What awaits the fish in the new year. Horoscope for Pisces Women

Decor elements 24.09.2019
Decor elements

Pisces from the very beginning of 2017 will feel how dynamic the new season will be for them. You will find a rapid change of events and a lot of new information. Of course, it will not be easy for a sign prone to melancholic contemplation to maintain such a pace. However, it is in 2017 that you can easily cope with this task! Moreover, you will enjoy the feeling of an active, eventful life.

Famous Pisces

  • Rihanna
  • George Washington
  • Oleg Yankovsky
  • Steve Jobs
  • Victor Hugo
  • Tatyana Dogileva
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Borislav Brondukov
  • Antonio Vivaldi
  • Michelangelo Buonarroti

Forecast for the zodiac sign Pisces for 2017

In the spring, forget about your tendency to loneliness and a reclusive lifestyle. Chat with friends, visit exhibitions, theaters and parties. You will discover the ability to easily make new acquaintances, and old friends will be amazed at your sociability. At the same time, try to find time for the family, otherwise you will be accused of callousness and inattention.

In the summer, you will feel the craving for changes in appearance. Indulge in the pleasure of changing your hairstyle, make an appointment with a beautician and update your wardrobe - the result will be stunning! Also, 2017 is a good year for those who decide to get a second education. You will again learn new knowledge with interest and immerse yourself in a dynamic student life. Remember the importance spiritual development- so you will amaze your surroundings not only with a stylish appearance, but also with deep knowledge on any issue.

2017 will seem balanced Pisces unexpectedly stormy!

The stars recommend maintaining mental tone through reading. In autumn, the Rooster will make you need continuous self-improvement - do not resist this, as any undertaking will be successful and effective. Over the past time, Pisces has accumulated such an amount of energy that it is a sin not to use it for personal interests. At the end of the year, try to put the accumulated affairs in order and fulfill the promises. Do not, under any circumstances, take New Year unresolved issues!

Vacations are best planned in winter. The stars promise you a productive and eventful trip. Pisces will be able not only to have a great rest and gain strength, but also to get acquainted with helpful people. In case you are visited by the desire to go to exotic countries, be careful with the local cuisine. The biggest danger of 2017 for Pisces is the possibility of serious food poisoning.

Try to reach reconciliation with old rivals, approach the conflict diplomatically - and it will be resolved without consequences. Excessive emotions are a potential danger for Pisces - a straightforward and quick-tempered Rooster will push you to resolve disputes with a scream. Do not fall for this provocation, so as not to quarrel with people dear to you. The more calm and balanced your behavior is, the more successful the year will be. Remember the main annual motto: "Self-control is the path to success!".

  • Forecast for men. The year promises Pisces many changes that will only benefit them. Try with honor to endure the trials that fate is preparing, and you will be favored by fortune at the end of 2017. At this time, you will become more confident in yourself, which will attract increased attention from the opposite sex. The year promises to be very rich in exciting acquaintances and bright dates. You can use this chance to choose a life partner.
  • Forecast for women. Pisces women must pay attention to their appearance. It's time to change the usual image, adding zest and even peppercorns to it. Especially such changes are recommended for single Pisces - this will avoid the manifestations of spring depression and attract new fans into your life. The chances of meeting the second half are especially high in summer period. Well, family Pisces should support throughout the year home comfort and pay attention to your spouse. Your efforts will not be in vain - peace and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Love horoscope for 2017

The sphere of personal relationships in 2017 will be characterized by a nervous situation. Pisces must do their best to survive the turbulent winter of 2017. The partner, as if on purpose, will begin to provoke you into scandals. The stars recommend Pisces to gather their will into a fist and not respond to provocations. You need to stock up on prudence and calmness - and then you will be able to survive the troubled time without breaking off relations. Remember that constructive dialogue is a guarantee of peace and harmony in a couple.

Quarrels and displeasure await you on the love front.

For Pisces men, the stars promise success in matters of love. Autumn will become especially bright and eventful - single men will finally get a couple, and family Pisces will be able to take relations with a partner to a new level. The stars advise Pisces to take more initiative: invite your sweetheart on dates, give compliments, indulge in surprises and gifts. Your attitude will be received with due gratitude, and reciprocal attention to your person will not be long in coming.

Pisces women can expect protection from the Rooster in the field of personal relationships. This incorrigible romantic is already preparing an interesting meeting for you, which may turn out to be fateful. The main thing is not to spur the development of relations, let them improve gradually.

Family Pisces will feel a creative impulse at the beginning of summer - they will want to change the situation. Do not pacify this desire - the household will be happy to help bring your plans to life. Don't forget the importance family vacation. On warm days, go on picnics more often, have family dinners, go to visit your parents. Children will practically not require attention to their studies and will delight you with achievements in sports.

