How to burn fat on the back and sides. How to quickly remove fat from the back at home

The buildings 11.10.2019
The buildings

Fat deposits are usually evenly distributed throughout the body, but there are also so-called "problem" areas.

If we are talking about the back, then most often it is the area of ​​​​the sides and lower back, less often - the upper back.

Fat deposits in the lower back

Body type is determined by the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference. This value is designated WHR (Waist / Hip Ratio) and is an indicator of the distribution of adipose tissue in the human body. The calculation of WHR without any compromise allows you to identify problem areas and the type of obesity, if any.

Most often, two types of figures are distinguished: “apple” and “pear”.

"Apple" This type is more typical for men. Outwardly, these are those who tend to accumulate fat in the middle part of the body, abdomen and lower back.
Another type - "pear"body fat accumulate on the thighs and buttocks.

How to determine the balance of calories

The first and main thing you need to decide is the balance of calories, namely the ratio between consumed and consumed. If you are consuming more calories than you expend, then quick result don't even count.

It is important to remember that burning calories does not happen immediately, but over time. For example, every 500 grams of body fat is approximately 3500 calories, so in order to lose 2 kilograms in a month, you must reduce your diet by 500 calories per day (i.e. 3500 must be divided by 7 days).

What are the most common mistakes?

Even if you have total weight body fat is not large, it makes no sense to start with isolating exercises. If you start with isolation exercises and don't adjust your diet, this will increase the muscles in the affected area while not reducing body fat.

Unfortunately, most people try to lose weight in this way.

Exercises that are used to remove fat from the back

Part 1

Part 2

Massage with a massage track

The massage track is a manual roller massager. It can be wooden or plastic, have from one to three rows of rollers in the amount of 10 to 17, with a diameter of 30-40 mm. It can be used in any conditions and at any time: before, after or during training.

When using such a massager, the vessels in the skin become more active, blood circulation improves, the nutrition of the skin is stimulated and the activity of the glands increases. The skin is toned, it will become smooth and elastic, elastic.

Massage is done on a naked body or through a training suit.

The duration of the session depends on the purpose of the massage. So, if you massage immediately after training, then 10 minutes is enough, and after 2-4 hours - 15-20 minutes. An average of 10 minutes is allotted for preliminary and hygienic massage, in the intervals between individual sports exercises- 3-5 min.

Massage begins in the back in a standing position, feet shoulder width apart. The massage path is superimposed on the lumbar region and moves along the back with 5-7 transverse movements to the armpits (the exercise is repeated 6-7 times).

Next, the massager is superimposed on side part trunk, and 5-7 movements massage the oblique muscles of the abdomen and the latissimus dorsi (the exercise is repeated 3-4 times). In this case, the body of the massager turns in opposite side. The same must be done on the other side.

During massaging, you can bend, straighten and turn to cover all the muscles.

Hoop exercises

Let's not waste time talking about and . Let's take a look at the advantages of this method. What are the benefits of hoop training?

How are hoop exercises performed? Stand straight with your legs straight or slightly bent at the knees shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. The weight of the body is evenly distributed over the foot, the toes point slightly outward. Take the hoop in your hands.

It should be remembered that it is necessary to carry out exercises with a hoop for weight loss on an empty stomach, and after training it is better not to eat for half an hour.

Where do you start anyway?

Of course, you can start with the exercises that were shown to you above, but remember, until you reduce the calorie content of the diet, do not expect victory!

Don't forget about this effective methodology cardio workout. Be sure to include cardio training in your exercise program. Due to the high degree of intensity, it will help you get rid of excess calories faster. Working through all muscle groups, you will quickly get the expected result, as you can more actively burn unnecessary calories without overloading the muscles of the “problem” zone.

And remember: only A complex approach will help you get rid of the fatty layer!

Excess weight reminds of itself in the form of completely unattractive folds, especially noticeable in the waist, hips, abdomen, back, legs. The folds of fat deposits on the back are less noticeable to their owners themselves, however, it is necessary to fight them in order to create perfect figure. To remove accumulated fat from the back, an integrated approach is needed: diet and exercise.

The main principles of the diet for weight loss are:

  • The use of proteins and complex carbohydrates (vegetables, unsweetened fruits) in the diet;
  • Drinking at least 2 liters of purified water per day;
  • Fractional nutrition in small portions;
  • The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • Minimizing salt intake;
  • Exclusion from the diet of sweets, fresh pastries, sweets, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

If you follow the diet, accumulated body fat will begin to be actively burned, which will allow you to lose weight and remove sagging folds. To remove fat from the back of one diet is not enough. It is necessary to pay increased attention to physical activity, which will gradually replace adipose tissue with muscle, so that the relief torso will become not a dream, but a reality.

