Periscope device. See what "Periscope (optical device)" is in other dictionaries

Decor elements 04.03.2020
Decor elements

A periscope is a device with which you can observe objects that are outside our field of vision. For complex and accurate observations, both complex and precise instruments are made. In these cases, periscopes are equipped with a very complex optical system. However, for amateur purposes, a simple periscope can be constructed from two pocket mirrors. It will allow you to penetrate the secrets of the life of shy birds and other animals.

The proposed design has an important additional advantage: the periscope can be significantly lengthened if the object of interest to you is hidden behind a high obstacle. The necessary materials are sold in stationery and haberdashery stores. You will need two sheets of flexible cardboard and two pocket mirrors. The shape of the mirrors does not matter - they can be round or rectangular. - but definitely the same.

In accordance with the dimensions of the mirrors, glue two tubes about 50 cm long from cardboard or paper, and one of them should be slightly larger in diameter so that the tubes fit into each other. (If you have rectangular mirrors, then, of course, the “holders” in the section can be square).

When the glue dries, in the side walls of the tubes, at their ends, cut one hole at a time with a sharp knife. Moreover, make the hole through which you will look into the periscope with a diameter of about G cm. And the hole in the second tube should correspond in size to the mirror inserted outside.

Cutting a hole in a tube with a square section is very simple, but if the section is round, it is more difficult. It is very important to keep in mind that the center of the holes must coincide with the center of the mirrors. Glue sun protection devices to the holes, it is much more convenient to conduct observations with them.
From pieces of cardboard or foam, make two stands with holders to set the position of the mirrors in the tubes.

After the glue that connects the stands, holders and Mirrors dries, the finished units of our periscope are inserted one into the other. And again, it is necessary to fine-tune their position in relation to the holes cut in the side walls of the tubes. Mirrors should be at an angle of 45° to the longitudinal axis of the device and direct the observed image as shown in the figure.

Before the final installation of the periscope, one more operation must be performed - painting. The inner surfaces of the periscope are painted black, for example, with drawing ink. This improves the observation conditions. On the outside, paint the periscope gray or grey-green water-repellent paint. These colors are maxi-level, they merge well with the surrounding objects.


Magazine "Horizons of technology for children" No. 8-85.

- ▲ optical device for (what), improvement, ability, vision Optical devices expand the possibilities of vision. ▼ A mirror allows you to see on the other side of your field of vision, such as your own face. polarizer. glasses optical device for correction ... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

An optical device that allows you to observe the horizon of the sea and the air from a submarine going under water at a certain shallow depth (about 5 m). Samoilov K.I. Marine Dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the Union ... ... Marine Dictionary

PERISCOPE, an optical instrument consisting of a series of MIRRORS or PRISMs, designed to observe the surroundings from cover. The principle of operation is based on changing the direction of the observer's line of sight. Since World War II, the periscope has usually ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

PERISCOPE- an optical device consisting of a visual (see) and a system of mirrors or prisms and used to observe ground, air space or the sea surface from a shelter when direct observation is not possible, for example. from trenches, dugouts, ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and a corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / August 2, 2012. Until the discussion process is completed, the article can be improved, but should be ... ... Wikipedia

- (Greek, from peri, and skopeo I explore). An apparatus in submarines for surveying the surroundings. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. periscope (gr. periskopeo look around, look around) an optical device with ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

periscope- a, m. periscope m. gr. periscopeo look. An optical device for observing objects located outside the immediate field of view of the observer. BAS 1. Lieutenant Kalyuzhny stood in front of a matte board, into which the periscope reflected ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (from peri ... and ... scopes) 1) an optical device for observation from shelters (trenches, dugouts, etc.), tanks, submarines, etc. Using a periscope, measure horizontal and vertical angles on the ground and determine distances to observable... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

PERISCOPE, periscope, male. (from the Greek periskopeo I look around) (special). Optical instrument, cranked spotting scope for observing from behind closures, from a submarine. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

PERISCOPE, a, husband. An optical device for observations from shelters (from a dugout, from a submarine, from an armored tower). Artillery, tank, trench, ship item | adj. periscope, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Quite recently, Twitter Inc launched a new mobile streaming service called Periscope. Broadcasts became available immediately for Android and iOS users in March 2015. This software appeared a year earlier thanks to Keivon Beykopur and Joe Bernstein. After its creation, it was bought by Twitter for a huge amount of money - $ 120 million.

In July 2015, the company was able to take stock: it counted more than 10 million registered users, and this is just 4 months of existence. The functionality of the software is quite wide, but the main task of the program is video broadcasting and communication.


For many who became the first users of Periscope, it was not clear what the word was. Previously, it could be heard, for example, in the movie "Raise the Periscope". This American comedy appeared in the distant 60s. At that time, no one knew exactly about smartphones and programs for them. In 1996, another comedy with a similar title came out. Down Periscope is a very popular wartime movie.