Health Horoscope for 2017

Astrologers recommend Pisces to spare no effort and money in order to properly strengthen immune system. Your chronic diseases can bring a lot of unpleasant minutes to your life. autumn- winter period if in the summer you do not pay due attention to their prevention. Plan your vacation wisely and spend at least a week in a health resort or spa.

During the holidays, Pisces should not only rest, but also heal.

The Fire Rooster recommends Pisces men not to shirk sports - the result will be noticeable not only on your physical form but also improves overall health. If you have long wanted to buy a bike, then find the money for this purchase. Moderate exercise in the form of cycling will do you good.

Pisces women should keep a close eye on genitourinary system- any alarm bell should be accompanied by an immediate visit to the doctor. Even if you are sure healing power alternative medicine, do not get carried away with homemade recipes - it is better to contact a qualified specialist. Heavenly luminaries advise to visit as much as possible fresh air and do aerobic exercise.

Money horoscope for 2017

The beginning of the new year will please the representatives of the Pisces sign with the stability of the financial sector. You should not expect especially big profits, but you are not destined for serious cash spending either. In the summer, try to avoid financial adventures, and then in the autumn months you can seriously strengthen your financial situation.

In 2017, you need to diligently save money for the future

Astrologers advise Pisces men to spend money carefully in the winter. Learn to save - then by the fall you will be able to fulfill your cherished dream. Well, at the end of the year you can count on an increase in salary or good bonuses.

The Fire Rooster recommends that Pisces women be careful in financial matters. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things! But investments in household appliances promise to be successful. Feel free to go to the store - such a purchase will be useful and will last for many years. You can expect funding for your needs from the second half - your man will be happy to pamper you expensive gifts in the second half of the year.

Career horoscope for 2017

The sphere of career interests does not promise any surprises. The rooster loves workaholics, so career advancement will depend on your efforts. Work with full dedication and wait for a positive assessment of your work by the beginning of winter. Spring is expected to a large number small and urgent matters. It does not take too much effort to solve them, but they can bring some nervousness into your life.

Many small tasks that take up precious time will fall on Pisces

Pay close attention to the distribution of work responsibilities. 2017 is not the time for false modesty. Always state what part of the project you completed and feel free to share your personal accomplishments. Colleagues may try to shift some of their affairs onto you, so feel free to remind them that they receive the same remuneration for their work as you do.

Pisces men are advised to rank things according to their importance. Take care of global tasks - and small things will be solved by themselves in the process of moving towards a fundamental goal. You will understand how much easier it will be for you to work, evenly distributing efforts. Don't panic if in the spring it seems to you that things are overwhelming you like an avalanche. Put aside unnecessary emotions and show professionalism - then the authorities will appreciate your ability to cope with the load.

Pisces women must be prepared for the fact that a career will require placement of accents. To achieve the maximum effect, you will have to sacrifice some amount of free time. Pisces will be especially tight in the spring. Do not dramatize - such a work blockage will not last forever. In the summer, you can rest on your laurels, looking at the mountain of work done. In autumn, almost no effort will be required from you - the laid foundation will ensure a calm end to the year of the Fire Rooster.

The Year of the Rooster promises to be quite interesting and favorable for women born under the constellation Pisces. The Pisces Star, in 2017, of all twelve constellations, will be the brightest. Pisces women will be able to open up to others who will see many new sides in them, namely, bright, smart and cheerful women who know how to achieve what they want. Some Pisces women will realize that they have a hidden organizational talent, and it is worth trying yourself in this area, with further success. To achieve maximum results, women must understand that you cannot take on several things at once, because it will take all your strength and skills. Choose for yourself the most suitable occupation for you and move towards the intended goal, and then you will find stunning success.

Some Pisces are waiting for many invitations to events of various kinds, for example, to charity or creative evenings, perhaps a fashion show, in any case, you will not be bored. Pisces will always be in the spotlight and sometimes even new acquaintances are possible, which will be very useful in the future. If such an opportunity falls, Pisces should definitely take advantage of it, since it is possible that at one of these meetings you can meet your fate.

From the beginning of the year until June, Pisces women will take a lot of time and effort with household chores, family problems are possible due to debts, so try to pay off your debts by this time. Particular attention should be paid to your parents, their state of health, if you have the opportunity to go to a medical sanatorium, you should take advantage of this opportunity. Since June, you can take care of children, support them in what they want to do, be interested in the same things as children, learn to listen to them and calmly respond to decisions made. There will be many surprises, so be patient.