How to quickly remove fat from the back?

In order to remove fat from the back, it is necessary not only to follow a diet for weight loss, but also to perform various thalasso procedures (for example, body wraps, masks), as well as exercise regularly. Daily physical activity will help you lose fat and gain muscle mass. To remove fat in the necessary areas, you should decide on a set of exercises that will help you effectively achieve the desired result. Complement the complex daily jogging, long walks in the fresh air.

Exercises to remove fat from the back at home:

  • Fitball. One of the most effective ways eliminate fat in the back area-fitball exercises. You need to lie on it with your stomach down, leaning on your socks. We hold our hands behind our heads. We raise the body, lingering for a couple of seconds at the highest point, we return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 25 times in 4 sets.
  • Hoop. It is no less effective to remove fat from the back with a hoop. It is best to use a weighted hoop. We twist the hoop at the waist at any free time at least half an hour. At first, bruises may appear on the sides, but they will quickly pass, and the effect will not take long.
  • Mill. A simple and effective exercise "Mill". We put our feet shoulder-width apart, straighten our arms. We tilt the body down, reaching with the left palm to the foot of the right foot. At the same time, make sure that the legs are straight. We perform the exercise 25 times in 4 sets.

Basic program

There are many exercises that allow you to remove fat from the back and sides, from which you can choose the ones you like best. However, beginners should increase the load gradually, moving from easier exercises to more difficult ones. Having started to take care of your body, it is recommended to stop at basic program, effectively allowing you to remove fat from the back and suggesting a moderate load. The main thing is to practice every day.

How to remove fat from the back and sides:

  • Plank. We take a prone position with an emphasis on the elbows and toes. We turn the body in an upward direction. We perform 4 sets of 20 times.
  • We take our hands behind the back. We pull them back, closing and opening the shoulder blades. We follow straight posture. Tilt the chest slightly forward. We perform 20 times - 4 sets.
  • We get on all fours. The knees should be at the level of the hands. We draw in the stomach and bend the back as much as possible, look up. We linger in this position for 2-5 seconds. We arch the back in the opposite direction, closing the chin with the chest. We perform the exercise 20 times in 4 sets.
  • We press against the wall with our backs. Pull out left hand, trying to touch with your fingertips to the right side of the wall. We repeat the exercise with the other hand. We follow an even posture, we retract the stomach. 20 reps each arm - 4 sets.

How to deal with the problem in a short time?

How to remove fat from the back and arms at home for short term? Dumbbells come to the rescue, preferably 1.5 kg each. In addition to daily training, it is recommended to go swimming, take a course of back massage.

To remove fat folds in a short time, you must perform the following exercises daily:

  • Rowing. We lay down on the floor face down, we hold dumbbells in our hands. We raise our legs and arms up and swing like on a boat. We imitate the movements of rowers with our hands. 4 sets of 30 repetitions.
  • Mahi. We put our feet shoulder-width apart, the body parallel to the floor. We perform swings up with both hands at the same time. It is important to observe proper breathing - exhale when lifting, inhale when lowering. We perform the exercise 25 times in 4 sets.
  • Butterfly. We get on our knees. With one hand rest on the floor. With the second hand, we take a dumbbell and lift it up so that a right angle is formed between the arm and the back. We return to the starting position, repeat the exercise with the second hand. It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 12 times with each hand.

Weekly program

How to remove fat from the back of women at home in a week? The task is not easy, but doable. The final result depends on the initial data, however, there is general principles, observing which in just 7 days you can remove folds of fat from the back. The complex of measures includes a balanced diet for weight loss with regular physical activity (exercise). To achieve the maximum effect, do not neglect walking, jogging, do not use the elevator. It is recommended to do wraps (chocolate, vinegar, mustard) 3 times a week in the back and sides to remove accumulated fat many times faster.

Even the most difficult and exhausting workout is useless without a balanced diet:

  • We eat fractionally in small portions;
  • For breakfast, we use complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits) or low-fat dairy, as well as sour-milk products;
  • For lunch and dinner, we prefer proteins and complex carbohydrates(beef, turkey combined with vegetables or cereals);
  • We drink at least 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day.
    You can start training 1.5 hours after the last meal.

