How to keep goldfish in a small aquarium. How to care for goldfish. Goldfish in a small aquarium

Reservoirs 15.09.2018

Many busy people who dream of a home pet and have no opportunity to start a cat or a dog, acquire aquariums. However, not everyone knows how to properly care for its inhabitants. After reading today's article, you will learn how many goldfish live.

Small historical retreat

It should be noted that these fish are considered the oldest representatives of the Karpov family, which began to breed and maintain in aquariums. And the first to do it first indigenous population China. Those who are interested in how many years live will not prevent to know that professional court breeders were engaged in their elimination. They were obtained as a result of crossing several species

Even if you use good system Filters, water in your reservoir will still change. Replace approximately one third of the volume every three weeks. Water can either be released or purchase a siphon device. Again, any spare water should not be fresh from the tap, and the temperature should be as close as possible to the temperature of the remaining water in the tank.

gold fish - Beautiful creatures that cost very little to buy and maintain. Some people find that the fish is very soothing, and you can create a rapeport with your pet - watch it excitedly sailing around the tank when he saw you approach!

After the first bright individuals were launched into the imperial pond, work began on the removal of new fish. This is how modern voualehers, Vakin and Che appeared. The life expectancy of individuals who lived in natural conditionswas about a quarter century.

In the XVI century, these bright and fairly large fish were delivered to Japan, and a hundred years later, residents of Europe were recognized about them. Interestingly, here the life expectancy of delivered individuals has decreased to three months. This is explained by the fact that for some reason their owners believed that they do not need food at all.

Fascinating underwater world: Aquarium is a spectacle with the effect of relaxation in the living room. However, sometimes there are problems with operational expenses and concern for exotic fish and plants. The solution may be aquarium with cold water. Here you can find wonderful relatives and other moderately air-conditioned areas. local specieswhich can cope with cooler water and are just as interesting for observation as tropical fish.

How many goldfish live in aquarium?

Beautiful plants contribute to regulating the quality of water and oxygen content. For example, to increase the filter performance, you can use augers that consume vegetable trash, which requires less filter performance. In the aquarium with cold water, you create a small, quite simple oasis in your four walls.


Those who want to understand how many goldfish live, will surely be wondering how they look. The average length of adult individuals is about thirty-five centimeters. However, in aquarium conditions, such impressive specimens are rare. Usually in captivity they grow up to fifteen centimeters.

From Aquarium S. hot water It differs in addition to lower costs at lower operating costs, since fewer technical elements are required, such as heater. Even otherwise, the unheated aquarium has some advantages.

Goldfish for aquarium with cold water available in many color options. Set up aquarium for cold water. The ideal substrate depends on the planned stock. For example, molluscs may be stored in pools of more than 112 liters and require a fine-grained substrate in which they can dig a bit. Other residents in an aquarium with cold water love to put up with a coarsest gravel. Shy fish and European shrimps prefer dense landing, while floating species such as free spacein which they can move.

The goldfish has a long, glued with the sides of an ellipse-shaped body. She also has several reddish or yellowish fins, the longest of which is considered the dorsal. It starts from the middle of the red-golden torso. The boc of the overwhelming majority of representatives of this species is painted in golden color, and belly - in a yellowish tint.

If you want to grow golden fishIt is recommended to use strong plants: goldfish, how to give land, gentle plants may be damaged. For decoration, you can also equip aquarium with cold water. beautiful stones And forests to create a natural impression.

You do not need heating in the living room, because even in the winter the temperature does not fall into the critical zone. You must avoid places in the sun, because water can be warm too much in summer and should be cooled. In addition, direct sunlight Promotes the growth of algae.

How many goldfish live in aquarium?

IN this case Much depends on the conditions in which they live. On average, this indicator ranges from five to ten years. However, there are exceptions. For example, in one of the English cities there was a pair of individuals who lived to the thirty-year-old age. Moreover, they lived in a sulokalite aquarium and fed on a specialized feed. And in the county of North. Yorkshire was a goldfish, which lived forty-four years.

The filter should be particularly strong if the reserve density is too high or in the absence of plants. On the contrary, use remnants of destructive species, adequately choose the aquarium size and install aquarium with cold water, natural water filtering support. The result is moderate care, and the filter should be less powerful, which reduces maintenance costs.

