Four schools, four paths: the magic of survival. A complete guide for those who want to survive in the world of vile people

reservoirs 20.09.2019

Well, I think it's worth introducing yourself. I, Eutalion Dir "Amarel Helhelm, a fifteenth generation mage living on this moment among ordinary people. He was exiled to the world Earth by the Council of holy magicians. And under what for what smallness!? Well, I wanted to capture one of the low-level worlds, so what? I'm not the only one doing this! And what if I'm the leader of one of the most dangerous predatory gangs!? This is a little! I did not want to kill the head of the Council, really! But I digress, here I am, all so harmless and cute with a three-day stubble, uncombed hair, with a brutal expression on my face (because you don’t care to stare) around the city and looking for housing. Yes, yes, I, a fifteenth generation magician, have to huddle in a single room and look for a house away from the city. With money, the issue was resolved quickly, they are somehow strange here, neither gold nor silver for you. It was not difficult to fake them with the help of magic, nor with documents. I had to take a local name, so now I am Edward Helsky. But it’s more difficult with technologies, I can’t understand their principle of operation, not a single gram of magic, but everything works. Probably, this is a special form of it, not studied. Brrrr, how cold. Terrible world! The cold is fierce, the wind blows in your face, and these huge boxes that people call houses! How can you live in this?! One pleases - there is a lot of magic here, as if they don’t use it at all, although why, as if? For a month living in this little world, I have not seen a single guide, not to mention the magicians, but everything would be fine if not for this severe cold! Not even a spell can help!
...a couple of days later...
So, with housing, the issue was finally resolved and I became the owner of a three-story house outside the city. But then another problem arose: neighbors. How they annoy me. The distance from my house to them is not less than fifty meters, but even here I hear their constant quarrels, music screaming in the mornings and the eternal roar of their child. It seems that the wife cheated on the man and suffered from the dragon! But it's just lyrics. I equipped my house with all possible magical defenses. Especially the basement. That's where I'll be doing my experiments.
...a couple more days later...
Fucking demons! The experiment failed! This man I found on the street has escaped! And inside it is a most dangerous virus that will destroy humanity in just a couple of years ... The Council will kill me ... I haven’t lived here for ten years out of the prescribed 100, and the population of this planet is under threat. Need to do something! But what the hell are you supposed to do here!? Oh... I shouldn't have thought about demons badly... A portal opened right in front of me
-Did you call? - asked in one voice 8 demons.
- Well, then we'll go, - said these .... demons, the number of which has increased significantly, and flew out the window. To already terminally ill people.
What have I done!? Advice will definitely kill me...
... a mounth later...
Events developed worse than ever. People died like flies, the demons helped them in this. Bunkers were created against the virus and demons, but this did not help much either. I spent days in the lab with one of the volunteers. Nothing helps! All my experiments end in failure. The only thing I found out is that the virus infects brain cells and the person simply goes crazy.
It took another two months to find a cure. Two days before:
While conducting another experiment, I accidentally sent a person into the portal and lost him. Oh, how angry I was! Fucking demons! I shouldn't have mentioned the demons...
- Did you call? - again these .... demons asked
- I called! - I didn’t care what they would do to me. The council's punishment will still be worse.
- What do you order, sir? - What!? What? They won't kill me?! That is what I was quick to ask.
You have called us into this world. You are our master. We are obliged to obey you and fulfill your every whim. Order, sir, - to say that I was in shock - to say nothing.
- Bring me my test subject.
- It will be done, sir, - they said and left, and I rushed to my library. There must be some explanation for their behavior! They can’t obey a simple magician, without binding! They can... In this demon world, they can... Well, I'm better off. Having brought my test subject to me, the demons received an order to temporarily not touch the population.
And again stretched all sorts of experiments. The cure was unexpected. Cold. A frost of -10 is enough and the virus is completely removed from the body. Great, it remains to conjure a little with the weather and it will be frosty here.
...a couple of hours later...
Great, everything worked out, the virus is dying. True, now in this world the temperature will not rise above fifteen degrees, but is it not scary? It remains to deal with the demons. Although ... Why? May they continue to serve me. I smiled at the prospect. And it was at this moment that the dogs of the council chose to come. I groaned... What else!?
-Euthalion Dir "Amarel Helhelm?
- Yes, it's me, - but the point is to deny, oh, what will happen now ....
- The Council has decided to send you to your homeland and make you the executioner of the worlds.
- What!? - to say that I was shocked is to say nothing - but why!? They are...
-Decisions of the council are not discussed, - said these ... these ... And they threw me into the portal.
... couple of years later...
The Council has decided that I am so terrible that I kill any world that I find myself on. Well... that's how it happened. The world will be guilty - they send me there for a couple of months and ... In general, everything turns out by itself. For multiple violations of the laws, I was issued a huge fine, which I work out, and will work out for another forty years, or even more. But despite all the disadvantages, I like this job and it seems that I have found my place in life.

social survival.

Social survival is different from both ordinary life of a person in society, and from survival in conditions natural disasters. In this case, I would not like to dwell on the situation of survival in the social tragedies of war or hostage-taking. Different specialists work there and different methods and approaches are used.
The situations of social survival that I want to talk about are most often called life crises. In these psychologically extreme situations, a person most often finds himself alone with the problem of choice or the experience of loss. It can be a serious conflict at work, when you have to choose between your dignity, principles, and money that provides for the life of the family. Misunderstanding and cooling of love in a couple, when the question arises to look for possible ways to restore the previous relationship or go to a complete break. Serious illness of children, loss of parents or friends, attacks and violence. There are also age crises associated with the reassessment of the entire past life, the so-called existential crises. Each person has memories of periods when the feeling comes that he does not live, but is forced to survive. When the phrases “just to survive this day”, “how to make it to the next month”, “the main thing is to live until the new year” are spinning in my head.
At this time, a person loses his usual support, the order of life and is forced either to return them, or, more often, to look for new ones. This is a very difficult period. But trials give us the greatest experience and strength. After them, a person can say: "I have experienced such that now I am not afraid of anything." This is indeed the main result of survival in a crisis.

