Crisis business. How much can you earn by opening a small cinema

garden equipment 12.10.2019
garden equipment

The word "crisis" is familiar to every Russian. Finding a job in a difficult time for the Russian economy is very difficult. The number of jobs is being reduced, wages are not growing, in contrast to the requirements of employers - where to go? Many make a conclusion for themselves - in their own business. Of course, no future entrepreneur hopes to prosper without difficulties and pitfalls. But it's still worth trying.

Business in crisis: what to do?

Business in a crisis is not easy. The number of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs has decreased and continues to decrease. Everything played a role here: the reduced purchasing power of citizens, and the restriction of imports due to Western sanctions, and the “collapsed” ruble, and worsening credit conditions. Although the state has put forward a number of “bonuses” to support entrepreneurship, such as the development of self-regulation, subsidies, the creation of an outsourcing center, and support for social business, the situation remains difficult.

The result is not encouraging. According to statistics from the Higher School of Economics, more than seventy percent of those who dreamed of doing business in Russia simply do not have the opportunity to put their plans into practice. The main reasons are the inability to take out a loan due to exorbitantly high loan rates and bureaucracy. Moreover, giving privileges with one hand, the authorities take them away with the other.

For example, the Ministry of Finance is reducing the number of entrepreneurs eligible for preferential tax treatment. From this list, outlets, rentiers, points Catering. The head of government demanded that small businesses help replenish the budget. "Where to help?" - the owners of small firms were indignant: "... here one would not stretch one's own legs."

And yet every month new small businesses open up in Russia. After all, even in a crisis there is no “everything is bad”, there are always new opportunities. And the harsh conditions of the economy are a reason not to lose discipline and carefully calculate your plans and forecasts.

Business Ideas in a Crisis: Rural Business Ideas

The number of those who decided to start their own profitable business growing in the countryside. The benefit of such an event is also that a large part of start-up capital the land itself provides: for some it is the popular “six acres”, for others it is a whole farm inherited. Tools and equipment, which can be taken exclusively in rural areas, also play an important role.

What business to open in the village: beekeeping

Many choose for themselves the path of a beekeeper and open. Indeed, the demand for honey - a superfood whose beneficial effects cannot be overestimated - has always been and will always be. Private beekeepers are the main suppliers of the Russian beekeeping market in this moment. To Chinese honey many are wary of the presence of genetically modified components. In addition, bees produce pollen, propolis, bee bread.

The expenses are rather big - these are hives, bee colonies, inventory, personnel (at least an accountant and two beekeepers).

Honey can be sold not only at fairs - it is possible to conclude contracts with legal entities, such as pharmacies, specialized stores. Foresters and farmers are directly interested in cooperation with the owners of apiaries.

It won't be without risks. Usually beekeepers move from place to place, and this is natural - both the condition of the land and weather, for example, rainy or, conversely, dry summer.

Get ready for the fact that you will have to learn a lot, for example, to use various units of agricultural machinery, to drive a tractor.


You can do this in the city, but it is much more profitable in the countryside. If only because in the countryside there are much more resources and opportunities for the production and storage of blanks (the same cellar).

It is impossible not to consider such an issue as the production of frozen fruits, berries and vegetables. True, you will have to spend money on such units as renting a refrigerated warehouse; washing and blanching plants; shock freezing chamber; a machine for peeling vegetables and fruits; packaging unit. At the same time, the price for each installation fluctuates around half a million rubles. There will also be staff costs.

The climate, the vagaries of the weather, the condition of the soil also play a huge role.


It is also called a family business. Indeed, usually all family members are involved in the work of the farm.

For those who decide to become a farmer, there are many options - this is and, and and. Family members who decide to start farming sign an agreement among themselves, and also register a farm, as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If you are counting on, then you can not count on a loan as a farmer - those who have been included in the agro-industrial complex development program are entitled to it, plus guarantors will be required.

Instead, you can register as unemployed and apply for self-employment in agriculture. Assistance from the state will be, although small for the farm, but still tangible - about 60,000 rubles.

Small business ideas in a crisis in a metropolis

Those who do not want to leave the metropolis and move to nature will find something to do in the city. The main thing is to focus on a wide consumer.

Own Autoreality

Any crisis is, first of all, a decrease in sales. Car dealers suffer greatly from this, as the cost of cars rises, and the currency depreciates. Naturally, most of all there are problems with the implementation of new cars. As a result, more and more car owners prefer to use old cars for a longer period and try to buy used vehicles.

Given these features, the percentage of sales of spare parts and consumables increases. In other words, during a crisis, the auto parts market always starts to become more active, but car sales fall significantly.

The Autoreality franchise is a great option for those who want to make money. It is enough to connect to a ready-made and existing business selling spare parts and consumables for foreign cars.

  • minimum initial investment;
  • good profit;
  • high demand for products;
  • favorable margins for buyers and sellers;
  • clear and simple business niche;
  • the ability to open a point without its own warehouse;
  • assistance of specialists with the launch of the store and advertising;
  • ongoing support.

This is a really relevant and sought-after type of business that will definitely work. In addition, if you provide high-quality and original products at an affordable price, then some of the customers from your competitors will definitely go to you.

In addition, you can personally choose the brand that is best suited for your region by booking it behind you. And this means that your countrymen who have joined the Avtoreality franchise will not compete with you. And, of course, do not forget about the quick payback on invested money.

Briefly about the most requested ideas

There are a lot of offers in the field of franchising today. Everyone, even a novice businessman, will be able to find something to his liking.

Is one of the most effective methods earnings. After all, children's knitted dolls are very popular all over the world. Today it is handmade things that are in fashion. The cost of the franchise is only 59,000 rubles.

The wallets have a detailed design, they are completely unique, so it is impossible to find a similar doll on the market. Moreover, Buffaloes are absolutely harmless as they are made of ecological, hypoallergenic materials. The main advantages of these fashionable and sought-after dolls are high quality, originality and hand knitting.

As for an independent business, you can open a small one that can be sold through a network of vending machines.

Implementation through in general can do a good job. It can be familiar chocolate, soda, chips - such units will be happy to host many organizations, business centers, universities, even schools. Also - not in children's institutions, of course - you can sell tobacco products.

In addition, you can open a car repair shop. In a crisis, people are much less likely to buy new cars, but pay more attention to old ones. There is no doubt that there will always be enough customers.

A profitable type of business will be opening - one that is affordable for both a student, a housewife, and pensioners. Economy hairdressing salons are the place where people with a well-filled wallet regularly come.

Alternatively, you can open a laundry or - these services will be needed in any economic situation and individuals, and organizations.

New business ideas in a crisis related to products

Is it possible to open a grocery business in a crisis and not burn out? Of course you can, because without food a person cannot live. It is only important to follow some tricks.

Business: food production

Is it worth directing forces into the production of products? It’s even worth it, because import substitution is now among the benchmarks of our economy.

Ask what people buy every day and you will hear the answer - pasta! Indeed, most often this nutritious, inexpensive and tasty dish appears at the meal either as a side dish or as an independent meal. And during the crisis, the demand for it has increased several times.

