Fish with orange stripes. The most beautiful fish in the world

Reservoirs 12.09.2018

Freshwater Fish Yellow

Labidochromis Yellow (Hello) is a beautiful aquarium fish of the Zichlid family (from Malawi). In captivity can grow the size of 8 to 12 cm. The Labidochromis has the body elongated, on the sides flattened. The scales are yellow, on the dorsal fin there is a horizontal black strip. Abdominal and anal fins painted black. Tail translucent with black spots. There are copies with a completely yellow body. Contain the fish is better in a pair or several pairs in a spacious aquarium (100 liters on two individuals). The fish have a surviving character, so its neighbors can become both calm and active fish. Young labidochromas are painted in a grayish yellow color. Life expectancy is 10 years.

Yellow Mallons - Lightworthy aquarium Fish. The color of the body is saturated yellow, dark spots may occur on the fins. In the length of the fish grows not more than 5 cm. Some individuals may have a greenish or malachitic scales. Among the yellow mallings, there are no cases of albinism. Fish has dark eyes, with silver iris around the pupils. Ferries of yellow species have a dark color. It is necessary to contain fish in a tropical aquarium with a water temperature of 24-27 ° C, you can small pack. Get along with peaceful fish small sizes.

Girinoheilus - aquarium fish that reaches 15-25 cm sizes in length. Belongs to the family of carp, the second name is Chinese algae. Thanks to the mouth-suction cup, the garinoseilus scraps algae fours. It is believed that this is an aggressive look, so it can enter into fights with their relatives. Usually, the algae contains alone, or in the company of other fish, but in a very spacious tank. Externally, the fish looks gracefully - the body of the elongated symmetry, the color is golden yellow. Large eyes, black with gold rims. Girinocheiluses eat only vegetable food - plants, algae and vegetables.

See how the Girinoheilus holds with the platmistry.

Anchistuses are yellow, or gold - beautiful fish for aquarium that bring good luck. May rise up to 15 cm long. The mouth has a pair of mustache. Large head, black eyes with gold irises. Lead a bottom lifestyle. Due to relatively large sizes, fish are better to contain with proportionate relatives, or with larger fish. Small fish Can perceive as food. The ansister benefits for aquarium - sulfates the glass of the tank, plants and scenery from algae.

Barbus Schubert - Fishing Family Carp Rod from freshwater rivers South-East Asia. Body Length - 5-7 cm. The body has a brilliant yellow shade. On the body there are black horizontal stripes, the bottom of the body is a horizontal band having an orange shade. Black spots can be chaotic on the body. Fed brownish-orange, two-palpaste tail fin. Males are distinguished by a brighter color. Torch is dense, flattened on the sides. Staya view, it is better to contain 8-10 individuals in a spacious tank. These bombuses are peaceful fish, so they can be kept with neighbors proportionate and calm.

Yellow parrot - artificially derived cichlid. The body is rounded, barrel-shaped, lips are large, bright yellow color, monophonic. Body size - up to 20 cm long, lifespan - 10 years. Finns are small, a strong torso. But the spine is deformed, which affects the ability to swim. With the age of color of the body pale. Differs on playful, peaceful and friendly character. Fish parrots rarely postpone the caviar, and it is fruitless, although the male and female will care for her until they eat.

Yellow Sea Fish

Neon Blue Fish: Content, Compatibility, Breeding, Photo Overview

Neon blue

Motherland of blue neon - South America (Water Columbia).

The body size of this little fish reaches only 3.5 centimeters. Like all neons, females are a bit larger than males, the latter reach the size of 1.3-2 centimeters.

From its closest relatives - red and blue neo, blue is distinguished by subtitle, along the whole body they have a blue neon strip, the faded is also observed, barely noticeable red stripes.

Blue neons - peaceful, yurk, fish fish. The conditions of their content are identical to the Red and Blue Neon.

These neoons prefer to stay on open placecan float both at the surface of the aquarium and the bottom.

In eating unpretentious, eating any small food: alive and combined.

For breeding of blue neon, weakly familiar small spawning aquariums are used, up to 20 liters.

Comfortable water parameters for spawning aquarium: DH 1-4 °, pH 5.0-5.5, temperature 25-26 ° C. Spare usually happens in the evening, and it is preceded by long and exhausting races. Females sworn caviar over the vegetation substrate. The incubation period of ripening caviar is about a day. The larvae appear on 6th. The first signs of coloring in the juvenile blue neon appear only by the end of the third week.

Feeding aquarium fish Must be correct: balanced, diverse. This is the fundamental rule is the key to the successful content of any fish, be something guppy or astronotuses. Article "How and how much to feed aquarium fish" In detail tells about it, it sets out the basic principles of the diet and feeding regime of fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - the feeding of fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and alive. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, to include feed in its diet or with the greatest protein content or vice versa with plant ingredients.