Let's think together, share experiences, look for ways out and sources of support in situations of crisis. Let social survival turn into an experience of personal development and strengthening.
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One of the elements human survival is survival among people, that is, social survival or adaptation in society. Consider several types of social adaptation and ways of human behavior.
Since birth child, his body begins to adapt to his relationship with the people around him, whether they are the same children or adults. From this period, many features of his behavior in a difficult environment are laid in the mind. Somewhere you have to give in, but somewhere the child feels that those around him give in, and he begins to show his abilities as a leader and manager. This is the first and most significant stage of human social adaptation. The obtained initial knowledge of personal survival and self-affirmation is then smoothly transferred to groups, such as Kindergarten, school, students, work. In each of them, a person-personality tries to find for himself the most possible and comfortable form of his existence. For a person who does not have sufficient qualities of individual existence, it becomes necessary to unite in groups. Being in a team makes it possible to manifest completely new qualities of a person. There can be a lot of links in the chain of social adaptation, infinitely many, since a person does not live alone. Let's try to identify and consider the main of these links.
Relationships in the educational community. The conditions for group members are similar, but the starting levels have differences. In the learning process, stable and unstable groups are formed. Most simple form survival is work for the interests of the collective. You must be needed, even if sometimes you have to "tear" something from yourself for the sake of others.
behavior within the family. Relationships of relatives, friends and loved ones. At its core, this is the easiest relationship to survive, since only close people are able to understand and forgive a lot. But sometimes it causes great harm to other relationships, because a person simply relaxes, and in other situations he begins to allow himself a lot, considering it quite acceptable for others. Obviously, an underestimation of the critical self-esteem of the individual can occur. Yes, what to say, and it happens.
Relationships between families. One of the most common relationships. In their development, these relations have both positive and negative dynamics. Friendship can quickly turn into hostility. And the reasons for this can be very different, from causing damage to pets to suspicion of adultery, both justified and not very.
Work team life(permanent and temporary). Work plays a very important role in a person's life, and sometimes survival in this situation determines the rest of his life. In the work team, everyone has every chance to show all their qualities to the fullest. Even in a temporary work team, it is easy to adapt, showing your best and useful qualities to others.
A group of like-minded people(on interests, one problem). Very simple, in social terms, the conditions for the existence of such groups. People are connected by what they are most familiar with, and since the forms of knowledge are limitless, respect for everyone remains constantly at a high level.
Critical Survival(no home, no family). This problem is now very acute. These are not only adults who found themselves on the street, but also tens of thousands of children surviving wherever they have to. And this survival is the toughest and cruelest. The street no longer forgives anything, and for any mistake, a heavy punishment will inevitably await.

I personally found good opportunities for myself to keep abreast of the main events of life using a computer. At first I began to study various application programs, then I myself began to try to create something of my own. So, for example, my website Pilot was published. Where my stories and poems are placed, and just a little useful information on ways of human survival in various extreme situations.

Friends suggested to me the address of another Internet portal addressed directly to the disabled
I managed to get acquainted with many interesting people by talking on the forums, with some of them we became friends. After all, when you meet a person who shares common interests with you, you can give a lot of useful things to each other, learn something, get various advice.

Now it is possible to communicate e-mail. Such computers are installed directly in post offices. And to get acquainted with the Internet, as such, if you do not have such an opportunity at home, it is quite possible in specially equipped Internet clubs or Internet cafes. In cities there are usually a lot of them and you can choose the one closest to your home. They will always tell you and help you how and what to do on the computer and go online and find the addresses you need, and it won’t cost very much, but it will please you with communication and diversity.

It is possible that not everyone has the opportunity to use the Internet yet, then there are good books helping you get organized in life. To begin with, you can read Indolev "To those who are in a wheelchair and next to them." The book touches on various issues, both medical and practical, it can find a lot of useful information for those who are in a difficult life situation and those who want to understand how we all live.

Science is now developing very quickly and even with severe injuries there is always hope for a cure. So, recently they began to study the use of stem cells to restore damaged areas. spinal cord. Now they even do surgeries and, in some cases, the results are very positive. It is probably too early to talk about the possibility of using such a method in a wide range, but if it helps at least a little, then this is also very good.

Such an approach in organizing one's own life can be very useful and
It helps a lot, especially if you can organize it all at once. After all, issues of physical condition are more in the competence of medical specialists, but the will to live and the ability to see the good side beings always remain in the power of the person himself.
It is especially important to pay attention to the psychological state of apathy towards the changed being, since indifference arises, which eats up all the already small vital forces. This is where it is necessary to learn to accept the realities as they are and begin to act in such, albeit unstable and uncomfortable situation. You need to be in society, walk, talk with people even strangers .. Next, you need to take more care of yourself - to be in good shape, beautifully dressed. It all takes a lot of time and requires big forces to look good and bring joy to yourself and those around you.
The opportunity to see the dawn and sit by the fire, in the morning to notice the haze of fog over the lake - such moments affect not only the physical state but also have a powerful positive effect on the psyche. After all, for any change in the state of health associated with illness, injury, and so on, the presence of a stay in a limited space is very characteristic. long time- be it a hospital room or home room. And this forced isolation contributes to fixation on personal problems and negative emotions. But this cannot continue indefinitely, and one day a crisis sets in. Even a very strong personality can break like this. And in order to avoid this, a lot of work is needed, both for the person himself, as well as for all his relatives, relatives and friends around him.
The most important thing in everything is to love life very much and want to live. For if this does not happen, then any advice, any help will still not be needed - a person will not be able to use this without self-mobilization.
So I was lucky with my close people, with those who helped and were
close by providing the opportunity to return to a full life. now my turn
I especially value relationships and believe in life. I can contribute to society, and not just deal with personal problems. After all, helping the same as I was myself, internal filling we get together. Yes, and the difficulties cease to be unsolvable. Sincerely, your Sergey.