Those Pisces women who are in the status of a wife will be insanely happy and calm. But, remember that men need affection, warmth and care. Tipping periods there will be the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, therefore, during this period, special attention should be paid to a loved one and provide him with support in everything. Such a selfless act of a Pisces woman, a man will definitely appreciate and treat her with even greater respect.

Pisces women who are not yet in a relationship with the opposite sex will meet such a person at the beginning of the year who will make them an interesting proposal. But the decision is up to you, so listen to your heart, she will tell you the right decision. And all the answers to your questions one way or another will appear in the near future.

Horoscope for men Pisces

The beginning of 2017 for men born under the constellation Pisces will be quite problematic. Some Pisces will solve problems that have been dragging on since the previous year, and some will find new and not pleasant chores, it is possible that they will be connected with the law. At work, checks are possible that will entail trouble with important documents. For many Pisces men, in addition to problems at work, home problems fall like snow on their heads, which turn into nervous tension and overwork for them. Men should stock up on patience and the ability to control themselves in order to resolve all issues. Some problems need to be overlooked, otherwise there may be problems with emotional state, because of which you can get into a hospital bed. The most important thing for a man is the love and support of loved ones, and then you can cope with any problems and win any battle for justice. Not least, Pisces men will be able to restore their status in the team. Victory will always be yours - the main thing is to believe in it.

With the advent of spring, men born under the constellation Pisces will have a second wind, thanks to which Pisces will be able to go to great lengths for the sake of dear people. And also the charm of these men will play an important role in the relationship.

It is worth remembering that in order for work to bring profit and pleasure, you need to special attention choose the type of activity. With the advent of summer, Pisces should take a long-awaited vacation and go to the shores of the seas, and the best thing is that the rest is relaxation and no physical exertion.

The Year of the Rooster will be very favorable for those men who decide to do own business, luck will be on your side, the main thing is not to miss such a chance. For those who decide to publish their Scientific research, can get the location of creditors. In the fall, Pisces should focus on real estate issues, especially if you have been planning to buy your home for a long time, then this period is more than ever suitable.

At the end of the year, the Rooster will patronize the Pisces men, and when the men are finally able to achieve the desired results, they will be able to exhale with relief and stop controlling the situation. Even in such a situation, when luck is on the side of Pisces and it would seem that there is nothing to worry about finances, you still need to spend money prudently and once again don't throw them away. After all, earning money is quite difficult, and they are spent very easily.

Sexual horoscope Pisces

Pisces women have a very subtle intuition, which they are used to listening to and relying on. There is a lot of femininity and sensuality in it, a passion that strikes men to the ground. Pisces appreciate in men when they scatter in front of them in compliments and always surround them with attention. Women born under the constellation Pisces are ready to flirt with the opposite sex only in order to attract attention, but nothing more. The Pisces woman dreams of an ideal and harmonious relationship, but in life it doesn’t always work out the way she would like, and often everything is much more complicated. As a rule, such a woman is waiting for actions from a man, so that he takes the first step towards a relationship. Someone may think that Pisces are very prudent and soulless women who, for their own selfish purposes, are ready to use a man.

Often, women born under the constellation Pisces are ready to cheat on their man, already in a long-term relationship. Thus, they assert themselves as women who want to always remain desirable and in demand by men. As a rule, Pisces women choose themselves as husbands of men over whom they dominate and for whom they become the meaning of life. In such a relationship, a man is ready for anything, for the sake of his Pisces, and bring coffee to bed in the morning and sing ballads under the windows. But, in return, Pisces will make a man insanely happy, both in bed and at home. And this is all - Pisces intuition.

Men born under the constellation Pisces are sexually inconsistent as a rule, and it is rather difficult for a woman to predict his plans. The Pisces man is attracted to both impregnable women who drive him crazy, and submissive young ladies who are ready to give him all of themselves. A woman who will be in a relationship with such a man should remember that fidelity should not be expected from him. He likes to watch women compete for his attention, and Pisces may not always be fully aware of what he wants. In the event that a woman can accept the Pisces man as he is, then it is possible that the man will settle down and stop looking at other women.

As a rule, Pisces men choose as their life partner a woman who can satisfy his sexual desires, and at home, and no contradiction. It is important that a woman demand a minimum from a Pisces man, while giving the maximum. Many Pisces men enter into love relationships with married women without thinking about the consequences. Such connections excite the Pisces man, giving them self-confidence.

