The essence of ideology. Russia: state without ideology, society without a national idea

Decor elements 25.09.2019
Decor elements

Already repeatedly and our supporters and our opponents addressed us a question: "Do you have an ideology?", It is quite fair to consider that a fundamentally new collection of people should occur on fundamentally deep and accurately thoughtable grounds. In many of our works, this answer is given, but it is not always easy to find it in a very large library. We offer everyone who is interested in this topic, the thesis lecture S.S. Sulakshina "What is ideology". The approach is not a trivial, not borrowed, completely creative, convincing.


Part 1. Why do I need ideology?

Part 2. Ideological meanings

Part 3. Problem of the value reverse

Part 4. "Science and Ideology"

Questions for self-test


In Article 13 of the Constitution of the post-Soviet Russia, ideology as a public institute received a very specific consolidation: "The ideological manifold is recognized in the Russian Federation." In the second paragraph of Article 13, it is said: "No ideology can be established as state or mandatory."

Thus, the constitution uses the category "ideology", but its semantic content in the context of the main law of the state is not disclosed. At the same time, a very clear and rigid formula is prescribed: "... cannot be installed as state or mandatory."

It is believed that the ban on the ideology is a global practice and our state is no different from others. However, the analysis of the constitutions of the countries of the world shows that in addition to the post-Soviet space, such a ban exists only in two countries - Portugal and Bulgaria (from the 70s after the refusal of fascism). That is, this principle operates in the absolute minority of the constitutions of modern states. Why?

The Constitution is a key political programming management document, which designs and determines the life of the country, its results in all spheres of vital activity - from the health and mood of people to international authority, from economic development before defenses, from intellectual, cultural development to development sustainability, etc. d. Such a rigid formula with an obvious goal is incredited in our Constitution.

So why the state, as a single integrity, consolidating citizens of the country to the people, in the sons and daughters of their fatherland, is prohibited to have a "state ideology", that is, the "single ideology of the country"? The study is devoted to the answer to this question.

I. Why do I need an ideology?

Tutorials, reference books and encyclopedias are different, sometimes surprisingly disclose the meaning of the concept of "ideology".

Kara-Murza S.G. "Ideology and mother of her science", 2002: "Ideology is a complex idework and conceptsWith which a person understands society, social order, itself in society and the world. " Next meet more words "Representations", "Understanding".

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: "Ideology is a metaphysical philosophy, taken as a doctrine of ideas».

An article in the magazine "Polis" of 1992 "Ideology as determinant politicians": "Ideology is a systematic theoretically decorated aggregate idework».

Textbook of philosophy P.V. Alkseeva and A.V.Panina, 2005: "The ideology is defined as a reflection of public being through the prism of social and group or class interests. Appointment of ideology in developing value systems, in justifying what should be and what should not be in the social world. "

Big Soviet Encyclopedia: "" Ideology "from" Idea "and" logic ": system views and ideworkin which people's relationships to each other are realized and evaluated, to reality, problems and conflicts are goal and programs social activities. Ideology always reflects class interests. "

"Basics of the ideology of the Belarusian state", Knyazev S.N., Reshetnikov S.V., 2004: "The ideology of the state is the doctrine of standards life ideales and values the people, about the ideological policies of state institutions, on ideological processes characterizing goal, features and paths of social development. "

And a few more definitions of ideology:

Systematically distorted social and manipulative information;

Science on the origin of ideas;

Social illusions, efficiently oriented in relation to social life.

Why was such a plurality of definitions and terminological noise instead of agreement on a single understanding of the meaning of the term? Most likely, we are dealing with the technology of manipulation by consciousness.

Historically, ideology has been a science or knowledge system about ideas. In this context, the word "idea" was used as a kind of designation of the image of consciousness regarding the essence of the universe. Discourse and the challenge included in the question: "Is there an essence in itself, outside our consciousness, or is she identical to him, the idea denoting in our consciousness of these entities? Is this idea develop only in our head or it exists and develops in some imaginary "absolute head", which religion and philosophy are determined differently? "

Modern politically relevant, practically significant and productive content of the category "ideology" is revealed through the concepts of values, goals and ideals. The highest question of life for a person and for his community is how different it differs in his mega-historical evolution from its forerunner. It is possible to designate such a parameter for the evolution of man's development as its "humanity", its understanding, distinction from the "zero state", when he was still an animal and began to evolve towards a certain limit: "man categorical", "man of the present". In religion, this limit is determined as follows: the person is "in the image and similarity", that is, the concept of some target, ideal image is introduced. What? As an ideal, a certain marginal rate, essential and meaningful, which distinguishes a person from the animal. If you think about all the circumstances of the human life, it becomes clear: there is no goal more significant than being a person in the true, absolute sense.

IN real life This thesis is associated with a huge variety of questions: what to do in this moment? To steal or work to earn yourself a blessing? Did you finish a weak or stretch to him? Accumulate over measures or live a kind of righteous frequent way? Love a woman and give birth to children or enjoy the situation with anyone or even with anything?

These challenges permeate all your life. They pass through all the matter and space of the lives of societies and states. Answers to these challenges as important achievements of the development of society are recorded in traditions, indices, laws of states and societies. Therefore, it is no coincidence that such a key categorical layout appeared in the Russian Constitution - a ban on a non-violent ideology.

If we proceed from the most important for human life and activities, the key definition becomes the following form.

Ideology - This is a meeting of the highest values \u200b\u200bof ideals, forming an idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, about the meaning of life and a motivating person and society on intentions and actions. Ideology as a meeting of ideals value, gives rise to the highest goals of human activity and action to achieve them. There are no goals without values. No goals.

State general authorized ideology - This is a whole, a single assembly of the values \u200b\u200bof the country, fixed normatively and sacred, implemented and protected by the state, developed in public practice in an identical civilizational version.

On the appointment of ideology

"Without the highest idea there can be no man nor a nation." (Dostoevsky F.M.)

The basic law prescribes a ban in our country to a single, general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is the ideal, values. But without a value, without an ideal society, no state happens. So by default, something else is prescribed and implemented. And this is clearly not high human values, ideals and points of the desire, points that form a fellow development. Rather, this is what enjoys the biggest commercial demand and satisfies the physiological needs of a person.

An anti-sirent agenda was introduced: be noone, do not seek to ideal, do not put yourself high goals, be consumers. Becoming a profit of the one who all this invented the club of the beneficiaries, the owners of the world, their beliefs - local oligarchs.

If the Constitution formulated a ban on the existence of a single ideal developed and approved by the Company renewed by centuries and a fixed assembly of values, then it is impossible to establish development goals. The ideal is the value content of the point to which not only the person, a person, but also the state should be developed to approach. State development goals should be in all spheres of life: in economics, ecology, culture, health, education, foreign policy, etc.

Values \u200b\u200bcan only be absolute. If, values \u200b\u200bbegin to be interpreted relatively, for example, as follows: "Morals" there are many, its "morality" can be even a criminal (Kara-Murza S.G.), it will mean that the very concept of goaling, absolute evolutionary movement is destroyed A man of reasonable, spiritualized from the animal to the "image and likeness". All this relativism is destroyed.

If absolute values \u200b\u200bare not claimed, then there is no qualitative content of the point of aspiration, it is impossible to put goals. Today they are in Russia and are not put. In order to make sure this is enough to get acquainted with modern Russian political documents: the basics of politician, strategies, doctrines, national projects. They cannot detect value goals. It turns out that the country lives aimlessly, it is not managed. And therefore does not develop, but degrades.

The approach that ideology is not a meeting of values, but a meeting of ideas about anything for anything and for some reason, embedded in textbooks and reference books for 20 years, is advantaged by the bookmark in the current constitution, devaluing the concept of the ideal. This approach does public administration, Society in Russia is helpless, meaningless, and the country - who has no future. The ideology, as a concept, is more adequate when it is not produced from the relativistic concept of "idea", but from the absolute concept - "ideal". It is not very scary that then I would like to write "idealogies" or "idealology." And writes - "ideology". Concepts with the course of life are clarified and how they affect in connection with historical practice. This happens in this case. The multiplicity of interpretations to the most important thing, despite the fact that the word is written is still. It is possible that writing the word will also specify.

What is the person, humanity on the way to ideal, the highest value and higher goaling? In addition to movement towards the image and likeness, the "human human and community", and the reverse process, movement in the opposite side is possible. Rolls, falls, the calculation is well operated by the consumption society and its beneficiaries, and lead humanity to death.

The Russian people respect and appreciate the efforts of many generations of the ancestors who have created a country and the thousand years have maintained it from external aggression, and from internal triggering. During this time, his unique way of hostel was formed, a special way to ideal. Today the country "got sick" and moved off the way, losing his landmark. It is this event that the 1993 constitution was consolidated. It is impossible to agree with this, therefore, the generalist ideology should return, as a list of higher values \u200b\u200band ideals, ensuring the establishment of value goals of the country's development. It was on this theoretical basic understanding that the project was born, which introduced the categories: "Higher Values \u200b\u200bof Russia", "State Ideology". Their consolidation in mandatory documents is the point of combating the protected by the society by temptations and temptations. Is there a single idea of \u200b\u200ba set of higher values \u200b\u200bfor different peoples and in different historical times? Definitely yes.

Let's give categorical definitions three concepts - moral, morality, ethics - which are very important for our topic. They are often mixed, and it is impossible to do it, because between them there is a principal difference.

Moral - This is the characteristic of the aspirations and acts of a person in the direction of the most ideal limit to which you can just strive, as mathematics physicists say, asymptotically, all the time approaching, but not reaching it. In this, the deep meaning of endless evolution, infinite development and improvement in motion to the image and likeness.

Morality - These are historically specific, affordable, embodied, achieved approximations to the ideal. Morals are produced by a public or regulatory and enshrined. It is fixed in tradition, in behavioral stereotypes, cultural samples, literature, art, cinema. These norms are different in historical and country scan. That is, morality is the relative, affordable and achieved time of the magnitude of morality.

Ethics - This is a set of rules of behavior that implement moral settings.

Man is a single and holistic phenomenon of the universe. Therefore, a set of moral ideals as the characteristics of the human essence, categorical signs for everyone is absolutely the same! This is a key and most important principle. Righteousness is the absolute constant of the universe, the same as all physical constants.

The paper calculated twelve key characteristics, values \u200b\u200bof motivators, which together describe the moral appearance of the person and its community. We conventional and call them "reasons", on one pole of which the ideal one hundred percent severity of these qualities (conditionally plus 100 units), and on the opposite - the absolute severity of anticacy (conditionally minus 100 units). On units, the conversation went so far, since these characteristics can be measured, monitoring in history and in the political practice of the state.

Labor is a way to ensure your right to get a good to live. The needs of life are three-ways - in order for your essence, your existence continues to be exchanged information, energy, substance with the outside world. The need for such an exchange is always, otherwise you disappear.

This need can be provided with righteous way - work, and it is possible to tune, counting on mercy, altruism, love of neighbor. And someone provides this need, killing, capturing, taking away, warp or sucking, as a federal reserve system from around the world of trade unsecured paper dollars.