Before we start, let's define a segment. It is better to opt for the "middle class" category. Buyers of this class are not attached to one or another brand - the combination of "price-quality" is more important to them. Pasta can be sold to shops and supermarkets; student canteens, cafes, home delivery companies, wholesalers.

A pasta workshop will require a large room - about 200 square meters and, in fact, equipment. Moreover, it is better to immediately buy a production line that produces one hundred and fifty kilograms of products in 60 minutes. You will also need staff. The pasta business is also good with a high and short payback and an acceptable start-up capital - about 300,000 rubles.

In addition, it will turn out to be a profitable business idea for food production. Especially now, when many types of imported products are “under sanctions”. Despite the apparent simplicity and a small staff (7 people), investments will be required even more than in pasta - about 7,000,000 rubles. And here you should start with renting a room (with the prospect of a subsequent purchase) for your production - about 300 square meters, then equipment is purchased. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully study this segment of the market in the Russian Federation, in addition, strict compliance with the technology is required.

These were examples of what can be produced.

And what about trade?

You should not sell delicacies, but everyday products, essentials. Small stores selling them always have more chances, because they have everything you need on sale. At the same time, it is not necessary to completely exclude expensive goods from the assortment - in any situation there will be people in the country who have money, but you want them to continue to visit your store?

Do not neglect discounts and promotions, such as "two for the price of one." This is exactly what you should not save on. Many owners of large stores in a crisis skimp on advertising, which you should not do. The more you are in the public eye, the more potential customers will know about you. Feel free to say that buying from you is more profitable. This way more people will learn about you, the quality of your products, and the discounts your store offers.

What kind of business to do in a crisis?

Whatever business you open, it is important to remember one thing - in Russia, even without a crisis, business is fraught with risks. How to minimize them? You need to constantly improve your level of development, attend seminars and courses for aspiring entrepreneurs, read developmental literature, for example, Maslow's pyramid of needs - after all, you will need a lot of knowledge that you do not yet have. And any business needs partners - if you don’t have them yet, try to find them.

Own business is not only a status, it is a freedom of choice and an opportunity to bring significant benefits. This is the stability that employees do not have. These are numerous preferences that help to cope with difficulties in the early stages of activity.

Since March 2015, the Government has adopted, according to which individual entrepreneurs who open their own business for the first time are exempt from taxes for 2 years. AT this document we are talking about manufacturing enterprises, processing of agricultural raw materials and food production, as well as those who intend to work in the field of innovation and IT. In April, absolutely all regions introduced this law, and it is already in effect.

The nuances of starting a business in a crisis

The crisis for the Russian economy is more familiar than frightening. It was hard to work after the collapse of the USSR due to rampant crime, in the late 90s due to the arbitrariness of the authorities, the early 2000s were marked by raising taxes, and in recent years Russia was covered by a wave of global crises.

Despite the difficulties, small business lives and develops, constantly increasing the share of revenue in GDP. If in 2011 it was 22%, then in 2014, according to Rosstat, it was already 22.6%. In terms of the number of people, these are several million new small and micro enterprises, which provide almost 17 million jobs.

Of course, starting your own business during a crisis is fraught with great risks. But these risks can be avoided if you have a clear understanding of what today's market wants from business.

And the market is saturated trading companies, there are so many of them that each new wave of declines washes them from their homes by the thousands. More than half of small enterprises are trade: shops, boutiques, wholesale companies. They experience everything Negative consequences, while profitability drops catastrophically. This does not mean that life is worse during a crisis, but that the economy is demanding, and the government is turning towards manufacturing workers and the service sector.

What not to do at a time like this

In the context of the current crisis, extremely it is undesirable to open a company or individual entrepreneurs who will be engaged exclusively in trade. The time for quick money is gone, so it’s worth investing in more promising areas, which we will talk Further.

The crisis throws weak players out of the market, but consumer demand remains. Entrepreneurs who fill the vacated niches must use more efficient production models and management methods in order to be competitive.

Fear of competition is the first obstacle for a young person with good ideas.

Fear arises from the fact that in our lives we rarely compete and simply do not know how to do it. Overcoming this fear is a psychological moment, trainings, books, and exercises can help here, and it is not at all difficult.

Most entrepreneurs are essentially artisans. They know their business and know how to sell their products, but they are sorely lacking in competent management skills. Every person has a ceiling of possibilities. If you work alone, it is reached very quickly, and further movement becomes impossible. Only the ability to organize work, knowledge of modern management methods contributes to constant growth.

Knowing how to prioritize is another important skill, without which it will be difficult to invest money wisely. At the start, you do not need to spend money on external attributes: offices, furniture, expensive cars on credit. These things do not win over customers, but they take out of circulation funds that are more reasonable to spend on advertising, hiring specialists or purchasing equipment.

As already mentioned, the time of easy money is irrevocably gone, although the mentality still makes you dream of fairy tales and look for instant earnings. Many craftsmen profit from this, and novice entrepreneurs who want money but do not know where to get it become their victims. The success stories of such giants as R. Kiyosaki and T. Edison are, of course, instructive, but they have nothing to do with Russian reality.

You need to study, and a lot and diligently, acquiring management skills, developing knowledge about production technologies and adopting the experience of more successful competitors. Knowledge is power, and today this thesis is more relevant than ever.

What areas are not affected by the crisis

The crisis has had the greatest impact on wholesale trade, that is, through intermediaries. In an effort to cut costs, manufacturers are looking for the shortest route to consumers, and inefficient links simply fall out of this chain. The same thing happened with the sellers of so-called excesses: expensive boutiques, design studios, and floristic studios are closing down. People are not yet ready to spend money on it.

Whatever the conditions in the economy, there are areas that are not subject to significant fluctuations:

  • Producers and sellers of food products.
  • Manufacturers of construction and finishing materials.
  • Metalworking enterprises.
  • Manufacturers of industrial goods.
  • any work - from accounting to cleaning the premises.
  • Medical services.
  • Domestic services: hairdressers, dry cleaners, laundries.
  • Fitness and cosmetology industry.
  • Car repair and maintenance.
  • Construction contract.
  • Web workshops, advertising agencies, software development.

Obviously, in any of these niches, a young entrepreneur will be able to realize himself. Of course, there is competition, but the market is hungry today, so you can find your place. The main condition is to replenish the baggage of knowledge and strive for development.

All of the above areas can be divided into two groups:

  • enterprises operating to meet the needs of the population;
  • firms whose clients are other businesses.

Guided by this division, the aspiring entrepreneur must study the needs of his target group and their desires. Small business itself creates infrastructure around itself. Understanding the general trend helps to anticipate the desires of potential customers.