Love horoscope Pisces

In 2017, Pisces will be the favorites of fate, thanks to their openness and honesty in love relationships, Pisces will be lucky. But, it is worth remembering that you need to be honest first of all to yourself, and not only to those people who surround you. A person who is close to Pisces, and who has earned their respect and trust, must remember that Pisces will not tolerate deceit and, at the slightest hint of insincerity, they will simply put an end to these relations. Do not forget that disagreements in a relationship do not need to be shown to others, otherwise this will lead to quarrels. In the year of the Rooster, Pisces, thanks to their enterprise and fearlessness, will be able to achieve a lot in love. Self-confidence will help Pisces achieve the location of the opposite sex, and win the heart of the person they like. Relationships will be easy special difficulties. It is possible that a casual acquaintance can change the usual life of Pisces.

Pisces who decide to tie the knot with a loved one, it is best to choose spring or summer for this. If you get married during this period, the family will be strong and prosperous. Astrologers advise Pisces not to flirt and not start relationships on the side, otherwise nothing good will come of it. Relationships can be spoiled even before marriage and it will be very difficult to gain trust again.

Those Pisces who are not in a relationship with the opposite sex are advised by astrologers to pay attention to the end of spring, this will be the most favorable period.

Pisces family horoscope

The beginning of 2017 for Pisces, who are married, will be more than favorable, but do not rush to idolize your soulmate, so as not to regret it later. Also, do not forget that you should not endure quarrels in public, and even your closest friends do not need to talk about family relationships. There is a lot of envy and pretense around, which is hidden behind the hypocritical mask of friendliness. At the beginning of spring, when trees and flowers are blooming, it is worth paying attention to the romantic side of family relationships, in which it is worth bringing a new breath of spring. Please your loved ones with meetings and gifts, gentle words and warmth.

In June, Pisces should devote more of their time to their loved one, if possible, smooth out accumulated problems so that there are no new ones. August 2017 year will do in order to do repairs in the house together with the family, to arrange the interior together to your liking. In the autumn, Pisces can succumb to flirting with the opposite sex, but astrologers warn Pisces about reckless actions that can ruin a strong family union.

It is known that there are two types of Pisces: small fish and shark. Shark fish will turn in 2017 into a fearsome predator stalking their prey. It will be easy for them to organize the people for any business, but they will not let anyone close to them. The horoscope for 2017 reports that in most cases, Pisces will remain single, and their personal life is a mystery. Representatives of the sign will be in sight, influencing others, suppressing someone else's will. Ready to compete at the call of instincts.

For such a will to win, Fish will receive the title of Hero of Russia, and he will be loved very much. But not all. Someone will consider Pisces an upstart and a grabber, someone ─ a fearless warrior. His yellow eyes will pierce you at a meeting. A look from under your brows, strong and insidious. He will love power and will do anything for the sake of this love. He believes that the end justifies the means.

Small fishes will become somewhat nervous, fast and restless with an active and impulsive temperament. Energy overwhelms Pisces and they row their fins to their cherished goals. Along the way, they meet adventures in which Pisces will show themselves bravely and boldly.

The period of cleansing from the old, which began in November 2015, will end for Pisces in the second decade of May 2017. And then they will find that during this time they have found themselves in a completely new space, and they will no longer be the same. Pisces is constantly reminded of the past. Here and there they meet on their own life path with echoes of bygone days. Someone or something leaves their lives forever, and they say goodbye, as usual, with tears. Otherwise, Pisces do not know how. But, since they enter into the position of everyone and can understand anyone, it is easier for them to accept what is happening.

They will have to act as a fighter, leader, citizen, patriot, family man. They will be distinguished by great strength, endurance, endurance.

Representatives of the sign will not need in 2017 and will occupy a fairly secure social position. Accidents will happen, of course. As always, unexpected, and have unpredictable consequences. In general, surprises are a serious matter this year.

Spirituality can be caused by difficult life trials. Pisces are close to spiritual renewal, ready, as always, for a redemptive sacrifice. They will strive to tell you that every person, they say, is the Church with his God-Soul. It is necessary to cleanse the soul from all kinds of sensory experiences, anger, resentment, greed. Having cleansed the soul, a person restores contact with God and his creative spontaneity. In a word, to create, become kinder! These ideas Pisces will carry to the masses. And the masses will appreciate the aspirations of Pisces. New gurus will appear from among them.

Representatives of the sign will delve into everything, cling to everything and grab on to several things. Memory will throw them moments from the past, not entirely successful. The fish will become vindictive. The tendency to start things and abandon them for later will be characteristic of the representatives of the sign.

As usual, Pisces will rush around their pool and look for devils. Even pulling them to the surface, Pisces will forget why they did it and abandon what they started. Their interest in everything that happens against the background of their reservoir will be too great. Curiosity, the desire to find out everything and be the first to grab the bait, can mean exchanging small things. Craving for the depths of the sea, secrets bermuda triangle, the black holes of space will drive Pisces crazy. They will have to struggle with earthly temptations and temptations.