The most effective exercises to remove fat from the back and sides at home (you must perform them every day for a week):

  • Push ups. Better from the floor, but the first times you can also from the support. If it is difficult to do push-ups on the toes, it is allowed to rest on the knees at first. We rest our palms on the floor, placing them shoulder-width apart. Legs on toes. We lower the body parallel to the floor 30 times. It is advisable to perform at least 5 approaches.
  • Expander. It is necessary to fasten it to the sofa, rest your feet and stretch the elastic band towards you. 6 sets of 40 reps.
  • Rope. We jump on it at any free time, at least 5 minutes per approach.
  • Locust. Lie face down on the floor. We stretch the legs, arms along the body. At the same time, we raise the upper body and legs, lingering in this position for as long as possible. We perform the exercise 15 times in 4 sets.
    Supplement these exercises with vacuum massage (silicone jar) and the question of how to remove folds of fat from the back will be resolved.

Gym workout program

In a fitness club, you can remove fat and get a lean body much faster and more efficiently. Modern simulators contribute to the study of the corresponding muscles and allow you to quickly remove fat from the back. It is best to use the services of a personal trainer who will individual program training and control correct technique their implementation, but if this is not possible, then it is necessary to develop a set of exercises on your own, performing them at least 20-25 times in 4 sets.

Fat can be deposited all over the body, but the most favorite places are the stomach, sides, thighs and back. In this article, we will look at some of the most effective exercises that everyone can do at home and other ways to remove fat from the back of women at home. This is a certain diet and some more secrets, but about them will be discussed a little bit later.

  • Dumbbell exercises
  • Fitball exercises
  • Reduction and dilution of the shoulder blades
  • Turns to the side
  • boat
  • back arch
  • Reduction and dilution of hands
  • Back against the wall
  • Back Slimming Diet
  • Back massage for weight loss

back wrinkle exercises

One of the most efficient and useful ways body shaping is a properly selected physical activity. In this article, we will look at exercises that will help remove fat from the back of women at home, we will describe in detail how and why you need to do this or that exercise.

How to remove fat from the back under the shoulder blade

In order to correct the contour of the back in the area under the shoulder blades, you need to perform a whole range of exercises. This complex can be done several times a week, repeating each of the exercises for 7 or 10 repetitions.

The following fairly simple and understandable exercises are suitable for this zone:

1. Push-ups. Greatest effect give push-ups from the floor. But with insufficient physical preparation, you can start with push-ups from the wall, then take the bar a little lower - a table, chair, sofa, and so on, gradually preparing the muscles to start push-ups from the floor.

2. Pull-ups with a wide grip. You need to grab the horizontal bar with your arms wide apart. You can start pulling up with one or several times, gradually adding 1 time with each workout.

3. Jumping rope. A fairly effective exercise for all muscle groups, including the back.

There are two other types of physical activity that give amazing results when done systematically. It's running and swimming. These types of exercises will keep many muscles in good shape, including those located in problem areas of the back.

How to remove fat from the back and sides

Exercises in the form of turns, tilts and twists will help remove unnecessary folds and volume from the back and sides. In addition, there are simulators that are aimed at working out precisely these zones and not only. These trainers are:

1. Exercise bike. It will help to correct many problem areas, including tightening the back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi muscle, and removing folds of fat from the sides.

2. Traction trainer. Helps to pump all the muscles of the back and the press.

3. Rowing machine. Works on the latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscles.

Dumbbell exercises

There are several exercises with dumbbells in order to remove fat from the back, tighten muscles. They are quite simple, they can be performed both in the gym and at home. Dumbbells can be replaced plastic bottles with sand or water. Let's look at the most effective of them:

1. Deadlift in the “half-tilt” and “half-squat” position. You need to take two dumbbells in your hands. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and squat a little. In this case, the body must be tilted slightly forward. In this position, you need to raise the dumbbells, bending your arms at the elbow and lower them back.

2. Squats with dumbbells. For this exercise, the arms with dumbbells should always be lowered. In this position, you need to squat without changing the position of the hands.

3. Tilts with dumbbells in hand. Arms at sides with dumbbells. You need to lean forward until your back is parallel to the floor and straighten up.

4. Bent over row. You need to take dumbbells in your hands. Lean forward with your knees slightly bent. Hands down. Next, you need to bend your arms at the elbows and lower them back.

