Mentoring as a method of staff training. Help young professionals in new jobs

garden equipment 26.09.2019
garden equipment

Introduction to the position. In one of the last classes, we discussed in detail the so-called adaptation of personnel. And now, as part of the personnel training process, I want to focus your attention on the second stage of the adaptation process, namely: on the “orientation” of the personnel, when a new employee is practically acquainted with his duties and the requirements that are imposed on him by the company, and this acquaintance is carried out through such training programs as "History of the organization", "Introduction to the profession", "Realistic acquaintance with future work", etc. At this stage, it is very advisable for the employee to familiarize himself with such documents as the "Code ethical standards, corporate standards and traditions", "Memo to the employee", "Company's obligations to employees", "What the company values ​​and expects from its employees" (see clauses 2.1 and 2.2) and, of course, with job description employee (see clause 4.2 and clause 4.4).
Briefing. Briefing is an explanation of the methods of work with some demonstration of them directly at the workplace. The briefing is carried out either by an employee of the company specially trained for this purpose, or by an employee who has been fulfilling his duties for a long time and has extensive work experience. Generally speaking, all types of briefings are elements of study. The statistics show that Special attention should be given to workers with experience up to 1 year, as well as experienced workers with a long record, since these categories of workers are most susceptible to injury. In the first case, because of inexperience, in the second, because of extreme self-confidence. By the way, the analysis of accidents, the study of orders is also a kind of training.
By the nature and timing of the briefing of employees can be divided into introductory (introductory), primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted. Introductory training is carried out:
- with all employees who are hired for permanent or temporary work in the company, regardless of their education, work experience and position;
- with employees of other organizations who arrived at the company and participate directly in the production process or perform other work for the company;
- with pupils and students who arrived at the company for industrial training or practice;
- in the case of an excursion to the company.
Primary briefing is carried out before starting work directly at the workplace: with an employee accepted into the company (permanently or temporarily); with an employee who is transferred from one production shop to another; with an employee who will perform a new job for him;
with a seconded worker who is directly involved in the production process at the enterprise;
at the beginning of classes in each classroom, laboratory, where the educational process is associated with the use of hazardous or harmful chemical, physical, biological factors, in circles, before the lessons of labor training, physical education, before sports competitions, exercises on sports equipment, before completing each educational task related to the use various mechanisms, tools, materials, etc.;
at the beginning of the study of each new subject (section, topic) of the curriculum (program) - according to general requirements security related to the subject and features of these classes.
Repeated briefing is carried out with employees at the workplace within the time limits determined by the relevant current industry regulations or the head of the company, taking into account specific working conditions, but not less often: at work with increased danger - once every 3 months; for other works - once in 6 months.
Unscheduled briefing is carried out with employees at the workplace or in the office of labor protection:
when new or revised normative acts on labor protection are put into effect, as well as when amendments and additions are made to them;
when it changes technological process, replacement or modernization of equipment, instruments and tools, output raw materials, materials and other factors that affect the state of labor protection;
in case of violation by employees of the requirements of normative acts on labor protection, which can lead or have led to injuries, accidents, fires, etc.;
when persons exercising state supervision and control over labor protection show ignorance of safety requirements regarding the work performed by the employee, or at the motivated request of employees of these control bodies;
in the event of a break in the work of the performer of work for more than 30 calendar days - for work with increased danger, and for other work - more than 60 days.
Targeted briefing is carried out with employees:
when performing one-time work not provided for employment contract; during the liquidation of an accident, natural disaster;
when carrying out work for which a work permit, orders or other documents are issued;
is carried out with pupils, pupils, students in case of organization mass events(excursions, trips, sports events etc.).
I must especially emphasize that all employees of the company who are hired for permanent or temporary work must undergo training in the company in the form of briefings on labor protection, first aid for victims of accidents, as well as the rules of conduct in the event of emergencies, fires and natural Disasters, on non-disclosure of trade secrets. By the way, employees who combine professions (including employees of integrated teams) are instructed both in their main professions and in professions in combination. And most importantly, all types of briefing and knowledge testing, as well as admission to independent work are recorded in the registration log (personal card) with the signature of the instructed and instructing.
Tips and regular instructions from the boss. The meaning of the method lies in the fact that in the process of work, the employee receives "valuable instructions" from his immediate superior.