Options for successful ideas for implementation

Successful business ideas are born in the minds of those who closely follow the situation on the market and want to contribute to the development of production. Based on the current trends, here are some promising directions in which a young entrepreneur can move:

  • Food production under the conditions of import substitution. Sanctions have increased the cost of equipment and complicated the lending process, but have become a boon for agricultural producers. The lack of high-quality butter, cottage cheese, cheese and meat on the shelves is an empty market niche that aspiring entrepreneurs can fill, even if they have only one production line. Moreover, organic and homemade products are in vogue: cheeses, smoked meats, milk and sour cream.
    Equipment costs in this case start from the figure of 400 thousand rubles, the purchase of raw materials is possible in small batches, and at first 2-3 people can work. Certification will be required, which will cost 30-40 thousand rubles, if you deal with it yourself.
  • Our country has enough raw materials for production of deep-frozen products, semi-finished products and canned food. The counter-sanctions freed the market from Baltic fish and Polish vegetables and opened the way for young entrepreneurs. By analogy with the previous method of earning, it does not require large investments.
  • Construction contract and renovation of premises. Despite the fact that very few people buy housing, and the real estate market has risen, apartment renovations and private construction projects do not subside. Having organized your own construction team, you can start looking for work. Clients will recommend diligent craftsmen to each other, and over time, a package of recommendations will be typed, prices will increase, and a constant high income will appear.
  • Production of building and finishing materials, fasteners, hardware. In small volumes, dry mixes, foam blocks, silicate bricks can be produced. Nails can be cut in the basement and shipped to hardware stores throughout the area, the production of self-tapping screws does not require expensive equipment, and demand for them does not fall. Fortunately, today there are many small construction and hardware stores who are happy to buy such a product in small volumes.
  • Always in demand hairdressers, cosmetologists and masseurs. A woman will stop visiting salons only in one case: if there are no salons at all. Fitness centers in residential areas, designed for a female audience, will not be left without clients. You have to work more, stress becomes stronger, and sports relieve nervous tension. The popularization of a healthy lifestyle in recent years has borne fruit, now it is fashionable and prestigious to go to training.
  • Consulting and outsourcing- these are business-to-business services, so it is important to be able to anticipate the client's desires, strive to solve his problems. Consulting does not require significant investments in the early stages, it is important to take care of the professionalism of the team and massive advertising, since the competition is quite high.
  • Maintenance of Internet projects demanded like never before. Retail trade in industrial goods migrated from pavilions to the network. Online store sites need competent support, which means that the market needs web studios, smart programmers, designers, advertising specialists and copywriters.

The conclusion suggests itself: the secret of success in a crisis is professionalism, efficiency and the desire for new knowledge.

During periods of crisis, business activity is noticeably reduced. Create new business units are resolved. It is extremely difficult to predict the development of the market situation, and the risk of losing investments is very high. But experienced businessmen and prominent economists are sure that the crisis is the best time to create a new business. The reason is the decrease in competition due to mass bankruptcy. It is important to minimize the cost of organizing your business and operating costs.

Based on these criteria, the most viable option is home business. We bring to your attention 15 business ideas that are in demand even in the most difficult periods and does not require significant investment.

1. Food

This direction is only partially affected by the crisis - the demand for expensive products is declining. The need for everyday goods - bread, cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits, inexpensive meat remains and even increases due to the reduction of the share of delicacies. Oddly enough, the demand for chocolate is not falling either. Most likely, the desire to please children and at least a little sweeten life during stressful periods is too high.

Study the needs in your locality and choose the most popular destination. A significant part of the products can be grown in the country or garden, cooked in the home kitchen. Register an IP and start working.

2. Car repair

Sales of new and expensive cars are falling. But the demand for vehicle maintenance and repair is growing. That is why auto-repair is recognized as one of the anti-crisis areas of business.

You can even start in your personal garage, the only requirement is professionalism.

3. Virtual assistant

In times of crisis, businesses face a vital need to reduce the cost of performing secondary tasks that do not bring immediate profit. Permanent employees are fired, and their part of the work is outsourced. Many tasks can be performed by freelancers who work on the Internet.

Such specialists are needed by large companies, individual entrepreneurs. This direction is very promising and is not subject to cataclysms in the economy.

4. Home staging

During the crisis, the real estate market is seriously affected. Finding home buyers is becoming very difficult. One of the ways to help sell real estate is to increase its attractiveness. That is why there is a growing need for the services of designers, including landscapers, repairmen and other home staging specialists.

5. "Green" business

The world community is seriously thinking about preserving the ecology of the planet. The production of products from pure raw materials, waste processing, and the cultivation of organic products are very popular areas. This trend will be strengthened, now is the best time to occupy a new and promising niche. It is worth considering as a possible option and the scope of consulting on the optimization of waste processing.

6. Help the older generation

The aging of mankind does not stop. Help people retirement age and people with handicapped is becoming more and more relevant. Their care is not limited to medical care. Help in everyday life, organization of leisure, travel and even the organization of feasible options for earning are in demand.

7. Cosmetics

In any, even the most difficult times, women need to look well-groomed and elegant. Lovely ladies are ready to give up going to a restaurant, a trip to a resort or new jewelry. But they will definitely buy the necessary minimum of cosmetics. It is worth paying attention to the manufacture of natural soap - this is a very promising area that can be mastered at home.

8. Online video

Even regardless of the crisis, interest in the entertainment that the Internet offers is growing at an impressive pace. It is not necessary to shoot high-quality films and videos - an interesting plot is important. Funny situations from real life, animal videos, video blogs. You can shoot and sell your videos on special channels or create your own resource and earn money from views and advertising.

9. Trade consultant

AT modern conditions this profession has acquired new features. In search of affordable goods, Russian consumers began to take an interest in the world-famous eBay and Craigslist platforms. They hold auctions that offer quality items at very low prices. Not everyone can understand the intricacies of the work of these online stores. You can offer your services. They offer a wide range of opportunities special programs to participate in an auction on behalf of another person. You can help the client to purchase the right thing and get a pre-agreed percentage of the transaction.

10. Sites about discounts and sales

Another opportunity to earn on the massive desire to save money. You can create a special site where network users will be offered information about all planned or current discounts and sales. Your earnings are a commission from stores whose products are advertised on the site.

11. Direct sales

Work in network marketing is again relevant. Most are well known cosmetic companies. But manufacturers use a similar method of distributing products. kitchen utensils, household appliances and chemicals, innovative products and natural health products. Look for a direction close to your preferences, be sure to check the availability of certificates and start a new business.

12. Blog

To maintain and make money on your own blog or information site, writing talent is not required. It is important to find a topic that is in demand and interesting to you, regularly replenish the resource with new articles. You can hire a specialist to write articles. When you reach the required number of visitors, you can earn on advertising.

13. Franchise

Popular brands offer their know-how, experience and trademark to aspiring entrepreneurs. Among the franchises there are also attractive home or family business options.

14. Educational courses

During periods of crisis, the study of new and in-demand professions begins to be in great demand. Do not forget about children - parents do not save on their education and harmonious development even in the most difficult times.

This area is not suitable for everyone, deep knowledge in the financial sector is required. The crisis period is characterized by a sharp increase in debt and a decrease in interest in investing. Many are simply afraid of losing their money.

The need for expert advice on safe investments and how to get out of a difficult situation at this time is very high.

A crisis is an ambiguous time. For some, this is a difficult period. For others, it opens up great prospects when interesting ideas are born, when a person activates his activity. And this is the most correct option overcoming a difficult stage of life.