Internal and medium-European inhabitants of cold water are usually quite adaptable and reliable. What types are suitable, first of all depends on the size of the basin. In principle, many residents of garden ponds can be kept as a bright goldfish in an unheated spacious aquarium. It is very nice to look at the connected tail curtains. European shrimps can be stored in pots of 60 liters. She likes to choose a dense green color For food and sometimes impressive color change - in addition to transparent appearance, options from rich red to blue are possible.

Features of content

Having understood how many aquarium goldfish live, you need to learn how to carefully care for them. First of all, it should be noted that one piece will require fifty liters of water. Those who plan to start five or six fish should be purchased in advance for future pets a two-tire aquarium. In addition, it is important to control filtering, aeration and level of illumination.

Mussels from the pond are biological wonders in the large pool, because they are tirelessly filtered microorganisms and suspended algae from water, which reduces the load of pollutants. The horn of the abundance is also suitable for small aquariums with cold water and destroys dead parts of plants and food remnants, which also prevents water pollution.

A similar situation with a tank cover screw. In addition, and covering tails, there are other fish that can be perfectly maintained in aquarium with cold water. There are, for example, dazzling gold bitterling, which, like other bitters for breeding, enters into symbiosis with sinks. Probably the most famous barley, which is stored in aquarium with small sizes. If you want to use land users, it will be the opportunity. They prefer to stay on earth and seek food there.

Optimal temperature Water varies from eighteen to twenty three degrees. However, much depends on the time of year. In the winter months, she may be a little colder than in summer period. It is important not to forget to replace the tenth of the aquarium's tenth daily. Since poor-quality and polluted water can cause many diseases.

Interestingly, European crayfish, which should not be socialized with other crabs, however, show themselves freely floating fish in general, peaceful. Adequate food prevents plant eating. Several exotic fish, such as Sinegyglas or the circlouncing Macoopod. However, they can be stored in an unheated aquarium if it is large enough, and they do not live together with low-spirited fish - they can be a victim of them.

Beautifully colored street snail closes the remaining food in aquarium with cold water. Naturally, the inhabitants of aquarium with cold water are powered by the fact that they are found free or in a pond in the garden. Depending on the species, the food range varies from algae to plants to larvae, small crustaceans, spawning and fish.

Understanding how many goldfish live, you need to deal with the peculiarities of their diet. Immediately note that they are quite voracious. Despite the fact that these creatures are almost constantly asked to eat, they are often not recommended to feed them. According to most professionals, frequent meals can lead to various diseases. Experienced aquaries advise to feed goldfish no more than two times a day. It is important to produce food in small portions that are eaten for seven minutes.

The aquarium is suitable for feeding the relevant living and green feed. Needless to say that you can satisfy this need with the help of the finished feed of the feed that you get for different species in the optimal composition and with nutrient substancesnecessary for the health of fish.

Make sure you have a suitable stocking and good landingMaintenance for aquarium with cold water is not too large. You do not need a heater, usually enough filter with medium power. Some cold-water fish especially love with oxygen-rich water, but external supply can be excess due to regular partial changes in water and plants. This significantly reduces operating costs maintenance Compared to the tank for hot water.

The basis of the diet of these beautiful, but very voracious creatures make up plants, specialized dry and living food. And the latter is recommended to purchase in a frozen form to eliminate the infection of fish by different diseases. As for the dry feed, it is necessary to pre-sink in a small bowl, filled with water, which was taken from the aquarium in advance. Plant food needs to be scolded in advance with boiling water and grind. Plus to all, it is recommended to supplement their menu with unsalted crumbly porridges that are welded on water.

With partial changes in water, you not only lead to new oxygen, but also clean water, which, in turn, removes the filter. It must be cleaned, if necessary, but also here the efforts are limited. Supply of fresh, cooler water is also useful in the summer months, if the temperature in the aquarium increases too much. This avoids unnecessary cooling costs with a mechanical drive.

Many inhabitants of aquarium with cold water are adapted and reliable, so they have no special requirements for water quality. Nevertheless, you can, of course, affect them, if necessary, adding the appropriate additives. This is recommended for more sensitive species to increase stability and prevent diseases or cleaning. water water With low content of pollutants. However, in combination with partial water replacement, this is not much effort.