*** Coming a peasant to a psychotherapist and plaintively says:
- Doctor, I don't have any friends at all!!! You see, well, just not at all!
Maybe you can help me, you little fat old man!!!

*** Caughtpsycho-killer, eleven murders in a particularly perverted form.
They put me in a psychiatric hospital, they check all kinds of tests for tests:
- In winter and summer in one color? the doctor asks.

*** Meetspsychologist with a friend. He complains about his uncle's illness. The psychologist asks to tell all the symptoms, and after listening, he says:
“Your uncle is not sick. He only thinks he is sick.
Having met a friend after a while, the psychologist asks:
“Well, how is your uncle?”
"Now my uncle thinks he's dead..."

*** Comesfather and son in Detsky Mir. They stand in front of the counter, and on it
absolutely identical cars, only differ in size: large, medium
and small. Well, the boy says, they say I want a big one!!!
Dad will explain in a good way that he doesn’t have money for a big one, but he
may well buy. The boy screamed, they say only a big one and that's it !!!
Dad also raised his voice, they say, or medium or small!
The boy is already hysterically beating, rolling on the floor, squealing...
A crowd gathered, everyone persuaded him, he yelled even louder.
Suddenly, an uncle comes up to dad and says:
- I'm a psychoanalyst. May I speak to your son?
- Yes, of course, maybe you can persuade him!
The uncle approaches the boy and whispers something in his ear.
The boy immediately falls silent, goes up to his father and asks to buy him a small
The astonished dad catches up with the psychoanalyst:
- You are a true professional!!! What did you say to him?
- I said: "If you don't stop yelling right now, I'll bite off your ear!!!"

Why does a person become a victim? There are many reasons for this. But the main one is fear. There is such an ancient oriental parable. The dervish was walking along the road and met Plague. "Where are you going?" - he asked. "To the city," Plague replied. “I need to take the lives of three thousand people there.” A few days later, the dervish and Plague met again. “Why don’t you keep your word,” the dervish reproached her. “She promised to kill three thousand, but she destroyed the whole city.” "No, I kept my word," Plague said. - I took the lives of only three thousand. The rest died of fear."

Savior or killer?

Modern scientific research confirms the profound wisdom contained in this parable: according to the World Health Organization, during various natural disasters and catastrophes, only thirty percent die from fatal injuries. The rest are killed by... fear.

Fear is the most ancient, but still little known human feeling. Even in modern psychology there is a colossal confusion about him. Up to diametrically opposed points of view: some call for the complete eradication of fear, while others argue that fear is necessary and useful as a factor that protects us from dangerous and thoughtless actions. They say, if it were not for fear, we would start jumping out of windows, sticking our hands into the fire and doing other self-destructive things. Some branches of psychology consider each phobia as a separate fear, and therefore, according to their classification, today there are already more than a thousand (!) Various phobias (up to such interesting ones as “open window phobia”).

This confusion is due to the fact that fear is confused with the instinct of self-preservation. But these are completely different things. The instinct of self-preservation is embedded in us at the subconscious level, its task is to ensure our survival. It is he who keeps us from sticking our hand into the fire or shortening the way to the street by jumping out of the window. It is he who provides the correct actions necessary for survival in a critical situation. Fear is the product of our intellect, that is, our beliefs and beliefs. It is focused not on ensuring the survival of a person, but on the observance of social values ​​and attitudes received in the process of education. These values ​​are often not values ​​at all - just false and unsupported beliefs, inherited by us from our parents, other authoritative people and not confirmed by our life experience.

The difference between fear and the instinct of self-preservation is easy to understand with this example. A law enforcement officer found himself in a critical situation in which it is necessary to use a weapon. The instinct of self-preservation will unambiguously “tell” him: “Shoot!”. And fear, instead of specific recipes, will start throwing up thoughts: “What if the situation is not acute enough to use weapons? What if I kill someone, and the use of weapons is considered illegal and I will be put in jail? While he is thinking about it, he is killed.

The paradox is that with the help of intellect in such a situation it is generally not possible to quickly make the right choice. Firstly, our mind needs time, and secondly, it loves to argue with itself ad infinitum. In acute situations, only one thing works flawlessly - intuition and reflexes, which need to be trained in advance. That is why, in some countries, psychologists recommend that elite special forces soldiers in acute situations be guided by the principle: “It is better to let twelve (jurymen-authors) judge later than six tomorrow.”

What are the heroes afraid of?

Recently, law enforcement officers have been increasingly killed at the hands of criminals. They are honored, beautiful words are said at the funeral, they are called heroes. But wouldn't it be better - both for them, and for their families, and for the state - if they were not dead heroes, but ordinary living people? While admiring someone's heroism, one should not forget about its reverse side - if a law enforcement officer dies, it means that he made a professional mistake. For it is not at all necessary to pay with the life of a good person in order to send bandits to jail.

Where do such errors come from? The problem of the post-Soviet states is the long-term processing of consciousness by propaganda installations. From Soviet people from childhood sought to raise zombies, main goal whose lives were to die for the Motherland and the CPSU. For this purpose, military-patriotic books and films were replicated, designed to educate people in certain ideals (in fact, they introduce certain programs that are beneficial to the ruling party). Any Soviet child knew that, having been interrogated by the enemy, it was necessary to endure all the torture, but not betray the Motherland. Entire generations have grown up with subconscious attitudes: "You need to be a hero" and "It's better to die than to be a coward."

