aquarium should be sufficient to contain water required by the type and number of fish that you plan to put in addition to other places of algae and other decorations. In principle, the 200-liter tank can be considered a standard measure, especially for a beginner: in any case, never start with less than 40 liters of water.

Since the bath has no cost to save you, you can avoid glass walls and choose aquariums from plexiglass, more resistant, but having a flaw in yellow and spend time. For the health of the fish, the bath should be placed where the temperature is constant and without excessive light: too much the sun helps the growth of algae.

If you are crammed into something, then you need to define your desires, given that small aquariums contain much more difficult than large, but the latter require more service time.

For example, a 100 liter aquarium beginner aquarist suitable betterthan 50 liter.

The large aquarium in the content is easier and better for several reasons:

To check the thermometer well so that the temperature corresponds to the temperature indicated on the heat exchanger to verify the correctness of the work. - Lighting: Light is vital an important element For aquarium not only for plants and algae, but also for tiny microorganisms and fish themselves. The most suitable type of light consists of luminescent lamps: they should always have the intensity of light at any time. Optical devices Used to control, but it is recommended to replace the old lamps every 6-8 months.

There are mercury lamps on the market, which have higher costs and less light production, but a longer service life. The choice of fish for freshwater aquarium should not be made only on the basis of aesthetic taste: it is very important to ask the dealer depending on the type of bath, as well as search for information on the network. Best Fish For newbies, which does not create coexistence problems, are: Guppies, Capture, Pay, Rifanese Reef, Barbus Tits.

1. The temperature and quality of water are more stable.

2. The impact of adverse factors on the fish passes longer, which gives a beginner aquarium the opportunity to influence them in a timely manner. For example, in winter time Water heater broke, the cooling process is slower and you can have time to go and buy a new one before the hypothermia. Or from in the thickets of a small aquarium, ampuillire died, the water was cloudy, the smell appeared, began to die fish. In a large aquarium, this process will occur at times slower and can be removed from the bank a deceased snail without harm to the fish.

He does not accept the presence of other fish, with the exception of large and many hidden tanks. Neon: We appreciate the beauty of your colors, however, needs special care. It's time: you can start creating a freshwater aquarium. Water should be slow and quietly start circulating for a couple of minutes. After a couple of hours you will need to check that the temperature is still in the correct range and that the water circulates properly.

It is necessary to verify that other parameters are also checked and correct. Remember that in order to maintain purity in the tank, water should always be changed by 10% each week or at the level of 35% per month. How to introduce fish into aquarium. Inserting fish in a freshwater aquarium must be very gradual to avoid stress and animal health problems, and so it will be: plunge the fish with a sealed envelope for about 20 minutes; Then make 5-6 small holes of the magnitude of the pencil tip to gradually enter the aquarium water to wait another quarter of an hour, and then let go of the fish.

3. In small places aquariums for free swimming Little, and, accordingly, not everyone liked the decor can be placed in it.

4. Wide opportunities for design and decoration.

5. A large aquarium can accommodate many large fish or a large number of small, allows you to contain a variety of fish species.

This insert release is very important because the presence is too large number Pisces immediately in the new bath can make water quickly become toxic. The last arriving must be big fish. If, on the other hand, it is a fish that lives in the counters, the minimum number will be five.

Nutrition: Pay attention to excessive nutrition. Some fish also need vegetable products such as seaweed, spinach or mince or fresh peas. - Industrial: in flakes, flakes, pads, granules or granules they provide the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

With all the advantages of large aquariums, it is sometimes there is no possibility to install it. Little aquariums are great for apartments, dacha Domikov or hostels, as well as for the second floors of private houses. Big aquariums weigh a lot, they are difficult to transport, occupy more placesand in unforeseen circumstances make more damage.

However, artificial feed should not be the main or exclusive food, because fish feed should be diverse. Food should be given with PARSIMON, because the non-eaten remains in the aquarium and tends to create pollution problems. In addition, fish, which, as a rule, eat excessively, may have serious health problems, such as intestinal occlusion, which can also lead to death. The rule is to give a sufficient amount of food that will be consumed in just a few minutes, and remove what remains: in practice it is advisable to prescribe 2-3 times a day a small amount of food that can be swallowed in just a few minutes.