Those who have already understood how many years they will be interested in finding out how they breed. Especially for these purposes, it is necessary to purchase a closing container, the length of which is at least eighty centimeters. It is important that the bottom of the so-called spawning is planted with bushy neolotic plants. In addition, the aquarium needs to be filled with clean water maximally saturated with oxygen.

In unheated water, the formation of algae is lower than in tropical temperatures, since the oxygen content is relatively higher. You can also control the growth using a suitable inventory such as shrimp or snail, as well as partial changes in water and fast-growing plants. If over time, algae will appear on the glasses, they can be removed using a panel cleaner.

Since snails and shrimps absorb nutritional residues and dedrit on Earth, for example, the absorption of Mulma is also limited. Preventing breaking and using the corresponding "residual means to remove residues" can be any accumulations between them without much effort with the removal of partial water. Thus, the purification of the soil is minimized.

Usually the beginning of the marriage games falls on early spring. It is advisable for this time to sear the fish and provide them with a full-fledged feed. After a couple of weeks, you can select the female and two or three males. After fertilization of eggs, fish need to be removed from spawning. After two days, fry appear on the world, which for the fifth day begin to swim confidently.

In a barbed cage, a man is worried about children. Spring his breasts dark red. On the site you will find an extensive range of cold water aquariums, such as light-sprout, fast-growing plants, such as horseradish, penny and seaweed. The rest of the stocking should not be absent, so we carry a lot of suitable fish for aquarium with cold water. In addition to gold fish and velive tails, you can choose between bitter, sandbags, barbons, sandbags, modernized and other interesting species.

Amateurs come with crabs and shrimps at their own expense. Food is B. optimal composition in the form of flakes or granules that are mainly accepted large species, such as a goldfish. Inspect our store and assemble everything for a relaxing biotope of cold water in the apartment.

Prevention of various diseases

Those who already know how many goldfish live should understand that they, like all living beings, are subject to a few. Of course, in any aquarium there is a conditional pathogenic microflora. Therefore, that your pets do not become victims of causative agents of dangerous diseases, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

There are exotic species for aquarium with cold water. The picture shows the North American Rainbow Delicates. Maybe you have a gold fish at home? Then you will definitely learn that goldfish belong to a large family of carp fish. This is a fish, which is sometimes eating like Christmas holidays. But do you know that the house of Golden Fish was originally in China?

The oldest decorative fish in the world

In China, the fish was grown in China. Nevertheless, you have eaten the fish first and not only looked, as today on golden fish. Even today they are sold at high prices. At some point, the Chinese found that Kois was too big and dedicated to breeding small fish.

It is important not to overcoole an aquarium and constantly maintain a healthy habitat in it. Do not neglect the regular replacement of water. It is strictly forbidden to hold the golden fish of aggressive individuals that can injure them. Also, we should not forget about the correct diet and feeding mode.

Chinese silver crucian as an object for selection allowed for light a large number of Fish species known to us called Goldfish: Fanochvost, Schubunkkin, Comet, Riukin, Ranch, Bubbleglaz, Pearl, Lionogol, Voualehvost, Butterfly, Tosakin, Pompon, Panda, Lion's Ranch, Oranda, Shukin, Izumo Nankin Goldfish, Vakin, Red Hap and etc.

So, in the end, to the golden fish. Gold fish is also very easily held and placed in a tank for aquarium. So the Chinese have already invented the world's first aquarium. And the first fish from the aquarium appeared. Then the Chinese have developed it for many centuries.

Goldfish can be stored not only in the pond, but also in the aquarium

In the picture above, you can see golden fish, as he could sail in his bowl with goldfish, in the picture below is shown Koi. It is unlikely that any other fish is also known as the Golden Fish, which was kept long before typical aquarium fish. This happens simply due to insensitivity to fluctuations in water level, temperatures, diseases, etc. It is also a fish with cold water, which makes the heater unnecessary. Thus, the relationship is possible without problems in garden well as in the aquarium.

Goldfish - Oranda Red Cap (Tancho Oranda)

Goldfish undemanding to the content, but it is desirable to contain them in a spacious aquarium based on the calculation of 1 cm of the length of the body of fish per 1 liter of water. It should be noted that the golden fish has a large rounded and low body on the basis of this aquarium for goldfish preferably will be low, but quite wide, as for example, two together folded cube.