Of course, their "value" depends on the personal characteristics of the leader, and on the traditions that have developed in the company, and, ultimately, on the mood of the leader. Quite often, an employee receives a well-known instruction such as: "Dig from the nearest post until lunch!". The fulfillment of such a "valuable" instruction, of course, significantly develops only the ability to obey, and even the skills of working with the ground, which, however, is not so little. The advantage of this method is undeniable, since in the overwhelming majority of cases the student performs the work necessary for the company. Difficulties can arise, as I have already shown by example, due, to put it mildly, to the insufficient pedagogical qualifications of some leaders. Or here's an example. If any of you watched the popular American long-term series "Santa Barbara" on TV, he remembers that sometimes only a hint of the main character C.C. Capwell about someone who is worthless to him leads to serious consequences for this "chosen one" namely due to the zealousness of the execution by Xi Xi's subordinates of such a "soft" instruction from the leader. Or, finally, another example. Some not very conscientious company executives in Russia hire employees just to “set them up”. For example, knowing about significant financial irregularities in his own company and about the upcoming state audit, such a manager hires a chief accountant, usually a young and inexperienced girl, ready to sign any financial documents under his spell. Often the advice given by such a leader: "Come to work in our company, you are welcome!", Ends with a free trip to the regions, as they say, not so remote. So do not forget the saying: "Beware of the Danes who bring gifts!". Do not blindly and thoughtlessly follow the advice and instructions of superiors.
The practice of attracting staff to the role of deputy. The meaning of this training method is to involve the employee in decision-making, i.e. there is a systematic preparation of the employee for the occupation of the corresponding managerial position. At the same time, of course, part of the load is removed from the head of the department, and gradually, step by step, responsibility. Here is an example. Based on the results of staff appraisal in the bank, we practiced recruiting staff to work as deputy heads of departments, thereby allowing the deputies to acquire the necessary managerial experience. On the one hand, this caused a furious protest from the heads of departments, "trembling" for their chair, and on the other hand, it allowed the organization to free itself from the "blackmail" of such leaders when they flaunted that there was no replacement for them. This method, by the way, usually spurred on the "growth" and the heads of departments themselves. Great power of competition! Of course, there were also costs to this process. Many deputies felt that they were "temporaries" in the position of leader, and this, no doubt, left an imprint on the results of their work. Or, for example, there were problems in the transfer of cases, powers and responsibilities. Such a transfer sometimes led to malfunctions. However, obtaining additional professional qualifications and expanding the experience of employees, i.e. the increase in their competencies more than compensated for all conceivable and actual costs.
Assignment to perform special special tasks. This method is aimed at improving the special skills of company employees through the assignment to perform special one-time tasks that need to be carefully worked out. The meaning of the method is to prepare the employee for the implementation of broader and challenging tasks. For example, during the period probationary period I had occasion to send employees on business trips to various branches of the company in order to conduct an audit. Naturally, independent control over the work of such employees was also carried out, for example, through the company's security service, etc. The results of these trips, of course, were taken into account in further work with employees. The best of the seconded, for example, became the head of the company's control and audit department.
Mentorship. Sometimes knowledge and skills are transferred not only from the immediate superior to the subordinate. There is the concept of "mentor", or "educator". This role is usually performed by the most experienced and respected member of the company. Mentoring is especially popular in the scientific community, when a graduate student, and then a graduate student or even a candidate of sciences, has a supervisor - a comrade-in-arms, friend, colleague, good adviser, consultant, in other words, a mentor.
Here are the four steps to a successful mentor relationship:
1. Initiation. From 6 to 12 months. The employee admires the competence of the leader, recognizes his advice and support. An experienced mentor sees the employee's potential and that he is worthy of patronage.
2. Development. From 2 to 5 years. The manager monitors the activities of the employee, provides all possible assistance, support and protection. He conveys to the employee new ideas, views, values, etc.
3. Branch. The employee learns independence and autonomy, which is often accompanied by a sense of fear, confusion, a sense of loss.
4. New definition. The relationship between employee and mentor turns into friendship. The head continues to support the ward, is proud of his success. The manager feels the gratitude of the grown employee.
Mentorship. The next well-known method is mentoring. This word comes from the ancient Greek epic. Odysseus' appeal to his friend Mentor, "Tell me everything you know," essentially set the boundaries of mentorship. This method allows you to transfer skills and knowledge to other people. The essence of the method can be characterized by seven steps, seven steps of mentoring:
Step 1. Introduction to the course of business and familiarization (working environment, employees).
Step 2. Display (details related to the workplace, materials, means of production, machine tools, equipment, computers, etc.).
Step 3. Demo (workflow with explanation).