You can start doing exercises with several times, gradually increase the number of repetitions. After that, you can increase the weight of the dumbbells.

Fitball exercises

With the help of a fitness ball, you can perform many exercises for different groups muscles, for training, stretching and so on. You can work your back on the ball very effectively. The simplest and effective exercise with a ball for the back, there will be a raising of the body, leaning on the ball. For this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach on the ball, fix your legs. Hands behind your head. It is necessary to raise and lower the body several times. When the body is raised, you need to linger like this for a few seconds and lower.

These exercises are for those who are looking for a suitable technique for removing fat folds from the back. They can be used all or some of them, combined with a diet, massage. Then the result will please you very quickly.

Simple exercise to remove fat deposits on the back

And now let's look at some very simple exercises that you need to do instead of exercising every morning. If you do this regularly and diligently, then with little effort, the back will come close to ideal.

Reduction and dilution of the shoulder blades

The simplest, but one of the effective exercises- this is the reduction and dilution of the shoulder blades. It can be done in the morning, afternoon, evening, at any time, the main thing is regularly. You just need to straighten the position and then spread the shoulder blades. Repeat several times with effort.

Turns to the side

You need to stand so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Turns must be performed with swaying to the fullest possible amplitude with the shoulder and arm pulled back. First one way, then the other.


It is necessary to lie on the floor, on your stomach, stretch your arms forward and close your palms. Next, you need to simultaneously raise your arms and legs in an extended position up, then lower back.

back arch

The well-known "cat" exercise. For him, you need to get on all fours and bend your back up as much as possible, lowering your head, then your back down, and your head up. You have to do it with effort.

Reduction and dilution of hands

This is a weighted exercise. As a load, you can use dumbbells or bottles of sand, water. Picking up any of the listed items, you need to stretch them to the sides and bring them together in front of you.

Back against the wall

You need to lean against the wall with your entire back, shoulders and buttocks. Without changing position, reach with your left hand to the wall from the side of your right shoulder. Then vice versa.

Back Slimming Diet

If there is a problem with fat deposits in the folds on the back, then in order to correct the situation, it is better to use several methods at once. For example, physical activity and a special diet. This will give stunning results in a fairly short time. We described the exercises for this zone above in the article, now we will consider a possible diet.

In order to get rid of excess fat in the back area, you can follow general recommendations for healthy eating and to reduce the calorie content of meals. The main principles of nutrition should be taken into account:

1. Drink more than eat. Drink clean plain water.
2. Reduce the salt content in food.
3. Eat less or completely eliminate sweet and starchy foods.
4. More fresh vegetables and fruits.
5. Lean boiled meat or fish is preferable to otherwise processed meat.
6. Eat small meals and chew thoroughly.

There should be several meals per day (4-5) with a small interval. You can use any diet, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations and do not forget about physical activity.

Important! AT fasting days or with a strict diet, you do not need to intensify training, pay much attention to physical activity.

Back massage for weight loss

When losing weight, massage has great importance. Firstly, it will help with getting rid of extra pounds, and secondly, thanks to massage, you can tighten the skin after the hated fat is defeated.

You cannot perform a back massage on your own. Therefore, you will have to turn to a professional massage therapist. There are several types of massage that will help get rid of wrinkles on the back:

1. Vacuum massage.
2. Hardware massage.
3. Massage with the pressure of a water jet.
4. Classic massage.
5. Anti-cellulite massage.

You need to choose the most suitable and acceptable for you personally and complete the full course, combining massage with diet and exercise.

Causes of wrinkles on the back

Wrinkles in the back area appear as a result of an increase in the total body weight and fat deposition. This leads to a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, hormonal disruptions and so on. Fat and wrinkles appear quite quickly and do not require any effort.

But to get rid of them, you have to try and be patient. The article lists the most effective ways weight loss and getting rid of the hated folds under the shoulder blades and on the sides.

To achieve the desired result, you need to follow the advice, pay Special attention physical activity and nutrition, but massage is a useful and pleasant addition that will only enhance and accelerate the effect.

Beautiful body is of great importance not only in terms of aesthetics, but also self-confidence. Consider how to remove fat from the back, what exercises are the most effective, as well as nutrition tips for such a problem.

Why do wrinkles appear on the back

Excess weight is in 80% of complaints, the cause of an unhealthy lifestyle: little activity, malnutrition, sedentary work etc. The back is one of the most problematic areas of the body, because. in most cases, she does not receive the necessary physical load on the muscles.