People have always lived according to their capabilities. Someone saves an already small salary, and someone can afford expensive purchases even in times of crisis.

To understand what business to do in a crisis, you must offer profitable terms to buy their services or goods to all these people. You will need to tailor your business idea to consumer demand in your area.

Will the business be profitable in a crisis?

The important point is to have the necessary information, which means to find a profitable idea.

To do this, go shopping in your city and observe which departments have more people, which goods are bought more often. Consult with familiar entrepreneurs what problems exist in doing business, what obstacles may be. This will help you avoid these problems in your business.

Demand of buyers in each region is different. And a profitable business during a crisis is possible if you choose the best product or service for your city. Analyze all possible services and goods that you can and should do. Food, footwear and clothing will always be in demand. People use hairdressing and lending services, car repairs and lawyers.

Ideas for business in a crisis can be found on the Internet. Beginners, of course, will not be able to earn a lot of money right away, but there are many ways, you can learn a new business, there would be a desire. Becoming a professional in the Internet business, you can collect a large customer base and earn a decent income.

Now let's look at a few specific ideas that will help you open your own profitable business. The main thing is not to give up, and not to panic. Choose the idea that is closer to you and act.


Your idea should be extraordinary and in demand. To reduce their costs, many entrepreneurs seek advice from professional professionals. Starting a consulting company will help you make good money if you have the right education.

No start-up capital? Limit yourself. Choose the field of activity in which you are an excellent specialist, and you know everything.

Find clients via the Internet and conduct consultations via Skype. And when there are enough clients, think about opening a company, attracting specialists from different directions. Profitable and demanded business.

Repair of household appliances

Do you like repairing various electronics and home appliances? Are you good at it? Why not open a repair shop. At first, you can do this at home. The cost of renting a workshop space will be reduced.

Repair of household appliances is a profitable and promising business

And you will find customers quickly, because in times of crisis people try to save on everything. It's cheaper to repair old equipment than it is to buy a new one. To attract customers, use leaflets, ads on poles and at the entrances, on the Internet.

Collector's agency

Almost all of us have borrowed money from someone at some point. During the period of normal work and a good salary, we do not rush to repay debts. But during a crisis, money is needed, and negligent debtors are in no hurry to repay their debts. And people turn to collectors.

You can offer your services. And then from each repaid debt you will be able to receive your commission. No investment, income depends on the amount of debt. Not everyone will go for this kind of work, but as an option you can consider.

In this article, we will try to find out what kind of business to open in a crisis and how to ensure its development, taking into account the situation in the economy.

You will learn:

  • Features of the work of business in a crisis period.
  • Is it worth it to open a business in a crisis.
  • What kind of business is profitable to open in a crisis.
  • How to reduce risks by opening a business in a crisis.
  • What kind of business is definitely not worth opening in a crisis.

Is it worth starting a business in a crisis

There is a stereotype that business in a crisis economy has no chance for successful development, but there are many examples that demonstrate the exact opposite. With an unstable economy, there are wonderful prospects for entrepreneurship, if you correctly approach the choice of the sphere of application of efforts.

One option may be a commercial activity related to the production or provision of services. During a crisis, there is a chance to get a stable profit by reselling goods that are in high demand. It can be food, especially natural. Given this circumstance, it is possible to establish a business in the village. Another reverse option is to open a rural store, which will present an assortment aimed at meeting the basic needs of the population. Further in the article you will find a detailed analysis of ideas in a crisis and you can download ready-made business plans.

The choice of the direction of business largely depends on where you are located. Consider several areas of entrepreneurship.

  • Starting a business, you can open an enterprise that provides repair services for household appliances, vehicles, etc.
  • In the financial sector, you should choose areas with high profitability: the issuance of microcredits (money before payday) and pawnshop services.
  • Crisis times provide good opportunities for students and young people. Any non-standard idea can become an excellent foundation for a profitable startup.

You can always use the economic crisis to form a team of real professionals with whom you can implement any idea aimed at creating a profitable project.

Advantages solutions to open a business during a crisis:

  • At this time, you can gain invaluable experience in doing business in difficult conditions. Often, businessmen who managed to open enterprises in a stable situation are unable to withstand economic shocks. The crisis also allows you to gain the skills to make quick decisions, which increases the level of readiness for any changes. After that, any reformatting of the business will not be considered an impossible task.
  • During the crisis, many enterprises become bankrupt. By being active, you can get a chance to occupy the vacant niches.
  • When deciding to start a business in a crisis, you should first of all focus on basic needs fellow citizens. Useful theses can be found in the works of the psychologist Maslow. In order to understand what kind of business will grow during the crisis, you need to carefully study what the consumer needs: food, clothing and medicine. And, therefore, it is worth first of all to focus on these areas.

Firms and enterprises are the backbone of the business sphere. The level of employment of the population, the intensity of scientific developments and research activities depend on the development of business. Some companies decide to open a new line of business in seemingly unpromising areas of the economy.

Main difficulties business development during the crisis:

  • economic risks cause market instability;
  • managerial problems;
  • low level of competence of business owners;
  • dependence of small companies on large industry enterprises;
  • business sensitivity to changes in business conditions;
  • lack of confidence in the conclusion of contracts;
  • a lack of financial resources and available loans;
  • high level of responsibility of business owners. At the same time, all private property of entrepreneurs (houses, dachas, cars, etc.) is its pledge. This factor negatively affects economic activity companies. The risk of failure in the implementation of projects is due to the low level of competence of managers. Companies that have been operating in the market for a long time in niches with a stable income have a higher potential.

The performance of a business during a crisis is largely determined by the qualifications of the manager, who constantly organizes events aimed at improving the professional level of employees. Their success in the market largely depends on the entrepreneurial experience of company owners.

To solve most business problems during periods of economic crisis, you can use the following methods:

  • The management of the enterprise hires an additional team.
  • By increasing the initial capital, you can open a business with a higher chance of stable operation in an unstable economy.
  • It is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of the needs of the population, which will allow you to quickly adapt to changing consumer demand.

Flexible and nimble companies with the necessary amount of capital have a higher chance of overcoming the difficulties of business associated with the crisis. A competent business plan also plays an important role, examples of which you will find below in the article.

How to grow sales in a crisis: 3 ideas from practice

Is it possible not only not to lose customers in a crisis, but also to increase their number, you will learn from the article of the electronic magazine "Commercial Director".

What kind of business is profitable to open in a crisis: 15 business options

Idea 1. Open an online store.

Initial costs - from 200 thousand rubles.

The essence of the idea is to open an online trading business and deliver goods to consumers using a courier service and postal services. For this, it is necessary to organize its work. The relevance of the idea is confirmed by research market demand. This service is popular with middle-aged consumers. The prospect of a decision to open such a business is confirmed by the steady growth of this market segment.

If you are planning to open an online clothing business for women and children, you need to consider the following financial investments:

  • costs for the creation and technical administration of the Internet resource;
  • administrator and courier salary;
  • warehouse rent;
  • transportation costs in the process of purchasing products.