Step 4. Indication, hint (observation of the trainee during the first performance of the work, help only if necessary).
Step 5. Explanation (clear, thorough and accurate).
Step 6. Training (allowing you to train with less and less control).
Step 7. Additional training (expansion of acquired knowledge).
At one time, in the bank where I worked, we introduced the so-called institute of teachers-mentors. Its meaning was to involve the most experienced bank specialists not only in conducting internships for new employees or employees who arrived, say, from other branches of the bank, but also, most valuable, to conduct lectures, seminars and other classes not only in the training center, but also at the college "Banker" - a university established at the bank. The advantages of this method are visibility and proximity to reality.
Coaching. Coaching (coaching) is defined as instruction, training, inspiration or preparation for an exam, competitions, classes with a tutor, instructor, trainer and others (see the site
In his book, Sir John Whitmore defines the essence of coaching much more broadly: "Coaching serves to unlock the potential of the individual in order to maximize the productivity and effectiveness of one's own activities. It helps the individual to learn more than it teaches." The point is that the ability to grow into a powerful creature is inherent in each of us. Each of us has enormous potential. The task of a coach, manager, teacher is to ensure that each athlete, subordinate, student realizes his potential, outlines actions to unlock it and successfully completes these actions. Thus, coaching focuses on future opportunities rather than past mistakes. However, the main distinctive feature coaching (both in sports and in business) is that a coach manager, coach teacher helps a person find his own solution, and does not solve the problem for him.
Coaching is both the tool and the essence of change corporate culture companies. "Coaching is not just a technique for doing business in rigidly defined circumstances. It is a means of management, a way of communicating with people, a way of being."
Increasing task method. The essence of the method is to provide the employee with the opportunity to perform at first fairly easy, and then more and more complex tasks and production operations. The apotheosis of this method is, of course, independent execution employee of the assigned task.
Staff rotation. The word "rotation" comes from the Latin rotatio, i.e. "Roundabout Circulation". Therefore, "staff rotation" is a regular turnover of personnel in accordance with the principle of "finding the right employee in the right place." During the process of rotation, the nature of work can change radically and in such cases a worker with a broad profile qualification is formed, which is necessary in the future, for example, as a production manager. If an employee during the rotation changes several jobs related to the circle of related specialties, then a specialist with deep and comprehensive knowledge of any one production area is formed, who is able to effectively participate in labor cooperation with his colleagues. The transfer of an employee to new jobs can occur throughout his entire working life, but over time this process weakens. The most intensive period of rotation is the first period of his employment, limited by the moment when the employee stops adapting and learning effectively, reaches the maximum level of competence and, finally, can find a suitable place for the most complete disclosure and application of all his abilities. Typically, rotation is performed for a period of several days to several months.
I had to deal with the rotation procedure more than once. I will give just one example. Working in a large trading company, with more than a dozen branches, we rotated the management team as follows: the head, say,
Krasnoyarsk branch moved to Irkutsk, and the Irkutsk branch - to Krasnoyarsk. Of course, such a procedure required costs associated with the relocation of employees, their arrangement, etc. However, we also received clear advantages. General corporate standards were developed, experience was exchanged, and new contacts were developed.
Copy. Copying is attaching a young worker to a skilled employee. His study consists in the exact repetition of the actions of the master. "Give to an apprentice" - this was the name of this method in the old days in Russia. At the same time, there are a number of pitfalls, namely: the master can pass on some of his unsuccessful methods of work to a young employee, he may have no desire to reveal the secrets of mastery, or the method of work may be suitable only for this particular individual, and then this experience turns out to be absolutely not transferable. .
Delegation. Using the practice of transferring a clearly defined range of tasks to an employee, and with appropriate decision-making powers. And of course, under the vigilant control of the head.
Use of special instructions. The method lies in the fact that the employee before starting work is given the opportunity to study special technique, instruction, position, etc. For example, if you hired an employee to work on a copier, give him the opportunity to study the specific instructions that correspond to this particular model of the device, and not any other.
Youth government. The essence of the method lies in the fact that a team is created from employees of the middle and lower levels of the company, capable of performing the functions of top managers, the company's management. V political practice such a team is commonly referred to as a "shadow cabinet". This "youth" team (the "youth" in the sense of her little leadership experience throughout the company) is given complete information empowered to make decisions and be held accountable for their consequences. Sometimes such a team is provided with a real disposal of a small branch of the company or some department. The role of managers in this case is to directly monitor the activities of such a team and provide necessary advice. This method demonstrates all the managerial abilities of employees practically in "combat" conditions.