Just as fat settles around your waist, it can also settle on your back. Side folds begin to appear, roundness around the bra and ridges on the lower back (especially with an apple-type figure). It doesn't make any girl attractive. If liposuction is not an option for you, then you need to adjust your diet first, and then focus on exercise.

Tips from nutritionists nutrition for weight loss back:

  1. Instead of buying expensive goji berries and other drugs, just reduce the amount of fat in your daily diet;
  2. Avoid flour and light carbohydrates (sweets, ice cream, soda);
  3. Completely exclude smoked meats and fried foods from the diet;
  4. Eat as many fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits as possible per day. This is possible at any time of the year;
  5. Drink at least one and a half liters of water a day - the liquid will help flush out excess fats and cholesterol from the body.

Video: upper back workout

Exercises to get rid of back fat

Most Effective physical exercises offers bodybuilding, but not everyone is suitable for the level of physical fitness and health status. We offer an easier complex of effective aerobic exercises that will help you quickly lose fat from the waist, abdomen and back. Before starting training, you need to draw up a clear plan, otherwise the result will be a little delayed:

  1. You need to do 5 workouts per week, the average time they should take is from 150 to 300 minutes. Yes, a lot, but quickly - in a month the back will tighten and the relief of the muscles will appear;
  2. In addition to regular physical activity, devote enough time to extra. Works well for cycling, running, boxing, swimming;
  3. Twice a week you need to massage the fat folds. Here indispensable assistant massage will become a simple medical glass or silicone jar. If you do not have one, then at least actively wipe the problem area with a massage washcloth in the shower made of hard natural materials;
  4. A house is not only a haven for the soul and body, but also an excellent free gym. A chic arm and shoulder workout is window washing, even once a week such exercises will help you tighten body fat. The same applies to ironing, mopping the floor.

At home, remove excess fat in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, arms and back and simple pushups. You need to lie parallel to the floor, transfer the weight to your hands. Now you need to go all the way down. Hold this position for a bit, then return to the starting position. Repeat 12-20 times depending on your preparation. Make sure that a straight line is formed from the neck to the waist.

If you find it difficult to perform classic push-ups, then you can simplify them a little. Get on your knees, lower your body to the floor, lean on your hands. Now raise upper part torso on the arms, repeat 20-25 times. Make sure that your knees do not come off the floor.

After that you can start row with your hands. Rowing is great way relieve tension from the hands after push-ups. Actively swing clockwise and counter-clockwise (in turn) for 3-5 minutes.

Fitball- A great homemade way to remove subcutaneous fat in any area of ​​​​the body. You need to put the ball and lie face down on it. After socks, reach the floor, legs together, arms hang freely. From this position, try to lift your upper body. Exercise should be done slowly, lingering a little at each point. It is quite difficult, but you need to repeat it at least 12 times, do two sets.

Photo - Fitball against back fat

Put away excess weight help the good old mill. To do this, you need to stand in the starting position with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands free. Now, simultaneously with the inclinations, you need to make circular movements with your hands, repeat for a minute.

Photo - Exercise mill

For this exercise, you will need light dumbbells, at least half a kilogram each. Take them in your hands, stand in a position with your feet shoulder-width apart, and then raise the dumbbells to the ceiling. Repeat 15-20 times, do two sets.

Another option use of dumbbells- kneel down, rest one hand on the floor, and take a dumbbell in the other. Then raise your hand from the dumbbells up so that a right angle forms between your back and arm, repeat 10-12 times on each arm. This method will not only help to pump up the back, but also give a forum to the biceps, improve the condition of the chest.

A good way to remove fat from the back is expander exercises. There are two options for using this simulator: stretch between your hands as in the photo or fasten it to the bed, take emphasis with your feet and pull the elastic band towards you. Repeat 20 to 25 times, two sets.

Photo - Exercises with an expander

Per a short time you can pump up the abdominal muscles and remove wrinkles from the back simple exercise: Lie on the floor, face down. Now you need to raise the body to maximum height that you are only capable of. Hold the body in this position for a few seconds, repeat 10 times. Preferably with multiple approaches.

In addition to the listed complex, we also advise you jump rope- this is a great way to quickly tone your muscles and cheer yourself up. Only for the result you need to jump for at least 3 minutes.

