The best beginner fish for home aquariums. Aquarium fish for beginners.

reservoirs 20.10.2018

So, the aquarium was bought, all the devices necessary for the life of the fish were installed, the soil was laid, the water was prepared, the plants were planted - the last, but eagerly awaited step remained - settling the aquarium with fish.

In the pet store and in the market, the novice aquarist's eyes widen: I want to buy all the fish at once, well, at least one by one. But before you go for future pets, you need to determine which particular fish will take root in the aquarium of a given displacement, as well as how many of them should be. Of course, no one will forbid a beginner to buy a spectacular rare beauty that requires special care, - but disappointment in this case can not be avoided.

There are many beautiful and yet unpretentious fish suitable for a beginner aquarist - they will forgive involuntary care errors caused by lack of experience. Usually these are small mobile schooling fish, up to 2 to 10 cm long. Their presence immediately turns any aquarium into one filled with life and movement water world. Here are ten fish that will guide beginners into the world of aquarism.

They are familiar even to people who are far from underwater affairs - this is a classic aquarium. Small, elegant fish with good character producing offspring without spawning. The fry, having been born, are active, have a healthy appetite and the only thing that threatens them is to be eaten by older comrades. Therefore, it is recommended to plant small fish in separate aquariums.

Video: Aquarium with viviparous fish

Danio rerio is a small (up to 6 cm) mobile hardy fish, a frequenter of many aquariums. Despite their small size, danios look very impressive thanks to the longitudinal blue stripes that also extend to the fins. Danio prefers to live in a flock, so you need to immediately buy 5-6 fish. It is desirable that the same small and peaceful neighbors be kept with them. Like swordtails, zebrafish can jump out of the aquarium, so it must be closed.


These miniature fish are peacefulness itself. Unlike many of their relatives, they do not even touch fry, which cannot be said about larger aquarium inhabitants who are not averse to having lunch with a cardinal. The best neighbors for them are the same calm viviparous fish.

Cardinals prefer a flock of life, and the flock must be large - otherwise the fish hide in plants, grottoes and lose their bright color.

They love cold water, up to + 22 ° С, cardinals can also exist in warmer water, but their life expectancy is reduced.

In order to truly appreciate the magical glow of neons, you need to get a flock of these little fish - at least 6 individuals. Their distinguishing feature is a bright blue stripe running along the body, and parallel to it is a red stripe. Neons are unpretentious, omnivorous, accommodating with other inhabitants, love shaded corners, so aquariums with decor in the form of grottoes or snags are suitable for them.


Even among small livebearers and neons, rasboras seem to be babies: the length of an adult fish does not exceed 3.5-4 cm. Silvery fish with a dark spot and a forked tail fin are very playful, so they need a suitable company of the same active schooling inhabitants of the aquarium, for example, zebrafish or cardinals.

Unlike small schooling fish, gouramis are slow and calm. Their distinguishing feature is a thread-like ventral fin, with which the fish touches the world. Gourami grow up to 10 cm.

There are several types of gourami: marble, pearl, blue and others, just as original in appearance and undemanding in care. Gourami breathe atmospheric air, so the aquarium where they live is not closed. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully choose peaceful and non-jumping neighbors for them.

Cockerels look luxurious, despite their relatively modest 6-7 cm in length, and therefore it seems that such beautiful fish must be tricky. In fact, the cockerel is hardy, omnivorous, but pugnacious - not without reason in South-East Asia from time immemorial, fights with the participation of these fish have been arranged.

A cockerel can be settled in a small aquarium - it breathes, like gourami, atmospheric air, and the neighborhood of its own kind, especially males, does not lead to anything good. A male cockerel can even chase a female, so keeping fish in pairs requires a spacious aquarium so that the lady can hide if necessary. In principle, the cockerel can be hooked up to other fish, but it is desirable that they are not veiled - the cockerel can mistake them for relatives and attack.


Barbs are diverse, but not all types of these fish are suitable for a beginner aquarist.

  • Sumatran barbs unpretentious, elegant, but very mobile. When kept in schools, they need a large aquarium.
  • clown barbs. They are also quite easy to care for, but they are even more demanding on space than the Sumatran ones.
  • shark barbs require very large aquariums and are more whimsical in content.
  • cherry barbs - the best choice for a beginner. Small, bright (especially males) perky fish will decorate any small aquarium.