What are the forms and types of work with personnel reserve? Where to order training and development of personnel in the organization? What are the methods for identifying staff training needs?

Hello everyone! Today I, Alla Prosyukova, propose to talk about staff training.

The rapid development of technology makes employers take care of the constant improvement of the level of staff through its training. Professional personnel increase the competitiveness of the company and its profits.

Upgrading the skills is beneficial for the employees themselves. They perform better on tasks, which leads to higher salaries and career advancement. But in order to achieve the desired results, you need to know the main points of organizing staff training. It is about this and will be discussed in my new article.

Those who read to the end will receive a bonus - helpful tips on the topic of the article and interesting video material.

1. What is staff training and why is it carried out?

We hear it all the time: “staff training, staff training”. But what this process actually is, not many can clearly explain.

So let's start with a basic definition.

Training is the development of professional skills, abilities and knowledge of employees in accordance with the goals and strategy of the company.

As I wrote above, employee training is important not only for the employer, but also for the employees themselves.

Benefits for the employer:

  • highly professional personnel capable of solving the most complex tasks;
  • reduction in staff turnover;
  • formation of a personnel reserve;
  • reducing recruitment costs;
  • increasing the motivation of employees.

Benefits for the employee:

  • acquisition of new professional knowledge and skills;
  • salary increase;
  • promotion;
  • confidence in the future;
  • lack of fear of losing a job;
  • growth of respect and appreciation;
  • increasing labor motivation.

2. What are the types of staff training - TOP-3 main types

Personnel training is classified according to different criteria. By type, it is divided into training, retraining and.

Here I will introduce you to them in more detail.

Type 1. Personnel training

The purpose of employee training is to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to perform certain tasks.


Dasha graduated from high school this spring and tried to enter the university. However, she didn't score. The girl decided not to go to the paid department, but to prepare and try again next year. In the meantime, you have to go to work! Of course, she had no profession.

Based on the situation, Dasha chose the nearest supermarket for her employment. Convenient schedule, "live" work close to home, plus education and training of staff right at the workplace. And you master the profession, and the salary goes.

Type 2. Retraining of personnel

From the name of this type of training it becomes clear that retraining- this is the acquisition of knowledge by employees in connection with a change in profession, or changes in the requirements for it.


Natalia Kozina had a higher economic education and 4 years of experience as an accountant. On duty, she closely interacted with the planning and economic service. Therefore, when the position of an economist was vacated in the company, the management decided to offer it to Kozina.

But Natalia did not have the necessary knowledge. The management decided to send her for a short-term retraining in their own training center.

Type 3. Professional development

This type involves the receipt by employees of additional knowledge in connection with a change qualification requirements to a particular position, specialty, etc.

Such training will help the employee adapt to new conditions without loss and continue to perform their duties at the proper level.

Sometimes upgrading your skills is the only way to keep your job.

3. Basic methods of training personnel in the workplace - 6 main methods

For staff training are used various methods. Their choice depends on the method of obtaining knowledge: on-the-job training or off-the-job training.

We will consider methods related to both methods. Let's start by looking at 6 methods used in training staff in the workplace.

Method 1: Copy

Everything is very clear here. New worker observes the actions of a more experienced employee, repeats all his movements, as if reading them.

The more accurately he repeats them, the faster the beginner will develop the necessary professional skill.

Method 2. Production briefing

You probably remember how, when you were hired, you were given a production briefing.