The biggest advantage of a small aquarium is a financial question. Aquarium, equipment, scenery, soil, plants, electricity costs, fish treatment cost much cheaper.

Before purchasing, you need to correctly assess the benefits of both large and small aquariums. Answer yourself on the question: "What volume aquarium would be the opportunity to contain such a volume?" If finances are not important, and you do not often move, then the choice is obvious. And if you do not want or cannot afford a large aquarium, then a small aquarium is what you need for you. In any case, the main thing is comfortable conditions for the content of fish.

As a rule, it is better to enter food in the morning, so that day fish has time to consume it without decaying it. In the evening, he will be granted only if there is a night fish in the aquarium. Instead, you can expand your knowledge with the help of a good book. The first thing to be done when you decide to create aquarium is to choose a bath. This should have a parallelepiped form with a height and a depth of about half of the length, since this choice combines better aesthetics and functionality. As for the choice between Tank Crafts and industrial production, you need to look at the pros and cons: industrial production tanks are cheaper, more elegant in the decoration, they usually have a ratio between length, height and but they can be more fragile, equipped with high-quality accessories and, as a rule, less efficient; On the other hand, more reliable, equipped with accessories that we need, and will have the measures that we consider the most suitable, while they will be more expensive and will require more attention when choosing accessories and measurements.

Selection and compatibility of various fish species

In order to determine which fish you like, it is enough to read literature, watch video materials, go to pet store or bird market. Create a list of the most liked views.

Aquarium will be placed on a solid stand, next to electrical outlet And not too lit. Equipment for this aquarium from the novice consists of: filter, lighting systems and heating systems. Lamps for beginners are best bought in the store for aquariums, because they have a radiation spectrum suitable for our purposes, which emphasizes the colors of the fish and does not cause excessive development of algae.

Materials for filters, materials for background and decoration

The equipment will be equipped with a thermometer, a grid and a pure rubber tube for partial replacement of water. Filtering materials that will be used in this installation will have two types: mechanical filter material and biological filter material; submersible pump Then return water from the aquarium filter. This synthetic fiber should not be confused with the so-called "fiberglass", very similar and often confused, which is unsuitable for use in the aquarium. Pearl wool will be placed in the first filter compartment immediately in contact with water from the aquarium.

This list should be a little more than you will purchase. Subsequently it turns out that not all fish are suitable for your aquarium, some are incompatible with each other, other parameters are not suitable temperature mode. But the abundance of species in the fish market will allow you to finally form a list of the inhabitants of your aquarium.

This abundance of the surface puts a novice to a safe place for some problems that may arise due to its inexperience with other materials. As for the decoration, much remains for the taste of those who created aquarium: just do not forget to use necarband materials and leave enough space for the plants that will be put.

If you are not going to adapt particularly demanding fish or plants, you can use water from a municipal water supply network: you are thus avoiding unnecessary use of osmosis water, which is often not needed or for different unnecessary meters when you are going to continue some kinds of fish.

To understand how compatible aquarium is composed, it is necessary to carry out simple calculations. In various information sources, they differ. Some are based on the needs of adult fish in oxygen, taking into account the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe water. Some freshwater cooling fish require 192 cm 2, and tropical 64 cm 2.

Other calculations are averaged justify - one-liter of water is needed one-liter of water (for example, in 20 liters of aquarium, you can run five individuals of adult fish 4 cm)

For a marine aquarium for each fish of 2.5 cm long under the age of half a year, 18 liters of water are needed, and for later age - 9 liters.

Some types of fish The volume of the aquarium is separated by geographically and the area is protected from other representatives. This leads to a decrease in the number of inhabitants in it.

On simultaneous content different species It is necessary to pay attention even before the purchase of fish. The key to a good selection of pets for aquarium is the following conditions:

  • similar climatic conditions (It is impossible to combine freshwater and marine fish, freshwater and stralywed water bodies);
  • approximately the same rigidity and acidity of water;
  • the same temperature mode;
  • similar conditions for the flow rate, the quality of the soil, the presence of thickets and shelters, lighting.