But, one way or another, none of these films is in any way connected with the program. So why does it have such a strange name?


This is an optical device that is installed on submarines, tanks. Thanks to him, you can observe from the shelter. It looks like an ordinary pipe, on both sides of which mirrors are fixed. They are arranged so that the course of light rays changes. The periscope can also be hand held or a stereo tube. One way or another, it is used in military affairs. Now it becomes clear about the two aforementioned war films. There it was just about the captains of submarines.

For software, such a name is strange, although it can be explained. The developers wanted to show the user that he can watch the whole world through this program. He has access to broadcasts of absolutely all participants. Although the software allows users to hide their streams.

However, anyone who has downloaded Periscope can easily travel to Paris or New York, watch broadcasts from Australia or Britain. In this case, the smartphone screen will become a kind of periscope tube.


We already know what a social network is. "Periscope" in this case remains between this concept and the term "application". The software still has social network functions. You can not only connect to the broadcasts, but collect your circle and conduct broadcasts for them. Thus, you meet new people, find friends with the same interests, learn the language and just travel without leaving the room.

Many are still interested in what Periscope is: a social network or regular software? But everyone is already used to answering this question in their own way. Those who use Periscope for communication can safely call it a social network, those who only "spy" on the lives of others can consider it just an entertainment application.


To the question of what "Periscope" is, many can answer - life. Indeed, some users spend the whole day there. They can share with other people the events of their lives, broadcast their breakfast, lunch and dinner, going to school or work, holidays and entertainment.

Many users are sure that Periscope draws them worse than other social networks. This is due to the numerous broadcasts. For example, if a photo on Instagram can be seen tomorrow, then you won’t watch the broadcast later. It will start at a certain moment and force you to abandon all your affairs and bury yourself in the screen of your smartphone.


Many users believe that it is through Periscope that you can look real. Videos are recorded instantly and immediately published. Nothing can be duplicated, let alone cut.

To gather an army of fans around you, you need to broadcast regularly. Then, in addition to subscribers, you can score a lot of "hearts". To find interesting broadcasts, the program will recommend random users to you.

But you will never understand what Periscope is unless you try this app for yourself. How to work with it, we will consider further.

To start download

It is clear that before you start using the software, you need to install it on the gadget. To do this, go to the application store. For devices with the iOS operating system, go to the App Store, for Android OS, go to the Play Market, and for Windows Phone, go to the Windows Phone Store. Enter Periscope into the search box and click install.


Now that the icon of the new application has appeared on the desktop, select it and go to the software. Before starting work, the program will tell us what Periscope is. Before us will appear a slide show demonstrating our capabilities.

You need to select "get started", and we will be redirected to "registration or login". Since you are a new user, you will need to create an account. This can be done in two ways:

  • With the help of Twitter.
  • With a phone number.

If you are a Twitter user, signing up is easy. To do this, click "login with Twitter". The program will automatically redirect you to its first tab. If you do not have your Twitter account details entered on your smartphone, you will have to spend time filling out your account.

If you do not have the above program, you can register using your phone number. You need to select a country, enter a number. Next, an SMS will be sent to the phone, in which there is a confirmation code.

This is not the end of registration. Before us is your future profile. Now you just need to fill it out. Enter the first and last name, also come up with a username (nickname), add your photo.

Find and don't give up

Now that we are registered, we want to test the program. To do this, we need to find interesting users. The first tab will contain those to whom you are subscribed, and below the recommended broadcasts. The first three of them are new people, and below are the ones you've already watched.

Be always up to date

If suddenly you did not have time for the broadcast, it will be available for another 24 hours. The same goes for the people you recommend. It will not always display those who are currently online. Sometimes the software recommends viewing already completed streams. The entry is interactive. You will see how users were added to it and how they put "hearts". In offline mode, you can rewind the video.


To watch live broadcasts, you need to go to the tab with the globe. Before you will be presented a map of the world with a huge number of points. These are all broadcasts that are happening at the moment around the world. You can choose, for example, your city and see the people who are currently streaming, perhaps your friend or neighbor will be among them.

The program appeared in the early spring of 2015, was introduced to us by Twitter, and that is why you can register on Periscope through your Twitter account. True, there is another affordable way to register - using a mobile phone number. Below we will describe in detail the registration process and the main functions of the application, but for now we recall that Periscope is a streaming service for online broadcasts from the camera of your phone or tablet. Periscope has already united hundreds of thousands of users from all over the world, thanks to the ability to share interesting videos in real time.

How to register on Periscope

To start working with Periscope, it is not at all necessary to have a Twitter account, although having a page will significantly speed up the promotion of your periscope profile and help you quickly gain followers. In any case, all you need to register is your mobile phone number.

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