The consequences of this are deplorable, since subconscious programs tend to work automatically as soon as the right situation arises. For example - there is a man in his fifties, not at all Schwarzenegger in physique, he sees - four young guys pester a girl, and heroically stands up for her shield. Then he ends up in the hospital - and this is at best. At worst - in the cemetery. From the same category and the act of a policeman who, in civilian clothes and without weapons, enters a bar where there is an all-out drunken fight, demands to stop it and ... dies.

The basis of all these heroic, but by no means obligatory deaths is the same thing - fear, which managed to suppress the instinct of self-preservation. For the instinct of self-preservation no social concepts heroism. He is always on guard. But the deep fear of being a non-hero has purely social roots. And literally kills a person.

Even the ancient Taoist sages claimed that there are three types of courage. The first is when the brave man does not represent the size of the danger and therefore does not feel fear. The second - when the brave man represents the size of the danger, but overpowers his fear. And the third kind is the courage of knowledge, when you are not afraid because of knowledge. What follows from this? And the fact that true courage is the opposite of fear is not an innate ability, but a quality that can be learned. The path to true heroism lies through professionalism.

To learn how to remove fear, you need to understand the strategy of its development and mastery of a person. As evidenced by the latest research in the field of NLP, fear is a feeling that we experience because of certain beliefs. That is, in order to be afraid, you need to firmly believe that something terrible can happen. In my opinion, the common basic belief necessary in order to be afraid of something is the belief in one's own impotence. For example, in order to be afraid of an attack by robbers, deep down you must believe that you are powerless to resist them. If you are afraid of losing your job, you think that you are powerless to somehow influence this situation. In other words, we are afraid when we do not know what to do, when we are convinced that we have no choice, but only the most terrible and undesirable development of events is possible for us. It is these beliefs that are the cause of the emergence of fear. And as soon as something that corresponds to these beliefs appears in the external world, a person is seized by fear.

And when a person does not feel powerless? When he has many choices of his behavior. And the more diverse these possibilities, the more secure he feels. That is, by expanding our personal potential, developing skills and abilities, we thereby free ourselves from fear. Moreover, we have a place to develop.

How not to get the flu and survive among sharks

Here is a well-known example of how limiting beliefs work together with covert mass hypnosis. How does every influenza epidemic start? That's right, TV. Long before we begin, they begin to program us for the inevitability of getting sick with the flu: “So many people have already fallen ill in America, and so many have died ... The flu has reached Europe ... This year the most terrible flu virus will appear ... He has already reached Ukraine...”. Doctors with tragic faces talk about the horrors of the coming epidemic. Few people realize that the threat is often exaggerated on purpose. In fact, we are dealing with a hidden PR campaign of manufacturers of vaccines and medicines, for whom each epidemic brings crazy profits. In fact, we are told that we have no choice - we cannot help but get sick (and not buy some drugs for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies). And when one of the colleagues or neighbors gets sick with the flu, it works like trigger for the influenza program. For man is a herd creature, or, to put it more delicately, social.

Of course, the flu virus exists. So after all, a whole bunch of different viruses, including pathogenic ones, constantly live in the human body. But whether a person succumbs to them or not depends on his belief programs. A properly programmed brain can protect a person from getting sick even in the midst of an epidemic. In what I, by the way, was convinced by cash experience. When on TV for the umpteenth time they began to propagate the approach of the next epidemic, I firmly said to myself: “And I will be healthy!”. Everyone in my family had been ill several times, and very seriously, with a high temperature. I, being in the same room with them, using the same dishes, did not even sneeze all winter.

Tell me if you can walk bare feet broken glass? What about hot coals? Most people are firmly convinced that a few miracle workers like yogis are capable of this. Although in reality it is just a limiting mental belief. That is why a person who is 100% convinced of the dangers of such procedures will actually cut himself or burn himself. But as soon as he realizes that it can be different - and he will do it without any injuries.

There are, of course, situations that are more serious. What do you think: if you fall from the deck of a ship in Indian Ocean and you will be surrounded by a ring of hungry sharks, only one thing can happen to you - and the worst thing, isn't it? But one sailor, fortunately for him, did not think so. A few years ago, the Izvestia newspaper published an article entitled “Nine hours in the ring of sharks”, which tells about an incredible, it would seem, case. The sailor, going out at night to smoke at the stern, fell overboard. Realizing that no one saw his disappearance, he did not panic and decided to sail after the ship - sooner or later they would miss him. Soon the sailor was surrounded by sharks. In their "pleasant" company, he spent nine hours, until those who discovered the loss on the ship returned and found him. How he managed to survive is best seen by quoting the colorful story of a sailor. “What are they afraid of? One swims close, and I shout: “Now, bastard, how to give a face!” She - one, back. The other is approaching, I yell: "I'll devour you all to one!" That's how they floated. As soon as I start dre-mother, they come closer. And how will I send them to ... - they are back, they are afraid, s ... ki.

What saved the sailor? Of course, not the great and mighty Russian language. He just didn't feel powerless. There is nothing supernatural here.

Or let's take another critical situation - when kidnappers kidnap someone for the purpose of ransom, the victim's loved ones are seized by a terrible, panicky fear. They are ready to go to any lengths to fulfill the demands of the criminals. And they commit frankly stupid acts, obediently doing everything they are told, including not turning to law enforcement agencies. Fear deprives people of common sense, they see no alternative to complete submission to the will of criminals.

But there is an alternative. Bandits kidnapped the daughter of one big businessman in Russia. Then everything went according to the traditional scenario - if you don’t transfer money by tomorrow, we will cut off her finger or ear every day, you will receive it in pieces. However, the businessman did not succumb to this method of psychological pressure. Unexpectedly for the criminals, he replied: “Okay, cut. But remember: if you do this, I will devote the rest of my life to destroying you and all your relatives. As a result, the girl returned home alive and well.