Position "Plus 100" for each person at every point globe The same, and this is a single set of higher values, but its embodiment, realization in different countries, in different civilizations in different times different (Fig. 1). Therefore, morality in different societies is different, although the nomination itself is absolutely the same. The purpose of any human society is to move to the moral limit, approach the ideal. Move to the side of the ideal, respectively, is immoral.

Fig. 1. Motivational and value "reasons" of a person categorical (and their embodiment in Russia and the USA)

What should I follow the ideal

Man live is a "sample of life." The highest meaning of the existence of any sample of life is to live, it is to be. Nature not only gave birth to organic life, the ability of feedbacks for her, but also put a person with a mind and soul, which repeatedly increased its ability to adapt, its vitality.

Man is a comprehensive essence, bio-social and spiritual. If you submit the process of human evolution, then three axes will be needed for its description (Fig. 2): Biogenesis will be depicted on one axis, on the other - sociogenesis, on the third sologenesis - supreme Type Evolution of man, spiritual development (from Soul - Soul).

Once there was no man at all on these axes. There was a non-fat nature, then biological wildlife arose.

Fig. 2. Three-axle potential space of the evolution of life

Initially, development was solely along the axis of biogenesis: amids, cellular, multicellular, vertebrate, mammals, monkeys. But suddenly sparkled the spark of the mind, a man arose, and the movement headed along the axis of the evolution of social, cooperative, public. The axis of sociogenesis. Evolution has already gone in two directions. The person began to change not only physically, but also to develop socially, to move towards the ideal. If the main meaning for a person as any sample of life is to be, then, it means that its abilities and properties communicate with the environment should be improved.

Biological improvement allowed a person to increase his vitality. But at some point in time, improvement on this axis comes to its limit. Imagine a practically perfect shark, which is no longer improving, it has absolutely adapted. But if she had a human mind, it would have become much more viable. Therefore, the human mind, its sociality, its cooperativeness is not a random set of characteristics. The development of humanity on the axis social, but evolution will not stop the limit. A further increase in human viability will be associated with its spiritual development. Evolution will continue on all three axes, endlessly approaching the ideal - such is the program of life.

This "three-dimensional" union department exists, there are laws in it. For humanity it is extremely important to understand that these requirements are eternal, absolutely not accidental, they define the future of humanity.

The existence of the values \u200b\u200bspecific for Russia, which should underlie the state ideology

Local civilization, to which Russia belongs, the state-civilization is human community, which increases its viability due to specific properties, characteristics and qualities (in culture, in economics, in consumption, distribution and production, behavioral structure, in lifestyle, The worldview paintings, etc.), that is, due to the fact that it is called culture, tradition, identity. They are generated by generations as adaptive mechanisms with the relationship of this community with climatic, geographical features of the place of development, with a social environment. Russia is a continental country who fought almost all the time, the country is multinational and multi-aneligious, its gene pool is the richest in the world. At the same time, we are not better and no worse than others, just a generalized viability factor for our civilization is specific and different from others. This specificity must be recognized, respect, and then the grounds for racism, fascism, colonialism will disappear.

II. Ideological meanings

Man as a sample of wildlife continuously increasing its vitality. To this end, it exchanges with the external medium by three resource flows: energy, substance and information. The need for these exchanges is called the need. Man, sets the tasks of satisfying his needs, at the moment of setting the problem arises interest.

Interest - This is a psychological state of a person who motivating him into active actions to meet the needs. This condition gives rise to a kind of psychological vacuum, in which two categories are located: satisfaction and pleasure.

So the sample of life is arranged that it is psychologically either instinctively, reflexively can be in two states.

Comfortable condition: This is a state that creates pleasant experiences. The condition of pleasure.

Uncomfortable condition: A person is unpleasant, he is not satisfied. The cycle of motivational actions is launched: the need and interest that prompts needs to give birth to motivation. The motive directly generates an action that leads to a certain result: either the satisfaction of the need is pleasure, or dissatisfaction - displeasure. And, accordingly, it is possible and in fact continuously and the repetition of this active human activity cycle is repeated.

But along with pleasure there is also satisfaction. If the first is characteristic of both the animal, and for a person, the second (such as goaling) is exclusively and only for humans.

Satisfaction - This is a short gap of human life, which is very important and positive, as it stimulates its cycle, labor, tense, with risks, energy, time, health time. Satisfaction is a "reward", but if this "award" becomes undeserved, excessively voluminous and long, then the entire cycle is generally destroyed. Its attractiveness is destroyed, its exclusivity and uniqueness from the point of view of the award for work, progress awards, development awards. Hedonism leads to pleasure, but leads away from satisfaction.

Satisfaction can withstand pleasure. For example, the victory, which has been pain and overcoming, does not lead to ordinary pleasure (pleasant), damages the body, but there is a victory of the Spirit, truly and exclusively human start.

Unlike a biological sample, a person can be formed in this cycle as a counter-demise, that is, to turn the moment of satisfying the need for the moment of pleasure as manifestations of higher comfort. This temptation deprives it a rational basis. Nature is arranged in such a way that the pleasure plays the role of the driver, the movement generator for this cycle, but the main task of passing the cycle should remain satisfying. Otherwise, the cycle closes, and life begins to collapse. Otherwise, instead of incubation and consumption, hedonism and consumerism arises, accumulation and compassion. Man draws in counter-demo. Humanity is calculated. Evolution appeals to the Devolution.

For example, doctors say: "30 grams of alcohol every day are useful every day," but if this volume turns into 300 grams of alcohol every day, then this is already a disease. Satisfaction moving into the condition of endless pleasure leads to pain. At the personal level, this bundle makes it meaningful for himself to determine the border behind which the natural workable, moving along the cycle of the progress of creation, the short state of satisfaction turns into infinite self-dedication. The same scheme operates at the community level, labor collective, at the level of the country, humanity and organization of world order.

The process of infinite movement on a closed cycle describes the co-mechanism society. The visual example of the transformation of nonsenms is normal - the transformation of the necessary satisfaction, the natural purpose of life, reproduction into constant endless pleasure is LGBT - movement.

If a person is constantly able to be in a power of pleasure, that is, in a comfortable condition, he will simply die, it can happen with humanity as a whole.

And where is the ideal, value?

So, existence needs, emergence interest and motivation leads to meaningful human activity. Activities takes place target. The subject of this activity with characteristics linked to the initial need. In order to go, a person is motivated to the specific value characteristics of the subject, which for some reason are desired or critical for it, vital.

That is, the active activity of man motivates some value, the value goal. What does it differ from just goals? Value is more universal, targeting both for humans and for any biological sample of life. The goal is more specifically, operational, technical. For example, to achieve the biceps volume training in 45 cm. And value is a person. The goal may be one-dimensional. Value always generates a system of such purposes, it is multidimensional.

For the human biological staff, the main values \u200b\u200bare: the satisfaction of hunger, the need for reproduction and overcoming the danger.

In addition to these three values, there are still twelve values \u200b\u200bof motivators, key characteristics that together describe the moral appearance of the person and its community (see Table 1).

Table 1. Pole state of human motivators

When each sample of life struggles with everyone, in Darwin, survives the strongest. It's right. But it is much more efficient to "survive", and actually increase its viability, if you add a socialized type of existence to this, not an individual, and collective, non-separation and competition, competition for resources, and the association of resources and their conscious distribution.

In the history of the state, this is the emergence of a socialist state, the state of social justice. The next evolutionary stage, which we predict and develop, is a moral state, where the principles of completely nemerstitilistic, intangible behavior in the group, in the team, in the socialized community are appropriate.

Further step is the state of justice, the correct, righteous state. It means that the essence of the upcoming evolutionary transition to Sologenesis is still the same: to increase the survival, the viability of the human community and this is possible only on the way more than a more person approaching its categorical appearance, to the image and likeness. All this mechanism is launched shared and supported by all society and the state value, so there is a connection with the ideology as the principle of organizing the life of the community, the state and each of its citizen. If the state actively forms a chain of relationships: Values \u200b\u200b- a set of values \u200b\u200b- legislative, constitutional consolidation of higher values \u200b\u200bof the state - projecting values \u200b\u200bfor orders of magnitude, foundations, stacks, institutions of the state and social device, are created the most important prerequisites for the progressive development of the state and society. Otherwise, the state and society is degraded, which happens in our model of a liberal minimalist state.

Ideology is not the rules and prison charters, as they are now trying to impose, resembling about the tragedy of Soviet people during the years of the Stalinists, liberal ideologues and propagandists. The vital ideology of modern Russia is a chain that makes a person a man, a human society, and the state, from the point of view of progress and evolution, is the most viable.

III. The problem of value reverse

There is a statement that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Why so it turns out that people, sincerely seeking some good results, often come to the opposite? The analysis shows that this is not a simple accident, there is some system in this. In this regard, we can talk about the task of finding rules, patterns that pay value into anti-precision and, accordingly, methods, the rules for organizing human activity that would minimize or eliminate this probability.

In a technique, for example, such tasks have already been put and solved. For example, "fool protection". A completely serious engineering task that proceeds from the fact that there is a chance of an incompetent, accidental or sabotage impact on the technical system. In this case, special protection will be applied in it: blocking, duplicate system, invading recognition system and so on. Such a task should be put in the context of ideological challenges, subject and applied.

Recall that in an active-acting paradigm, under value, we understand the vital characteristics of the subject of human activity, and under the goal - for some reason, the characteristics of the subject of its activities desired by a person. Value generates an idea of \u200b\u200bgoal. Goaling generates an idea of \u200b\u200ba detention.

Ideal - This is the utmost goaling in human activity and development. A set of these specific private ideals as values \u200b\u200bis ideology.

The hypothesis is such that the phenomenon of the value reverse is not accidental, there are a number of mechanisms and the reasons responsible for it. The fundamental reasons ensure that the point in which goaling is carried out, the extension of the characteristics of the goal as an object of activity is separated from the point of sketchiness. The trajectory at which movement towards the target point may not be the most optimal and correct, immediately reaching the goal. It happens that time required, obstacles arise, which are forced to deviate from the initial plan and, it seems that the movement begins to take place away from the desired goal: in the war with Napoleon we gave Moscow, but they retained Russia.

There is an idea that tactical, operational solutions are in difficult communication with a strategic movement to your goal.

The ability to predict movement not only in a momentary attitude, but also to the depth of strategic development is a vaccination, insurance against the fact that the managerial or person can get lost in current maneuvers and leave the final goal.

The second circumstance, which turns good intentions in its opposite the following: Society is a complex social system consisting of a large number of people. On any impact, managerial or just active, she reacts with time delaywhich may be estimated for months and years. Now a wonderful goal is proposed, a perfect plan has been put forward to achieve it at the current time, but the result will be only after a while. During this time it may change external environment, Conditions, force majeure. The plan becomes inadequate reality and intention begin to disperse with the results. The obligation of reflexive management, current monitoring and reverse negative communication, which adjusts your initial intentions and plans is necessary. In state-management documents, strategies, programs or development plans, a section should be provided on who is responsible for which the parameters are monitored by the current development, the degree of approximation to the goal, how the planned measures, paths and means of this sacrifice are adjusted. In this case, the possibility of reverse decreases.