Popular and robust foods for fish, of course, are dry food. For example, you can even meet the fiction of the company TETRA in the aquarium counters everywhere - leader Russian market, Actually, the assortment of feed of this company is amazing. In the "Gastronomic Arsenal" TETRA includes as individual feed for a specific form of fish: for goldfish, for cichlid, for Lorikarya, Guppies, labyrinth, forced, discus, etc. Also, TETRA has developed, specialized feeds, for example, to enhance the color, vitamined or for feeding the fry. Detailed information About all the feed Tetra, you can find out on the official website of the company - here.

It should be noted that when buying any dry feed, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and storage time, try not to buy food feed, and also keep food in a closed state - it will help to avoid the developed pathogenic flora in it.

Royal Cockerel and Other Types of Fight Fish

general description

On the varieties of these fish on the form of the tailflower and color

Popular aquarium representatives

Blue Scalar: Care and Content

Exterior of blue scalar

Blue Scalar: Care and Content

The beauty of fish of this breed, alas, can not always repay the number of their shortcomings. The main minus is the scrupulousness of the fish in relation to external conditions: the slightest changes in lighting, landscaping, the external entourage, the composition of water are capable of bringing the fish to a large stress. Pets are very sensitive to the composition of water and with difficulty tolerate pollution. Aggressive neighbors may seriously injure peace-loving blue scalar, so you need to select the comrades similar to them.

But the behavior of the fish is above all praise. This large beauty will never be offended by other inhabitants of the aquarium.

Scalaria: Content

Choose neighbors for aquarium shrimp

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Neighbors for shrimp "Yellow Pearl"

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Lifestyle for shrimp "White Pearl"

Methylene blue for the treatment of aquarium fish

Methylene blue for aquarium
Treatment of fish methylene blue

Methylene blue - This is a synthetic dye. 1% solution (1g / l of aquarium water) is used, from which the therapeutic solution is prepared at the rate of 3ml. Methylene blue by 10l aquarium water. Course treatment - until full cure.

The drug is removed by filtration.

Here, still human !!! Instructions for the drug
Pharmachologic effect:
Methylene Blue - Drug Treatment Group antiseptic tools. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on its ability to form low-soluble complex compounds with mucopolysaccharides and proteins of a bacterial cell, which leads to the death of microorganisms.
Under the local application, the drug is not absorbed into systemic blood flow.
Indications for use:
The drug is designed to handle damaged skin in patients with burns, purulent-inflammatory lesions of the skin and piederma.
Mode of application:
The drug is intended for outdoor use. Awarding the drug in the eye and the mucous membranes should be avoided. The drug is applied to the peeled affected area with a cotton swab. The solution is treated with damaged areas of the skin and some adjacent part of healthy tissues.
The duration of the course of treatment determines the attending physician.
Side effects:
In isolated cases, the development of skin allergic reactions was noted.
Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
The drug does not apply to the treatment of children under the age of 1 year.
The drug can be appointed during pregnancy, if the expected benefit for the mother significantly exceeds the possible risks for the fetus.
If necessary, the use of the drug during the lactation period should be consulted with the attending physician.
Interaction with other drugs:
Without features.
When applying the drug on big Square Skin cover is possible to enhance the severity of side effects.
In case of overdose, the abolition of the drug and the conduct of symptomatic therapy is shown.
Release form:
A solution of alcohol for outdoor use of 10 ml in glass vials.
Storage conditions:
The drug is recommended to store in a dry place away from direct sun ray At temperatures from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.
Shelf life - 2 years.
10ml solution for outdoor use contains:
Methylene blue - 100mg;

Shallow (1-3 meters) part of the coral reef hotel Arabia Beach is fenced with buuks,
It is not allowed to swim over it, but even more to get up on the reefs.
At the picture of the shallow water on the right, and the left side of the bottom is rather sharply dragged.
Yellow parrot fish gnawing corals.

Butterflies and angels - probably the most common fish on coral reefs.
They are small, about 10 centimeters, but diverse and in shape, and in color.

This fish, similar to aquarium scalar, is called Potax.
It is quite large, the scope of the wings of centimeters 40, and at the same time flat, like a ribbon.
Feds hang and hang frankly, only a small tail trembles like a fan.

All the days that we rested, this fish lived near the orange rope,
on which the fender beeke is tied.
It was uncomfortable to photograph it - either in the frame climb this core,
either the fish unfolded the tail and slowly slowly rushed in the house, in depth,
Not wanting to turn sideways and a little pop.

Fish flocks sailed quite often and really revived landscape.
Thousands of tiny multicolored fry blisters on the sun shapeless clouds,
And the fish larger than their movement designated caravan trails and highways.

Blue fish with yellow tails and tips of chest fins is the blue zebrasoma,
Fish relatives Dori from a cartoon about Nemo.