They say that if a person is very afraid of something, then this will definitely happen to him. And this is quite natural and understandable. After all, if he is afraid, then he has a conviction that this can happen. A person builds his behavior in accordance with his beliefs. Therefore, it is not surprising that the co-existence that frightens him still occurs. For the same reason, it is dangerous to try to overcome fear by following a widely used principle in psychology: "Do what you are afraid of." The first step is to change your limiting beliefs.

The process of changing beliefs is by no means as simple as it might seem at first glance. This requires appropriate psychotechnics, time and something else...

Sergei Nesterenko

Each Race that is present near the Earth in the subtle and physical worlds is associated with its own ways of using energy impulses transmitted both within its Racial stream of mental energy and going far beyond the streams themselves. In this regard, for each of the Races, there are rules for the exchange of energies, which cannot be violated by any of the inhabitants of each of the Races - violation of these rules entails overheating of subtle bodies and their compression, which is tantamount to leaving the intra-Racial cooperation, and hence, the rejection of following the path along which the flow of the mental energy of the Race moves. Thus, any neglect of the rules and, moreover, the laws of exchange and especially the transfer of energy from one body to another, causes an immediate response from the energy of the mental flow of the entire Race. As a result, the body that allowed itself to disrespect the intra-Racial rules of life is deprived of the right to further life within the flow of the mental energy of the Race, it is forced to leave and look for a new Race: a new equilibrium consonance will indicate the reserve of its own energy preserved in the body.

Thus, the dedicated magician, each time interacting with a new principle for the transfer of energy emanating from one of the Races, is obliged to calculate in advance his own stock energy necessary for him to maintain balance with a specific Racial way of transmitting and using the subtlest energy. And remember at the same time that the term of his own life is directly related only to his own accumulations of the finest energy stored in his personal mental body. Suppose, if a magician is 50 years old, then only one principle of energy transfer can manifest itself in him - no matter what Race. This period is predetermined by the time that any mental body needs to overcome earthly gravity - in order to get out of dependence on earthly karma again and have time to restore its former ties with that part of the inhabitants of the subtle world, with the help and direct participation of which this mental body has passed the way from its birth to complete initiation into the Racial principles of earthly existence. As a rule, for such a complex karmic journey (in fact, it should be called the study of karma), two terms of the earthly life of an average person are needed (one life - to study someone else's principle of life, both on Earth and in the subtle world; the second - to restore all pre-existing connections in the subtle world). A dedicated magician is quite capable of doing this, since he knows the principle of holding the breath, and, consequently, of earthly time.

In the event that the magician is 70 years old, then no matter how he tries, he does not have a reserve of time on earth to have time to pass all the tests related to the study of the new principle of transferring subtle energy. Therefore, he can live and create only by the principle of energy transfer in the subtle world, which he has already mastered and which he is still able to protect - that is, he is still able to withstand all the hardships of earthly life arising from the shift of thermal equilibria in the earthly reality surrounding the magician, and, as a result, strong overloads of the muscular part and skeleton of the magician.

Thus, each magician decides for himself which principles of movement and which Races he can protect with his life span and his state of health. The essence of each of the principles of a particular Race and their manifestation in the daily reality of the physical world is usually revealed during the initiation of magicians. Knowing the karma of one's family and one's mother helps the magician choose the most optimal way to move around the surface of the Earth. Incorrectly or at the wrong time, the optimal method of movement along the surface of the Earth, applied incorrectly or at the wrong time, will cause the magician not only to shorten his life, but will also contribute to the manifestation in his body of a number of completely incurable diseases (in order to cure them, the magician needs to interrupt the former thread of karmic consequences that have already manifested themselves in his earthly life , and start life anew - moreover, completely trusting the decrees and recommendations of the mental body that the magician himself formed during his stay in the physical body on the surface of the Earth).

Due to the fact that every earthly body, staying for a long time on the surface of the Earth, is obliged to live, observing the laws of movement of bodies of only one Race - the Solar, each magician, when approaching the mysteries of practical magic, should take a closer look at the method of moving along the surface of the Earth, to which his own earthly mind taught him. Proceeding precisely from this, the magician will be instructed to intervene, first into his everyday earthly consciousness, and then into the practice of everyday life, that only optimal way of moving his own body, with which his life span will acquire the longest time. This is how the strength and range of the blow of the psychic technique of the magician and each of his subsequent students is determined (it is impossible to teach a pupil to think and live further than the Teacher himself, neither in terms of earthly life, nor in distances).

The main principle used by the Solar Race to move any object in physical world our planet, is the principle of delayed manifestation of each of the consequences arising from the disturbance of the earth's environment. This principle has one name. In Russian, this word sounds like "ERZENITSA" (with an emphasis on "and"). The magician has the right to learn the spelling of the word only after initiation, since used in symbolic or verbal expressions, this word becomes a decree that predetermines the further earthly fate of the phenomenon to which the magician has applied his personal energy.

To understand the ERZENITSA principle and get an idea of ​​how it manifests itself in the earthly environment, it is enough to take a closer look at such an area of ​​human life as the activities of the judicial system and all law enforcement agencies. None of the ministers belonging to these branches of government of the state operate in real earth time. The activity of each person in the service here pursues only one single goal - to restore the previously disturbed balance in the life of society. At the same time, in the activities of these branches of power, there is no real support for earthly events at all, not to mention taking preventive (anticipatory) measures against future violence of certain parts of society or individuals. Or, speaking the language of karmic connections, to deliver preemptive strikes that prohibit or simply restrain any violation of the balance established in nature and society. So far, only science fiction writers dream of such an activity (how it looks in the imagination of living people can be seen in Hollywood movie masterpieces).

