Aquarium care for beginners. How to feed the underwater inhabitants. Fish for home aquarium

reservoirs 07.09.2018

In order to properly care for domestic fish, it is necessary to keep their habitat clean. And, as you know, both at home and in the wild, fish live in water. Therefore, in order for your pets to live long, you need to learn how to care for the aquarium. In fact, there are a few simple rules for beginners on how to properly care for an aquarium at home.

Care of aquarium plants

Salt water makes noise with everything metallic material, so any of these types should be replaced with stainless steel. It must be of high quality and also not corrode. In addition, the aquarium must be installed away from sunlight.

The filtration system has the function of supplying oxygen to the water through balls that are close to the surface. In the case of this aquarium, this amount should be higher than in fresh water, and water movement will be critical to this. Buying is ideal circulation pump characteristic for the size of the aquarium.

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Basic aquarium care tips for beginners

So, in our article with a video, what should be done and how to properly care for aquariums at home? To begin with, always fill the aquarium with only settled water. Before deciding how long you need to defend the water, find out what kind of fish you have and what kind of water suits them. For example, for some, water that has been settled for a day is considered too fresh. But, on average, it is correct to defend the water for about two to three days. Then it becomes optimal for the inhabitants of the aquarium. Also, you can not defend the water for so long. In order to bring it to a normal state at home, it is necessary to warm the water to seventy degrees, and then cool it. Thus, it is deprived of excess oxygen, which harms the fish. After you have carried out preventive cleaning of the aquarium, it is good not to change the water too often. It is necessary to fill in purified water in small portions and only after you clean the bottom. When caring for an aquarium, it is necessary to change the water about once a week, and only one third of the volume should be updated. There are also those types of fish that are accustomed to other conditions and have a hard time going through a change of water in principle. In such fish, only one-fifth of the volume of water changes.

As for the water itself: never put salt in fresh water in an attempt to make it look like the sea. Nitrifying bacteria in the same water are different from each other. They are responsible for converting ammonia into nitrite, a substance that can kill corals. In addition to the formation of nitrate, another element that leads to the growth of unwanted algae, but this can be useful if this is the goal of a person.

It is important not to mix both.

How many liters should an aquarium have? The calculation is more or less 1 fish per 40 liters, so 5 fish would be 200 liters for example. Water can be synthetic or natural and should be changed every three months maximum. But remember that for the first type it is preferable to use a filter to obtain deionized water, that is, clean, without heavy metals, silicates or nitrates, so harmful to the living creatures of the sea. In addition, brown algae can appear, causing an imbalance in the environment.

If the water begins to turn cloudy with careful care of the aquarium, do not panic prematurely. In fact, the reason for such changes in the home may not be bacteria, as you most likely think, but just the remains of dry food. In order for the fish to be comfortable, simply remove the garbage and stop feeding your pets this type of food for a while. If, after a while, the water does not become cleaner and lighter, and, moreover, it starts to smell unpleasant, then you will have to carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the tank. Of course, the fish need to be moved to another container for a while, and daphnia can be placed in the aquarium, which perfectly purifies the water.

How do you know if an aquarium has balance problems?

Density is also an influential element in this process and is nothing more than the separation of mass and volume of water. This can be measured with plastic density meters, but ideally take the aquarium to a chemistry lab.

Ammonia is a very element that they eliminate themselves. Your quantity must always be controlled. Excess nutrition, for example, leads to water pollution, and ammonia is difficult to dissolve. This type of excrement requires aquatic environment to avoid its accumulation and loss of living beings.

In order for the fish to live in comfortable conditions, you need to take care of the aquarium on time. If you understand that the tank has already outlived its usefulness, get a new one. After purchase, the aquarium must be washed. To do this, for several days in a row, change the water at room temperature in it, every two to three days. In this way, you fully adapt the plastic or glass to the water. After you change the water several times, you can fill the bottom with earth and plant various plants. But, when the algae are planted, you should not immediately release the fish into the aquarium. It is necessary to wait another week for the plants to take root at the bottom. If you notice that the soil is caking, you need to replace it so that later, it does not disrupt the metabolism in the aquarium. If this happens, both the microflora of the aquarium and the fish themselves may die. That is why, you should not use fine sand as soil.