Don't skimp on the details this year. Does this piece of paper seem insignificant to you? Are you ready to blow through the air torn to shreds of old receipts? Stop! You can throw the baby out with the water! What seemed insignificant can save your life and property. Rude people and boors will certainly receive from the same boors.

There will definitely be new opportunities in life. Would like to communicate with outside world forgetting about your "I". It is good to learn new ways of responding to life. Try yourself in a quality that was previously unacceptable by your consciousness.

This year you will be assisted by a new force that will facilitate new experiences in spirituality. Knowing Zen may not work. But the craving for new knowledge will undoubtedly manifest itself.

Changes in tastes, image, predilections should be expected. Your things need to be replaced for a long time, your wardrobe ─ updates, it's time to drive bad habits into your neck. You want more spicy seasoning in soup, hot dishes instead of annoying seaweed, burning drinks. You will buy clothes in reddish tones, bright, defiant, conspicuous. You will be inclined to purchase goods best quality. Revaluation of values ​​is not far off. The old ideals that Pisces liked so much, and completely suited and lulled them, will suddenly begin to change rapidly.

Do not fall for the sermons of visiting barkers from different religious sects, then you have to fork out. Excitement will lead to a desire to live in a big way, which will organize a hole in the budget, and Pisces will be unhappy. The money that you have been saving for a long time will finally be spent. For example, a new magnificent foreign car will appear, because Pisces did not care about import substitution.


Scouts and spies will feel best in 2017. Diplomats will also be in demand. Pisces' fears will be hidden behind feigned courage. Just like that, Pisces will not be able to destroy someone. They will make an excellent spiritual teacher. They will be ready to serve the spiritual renewal of the human race. True vision will be inherent in them.

If willpower and prudence prevail over feelings, expect an expansion of creative horizons. The talents of Pisces will manifest in music and literature. Self-love will increase. People of art will be magnificent in their craftsmanship.

Those who believe in themselves and in their success will definitely come to the finish line first.

There is a danger that foreign partners, people from afar, with whom there was complete mutual understanding, and with whom Pisces lived for a long time in a still pool, will now decide to go about their business and part with Pisces, which will cause the latter to suffer great material damage. This outcome will not please Pisces.

The mental abilities of Pisces will not be able to complain in 2017. However, a smarter, and, most importantly, more cunning opponent can appear. Then it is possible to lose the results of your work and simply fall into the nets set by a cunning competitor. Do not be arrogant and arrogant, have time to guess the intentions of ill-wishers. Otherwise, big mistakes cannot be avoided.

"Don't interfere with my life!"

(love horoscope 2017)

Pisces will be happy at home, in the family. At the end of the year, they even deserve the title of a good family man. As if tied, they will not leave their family home. Among the free and unmarried there will be those who wish to bind themselves with the bonds of Hymen. Spring or summer are suitable for wedding celebrations.

However, not everything is so rosy. Some representatives of the sign will suddenly come to the conclusion that they do not need anyone. Life will then be absurd. Humor, as usual, saves in such situations, and if there is no ability for it, just be sarcastic, use healthy cynicism. You will not like absolutely everything. The position of a person will become completely special, contrary to public opinion. At best, Pisces will settle for a free lifestyle. Their motto will be the words: "I do not touch you, and you do not hurt me." Pisces will live themselves and let others live.

Indulgence in one's own shortcomings and weaknesses will lead to errors and delusions. Increased sexuality will result in many love affairs, leading to a breakdown in health and peace of mind. Be prudent!


The immunity of the fish organism will be reduced. Perhaps, slags have accumulated, which will have to be disposed of.

In case of severe symptoms, contact a specialist. Verified folk remedies help in uncomplicated cases.

For prey in the ocean!


Men will resemble a fairly large cat. Cunning, arrogant, arrogant. Insidious and self-confident. Strange swings in fate will not knock him out of the saddle.

Adventurous habits will become characteristic of Pisces. Games and bluffs will become unbeatable. The actors will deserve a standing ovation, the popularity of Pisces men will exceed all expectations. The hall is full and applauding. The fish are bluffing. The predatory instinct will suddenly wake up and the sharks will go for prey in the open ocean.

However, it will not work to lead a flock (collective), because Pisces is not able to control the collective energies. These are singles. Maniacs who will be destroyed by the propensity for sexual anomalies. So don't get carried away by the undercurrents of your animal (fish) instincts. This will not lead to good.

Stored in the heart...

(Pisces woman)

Soft and fluffy, walking on their own in 2017. Passionate and temperamental, aristocrats who do not get their hands dirty. Receiving the first in full, if that. They are bright, so stones fall on them.