When organizing a business based on Internet sales, the cost of renting a stationary store is replaced by the costs of maintaining a web resource, purchasing software products and advertising costs. The profitability of a business related to the online trade in knitwear and clothing ranges from 20 to 25%.

In other words, if you open an online store, then with an investment of 200 thousand rubles. you can make a profit of about 40 thousand rubles. With the right promotion of the resource and a well-thought-out selection of the assortment, the payback period for such a business is from 4 to 6 months.

Idea 2. Open street fast food.

Initial costs - 275 thousand rubles.

The essence of the idea is to open a point selling snacks and drinks. The peculiarity of the idea is that, unlike kiosks with hot dogs and shawarma, it is proposed to create a menu that includes sandwiches with delicious toppings. It can be classic sandwiches and closed sandwiches.

The relevance of the business idea lies in the steady demand for fast food products. During the crisis, many visitors to catering establishments prefer inexpensive food from fast foods. It is better to open such a business in places with a large concentration of potential consumers: near metro stations, shopping centers, universities, etc.

The main expenses that you need to make to open a street fast food:

  • rent of a point of sale;
  • buying a kiosk or tent;
  • purchase of a heating and refrigerating showcase, equipment for making sandwiches and drinks.

When calculating the profit, we take as a basis the average turnover per day in the amount of 8 thousand rubles. In this case, we get about 240 thousand rubles. monthly revenue. The profitability of such a business is 30%, so its payback will take about 5 months. You can increase the outlet's turnover by introducing items with non-standard components into the assortment (products for vegetarians, fans of a healthy diet, etc.).

Practitioner tells

The crisis helped start your own business

Svetlana Krylova,

CEO and owner of the Evolution online store, Moscow

Due to the crisis, it was difficult to make a decision to start your own business. This situation lasted until 2008. I was afraid of losing the stable income that I had at that time. At the same time, my salary during the crisis has decreased significantly, and the range of responsibilities has expanded. This situation has become an incentive to open your own business.

As a hobby, she helped one sports club for a long time - she interacted with sports nutrition suppliers. As a result, I got access to both suppliers and club athletes who were consumers of the products. The idea of ​​how to open a business lay on the surface. It was only necessary to formalize it by creating a company that would operate in the market of sports nutrition and accessories.

Idea 3. Open a mobile pancake cafe.

Starting investments - 400,000 rubles.

The idea to open a pancake cafe includes the purchase of equipment for baking pancakes and the production of fillings, as well as organizing the sale of products to consumers. Despite the crisis, the market operates a large number of fast food companies offering delicious meals, so we can talk about high competition in this business segment. By introducing non-standard products for the production of fillings and applying a beautiful presentation of dishes, you can ensure a stable income and a large number of regular customers.

To open such a business, you need to pick up a shopping kiosk on wheels, which will allow you to quickly change location and give you the opportunity to take part in social events. Equipping a mobile point is the main investment when opening a pancake cafe.

To run a successful business, you need to:

  • a varied selection of delicious toppings;
  • availability of qualified personnel;
  • thoughtful choice of place of trade.

Enterprises of this type apply a markup of 80 to 100%, which makes it possible to cover overhead costs and receive a stable income. The full payback of the business will require several months of work, as this segment is highly competitive and requires significant initial investment.

Idea 4. Open a bakery and confectionery.

Starting investment - 1 million rubles.

“The crisis comes and goes, but you always want to eat,” so opening a catering business is always relevant. In large cities, there are more and more companies that combine the bakery and retail trade. Delicious pastries, a homely atmosphere and an interesting assortment attract buyers with different income levels. The essence of the idea to open a bakery and confectionery is to create an equipped retail outlet that bakes and sells bakery and confectionery products.

It is necessary to carefully consider the location of such an object. The best points are areas with high traffic. It could be:

  • a simple bakery with a sales area;
  • a bakery with a compact cafeteria.

In the first case, you can open a business with less financial investment and time costs. If you choose the right place, then even in a crisis, such a point will serve daily from 300 to 800 visitors, each of whom will buy products for 200–400 rubles. The profitability of a bakery without a cafeteria is estimated at 20%, so its payback period is from 10 months to a year.

Idea 5. Open an outsourcing company.

The minimum initial investment is 550 thousand rubles.

The essence of this project is to open a company that provides services to third-party enterprises on outsourcing. As a basic specialization, you can choose accounting services, financial, engineering or legal business support, as well as organizing a call center for working with orders. Now in Russia, the market for remote services is just emerging, so opening such a company is very important, especially since the crisis is forcing many enterprises to reduce staff and outsource some tasks.

To open an outsourcing business, two conditions must be met:

  • rent a convenient office in the city center or in an area with good public transport infrastructure;
  • hire qualified performers specializing in the desired area of ​​​​services.

In addition to the cost of renting office space, it is necessary to provide for financing of the company's advertising and its functioning at the initial stages. The provision of services is carried out on a contractual basis, and the cost is negotiated separately in each case. To attract regular customers and increase business profitability, it is necessary to continuously work on improving the quality of services.

Idea 6. Open a dining room.

The minimum initial investment is 1 million rubles.

The essence of the business is to open a small catering enterprise in the format of a city canteen. The services of such an institution, even in a crisis, are popular among students, pensioners and other categories of consumers. Inexpensive canteens are in stable demand, and such a business has low competition even in megacities.

In order to open a dining room, it is necessary to choose a room that meets the technical and sanitary requirements. The easiest option is to rent a former catering facility or spacious room near the university, train station, office or shopping center.

The main items of expenditure needed to open a canteen during a crisis:

  • reconstruction of the hall for visitors;
  • purchase of production and commercial equipment;
  • recruitment, training and salaries of staff.

The optimal size of the hall for visitors is a room for 50 seats. The loading of the canteen fluctuates depending on the time. The average permeability of such an object is at the level of 60%. Average check at the same time, it ranges from 200 to 300 rubles, which provides a daily revenue of about 25 thousand rubles. The payback period for a city canteen during a crisis is 1 year after opening.

Idea 7. Open the production of frame houses.

The minimum investment is 500 thousand rubles.

The essence of the business is to open a company for the construction of houses frame type Full construction. Even in times of crisis, the purchase of inexpensive houses is popular with middle-class people who want to have their own suburban housing in a picturesque place. The construction of a house using frame technology from project development to commissioning takes several months. The affordable cost of materials provides a good prospect for the development of frame construction.

To establish such a business, you need to open several offices in various parts of the city, where orders from customers and contracts for the sale of finished houses will be processed.

The initial investment in such a project is as follows:

  • hiring, training and salaries of construction teams;
  • maintenance of offices and salaries of managers;
  • advertising costs;
  • purchase of sets of special tools and materials.

The profitability of the frame house construction business depends on the cost of materials. The cost of material for the construction of 1 m 2 of a house ranges from 30 to 40 thousand rubles. When selling finished objects, the price square meter is already about 70 thousand rubles, and therefore, the profit after the sale of the cottage can reach 2 million rubles. Thus, the business is able to pay off after the sale of 2 objects.

Idea 8. Open an economy class hairdresser.