Fish feels perfectly in conditions of detention, as close as possible to the natural area of \u200b\u200bhabitat.

When the aquarium population needs to take into account the preferences of the species in relation to their location in the layers of the thickness of water, and try to evenly distribute them.

Fish dimensions and temperament matter

Important parameters in compatibility of species are considered their size and temperament. Of course, it is impossible in one aquarium to contain predators and herbivores, otherwise the latter will become food. In a natural medium, larger fish eats small.

Even if you have only herbivorefish, it is necessary to control that the size of the smallest fish itself was greater than the largest robust hole of the fish in the aquarium. This will avoid extra victims.

Certain fish are territorial and do not let other types of habitat come to their place of habitat. The reasons may be a lot:

  • suitable feed base,
  • the arrangement of the spawning station (the pair carrying the layer is jealously guarded the nest),
  • the presence of water twists with optimal temperature parameters, etc.

Differences in species are manifested in modes and feeding methods. For example, somedoes use feed from the bottom, pecilicoid - from the surface. Some kind of quick and prompt, and some kind of slow and leisurely. Fish require various feed, and if it does not suit you, it is better to pick up pets with the same way to feed.

If you do not observe feeding mode, then some species will be hungry, while others are crowned, which will lead to a reduction in the life of all the inhabitants.

Often, fish that have not reached sexual maturity are acquired, which leads to incorrect judgments about their temperament. Therefore, to completely determine if this fish is suitable, it should grow and be in comfortable conditions. Of course, if any representative is unnaturally punched, breaks up fins or scores other fish, it is necessary to isolate it.

Fish, most suitable for beginners

This topic is hot and discussed in many forums. There are a lot of fish species that require minimal care. This allows you to choose the most suitable pets for each novice aquarist as a variety of colors and size. Aquarium can be equipped with beautiful relief and plants, and the originality will give the contrast of the color of fish.

Very often, newcomers choose viviorny fish of the type of launders, Pecilius, Guppie, Mollyzii, etc. and this is an excellent choice. They have good survival, are easy to care, active, have a long service life and do not require strict content conditions.

You can select some species that are ideal for newbies.

Guppy - Fishing of the Peciliev family, with a peace-loving character, calm and leisurely in behavior. The color is very diverse and beautiful. The composition of water does not impose requirements. Periodically you need to change the water. Vivoric. Easily vary by sexual features. Males are much smaller, more beautiful and brighter. Omnivores. It is not recommended to overflow. Easily carry water temperature reduction to 15 ° C.

Middle Mares - The family of pecilia. Have more than 25 decorative species. The male tailfoot has a sword shape. Very beautiful fish that does not require special conditions and specific sizes of aquarium. Viliable, easily multiply. If the parents appear, it is necessary to move to the free container to avoid eating children.

Gurura - Movable fish, distinguished by interesting spotted color, show curiosity. To other species of fish and inhabitants of tolerant. They can breathe not only by air dissolved in water, but also oxygen directly on the surface. Ikromechy.

Somiyika Different with external originality. Unpretentious, peace-loving, eat any feed from the bottom. Communicate the remains of the feed that is unselected by other inhabitants. Aquarium sanitary panels. Prefer a bottom lifestyle and easily get along with other species.

Neons - Representatives of Haracinov, there are more than 150 species of fish. The most common among beginners are red and blue. In the content, the water is undemanding to water. Love space, the length of the aquarium should be at least 50 cm. Excellent jumpers, so you need to cover the surface of the water with glass or lid.

Danio - Stoy, bright, beautiful fish. The aquarium is needed with a length of at least 55 cm. Very movable and fond of space. Required regular water substitution and good aeration. Excellent jumpers, so you need an aquarium with a lid or glass. Prefer good lighting and transparent, clean water.