Barbs are good neighbors for most small aquarium inhabitants, but it is better to keep veil fish away from them - they will bite their fins.


Catfish are excellent "cleaners" of the aquarium. Some species clean the bottom of unnecessary algae, others - the walls of their glass dwelling.

  • ancistrus.

They are called armored catfish because their body is covered with plates. They are small (from 3 to 12 mm long) and attractive in their own way, especially speckled and golden catfish. Their whiskers are directed downwards - with them the catfish probes the bottom in search of food. Corydoras "clean up" after other fish, eating food that has fallen to the bottom. Behind them there is one drawback - rummaging in the ground, they raise turbidity from the bottom.

, in comparison with corridors, are quite large - they grow up to 15 cm. With the help of a sucker mouth, they clean the vertical surfaces of the aquarium from algae. However, if there is not enough food, the catfish will switch to plants planted in the ground, so the ancistrus need special feed tablets, as well as plant foods. They are peaceful towards other fish, but males can sort things out among themselves.

The scalar is one of the most common aquarium fish, both experienced and novice aquarists are fond of it. Its size, original physique and striped coloring cannot go unnoticed.

The angelfish cannot be called a small fish - its height reaches 15 cm, so it needs space for swimming, which means a large aquarium. It can be settled in a common aquarium, but with caution - small fish do not need such a neighbor-hunter.

If you settle a scalar with viviparous fish, there will be no fry if with barbs - angelfish may lose their fins.

Gourami can become good neighbors for these fish.

The choice of easy-to-keep fish is so great that any novice aquarist can create a real miracle of harmony and beauty in his underwater kingdom: iridescent flocks of neon, phlegmatic gouramis, strict mollies will fill the aquarium with movement and a special, unlike anything life. It is only important to observe simple rules the maintenance of these fish and not to settle in the same house neighbors who do not get along with each other.

A win-win option for a beginner is to take one type of fish (live-bearer, barbs, gourami, etc.) and a couple of catfish. Then the likelihood of conflicts will be minimized, and the aquarium is clean. And it is also very important to observe a sense of proportion: no matter how much you want to populate an aquarium with more different fish, you must first of all think about the comfort of its inhabitants.

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Having caught fire with the idea to start our own aquarium, many of us imagine it full of spectacular exotic fish. But practice shows that not all types of fish are suitable for inexperienced aquarists. Who can you choose for your first aquarium?


Perhaps the most popular aquarium fish for beginners are unpretentious. These bright fish are undemanding to the composition of the water in the aquarium and the quality of the food. Guppies breed quickly, they can be kept in a species aquarium, where they will be protected from the aggression of other fish species.

swordsmen, not picky about the type of food, for one to two weeks they can do without it at all, feeding on algal growths and small snails. The optimum water temperature for swordtails is 24-26°, but they tolerate lower values.

aquarium fish Molly, or , of which black is most suitable for beginner aquarists, are actually omnivores. But vegetable fiber is of particular importance for their nutrition. They live most comfortably in aquariums rich in vegetation.

Movable platies also prefer overgrown aquariums, but they need free space for maneuvers in the central part. The water in their aquarium should be renewed every week, while the addition of table salt to this water will have a beneficial effect on the health of the platies.


Another small fish suitable for beginner aquarium owners is cardinal. She prefers medium-sized live food and water with a temperature of 18-22 °, being unpretentious to the parameters of this water, nimble and hardy.

A small flock of swift zebrafish can be kept even in jars with a capacity of two liters or more. But even in a large aquarium with other species, these fish will find mutual language due to its high adaptability. Danios will accept any food offered, and water heating is optional for them.

flock neon can be a decoration for both small and spacious aquariums; These beginner-friendly aquarium fish are distinguished by a striking blue stripe on the body. They do not require any special conditions of detention, except for timely feeding and water changes.


labyrinth fish gourami they breathe atmospheric air as they float to the surface of the water. All that is important for gourami is small-sized food (whether live or dry, frozen and even vegetable) and water temperature in the region of 24-28 °.