The principle of deferred consequences is also manifested in the activity political system human society(for example, politicians representing society first vote, but only much later, their decisions, actually already made, acquire the force of decrees, laws, regulations, etc. recognized by society - moreover, which, in theory, should also have caused long ago suspicion among many observant people, all this usually rests on the publication on paper, at least in the last era; the same thing happens during such a democratic procedure as a popular vote: voters vote first, but in itself their actions and their the resulting decision does not mean anything - they become valid only after the relevant legislative procedures, as a rule, again associated with paper.As a result, in the political field today there is an absurd situation for humanity, when any opinion of a person is powerless in itself, but omnipotent and all kinds of texts printed on paper or other hard media) or medicine (performing all kinds of medical procedures and especially surgery).

For this reason, for the initiated magician, there are no government plans as such, since they all gain strength for the state itself and the people living on its territory, only existing on paper, no state statistics, as well as seals. That is why, to everyone who, entering the magician's house, brings him his own own initiative a document with a seal (especially with the so-called stamp) the dedicated magician, without hesitation, will point to the door. This, for example, can be employees of any state bodies who can demonstrate their various certificates with seals on them (although if a person is a warrior in his soul, or an ordinary traveler, or, finally, just a person on his own, then he will always appear before a magician, first of all, in this guise, and not just as just an ordinary messenger of someone else's will in the form of a public servant); or a jeweler (or his colleague in art, a painter), even if he brought a work of art created by him as a gift to the magician, but out of forgetfulness (or out of ignorance) put his author's stamp or painting on it.

At the same time, to every traveler who came to the house of an initiated magician as the most ordinary inhabitant of our small planet, the magician is always obliged to lend a helping hand. Regardless of the social status of the people who came to him, or their property rights, or even the essence of the problem with which each of those who entered his house approached him. Denying travelers access to their home for an initiated magician is tantamount to shrinking his own earthly karma, which automatically entails a reduction in the earthly life of the magician himself.

One of the particular examples of the manifestation of the principle of deferred action is also any document proving the identity of a person and at the same time his presence on the territory of certain states. Following the logic of the decrees of the Solar Race, each dedicated magician should also stock up on a set of all kinds of documents certifying the fact of his presence in a particular territory, or some kind of property rights associated with his earthly body. At the same time, the magician has the right to decide for himself which documents and in what sequence he can refuse in his earthly life, considering them either inappropriate in principle for a given country or society, or simply because of the lack of funds to purchase such documents. This can include both identity cards and diplomas, certificates about something or someone, and even the most common public transport tickets, which require an identity card to purchase.

An example of a delayed action is also any letters. True, it must be borne in mind here that each writing of a letter is preceded by the almost complete solitude of a person. Therefore, one should not be surprised that, in fact, already when writing a letter, a person temporarily breaks off his everyday communication. This rupture of relations persists until all the consequences of the written letter appear. Based on this, there is a simple rule: it is not time to teach something to that person who either wrote a letter to another addressee himself, or expects a letter from another person. Intervention in someone else's karma will always end in a personal tragedy for both the magician and for the awaiting manifestation of the consequences of letters.

Now, for example, let's consider how magical, taking into account the principle of deferred action, the expressions 08.08.08 or 09.09.09 look, which not so long ago greatly excited the imagination of many inhabitants of the planet. Alas, taken by themselves, outside of time and space, these records cannot belong to any of the phenomena of earthly life. Even despite the fact that the origin of these expressions is associated with the current calendar, which, however, like the expressions themselves, has no connection either with the regions of the planet, or with their current states, or with the rotation of the Earth, or, conversely, with her static state. Moreover, these expressions do not have the quality of sound - except for the insignificant sound emitted by the human throat when they are pronounced. Thus, no magic can appear in the expressions 08.08.08 and 09.09.09. However, just as in any situational connections of events gleaned or arising in the minds of people (as beliefs) on the basis of a calendar invented by people themselves or a little more complex system observation of life - horoscope.

For this serious reason, for an initiated magician, there never exists earthly time - his whole life and every movement of the body is aimed at maintaining balance with the rotating Earth, which creates inappropriate energy vortices around itself in the nearest space, which complicates the karma of the Earth and all its inhabitants. Also, for the magician, there are no seasons of the earth year and the excitement that arises in connection with their change in the minds and worldviews of the inhabitants around him. The magician has only expedient or, on the contrary, inexpedient movement on the surface of the planet - and all his vital activity is subordinated only to maintaining a balance between these two types of movements.

An expedient movement for a magician is walking, moreover, for an unlimited distance - there is practically no manifestation of the principle of delayed action (a well-developed vestibular apparatus, when walking, quite sensitively captures changes even in the rotation of the Earth, not to mention the geothermal activity of the soils on which the magician's foot steps ). Another type of expedient movement is flight - moreover, free, after jumping down (height is also not limited here; in one of my articles I once wrote about this that the future magician must have such earthly karma that instills in him respect for the free flight already in early childhood; thus, having learned to jump in childhood, the magician after initiation will never again think about getting away from everyone who can shift his karma into a free jump down from a height - the 4th-5th floor of our high-rise buildings are quite suitable for testing the magician for perfect mastery of this expedient method of transportation). Another type of expedient movement is moving along the rails (all types of public transport, scooters, railcars, etc.). All other types of movement along the surface of the Earth are dangerous for an initiated magician - however, as well as for any other inhabitant of the planet as well.

But carols that have become popular among the people are not some kind of magical rite. In addition to fun, there are no secret rituals here. Carols organized with the use of magic imply knowledge and responsibility for what, when, how much and in what form is brought in or taken out from each individual resident, and not at all thoughtless wandering into all house-building and dwellings without looking back. At the same time, it is also necessary to know the degree of involvement of each visited inhabitant in the Racial balance. Otherwise, a sorcerer (or magician) learned from folk legends, unknowingly, can run into a Racial arc in the radiations around the body of one of the inhabitants, which will bring him a quick death himself (for stealing the Racial mental current that was not intended for him - free, neutral, energy in the subtle the world does not).