Intuition will not let Pisces women down. Guardian angel will whisper the right decision. Listen to your inner voice. The vulnerability of Pisces in 2017 will be increased, try to distract yourself from sad thoughts with some useful deed. Try to attract allies and prove to them that you are ready to be there.

Eastern horoscope for 2017

  • Pisces-Rat(years of birth 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) ─ fulfillment of desires in terms of large sums.
  • Pisces Bull(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009) ─ completion of major projects.
  • Pisces-Tiger(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) ─ use other people's capital.
  • Pisces-Cat(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) ─ buy-sell, engage in trading business.
  • Pisces-Dragon(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) ─ rake in the heat with someone else's hands, get healthy.
  • Pisces-Snake(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013) ─ win, get lucky, rely on intuition.
  • Pisces-Horse(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) expand your living space, change your place of residence.
  • Pisces-Goat(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) ─ learn from the mistakes of others, or at least at the expense of others.
  • Pisces Monkey(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004) ─ open your mouth at someone else's loaf.
  • Pisces Rooster(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005) ─ try the extreme.
  • Pisces-Dog(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) ─Complete authenticated transactions.
  • Pisces-Pig(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) ─ friends and organizations will be a source of income.

Know how to be at the right time in the right place - this is what the stars advise Pisces in 2017!

The new year 2017 is expected to be rich and bright in personal terms for representatives of the Pisces sign. Intimate life will become more important than usual. Many will feel a growing interest in this area, a desire to discuss it more with a partner, to experiment. For single Pisces, the 2017 love horoscope prophesies a sensual adventure with someone from a friendly environment that will change their perception of relationships, make them more open to love and ready to take on new obligations. Pisces in a pair will also feel a special friendly unity with a partner, especially in the first half of the year.

In January, the former partner of the representatives of this sign, with whom they are now on friendly terms, will want to return the romantic connection. Lonely Pisces can succumb to his persuasion and arrange a little adventure for themselves in the second half of the month. Those who are already in a couple may notice that the other half behaves a little non-standard, withdrawn or illogical. But do not worry or make scandals because of this. In February, some Pisces may experience a platonic crush on an inaccessible person, which will bring them inspiration. In the second half of the month, it is worth being more tactful when discussing intimate life with a partner. Misunderstandings may arise due to different tastes and perspective on the process. But in the second half of March, frank conversations on this topic, on the contrary, will help them solve long-standing problems.

March 2017, judging by the indications of the love horoscope, will delight Pisces with increased attention from the opposite sex, they will literally feel like the stars of their company. Lonely representatives of the sign, thanks to their charisma, can now achieve the person they have long dreamed of. It is also possible to flirt with one of the colleagues. In April, life will bring Pisces together with their former intimate partners, with whom they could have lost contact for a long time. good time in order to work on your intimacy-related complexes with the help of a psychologist or various esoteric techniques. In the second half of the month, it is better to avoid quarrels about money and other material, everyday issues. In May, many Pisces will have to face the contradictions between duty to relatives and their own realization. The stars advise you not to make hasty decisions at this time, there is a risk that raging emotions will close the objective picture from you. A loved one can please with a valuable gift or financial assistance towards the middle of the month.

In the first month of summer, lonely Pisces can have a passionate romance with someone they know from school, common outlook or with a foreigner. Those who have already found their love will go on a trip abroad, which they will remember for a long time. This is a good time to bring up the subject of children in conversations if you have been hesitant to do so for a long time. In the second half of the month until mid-July, there will be a special romantic atmosphere in Pisces couples, filled with love and tenderness. Unexpected surprises and confessions are possible. July will please with a pleasant gift from a loved one. The second half of the month is better to devote to joint household chores, solving various domestic issues. In the first half of August, a loved one will become more attentive and sensitive than usual. The stars provide great chance in order to win him over to his side on some important issue. But in the second half of the month, you should carefully monitor your words, there is a high risk that Pisces or their partners may misunderstand something. Beware of imposing your tastes in bed on your loved one, now he can take it with hostility.

The beginning of autumn 2017 will be remembered by Pisces as the beginning of an affair with a colleague or a person who will meet at work. It is possible that this relationship will somehow improve financial situation representatives of this sign. But in the second half of September, you need to be more careful when discussing money issues. The struggle for power in a pair now will not lead to anything good, the stars warn. The first half of October will turn out to be quite calm, a suitable period for making long-term joint plans and discussing the future. The second half of the month can bring into the life of Pisces a certain temptation associated with a friendly environment. Perhaps a friend will invite them to enter into an intimate relationship. The stars advise you to carefully consider the consequences of such a step.