The labyrinths also include lively cocks, which are also not very demanding on the saturation of water with oxygen. They are omnivorous and picky about water quality. In their case, there are no difficulties with filters.

Keepers of Purity

Of course, a rare aquarium does without catfish. Ancistrus, Corydoras, Tarakatum and many other catfish will have a beneficial effect on the level of cleanliness in the aquarium. True, the activity of some of these fish can provoke the raising of turbidity from the aquarium bottom.

If you are going to install an aquarium in your home, but do not know who to put in it, aquarium fish for beginners are for you! What kind of fish are these? Firstly, most of them are characterized by small body sizes, secondly, they are hardy and unpretentious in maintenance, and thirdly, they are easy to breed. And, perhaps, one of the most important points - they have a peaceful, accommodating disposition, which will allow you to add several floating neighbors to them.

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viviparous species

- These are unpretentious, peaceful and hardy aquarium fish. Male guppies have a large and lush tail fin, sometimes multi-colored. This is a viviparous species of fish, females bring fry ready for a full life. For one spawning, 10-60 baby fish can be born. Keeping guppies is possible under conditions small aquarium. Breeding is also simple - it is enough to settle females and males together. Guppies eat different foods - both branded and live, frozen, vegetable, flakes and granules. For a novice aquarist, it is better to have non-hybrid guppies, since such pets will be very capricious and difficult to keep.

Fish of the Pecilian family (mollies, swordtails, platies) are also viviparous fish that are very easy to maintain and care for. Breeding will also not cause trouble for a novice aquarist, since the female, after spawning, will reproduce the fry ready for life herself. All Pecilia are distinguished by a bright color of scales, mobility, an active lifestyle, and stress resistance. They can quickly hide from a more annoying tankmate, and sometimes saving their lives.

Watch the life of the swordsmen in the aquarium.

They eat all kinds of live, frozen and artificial food. They prefer warm water, with a neutral environment, tolerate changes in water parameters, although this is undesirable. For prospective swordsmen owners, a word of caution - males may fight over territory, or over females, so they are not suitable for a small tank.

spawning species

Danio rerio is a small freshwater fish measuring 5 cm in length, distinguished by graceful behavior and unusual appearance. It is recommended to keep 5-7 zebrafish in one aquarium at once, since these are schooling fish. They look beautiful against the background of dense plants and beautiful aquarium decorations. They are mobile, peaceful and active, they can live in the same reservoir with the same peaceful species of fish. Danios are very jumpy, so the aquarium should be covered with a lid. Danio rerio are omnivorous pets that can be fed live, frozen, commercial food, flakes. Breeding is simple - for one spawning, the female can lay 200-500 small eggs.

The cardinal is a miniature fish with a body length of up to 3 cm, it can be settled in nano-aquaria. However, the color of her body is variegated, contrasting against the background of others. The cardinal is distinguished by non-aggressive behavior, even towards its fry. Hardy look, endures change temperature regime. It is recommended to keep in a flock, where from 5-6 fish. Life expectancy in captivity is 3 years.

The wedge-spotted rasbora is another miniature fish that can be a great companion for zebrafish and cardinals. Body size - 5 cm, the character is peaceful and accommodating. The color of the bodies is bright, a dark spot stands out on it, for which the fish got its name. Keeping in a flock is recommended, because this way the fish feels comfortable and protected. They like to swim in the middle layers of the water, prefer dense thickets of plants and many shelters. Feeding is simple - live food, frozen and artificial, but very crushed, can be served to rasboras.

Gourami is a member of the Labyrinth fish family. Can live in oxygen depleted water, in the absence of aeration. Gourami has a unique labyrinth organ that allows you to dissolve atmospheric air. The fish swims to the surface of the water, opens its mouth and captures a portion of air. The character of the gourami is peaceful, the appearance is beautiful and contrasting, there are long, thread-like processes on the ventral fins. Keeping is possible with other labyrinth fish and small, peaceful neighbors. It is recommended to feed live, frozen, branded, plant foods. Breeding is simple - after spawning, the female is removed, and the male picks up the eggs, fixes them in the nest, and monitors the brood.

Admire the pearl gourami.