Production briefing - generalized information about the upcoming functionality, which makes it easier to enter a new position and soften the habituation to a new workplace.

Method 3: Mentoring

This method has its roots in the distant years at the dawn of the young Soviet republic.

Mentoring- education young specialist an experienced employee who is assigned to a newcomer for a certain period, takes patronage over him.

A distinctive feature of this method is that training is carried out directly at the workplace in work time, under the supervision of a mentor and with his constant support.

Mentoring in its development goes through 5 stages.

8. Conclusion

For staff training to be effective, you should know its main types and methods. This is exactly what I told you, dear readers, in my article. Now you know the basic nuances of the process, which means you are ready to start organizing training in your company!

Question for readers

What types of training are accepted in your company? Do you think lecture-based learning is effective?
What is staff development full review concepts and methods of personnel training in an organization + 5 stages of personnel development through personnel rotation

The effectiveness of their organization largely depends on the human factor, or rather on the level of professional training of employees. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the rapid change of circumstances.

In our time, success is achieved by those companies whose leaders understand that the effectiveness of their organization largely depends on the human factor, or rather, on the level of professional training of employees. At the same time, one must also take into account the rapid change in technology and the deep restructuring of the economy, which dictates the need to constantly improve one's professional qualifications. In the conditions of fierce competition in the market, progressive managers take care of the professional development of their subordinates, which includes the acquisition by employees of new competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities.

The systematic replenishment of their professional knowledge allows a person to maintain the quality and level of their professional skills at a competitive level. In other words, it is not enough to get an education once in a lifetime and stop at this level. Modern market conditions will not tolerate this.

To solve the problem of professional development of employees of various organizations, the Favorit recruitment agency has a number of methods in its arsenal, which include professional training, training, career development, and education.

All training methods can be divided into two large groups: on-the-job training and off-the-job training.

On-the-job training requires less financial costs, which is especially important in the conditions of the economic crisis, and also has the greatest practical orientation, since it is directly related to the professional duties of the employee. The acquired knowledge is immediately fixed in practice. Three people participate in this type of training: an employee, his manager and a human resource manager (HR manager), and in the first two this case bears the greatest responsibility. HR managers play an advisory and methodological role in this process.

On the job training includes a number of methods:

1. Budding(from the English budding - promising) - also called informal mentoring, which occurs when the student is included in the process of another person's activity. This is where mutual learning takes place. There are no "senior" and "junior" here. All participants are completely equal. Advice and guidance and are transmitted bilaterally.

2. Shading(from the English shadowing - shading) - monitoring the labor process. This allows you to identify weaknesses in vocational training employee and direct the learning process to eliminate them.

3. Secondment(from English secondment - business trip) - includes a temporary transfer of an employee to another division of a given company or an internship in a completely different company. Another name for this method is rotation.

4. Mentoring- consists in purposeful transfer of professional experience. It is the oldest method of transferring experience, but darker-less has not lost its relevance.

5. coaching(from English coaching - curating) - in many ways similar to mentoring. However, it differs in that the trained employee is not offered ready-made templates for solving certain production situations, but is encouraged to independently search for a solution to the problem with the help of a coach (curator).

6. Tutoring(from the English tutor - guardian, tutor) - one of the types of mentoring, in which, in the process of discussion, issues are resolved about transferring the acquired knowledge into the daily practice of the student.

7. briefing- can be carried out by both an experienced employee and a specially trained instructor. This method consists in explaining and demonstrating the methods of work directly at the workplace.

Methods of learning outside the workplace allow you to distract from pressing issues in production and expand your professional horizons. These methods are distinguished by their breadth of coverage of information and allow you to get the most advanced knowledge in their field.

The classic method of learning outside the workplace is the lecture. It allows you to convey to the trained employees a large amount of information in a limited time period. This method provides the best opportunity for employees to learn about new trends in the development of their industry, to receive information about the advanced technologies being introduced. The disadvantage of this method is that the trained employees are passive participants in what is happening. During the lecture, due to the lack of feedback, it is difficult to determine the degree of comprehensibility of the material.