The next system reason responsible for the value reverse is ignoring the most complexity of the social systemfor which unin-parameter control is impossible. Input parameters, as well as connections inside a complex system, a lot. Therefore, the management of the system for one single indicator becomes impossible. So in modern Russia, for example, try to fight inflation by reducing the amount of money in circulation. But in this way, the problem is not solved. The amount of money also affects the production of goods and services, to the standard of living of the population, the ability to produce its own goods, and not import them from abroad, etc. That is, the management of one single parameter in this case cash, does not contribute to the achievement of the goal. In a complex system in which control parameters, connections are much larger than two solutions can only be complex, only synthetic.

The next reason that the good intention can turn in contrast to the law of nonlinearity of any characteristics of a complex social system. With minimal and maximum pole solutions, the maximum positive effect cannot be achieved. It is achieved in principle in the middle. Visually, this law can be represented as a schedule. quadratic function. parabola. Top Parabola - Point optimal solution.

Classic example. In order to increase the country's defense capability, it is intended to increase the proportion of government spending expenses. The costs of science, industry, the content of the army, the promotion of ministry in the army, etc. Defense capacity is growing. However, the resources of the country are not infinite, and the question arises about the adoption of an optimal decision, which part of the state budget will be necessary and sufficient: a third of the budget, half, three quarters? After all, the whole budget and the more larger than the entire budget for defense not to spend.

Another difficulty in the phenomenon of the value reverse is the asymptotic unattainableness of the ideally formulated goal, the possibility of only approaching it. There is such a law - an increase in the price of each step as the ideal goal approached. At this point, there is a challenge: but is it worth striving for this ideal purpose if the costs become so significant that the risk of turning good intentions in their opposite.

For example, holding the Winter Olympics in order to develop physical education and sports in the country, correcting its image, increase interest in the Russian state. However, all possible resources were attracted to achieve this goal: federal budget, regions budgets, corporate income. The goal was transformed: the Olympiad at any cost. It is obvious that good intentions are favorable in their opposite.

The problem of "shadows". In addition to legal goaling, there is also shadow. The shadow occurs in the case of corruption of power, loss, full or partial, state sovereignty. The reverse occurs already at the stage of goal. One goal was publicly announced, but in fact it is achieved completely different - unaffected, hidden. It is quite narrow and selfish and never wears the character associated with universality.

"End justifies the means?". Sometimes the goal is trying to justify the means used to achieve it. In fact, this means that funds begin to turn into a quasi-goal, replacing the true benefit, eliminating it from the agenda.

For example, a good goal to bring socialist communist principles to Russia. People and revolutionaries were engaged in the rearness, sacrifted by hundreds of officials, managers, ministers, premiers sacrificing their goal. The power was changed, like and happiness should come. However, the funds were elected such that hundreds, thousands, millions of human lives were made on the altar. Historians are still arguing whether the purpose of the universal good of the socialized state was reached, and for what reason all these states suffered Fiasco.

The funds begin to dominate the goal, and this principle "the goal justifies funds" is unacceptable if we wish to protect the sketchiness from the value reverse.

The problem is incompetence. It often happens that state leaders and political leaders are really good goals, but do not have ideas about how to solve problems on their way to achieve. Therefore, of course, the goal is to be achieved. An example is the implementation of priority national projects by Dmitry Medvedev.

The problem is not some unprofessional official, it lies in the organization of the management system, this is the problem of team construction, government-management recruitment. A complex social system requires complex synthetic management solutions, requires knowledge, experience, professionalism in a variety of industries of human activity. Expert advice and competent specialists should be a pedestal to sign a responsible leader who voiced the goals and is responsible for their achievement. In turn, the head must be competent so much to assess the viability of projects, developments, councils and consultations.

This problem is associated with a number of threats in the development of national education, educational standards, specialty set and creating special institutions, sources of funding, etc.

The problem of sequence and dedication.

On the way of achieving the goal, various obstacles, difficulties, anxiety and, accordingly, new tactical maneuvers may occur. He managed to change. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that the sequence, purposefulness, durability - the inalienable properties of the political design, which will not give the country to "be off the way". The main law of the state should be as detailed as possible in the description of all the rules of life, the life of the country. This reduces the likelihood that after changing the leadership as a result of the electoral cycle, the previously stated good goals will be discarded. Great importance It has a resource base of a complex social system, namely society, people. Large socially significant goals cannot be achieved by the efforts of only heroes leaders. Steel will of the leader means a lot, but there is a lot of the passionary social energy potential of society, the ability and desire of society on accomplishment, for fogging, consolidation, consent of the society that shares or does not share certain values.

The entire list of traps and systemic reasons turning good objectives in their opposite is interconnected. And the leaders both at the family level, the team of the corporation and at the level of the state should be competent, should know the entire arsenal of measures to counter the age of threats, which is determined by the existence of the phenomenon of the value reverse.

IV. "Science and ideology"

Science and ideology are very close in contact, penetrate each other. Sometimes this interaction is the nature of the conflict. History confirms this thesis. An example is how the party leadership of the Soviet Union took responsibility to qualify new branches of science: Genetics and Cybernetics were announced by Lzhenauki serving imperialism. This approach not only changed the content, success and social performance of certain branches of science, but also the fate of people (enough to recall the two academics of that time - Nikolai Vavilov and Timofey Lysenko). This conflict exists today in order to ensure that it is enough to try to get out with criticism on a discussion about the liberal ideology, which is based on modern state construction, social development, higher political practices. It becomes clear that the relevance of the problem of the ratio of ideology and science in the modern Russian world has not decreased. This is a very modern challenge.

We will remind myself that under the ideology we understand the assembly of values \u200b\u200bas the characteristics of the object of human activity, which are vital for a person who motivating it to some kind of activity. Values \u200b\u200bgive rise to human activity, managerial and private, including in science.

Under science, we understand human activity aimed at knowledge and transformation of the world. The lack of knowledge and facts in the description of the world, its understanding limits the converter, that is, the creative potential of science. Converting fundamental knowledge in practically significant human capabilities, we develop applied science and design features.

Ideology of science

Ideology In science, it is a set of values \u200b\u200bas an attributes of scientific activities, on which the effectiveness and effectiveness of science itself depends.

The main scientific values \u200b\u200bare as follows.

1. Reliability - One of the main values \u200b\u200bof science. If science gives inaccurate or erroneous information, false theory, it will be helpless and in creating human practice. The idea is common that the main criterion of truth and reliability scientific knowledge is an experiment. Of course, the experiment checks the theory when it is possible. But how to apply this criterion to the truth of the theoretical position, which is so advanced that the possibility of the experiment can not even imagine? How to conduct a practical verification of the accuracy of the historical scientific interpretation of any event in the deep past? How to check the truth of the scientific forecast that concerns the future? Therefore, to determine the truth, that is, the degrees of the approximity of our ideas, images, models and theories to objective reality, exist various criteria. For example, modeling or simulation method: Creating computer codes describing nature in the form of a mathematical model. Another criterion is the coincidence of the results of various independent research approaches in solving the same task. Of course, this is an indirect criterion of truth, the absolute evidence of truth does not happen. As well as there is no absolute approximation of human knowledge, human understanding to an infinitely complex reality of the world around us.

2. Adequacy scientific knowledge regarding the need and feasibility of solving the scientific task. For example, determine how the level of the world's ocean will rise, if a glass of water is pouring into the sink. From the point of view of physics, sink and ocean - reporting vessels, and the law should be aligned. However, it is obvious that many circumstances make this task inadequate and therefore destroy its scientific relations.

3. Relevance Science associated with the choice of priority scientific tasks From the point of view of budgetary, resource, labor, intellectual, emotional costs. In order to give science a value potential capable of multiplying and knowledge about the world, and practical benefits for a person, it is necessary to determine how costs meet the possibilities and other tasks that are waiting for their turn due to the limited resources.

4. Practical significance. Applied science and the possibility meaningfully, predictable, reliably convert the world will certainly be repelled from the achieved level of development of theoretical fundamental science.

In other words, the ideology of science is that its usefulness as the highest value for a person who operates scientific knowledge is provided by compliance with the principles of reliability, adequacy, relevance and practical significance. Violation of these principles turns science into its imitation.

Ideology in science

Between themselves, various industries of science, studying the nature and the world around us, are distinguished by the subject and research method. Natural sciences are studying a non-living nature; Humanitarian sciences-social, endowed with mind, consciousness.

Social activities, relationships and interaction of individuals are carried out in connection with the interests of people and their desire to implement their needs. The differences in interest in the conditions of limited resources lead to conflict, to combat and find methods for doing this struggle. The effective method of struggle at some point becomes collective platforms for the organization of societies, the construction of states, civilizations. The value agenda in this case becomes fundamental, since platforms, political or social, form the concepts of world order on the basis of preferred elected values. How are the tricks for the victory of their political platforms in elections or in wars? They are generated by some intellectual activity, and in the space of humanitarian science there is a function to generate this activity. Science becomes submission to some interests and needs of man and society. At this stage, the question arises about the quality of the needs.

Obviously, the needs of a person are derived from its nature, and this nature is dualistic. Between the biological needs of man and the needs of its categorical nature there is a significant difference. Biological nature requires pleasure when satisfying the needs of biological existence. In the space of truly human destination, these needs are secondary and are not defining. The main ones are other, irrational from the point of view of biological nature. The quality of the need is divided.

For example, the need to defeat at any cost dictates science to the development of weapons, military equipment, turning the border of the allowed: any methods, most cruel, killing and crumbles. There is a problem about the number one criteria. What in the space of values, scientific agenda, setting the issue for a scientific study can be established boundaries when choosing certain goals and methods? This logical chain leads to the main challenge: there is nothing more significant for a person than being a man. It follows the criteria for restrictions on a set of needs and interests in social regulation.

The subject of humanitarian science is directly related to the values, criteria, that is, ideology. Humanitarian science produces an idea of \u200b\u200bvalues, methods for implementing political and social practices. For example, on methods for developing manipulative mechanisms, technology "soft power", non-military ways of victory of opponents. If in this respect, science is effective, it allows you to convert the world. For example, American socio-humanitarian science is quite effective in order to transform the world: in twenty years to reorient fraternal for Russia to Russia in its antagonist or, applying research results, use information types of weapons for the substitution of human spiritual values \u200b\u200bby consumerism and hedonism with The purpose of expanding sales markets. Achievements in the field of humanitarian science gain the importance of national security potentials.

Humanitarian science is associated with ideology naturally and directly, because Its object and the subject is a person and society, which are of interests directly linked to the values \u200b\u200bof motivators. And the task of humanitarian science is thus not only to understand the main criteria and values, but also to generate, design, produce practically significant potentials. This will allow society, a person, political grouping, the state as a whole to be effective as in the domestic political process, namely, in the struggle for power or in reproduction and strengthen power and political regimes and in the external activities of the state.