Aquarium decoration: all or nothing

The amount of nitrites and nitrates should always remain close to zero. The second is quite harmful to corals and invertebrates, but the level should always be low, because after a high level it is difficult to reduce it. Calcium levels are also critical to knowing if corals are healthy. The skeleton, which consists mainly of calcium carbonate, needs this substance. Because, in addition to corals, red algae and other living things consume this chemical element, reducing it.

Thus, it is more difficult for corals to maintain their growth. Shrimps, crabs, anemones and corals are some of the living creatures that can inhabit your marine aquarium! Decide on a tropical or freshwater aquarium. Freshwater fish include goldfish and minnows, as well as many species of tropical fish such as scalars and corridor fish, while freshwater fish tend to be more resilient and will survive. even if you make small mistakes, but they will also need more space.

Putting fish in an aquarium is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In order for the settlement to go without stress, you need to know what behavior and what character a particular type of fish has. Therefore, it is best to select fish that are natural conditions live in one ecological environment. Never house species that need different water temperatures together. In this case, only the species that will be more comfortable in this climate will survive, and the other will die.

Start with inexpensive fish, even if you can afford the more expensive ones. The cheapest of these is that they resist the natural environment well and are so acclimatized to life in captivity that they even reproduce regularly. Don't start with salted fish, they require much more sophisticated techniques and knowledge and the water you will have to install will do a lot of damage if it seeps out, it will slowly corrode metals and it will be conductive. If you really want an aquarium with sea ​​water, you should start with a medium sized plant with a few plants and wait a year to make sure everything is ok. In any case, they will not die easily with each turn. . Decide what kind of fish you want.

If you have purchased the new kind fish and want to hook it up with those already living, you also need to follow some rules. You should never immediately send new tenants to common body of water. The fact is that they may simply not agree in character with those who have already lived there for a long time. Therefore, before you start a new kind of pets, you need to read the literature and determine which fish will get along best with those who already live in your aquarium. But, even if you have not read the literature, there are still at least a few signs by which you can immediately determine whether the fish can get along or not. First, those species that have a similar color get along well together. In addition, they should eat about the same thing.

Gas and salt composition of water

Some of them are compatible, some are not, and they will probably be a bit active, so you should have more than one. The fish do not have to be of the same species, but some more territorial animals are better off if they are not, for example a pleco can be a good companion for this type of fish. to provide them with the veterinary care they need, for example, some of them need certain foods and others need special care. Some animals will be very happy with flakes of food and you can feed them with an auto feeder that will let you go for a week or two if they are small enough that the water doesn't change. too often.

  • Do some research before combining multiple species.
  • An aquarium is a big responsibility.
Buy an aquarium right size.

But, no matter how the fish fit each other in character, do not rush to send them to a common aquarium. You need to wait at least a month before doing this. Sometimes you have to wait three months. This should be done not only because the fish may not make friends right away. There are also more pragmatic reasons. It's just that the fish may have some kind of disease with which they will infect the entire aquarium, or they may have microorganisms that do not match the environment in the tank with your pets. Most often this happens with tropical fish, which are brought for sale directly from the wild.

Find the minimum amount of water for each species. For goldfish, you must have one of the 80 liters if there is only one inhabitant and 40 liters for each additional tenant. For freshwater fish, forget the 4 liter rule. water every two centimeters of fish Would you like to keep a 1.5 meter fish in a 200 liter aquarium? Although the fish looks small, they will love to find themselves in wide environment. Always choose something more. . Make sure you have suitable equipment- buy filters, water heaters, water maintenance products, test kits, etc.

In order for the fish to feel comfortable in the aquarium, it is necessary to install an aerator in it. This device is used in order to properly supply air to the tank. It is worth noting that the air in the aquarium must be supplied at least eight hours a day. If the aerator works around the clock, or at least twelve hours out of twenty-four, then one and a half times more fish can live in the aquarium than the norm requires. By the way, if you didn’t know, then the allowable number of fish in an aquarium is calculated as one liter of water per centimeter of fish.

