What fish is better to buy for an aquarium

reservoirs 02.10.2018

Beginning aquarists in most cases make a lot of mistakes. The main one is an irresistible desire to acquire almost every fish you like for yourself. The result is not very comforting: there is an overpopulation of the aquarium, and most of its inhabitants by nature cannot live peacefully with each other, they constantly fight, the strong eat the weaker. Besides, different types aquarium fish need conditions of detention, which can be radically different. If such fish are placed in one environment, many of them can get sick and die. Therefore, before buying fish, you need to learn a few general basic rules.

Rules for choosing aquarium fish:

1. If you don’t have a lot of time to care for the aquarium, you only need to choose unpretentious species aquarium fish. Goldfish are considered to be one of the most hardy and undemanding to the content. They feel great in water without heating, they are quite satisfied with the average room temperature. There have been cases when goldfish lived even in frozen outdoor pools and felt great when spring came. Hardness, pH of water, types of feed are practically unimportant for them. The only thing necessary condition- provide your goldfish with a spacious aquarium (preferably a minimum of 20 liters per individual) and change 1/4 of the volume of water in it about once a week.

2. Livebearers also belong to unpretentious fish. They are usually small in size and brightly colored. Many species of fish belong to this group, from colorful little guppies to important majestic swordtails, reaching a length of more than 10 cm. Viviparous fish feel most comfortable when the temperature of the aquarium water is in the range of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. They easily get along with other fish in the aquarium, multiply quickly. But they also have one drawback. They, without much remorse, eat both strangers and their own fry. But if the aquarium is densely planted with vegetation, then some of the fry will definitely survive, thanks to it, because algae serve as an excellent shelter from hungry mouths. Of course, ideal option will put the born fry into a separate aquarium until they reach a certain size, at which their parents will not be able to dine with them.

3. Get a few catfish if possible. These aquarium "orderlies" will pick up uneaten food leftovers from other fish. Catfish cannot boast of a bright color, they are almost invisible in the aquarium, especially against the background of the bottom. But among them there are representatives with a very peculiar original form body. Pay attention, for example, to the catfish tarakatum. It is distinguished by its long antennae and the flexibility of its body. Catfish - sticky "equipped" with suction cups, allowing them to often hang motionless, sticking to the wall of the aquarium. There are also species that eat microscopic algae, and thereby clean the walls, stones and decorative elements aquarium from harmful and ugly brown-green plaque.
4. If you plan to install a large aquarium (more than 50 liters), you can get bigger fish: cichlids, gourami, angelfish, the same goldfish. In principle, you need to choose fish, always taking into account the volume of your aquarium, because big fish will feel very bad in a cramped habitat. Watching your pets, when they freely and leisurely “soar” in the expanses of water, having enough space for this, is a true aesthetic pleasure.

5. You can opt for extraordinary aggressive exotic fish. One of the brightest representatives of this group is the piranha. You can always surprise your guests with this colorful miracle fish. But, be prepared to put up with some inconvenience that will arise when caring for her. When pruning plants or cleaning the aquarium, a calm and calm-looking fish can grab your hand with lightning speed without hesitation. In addition, it will no longer be possible to plant other types of aquarium fish, because piranhas destroy everything living on their way, and even more so in their habitat. They eat even their smaller or weakened relatives.

6. Having decided on the choice of one or another type of fish, carefully look at each individual you like. Her body should not be damaged, rotten, excessive mucus, and so on. The fish should behave typical of the species. If she makes pointless sudden movements, itches on the ground, falls to her side, it’s better not to buy such a fish.

It is better to take fish at specialized points of sale, such as pet stores or permanent licensed tents in the market. Pay attention to the conditions of detention in them. If they are unsatisfactory, pass by. Do not forget to find out from the seller all the incomprehensible points on the content of the purchased fish. If possible, take a contact phone number in case you have additional questions. And don't forget to get a book on aquarism, it will definitely come in handy.

Here we give recommendations on the selection of fish in a small aquarium, up to 50 liters. Of course, every hobbyist has the right to choose fish for his aquarium, but our recommendations are based on many years of experience and may help to avoid many failures.

At the end of the article, the optimal, in our opinion, combination of fish for keeping in a small aquarium is given.