In November, representatives of this sign will feel an increase in sexual temperament. They will want more frequent and varied intimacy, which will be enthusiastically received by the partner. In the second half of the month, you should not let your friends interfere with your relationship. December may start with a conflict over money. But do not worry, the situation will smooth out by the middle of the month, and Pisces will fully enjoy the New Year holidays with their loved one. Holidays love horoscope for Pisces advises to spend abroad.

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For many of us, the outgoing year has been extremely turbulent and very eventful. Astrologers explain this by the difficult disposition of the animal-symbol of 2017 - the obstinate Rooster.

But soon the situation will change, because the reins of government in 2018 will rightfully belong to a calm and good-natured Dog, which promises to make the coming year happy for all representatives of the zodiac circle. Including for Pisces. What is prepared for them by the earthy yellow Dog, the horoscope for the year 2018 for Pisces will tell.

In general, astrologers foretell many pleasant situations for this sign in the coming year. According to forecasts of stargazers, Pisces 2018, right from the first days of January, will begin in peace and tranquility, and this period will last until December. Not pleasant surprises and unfavorable events the horoscopes of astrologers do not portend for the sign.

Pleasant and prosperous in all aspects will be the first half of the year for Pisces - adherents of an active lifestyle. At the beginning of the year, the Dog will give them many chances to change their lives for the better. But for this, the horoscope for 18 advises Pisces to apply all their knowledge and acquired skills in the first months.

Until the beginning of spring, this sign will have to face various life situations, the outcome of which will depend on their further well-being. In order to avoid mistakes and not invite trouble on themselves, Pisces will definitely have to carefully think through their every step, every action. But it will allow them to acquire new experience and get rewarded for your efforts.

In spring and summer, the Dog will give Pisces a sense of self-confidence. They will feel irresistible and capable of real feats. It is thanks to this that they will have the opportunity to achieve mutual sympathy with the person they like and win many victories in the professional field. Perhaps for this they will have to change their place of work, because astrologers for the sign of Pisces for 2018 consider this option to be quite real.

No less good and successful will be in 2018 the autumn-winter period. In November-December, the horoscope prophesies Pisces a lot of good news and positive emotions. This will allow representatives of this zodiac sign to spend 2018 and meet the next year, 2019, in a great mood.

Gentlemen and ladies!

Astrologers assure that the stars will be as supportive as possible in the 18th to the male Pisces. Moreover, they portend them many cardinal changes for the better. But for this, Pisces-men will have to show all their masculinity, determination and assertiveness.

Following the predictions of astrologers, a man may well trust his intuition in solving important issues. Spiritual impulse will be his guiding star in many life situations. Moving towards the goal, Pisces men need to draw up a detailed action plan and follow it step by step. Only in this case, grandiose victories and successful implementation of their plans await them.

As for personal life, for the male part of Pisces, it will be no less successful. According to the forecast for 2018 from the famous astrologers Pavel and Tamara Globa, the male half of humanity born under this zodiac sign will receive many pleasant surprises in early spring. Those Pisces, whose heart is still free, will be lucky enough to meet a person who is almost ideal for creating a couple. For those who are already in a couple, the horoscope promises a new honeymoon in a relationship.

But they will have to take care of their health. Pisces-men should be attentive to their well-being, taking preventive measures as soon as necessary.

It will be possible to avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as the appearance of new sores, if you undergo a course of therapy in time and change your lifestyle. The horoscope strongly recommends that in 2018 all representatives of the Pisces sign adhere to proper nutrition and a balanced sleep-wake schedule.

As for the beautiful half of humanity, who was born under the constellation Pisces, it also does not hurt them to take a more responsible approach to their diet and sleep. Otherwise, the Pisces woman will be able after new year holidays feel some discomfort. For the rest of the representatives of this zodiac sign, the horoscope promises an improvement in well-being and pleasant changes in appearance.

In terms of love relationship 2018 for the Pisces woman promises to be very fruitful. Toward the middle of spring, a period of dates and acquaintances with new young people will begin. Among them, undoubtedly, there will be one who will later become a reliable support for life.

For Pisces women who are married, astrological predictions are no less pleasant. They are also expected new wave feelings for a partner, which will allow them to understand why the marriage was created.

In terms of finances, the coming year does not portend unpleasant surprises for the female half of this zodiac sign. Forecasts for the ladies of the Pisces sign for 2018 from Pavel Globa report that they will have to work hard during all twelve months. However, the time and effort spent will bring quite tangible results. There is a risk of unreasonable spending, which the famous astrologer strongly recommends to refrain from.

What awaits the "waterfowl" sign on the love front?