But we turn from humanitarian science to science natural. There is also a field of ideological dangers. The highest requirement for man and humanity is to be a person, projected onto accurate science. Namely, this is the requirement of morality and ethics in science.

In Hitler's camps, Dr. Mengel put exclusively scientific experiences in humans, including children. Japanese militarists and the fascists of the Second World War also set scientific experiences: in order to develop recommendations to pilots who fell into the cold sea, they checked the body's stability, freezing prisoners in refrigeration chambers. Terrifying and wild examples of pure scientific experiences today did not go into history. They multiply, because each state, seeking to secure advanced positions in the field of country's defense capability, offensive potential, huge budgetary costs and "best minds" are sent to develop new types of weapons. This confirms that the value challenge in scientific activity takes place in humanitarian, and in natural accurate sciences. Sometimes he accepts the nature of an individual call, an individual tragedy. For example, P. L. Kapitsa is a brilliant physicist, an engineer, inventor newest technologies and technical solutions The twentieth century, in response to the appeal of Stalin to join the group on the development of nuclear weapons responded with refusal and therefore came under repression.

There are such challenges in the practice of any serious scientist, scientific group or the Institute of Science. What is this challenge? We once again return to it. This main challenge: a person should always be a man. This challenge is the requirement for the choice of the subject of science, the method, the goals that science puts.

So, science is inextricably linked with ideology as with the subject of its research. On the other hand, science as a type of human activity is the object of the impact of such a socio-political phenomenon as an ideology that generates special criteria and methods of scientific research. It generates serious conflicts and threats not only by the quality of scientific research, in terms of reliability, adequacy, relevance, practical significance, but from the point of view of the most important criterion, the number one criterion is to be a person. With the understanding of the highest value in human activity, an understanding of the need for a task in real socio-humanitarian science is also coming - to carry out scientific activities in accordance with the number one criterion.

Questions for self-test

1. Give the definition of ideology.

2. What is the role in the life of a person, society and states the ideology?

3. What is explained by the need to establish a unified state ideology?

4. What is the fundamental difference between morality, morality and ethics?

5. What is explained by the existence of values \u200b\u200bspecific to the Russian state?

6. What is the phenomenon of the value reverse. List at least four factors that determine its occurrence.

7. What is the ideology of science? What role does ideology play in humanitarian and natural sciences?

The ideology was held a long historical path from the most primitive ideas and exercises, immersed in the same in the phenomenon of another kind (mythology, religious doctors, literature, science), before found an independent existence and social status of a special component of the Social Organization of the Company. This happened only in the twentieth century. The first largest phenomenon of this kind was Marxism-Leninism, which became the state ideology of the Soviet Union. He subjugated his philosophy that western world It was part of the secular (non-religious) ideology and served as one of the sources of Marxism. He subjugated and a number of spheres of science - economy, sociology, history, etc. With the abolition of Marxism as a state ideology, philosophy was discarded on the backyard, and the other intellectual activity managed by the ideology went into service to new owners. I repeat and emphasize: Marxism has lost importance because it was overcome by the ideological teaching of a higher intellectual level and more adequate needs and conditions of the end of the twentieth and early XXI century, but because it was simply discarded, artificially deprived of opportunities for existence. Together with the CPSU, the ideological apparatus was destroyed. Marxism training has ceased in educational institutions. Preparation of specialists ceased. It stopped its propaganda. It is allowed and encouraged by its criticism, usually turning into its perversion. He creates a reputation not only false, but also criminal teaching.

I do not protect Marxism at all. On the contrary, I believe that his collapse was predetermined. Playing a huge role in the Russian Revolution and in Russia's nomination at the position of the leader of world history, he in the new conditions of the second half of the twentieth century began to lose its conformity of reality and turned into one of the factors of the crisis and collapse of Soviet communism. But what came to replace him is not a step forward on the path of intellectual and moral progress.

If you try to find out what ideology is, you can find a lot of definitions, for example, the ideology is a set of public ideas, theories, views that reflect and evaluate conscious reality in terms of the interests of certain classes are designed, as a rule, ideological representatives of these Classes and are aimed at approving or change, transformation of existing public relations. In the sphere of ideology, the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bof various public classes are formed, here they are aware of their indigenous interests, a place in society, attitudes towards other classes, formulate and justify the goals and programs of their activities. The dominant in this society is the ideology of the dominant class, which keeps in his hands the means of material and spiritual production. Ideology is part of the superstructure and the necessary factor in the formation of ideological (political, legal, etc.) relations. Being part public consciousness, the ideology occupies a certain place in its structure as a different level in relation to public psychology and everyday consciousness and manifests itself in various forms of public consciousness. Accordingly, political and legal ideology, philosophy and religion, moral and aesthetic consciousness differ. Science is a predominantly form of knowledge, not ideology, but experiencing ideology, for scientific discoveries are comprehended in various forms of ideology, and the fundamental theories of social sciences are ideological. In the class and antagonistic society, relations and collisions of various classes are reflected in the field of ideology, i.e. are one of the forms of class struggle, as, for example, the confrontation of bourgeois and proletarian, socialist ideology. The principles of scientific analysis of ideology were first developed by Marxism .. According to them, for a comprehensive assessment of each specific ideology, it is necessary to take into account its socio-class belonging (bourgeois, socialist, democratic, etc.), the nature of the reflection of reality (illusory or scientific) and the socially performed social Functions, its role in public life (progressive and revolutionary or conservative reaction). At the same time, ideology has relative independence, relies in its development on the existing thought material, and therefore its connection with class interests may be not direct, but mediated. This is especially true of ideological forms removed from the economic basis (philosophy, religion, morality). IN political science It has long been proposed a simple and clear definition of ideology as "systems of political, economic and social values \u200b\u200band ideas that serve as the basis for the delivery of goals; The latter in turn form the core of political programs "(R. Makiver). But ideology is referred to by the number of little studied phenomena. First, it is an unfavorable object of scientific analysis, because Introducing the concept of "ideology", the scientist must prove that his own approach is free from ideological addictions. And it is very difficult.

Secondly, one of the reasons for the negative relationship of behaviorists to study the ideology was clearly unscientific, the fact is that as already mentioned, the first contribution to this direction of research was made by K. Marx. But it was Marxism that was destined to become the most mass ideology of the last century. By the end of the XIX century. Millions of people around the world adhered to socialist views.

The first attempt of the sociological study of ideology was undertaken by the German scientist K. Mannheim. Like Marx, he believed that the social function of ideology was implemented in the framework of the relationship of class domination. If the ruling class is trying to issue his cognitive perspective (a way to understand social and political phenomena) for the only true and trying to theoretically substantiate in this capacity, then the spiritual formation of an ideological type is obvious. According to Mannheim, ideologies are opposed to utopia - spiritual formations generated by unprivileged classes and expressing their desire for social revenge. Utopias are easily turned into ideology when opposition layers come to power. The wasolation of utopia is losing its radicalism and begins to justify the inequality anyway.

Mannheim's ideas, first expressed in 1929 ("ideology and utopia"), retain their importance to this day. First, Mannheim overcame the inherent in Marx excessively expansion understanding of ideology. Now this term is used to display the political consciousness included in the relationship between the ruling elite and the masses. Secondly, the German sociologist allocated such an important characteristic of ideology as its systematicization. We have seen that in the process of socialization, a person produces a set of logically unnecessied and often mutually exclusive representations. The perception of ideology leads to partial displacement of these ideas, and the remaining rigidly binds each other. Therefore, ideology, as a rule, claims. A structural classification of ideologies was developed, based on the communication method between its individual elements (ideologies) and the scale of coverage by the ideologies of social reality. According to these features, two main varieties are distinguished - open and totalitarian ideologies. The latter are characterized by the fact that they seek to give an explanation to everyone without exception phenomena and thus develop a holistic politically rich picture of the world. A person who perceived the totalitarian ideology gives everything he sees political importance. Such an approach moves well the slogan "Soviet means is excellent." Ideologies are associated so firmly that it is possible to separate one from another analytically. The outer characteristics of the totalitarian ideology is repressiveness, i.e. The fact that it is imposed by an individual with the help of intensive propaganda breaking the former structure of his consciousness. "Open" ideology is described as the direct opposite of totalitarian. The connection of all this classification with the concept of totalitarianism is quite obvious. It is worth noting that the totalitarian ideology within this concept appears as a consequence on the one hand, and as the necessary and most important prerequisite for establishing the appropriate mode on the other. The main disadvantage of the approach turned out to be a strict oppression of two types. If totalitarian and open ideologies have nothing to do with each other, can we talk about ideologies at all? Attempts to answer this question, scientists who worked as part of a structural and functional approach were made. A hypothesis was formulated, according to which any ideology arises as a reaction to a significant displacement of social roles (social stress theory). In terms of changes, in particular affecting the economic structure of society, a person is experiencing deep discomfort and confusion. The ideology, which allows him to help him and comes to help and evaluate its place in society in a new way, and therefore act in accordance with the new conditions. Unfortunately, the theory of social tension does not explain how the emotional dissatisfaction is transformed into ideological constructs. A variant of such an explanation offers the theory of cultural stress, also formed in a structural and functional tradition. Adherents of this theory indicate that the displacement of social roles causes not only a psychological painful response, but this is the main thing - also the destruction of the entire "signs" system (symbols of a socio-cultural nature), allowing the individual to navigate the world. Social reality is as if devoid of meaning. The ideology, using the words K. Girts, acts as a means of returning meaning. Unlike the theory of social stress, this theory makes it possible to understand why ideology in a mature form always represents a system of values \u200b\u200band ideas, and not the opposite of individual, logically unnecessied ideologies. But it also remains the most important question: what criterion are people guided by choosing ideologies? Why, for example, the crisis of the Weimara Republic in Germany led to the simultaneous increase in the influence of the communist and national-socialist ideologies, and why did the last ever won?

Obviously, it is impossible to answer this question. This forces many researchers to move from a normal analysis of the social functions of ideologues to "the use of literary and philosophical concepts of meaning" (H. Drager). Representatives of this direction pay great attention to the substantial analysis of the differences in "classic" ideologies - Marxism, conservatism and liberalism. On the other hand, the idea that in the modern world the ideology disappears (D. Bell, R. Aron, S. Lipset) "End of ideology" was understood at the turn of the forties and fifties as a result of the fundamental reconstruction of the Company during the NTR abstraction political struggle within liberal democracies. "In the whole Western world, there is an essentual consent of intellectuals on political issues: the benefit of the state of welfare, the principle of decentralization of management, a mixed economy and political pluralism. It means that the ideological age is over, "Bell wrote.