Parrots are different coloring.
Have characteristic teeth, strong as a parrot beak,
which they spray superficial, alive, layer with corals.
The male in the foreground is about 40 centimeters in length.

A small fish, similar to a lizard, is masked at the bottom, at a small depth (about a meter).
This is a pepperous sandy.

One of the most beautiful fish - Acanthurus Sohal Surgeonfish (Surgeon Fish).
It is said that orange floors near the tail are very tough and sharp,
How scalpels. Hence the name.

I have already come so many letters of the content of the "fish-surgeon not such", which will answer right here.
The fact is that surgeons (acanthurus) are a lot, more than three hundred species,
and quite different, so it is possible that you are just familiar with surgeons,
Which look different.

I wanted to believe that these are sea pussy - barracuda, a small flock.
But it turned out that there is no.
This is the Krasnomora Tilozur, Tylosurus Choram, that's how.

Good-natured melancholic with a bright disheveled tail.
I can not say anything else about him.

A flock of silver fish with a point near the tail - Arabian Pinfish.

Two dangerous marine inhabitants at this picture at once.
From above - sea hedgehog. Here it is badly visible, then there will be a better frame with him.

But the blue shell at the bottom is the tridakna. This young else, small, centimeters 10.
And sometimes they grow up at a hundred and two hundred kilograms,
And then constitute a deadly danger.
If you touch the inner surface, then the sash slaps,
And freeing your hand (or leg) will not succeed. Equally, how to pop up with such a cargo.

Two winters.
They do not want to be photographed, turned away and go to the depth (now - five meters).
And sorry, fish are rare and very beautiful. Needles, of course, poisonous and dangerous.

What is called, I do not know. The snapshot is not under water, but simply on the coastal stones.
Crab sat and warmed in the sun, but while I took out the camera,
The German boy came running and began to happily rushing into the crab pebbles.
He ran into crevice, of course. What you take from the German boy ...

Unfortunately, many behave in such a way.
Some people admire fish even from the shore, rejoice when they swim close to the surface,
And others necessarily grab the pebbles and start throwing. And what about their head ??

Fish flute. Santimeters 70-80 long.

There are quite a lot of such fish.
Curious how the coloring is copied by the colors of corals, near which the fish floats.

Here is a marine hedgehog in all its glory. It is definitely not recommended to step on it.
Pain, tumors, cramps, temperature, expensive injections, spoiled vacation, sick-sized arrival home. The horror stroke is not from books ... There are friends who are not lucky.

It is generally funny - we slew on the shallow water, the hedgehogs come out with flocks, heaps -
I don't know, on the hunt, or warm in the sun ...
And some aunt is careless jumping around and screaming:
"I don't know what everyone is coming up and frighten with these hedgehogs!" Yes, they don't have them, I have never seen! "

Pepling flock of different fish. Shot against the sun, unfortunately.
White dots in the water - it seems to be spring flowering corals.
This torment and the silence interfered with the order.

Hello-robberry is a small cute fish, similar to an inflatable canister.
Finniks are almost not visible, hanging a kind of airship.

Parrot, centimeters 70.
It happens, you go through the streets of Hurghada, and such large parrots are publicly frying in restaurants.
Unpleasant. During the batting, they became us as relatives.

They say they are very loved boiled eggs. But it is forbid to feed fish - I don't know why. However, each swimmer does not stick to each swimmer. But it is forbidden to break the corals, collecting seashells is prohibited seriously - the Egyptians protect the national heritage, at the airport, they are shining until the cosmetic bags (at the same time, manicure scissors can be confiscated - they cannot be transported in hand-made baggage). And for trying to spend harpoon ...

Devil's rapid. In the following picture, it can be seen how it keeps the tail for the stone.
And on the tail is a poisonous spike, like a scorpion. Again, dangerous to disgrace.

Masked great, it is infrequent. We have come to talk with the enthusiasts - divers,
They dive to ten years, and did not see such a thing.

The court mannerist dedicated such a poem:

Let measing-gentle foam
Stipping marine babe:
Know what is hiding in the sea Round -
This is a fish such, friend.

All in spikes, in ugly growths,
In the stains of thicker colors shit.
See her in the sea is not easy
For she hides deftly.

Swimming the spite of the furtive
So that the batcher does not bash
And swelling, in a bare heel
With pleasure tear your spike.

And the stuff listens screaming
From the shelting of the rape then.
Many people just drown
Having become familiar with the terrible spike.

Water skiing will not save you,
Harpoon and paddle will not help.
If someone, mutilated, survived,
That is, consider, lucky.

Unsaturated Water Awesome
I lost your account to the dead.
Everything is meaningless and useless -
Do you understand this, kid?!

You see it, Gadyonsh,
On the sea looking wave?!
If you finally drown,
I am with great sigh ease.

Where the stones bathe in the foam,
I will drink me a black drink,
Reflecting on Grozny Skorena,
About the power of it.

Well, this is she, Selva.

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