Barbusastaya fish. There is a huge variety of species (more than 200). In the stained content of peace-loving. Very active. It is not recommended to contain them with fish, the tail plumage of which has fusion or velaware. Love floating plants.

gold fish - Representative of the Karpov family. Very popular, but requires a large amount of aquarium (one adulter is at least 35 liters of water). Prefers transparent, clean water and requires regular substitution. Very voracious, so you need to be careful with feeding. Proposed to overeating.

Anzitrus - Somoid, herbivorous. Very nice sanitary, brushes a shallow piglet from the aquarium glasses. The river hole resembles a suction cup. Males are distinguished large quantity mustache. Peaceful. It is recommended to feed the tabletized vegetable spirulina.

The most common, unpretentious, not requiring special fish care, which are suitable for beginners. But this does not mean that they do not need to follow, know their preferences, water temperature, etc.

  • When buying it is better to acquire young and healthy fish (active, without external signs diseases).
  • Before starting to the aquarium, it is better to withstand for 3-5 days in a separate container.
  • Buy better at 5-10 pieces, it will avoid single-salts.
  • You need to choose 2-3 types of fish. 1-2 main, third extra. For example, Mollyonsia and Gourami as basic species, but an anzitruses as an additional. The first two types are active, movable, contrast well, and the ancitors will be sanitary.
  • Purchase aquarium, equipment and fish in the bird markets is best among one seller. He will remember you, and you can easily take his phone number and consult on incomprehensible issues.

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The first aquarium is an unforgettable joyful event. So that negative experiences did not beat the hunt to fish, read what kind of aquarium fish for beginners are best suited.

October 30, 2013.

Even if you read the encyclopedia for fish breeding from crust to crust, small errors will still happen. Unpretentious fish can forgive some flaws, and the capricious will simply die. Beginners it is better to choose unpretentious aquarium fish.

Contrary to common delusion, in little Aquarium Maintain the biological balance is much more difficult than in the aquarium more than 70 liters. But even 20-50 liters can contain unpretentious aquarium fish For beginners who will not give a lot of trouble.

Small fish

The most simple in breeding fish from the Peciliev family: famous guppies, Pecilia, swords, Mollyonsia.These mines of small sizes, in a small aquarium you can run a pack of 10-15 fish and observe how fun frolic between plants. Pecilium fish are very clean. If you touch them a couple of catches, then you can practically clean the aquarium. Anntistruses and corridors are one of the most unpretentious soms. Together with pecilalations and sommi for beginners good and aquarium fish as neons, Danio, Cardinals.

Another feature of Petciliev is that these fish are vivibory.They do not postpone the caviar, but give birth to fry. And they do it enough, if there are no larger fish in the aquarium. The appearance of young aquarium fish is always very pleased with novice aquarists.

Large fish

Ambitious novice aquariums may be insufficiently small aquarium fish. If you want to start larger fish pay attention to a variety of barbuses. These aquarium fish are very playful and bright, well suited for beginners. Barbusa is the second most popular after Peciliev. But consider that for larger fish, the aquarium must be more. In 40 liters, only one pair of barbuses will feel well.

Proud fish long fins - scalaria - Practically symbol of all the aquaries. They are quite unpretentious in the content, but they should be combined with other fish. Small neoons will certainly be eaten by adult scalaria, and active bombuses will not give rest scalaries, constantly pulling them for fins. To prevent errors in compatibility of aquarium fish, novice aquarists often they advise to start fish only one species.

One fish

The choice of novice aquarists often falls on goldfish. Despite the fact that goldfish willingly be satisfied with cool water, care for them is not so simple. Goldfish with appetite eat all plants in the aquarium and at the same time quickly clog water with water productivity. For the content of goldfish, a powerful filter is required. Don't forget that olot fish love spacious. Little round aquarium with one goldfish is just a stereotype that does not have a chance of survival in the real world.

Nevertheless, you can fulfill your dream of a small aquarium with one fish, e if you choose a fighter fish-cock. With each other, the elegant males of the roosses cannot live in principle. They can be kept either in a pair with a fellowship, or in proud loneliness. Cockery though exotic fish, but quite unpretentious and better feel in a small aquarium by 20 l than in the spacious. A pack of small fish can be housing to the cock, they will not hurt each other.

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