The fifties passed under the sign "Deideology". There were racial conflicts, Vietnam, youth riot, economic depression of the seventies. The world was not so troubled, as he saw it immediately after the war. And there were completely inappropriate to be conversations about the "end of ideology" by the beginning of the last decade, when a duel between "old" liberalism and neoconservatism broke out. Thus, in the modern world there is a place for ideology. True, in the seventies - eighties, noticeable changes occurred in the mechanisms of indosttrination and "production of ideology", previously under the control of parties. As the French political scientist notes K. Ismal, "today the right-wing forces are not reduced to political parties. At least the latter do not produce ideology. It makes clubs, associations, weekly. And indeed, the leading role in the "non-conservative revolution" played non-party groups and clubs. The intellectual and research centers created on the initiative of such groups and develop ideologies, which then apply to the media in society. Ideology is advertised as expensive goods produced in small series. It is characteristic that in this background the popularity and political influence of "independent" publications to the detriment of the "party" are growing.

The main complexity in the study of ideology is related to the fact that, like any comprehensive spiritual education, it requires philosophical analysis tools.

The most common category characterizing the subjective side of the policy is political consciousness. It covers sensual and theoretical, rational and subconscious views of people mediating their relations among themselves and with the tools of power on participation in government and society. Representing the self-consciousness of social (national, class, confessional, etc.) of the Group, political consciousness reflects reality from the standpoint of collective interests, compares group needs with their influence on society as a whole. Therefore, it cannot but include general group, communion-ceratic and universal ideas of the presentation. The main forms of the existence of political consciousness are political ideology and psychology. Among them, a political ideology is also played by a special and ever-growing role.

The term "ideology" of ancient Greek origin and literally means "the doctrine of ideas", since it consists of two words: "idea" and "Logos". In scientific circulation, he was introduced by Antoine detention, one of the representatives of the late generation of French enlighteners. In his work "Etude about the ability to think", he used the term "ideology" to characterize science about ideas. Later in a multi-volume essay "Elements of ideology" (vol.1-4, 1805-1815), he developed this concept in more detail. Destour de Traci characterized the ideology as "science about ideas", about how they arise, and about the laws of human thinking. " In his opinion, this science should be as accurate as all natural sciences.

In the most common plan, under ideology, it should be understood as a relatively systematized set of views, a significant feature of which is a functional connection with the interests and aspirations of the public group. The ideology includes ideas that arose on the basis of historical experience and living conditions of a certain social community, which in a special way reflect and evaluate reality. It often includes directives to actions based on these ideas. The latter circumstance is especially characteristic of political ideology as a complex of ideas about political power and about the sphere of politics in general. It is obvious that the formation of political ideology occurred together with the advent of the state, and from that time there is a special relationship between ideology and policies. They characterize the relationship of the theory and practice, consciousness and action.

When characterizing the path of formation of political ideology, there are four main models of this process. First, it is a condensation model. It works in the case when the transformation of ideological representations inherent in ordinary political consciousness is occurring into theoretical ideological structures. Secondly, this is an integrative model. It is characterized by synthesis, integration, convergence different ideas and representations of existing ideological and political flows or a new intersection of ideological attitudes (neoconservatism, neoliberalism, etc.). Thirdly, it is a divergent model. In this case, the formation of a new political ideology occurs as a result of reduction, dsinziguration, divergence, that is, "splitting" of ideology already existing. Fourth, a model of revitalizing ideology, when the return to old ideas occurs, their revival in a more or less modified form (attempts to return to the origins of conservatism, Marxism, etc.). The selection of these models is conditional and auxiliary in nature, since in the real process of genesis and changes of ideologies, they are often combined, intersect and do not occur in pure form. At the same time, their knowledge can help when analyzing the mechanism of some ideological flows.

Personally, I read the many different definitions, I decided to give my own, final, definition:

Ideological power-Eidos at Plato- idea. Teaching about images, ideas, plans. Search for a national idea, i.e. folk intent, idea. This combination of theories, ideas, theories and views, which are developed in the interests of certain classes.

The informational impact of ideology is information for the masses. It happens open and closed.

The ideological structure of society Performs all other structures and spheres of society, penetrates their "social fabric".

Ideology It is a socio-philosophical category that denotes the level of public consciousness and is a "a system of political, legal, moral, aesthetic, religious and philosophical views, in which the attitude of people to social reality is realized."

The term "ideology" proposed the French thinker of the XVIII century. Defet de Traci, calling so new science about ideas. On the fore this concept was put forward in the XIX century. The turbulent political life of Europe. The detailed concept of ideology Dali and F. Engels in his work "German ideology", where this term was used in a double meaning: first, idealistic world-upsion, in which the idea acts as a substance of the world, secondly, such as professional socio-political thinking, When his subject is not aware of its conditional economy class interests, but in reality they are defending them. Such thinking creates a special reality that replaces genuine social reality in the eyes of people, and thus prevents the awareness of their actual interests. However, Marx and his followers made an exception for the ideology of the proletariat, believing that the class consciousness of the proletariat coincides with the objective vision of reality, and the proletarian revolution will permanently end with every class consciousness and ideology at all. If you follow the logic of Marxism, it turns out that the proletarian ideology has truth. In general, Marx recognized the possibility of relative truth of specific ideologies in concrete historical conditions. Thus, the bourgeois ideology was true when he was historically progressive (in the era of progressive capitalism).

In the future, ideology has become the subject of active sociological study.

German sociologist K. Mannheim He considered ideology as a social life product, emphasizing the social conditionality of all the ideologies without exception and caused by this the illusory nature of their content. He highlighted two levels of ideology - individual and nadudividual (group, class, national, etc.). Accordingly, the first level was considered as a subject of research of psychology, and the second - sociology.

V. Pareto. understands ideology as "derivation", M. Weber - as "symbolic media formation", R. Aron - How kind of "secular religions". More neutral formulations belong to representatives of the sociology of knowledge and associate the ideology with the values \u200b\u200band beliefs of society. For example, R. Budon considers the ideology as a specific ideological design associated with the expression of specific group interests and the underlying social action. According to Budhun, ideology performs many functions: promotes the growth of the group's cohesion, formulates and justifies its social expectations, etc.

In this way, in modern social science ideology It is understood as a spiritual education, a kind of social worldview, giving answers to human-emerging issues related to social relations, social justice, historical perspectives of society in which he lives, etc.

Social functions of ideology

Social reality is reflected in public ideas and theories, the essence of which is ideology. The study of ideology in a socio-practical aspect allows you to highlight the following social functions:

  • cognitivemanifested in the fact that ideology offers a person a certain model of interpretation of the surrounding world, society and its place in it;
  • estimatedallowing it to choose adequate to its social interests of value and norms to be guided by them in everyday life;
  • software-target, consisting in the fact that the ideology puts certain strategic and tactical objectives to individuals, establishes their subordination and offers the program of achieving them;
  • futuro-prognosticoffering a society model of the best future to which it is necessary to strive and justifying his possibility;
  • integrativemanifested in the fact that ideology contributes to the cohesion of society or the social group on the basis of a unified goal, common problems and the need for general actions;
  • protective, ensuring interaction with other ideologies or in the form of a struggle, or in the form of coexistence;
  • socio-organizingwhich is performed by the ideology because it defines the principles of the organization of society and the management of them.

Place of ideology in the spiritual life of society

The specific place of ideology in the system is determined by the fact that ideology is not science, although it gives his answers to all these questions, but also its answers are not subject to scientific verification (proof). Therefore, the ideology always remains a place for possible errors, tensiones, exaggerations. Despite this, ideology is a conceptually decorated system, in other words, has the form of scientific knowledge; It is thanks to this form that it has persuasive and effectiveness.

Another principal feature of the ideology is that it arises not spontaneously - in the historical work of the masses, but is being developed consciously and targeted by a special layer of people - professional ideologists, politicians, scientists. However, it really expresses the interests and intricacies of classes, nations representing their political parties and movements. Therefore, ideology is different from the scientific knowledge of the society by the fact that the science is neutral, and the ideology is predator. It puts at the head of the corner not scientific truth, but a subjective interest - whether the interest of the whole society, class, nation or narrow group of people.

The ideology has an ideological, holistic character. In this sense, it closes with myth, because only the myth, like ideology, creates a holistic picture of the world endowed with a deep emotional meaning. In some sense, it can be said that the ideology itself is the form of a modern myth with its kind and evil forces, the sacred events of the past and the passionate expectation of the future, when evil will be punished, and good will triumph. This explains the numerous of social utopions created at all times.

Ideology contains elements of scientific knowledge and relies on real social facts, but she submits these facts as they sees their social group whose interests she expresses. Therefore, ideology is usually an alloy of real and desired, hybrid of scientific and factual and value approaches.

Classification of ideologies

Modern society polyidemological. Some ideological concepts have been occupied by the mind for a long time and gained realization in social practice.


- This is an ideology based on the principle of underlying follow-up to the traditions of tradition and customs. Conservatives believe that any change is social evil and fraught with trouble and catastrophes. The main task of rulers and ideologues of the conservative sense - by all means to maintain the established historically version of the social device.

Conservative ideology is based on the presences of the sacrality of the past and puts in the chapter the value of the values \u200b\u200btried by centuries, therefore resists any innovation, even those who carry some positive elements. In the economy of the economy, conservatism assumes the absolutment of traditional societies, usually agrarian-patriarchal, relationships and opposes the idea of \u200b\u200ba free market and industrial modernization. Being a comprehensive ideology, conservatism to the principles of national dispensing, strong statehood in traditional forms for this society.


- This is an ideology that approves the priority of individual freedom in relation to the existing society with its traditions. Freedom of the individual is a basic value of liberalism. Individual freedom limits only the free will of other individuals. Liberalism requires the liberation of society and individual consciousness from prejudice and prejudice, requires openness to the whole new and progressive, based on the ideas of humanism, progress, democratic board, unity, regardless of nationality.

The economic concept of liberalism is based on the principle of the initial formal equality of the possibilities of all individuals. Economic inequality is considered as a result of inequality of natural abilities and efforts, loss in competition of free participants. The economic embodiment of the principles of liberalism is the free market. If conservatism puts statehood under the head of the corner, then the liberal ideology reduces the role of the state to the position of servant of its citizens, protecting their right. The principle of the legal state also plays a big role here and in general the legal nature of social relations. Liberalism preaches publicity, openness of society, the reporting of the executive power to the people as a legislator.


Socialism - This is an ideology having a root in an ancient universal dream of society, where the principles of social justice and equality of people can be implemented in practice. Unlike liberalism, equality is understood here not as a formal equitability of the initial position in the competition, but as a real and protected by the state, the equality of economic and social opportunities of all members of society. This principle is closely associated with another basic idea - the idea of \u200b\u200bcollectivism priority in relation to individualism. For socialist ideology, the highest value is a collective benefit, in the name of which any individual interests may be sacrificed. That is why in the ideology of socialism is considered possible and correct restriction of individual freedom: "It is impossible to live in society and be free from society." Freedom is considered just as a conscious independent need to obey society.

Socialist ideology absolutes the proletarian type of public consciousness, considering the proletariat as a special class, endowed with the historical mission of the overthrow of capitalism and hegemony in the socialist revolution. The revolution must be the last violence in the history of mankind. Followed by her brief stage The dictatorship of the proletariat, then the death of the state and the era of the free self-government of the working masses will come. The state is understood by socialism as a class in nature, the social institution, the essence of which is that this is an instrument of violent retention of power by the ruling class. Socialism relies on humanistic ideas about a harmoniously developed personality, the need to satisfy the material and spiritual needs of the individual, but all these ideologies are reduced to the principle of the restriction of individual freedom.