So, you want to populate an aquarium of 50 liters or within that.

    Tip one: do not bring any predators into such an aquarium. You can buy small fish without thinking about what to grow from them. Therefore, be sure to ask the seller which maximum size reaches the adult.

    Tip two: do not get rare and expensive fish. In such an aquarium it is difficult to maintain stable optimal mode, and if it suddenly breaks ecobalance(for example, due to an excess of food), then these fish will die first.

    Tip three: don't start a large number of fish. Approximately one fish 5-7 cm long should account for 3-5 liters of aquarium volume. So, consider yourself!

    Tip four: do not get "motley" fish, that is, absolutely incompatible in their behavioral reactions. For example, some fish are inactive, others are in constant motion, etc.

    Advice five: start the fish so that the vital volume in the aquarium is filled with them evenly. For example, there are fish strictly territorial and if they occupy most so small aquarium it will cause great inconvenience to other fish. Also, try to match the fish evenly vertically: match fish that live in the bottom layer of the aquarium with fish that live in the middle layers and fish that usually swim near the surface.

    Fish for a small aquarium, the most suitable species


    So who is better to put in a small aquarium?

    It looks good in multi-colored guppies, the most common and cheap (we are not talking about expensive breeding species!) Fish. Despite the price, you can find beautiful varieties with intricate coloring. Buy 15-20 fish and that will be enough.

    Swordtails feel safe in small aquariums various colors: red, black, spotted, green. 15-20 of these fish are also enough for such an aquarium.

    You can get a dozen black mollies, but they are more demanding on the composition and temperature of the water, and in addition, it is desirable for them to add salt.

    You can get 10-15 pieces of platies: red, spotted, chintz. Particularly impressive are disc platies of red color.

    All of the above fish are viviparous species and have similar conditions.


    Can be placed in a small aquarium and spawning fish.

    A flock of striped Sumatran barbs (10-15 pieces) looks very nice. The so-called mossy mutant barbs dark green.

    Get in the aquarium a flock of small striped fish - zebrafish, very unpretentious fish. Cardinals are very sympathetic, especially their veiled form.

    If you like bigger fish, then you can have a couple of angelfish or a couple of pelvicachromis parrots in such an aquarium.

    If you are allowed financial resources, then you can buy the most spectacular fish from the haracin family - neon red, blue or ordinary. They are rightfully considered the most beautiful among the flocking freshwater, and, despite small size will decorate any aquarium. A flock of 20-30 fish is a great sight!

    You can plant small catfish for any fish: golden, speckled, green. They will constantly swarm in the soil of the aquarium in search of food leftovers that have not been eaten by other fish, and thus only benefit. Ancistrus catfish are very useful. With their sucker mouth, they clean the walls of the aquarium and plants from green algae.

Are you a dog owner? Or a convinced "cat person"? Soul do not cherish in rabbits, hamsters, birds and fish?. Our focus is on pets, as well as everything related to their maintenance and upbringing.

What is the place of pets in our lives? If you think about it, it's just huge. Most animal lovers know that the appearance of a kitten or puppy in the house completely changes the habitual way of life of the owners, and caring for the health, training and upbringing of the pet forms the conditions in which he becomes a full member of the family. Sometimes a pet even turns into the center of a small home universe, and the rest of the household revolve around it with joy and rapture.

Thus, despite the difficulties and lack of time, many of us cannot imagine our lives without pets. This is not surprising, because it has long been known that pets are the best medicine from boredom and depression. In addition, the appearance of a pet in the house is good reason start leading an active lifestyle, get rid of emotional and physical problems, gain good spirits and endurance. In short, pets can easily change our lives!

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Dreaming of having a pet in your home, but don't know where to start? The section will help you make a choice. You can see how various pets look like in the and sections. Be sure to check out the section. Here you will find up-to-date information about the nutrition, health and peculiarities of keeping dogs, cats, birds, rodents, reptiles, etc. To keep up to date with the latest developments and trends in the pet world, we encourage you to review regularly.

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Do you have pets and crave companionship? Welcome to . You will be able to communicate with both experienced and novice breeders, find like-minded people, talk about your successes and ask questions to professionals.

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