More examples of the manifestation of the principle of delayed action, taken from the daily life of human society. Pair - thread and needle. Or alcohol. Both in the first and in the second cases, human actions do not entail direct changes in the surrounding world - they cause only consequences, and only these consequences disturb consciousness ( nervous system) a person, forcing him to perform certain actions. In the first case, this is a thread (but not a needle) that lies on the fabric, in the second case, the effect of intoxication that has arisen in the human body (but not the drinking of alcohol itself).

Particular attention in the selection of candidates for magicians has always been paid to the ability and ability of a person to survive among his equal people, without violating their own rights and freedoms. No matter how outwardly severe tests for the magician, the only thing that was always pursued here was the desire to help the magician remember his own rights to the freedom to live, create, love other people, but not hide from others. For example, the initiation of a magician in connection with the property rights of people in the subtle world and their manifestation in the physical world is preceded by such a simple test of the magician's personal abilities and skills as the ability to find his own special way among the interests of other people. From the point of view of today, for such a test, only 2 (two) hryvnia is enough for a magician - if he lives not alone, but as a family, with his minor children. A lonely living candidate for magicians is not supposed to have any money at all - he is obliged to find them himself. So, having only 2 hryvnias in his hands, a candidate for magician has the right to try himself and all his relatives with the ability to survive. If a candidate for magicians is familiar with the free market so praised by all the verbiage from politics and economics, then he will easily find a way to earn the money necessary for the life of the family ( knowledgeable people can tell such a person that, by and large, in order to survive in a free market, you can not have any money in your pocket or documents at all - you just need to be able to find people who are ready to provide assistance either with advice or with real work). Having passed such a test, a candidate for magicians will easily begin to distinguish between those who themselves do not want to protect their standard of living and consumption, from those who are really not allowed to do this according to the laws of earthly karma. The acquired life experience of personal survival will easily help the candidate for magicians to find appropriate advice for those who do not know how to properly organize their work - even without any magic, which will only save the life force of the magician himself.

Special requirements for initiation into magicians have always arisen in relation to all kinds of ways to transfer knowledge from teachers and mentors to their students. The fact is that the process of learning and, moreover, initiation was obliged to exclude as completely as possible the possibility of manifestation of the principle of movement of the Solar Race - the principle of delayed action. Alas, it is practically impossible to avoid this under earthly conditions - therefore, usually preference was given to mental initiations. For the sake of this, the students of magicians were forced to be absent for a long time outside the walls of their homes and the circle of their contacts, although this had practically no effect on the quality of mental training, but such was ancient tradition. And now, thanks to the efforts of the Solar Race itself, the inhabitants of the Earth, finally, have the opportunity to bypass the principle of energy transfer of this Race - due to the almost limitless possibilities of the Internet. This is due to the fact that any information present on the Internet arises as a result of the phenomenon of electricity, which has no analogue in the subtle world. Therefore, the information posted on the Internet has practically nothing to do with any of the phenomena of the subtle world of near-Earth life. Hence, reading and looking at pictures on the World Wide Web does not impose any obligations either on the earthly karma of people, or even on their earthly mind (by the way, many quite earthly Internet news agencies have already learned to warn visitors to their resources that they are not responsible for how the information posted on the resources of these agencies will be displayed in the minds or memory of Internet users).

Thus, obtaining information about anything through the resources of the Internet made it possible to avoid the manifestation of the principle of delayed action, since no one takes responsibility for cognition itself through the Internet (unlike, say, a paper carrier of any information: such a source, if it turns out to be in the house of a candidate for magicians, it is always an order to this or that action or even a way of life). True, for candidates for magicians there remains the danger of a collision on this path with dependence on such a product of the Solar Race as a computer and especially payment for the use of Internet resources. However, given the simply huge pile of all kinds of offices on the planet, littered with office equipment and having unlimited Internet traffic, a candidate for magicians should not have any problems finding a way not to pay either for using a computer or for visiting the World Wide Web ( Going further, the same can be said about mobile phone: a magician can afford to buy a thing, but he does not have the right to pay for using the phone, since he does not know the property rights of the mobile operator with which he is connected).

And here are examples related to the activities of an initiated magician. If we take an ordinary horn made from the horn of an animal, then the skillful extraction of the sounds of their horn can lead to the appearance of a spatial (including sound) wave that excites the consciousness of many people and makes them commit rash acts that can sometimes lead to disasters. Therefore, the ritual, when before the start of any battle, buglers and horns of various sizes necessarily went out in front of the warriors, was specially taken from mountain magic. True, over time, its mechanical copying led to the loss of its original meaning (at least in the place of application) - therefore, no magical content in the hymns of today's buglers, no matter what horns or other devices they play, should no longer be sought.

One more example. If we take such, now known to many, weapons used in martial arts, like nunchaku, the principle of delayed perturbation of space is also fully used in it - almost the same as in politics or healthcare. Holding the nunchka by one of the links, the fighter accelerates their other link (or links), using for this outwardly the most common rotation. So, with a practically immobile position of one link (it shifts little in space, or even remains in place, rotating only around its center), the other link of the nunchaku acquires power that it did not previously possess and is not capable of possessing even by its very nature.

Those who are familiar with the strength and power of the rotation of the nunchaku are able to accommodate the idea of ​​​​the earthly power of an initiated magician, endowed with the right to shift earthly events. Leaving his earthly body almost in the same place, and even practically immobile, the magician gives the events with which he linked his earthly karma, a force previously inaccessible to them and fundamentally new qualities of movement.

Pacil (Pacil),
judan San,
fiery Buda,
First Prior of the Order of Saint Malta

Sometimes, life presents us with such surprises that, willy-nilly, you wonder if we live in a circus? Every year you set some goals for yourself, achieve and experience joy and disappointment, but then you find yourself in a completely different reality. In order to make it more clear to you what I'm talking about, I think it's worth starting the story from the beginning.