Ancistrus - an unusual appearance of aquarium fish, moreover, very useful for the reservoir. The dimensions of the body are a little overall - 15 cm, so the content is permissible in the tank at least 100 liters per individual. Ancistrus catfish eats algal growth from the surfaces of glass, stones, snags and plants. The mouth of the fish is like a suction cup, which easily scrapes off growths. In the aquarium, it will clean all the decorations and glass, even the filter will not do all this work as quickly as the ancistrus. Males are distinguished by an unusual outgrowth on the head. It is not recommended to place more than two males in one tank, otherwise they will fight. The food for this pet is plant food in granules and tablets, plants and algae.

Corydoras is perhaps the easiest pet to keep and care for, moreover, with a very accommodating character. There are also many benefits from corridors - it is a pond cleaner that collects uneaten food from the bottom, preventing its oxidation. A common type of corridor in home aquariums is golden catfish and speckled catfish. They swim in the lower layers of the tank, so they can be settled with peaceful and small fish that swim in other layers of water. You need to feed with pellets falling to the bottom, food for catfish. They prefer to live in a flock of 4-5 individuals or more.

Knowing the names and habits of the fish, you can finally decide which of them will settle in your home in an aquarium store or on a "bird" fish.

How big should I buy an aquarium?! How many fish do you need!? What kind of fish to buy in the end?

You can go a little different way and opt for acquiring fish that will be starting for any beginner, and who will treat all your experiments with them with indulgence. Also, we will try to determine which fish should not be bought by a novice aquarium lover ...

When selecting fish, you will need to consider their conditional attributes, which will work, in your case, for your own benefit.

Compatibility should be understood as the ability of an aquarium fish to get along with its neighbors. Is it a peaceful fish, aggressive towards others, or not particularly aggressive!? Freshwater tropical schooling aquarium fish are a safe choice here.

Unpretentiousness to the conditions in the aquarium

Many freshwater fish adapt much better to changes in their environment than others.

Feeding aquarium fish

With them, you don't have to take care of the feed too much. As a rule, they eat everything: from any dry food to any live food. You do not have to waste time and prepare some special feeds and mixtures. In addition, the following fish calmly endure prolonged starvation.

cost of aquarium fish

Freshwater fish are much more affordable than sea fish. But, if we consider the range of prices for freshwater fish, then within this range the spread is more than significant.

Size of adult fish and requirements for the volume of the aquarium

All fish grow to a certain size. Fish recommended for beginner aquarists reach a length of 5-9 centimeters. By the way, the size of some species is strongly influenced by the size of the aquarium itself: the larger the aquarium, the more your fish will grow. But, this rule applies to a few breeds of freshwater fish.

You can be sure that the starting population will not outgrow your starting tank of 40-60 liters.


Some people wish to keep fish that are easy to breed because they enjoy this aspect of the hobby. Others come from the cost-saving aspects, dreaming of a self-populating aquarium.

Viviparous fish, like guppies or swordtails, are effectively bred on their own in a community aquarium. But, most of the offspring die: they are eaten, sir. The way out of this problem is to place a pregnant female in a clean jar of water filled with small plants.

List of "correct" fish for beginners

Bettas / cockerels: They have one drawback, there should not be another male betta (cockerel) in the aquarium. The weak will be killed. Bettas are known as fighting fish, bred specifically for fighting in Siam.

Have you decided to start your first home aquarium and are wondering which aquarium fish to get? In this article, you will learn about 13 tropical freshwater fish that are perfect for beginners and experienced breeders alike. Let's look at what "the best aquarium fish for beginners" means.

How to understand that the fish is suitable?

First of all, read the conditions for keeping and caring for the aquarium fish you want to purchase. You can’t just buy fish, put them in an aquarium and feed them a couple of times a day. Each fish has its own requirements for keeping: the volume of the aquarium, filtration and aeration, soil, water hardness and acidity, temperature. In addition, many beginners do not know or forget about the necessary regular water changes. Therefore, a beginner needs aquarium fish, in the conditions of which you will find the following points.