Put the fish in. Start with a few fish and add them little by little. If you place too many animals at the same time, you may overload the filters. Partially clean it every week. Change between 20 and 30% of the water to change it you need to get a gravel vacuum and sift through the dirt that has built up. This will cause the water to come out at the same time. Replace it tap water but don't forget to treat it before.

The betta or bobcat is a popular freshwater fish known for its beauty and dainty colors. This small Thai fish is of course very popular, but in order to accept it, you must know it. Although it is reliable, some errors can be fatal. It reaches six to eight centimeters in diameter and, compared to some fish, has short term service life of about two years.

aquarium fish- These are very beautiful creatures that can decorate absolutely any apartment. The main thing is to be able to properly handle them and not run their home. If you constantly take care of the aquarium, supply air and change water in time, and also feed the fish with suitable food, they will delight your eyes with their eyes for many years. beautiful view and interesting behaviour.

The fighter is aggressive even towards its own own species. He will see himself as a rival. Two fighters of the same sex will attack, and this rivalry can exist between a man and a woman, but it will make more sense to place a man with two or three women. To do this, you will need an aquarium from 45 to 46 years old. liters, a viable minimum for this species. The fighter can be two-color, one-color, multi-colored or patterned. They may have multiple tail operas. Others have a tail sail, half single or double tail.

Video: how to care for an aquarium

All colors of the rainbow, shapes and sizes. Spikes, tails, bulging eyes - what fish just don't have! Pisces are cool creatures. But how to properly care for them? All these water additives, living food, worries about the right way settling two different fish in one aquarium - how to figure it all out? Stop panicking and start studying our instructions! Here you can find all necessary information to care for your first fins. The instructions provide full path from buying fish, choosing an aquarium and further care for water pets.

Choosing a community or individual aquarium

You can have a community or a separate aquarium. For a separate aquarium, respect the exterminator's living space. Forget about jars and get spacious rectangular aquariums. The water in the aquarium should not be too deep. They must come to the surface to refuel and breathe better. For a community aquarium, don't put fighters of the same sex together and avoid mixing fry with adults. The Fighter is territorial: he will fight to the death to defend his territory!


    First you have to decide which aquarium for which fish you are more interested in: tropical or "cold water". Cold water fish are goldfish and minnows. Tropical fish species are represented by a wider range, from Angelfish to Corydoras. Cold water fish tend to be more hardy and resistant to beginner mistakes.

    The fighter lives in fresh water. Some sand and gravel will be good for him, and aquatic plants also help him feel in his natural element. Feeding them once a day or every other day is enough. Fish that are too oily will try to reach the surface and eventually suffocate. The Exterminator doesn't know when to stop when it comes to food. Three pellets per day is enough. With an excess of food, the cold can also kill him. Do not place it in a round and small aquarium.

    Also, do not disturb the fish with noises and movements. Always close your tank, fighters can jump and can die falling to the ground. Also monitor temperature changes for their health. Your fighter will be better with a well-tuned heating system. Colored fish and faces with long fins are perceived by the fighter as one of his genera. He will easily accept them as rivals and organize a massacre. Also avoid fish that like to bite or bite the fins of others. Avoid bringing your fighter along with tetras, rasboras, or even zebrafish.

    • Don't start with expensive fish, even if you can afford it. The low cost of inexpensive fish species is due, among other things, to their ability to survive and reproduce in both vivo, and in artificial; they are easy to capture and breed, and survive transport to animal stores more easily.
    • Don't start with sea fish. They need more complex and diligent care than freshwater fish. In addition, the salt water you have to work with is difficult to access, slow to corrode, and conducts electricity. If you're sure you want a marine aquarium, start with a medium-sized tropical fish tank, add live algae, and try to keep it in top condition for at least a year.
  1. What and how many fish do you want?

    The unfortunate fighter dies!

    When cleaning your aquarium, avoid abrasive products such as bleach, water changes should be done in part to avoid sudden changes in water temperature. Don't make your fighter fall frequently, because such a gesture weakens it. He also does not like to be in direct contact with the sun, to put it in the shade. The fighter may not be happy and he will eventually die. To make your happiness and ensure its longevity, try to offer a place close to his natural environment.