The minimum investment is 300 thousand rubles.

The essence of the idea for a business: open a small hairdressing salon that provides a full range of services at an affordable cost. During a crisis, such services are in demand among customers. different ages with different levels of well-being. Combination good quality service with an affordable price will allow you to open a hairdresser with a stable income.

The main expenses that will have to be incurred when deciding to establish such a business are related to the purchase of salon furniture, hairdressing tool, special equipment, cosmetics, as well as with the repair and decoration of the premises. Even during a crisis, you can get a large flow of visitors if you open a hairdresser in a densely populated area near a public transport stop or in a shopping and entertainment center.

You can provide additional business income if:

  • instead of hiring craftsmen, lease out jobs;
  • to invite, on a sublease basis, masters providing related services (beauticians, manicurists, etc.).

If such a hairdresser serves about 16 clients per shift, then with an average check of 250 rubles. its payback will occur in 1.5 years. When carrying out marketing activities and expanding the list of services, it is possible to increase the profitability of a hairdressing salon up to 29%.

Idea 9.Open a pharmacy.

The minimum investment is 500 thousand rubles.

The essence of the idea is to open a business related to the purchase of a wide range of medicines and the organization of their retail in a stationary pharmacy. Demand for these products, despite the crisis and high competition, remains quite high. A stable profit in the pharmacy business depends on pricing policy, choosing reliable suppliers and places to trade. A small pharmacy shop operating on a discounter basis would be appropriate in a residential area of ​​the city. It is best to place a pharmacy near metro stations, public transport stops or next to a supermarket.

To open a pharmacy, you will need:

  • specially equipped premises in non-residential fund;
  • employees with pharmaceutical education;
  • conclusion of contracts with reliable suppliers.

The profit of the pharmacy business is directly proportional to the turnover from the sale of medicines. Without violating legal requirements, entrepreneurs have the right to set high mark-ups only for certain groups of pharmacy products. Additional profit can be provided by the inclusion in the range of medical equipment, personal hygiene items, baby food.

Idea 10.Open a children's thrift store.

Initial investment - 300 thousand rubles.

The essence of the idea is to open a small store where goods will be accepted for sale from visitors for the purpose of further resale with the inclusion of a commission to the seller in the price. This business is growing rapidly. Especially in times of crisis in high demand commission branded children's goods are used, which new ones have a cost inaccessible to young families.

The main expenses in this business fall on the rent of a small room for a commission, its repair, as well as the purchase of commercial equipment and furniture. In this case, you do not have to purchase goods at wholesale warehouses, but you need to constantly pay for advertising to attract potential buyers and sellers.

To open a commission shop, it is better to find a room in a densely populated area, near large shopping centers or children's clinics.

Small investments will be needed for:

  • bright design of the facade of the store in a children's style;
  • opening and maintaining an Internet site or groups in social networks;
  • wages for store employees.

According to experts, for such a business, the level of profitability can be from 12 to 15%. With a daily revenue of about 15 thousand rubles. net profit will reach 30 thousand rubles. per month. You can increase income if you open a commission shop as a family business and refuse to hire employees.

idea 11.Open training courses.

The relevance of this business is due to the fact that even in a crisis, parents will not save on children. Private foreign language schools or centers for preparing school graduates for the Unified State Examination in difficult times may not be affordable for some parents, so you can count on success if you open budgetary training courses for children in the format of small groups or individual lessons.

The initial investment depends on the scale of the business. To get started, you can buy the necessary interactive learning tools and organize classes at home. You can also shoot by the hour office space. Part of the investment will go to advertising promotion in social networks, on bulletin boards, in newspapers, etc.

Idea 12.Open a business selling farm products.

During the economic crisis, products in large retail chains rise in price. In such a situation, it will be relevant to open a point of sale of food purchased directly from the farmer. Having completed all the necessary documentation, you can organize a stationary pavilion in the market or a mobile sale of products such as milk, eggs, cottage cheese, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc.

The initial investment will depend on the scale of the trading activity. As equipment, you can buy a special tank for transporting milk. In addition, you need to rent a trading kiosk or hire a seller and a driver. To attract a buyer, you can develop an individual design for your company, including the cost of branded stickers on vehicles and product packaging in the initial costs.

idea 13.Open a one-stop-shop.

Initial investment - 700 thousand rubles.

Statistics show that the majority of stores "all at the same price" have been successful during the crisis. During this period, people strive to save as much as possible and increasingly visit stores with a fixed cost of products. The assortment of the outlet will depend on the preferences of the entrepreneur. Here you can sell a wide range of goods, ranging from inexpensive products to household supplies.

You can open such a business as a franchise or organize the work of the store on your own.

Opening expenses will go to:

  • payment for the rent of the premises;
  • purchase of commercial equipment;
  • purchase of the first batch of products;
  • hiring staff.

As in any business related to retail, you need to take care of the good location of the store. As a source of goods, you can consider the option of purchasing products from China.

Idea 14.Open a production business in the field of import substitution.

Import substitution is an actual business option during the economic crisis. It should be noted that the policy of the state is entirely directed in this direction, so there are many grants and targeted investments for organizing production within the country. This will probably surprise someone, but goods can be transported not only from China, but also in the opposite direction! Many food products in China have a high price, so if you properly organize their transportation, you can open a successful business even during a crisis.

During a crisis, imported goods rise in price in proportion to currency fluctuations, while buyers begin to pay attention to domestic affordable products. This concept serves as the basis for starting a manufacturing business.

You can produce a wide range of agricultural products (honey, nuts, meat, milk, cheeses, etc.), open textile production, engage in conservation (fish, cereals, vegetables), grow fresh vegetables and fruits, and much more.

Idea 15.Open a beauty salon at home.

Initial investment - 30 thousand rubles.

During the crisis, a service has become popular, when the masters come to the house and help prepare for important events. Beauty salons are gradually raising prices for their services. Not having large expenses associated with renting premises and organizing a business, private hairdressers, cosmetologists, manicurists take less money for the same operations.

All initial investments will be used to pay for special courses, purchase the necessary equipment and advertising promotion. To prepare a portfolio, a novice master can try his skills on close relatives or girlfriends.

In the field of beauty services, advertising in wedding magazines, social networks and the so-called gypsy mail (client recommendations) is successfully working.

Practitioner tells

8 more ideas that will bring profit in a crisis

Evelina Ishmetova,

deputy CEO RRG company

With all the objective difficulties, opening a successful business during a crisis is a completely doable task. There are a number of niches, the potential of which is confirmed by the practical experience of real enterprises. At the same time, it must be understood that the success of business development in these segments cannot be guaranteed without professional management of the economic and commercial activities companies.

  1. driving schools

Currently, the cost of training in driving schools has increased significantly. This is due to the adoption of new laws, according to which, in order to obtain a driver's license, it is impossible to pass exams externally, but it is necessary to complete training for at least 3 months. As a result, the amount of payment for such training has increased to 60 thousand rubles. At the same time, the operating costs of driving schools are less than 2 million rubles, and therefore, the profitability of this business can reach 100% per year.