  • Aquarium fish are very hardy and can withstand critical conditions. If this is your first aquarium, it is best to choose fish that can survive in less than optimal conditions and will not be affected in case of sudden changes in water parameters. This will allow you to avoid a quick tragic outcome, you will gradually learn how to properly care for them.
  • Don't choose aquarium dwellers who need constant care and attention.
  • Aquarium fish should be peaceful, sociable and get along with other inhabitants. For different fish different level aggression, and some of them will not be able to get along peacefully with other fish, or fish of their own species. It is better to choose fish suitable for a peaceful community than to watch them fight and maim each other.
  • New residents must fit into your aquarium. If you already know the volume of your aquarium, select those types of fish for which this volume is enough. If you buy a scalar in a 30-liter aquarium, or, say, goldfish, at first, if your fish are small, they will be able to survive in this volume. But when they start to grow, there will be little space for them. And it's not that the fish have nowhere to swim. The fact is that potentially large fish produce large quantity waste, pollute water more and faster. Most of the fish on the list below will not grow more than 5 - 7.5 cm, which makes them ideal residents for a freshly started aquarium.

This list is only small example selection of fish species that beginners can keep in the aquarium, but with them you can start your acquaintance with this hobby.

Blue neon or neon tetra

Blue neons are small and very beautiful aquarium fish. They are easy to care for, are one of the most hardy tropical freshwater fish and can live in relatively cool water. Blue neons love to live in a group, and than more group the happier they are. So you can keep as many neons as you like. The diet of these fish is simple, they will eat any offered flakes, brine shrimp, cyclops, bloodworms and any other food that will fit in their small mouth.

By the way, many famous aquarium designers use neon in their work, so you can feel like one of them.


The Danio is one of the hardiest freshwater aquarium fish ever available. Danios can survive cold temperatures, which is especially good if you don't have a water heater yet. Also, zebrafish are ideal for those who have no experience in keeping an aquarium, as they can survive in a wide variety of water parameters.

In addition, zebrafish are very active fish, it is very interesting to watch them. And if one day you decide to try to breed spawning fish, it is best to start with this species. Danios are also omnivorous and will eat any food offered.


Pecilia are ideal fish for the community aquarium. They are hardy, unpretentious, very peaceful - get along with almost any neighbors. In addition, platies come in a variety of colors and shapes, there is always plenty to choose from. In addition, platies are viviparous fish, and very soon you will be able to see the appearance of new residents. Pecilia are omnivores.


These bright colorful freshwater aquarium fish need no introduction and have long established themselves as the best fish for beginners. Guppies are very popular, always available for sale, and they can even be given to you for free. Guppies come in a wide variety of colors and shapes, and the shape of the fins of some varieties is simply amazing! They are omnivorous and can go without food for up to a week, which indicates their extreme endurance.

Guppies are viviparous fish and will breed at a breakneck pace. So if you don't want to short term demographic has come in your aquarium, start only beautiful bright males, without females.

Acanthophthalmus Kulya comes from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, is a char or eel (loach), able to adapt to different conditions content, with a peaceful character. All this makes the acanthophthalmus the best freshwater fish for beginners.

Acanthophthalmus Külä is a bottom dweller and will eat any food that has fallen to the bottom, both live foods and frozen ones. Do not keep it with shrimp - they will be eaten. To keep these fish happy, keep them better as a group from 3 or more individuals.

cherry barb

Although cherry barbs may take some time to adjust to a new aquarium, they are ideal freshwater fish for home aquarium. They tolerate large fluctuations in water parameters, they are friendly, grow up to 5 cm in length, and are easy to care for. In addition, these are bright and eye-catching fish with interesting behavior. Cherry barbs will easily fit into any general aquarium with civilians.

In order for cherry barbs to feel more comfortable, it is desirable to have live plants in the aquarium that create natural hiding places. Perfect plants for beginners, such as or. In order for cherry barbs to feel more comfortable, it is better to keep them in a group of 6 fish. There will be any food offered.

In a new aquarium, give them a couple of weeks to recover from stress, and then they will start to eat normally and delight you with bright colors.

The Meek cichlid, or firemouth cichlid, is an ideal aquarium fish for beginners, however it can exhibit territorial behavior during spawning. The rest of the time, cichlazomas are quite friendly. However, it is recommended to keep this species with fish of the same species, or in a community aquarium to provide these inhabitants with shelters made of stones or inverted pots, where the meek cichlazoma can safely lay eggs.