This weak side lectures is designed to correct such a teaching method as the consideration of practical situations (cases). This technique was first tested at the Harvard Business School at the Faculty of Law in 1869, and to this day it is widely used in the process of professional development. This method consists in individual analysis followed by analysis in a group of hypothetical or real situations, the essence of which can be presented in the form of a description, video, etc. When considering practical situations, the trainees play an active role, and the trainer performs an advisory function.

Business games are another method of professional development outside the workplace. At the same time, situations are played out as close as possible to the real one. professional activity. Therefore, the practical conclusions of these games can directly help to improve the professional efficiency of the staff.

Video training is an analysis of a video recording of practical exercises. Participants in the learning process can look at their actions and behavior from the outside. This helps to adjust the individual style of business behavior.

Self-study does not require any special material costs nor the involvement of instructors. Employees themselves decide when and how much to learn new information. This method requires a certain level of self-discipline. Company managers can help their subordinates in this method of training by providing them with special aids in the form of audio and video cassettes, textbooks, problem books, training computer programs.

In general, the percentage application of methods for improving professional skills, both in Russia and abroad, has a structure of "70-20-10". This means that 70% of the time is spent on real tasks in the workplace; 20% of the time is spent on on-the-job training in the form of mentoring, coaching, tutoring, etc.; 10% - training outside the workplace.

For many organizations, regardless of their area of ​​activity (trade, service, manufacturing, etc.), on-the-job training is the dominant form of training for new employees. This method is used to train new workers in the necessary skills and work behaviors and familiarize them with how to use the equipment and tools available directly in the course of their professional activities. On-the-job training is designed not only to convey to the employee the knowledge necessary for work, but also to form in him a more accurate idea of ​​the content of his professional role.

Sometimes on-the-job training takes place at special training sites or in training workshops. The effectiveness of such training is reduced if the production base on which the training is carried out does not correspond to the equipment and tools used in real working conditions. In addition, such training usually does not replicate some work conditions, such as noise, distractions from other workers, and busy work schedules.

On-the-job training at McDonald's

Training organized for newcomers to work in McDonald's restaurants takes place in accordance with clearly established rules. All new employees receive a team member's handbook that describes the conditions and requirements associated with the job, including basic training information: what the training means to the company and how it will be delivered. Each team member receives a work skills training manual and a personal training card, which indicates the types of work in which the required skill level has been achieved. .

After a three-hour introductory process that includes familiarization with the rules of hygiene, safety and work clothing requirements, new employees are introduced to the trainers. Teachers are employees of the McDonald's restaurant chain, who are competent in all types of work. The students also receive additional instruction from the restaurant manager on how to work with the manual and with the textbook.

In a typical restaurant with 50 employees, the teaching team consists of about 5 people.


Mentoring is the most commonly used training method in the workplace. During the flourishing period of the socialist economy, mentoring acquired a particularly broad development in our country. This form of training is characterized by the fact that the mentor usually performs the entire range of tasks of teaching his wards without releasing from the main job. With a large influx of graduates from secondary schools and vocational schools entering large enterprises, enterprises needed to have a sufficient number of employees capable of performing the functions of mentors.

One of the main benefits of mentoring is individual approach to the students. A mentor usually has several students (sometimes only one or two), which allows not only teaching them professional skills, but also acting as an educator, helping them master the basic requirements of a professional role, forming the necessary business qualities, the appropriate attitude to work and patterns of organizational behavior required for the successful performance of work.

This method of vocational training is still used today for teaching different categories workers, from workers to executives. The mentor in his work has the opportunity to use most of the principles that determine the success of training: he gives students tasks, controls their work and provides reinforcement and feedback.

The success of training according to this method decisively depends on the experience and qualifications of the mentor - his ability to communicate, motivate, "infect" his ward with a responsible attitude to work, and give constructive feedback on the results of his work. It is important that, from the outset, a mentor communicates to their mentees the expectations and work standards against which their work will be judged.

Mentoring as a teaching method allows the use of all the basic principles of training, which indicates its potentially high efficiency.

Marks&Spenser Store Manager Training Program

The training of trade managers is mainly carried out by the method of mentoring with the attachment of the trainee to various services and specific employees. Course name: Sales Management. It is designed for 16-18 months. The first stage - introductory - lasts 6 months, the second - the main one - from 8 months to 1 year.

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