Astrologers give detailed predictions of what awaits representatives of different zodiac signs in love. The love horoscope for 2018 for Pisces will be ambiguous. On the one hand, all those born under this zodiac symbol will have to experience many positive moments and joyful events.

On the other hand, many Pisces will have to fight for their relationship. A significant obstacle to their full-fledged family happiness may well be work, which will have to devote much more time than in 2017. Of course, the time and effort spent will pay off handsomely, but solving problems at work will have to spend time that was previously devoted to loved ones and loved ones.

Mostly in 2018, all Pisces, who are paired, expect a measured life. Joyful moments will alternate with minor conflicts that cannot destroy the common idyll. Astrologers advise all representatives of this sign to have more rest together. Let it be not only travel, but also walking in the evenings or weekends.

Show your love and care for your "soulmate". Especially during periods of busy work, try to pay attention to your loved ones so that they do not feel lonely.

An astrological forecast for Pisces who has not yet met their “soul mate” promises an acquaintance with an interesting person closer to the middle of spring of the coming year. But in order to find a real life partner, Pisces will need to deal with this issue closely, since Pisces will not be able to build relationships and at the same time deal with other aspects of their lives.

For marriage, the horoscope forecast for 2018 is not so comforting. Pisces can start and build new relationships, but you should not rush into marriage. It is better for both partners to test their relationship for strength and only after that, preferably after a sufficient period of time, start organizing an engagement or wedding.

Moreover, the horoscope for Pisces for 2018 from Vasilisa Volodina says: nothing enchanting is expected for this sign. According to the famous astrologer, representatives of the sign will lead a very calm personal life.

What awaits the sign in the financial field

Pisces are hardworking and purposeful. Therefore, the front of work that the yellow earthen Dog foreshadows at the beginning of the year will certainly be on their shoulder. Moreover, it will bring worthy results - the necessary experience and good profit. So towards the end of the summer, the horoscope for the Year of the Dog 2018 promises an improvement in well-being for Pisces.

However, so that current affairs always end successfully and contribute to growth financial well-being, representatives of this zodiac sign will need to unconditionally believe in themselves and their strengths. And also listen to intuition - in love and financial matters, she will certainly tell you the direction you need for further action.

According to the financial forecast of astrologers, Pisces will by no means have to feel in need next year, because the Dog will be very generous and supportive of them, sending many profitable orders and pacifying competitors.

Rapid career advancement prophesies Rybka astrological forecast from Tamara Globa. In addition, according to the assurances of the astrologer, throughout 2018 they will be able to make many profitable acquaintances, which in due time will play a certain role in career growth.

Some people born under the constellation Pisces will be able to change jobs. Those who have long dreamed of a change of scenery and more favorable conditions, in the coming year will be able to make these dreams a reality. People of creative professions will have to work hard to realize their plans and ideas.

Pisces, who took out a loan in 2017, will be able to repay the debt in the first half of the coming year. Freed from debt obligations, they will be able to take a break and with renewed vigor begin to improve their own financial situation.

In the autumn-winter period, the stars recommend the “waterfowl” sign to take up the establishment of professional relationships. New acquaintances and contacts acquired at the beginning of 2018 should be strengthened. For this, you may have to sacrifice the time that you previously devoted to your family.

The health and well-being of Pisces

Like the love forecast, the health horoscope for representatives and representatives of the Pisces sign is becoming more and more popular by the beginning of 2018. It is worth noting that nothing extremely negative should be expected. Yes, the horoscope for 2018 for Pisces from Pavel Globa indicates different viral diseases, which will lie in wait for the "waterfowl" throughout the twelve months. But with proper and timely care for your body, they can be avoided.

In addition, the horoscope gives a warning for 2018 for Pisces, who has excess weight. The upcoming 2018 is a great year to get your body in order. By directing all your strength to the fight against extra pounds, you can not only improve your well-being, but also begin to catch the admiring glances of others.

Extremely Negative consequences will have for Pisces in the coming year the abuse of junk food, as well as regular lack of sleep. Try to draw up an approximate regimen for yourself from the beginning of January, according to which you will eat and stay awake throughout the year. So you will be able to avoid serious diseases and complications of existing chronic pathologies.

In order to strengthen your body and increase the body's resistance to various viruses, the horoscope for 2018 for Pisces strongly recommends rest in a sanatorium. The most favorable time to go there, according to astrologers, falls in the spring months and early summer.

  • Take care of your spine.
  • Meditate.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the cold.

If Pisces listen to the predictions of astrologers, then by the end of the year, many of them will notice an improvement in their well-being and appearance. The Yellow Dog, the mistress of the coming year, will help Pisces gather strength and find the right motivation May 2018 be a happy and prosperous one for them. Author: Elena Suvorova

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