  1. Private kindergartens

Opening a private kindergarten in the capital or in other metropolitan areas is quite a promising solution, despite the high competition in this segment. During the crisis, the cost of the services of private preschool institutions has fallen markedly, but still it does not fall below the mark of 25 thousand rubles. On average, parents have to pay about 30,000 rubles a month, as well as an entrance fee of 2,000 rubles. In addition to profit from basic services, such a business involves generating additional income through the organization of weekend groups, paid music classes, fine arts, foreign languages, etc. A small private kindergarten can also be organized at home. In this case, with 8 pupils, the monthly income will be about 300 thousand rubles, and the cost of renting an apartment, catering for children, the salary of a nanny and educator will not exceed 160 thousand. Thus, with the right approach, a private kindergarten is a fairly profitable business.

  1. Tennis courts

The cost of renting tennis courts in the Russian Federation, despite the depreciation of the ruble associated with the crisis, is very high even on a global scale. On sites with high-quality coverage, located in convenient places, the price of one hour reaches 3 thousand rubles. And even at such a high cost, demand far outstrips supply. Analyzing this situation, one can easily come to the conclusion that the business associated with this sport has good prospects during the crisis.

  1. Sports equipment rental

An active lifestyle is becoming more and more popular among people of all ages. The crisis has no effect on this trend. If you open a rental of sports equipment (bicycles, skis, roller skates, equipment for hiking, etc.), then you can find consumers of such a service, regardless of the season of the year.

Consider the example of skate rentals in the winter. The cost of good skates will be less than 1500 rubles. If the rental point is located near a heavily visited ice rink, then you will need to purchase about 50 pairs of skates. Total - the initial investment will be 75,000 rubles. average cost rental of this inventory is 200 rubles per hour. Outdoor skating rink in our climatic conditions can operate for about 50 days, receiving an average of 300 visitors daily. Thus, during the season you can get 3 million rubles of income from skate rental and about 0.5 million more if you provide services for sharpening customers' skates. The expenses of the rental business are related to the rent of a stall, electricity bills and staff salaries, which in total will not exceed 200 thousand rubles. As you can see, if you open a skate rental, you can get a business profitability of several hundred percent.

  1. Storage boxes

Another promising business, which is in demand during the crisis, is associated with the provision of services for renting boxes for storing various things and inventory. In this case, from a simple concreted area of ​​​​100 m 2, on which 20 corrugated boxes are equipped, you can get an income of 200,000 rubles a year. The cost of such a site in large complexes, taking into account security and fire alarms, as well as utilities, does not exceed 600,000 rubles. The operating costs of such a business are not very high. This includes heating, electricity, administration, salaries of cleaners and security guards. The payback period for this business is 2 to 3 years.

  1. Hostels

The business, which is associated with the reconstruction of apartments in old houses into hostels, was at its peak a few years ago. At that time, the price of a bed was from 900 rubles per day, which made it possible to recoup the cost of an apartment, its repair, and the purchase of necessary furniture and household appliances in a year. Today, competition has noticeably increased in this market segment, which forces entrepreneurs to increase spending on improving the quality level of interior decoration and service. At the same time, there is a decrease in the average cost of living to 450 rubles per day. But even under such conditions, opening a hostel is a good opportunity to create a super-profitable business during a crisis.

  1. Food import

Before the crisis, there was a trend in the food trade market towards stable ties between large networks and private entrepreneurs with the main importers of agricultural products. This situation prevented the emergence of new importers and the supply of products from other countries that were not previously represented on the domestic market. After counter-sanctions were introduced against the European Union and the ruble exchange rate fell, new suppliers appeared. They offered high-quality analogues of European products, which have a more affordable cost. Today, a business related to the import of food products can bring high profits.

  1. Open a coffee shop

Buying a cup of aromatic drink for 150–200 rubles. in Coffee House, Caffeine, Starbucks, Coffee Bean or other chain coffee shops, we do not think about the cost of the product. The real price of a cup of coffee is no more than 5 rubles (coffee, sugar, milk, cream and various fillers). A cafe with an area of ​​100 m 2, even with 40% occupancy, sells about 80 thousand cups of coffee per year. In other words, such a business can generate approximately 12 million rubles in revenue with the cost of ingredients 400 thousand rubles.

What kind of business to open in a crisis and how to reduce risks

To open a business, you need to register it and properly organize the work. The following tips will help you cut costs early on:

  • If possible, do not contact intermediaries to register the necessary documentation.
  • Refrain from renting a presentable office at an inflated price, buying expensive furniture and other luxuries in the initial stages of business development.
  • Choose reliable and inexpensive advertising channels.
  • To save on the salaries of hired specialists, try to do some of the main work yourself.

The most important rule is to keep a strict record of all financial receipts and expenditures. It is necessary to correctly use the first profit received. During a crisis, there are many ways to open a successful business. The choice of direction should be carried out taking into account the characteristics of the region where the development of a new enterprise is expected.

One of the most popular ways today that allows you to quickly open your own business is franchising. With this approach, you can reduce the cost of promoting the company and get an effective business technology that has been tested by real market participants.

A good option for entrepreneurship in a crisis is to open an online store. In this case, savings on the lease of retail space and staff salaries are ensured. Especially promising ideas for creating a business in a crisis are innovative technologies that have a high potential for development.

What business should not be opened in a crisis

Taking into account the fact that during the crisis there is a decrease in the level of income of the population, we can expect a significant drop in the field of expensive purchases. In this regard, you can make a list of business ideas that are likely to lead to failure:

  • open a travel agency;
  • organize trade in building materials;
  • open a real estate agency;
  • organize trading in shares and various types of securities;
  • start a shipping company.

Practitioner tells

5 bad business ideas in a crisis

Grigory Trusov,

President, Contact-Expert

An example is a list of 5 niches for starting a small business that are associated with high risks in a crisis.

  1. Retail outlets in the mall

The shuttle business, which was popular a few years ago, thanks to which the main supplies of clothes and other products for sale in various malls, was carried out, is now in a deep crisis and brings big losses to entrepreneurs. The decline in sales is affected by competition from outside chain stores clothes, as well as from online stores that successfully operate in this segment and attract consumers with low prices.

  1. Restaurants

During the crisis, restaurateurs have to look for solutions to combine two fundamentally opposite concepts. On the one hand, restaurants need to keep the cost of meals affordable, and on the other hand, improve the quality of services in order to keep up with competitors in the fight for regular customers. Since there is no solution to such a problem, restaurant business owners will have to make a choice in favor of one or the other priority (affordable cost or status). In any case, in order to open a restaurant during a crisis, you need to have a sufficiently large supply of free financial resources that will allow you to live until better times.

  1. Jewelry stores

The crisis is characterized by a downward trend in sales in the segment of luxury goods. Jewelry also falls into this category.

Despite the fact that even a few sales per day can bring this species business for payback, it is extremely difficult to achieve such a result in a crisis. In addition to an objective decrease in purchasing power, during economic downturn jewelry stores feel competition from the secondary market and online stores. Pawnshops sell unredeemed jewelry at a low price, while online retailers, unencumbered by rental payments, offer lucrative discounts on jewelry.