Nationalism - This is an apology of the exclusivity and superiority of its own nation, conjugate with a hostile and incredulous attitude towards other nations, disregard and aggressiveness towards them. The essence of nationalist ideology is to erect the national qualities of the nature and mentality in the rank of higher value. Nationalism can be considered as a response of ethnic community at a threat of innerial influence. At the end of the XIX century. The ideology of nationalism has gained a militant nature, which, in particular, acts as a response reaction of ethnic communities for the enhancing global internationalization process. However, this reaction is inadequate, based on the fetishization of the national beginning. The ideology of nationalism is considering national and ethnic features as self-relief, a kind of substance of historical existence, ethnic subjected to sacralization, becomes the object of a kind of cult. The ideology of nationalism reduces ethnic differences to the genetic, and the genuofund of the nation and its external manifestations (such as

anthropological typing) are defined as the only factor constituting national integrity. The ideological concepts of nationalist orientation are based on the principle of insignificance of an individual, personal beginning and require its underlying subordination to the collective interest of the nation. They are approved by the priority of the People's "Soil" culture in relation to the work of the "cosmopolitan" intelligentsia. All this is supported by references to the sacred past of the nation, which is romanticized and embossed. The eternal themes of nationalism are questions about the "beginning" of the historical fate of their people, his great future, place in the world, a special religious, cultural and historical mission, about the foundations of its uniqueness, the features of a national character and mentality.


In Russia, very little is known about the influential modern ideological concept that established in the 1980s - 1990s. - Communitarianism. The essence of communitarianism as an independent ideology is a critical approach to modern society, and the main conceptual core is the idea of \u200b\u200ba universal fraternity.

The ideology of communitarianism relies on three main positions:

  • and modern industrial capitalism, and socialism as the types of social systems suffer from significant disadvantages, do not ensure the implementation of ethical ideals, their political institutions are far from excellence, respectively, incorrect ideologies that substantiate them as a final development of human society;
  • all known political ideologies contain internal contradictions, and their practical incarnation is always not as predicted, and leads to unexpected and unpleasant consequences;
  • the conceptual core of adequate ideology should be the idea of \u200b\u200bfraternity.

In communitarianism, personality and its social role are a non-historical whole, social figure, steady

the image imposing your traits to the culture and personification era. In the modern world, democratic and liberal values \u200b\u200bare nothing but ideological constructs that serve as a means of manipulating human behavior and thinking. Communistarists argue that the liberal theories of the legal democratic society are too individualistic, provide for too much rights for the individual and too few duties; Posted by them atomic individualism veils the degree of real interconnectness of people in society. In fact, people are connected with each other not by virtue of their "free choice", but because reciprocity, solidarity and cooperation are initial prerequisites for human existence. Bureaucratic system of modern social management It is organized so that a person feels in society alienated and cut off from other people. Almost no one can avoid manipulative relations. Nevertheless, individuals seek to satisfy their personal needs, pursue their interests. Therefore, the modern society is internally contradictory and inconsistent.

Currently, all ideological systems of the past have exhausted themselves. None of them can offer something new to solve accumulated social problems. Therefore, such an ideological concept is necessary, which could bring a society outside the current closed space, where social figures of our era are valid. This is the concept of the fraternity of people opposing the ideological concept of justice, which underlies all modern ideologies. According to communitarianism, the search for universal social justice in itself is in a standstill, since there can be no idea for all members of the Society for Justice.

Brotherhood in the understanding of communitarianism is a completely independent phenomenon, not conducible to freedom and equality. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe fraternity eliminates the need for fairness, because it requires an understanding of the relationship and dependence of people and their roles.


- ideology recognizing the highest value human personality, her freedom, happiness, unlimited development and manifestation of its creative abilities. The ideology of humanism

he has a long story. The flourishing of humanistic trends and their design in a holistic ideology are associated with the era of the Renaissance, which is opposed to the Turkinical medieval worldview of anthropocentrism. According to this principle new system Views and ideas, man, his happiness, freedom and development of his creative spirit became the main value. The result of such an ideological coup was the development of sciences and arts, the emergence of ideas about the intrinsicness of the individual and its natural rights.

The values \u200b\u200bof humanism considered different thinkers. Even I. Kant saw the essence of humanism in treating a person only as a goal, but not as a means. For Marxism, a class approach to humanism is characteristic: for the formation of a humanistic society in a remote future, it is necessary "here and now" to limit humanism to the class framework. J.P. Sartre identifies humanism with an existentialistic understanding of a person as free and carrying the full responsibility for its actions. The religious interpretation of humanism, in contrast to the secular, is based on a natrehabsolute model, in which, along with a person, the gods of space (nature) are an absolute value.

The modern ideology of humanism is a qualitatively new level of development of humanistic ideas. It originated as an alternative to the world's existing ideologies and is focused on the harmonious development of the economy, politics and culture. If the axiological basis of other ideologies of modernity is not the benefit of a person, but various more important things from their point of view, for example the self-affirmation of the nation, class or social group, the preservation of the traditional social order or its restoration, freedom of entrepreneurial initiative and the right of private property, then the ideology of humanism defends The absolute axiological priority of a person as the highest value of society.

The main content of Human ideologyizm The following provisions are:

  • a man regardless of his national, ethnicity, class origin, gender and age, views and beliefs is the highest value and has a number of inalted rights, in particular the right to the free development of their creative abilities and spirituality;
  • currently, a number of urgent problems of a global nature seriously threatens with all mankind and to solve them it is necessary to combine a wide variety of social forces;
  • to do this, it is necessary to rise above ideological disagreements, overcome national and cultural boundaries;
  • globalization and westernization of the economy and culture lead to the spread of a primitative, simplified version of the unitable unity, mass production of the cultural industry;
  • the imposed distorted, well-width of a person should oppose spirituality and ideals of high culture, the free creative development of each individual.

Many modern problems of Russia are caused by the lack of a single unifying ideology that would send Russians along the way to the revival of the Russian state and the grandeur of his people, would eliminate the disbelief of the people to the future of the country and universal pessimism, and such an ideology that will embody all the best and self-valued, which was characteristic of Orthodox and Soviet ideology is the ideology of social humanism. Russia is characterized by sociocultural identity, historical uniqueness, and it is this idea that should be the basis for the formation of adequate policies and ideology.

At the state level, very active discussions are being conducted on the search for a new national or state ideology, which would become the guarantor of the national security of Russia. But security cannot be reduced only to the activities of security and security authorities: ensuring national security should become a national idea, a program for each body, a business entity and a citizen.

In the modern world, the democratization process took great scope, and not always voluntary (enough to recall the plantation of democracy in the Islamic world), and the term "import of democracy" even appeared in American political science. This term was a theoretical substantiation in the works of the famous American publicist Charles Krate-Hammer, who developed the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocratic realism, the essence of which comes down to the fact that there is no external invasion and violent plantation of democracy, but a change in the internal structure of non-democratic political regimes and culture of the Arab / Islamic world - The only region that was not affected by modernization and democratization.

Russia should not borrow a model of democracy, which showed their functional limitations and explicit deficit of humanism, but the Russian public, and in the greater the greater the ruling elite are not familiar with the complex modern problems of Western democracy. In other words, there was a discredit of democracy, the loss of faith in carrying and the weight is effective, which necessitates the return to the ideas of authoritarianism, since weak ineffective democracy is unable to bring Russia from the crisis.

In political circles, the concept of "sovereign democracy" attes enormous importance, since it connects the formation of a new national idea, the introduction and strengthening of which in the mass consciousness of Russians will make it possible to form national identity and rally Russians.

The ideologists of the concept of "sovereign democracy" believe that Russia needs to develop their own, sovereign path of development, due to the spiritual sovereignty of Russian society, which makes it unnecessary (and dangerous) blind copying of other people's ideologies, cultural styles, values. At the same time, under sovereign democracy refers to Russia as a sovereign democratic nation; It also suggests that state power based on the sovereign will of the people, independent of anyone in domestic affairs and international relations.

V. Surkov, one of the developers of the ideological concept of "sovereign democracy" in Russia, under sovereignty understands openness, entering the world, participation in open struggle, as well as political synonym for competitiveness. Surkov warns that the real threat to Russia's sovereignty is the danger of "soft absorption", in which "the values \u200b\u200bare blurred, an inefficient state is declared, internal conflicts are provoked."

Disputes around democracy in Russia also do not subside, and often you can hear: "Russia rolls to authoritarianism." The "well-wishers" of Russia, concerned about the growth of independence and independence, which exhibits our state in the international arena, seeking to take an equal position in the community of democratic states. In this regard, the ideology of sovereign democracy is truly a bold and decisive step towards the revival of the Russian state, its sovereignty and greatness.

Of course, no state can normally exist without state ideology, and the awareness of the existence of this problem for Russia in itself can be estimated as a positive phenomenon.

The concept of sovereignty implies the independence of the state from the outside world, self-determination when choosing a path of development.

Scientists tried to find out the mood and attitude of Russians regarding the foreign policy of Russia and the place in the world community, which it will take the foreseeable future. The results of the survey conducted in 2008 showed that quite a large part of respondents (42-47%) expects "increased influence of Russia in the world, the growth of international authority" and "improving relationships with the CIS countries", but Russians also realize that The strengthening of Russia in the international arena can lead to exacerbation of international relations and complicate relations with the countries of the West (so considers half the respondents).

So positive expectations of Russians can be the basis for strengthening Russia and its position in the world, but it will be possible when carrying out adequate socio-economic policies aimed at improving the position of Russians.

Article 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation recorded: "No ideology can be established as state or mandatory." This provision shows the statement that the Russian state does not have and cannot have its ideology. But then all the conversations about the anti-extremist, anti-crisis, other forms of state ideology, on the strengthening of ideological counteraction to destructive ideologies are no more than delusion and self-deception. From the constitutional prohibition of state ideology, the denial of the possibility and feasibility of developing a nationwide idea for Russia is sometimes derived. But let's ask for a question: is the Russian state really doomed to the unceretic existence or this ban on the state ideology of no more than "wonderland"?

What is the ideology?

The basis of the concept of "ideology" lies the Greek word "idea", which is literally translated as "what can be seen", "visible" and from ancient times is used to designate the image, thoughts, ideas, intentions, plan. Logos is translated as a word, speech, concept. Thus, the etymological meaning of ideology is to understand it as learning about images, ideas, intentions for the future. But all words denoting social phenomena have a changeable, incomplete character; Their content depends on the specific historical circumstances, social, political, methodological and other installations. It is clear that the etymology of the word "ideology" does not convey its modern understanding.

Dessy de Traci, who introduced the term "ideology" at the beginning of the XIX century to the scientific circulation, used it to designate science, the subject of which the general laws of the education of ideas, their transformation, the impact on the lives of individual social groups, classes, classes. According to him, the ideology was to ponate philosophy from her queen of all sciences and play the main integrated role in the unification of all social knowledge.