Lighting for goldfish should be quite bright, and the recommended water temperature can vary widely with 18-26 ° degrees, hydrochemical parameters: DGH up to 20 °, pH 7.0 ... 7.8. Sexual maturity Gold fish reaches by year.

In the open reservoir, the goldfish can grow up to 35 cm, in the aquarium when good conditions Contents up to 15 cm, and the term of the duration of these fish from some sources: short-tested views of up to 15 years, long-tempered up to 40, but by 8 years of life, goldfish lose their ability to multiply.


Gold fish are cold enough. They are not afraid to reduce the temperature of the water to 16 ° degrees and resistant to diseases caused by the hyrochion of fish. Golden fish have persistent immunity and are not uncommon when you can observe how close to healthy gold fish are "bend" from ichthyophthyriosis of the swords.


Goldfish peaceful. However, the aggressiveness of these fish can be caused in relation to small species, when, following its natural instincts, large fish hunt for small. This must be taken into account and contain large individuals in a separate aquarium or in general, but only without the presence of small fish. It should be noted that goldfish are slow and to luxurious view Their fins did not suffer to keep with gold fish not recommended Sumatran barbuses.

Feed and feeding

Goldfish are constantly in search of food they are soaked in the soil and raise from the bottom. In an aquarium with goldfish, it is necessary to install a mechanical filter for water purification from suspension. Goldfish are omnivores and besides favorite live feed: Moth, Coretra, Small rainworms, they are happy to eat and vegetable: specially cooked porridge, well washed bread, ore. Of dry feeds: Daphny and Gammarus, and from artificial: chopped meat, as well as special food manufactured by industry.

Aquarium plants for goldfish

Aquarium goldfish are always in search of food and, if there are plants in the aquarium with soft leaves, they will not mind them to enjoy. In aquarium with goldfish, it is necessary to grow plants with solid leaves and a strong root system: echinodorus, aponoghethon, cryptocorine, etc.

Echinodorus Horemanii (Echinodorus Horemanii)

Uponoghethon Curchay

Cryptokorin Pontederiyevoiste


The pebble of a large or medium size is best suited as a soil, but not the sand, which they will easily steal, raising from the bottom or dug the roots of the plants. So that goldfish do not dig under plants it is necessary to close the roots around the stem with flat large pebbles (barefoot).

River pebbles


When I did not have a separate aquarium, I kept goldfish in 150 liters with a common aquarium. Having bought in the pet store the young voualehvostov in the number of four pieces, I continued to grow them in the general aquarium. When the fish grew up and they went for the second year they began to spawn.

Of the four gold fish grown by me, three male and one female were among them. Since for the spawning of goldfish on one female, there may be enough and one male of the remaining two males, I sold. In order not to pump off the spawning, I embeded a female in 50 liters of spawning with the size of the sides: W 30 cm, d 60 cm, 35 cm.


A few days later the female gained caviar and in her swelling the abdomen it was clear that she was ready for spawning. In order to lower in the spawning of carbonate stiffness and before letting the male to the female half the volume of water in the spawning, I replaced with a soft water. As a protective mesh, I used a matted synthetic thread, which pressed the stones to the bottom of the aquarium.

Synthetic filament safety net

After the spawning, the manufacturers replanted back to the overall aquarium, and the compressor left the included. Caviar from gold fishes sticky. Approximately three days at water temperature around 22-24 ° degrees appeared larvae. A couple of days they hung on the walls of the spawning and the grid, then started to swim and eat.

Start feed

As a starting feed, it is best to use "live dust". But it is possible to get zooplankton in spring or summer, and then if there are such reservoirs where it is found. Good results are given: Artemia's crustaceans and Moin Daphnia, cultivated at home. In the extreme case, you can do and boiled yolk.

I described the feeding of the fry of the fry in the article "How to feed the fry of the yolk", and how to breed the live food of Daphnia in the publication "Food for Dafnia Fish". To maintain cleanliness in the increased aquarium, you need to plant an ampouillion snails in it.

The smaller fry can be translated on artificial feed: a ribbed beef heart, continuing to feed the living daphneus or auoforus. Goldfish is very prolific, it is considered that one female with a size of 10 to 15 cm can take up to 5000 eggs.

It is impossible to grow all the fry at home so that it is necessary to leave such a number of fry so that it corresponds to the recommended volume of the increased aquarium, and the younger needs to be periodically resettled on additional aquariums.

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