  1. Solariums

Opening a solarium requires significant investment. Equipment for artificial tanning costs from 400 thousand to several million rubles. A quick return on such investments is possible only with a stable flow of customers. During the crisis, many are forced to refuse trips to expensive seaside resorts, and it is this category of consumers that accounted for a large percentage of solarium visitors in preparation for the next season. The average cost of the procedure today is about 20 rubles per minute. At such a price, it is possible to achieve a return on business by providing at least 40% of the cabin load. Another difficulty of this business is associated with high competition, since before the crisis in big cities a large number of tanning studios have opened.

  1. bookmakers

Difficulties with the development of business in this area appeared in 2014. Then several legislative acts were issued allowing bookmakers to accept bets only if the visitor had a passport. In addition, the state has ruled that bookmakers must charge income tax on customer winnings. After such innovations, the number of visitors to bookmakers decreased by almost 95%. Some entrepreneurs, in order to make up for the losses, decided to open halls with gaming slots, which jeopardized the legality of the business.

Today in Russia there are many bookmakers that are balancing on the verge of loss. At the same time, there are also such entrepreneurs who have decided to open a betting business on the Internet and, taking into account a number of court injunctions, transfer it to zones that are not subject to Russian law. In this case, financial transactions become inaccessible to domestic fiscal services.

Success stories of well-known companies that were opened during the crisis

  1. Adidas

Popular global brands specializing in sports goods, Adidas and Puma, were born during the crisis after the First World War. They were formed from a family business that was opened in 1920 during a terrible recession in the German economy. In a country that was forced to pay reparations to the states that won the war, there was global unemployment. In order to survive during the crisis, the Dassler family decided to open a shoe production. The first products of entrepreneurs were slippers and orthopedic shoes for invalids. In the context of a shortage of high-quality raw materials, decommissioned military uniforms and old car tires were used for the production of products (for the manufacture of soles). The business was profitable and growing. Already 5 years later, the eldest son of this family, Adolf (Adi), introduced the production of the first football boots with spikes, which were forged by a familiar blacksmith. This was the start of a big success.

  1. Lego

The Great Depression in the 29th year of the last century caused serious damage to the economy of the United States and many European countries. In Denmark, at that time there was global unemployment and one farm after another went bankrupt. At the height of the crisis (1932), a company with a very famous name today, Lego, was born in this country. Its founder Ole Kirk Christiansen decided to open carpentry. With a small number of employees, he made stepladders, chairs and ironing boards, but all these products were not in demand. One day Olya came up with the idea to produce wooden toys. As you know, most parents are ready to spend the last money on their children. For a new direction was invented original name leg godt ("play well"). This was the beginning of a successful business with a worldwide reputation.

  1. Pepsi

At the dawn of its development, a successful brand had to be reborn. The fact is that Caleb Bradham invented the popular drink back in 1893. He opened the company, which went bankrupt during the crisis that provoked the collapse of the sugar market in 1921. The successful brand was revived in 1928 by Charlie Guth. He came up with an interesting move that helped him bypass the main competitor (Coca-Cola) during the economic downturn. To sell the drink, he began to use a new bottle of 12 ounces and sell it for 5 cents (this was the price of a 6.5 ounce bottle of Coca-Cola). This innovation was accompanied by the slogan: "You pay, as before, you get twice as much." In a crisis, everyone wants to save money, and this strategy has worked 100%. Competitors from Coca-Cola could not quickly change the volume of bottles for two reasons: it was necessary to redo the production line and spend a lot of money on rebranding, since one of the main trump cards of this concern was the recognizable shape of the container.

  1. Burger King

A good idea for a crisis is to open a fast food restaurant. It seems that with a network like McDonald's on the market, this is not possible. But there are such examples in history. In 1957, the United States was rocked by another crisis - the recession of the Eisenhower era. Quality food from McDonald's was in demand, but these restaurants are like an assembly line. The creators of Burger King decided to open a network that would allow customers to choose the ingredients for their sandwiches. Visitors liked this idea, as they could show their individuality.

  1. FedEx

An interesting example of business development in a crisis can be found in the history of Federal Express Corporation. The oil embargo of 1973 led to a serious shortage of petroleum products. Airlines cut flights, and motorists increasingly refused to travel on their transport. In the midst of this crisis, an airline appeared on the market that specialized exclusively in parcel delivery. Fred Smith decided to open a business related to the transportation of items over long distances while working on a student term paper (for which, by the way, he received only 3 points). Up to this point, such delivery of goods was ineffective, since several companies participated in the chain. Smith's idea that one firm should be responsible for the cargo led to a successful business.

  1. Starbucks

1987 gave the world Black Monday. This name was given to the day on October 19, when there was a maximum drop in the Dow Jones index (22.6%). At this time, Howard Schultz acquired a not very attractive business - a chain of Starbucks coffee houses.

Today, Starbucks has become the symbol of the third meeting place (after home and office). Here you can hold a business conversation, meet with friends or just enjoy your favorite drink. After rapid development in the United States, the founders of Starbucks managed to open subsidiaries in 49 countries around the world.

  1. Wikipedia

A popular online encyclopedia is also distinguished by its birth during a crisis. It happened during the dot-com crash. Of course, Wikipedia has not yet become a successful business ( non-profit organization exists on donations), but is already deservedly considered one of the most significant phenomena of the online network. During the first month, 200 articles were published on this resource, and a year later their number grew to 18,000. The success of the project was ensured by Wales' decision to make the resource multilingual. Today, English-language articles account for no more than 5% of the total volume of Wikipedia materials.

Information about experts

Svetlana Krylova, CEO and owner of the Evolution online store, Moscow. IP "Evolution". Business profile: retail and wholesale trade in sports nutrition and fitness accessories. Number of employees: 4. Annual turnover: 4.5 million rubles.

Evelina Ishmetova, Deputy General Director of RRG. Evelina Ishmetova graduated from the Russian Academy of Economics. G.  V. Plekhanov in 2003. Certified specialist in investments in commercial real estate, attended advanced training courses of the Russian Guild of Realtors and MIRBIS, participated in the preparation of projects and the conclusion of contracts for the companies Basic Element, Glavstroy, Donstroy, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and others. Since 2014, he has been working as Deputy General Director of RRG. RRG was founded in 2005 and provides services in the field of consulting, management and operation, real estate development. The advantages of RRG are: recognized research experience, unique technologies, creative and informal approach, proven quality of work, the presence of an extensive and reliable database of all sold and leased objects.

Grigory Trusov, President, "Contact-Expert". Grigory Trusov is a leading Russian marketing consultant with over 700 projects in 12 countries. Laureate of the national award "Company of the Year - 2009" and the international award "Person of the Year - 2009". He teaches marketing at a number of business schools in Russia: Moscow State University, RANEPA, National Research University Higher School of Economics. Author of the bestseller "They will come, they will buy." "Contact-Expert" provides consulting services in the field of marketing. On the market since 2003. Among the clients are more than 100 Russian and international organizations. Official site -

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