Photo - Exercise for the back

Other ways remove fat from the shoulder blades and lower back:

  1. Make seaweed wraps;
  2. Walk a lot, you need to walk at a fast pace from 2 to 5 kilometers a day to achieve our goal;
  3. Sign up for dancing, at any age such training will help you tighten your skin and body, remove cellulite and develop stretching;
  4. In the shower, use anti-cellulite scrubs and oils - they will speed up the process of resorption of fat folds.

All classes must be regular, otherwise there will be no effect. Write in the reviews your recommendations on how you were able to remove fat from your back.

With insufficient physical activity on the muscles of the back and excess nutrition, leading to obesity, fat folds form on the back. Depending on the physique, they can be located mainly in the upper or lower back, and with severe obesity, fat folds are distributed throughout the back. Often, body fat is accompanied by pain in the spine and problems with posture.

How to remove fat from the back: ways

There are the following factors that provoke the accumulation of body fat in the back:

  • Hereditary or constitutional predisposition;
  • Insufficient physical activity on the body, a sedentary lifestyle;
  • Eating disorders, overeating, unbalanced nutrition;
  • Stressful situations that provoke an uncontrolled increase in appetite;
  • Destructive changes in posture due to prolonged exposure to incorrect postures and positions;
  • Various endocrine disorders or hormonal disruptions.

Therefore, in order to correctly understand how to remove fat from the back, it is necessary to determine the main reason or a set of reasons that provoked the accumulation of body fat in this particular area. To begin with, you should undergo an in-depth therapeutic examination, and based on its results, determine how to remove fat from the back as efficiently and with health benefits as possible.

The choice of how to remove fat from the back depends on age, physical condition and expert advice. Conventionally, two ways can be distinguished:

  • Radical surgical - liposuction, which allows you to remove a large amount of body fat from the back;
  • Conservative - involves the rejection of bad habits and lifestyle changes, increased physical activity, exercise, diet and fat-burning drugs and products.


Almost every plastic surgery clinic today offers a liposuction procedure in the back area. This method allows you to remove significant amounts of adipose tissue by liquefying it, followed by suction. Liposuction is a rather expensive operation, which is performed under general anesthesia and involves a long postoperative rehabilitation period. The main thing is that there is no guarantee that, having returned to your usual way of life, you will not gain your previous weight, and the fat folds on your back will not recover. This is an extreme measure, and you should resort to it only when you are finally convinced that massage, diets and physical activity did not give any effect.

Remove fat from the back: exercises

In order to get rid of excess wrinkles on the back, physical activity is needed that will strengthen the muscles of the back, give them tone, increase the processing of calories in the body and correct posture. For this, the following classes are recommended:

  • Daily gymnastics complex;
  • Swimming;
  • Yoga;
  • Calanetics;
  • Pilates;
  • Daily walks and climbing stairs on foot;
  • Classes in the gym.

It must be remembered that in order to remove fat from the back, exercises should be performed often, but with a small load. This will avoid unnecessary pressure on the spine, which is already overweight, and reduce the risk of back injury. It is advisable to conduct all classes under the guidance of experienced instructors so that, under their supervision, you do not cause irreparable harm to your health with one wrong move.

At home, you can perform the following simple complex to remove fat from your back. These exercises should be included in daily morning exercises or performed separately:

  • Standing on all fours, knees and hands shoulder-width apart, simultaneously straighten the right leg and left arm, bending in the back. We do 8-10 times for each side;
  • Sitting on the floor, focusing on straight arms from behind, tear off the buttocks from the floor, lifting them up, tilt our head back, fix the position for a couple of seconds. We do 8-10 times;
  • Sitting on a chair, we tilt the body forward at an angle of 45 degrees, feet firmly pressed to the floor. We take dumbbells (weights) weighing up to one kilogram in our hands and bend our elbows, pulling them back, trying to bring the shoulder blades together. We do 8-10 times, but at the beginning, if it’s hard, you can reduce the number of repetitions;
  • Lying on the floor, arms extended forward, legs straight, we perform raising straight arms and at the same time the upper body with a mandatory fixation of the position for 10 seconds. It is possible to use weighting agents or a gymnastic stick. We do 8-10 times;
  • Standing on all fours, knees and arms at a right angle, we bend our back forward and backward, like a cat, fixing the extreme positions for 10 seconds. We do 8-10 times.

Having decided to make your back even, beautiful, without ugly fat folds, you should tune in to long hard work and limit yourself in many ways, changing your favorite habits. But if you carefully follow all the recommendations, the reward will be a wonderful regal posture with an ideal back and excellent health.

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