Somehow fate played a cruel joke on me. Yes, and you can't call it a joke, in principle. I needed to urgently move to another city. At first I lived in a large metropolis, where I got used to my pluses and minuses, I liked the noisy streets, trams, people, cars. In general, I was satisfied with everything in my life, except for one. There was no loved one in this happy existence.

I've been thinking about that for a long time. And then she overtook me, literally unexpectedly and unexpectedly. Yes, I could never imagine that my beloved would be from another city. Well, it happened, as it happened. We met with him for 1.5 years at a distance, then we decided that it was time for us to live together. Still, the distance does not give everything that young people need. Immediately make a reservation that all this time he came to visit me. When I came to visit him, we lived in the apartments of his friends. He explained this by the fact that his parents were at home, but here, after all, there was an empty house. I especially didn't care where I lived. The main thing is that this person was next to me. And so, the long-awaited day of moving has come. Being an independent girl who has been living far from her parents for a long time, I just packed my bags and set off to conquer unknown distances. He (let's call him Sergei) met me at the station. And then I went to his house for the first time. I think some of the readers will understand me when they find out that they brought me not just anywhere, but to a closed city. What is a closed city? I will explain for happy people. In Russia, there are several cities that are commonly called closed. Getting to these cities is not so easy. It is necessary that only close relatives live there. Is it a sister, brother or parents. Even if an aunt or uncle lives in a closed city, you will not be able to get into it. At the entrance to the city stretched a fence in several rows. It is simply impossible to go through it, climb over it, as there are police checkpoints everywhere. Employees of this service around the clock patrol near the fences. You can enter the city only through this point. To do this, you need to get out of the car, go through the checkpoint, show your pass, which contains a photo, last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth. Employees of the service carefully compare the photo with your face, check the document for authenticity, and only after that you can get into the city. And do not think that here you open up wide expanses of the looking glass. However, through the looking glass, I remembered literally right there. It seems that people who were forcibly driven into the zone live here. They just hate their city. They hate with all their heart and soul. However, they are not going to move to another place. How I got the pass, I don't know. It should be noted that the pass was only for one entry. When leaving, documents should not be shown. In other words, I was literally in a closed space from which I could leave, but never enter again. There were a lot of difficulties in finding a job here. In a town with a total area of ​​only three streets, people felt like kings. For me, a resident of a huge metropolis, it was not only uncomfortable and uncomfortable here, but also very uncomfortable. There were many times fewer cars here, trams and trolleybuses were completely absent.

So, now you need to find a job. Without thinking twice, I go to work in the local and only center for children's creativity as a teacher additional education. It would seem that there is experience, work in women's team what else could be wrong here. But it was not there. I am a person with higher education, with extensive experience in a large center, felt uncomfortable here, to put it mildly. For days on end, women did nothing but talk about their work colleagues. They did not care at all about the results of their children's work, their achievements, academic plan. All they aspired to was to overthrow the current director, to replace him with their own man, who would encourage a free work schedule, and the absence of any results in the activities of children. Indeed, the current director stood out a little from the general crowd of people. She forced them to work, went with checks, deprecated for the fact that teachers at the workplace were not doing their job. In other words, at the time when the work of the studios was going on, the teachers gathered all together to drink tea, chat about pressing issues. Naturally, what kind of person will like the fact that he is forced to work. So, I managed to get into such an environment. At first, I enthusiastically took up a new business. I developed a work plan, recruited children, started classes. The results were not long in coming. This is where things got interesting. Now I fell out of favor with all the people who worked in the center. If earlier employees could sit quietly, go about their business, say that schoolchildren in a closed city are backward, that they cannot master the program, do not want to attend classes, now all their arguments have simply evaporated. Exactly like the director, I had to be removed. At first I thought that I was really doing something wrong. Since all the people of the team are against me, “specialists” who have worked in the same place for decades, then I’m definitely doing something wrong. However, how to understand what? Naturally, they won't say anything to my face. “Checkers” came to my classes, who were supposed to teach lessons in neighboring classes. As a result, I realized that I was gradually starting to go crazy, that my hands were sinking. So, without thinking twice, I changed jobs. Now I began to work in one of educational institutions cities. Here the situation looked even more comical. My workplace was a chair in the aisle. The office, intended for two people, was occupied by employees working on a permanent basis. Between their tables, in the aisle, a chair was placed, which served as my place of work. Meanwhile, my duties included the formation of texts of speeches, the creation of a positive image of the institution. Naturally, the maximum that I could use was phones when he was not busy and a computer, if one of the employees deigned to go out for lunch. However, the demand from me was high. So, working time I just sat on my own chair, put the bag on my lap. Like a poor relative, I waited until the end of the working day.

However, it was necessary to survive. Now I understand very well that this case I am not to blame, but the environment that is around me.

In order to survive among idiots, it is necessary, first of all, to understand that you yourself are not an idiot. As soon as I finally understood and realized this, I began to think about how to get out of a difficult situation. First, you need to look closely at the manual. If a person who is knowledgeable and adequate is at the helm, then you need to clearly bend your line. For example, I spent all my working time at home, and then, towards the end of the working day, I came to work with ready-made texts. At the same time, I did not call the management, since no one paid for my telephone conversations. When my boss came up with complaints, I clearly and reasonably said that I was ready to talk with the rector about all my shortcomings in my work. If he decides that I need to work in the chair allotted to me, I will do so. That was the end of all conversations. However, they ended for the time being. Finally, after two months of my work, I personally came to an appointment with the rector. Naturally, mere mortals are not allowed to the body of leadership, but you have to survive among idiots. As a result of our communication, it turned out that the rector did not even know the conditions in which I had to work. I was offered to work at home, they gave me a work cell phone. Although I didn’t solve the main problem completely, I was able to survive among people who sincerely consider themselves kings. Now I don’t, I left there as soon as the opportunity arose. At the moment I am back in an open, crowded metropolis, but I will never forget this life lesson.

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