Adult cichlomas grow up to 12 cm in length. Their diet may consist of dry fish flakes. This species is very popular and can usually be found for sale at any pet store for a low price.

pearl gourami

Of all the gourami, this is the most popular tropical freshwater aquarium fish due to its beauty and hardiness. Like all labyrinths, the pearl gourami is very hardy, suitable for keeping in cool water, it is easy to care for, but it needs an aquarium with a volume of 110 liters or more. These fish breathe atmospheric air, so there must be open space on the surface of the water.

Pearl gourami eat a wide variety of foods, both vegetable and meat. Flakes containing algae are recommended, as well as live food: brine shrimp, bloodworm, tubifex.

Pearl gourami do not like the company of aggressive fish so keep that in mind when stocking your tank. These fish love hiding places to hide. They can become floating plants.

King tiger hypancistrus is a peaceful freshwater fish of South American origin (Amazon River in Brazil). Most they spend time at the bottom, so they prefer catfish food: tablets, granules. But they will also eat live or frozen food: brine shrimp, various worms. Hypancistrus tend to eat aquarium plants when they are hungry, so they need to be well fed.

Brindle hypancistrus are peaceful but territorial fish, so if you want to keep more than one of this species, they need to make hiding places out of rocks, driftwood, coconut skins, and other decorations so the fish can mark their territory. These fish grow up to 15 cm in length and live up to 8 years in an aquarium under optimal conditions.


Another peaceful fish that will harmoniously fit into most aquarium communities is the catfish corridor. With over 140 species of corydoras to choose from, these catfish are the perfect addition to a beginner's aquarium. Corydoras are active cleaners and will keep your aquarium clean. They live up to 20 years, prefer the community of their species, so it is better to keep them in a group of 3 or more individuals. In nature, they feed on insects, larvae, plant matter. You can offer the corridors a variety of vegetable flakes, insect larvae and worms such as bloodworms and tubifex.

Corydoras love oxygenated water.


Mollies are versatile fish, they can survive in both freshwater and marine aquariums if they are gradually accustomed to salt water. They are great for beginners as they are very hardy (most species except some very rare ones with very long fins). Mollies are not aggressive. There are many varieties on the market with different sizes, colors, shape of fins. For keeping mollies, however, an aquarium is recommended. large sizes than, for example, for their closest relatives, platies - from 80 liters.

Requirements for the content of different varieties may vary, some are very demanding. However, all mollies prefer warm water between 25 and 28 degrees.

Mollies tend to be more plant-based, preferring a plant-based diet in nature, often with seaweed, but in the aquarium these fish have switched to a protein-based diet. It must be remembered that they digestive system prefers algae - it is advisable to feed these fish with both protein and plant foods.

Mollies are viviparous fish, although they will breed at a slower rate than guppies or platies.


Swordtails are another popular viviparous aquarium fish, getting their name from their sword-shaped tail. Swordtails tend to prefer plant foods, so an algae-filled tank is ideal for them. These fish will also eat live foods with pleasure.

Swordtails grow up to 12 cm in length, are undemanding, ideal for beginners. These fish prefer each other's community, from 5 or more, so it is better to choose a larger aquarium. Optimum temperature water from 25 to 28 degrees Celsius, but swordtails will thrive in cooler and warmer water.

In nature, these fish live in places with a fast current, and if you can create a strong current in the aquarium, swordtails will be grateful to you.

Lately Bettas have become very popular fish for small/nano aquariums, even small tabletop aquaria "for Bettas" are being sold. However, these fish have gained a reputation as fighting fish and are often not recommended for keeping in community tanks due to their aggressive behavior. But if you keep a betta alone, without relatives, in a common aquarium, he will behave approximately.

Bettas are truly the best aquarium fish for beginners and one of the most beautiful tropical fish. Their long colorful fins draw the eye of anyone who sees it. Bettas are easy to care for, do not require much space and will eat any food offered to them.

The main thing to remember: never settle a cockerel with other cockerels, as well as outwardly similar fish with long fins, otherwise it will definitely lead to a fight.

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