K.Marks considered the ideology of a perverted, false consciousness expressing the interests of a certain class, which are issued for public interests. According to the logic of Marx, economic relations as basic public relations form social positions that receive their expression in the form of installations, goals, interests and are systematized in ideology. The ideology is approaching the status of "scientific" only to the extent that it is capable of expressing the maximum "common" public interest. The same tradition was given to tribute and some theorists of the II of International and their opponents. As a result, in the second half of the XIX century, the concept of "ideology" is mainly used for the characteristics of an uni-innovative worldview, intended for deception for the sake of political and other interests.

Attempts to combine into organic whole science and ideology, and not any ideology, namely, Marxism, were taken by G.Plekhanov, F. Meering, R. Teluxemburg, who considered Marxism as science and at the same time as the ideology of the proletariat. V. Alin nominated the concept of a scientific ideology that produced very fruitful in achieving the political goal, which the Bolsheviks put in front of them is to capture political power. He believed that the subjective interests of the proletariat could not only, but also express the objective interests of the whole society. The ideology began to consider as a policy tool and instrument of control of the masses.

In the 20th century, the concept of ideology has become so significant that he could not get around the attention of the most different political directions. The first moment I appreciated the classic of the theory of ideology K. Mymheim in the work "Diagnosis of our time", which wrote: "At one time it seemed that the identification of an ideological aspect in the opponent's thinking is an exceptional privilege of the fighting proletariat ... Therefore ... the concept of ideology was associated primarily with Marxist -Proltar system of thinking, moreover, even identified with it "; But "The problem of ideology is too general and fundamental in nature, so that it can remain a privilege of one party." According to Manhamma, ideology is, although a combination of distorted knowledge of reality, but to preserve the existing order of things.

In ideology, as a system of landmarks, goals and programs of social activities, the relationship of people to reality is aware of both each other, many social problems and conflicts are comprehended. Ideology performs well-defined functions, developing specific classes, social groups of thinking and behavior, social science programs. That is, the ideology, being a reflection of public existence in the consciousness of people, in turn actively affects the development of society, contributing or preventing it.

Ideologies exist in various forms of political, legal, ethical, religious, philosophical views. They are revolutionary or reactionary, progressive or conservative, liberal or radical, religious or secular, internationalistic or nationalist. Specific ideology may include various forms Knowledge and combine different characteristics. So, for example, the ideology of the ascending bourgeoisie of the XVII-XVIII centuries was a progressive, liberal, revolutionary, internationalistic, secular.

In a society divided into opposite classes, class, layers consisting of various confessional communities and historical forms of community of people, inevitably the emergence of various ideologies that protect and express their interests. The presence of several ideologies in society leads to their struggle, which is social importance, because it expresses the opposite of interests of large groups of people. The confrontation of ideologies is carried out not only within a particular society, but also in the international arena. Any ideology is trying to take a dominant position. Therefore, the weakening of one ideology is always the strengthening of another ideology.

Russia in captivity of the Utopia "Deideology"

The acute ideological confrontation between liberalism, communism and national socialism was characterized by the first half of the XX century. But by the mid-1960s, in the West, a negative attitude towards ideology is formed in general, which was associated with the understanding of societies operating by the type of social machines ( nazi Germany, USSR of the person's cult period), where the vital activity of people has been adjusted to ideological standards. In the course, then there was the concept of "deideologicalization" (D. Bell et al.), According to which the industrial countries of the West face problems requiring "technical solutions", and not ideological. Therefore, the social role of ideology should come to no.

Social request for deideology consciousness resulted in the movement of the "counterculture" of the late 60s, when ideology began to be interpreted as a type of struggle for the approval of certain ideals. The emphasis in the study of ideology has shifted to its irrational aspects. In the fight against the socialist world, the allegations of irrationality, the mythological nature of all ideology began to be widely used. At the same time, the tendency to "reeidology" also declared itself, which more responded to the aspirations of the West to destroy socialist Mir From the inside Social utopia deideology has penetrated into Russia. In the late 80s - early 90s, the thesis was popular: "Down with the ideology!".

With the crash of the global system of socialism and the disintegration of the USSR by Western thinkers (F. Fukuyam, etc.), the old social myth of the "end of history" was revived, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe beginning of the new era, the epoch, where there is no place for ideologies, their struggle. History As opposition to individualistic societies based on liberal and democratic values, and collectivist societies based on the communist or national socialist values \u200b\u200bended. The era of the celebration of liberalism has come as ideology and as social practice. The bankruptcy of the communist ideology and the approval of liberal values \u200b\u200bin the post-Soviet Russia projected by the right politicians were presented as deideologicalization of public consciousness and state refusal from any ideology.

The developers of the Basic Law of New Russia were captured by the detrimental social utopions of "Deideology" and the "end of history", which found their expression in the constitutional consolidation of the refusal of state ideology. Today, we see the example of Russia that the state without ideology (as a program of action, a set of landmarks and goals) cannot fully function. The ideology in various modifications already in the ordinary level of consciousness exists in the human psyche always, providing a certain level of preservation of the main structures of society and the activity schemes of people. An indirect awareness of this is that since the end of the 90s in Russia, the thesis is increasingly proclaimed: "Long live a new ideology of Russia!". However, the search for new ideology for Russia is realized only as the problem of searching and developing the most optimal forms of combination and coexistence of various ideologies. Most often, liberal, religious and communist ideologies are called as such ideologies.

In my opinion, two different problems are mixed here, namely, the presence of the state ideology and the possibility of developing a nationwide idea.

The ideology of the Russian state is, and its name is conservative liberalism. And we will now try to substantiate this statement. But let's start with the overall characteristics of liberalism as ideology and social practice.

What is liberalism?

Liberalism is idea Code, the origins of which will go down to the era of bourgeois revolutions and is based on the conviction of the need to reform the Company in order to fully implement individual values. The main values \u200b\u200bof the liberalism of this period: the rights and freedoms of the individual, the democratic device of the state, the rule of law, non-religious morality, etc., which are interpreted as the means of achieving individual freedom. In liberalism, thus, a separate person is put forward to the fore, and the value of public groups or institutions is measured exclusively to the extent to which they protect the rights and interests of the individual.

Liberalism distinguishes political and civil liberty. Political freedom as a guarantee of citizen's right to participate in government management is the necessary and unique effective addition to civil liberties. Without political freedom, civil liberty is fragile and unreliable. Civil freedom is the basic personal rights, on the recognition of which the possibility of civil society is based. The main guarantees of liberalism liberalism sees in private property and legal state. And this allows you to judge liberalism as an ideology expressing and protecting the interests of those strata of society, which consist of private owners, that is, as a bourgeois ideology.

Liberalism is not only ideology, but also a certain social practice. He back in the XIX century acted with criticism of the feudal regulation of economic relations. Physicrafts, and for them A. Smita, actively supported the slogan: "Do not interfere with act", J.Lock and other enlighteners made an important contribution to the approval of the ideas of parliamentary democracy, the Constitutional Management Board, based on the division of the authorities between the executive and legislative bodies, ensuring the main rights citizens, including freedom of speech, press, religion, etc.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, liberalism was still defended by a social structure, in which the regulation of socio-economic relations is carried out spontaneously, through the mechanism of "free market", but was supplanted with the political Olympus with socialist ideas, the main content of which was the socialization and planning of economic activity. The conquered liberal freedoms were announced by the new ideology of anything worthless without economic freedom, which socialism was supposed to bring. Marxist-proletarian ideology reduced the freedom of personality to eliminate capitalist exploitation and the requirement of equal distribution of public wealth.

Liberalism restored its potential in the 30s-40s of the twentieth century, when the experience of Communist Russia showed that the path of freedom promised by radical socialists is in reality a direct road to totalitarian communist slavery. But gradually the classical liberalism itself has undergone a substantial restructuring, primarily on the issue of the socio-economic role of the state. The concepts of "new liberalism", or neoliberalism, briskly with conservatism.

Neoliberalism has implied the state of the duty of developing and implementing the general strategy of economic development, prevent crises and stabilizing the financial situation. The importance of social and economic rights of individuals was recognized, the special significance of the equalization of the possibilities and chances of people, especially those who are members of social groups that actually found themselves in the most difficult position. Neoliberalism began to take into account humanistic ideals above the mechanisms of the market and competition, and emphasize the importance of collective action limiting the scope of such mechanisms.

However, neoliberalism contrasts the path of gradual, step by step by reforms of a more radical path of the social revolution and argues that the revolutions are not needed at all and are even unreasonable in modern society. But without revolution, transitions from the collectivistic device of society to the individualistic device and the opposite are not occurring. The hypocrisy of the ideology of neoliberalism is that for his own statement, he recognizes the revolutionary path, and after - it denies its necessity and reasonableness.

The ideology of the Russian state

The ideology of the modern Russian state is neoliberalism, or conservative liberalism. Before adopting or refute this statement, we will take care of the basic values \u200b\u200brecorded in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The first article of the Constitution declares Russia by a democratic legal state with the republican form of government. The second article proclaims a person, his rights and freedoms by the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen are charged in the duty of the state. The following articles enshrines the social and secular nature of the state, the separation of authorities is approved, the equality of all before the law, the diversity of ownership forms, multiparty, ideological pluralism, etc. But all these provisions are the core of liberal ideology.
The constitutional consolidation of these values \u200b\u200bdeprives any positive point of paragraph 2 of Article 13: "No ideology can be established as a state or mandatory." With the same success, it was possible to eliminate the statements of the USSR of the USSR in 1977 that the Soviet state is guided by the ideas of scientific communism, and 6 article on the management and guiding power of society, armed by Marxist-Leninist teaching, and declare the absence of state ideology in the USSR.

But the most important provisions of the constitution, in which the values \u200b\u200bof the communist ideology were enshrined, do not leave the place for doubts about the state ideology in the USSR. Therefore, it is not clear why the modern Russian state persists in denial of their own ideology?

The paradoxicality of the situation with the recognition or denial of the state ideology of Russia is highlighted even with such a superficial look at modern political realities. In December last year, the congress of the United Russia party was held in Moscow, on which the Chairman of the party Vladimir Putin acted with the program speech. To all those who deny the presence of ideology from the Russian state, I propose to find at least two differences in his speech as a party leader and in its speeches as chairman of the Russian government. Ideological guidelines and software goals are the same.

The complete coincidence of the state ideology of Russia with the ideology of the United Russia party has demonstrated in his speech and chairman of the Supreme Council of the Party, and part-time and chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov. Voicing the main targets of the party and state ideology to the delegates of the congress, Gryzlov even clumsily designated this ideology with the following words: "We call our ideology by Russian conservatism," although it would be more precisely called it conservative liberalism. He also said that the basic software document of the party "should reflect a new level of responsibility of power" to society.

Notice, on the party forum he spoke about the responsibility of power, not the party.