    • Before placing different types of fish in the same aquarium, do a little research on their compatibility. However, you should not be limited to one individual: the fish need “active rest” and communication. (It is not necessary to have only one species of fish for this; for some "belligerent" species, this is even better. "Armored" catfish can be a suitable companion for such a fighter.)
    • Make sure you can provide the care your fish need. For example, different types fish need different foods, and some fish require more frequent tank cleaning than others. Fishing is a big responsibility.
    • Some fish are perfectly comfortable with dry food and can be fed from an automatic food dispenser, which makes it possible to leave the aquarium unattended for a couple of weeks (in case the small size of the fish allows less frequent water changes).
  2. Get an aquarium of the right size. You can be guided by the minimum allowable size of the aquarium for the largest of the fish.

    Compensation for the evaporation of water in the aquarium

    Like products, glitter will make him happy. The shallow water will help it rise so that it can both feed and breathe. The water depth should never exceed 30 centimeters. A fighter is, first of all, a loner. Do not think that the presence of another person will necessarily make him happy. This fish is a killer in its own way. He only wants the woman to reproduce and doesn't like stress or anxiety. The "ding ding" that children do by tapping on the aquarium highlights this, and you will need to constantly put a lid on the aquarium to protect it from yourself.

    • For example, for goldfish, an aquarium of 75 liters for the first one, plus an additional 35 liters for each additional fish, will do.
    • Calculation of volume for smaller freshwater fish: 1.5 liters per 1 cm of adult fish length.
    • Fish large sizes will require more space. The size of the aquarium, and at the same time required amount food, calculated from the cubed length of the fish. Thus, for example, you can keep two or three Blue Neons that do not grow longer than 3 cm, at the rate of 4.5 liters of water each; three or four large cichlids will already require an aquarium of at least 190 liters, provided that the fish are not too aggressive and start to fight for territory that may not seem to them large enough.
    • Agile fish such as Golden Carp and Tetra should be kept in an aquarium many times their body length. At the same time, slow swimmers such as Siamese Fighting Fish will still be comfortable in smaller tanks.
  3. Make sure you have everything necessary equipment: water heaters (for tropical species), filter, thermometer, etc.

    Set up the aquarium and run a couple of cleaning cycles.

    Put your fish in the aquarium. At first, it is worth adding only a few individuals, and then gradually increase the population.

    Change the water weekly. 20-30% fresh water per week will suffice. For cleaning, you need to use a special siphon, with which you can remove all debris from the aquarium soil. Along with this, the siphon will remove the old water. Replace it with fresh water, remembering to filter it.

    Check your water regularly for chemicals. The water should be free of ammonia and nitrites. Permissible concentration of nitrates - up to 40 units.

    Feeding must be done at least three times a day.

    You need to regularly check the condition of your fish. During feeding, try to pay attention to anything unusual: color changes, falling fins, damaged tails, etc. Also, make sure your fish get along with each other.

    Try not to scare or disturb your fish in vain. Do not stick your hand into the aquarium, touch the fish if it is not necessary. Try not to run or jump near the aquarium.

  • Try to clean your tank at least once a week to keep your fish and tank looking tidy.
  • Live algae will improve water quality and make your aquarium look more natural.
  • Do not jump near the aquarium or try to touch the fish - this will put them into a state of stress and they may stop eating for several days. Pisces don't like fuss.
  • Remember to remove floating algae and their particles so that the water does not become cloudy.
  • Purchase liquid chemistry tests. Liquid tests are much more accurate and less prone to error.
  • Do not remove the filter cartridge - beneficial bacteria live there. The replacement can result in a release of ammonia, which can decimate the population of your aquarium.


  • Never do not attempt to clean the aquarium and equipment with soap, detergent or powder. This will lead to the death of your fish.
  • Do not leave any old water residue. Otherwise, it will spread toxins and pollute the aquarium. Remember to control the floating flora of the aquarium.
  • Do not house clownfish or Siamese fighting fish with other species.
  • Do not use the water heater in aquariums with a capacity of less than 8 liters. Otherwise, your fish will just slowly boil in an overheated tank. The larger the aquarium, the better for the fish.
  • Air fresheners can be toxic to fish - don't spray them near the aquarium.

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