Other leaders of United Russia (they, with rare exceptions, leaders of the authorities and local self-government), party functionaries of various levels (they are state officials) perfectly understood that the ideology of their party is the ideology of the Russian state. And political pluralism and ideological manifold are allowed, according to liberal tradition, only in the countries in which they are harmless to the bourgeois state formed and have not yet established civil society.

Obviously, Russia still has its own state ideology, which, unfortunately, you will not say about the nationwide idea. The nationwide idea should express the interests of all social sections of Russian society, contribute to their cohesion. It should be able to combine their efforts in order to social creation and achieve well-being and stability in all Russian society. In this regard, 10 years ago, I offered the following: "In conditions, when there is no nationwide idea, it seems appropriate to build the idea of \u200b\u200blegal civil society to this level ... There are no fundamental objections against the Communists, nor in Liberals, nor atheists, nor clergy. Moreover, the most important characteristics of the legal civil society are recorded in the current constitutions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan. " But over the past time, she never became the national idea of \u200b\u200bRussia, despite the concerned discussion and the titanic efforts of the authorities, individual institutions of civil society, the scientist community to propaganda. It is possible that one of the reasons for this is that the legal civil society is perceived in the mass consciousness as the core of liberal ideology, and liberalism as a bourgeois ideology cannot claim something more than being the state ideology of capitalist Russia.

Apparently, in modern conditions, a nationwide idea can only be formed on the basis of synthesis, the optimal combination of positive moments of all humanistic ideologies in the Russian society. Neither liberal nor communist nor social democratic, nor religious, nor other ideas can not play the role of the national idea of \u200b\u200bRussia. Therefore, the development of a nationwide idea remains an urgent problem of the socio-political thought of Russia.

But why is the fact of the official recognition of the state ideology of Russia so important for us today? Yes, because the bodies of state and local self-government, which are essentially the authorities, can not lead ideological work if the state has no ideology, the society is a national idea.

The ideological struggle is not so much the criticism of opposition ideology or legal restrictions, but also the prohibition of destructive narrowing ideologies, how much humanistic education and propaganda of their own ideological values \u200b\u200band software installations. Well, the president of the RD cannot demand from officials to strengthen, improve, raise ideological work to a new level, if you pre-arm them with a specific state ideology. The ideologies of opposition parties are not suitable for this, since their cornerstone is an introduction to state power or its violent seizure. The ruling party has all the opportunities to present its corporate interest as "common" public interest and its ideology as a state ideology. And only this one allows power structures at the state level ideological work.

Mukhtar Yakhyaev, Professor DSU

Ideology: yesterday, today and tomorrow

Ideology - What is it, what role does she play in the union of people, is it necessary in modern conditions for the development of society? If you need, what kind of form? I try to raise these questions in this material and suggests to discuss in the comments under it.

After the collapse of the USSR, within the newly formed states of the CIS, there is a constant search for the ideology that would unite society, strengthened the state system. I can only judge the results of this search, which for two dozen years of independence, could not find it.

It is bad or well, not to solve me, and it is not this purpose of the article. The same search "Own" ideology happens in. For a part of society, both Ukraine and Russia, this question is relevant, he worries them, and in the process of finding the necessary ideology, they discuss this topic on various information platforms / forums. Initially, on these sites in the process of discussion, commentators are divided into two camps - conservatives and liberalsBut then it turns out that the conservatives cannot determine which of the leaders to resurrect, and Liberals do not everyone want to see in their city. So gradually, two camps, in the process of disputes and discussions, are divided into many groups that begin to fiercely defend their "the only right" point of view (ideology).

So it turns out that initially 100 people are divided into two camps, which, in turn, are divided into groups (10 * 10), and it turns out that, having gained one ideological supporter in his group, you get "as a gift" yet nine opponents from other groups? Is it possible in such conditions of ideological separation to talk about public association and lead a constructive? Of course, within the framework of its group (10 people), it is possible, but the goal should be in the unification of the whole society, otherwise, why do this vegetable garden?

In my personal experience, it is practically unrealistic. As soon as the conversation goes into the ideology, the separation and endless verbal tepe of each of them begins. Why is it so possible and is it possible to go beyond the infinite separation and antagonism? Let's think.

Ideology (idea. - Prim, idea; and logos. - Word, mind, doctrine):

  • the system of conceptually decorated views and ideas, expressing the interests of various social classes, groups, societies, in which the relations of people are realized and evaluated to each other;
  • system of ideas, ideas, views, which characterizes the views on social and political and other life of some. social group, class, political party, society;
  • the concept by which traditionally denotes the set of ideas, myths, legends, political slogans, program documents of parties, philosophical concepts; not being religious in essence;
  • justifying and expressing interests, indicating the ways of their implementation and offering the appropriate behavioral samples, ideology unites individuals into a single community. The most vividly integration function of ideology is manifested in national ideologies seeking to rally all the representatives of the nation to achieve common goals.

It turns out that ideology promotes combining people from defined views and worldview in relevant social groups, classes, political parties. If you consider the process of combining people into ideological groups as a whole from the position of society, then any ideologyas such shares a single social space on groups of people with different, and sometimes conflicting views, ideas, etc.

It turns out that ideology, on the one hand, unites people in groups, and on the other - shares Society for groups, Cleasters. At the same time, the higher the level of "ideological pumping" in groups, the higher the conflict environment and their confrontation is stronger: the core of ideology is a circle of ideas related to the seizure issues, holding and using political authorities. The ideology of the conflict of the world's conflict nature, its elegant on the pole model "enemy-friend", crystallizing supporters of one or another ideology. The degree of development and clarity of the image of an ideological opponent is legitimate to believe the main basis for the cohesion of the social group - the carrier of the ideology.

With the above, there are no people who are already in a certain ideological group or associate themselves to be in a certain ideological group or associate themselves with her, and from their point of view, from the position of a separate group, ideology unites. The problem is that this association occurs in the "constructed" reality, aims to manipulate and managing people by affecting their consciousness. In "Mythologies" (1957), Bart united the myth and ideology, calling them "metalaycom". Bart did not consider it appropriate to carry out a semiotic distinction between the ideology and myth, identifying the ideology, as the mythical construction that was introduced into the framework of general history and corresponding to one or another social interest.

I will give a few more definitions:

  • ideology By K. Mannheim - distorted reflection of social realityexpressing the interests of certain groups or classes seeking to preserve the existing order of things.
  • ideology for is ready "Thinking Goods"distributed by the press, speakers, ideologists in order to manipulate the mass of people with the goal, nothing in common with the ideology and very often completely to her opposite.

If the use of various, generally accepted, ideological models for the combination of society is ambiguous and conducts to its fragmentation with uncertain consequences, then why are any individual personality / groups try to find, approve and impose their cameers?

I believe that the search for ideology is more disturbing the oldest generations, and than a person older than this question is relevant, and for some it becomes obsession: "The idea, and then everything else." Why older? I think this is due to their life experience and the state of the development of society, communication connections in which they became like personality. Access to information was limited and practically fully controlled, the communication relations were weak, because even everyone had a city telephone.

In such conditions, the idea that was directly engaged in society with weak communication connections, took the minds and played the role stabilization of society And his association. The problem is that in modern conditions this approach in the association can also work, but not effective. Almost any resident has access to any information that interests, as well as it has the ability to communicate with people from various parts of the Earth and exchange information online. Yet attempts to sanitize the idea of \u200b\u200bsociety with a high degree of communication connections simply "blur".

This approach is still possible to apply somewhere in where it can be said that this is true and so there is, the tribes got up and went for you. But in the civilized world it does not work. Everyone has the opportunity to determine if social equality is so equal, whether it is possible to live without gay parades, and is it worth resurrecting the leaders?

The applied approaches in the construction of society through ideology no longer gives the effect and does not pick up the minds as before. But we all feel an objective need for the association, stabilization and development of all socio-state institutions. If such a need is felt, then something outside of the generally accepted ideological constructions should be looking for something that allows you to combine existing ideological groups into a single system with a minimum level of antagonism.

Before I begin to reflect on a free topic and the search for the "ideology", which would correspond to modern conditions, I want to put it from a speech Evgenia Primakova At the International Conference "Russia in the world of the XXI century"dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Swap and the 10th anniversary of Russia in Global Policy magazine (images of Russia and the world outside the ideology):

"The power of ideas and images" is the topic allocated at our conference is absolutely justified. In the current conditions of the ideas and images of states - participating in international relations affect the development of the global situation, not least than the power of money and the power of weapons. First on general approaches.

First . It is incorrect to imagine that after the end of the Cold War, the influence of ideology is no longer subject to policies, the ratio of forces at the regional and global levels, in general. We have changed the nature and form of such an influence, but it did not disappear anywhere. Moreover, the ideological confrontation, purposeful introduction of its own, often tinted images when distorting others, has become one of the components of foreign policy practice.

Second approach : Liberalism, conservatism and socialism are preserved as the three most significant ideologies. However, in the current conditions, they appear unsatisfied, experiencing mutual influences, while in the process of convergence (the process of rapprochement, convergence, compromises), they have become integrated parts of the ideological model inherent in various countries. For today's understanding (this also applies to other states), it should be proceeded not only from the content of ideology, but also from the fact that the ratio between the parts of the ideological model is determining.

Third approach : Not always the policy of persons or a group of persons who rank themselves to one or another ideology corresponded and corresponds to its essence ...

I am a statement by E. Primakov I understand how: "Yes, they are still the main ideologies, but today they are not self-sufficient, forced to interact, make compromises, and the future of the country is determined by the balance between them the degree of interaction."

We must proceed that today and tomorrow these three basic ideologies will be present in society, which, by virtue of the development of communications, will continue to interact with each other and interact. I believe that in the current conditions should not direct all the forces on the elimination of one of the groups. After all, the struggle against anything, in addition to spending resources (temporary, human) and even greater polarization in society, does not lead. It is necessary to look for optimal forms of interaction of these, already existing, ideological groups.

When searching for "ideologies", which could establish the interaction between various ideological groups, it is necessary to determine the basis that everyone unites them. That which will be interactions and compromises will be established. This can be called "Evolutionary Development". socio-economic areas and social and state institutions without revolutions, coups, economic shocks, wars, etc. But it's hard for me to call ideologyRather, it is the natural need of anyone and everyone, regardless of the belonging to a particular group.

This can be defined as "rational pragmatism" or "sound rationalism", is not important. It is important that it is outside the ideology, to some extent on it and allows you to establish interaction between them and compromise. The driving force at the same time do not slogan about the "bright future" or ideas about the "city of the Sun", driving power Each representative of society, relating to any ideological group.

Interesting thought on this score expressed David Eidelman: New ideological concepts, in order to be successful and in demand, must first pay attention to what is called "human factor", "human capital." It seems to me that a person is the cornerstone and the pledge of everything. And tomorrow belongs not to representatives of the exact sciences, which are still stuck, since the lagging humanity is not ready for their further promotion, but those who are engaged in the human resource, building an intermediary relationship. People have already accumulated enough weapons, so that it is repeatedly destroying each other. Now progress is not only further strengthening technology, but in improving human society.

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